Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bakuto Hokori

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night
Interactions: Ouga@Sho Minazuki

The rush of spirit pressure weighed down upon the group that interrupted Ouga's orders. Bakuto felt something and replied, "Anyone else feel that? Either I suddenly got heavier or something is poking their ugly head out very soon" Currently Bakuto wasn't very adept at even sensing or tracking spirit pressure and right now he couldn't even see this potential enemy. Yet he could feel them, Bakuto wasn't sure but considering how Ouga was acting this seemed like a rather big hollow.

The orders to stay behind him and await orders Bakuto resisting every urge to start running into the park to hunt down this creature that was putting out this much power out. "Run away if we come across this thing was the original plan saying when we left the shop this afternoon. I don't think running away would help in this situation. Running away this creature would surely hunt us down faster than we could get away.” Quickly cracking his knuckles and stretching his arms preparing for a fight that was about to happen. "Point me in the direction to go Boss man. I'll slice this bad thing up..."

Bakuto trailed off between his bravado and his sword hand trembled. Fear from the immense power he was feeling, even if he said and believed in his own words. His own body hasn't really felt things like this. Bakuto punched himself a few times with his free arm to try and knock the trembling off. Fear wasnt something Bakuto normally ever felt, yet this spirit pressure was giving him a sense of dread. Was this always with something giving off this much energy or was this hollow special in some way to give off a higher sense of dread. The trembling sweat on his brow, Bakuto wasn't sure how he was sweating as a spirit but he wasn't going to question the simple things.

Gripping the sword tighter and tensing himself up, he needed to stay focused now more than ever. Once the fighting starts up Bakuto knows he needs to be ready for whatever may come. "Boss man, is this that warlord you guys were talking about at the shop that we are feeling? Regalhorn was it?" Getting away from his over the top banter and getting serious. Trembling, slowing down as he spoke, and controlling his breathing as he focused down on trying to keep his senses as razor sharp as they could get.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Morgannis
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Morgannis Emet-Selch did nothing wrong!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Saturday - Evening

Interactions: @Sho Minazuki

The park was empty when Mitsuaki bound into it. Sliding to a stop in the gravel, he was quick to turn around when he felt those ever watchful eyes on his back. The hollow that stood before him was like nothing he had seen before; the ones he had already slain were both bigger and bulkier than the beast in front of him. They were slower, and were weak against his blade, but this one…

Hair standing on end, he swallowed hard, his zanpakuto at the ready. Never once did those grey eyes leave the hollow in front of him, taking in every detail, trying to anticipate any movement. It was fast, this he already knew, with how it seemed to try to herd him into a corner. It was smart, too. Smart and fast was a danger level he hadn’t yet dealt with, at least, not on his own.

Hopefully the other power he had felt moments before those eyes found him didn’t show up.

Trying to keep the fear and anxiety from his hand, to keep the trembling steady, Mitsuaki took a deep inhale. Slowly, he exhaled, grounding himself with his breathing. Confidence, he thought. Conviction. This was just another hollow. Just another hollow.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Focusing on his breathing, the young man was slow to inch forwards, not wanting to wait for the hollow itself to attack first. If it wanted a fight, he’d give it his fight. A fight he’d win.

The distance between Mitsuaki and the tigerfish-hollow was quickly closed, the substitute shinigami utilizing Jiho when he was close enough. Aiming to move behind the hollow, he kept lunged towards it with his zanpakuto, aiming a strike at its left hind leg. The fight had begun, and Mitsuaki silently hoped that this would not be his last.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by McNephelim
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McNephelim "So... Here i found you..."

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night

Interactions: Ouga @Sho Minazuki Bakuto @BladeSS4

Tony's expression turned serious, he felt heavier, his breath became slightly sharper. "Yes, i feel it Bakuto." he replied to his question, he stayed behind Ouga, whatever thing they were going to face it was like anything before. he wasn't weirded out by the fact he could feel something that didn't seem to be visible, he strangely felt sure of himself.

He entered a defensive position. "Ouga..." he said without looking at him. "I'm not lying to you..." his face became even more serious, the shadows darkening his features.

"I'm really scared." he turned to look at Ouga, his serious facade completely faded for an almost laughable terrified expression. yet it didn't last too much, as he got into a more calm one. "But don't worry, i'll hack and slash. cus' that's my principle." a sweat drop from his forehead as he awkwardly smiled.

His grip got tighter as his smile grew more confident. He was scared, that was for sure. but the thrill made him sorta love this fear. his hairs standing on end, the spirit pressure only empowered that too, "Let them come, whenever is that Regalhorn or any hollow creature, let. them. come." he said he changed his position to a more offensive one, he was an idiot, challenging something he couldn't match even if he was this motivated, yet his mind only told him to keep this actitude.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sara paused when she realized she was going in circles. Her grip on her Zanpakutō tightened as her thumb almost but not quite hit the emergency call button. How was she going in circles? It didn’t make any sense. She wasn’t that new to Sagamiyama and she had been to Sakuhana Park a few times. She shouldn’t have gotten lost. Had she been so focused on not getting jumped that she had gotten lost? Except she didn’t even know where she was. She recognized the subtle signs she had been going in circles, but she didn’t know exactly where she was. Yes, she was going to be late, because she needed to find out how to get to the park. Just how mad would the Shinigami … actually … be?

Sara’s thoughts slowly trailed off as the familiar song started. She barely heard it, but its temptations were strangely alluring. Wasn’t she just thinking that she had only delayed her death, that this war would kill her? Wouldn’t it just be easy to give in to the sweetness of oblivion? No one would miss her. Slowly Sara walked towards the song and its promises. The Soul Pager slipped from her hand and clattered to the ground as she staggered forwards. Her grip on her Zanpakutō loosened as she gotten closer and closer. She was unaware of her heartbeat slowing and her breathing spacing out. The song was so beautiful, its words nothing but truth. Nothing else mattered.

“Sara! Sara! Sara move! Sara! Please!”

The second voice snapped Sara out of the hypnotic trance and thankfully her instincts were strong enough to send her into a series of backflips to get her further away from the trap. She used just a touch of Reiatsu to and smoothness and speed to her flips to get even further away. She returned to a standing position with her grip on her Zanpakutō’s hilt tightened enough to make her knuckles white, but she didn’t draw the blade just yet. She looked to see the threat and her already skyrocketing heartbeat got faster as she saw the Hollow standing in front of her. Suddenly she realized why the song had been familiar. It was the Hollow that Hayasegawa had saved her from the night she had died. Her memories of that night were fuzzy, but somehow Sara knew that this was the same creature come to finish the job.

Sara had no illusions. She had no idea where she was. She couldn’t see the person belonging to the voice that had saved her. It wasn’t Hayasegawa or Tatsuha. She didn’t recognize it … except that she had. She didn’t know how, because she was entirely convinced that she had never heard it before. No! That wasn’t important right now. Right now, she needed to figure out a way away from the Hollow. She wasn’t beating it. She didn’t think she was strong enough. And getting way wasn’t likely either. Sara was starting to think that the world was just a little bit … fuzzy. She couldn’t claim to know Sagamiyama that well, but she had done a lot of wandering. Given how long it had been she couldn’t be that far from the places she knew, and this looked nothing like them. Was the Hollow doing something? If that was the case, Sara could cross getting away off the list, because the Hollow would be able to just circle her back around. She glanced at the Soul Pager on the ground. Yeah no, she had already proven she couldn’t scoop things off the ground while running, so calling for help wasn’t an option. She had no options. Maybe the song was right maybe she should just …


The same voice, but fainter, it still sounded desperate. Sara couldn’t give up. Not tonight at least. She was already late and didn’t need Hayasegawa and Tatsuha even angrier at her for giving Hollows more power. She needed a plan, and she needed a plan now. She did not have one. The best she thought she could do was distract the creature long enough to get away and hide. Maybe not distract. Maybe just blind. She had no way to blind. Wait! Hayasegawa could make Kido do some interesting things. Maybe she could try that. No guarantee that it would work, but it was a chance, and a chance was better than nothing.

Sara was surprised at how cold her voice sounded, “If you want me, you’ll have to come and get me.” She threw her hand out and called out, “Hado Shakkaho!”

Sara was hoping to create more of a bright light than a blast with any kind of power. She probably put more Reiatsu into the spell than she should have, but she did aim it at the Hollow. If she couldn’t create the blinding light and instead did a normal blast maybe it would do something. Sara didn’t stay to find out. She simply turned and used Graceful Slide to run off. She was definitely using too much Reiatsu, but she didn’t have any other plan. Maybe if she found a place to hide, she could lay a trap for the Hollow. The one thing she knew for sure was that she was alone with no way to call for help. She thought she was alone, there was still that strange voice she could barely hear and now could almost not remember. No! Investigation later. Hiding and trap now.

@Sho Minazuki
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mikazuki Nakajima

The fear, the cold, the darkness of the park at night. The sheer horror of what they were about to face; pitiful souls consumed by corruption and impurity, gathered together by a Hollow 'Warlord' who had the power to command others of its kind, ready to rampage through his home and wreak unspeakable havoc.

As he squirmed like an earthworm under the overwhelming spiritual pressure, Mikazuki knew what they were going to endure was an order of magnitude higher than anything their group of wannabe True Companions had faced before, but the fear kept him frozen in shock, as though his feet were encased in ice.

But the boy knew what he wanted, and that was to draw his Zanpaktou and stand, to protect people from the horrors of death and what was beyond it. Mikazuki Nakajima, kendo student, was not going to let fear styme him; he had made a promise to Mr. Leonid, while he knew that his grandfather would scorn him from Soul Society or Hell - Probably Hell - if the teen betrayed his ideals by being a coward. So Mika struggled, forcing himself to take a standard kendo stance and stand his ground as he waited for the foe to make his appearance.

But deep inside, he was concered by the thought of two missing members of the team: Mitsuaki and Sara... where are they? Did they get ambushed?

He had faith that neither of them would willingly abandon their mission and just leave; Mitsuaki's grief and Sara's lonliness would not allow them to flee the scene without a fight. So they must be fighting; Mikazuki had faith aplenty that his friends had their own battles elsewhere and would win - He could not imagine them losing this round.

@Sho Minazuki @BladeSS4 @McNephelim @WSilversun
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Night Begins

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park

Saturday Night

The sound of a horde was heard before it was seen. Hollow of all shapes and sizes came into view as the street lights illuminated them, an unseen army heading towards the park, and with intent it appeared. Why here? Why in such a horde? Their stampeding footsteps would be drowned out soon over the thundering lumbering steps of another behind them. Sporting a mask that appeared like a crown with two horns, and hair of red, billowing behind it like a cape... That had to be Regalhorn. Normally Hollow only had bone around their mask, but Regalhorn seemed to have armor-like bones growing at various spots on its body.

As the army of hollow came into view at the entrance of the park, they stopped. Regalhorn stood up straight and crossed his arms, looking upon the lowly Shinigami before him. He had to be at least a dozen feet tall.

"Gehehaha, it seems we have a welcoming crew, and a meager one!"

"Excuse our lack of preparation, but we weren't expecting you here tonight. Maybe come back in a couple more nights and you'll have a better welcome",

"Hooh, some bite on this one", the grinning mask of Regalhorn almost made it seem like he enjoyed this display of resistance. His golden eyes would look down upon the rough-house man.

"My lord, my lord, the ones behind him look tasty don't you think?" A smarmy rat-like hollow piped up, getting on all fours getting ready to pounce on the inexperienced shinigami.

"Yes yes! Easy prey! The big one of course is all yours-" This one, a hollow with an unusually wide mask would turn to see Regalhorn's fist crater through.

"No one gives my orders, do you all understand? I decide who eats who", the other Hollow keeled to him as they bowed almost in unison. As Regalhorn got back up, having had to kneel to kill his blabbermouthed subordinate, he turned to the group of Shinigami.

"Now then, I am not convinced anyone in front is worth my horns", he crossed his arms, a burst of reiatsu would emit from him as it did.

"You lot, have at them, let's see what they're really worth!, the horde of hollow cheered in glee as they without restraint dashed into the park, a large group would be upon them. More than a dozen were about to crash into them all at once. Even with their training, such a horde was but a wall of Hollow.

"Ride, Douroki Douji!" A crash of lightning would erupt right at the face of the Hollow swarm, thinning their numbers immediately as they were all caught in the electric crash. When the smoke cleared, Ouga was no longer holding a wooden sword, but instead, a spiked bat. The handle was adorned with the wrappings more typical of a katana, as well as a seemingly innocuous tsuba. Even though it was wrapped that way it seemed messy and haphazard.

The Hollow that were not caught in the blast though would run right at the other inexperienced shinigami, but they were much more manageable. What could have been a fight against four or five hollow at once per person, was now closer to one or maybe two. Now was the time to make use of their training and demonstrate their ability.

There were about five hollow that made it past Ouga, one that flew with a bat-like mask, two large humanoid types that were pretty typical, though one was hunched over and the other had larger arms than normal, one quadrupedal dog-like Hollow as big as a horse, and a lizard-like Hollow with claws and a tail.

Sagamiyama (???)

Saturday Night


The Shakkaho's inordinate power output caused a unique kind of misfire, where it could barely do it's job, but instead turned into a kind of flashbang. The blast itself was not strong, after all it was a binding Kido, but it's unstable output caused it to burst into light that lit up the entire street for but a moment and in that moment Sara would manage to turn the corner and out of sight.

"Ahhh, don't run my sweet... Embrace oblivion, and join with me...", realizing she was running, Veilcaller began to slip into the darkness once again.

"After all, the dark is where we both belong... Where all belongs"


All would seem quiet for Sara for awhile, she had a chance to set something up, but how much of a chance? How much time? It was certainly much shorter than what she thought. The Hollow had some interesting abilities, and given their nature it was likely this Hollow was quite old. Still that didn't matter at the moment, after all, given it was able to make her run in circles in a cloned neighborhood, what did she think simply running to get a chance to lay a trap would do?

From the shadows behind Sara, she'd hear it again, it's song. However instead of Veilcaller appearing first like before, cloth-like tendrils would shoot out to attempt to strike or grab at her.

Sagamiyama (???)

Saturday Night


The choice to attack first, it was hard to tell if it was foolhardy or smart, the line between both were razor thin at times and this was one of them. As Mitsuaki attempted to move behind the Hollow, it's own speed made evading his attempt rather simple. All it needed to do was move forward too, as the two glanced past each other. Now facing each other once again after arriving at swapped positions, the Hollow Aquafang would make it's move, initially charging forward at first, only to move to the side, disappearing from view as it slipped behind some of the playground equipment. In that moment of losing vision it'd climb up in a bound before pouncing from above, however it's leap was not a typical one as it began to spin in the middle of it while extending it's bladed fins, turning into a bladed drill as it came down upon Mitsuaki.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bakuto Hokori

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night
Interactions: Hollow Horde

A horde of Hollows, the trembling stopped as soon as Bakuto saw the horde going straight into focus that he started to calm himself down. Bakuto went quiet, but his grip on his sword tightened as he went into a battle ready state of mind. Listening to the hollows speaks, Bakuto didn't even know they could talk, these were very much different then the one he first saw. Showing a bit of intelligence. The crown masked one that gave orders is Regalhorn, and caught Bakuto's attention commanding authority over the other monsters. Not only did it match the description that was given it was also in a position of authority that just screamed to Bakuto the boss.

Hollows talking about eating them, and Regelhorn speaking about if any of them are worthy of his horns. If anything that actually fired Bakuto up. He can feel he doesn't stand a chance without a lot of luck yet Bakuto was ready for a fight now. He watched fights in the afternoon with his peers now it was his turn to let loose.

The wave of Hollows came forth Bakuto started to say, "Woah, woah...too many..." Then he watched Ouga go into action his wooden sword changed. His zanpakuto change almost completely caught Bakuto off guard but when Ouga did his attack? Ability? Whatever it was Bakuto saw it the numbers of Hollows disappear. But knowing he should keep on his guard he took a battle stance with his own zanpakuto. While he couldn't change his sword it didn't mean he couldn't fight.

A group of hollows managed to get around Ouga's attack, a more manageable group. Big thug looking hollows, ones that Bakuto remembered from his first hollow, a lizard, a dog thing, and a bat. In his combat stance Bakuto's muscles tensed up as he gripped the sword and pointed the tip towards the oncoming horde. "Onibi..." saying the attack not really increasing the strength of the attack but mostly to remind himself what it was called. His technique that he learned from training, while he could jump around he can also attack from a distance.

Bakuto stabs forward extremely fast and hard with his zanpakuto faster than a normal human eye. Bakuto's first stab targeting the bat was a full focused attack, then Bakuto repeatedly stabbed using Onibi over and over. While lacking concentration, each attack would still launch an attack. Bakuto aims for any hollow he could see as he stabs forward over and over again. The first attack would be more impactful as he focused on it the others were rapid and more shallow with their cuts and attacks. No real plan for his attacks other than hit them quickly and as many times as possible except for the bat, that one needed to be hit first and hard. The hollow flies can do the most damage in Bakuto’s eyes if it wasn't taken care of first. Bakuto can fight in the air by jumping but he wasn't sure of the rest. Also during Bakuto's training earlier in the day he wanted to stay on the ground as long as possible and not try to battle it in the air with his unreliable air jump ability.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by McNephelim
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McNephelim "So... Here i found you..."

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night

Interactions: Hollow Horde

Tony got himself focused, it was going to be a long night, now seeing the hollows and the chief only made him stick his up their spiritiual ass even more, they were ugly, or, in better words. Tony didn't like them. they showed intelligence, albeit very low one. Ragalhorn seemed as he thought he would see, a big mean hollow man. although much of that ragalhorn said was pure generic villain talk to Ouga and their team in Tony's eyes.

Tony knew deep down that he wasn't thinking what was he doing, he was acting like a clueless fool to everyones eyes. but now facing the hollow horde. he knew he couldn't act like an idiot or be all stoic. As the horde began to approach Tony almost froze out of fear. he was atleast saved by Ouga's Ability, well, he wasn't saved, he still will fight against hollows.

As a more managable group of hollows manages to get around Ouga's Ability, Tony shakes his fear away as he looks at the hollows themselves. it was varied group (if that's possible for hollows). He jumped straight at their close quarters and began to swing his sword against the horde, he used Tsubame Gaeshi, but not really shouting out its name. Two of the slices conected with the dog thing, while the last one conected, albeit beraly, with the lizard hollow. He had an strategy, a very bad one, it was to slash as most hollows as he could. he wasn't really sure if he was going to get out alive tonight, so it might be the best to go out fighting.

"Come on, you mutant poodle, fight me!!!" he yelled at the dog thing. he didn't even know if trash talk works with beings whose IQ must be in the two-digits. it must had, because the dog hollow became a bit angered by this. Tony got into a more defensive pose as the dog hollow began to dash its way to tony. "Bring it on!!!" He yelled.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park

Everything happened fast- and in so doing, further pressed on Darius just how similar these Hollows were to older, familiar foes. That pulse of pressure, the terror it wrought on his companions, may as well have been an IED- the tactics were identical. Take the group by surprise, paralyze them, then come shouting and hollering over a hill, guns blazing, while the troops were still collecting themselves. The familiarity of it all helped him to stay calm, in truth, rising carefully to his feet once the worst of the pressure passed, jaw set and determined as the Hollows unveiled themselves.

This Regalhorn had a big mouth, and if he hadn't just felt the impact of it's spiritual pressure, hadn't listened to the briefing, he might have thought it was all hot air. The byplay between it and Ouga went mostly unnoticed by him, his attention fixated on the horde, grim. They were many, but they were foolish, charging head on. It they had a good machine gunner, maybe-- no. This was a realm of swords and claws, and he couldn't wish for what they didn't have. Or at least, he thought he couldn't, until Ouga unveiled a truly surprising trick. He could feel the air change, feel Ouga's strength flex in the pressure around him, as his sword became something else, something new- and unleashed hell upon the charging force.

That was as good as any machine gunner, cutting the horde down to size and leaving only a few left to skirt around Ouga and attack the kids... And himself. He resisted the urge to grin at the efficacy of that lightning, focusing up on the still very real threat that faced him. Before he could so much as bark a warning, though, Bakugo and Anthony were bull rushing past, headlong and reckless into danger. With an irate grunt, Darius lunged after them, ripping his sword from its sheath with one hand and drawing on reishi with the other, the sensation familiar by now, through weeks of practice. Kido, the soul reapers called it. He still thought of it as magic, to himself, and found as much delight as confusion in wielding it. He raised his voice to his best battlefield shout, deep and carrying, easily audible over the chaos, even as he brought his hand down in a slicing motion, drawing an invisible line- between the reckless boys and the Hollows they had charged, praying he was fast enough to save them from what vengeance might come. He hoped, too, that he was loud enough to be heard by their missing companions, too, to draw them towards the group. Hopes that they were still alive to hear.

That power manifested like a solid wall of light, rusty orange in hue- a broad, heavy barricade between hollow claws and fangs and the soft flesh of his companions.

"Bakudo: Fūsa! Are you boys out of your minds!? Keep behind me- You strike around me, around the barrier, at any claw or face that pokes it's ugly way out! Keep them penned in, pick them off, and keep your damn necks safe!"

There was no guarantee that they would listen- they didn't have the training of soldiers, didn't have that discipline ingrained in them, to jump at a good ol' Sergeant's holler, but he hoped the noise of it, the physical block of the barricade, would be enough to get some sense into them. To keep them safe. Even as he shouted, he ran to the barrier himself, lashing out fiercely at the first claw or mask that dared to try and peek around the top or sides. The Hollows could skirt around it widely, of course, but at least then they would have time to see them coming and react.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mikazuki Nakajima

Mikazuki was at a loss for what to do when Bakuto and Tony launched their attacks early without even a pretense of coordination. But Darius had centered them all again when he put up a barricade of glowing energy in front of them, and that re-centered the young man. Looking up and knowing that Hollows can fly, he channeled spiritual energy through his left arm, lifted it up, then shouted: "Barrier, Barrier, Barrier!"

Three round shields were deployed in the skies above them, denying those areas and the ground below them to the Bat-shaped Hollow. He then shouted, "Hokori, Adams-Himura, follow Darius - Mr. Darius' - advice! Mr. Darius, I'll keep acting as area denial for the enemy's flyer and also a source of emergency healing, but if you or the others have AA capability as part of your Kido, it would save me some effort!"

Mikazuki grit his teeth; just because he no longer liked his Grandfather didn't mean that he hadn't absorbed lessons from him or Mr. Leonid. Like many boys his age, he was interested in military-related topics, although with him... He was more interested in deterring violence, in preventing the horrors of war by researching its causes and how it is done, than dishing out force - Not that he was bad at that last part, though.

For both himself and the others, the boy said, "Do not let them goad you into a duel - This is a group fight and it will stay such! Each of us has an assigned duty and we're following them to victory!"

To be honest, he wanted to impress Darius and the others by his proficiency in tactics. He kept a clear head not just because he was supposed to keep a clear head, but because it made others proud that he had one. Quite frankly, the fact that he, a sixteen-year-old, was able to keep his cool when two people older than him just rushed in thinking they were invincible...

The substitute shinigami grinned slightly as he prepared to put up more barriers, staying close to Darius for mutual protection; both of them were best at barriers and he was the main healer with defensively-oriented techniques. As long as they, and he, focused on the objectives - Elimination of the enemy - They can win this.

@Sho Minazuki @BladeSS4 @McNephelim @WSilversun
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Sara ran, she came to some realizations. The first was that she was indeed going in circles. The second was that if the Hollow was somehow sending her into circles there was no way she was winning the fight. Sara didn’t know much about fighting or this strange world that she had only been a part of for about two months, but she did know that Reiryoku, or spiritual power, was what decided a lot of things. If this Hollow had enough Reiryoku to change the physical world Sara didn’t have enough to keep up. So, that led her to the third realization. If she couldn’t win and couldn’t call for help, she would have to do her best to take this creature with her. She wasn’t going down without a fight, but she wasn’t going to just let this Hollow run loose to prey on people who didn’t even know Hollows existed.

With that in mind Sara paused and cast Bakudo Hainawa twice, Casting one around a lamp post and another around a powerline. If she was lucky, if she was very lucky, she would catch the Hollow in the electricity that would come from the line and in contact with the metal of the lamp post when she yanked them both loose. That depended on a lot of factors. She needed to have the strength to pull the wire down. She needed to have grabbed a live wire, and she wasn’t sure how to tell if she had. She needed to aim properly. She needed to be fast enough to do it before the Hollow ran from the trap. Too many things left up to chance, but it was all Sara’s adrenaline-fueled brain could think of. It was the only chance she had and if it all went well Sara would be caught in the trap too. If it didn’t go well the Hollow would get her. At least she tried, right?

Sara froze when she sense something coming at her, but only for a moment. She didn’t lose track of what she was attempting to do and try to run away. Instead, after that one moment that seemed like it took forever Sara channeled all of her remaining Reiryoku into her Kido and pulled, bringing her arms from her outstretched pose and into her hands coming together with a desperate shout. She tried to focus on aiming the powerline towards the lamp post, but she wasn’t even sure she had the power to snap the line. Her heart was racing at a million miles forever, but she didn’t stop to worry about what she could and could not do. She had to try. She had to try! She might be dead after this, but hopefully, if she was very, very lucky she would take the Hollow with her. That meant her life would be worth something. Right? Right? Right? Please let this work! Please!

@Sho Minazuki
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Morgannis
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Morgannis Emet-Selch did nothing wrong!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Saturday - Evening

Interactions: @Sho Minazuki

Of course he wasn’t going to be fast enough to hit this thing. It had been able to avoid his eyes until it wanted to be seen. Still, an attempt had to be made, and Mitsuaki wasn’t going to just sit around and wait for this Hollow to launch the offensive. Would it wear down, eventually? Hollows weren’t bound by the same standards as the physical human body, sure, but it had to have limitations of some kind! Right?

Adjusting his grip on his Zanpakuto, as Aquafang began to press forwards again, Mitsuaki took a step back. A gasp left him when the Hollow disappeared from sight, panicked eyes scanning the environment quickly, trying to locate the beast. It appeared, then, bursting upwards from behind some of the playground equipment, spinning with its sharp fins directly towards him. The speed the thing had on it made dodging the full attack hard, Mitsuaki jumping backwards to get out of the way.

Grimacing, eyes narrowed, Mitsuaki barely let his eyes leave the beast as he glanced back towards the park. Barely avoiding that first attack, he doubted he would be able to avoid another, at least not completely unscathed. Running wasn’t going to be an option, not with how fast this Hollow was. Crippling it in some way was going to be his best bet for an even fight; blinding or slashing its leg, or something. If he kept his head cool, and calm, if he didn’t let the panic swell and overwhelm him…He could do this.

Swallowing hard, Mitsuaki began to step carefully, watching Aquafang with baited anticipation. Each step was slow and careful, Zanpakuto clasped desperately with both hands as the boy tried to circle around the Hollow, inching closer to the park. To blind, he needed sand, or something small enough to cause pain to the things eyes. To cripple, he’d need speed, something of which he already found himself lacking compared to the Hollow.

He had to try, though.

If he could make it to the park, maybe he could use the playthings that littered the grounds as a means of escape. Putting distance between himself and the Hollow seemed like the safest bet, and using the structure to his benefit was going to be a necessity at this point. Gritting his teeth, Mitsuaki didn’t want to show his back to Aquafang, but he had no choice. With a quick pivot, the young man launched himself towards the park with his flight step, hoping to dive into the ceramic pipe tunnel that lay in the sand. If the Hollow was small enough to follow after him, hopefully it would have a harder time attacking him.
Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park

Saturday Night

Though their teamwork was a little sloppy, it would be enough for a small pack of feral Hollows. Though they were of the same 'group', the only thing they had in common was who they served under, undisciplined beasts they were. First was Tony and Bakuto's initial attacks, while Tony managed to get some good licks in especially on the lizard surprisingly, while the oversized dog was fast enough to avoid anything more than a graze. As a result, he got the attention of both of them, rather than just the puppy. Though before they could finish their charge, Darius' shield wall managed to keep them from landing anything at all.

Bakuto's attack did not land, not even close, but it did get it's attention and so the bat-like Hollow would come down with it's talons to strike out of provocation. Doing an aerial spin with both wings tucked to increase it's speed before opening back up with talons out front, Bakuto would find himself having to defend against a pretty heavy attack. Though such an attack he would never have to deal with, thanks to Mikazuki's barrier, barring the bat Hollow's advance, forcing it to bounce off and fly back up into the air as it would try to pick a different target, out of range from conventional zanpakuto techniques. It had it's eye on Mikazuki.

They were doing well to survive, however Hollows were tireless, and so they needed to create an opportunity to counterattack.

Sagamiyama (???)

Saturday Night


Sara's Bakudo Hainawa attached successfully to the electric wires and lamp. Anyone who happened to be looking at this street tonight would be witness to a supernatural phenomenon, and maybe post about it online, as they watched a street lamp and electric line collide. Veilcaller's attack with the myriad of tendrils would be met with at minimum the lamp, and at most an electric shock from the dangerous amount of electricity surging from the event. Being a Hollow it would not be damaged too much by conventional electricity, but it was enough to halt it's attack, giving her the opportunity to get in a lick, albeit from a range.

She had but one opportunity for an attack here, a small one but an opportunity nonetheless. Veilcaller herself was still undamaged, and as she was not directly struck, the Hollow would immediately resume it's attack as soon as more tendrils formed from it's arms.

Sagamiyama (???)

Saturday Night


Mitsuaki trying to create some distance was momentarily a wise move to avoid Aquafang's spinning attack, managing to clear away from it, the cat-like Hollow spinning along the ground before stopping at a sideways pose to see it's quarry sizing it down still. A low growl came out as it slowly circled it's prey, before Mitsuaki would bound towards some of the other playground equipment, sliding into the ceramic pipe structure. Though it was basically a pipe for kids to hang around inside of, it had a pretty solid roof one could stand on.

Initially Aquafang would rush after him, stopping at where Mitsuaki would enter, giving him a glare before disappearing from sight. If Mitsuaki turned around at this point, he would see it again at the other end. He was trapped. If he tried to exit one side, Aquafang would be quick enough to swap to the other. It would only be a matter of time before the Hollow would decide to just slice through the pipe, but until then Mitsuaki had but a short bit of precious time to think of a plan.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bakuto Hokori

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night
Interactions: @LC@McNephelim@Letter Bee@Sho Minazuki

The attacks missed all of them. Bakuto misjudged the distance with a technique he really never used that much until now. Thinking he was going to get brutalized by the oncoming bat hollow. Then it hit the barrier that was made by his ally and bounced off and flew back getting ready to find its next target.

"Thank you magic wall and magic man. I nearly became hollow food. Thanks for that..." Bakuto thanked those who put up barriers for their barriers. Bakuto messed up his own attack and nearly met his end. Listening to the others speak Bakuto said, "I don't have many fancy long range attacks. Onibi was the only thing I was told about. Cant use Kido, I can jump if I focus multiple times in the air sort of like double jumping in a video game. Other than that I only have my sword skills." Giving off his list of skills to his allies around him that could hear.

As much as Bakuto wanted to, he knew he couldn't just fight these fights one on one he needed to fight as a team with this group. Listening to the orders of the others coming up with plans to fight together. It bugged Bakuto a bit but he even had to admit he couldn't do this without teamwork. "Alright either use your fancy magic kido stuff to take out that darn bat'man' hollow thing or find a way to ground it so one of us on the ground can get a good slash at it. The big slow lumbering ones on the ground once they get closer I should be able to fight those. For the record, I hate this, fights should be one on one but in this situation if we all want to get out of this alive I need to do this teamwork thing."

Bakuto then gets into a stance behind a barrier and yells towards the hollows on the ground. "Come on you slow lumbering monsters, is bats the only one with the balls to fight us. Or are you cowards?!?" Smacking his guard to make a clapping sound as he goads the on coming hollows on the ground. This time he stood behind the barrier and now waited for them to hit the barrier before he was to act. Putting his trust within his allies barrier skills and to try and work as a team. Bakuto's trembling from the start of this incident has vanished. He wasn't nervous or scared any more. He had a plan this time which followed the plan his allies had laid before him. Leave the bat to the long range users and use the barriers for cover then attack what he can once the hollow hits the barrier.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sara was stunned for a moment and partially blinded by the cascade of electricity and sparks that came from the electrical wire and lamp post actually making contact. She hadn’t expected that it would actually work, but work it had. She didn’t even wanted to imagine what it looked like to people without any spiritual sense, and had a feeling she was going to get in trouble for it. Unfortunately, the actual goal of doing damage to the Hollow was unsuccessful. Sara watched as only the strange tendrils suffered and pulled back to the main body. It was a chance, she was running out of Reiryoku, so it was her last chance, but it was a chance.

With one hand on her Zanpakutō’s hilt, and the other extended like a child playing make-believe guns, she said with as much determination as possible, “Bakudo Hainawa!”

It would be easier to control and direct the course of spiritual energy if Sara used both hands, but for some reason she wanted contact with her Zanpakutō. She didn’t know why. Maybe, it was so she could draw it more quickly if the Hollow came rushing at her. Maybe it was the strange feeling that she could see more clearly despite the sparking electricity with the contact being made. Either way Sara aimed her extremely low-level spell right at the glowing third eye of the Hollow. Sara was going to keep this up until her Reiryoku completely ran out or the Hollow charged at her. Either way, Sara realized, she was out of time, out of options, and out of luck. She was dying here and now. At least she had tried, right? She had tried to do the right thing, to protect those that couldn’t protect themselves, to fight back against the inevitable. That may not count for much, but it had to have counted for something.

If, by some miracle, she survived this, Sara was going to find out if there was a way to increase Reiryoku and then she was going to increase hers. She wanted to last longer. She needed to last longer. If only she had lasted longer, she might have been able to do actually damage. Speaking of damage, if she survived this, she was going to figure out what actually hurt Hollows. Because clearly, she had no idea, and she needed to fix that fact and quickly. She was starting to realize that she had picked the wrong things to focus on. She couldn’t use a sword, but now she knew the basics. It was time to focus on what she did know and how she could use her own skills to fight this threat. If she survived this fight, which was extremely unlikely.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park

Darius nodded, pleased as the chaos started to settle- A solid plan, and solid support, made all the difference in the world in keeping a level head. A level head, of course, made all the difference in living to see another day. As his barrier was reinforced with another overhead, and the boys settled on a plan, he grunted his approval and starting back a few steps to get clear of the barriers, leaving the others to keep the Hollows at bay, trusting the barrier to keep them safe... Safe enough, at least.

"Just keep slashing at them! Don't let them get around, kill them with papercuts! You boys can do this- It's no different than whack-a-mole!"

Further back he trotted, until he had a clear line to the sky, drawing on the same strange, unfamiliar power that had let him craft that wall in the first place. Magic. Kido. Whatever they called it, it was mystical to him, and some parts of it just worked better when he built them around things he was familiar with. It was how he had figured out he had a talent for it, stumbling on it almost by accident when trying to copy something he had seen one of the proper reapers do during their training. A great red ball from the palm of their hand, fast and explosive. Shakkahou, they had called it. A cannon blast, red as a dying star.

He had thought it would be funny to imagine it on a smaller scale, a pistol beside a cannon. Doing the motion, picturing it in his head, something so familiar, had been the key to unlocking the ability. He did so again now, focusing on the Hollow flying in the air above them, hand moving on muscle memory- drawing an invisible pistol from his belt and aiming it high, focusing power in his fingertip, packing it tight, imagining the pressure building until he could practically see the imaginary bullet, primed inside his finger. They had told him to name the technique. These Soul Reapers seemed to put a lot of stock in naming things; and in hollering those names loud and proud when they were performed. That was familiar, too. Shouting the process was training bread and butter.

"Down here, you big bastard! Let's see that ugly face- Looks like a damn bat got busy with a walnut! TAMAHOU!"

He let the technique fly. Just like a bullet, it erupted from his finger faster than he could see, with a thunderous crack- a fast, lethal shot of raw kido sent rocketing towards the flying Hollow, aimed to catch it right in the center of the mask. Just as they'd been taught.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Morgannis
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Morgannis Emet-Selch did nothing wrong!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Saturday - Evening

Interactions: @Sho Minazuki

He was screwed. He was so, so screwed.

As the beast bound between the two holes that gave way to his exit, Mitsuaki put his hands over his face. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck,” this plan hadn’t been thought through nearly enough, the tunnel giving him no space to make an advantageous play. The only thing he had going for him would be the sand that shifted under his weight, but even that wasn’t a fool proof strategy. Getting close enough to throw said sand into the Hollow’s eyes would almost certainly get him injured in the process, so it would have to be worth it.

Raising his face, the hands remained on his cheeks, fingers pressing into the skin. Each time the Hollow bound, Mitsuaki watched it until it disappeared to the other side.

There was barely enough room to sit in the tube, so he laid there, Zanpakuto beside him. “Okay Mitsuaki, think,” his hands slid upwards, into his hair. Dwelling on the idea of him being royally screwed wasn’t going to help him in any capacity. “There’s no getting out of here without taking a blow. That’s fine. That’ll be fine. It won’t kill me. It won’t,” he mumbled to himself, looking at both entrances to the tube again, watching as that beast bound between them. [color=6B91BA] “I won’t let it,” his own voice was filling the silence between the beast's bounds. “I have to live. For mom, for dad. For Juno…”

Moving his hand on the hilt of his blade, Mitsuaki sighed, before a mighty groan came out of him from his frustration. As he raised his hand, it struck the top of the ceramic that surrounded him, a hiss coming from his lips before he paused, staring at it. Would he have enough time and strength to go up? Maybe it would confuse the Hollow, maybe it wouldn’t realize what he was doing.

It was the only move he really had, other than waiting for his death. As he raised his Zanpakuto, though, trying to see if he could fit it vertically to stab the top of the tube with the hilt, he grunted. It was too big. Of course. Of course.

“Who even enjoys playing in these things?!”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by McNephelim
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McNephelim "So... Here i found you..."

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night

Interactions: @LC @BladeSS4

Tony held his guard up. Bakuto's plan was at least a solid and workable one, that at least would let him deal with the lizard and dog hollow, while he certainly didn't possess any fancy magic thing, or better known as kido. He certainly had good fighting skills, enough to fight those two hollows.

Tony didn't say it out loud, but he really feared the barrier to disappear, He thinked they couldn't deal with these hollows, or at least without getting greatly injured. only becoming a bit more sure of his team when Darius shot his kido bullet at the bat hollow.

"Nice shot! you gotta teach me those magic tricks of yours someday."

He joked, his fear beginning to vanish, yet another thought got into his mind, how much would the barrier last. he had to fight with not only one hollow, but two. And while Bakuto was surely stronger than him and more fit to fight the buff one, Tony was probably the only one available to fight those two, it was a quite hard situation, the which Tony needed to get serious to survive it.

"Hey Darrius, i have a question. How long will the barrier last?"

He asked while looking at the barrier, while his fear was still there, he began to find his resolve, gritting his teeth, gripping his blade tighter, he anxiously waited Darius reply, knowing fully that, either if the barrier lasted longer or not, he would have to fight hollows.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mikazuki Nakajima

"On it!" Mikazuki shouted as Darius told them his plan, and the young man rushed to support Bakuto and Tony, trying to parry the first attack that came for either of them, then counter that attack with a cut of his own. He was the most defensively-oriented of all three of the 'frontline trio' and could heal himself and those around him as long as he had the reserves - As a member of their team, he was the most suited for such a job.

The cool night air of the park made for perfect fighting weather; not too hot, cold, or humid. And so the boy tried to settle for a cycle of parrying, counterattacking, parrying again, and then using his Healing Arts to cure the injuries from any attack that got through. Fear of death had left him; what was death when he had been given what his Grandfather never had and did not care for - A worthy cause?

On the cool grass of the park, Miakzuki Nakajima raised the tempo of his cycle of parrying and counterattack, reserving a portion of his strength for emergency healing. It was his first fight, so finding a rhythm and cooperating with his friends was important if he was to protect the town where his father lived.

His father had told him that his Grandfather's crimes were not passed down to either of them. His father loved him despite his faults. His father, without which his sense of belonging would be further eroded.

And it was not just his father who gave him a place in life; it was also the dojo, the students, the people of the town; even the ones he disliked like that cafe owner had their place. Against this threat, he would protect them, and to himself, he vowed not to die trying, but to live, because what use is death when you aren't certain you protected what was precious to you?

Keep parrying! he told himself as he fought beside Bakuto and Tony behind Darius' barrier, Conserve enough energy to keep this up all night - And for extra barriers just in case Mr. Stone's shield breaks!

@Sho Minazuki @BladeSS4 @McNephelim @LC
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park

Saturday Night

The fight against the Hollows was beginning to heat up, Darius' Tamahou Kido spell nailed the bat Hollow right along the side of it's mask as it tried to veer away from a direct hit, though this led it to being staggered in the air, causing it to lower it's altitude significantly. The attack almost killed it outright, the flier was much more fragile than it appeared, it could perhaps be dispatched rather quickly if someone made the dangerous leap through the other four to reach it.

Meanwhile on the ground, the Kido barrier was beginning to show significant cracks, the lizard and hound hollows snarling and taunting Tony and Bakuto while the other two humanoid hollows were at the front and constantly pummeling the barrier. There was no pressure on them for the last few moments, leading to them easily coming together and making a mild formation. They lost their chance for a simple counter-attack earlier, and now needed to deal with all four on full alert.

Amidst the fighting they could hear the roar of thunder towards the park entrance where Ouga was, supposedly fighting using his Shikai's ability. Unbeknownst to them, much needed help was on it's way, though not that they were aware.
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