Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 22 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Eye of Beholder”

Debuff. Snek in need of hug. Really. Also Tea. Muse made Snek sad.

Now with 50% more blood alcohol content.
Sloshed snakes can slither too

Sya was reading the guest list for the 5th time and the map of the Inn, tracking the lines, the entry points, the locked warehouse and the entry to the secure storage below. The lower levels were not on this map but she knew them, every bit she had helped design and plan when they expanded the Inn, and her idea for an escape tunnel given by Gadez… it might have been handy ya know. Maybe they needed a hidden…. Citadel of sorts down there, it would be hard to build secretly…buy their ws plenty of land and no one else seemed to be digging down…. Sya was one of few she knew who had such an extensive series of rooms below ground in town.

Hmm. Perhaps he was right, the broken and damaged eggs should make a box, a family of sorts, and look after each other in this harsh world. A family of choice and friendship, not blood and marriage.

She turned her head, the single large expressive eye turned on the grey skin and 4 eyes of Nesna, another blightborn “blessed” like she was with extraordinary features and changes beyond the norm even for their own kind of a sort.

Sya was not concerned about her choice of clothes that fit her more revealing than before, the leather was more snug, but honestly her eye and now cobalt scales seemed to draw more attention than a short skirt and a fortune hugging top. Really, she had died, reborn, changed, lost everything… She was not ashamed about showing her skin.

wait…how did she get there…had Sya been that out of mental notice she missed a woman sitting next to her. Sya sighed her eye and body language showing she was tired, hurt and her spoon draw was far less full than before the day started. “Yes, I just wanted to share a success with my friend, a new venture, my latest achievement, it hurts. Sorry, I'm not the most joyful right now Nesna. My Bakery, distillery, to make something here…” Sya didn't bother to hide her mood and her hurt soul, her eye, tail and nature did not let her. She was in a funk and her supposed grand opening was remembered for such things now.

One of Syas quirks was that she was an open emotional book, an open story for all to read if they could see to understand. “Has it? No one died, sure someone got hurt when some wolves got too close, or alarms when someone thought they saw an Ember beast, but… No, this is a first. Their was a incident with a shoval dad but thay was resolved safely.” She said evenly trying to not dump her trauma on a guest.

The lamia was not sure why she was open to Nesna, but trusted her feelings and her tone of voice, she seemed to be… Sympathetic to the innkeeper.

“Be careful, even after this, the damaged eggs have to stick together. The clean eggs might be wary of us, because this hurts them to the Yolk, which Sir Abel considered was a good egg. The Spoons might be harder than normal. Most are devnt eggs, but bad spoons will try, Avoid Lord Ayel. Of Rum..whatever soft sunlander” Sya tail, gave a weaker wave and made itself known, sometimes it just seemed to have a life of its own. She said the name with disdain but her words before had a tinge of caution and care about them, she did not want to see Nesna hurt.

Her words fell into borderland phrases and sub Language quirks of Sya herself.

Syas' mood changed a little as she noted Nesna seemed to have a little of a… familiar yolk about her, she had been cracked and the spoon had tried to hurt her but she had managed to outlast the spoon for now. “Would you like to join me for tea, some time in the future Miss Nesna, my apartments have a rather nice double height snug and private parlour.”

Syas pride had returned a little as she spoke of what she had built her body language and eye mirrored. Sya was cursed to always tell what her heart felt.

“I purchased a tea set, and I would like friends to share it with Miss Nesna.” She said honesty and vulnerability, she wanted to share her success and make the most of what life gave her, and the chances she had. Sya had a very good understanding of people and Nesna did not cause her to want to guard up like a castle, she felt... like she needed a friend too. Even if the 4 eyes where a little peculiar to where one should look.


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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 2 days ago

Charlotte’s first week in Dawnhaven had been nothing shy of boring. It truly did feel like the punishment it was intended to be. Being the lowest ranking member of the newest arrivals, she was given the woefully exciting tasks like cleaning up the stables, and all of the bitterly cold and isolated assignments at the outer edges of town.

She couldn’t say that it didn’t give her experience however. The recruit learned very quickly that the Lunarian sections had warm clothing figured out and adapted their practices quickly. These practices were likely the only reason she survived her posts throughout the week-long blizzard, where she spent most of her time huddled around a campfire at the northern edge of town. There were more travellers than she’d expected for such a storm, but most of the days involved staring off into the vast wall of white while using her tower shield as a windblock.

Charlotte hadn’t really made any friends either. She got partnered with someone new almost daily after rumors spread around that she’d--albeit indirectly--caused the death of a civilian back home. Not one had seemed impressed about being assigned as her training partner.

So much for my fellow guards having my back, she made a mental note, I guess the only person I can rely on is me.

Her tired eyes opened, the interior of a dimly lit guard-tower filling her vision. The dying remnants of what used to be a fire glowed gently before her in the brazier, barely providing relief from the biting cold.

F-f-f-f-ffuuuuuck I’m c-c-cold… … … G-great, I can even hear m-my t-thoughts shivering.

Desperate to keep warm, Charlotte drew her legs up to her chest as she sat on the bench. The wind slipped through every crack between the brick walls, relentless no matter where she moved. She pulled her fur cloak tightly around herself and enveloped her now much smaller figure. There was no longer a care in her mind about getting in trouble on the job. Really, how much worse can it get? My own partner fucked-off like an hour ago, what am I supposed to do, really? Leaving my post will just get me more shit with the commander.

She shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of the annoyance before tucking it tightly into the soft fur of her cloak. Her eyelids fluttered with increasing difficulty, and though she fought it, the pull of sleep quickly became stronger. The cold had sapped away much of her energy and, combined with a shift now bordering on ten hours, made the lull of rest all too tempting.

No one’s gonna die if I nap for a few minutes.

And with that thought, she surrendered herself to the intoxicating darkness as her eyelids fell shut.

* * *

For a few moments, Charlotte could almost feel the warmth of the Aurelian summer sun on her face. The scents of the city, both pleasant and vile, were just out of reach. She could almost hear the hum of the bustling streets, the cheers of revelry from tipsy patrons, and the occasional cries of merchant’s haggling just down the road.

A part of her longed to be home again, away from this desolate place that seemed to hate her. She could walk back in the front doors to a hero’s welcome and a round of drinks, before heading upstairs and embracing her parents once more. Sure they would question why she was home so early. They may even be a bit upset to see her giving up on her dream so quickly. But there would always be a place for her there.

Maybe being a guard wasn’t what she was destined for.

She’d imagined something much different when she’d first signed up--the joys of comradery with fellow guards, respect and admiration from the townsfolk and perhaps even getting a bit tipsy after her shift had finished. Instead, her days had been filled by frost nipped fingers, aching feet and the feeling that she was a worthless addition to the guard force.

The excitement she’d once dreamed of was gone, replaced by pangs of regret and self-disdain. Back home, her friends had jokingly laughed when they found out she’d been recruited. Too many restrictions and too much trouble for a comparably meager pay, they claimed. Now she wondered if they’d been right all along. She missed their daily lunch-time conversations when the tavern slowed down, and the evenings spent playing cards by lantern-light.

Charlotte’s mind wandered back to Dawnhaven in her slumber. The warmth and light of the capitol faded away to the hollowness of the wind whistling through lifeless trees.

The faint ring of a bell filled her mind as the imagery before her wilted away, replaced by an inky void. Something felt wrong. A sickening feeling began to weave its way into her dreams as she saw flashes of a merchant bleeding out in front of her. In the distance, a hooded individual ran off, coin purse in hand. The scene was all-too familiar to her--it was the very reason she was assigned to Dawnhaven.

But why had her mind suddenly wandered to death?

Another chime of a bell, much more clearly audible and at the center of her attention.

And then it all came racing back to her. Guard post near the alchemy laboratory. Trying to keep warm. Falling asleep under her cloak. Three chimes of a bell.

I fell asleep. Three chimes of the bell.

Charlotte’s piercing blue eyes shot open like a bolt of lightning had struck her.

Oh fuck.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by enmuni
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Eye of the Beholder

The one-eyed innkeeper's accent was difficult to discern, probably from some far-off corner of the world, no doubt. Nesna’s expression remained even and subtle throughout, with her lips curled into a quiet, tight-lipped frown, while her pupil-less eyes offered little indication of where she was looking or what she was thinking other than how her eyelids sat half-open, offering the overall impression that she was first and foremost listening carefully, though nonetheless at least a bit sympathetic.

A new business venture met with such an inauspicious opening day was certainly an unfortunate sight. But if nothing else, all the bad news of the day had seemingly not dissuaded the place from enjoying a healthy patronage. It made sense, really. Between the tensions, the grim state of the world, and the latest news, people would be needing something to soothe themselves. And as far as Nesna could tell, this was the only tavern in town—which surely meant Sya had a healthy and inexhaustible source of clientele. But as Nesna struggled through all the egg puns, it seemed clearer and clearer to her that what Sya was really upset about wasn’t any of the bad news, but rather that the joy she was so clinging to needed to be shared, and far fewer people than she’d hoped had been willing to share in it.

A blightborn sharing joy. What a thought.

Now tea? That was a real idea—the best one since a bath. And hopefully, one that would go better than the bath. Nesna cracked a small smile at Sya’s suggestion of sharing tea amongst friends. Friend was a funny word, but it definitely had a certain appeal. It felt odd to have such an idea thrown around so readily—after all, did true friendship not first demand weeping or bleeding together? Well, if Sya’s egg-talk was anything to go by, being transformed by the blight was something comparable enough, anyway.

“Tea…tea…tea,” Nesna repeated thoughtfully, as that small smile overtook her stoic frown, “A wonderful idea if ever there was one. I’ve missed teatime dearly.”

Nesna brought her hand to her cheek with a soft smile, as if trying to remember the last time she’d had tea.

“I suppose…damaged eggs should stick together, shouldn’t we? A damaged egg is a much nicer way of putting it than what I’d always imagined…

You know, I hadn’t had any particular notion as to what I’d find here. I…had…only imagined that this might be some…blighted leper colony, headed by doomed men.”

Nesna shrugged as she leaned forward and picked up her cup again, swirling the wine around as she spoke. She made renewed eye contact with Sya, gazing into her eye with a more active intensity than she had before.

“But never had I imagined that I’d see warmth in equal measure. I’ll accept your offer of friendship, Sya. I’m pleased to properly make your acquaintance. Now if I may be so forward, may we speak further on this matter of tea? What sorts make their way out here?”

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 22 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Eye of Beholder”

Debuff. Snek in need of hug. Really.

Now with 50% more blood alcohol content.
Sloshed snakes can slither too

Sya felt an odd sense of companionable agreement with Nesna as they talked, she was totally different to Sya, she spoke funny and had a few odd tics that Say had to investigate. However the woman was interesting, she was a colourful Gen in a dull land, ironic given she was literally grey but since when did Sya mind make any sense.

The grey.. winged, 4 eyed, whatever else was hidden under her dress changed woman did smile though and Sya was not exactly able to judge since she had her legs promptly transformed and gained a whole new limb out of the deal. She began to work out her expressive aspects though.

“Yes Tea, I Take it you like Tea huh.” Sya joked and her eye lit up a little more, her emotions and her form were tied together very deeply and she wore her heart on her…well herself. Her tail reacted too and independent of her almost positioned to be more shiny In the light and made small motions that followed her own hands. Sya had been forced to… become one with two very different parts of her, in order to survive.

“We can do tea.. with salt? I'm not sure how it's meant to be done, but we have biscuits and cheese or something. Umm, I kinda don't eat…solid food… but I can treat you.” Sya admitted as she shifted in her scales a little flexing and giving a little awkward smile, I'd Nesna wanted a little cake, they would make it happen.

Damaged eggs, they all were damaged eggs, in some form or another, each one hurt or chipped…But still here, still trying to make a life out of hand the gods had chosen to curse them with. Lepers…she frowned mentally a little but the fact was…sadly true, to most of the people beyond the far borders they were basically the unclean reminders of a threat, monsters even if they wanted to be human…

“We are still people with a heart, with a Yolk, Our shells have been beaten by the bad spoons but we are still here, even if we need to remember. Our yolks have not gone off, Our shells just are not like they used to be.” Sya said talking with her hands more as she grew more emotive, her tail making gestures like her hands as she spoke. Sya despite everything still wanted to spread joy and a little hope, maybe it was fruitless but she tried to make the Eye a place where people would want to be, where people would not be dragged down deeper than they were.

“I hope it's better, Make no mistake, we are far from … well being good, but life here finds a way. The Prince gave me a fresh start, something, something of my own, and i'm truly thankful.” Sya said, she was oddly feeling … strange, Sya could Not understand it and her own mind was well, anyone venturing there would find a very very nasty surprise. Her mental stability was an interesting concept.

Sya was not sure how this woman would take it so she just offered Nesna her hand, friendship, a small pale hand very much human. Sya was not a tall woman or large 5 feet tall ish and petite apart from her notable exception. She had not really seen the sun in…she lost count really, it hurt, the darkness had been a friend.

“You sure love Tea” Sya laughed and there was no upset in it. “Tea, well I got some Auralian black. I was told it was…general? Umm.. every Day Tea? But the Chai smelt so good, spicey, Hot,

Traders bring some… it depends, I've not really known any pattern, its what makes it to us.

Umm… I might need help… I never had tea growing up. Please help me. Borderlands Tea was a luxury only lords got.”
Sya said in a quiet voice at the end. She knew who would but he would not take her gold and she would not pay him if she could at all help it. Ayel.

Sya hoped Nesna would return her kindness, if she throw it back Sya would probably break utterly, she had enough today. She felt …mixed feelings, but the alarms she hoped Eris was OK, Orion, Kira…she considered them friends if they had not warmed up to themselves yet. They were out from their unknown, and she could do nothing to help or find out. Much as was confused at least one, she would hug them nonetheless.

She doubted even the hardest up guard would realise she was one of few who could see through the darkness like daylight.

Sya just hoped her friends were safe and a hand went to the smith's token about her neck, an old and proud Symbol of her family. Sya was the last, but she was still here. “I'm..just worried about my friends. I have a few ernough, and i not wish them to be hurt.” She admitted being unable to hide her feelings to anyone who looked carefully at her.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 9 days ago

@The Muse



" "

Soft gentle flakes of snow drifted down from the dark heavens above. Aliseth could feel them melting against the bare skin of his up-turned face.
The sky was extra dark this hour, while he knew it likely due to the clouds he could not see, it felt more as though it was because the doors and windows of heaven had been closed off to them. The gods and their messengers were not watching, no help was coming. They were all alone.

Aliseth was not an overly religious man and put little faith in the divine, but the feeling was real and the loneliness hit him hard like a physical force. It took the air from his lungs as it seeped through his body like a poison. Multi-layered, it sunk to his core. He was not unacquainted with this feeling but familiarity did little to dull its bite.

Blaming it on the ale, he took a deep breath and swallowed it all down. It had been a day and fatigue was undoubtedly setting in. He smirk at the sky, condescendingly mocking himself for his moment of weakness, and just as he turns his head down a single bright star births to life in the sea of darkness above.

Turning his mind to duty he look down the road. It had mostly been cleared as the other guards ushered off any remaining stragglers. Flittering through distant torch light Aliseth noted a figure hastily drawing near. Moving to meet the suspicious female he noted she wore a fine dress under her coat and by all accounts had the appearance of nobility.

"Halt." He spoke with a measured balance of authority and respect, calling for her attention as he drew near. He offered her a kind smile. Her blue eyes an easy point of focus.
"Sorry m'lady. I must ask you return to your lodging. There has been an incident and a short curfew enacted as a precaution for everyone's safety."
After a moment allowing that to sink in he followed up with a question, mentioning nothing of the bells she surely heard or the rush she was in but leaving that curiosity unsaid yet clear in his gaze.
"May I enquire as to your destination and the matter of business that takes you there?" While still standing tall, his voice was softer now as if in casual conversation.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by enmuni
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Eye of the Beholder

Nesna nodded and then chuckled as Sya went on about tea. This strange thing, if nothing else, had a certain charm about her that made it readily apparent why she was the one, out of everyone around, to have assumed proprietorship of the only tavern and inn in the entire village. How queer it was, that force of
personality could indeed overcome even as intense as hers. Maybe it wasn’t raw charisma driving this operation per se, but, presuming it wasn’t some odd blightborn power manifesting from this serpentine cyclops, there was definitely an appeal about this woman if for no other reason than how enthusiastically earnest she came off as. How could any but the most coldhearted of men rebuke such a genuine approach?

Nesna nodded idly as Sya elaborated further on her ongoing egg metaphor. She was overcome by imagination, just for a moment, before dragging herself back into practicality.

“I wish I could offer you some condolences for the state of your friends, but I am unfortunately not familiar,” she conceded, “But I can offer you this. I had always loved a good tea, most of all in the afternoon. I’ll make every arrangement to get us whatever tea might be best, and I’ll show you how to drink it. I grant you, I cannot eat solid food either. But if your condition is anything like mine, I can suggest we still might enjoy the taste of teatime refreshments. Why don’t we have two teatimes in the future? The first, just you and I, and we can keep spittoons by our sides to spit out the little treats after we’ve enjoyed them and played pretend that we can still eat like normal people. Then, I would be happy to help you make arrangements for a memorable tea for those friends of yours.”

Nesna smiled brightly and clasped her hands together.

“My dear Sya, I suggest this because teatime is a time for civilization and decency, for friendly conversation and camaraderie between good folk. It has been long—far, far too long since I’ve had the privilege of organizing a tea. We’ll have them in good shape and good spirits in no time.”

Nesna took Sya’s hand gingerly and gave it a small shake.

“Yes, yes, all feels better after a good tea, I assure you. Most of all when the tea is had with one’s friends! Oh, yes, if you only point me in the direction of a merchant, I’ll see to it that we have a sampling ready for the earliest opportunity! Darling, we’ll have a grand old time soon enough!”

For the first time, Nesna’s smile appeared genuine, rather than simply a pasted-on polite gesture. Nesna’s head bobbed slightly from side to side as she quickly put together an arrangement in her head, optimistic that there might be some array of choices as long as at least one of the royals had a taste for a good tea.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 2 days ago

* * *

Interacting with: @PrinceAlexus, @Echotech71

“I’ve only arrived here mere hours ago… The intricacies of this temple are still foreign to me, though the layout is rather simple.”

Katherine’s mind wandered and explored the brief memory of the Seluna temple that she held. There wasn’t much complexity that she had noticed immediately. The main hall contained both the benches--normally arranged in a chevron--now barring the doors as well as a modest shrine to the moon-maiden herself. Behind the shrine, the circular pool she’d already experienced. On its otherwise mirror-surface, white lotus flowers floated almost motionless, somehow surviving despite the frigid temperatures. Her own chambers could be found to the right side of the temple, mirrored by currently unused chambers exactly opposite. Candles were the only current source of illumination for the temple and lended themselves to the sense of calm that enveloped each room.

Her eyes widened slightly as a memory of cellar doors entered her mind. Of course there was a cellar, it would likely contain the mortuary. Not entirely a bad idea but definitely risky, seeing as they would have to brave the outdoors once more unless an inside passage could be found.

“There’s a cellar, though the entrance is past our new barricade. We can move there if you wish but I expect a single opponent would be ill-fated to enter the premises of this temple. May the moonmaiden smite them.”

“I can conjure another rune to aid in sealing the entrance, if that would comfort you. Seluna will protect us from this assailant. Have faith.”

Katherine closed her eyes for a moment, her hand moving to grasp a crescent-moon pendant previously hidden beneath clothing. Her words were quiet--not quite a whisper--but audible to those present.

In silvery-light,
Our Lady will guide.
May fairly she judge,
And protection provide.

Shadows taunt us, hear my prayer.

Shadows stalk us, hear my prayer.

Shadows wound us, hear my prayer.

Suddenly her mind was back in Moonrise Sanctuary, lying on the marble floor as her head pounded like a hammer on anvil. The very day she’d been taken in by the clergy, the very day she’d almost lost her life. The words of her prayer repeated themselves over and over in her head, almost deafening as a dozen of the moon maiden’s faithful surrounded her. The clouds parted above them through the open ceiling and the blinding light of a full moon shone down. The clergy's words echoed through the halls of the sanctuary and slowly, she felt the pounding in her head subside before the vision faded away.

Shadows taunt her, hear our prayer.

Shadows stalk her, hear our prayer.

Shadows wound her, hear our prayer.

Katherine’s eyes opened and she found herself back in the company of Daphne, Nathaniel and Persephone. A subtle silver light would glow from the necklace as the words escaped her lips. She could feel almost immediately the gentle warmth of her goddess’ blessing upon herself, and that more of her strength began to return. A small smirk flickered across her lips and disappeared just as quickly.

Seluna is still with me.

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 22 min ago


Lunaris Temple

Medical hand holding is a thing. Temple. Of the Heart....

Daphne was moving, getting herself to feet slowly as she grabbed her swords she had put down sitting with Kat to help, going over to check any windows where they were securely bolted. While defensive was not always the best plan, with only two combat ready, unknown foes and an unknown situation it was best to hold where they could at least defend. She stretched her arms over her head, even in armour her figure was evidently as Amazonian as her height.

“Sure, I'll make sure they are safe.”
Daphne said, hauling the heavy window bar closed without much effort to securely baton it down and checked the other room . It was not as heavy as she had to do in her training, that was tough as she was far less fit then.

“Windows are barred, the fact we have not changed anything outside helps us, they might pass us by. We can least stay warm, dry and out of sight in accommodation quarters. They are smaller, easier to heat and protect.” Daphne added, the snow was churned up anyway all over town so it should not look wrong.

Katherine interrupted her ability to add more, she Was new to the temple, not ideal but she knew Temples from her youth, to some degree, much larger and a different design but there were always a few key features the same. Seluna forgave her, her military trained mind saw the Temple pool as a source of safe water, she did not want to have to but Seluna would not mind if they used it to keep the faithful alive?

“No Cellar, We be backed like rats, at least here we have room to fight. Seluna forgive me.” She said looking at the symbol as she used the Temple as an impromptu fortress.

“I was raised in such places, I did not expect to be having to stand here, clad In armour and weapons planning this defence..” Daphne said somewhat torn and her bright violet eyes conflicted about the matter.

“I feel …wrong.” Daphne admitted as she paced, her heavy plates and leather clinking softly as she paced clad in 4 visible blades about her hips and body.

“Thank the goddess” Daphne said with all sincerity as she watched Katherine raise a protection over the Temple, her soft words were powerful and felt automatically and rapidly safer in a sense. Whatever she did worked and felt like a blessing.

Daphne was having feelings and feelings that were making her feel guilty, Kat was opening her bright eyes and her pendant was glowing softly with power. Was it sacrilegious, her feelings were feeling… pulling her to something and had no idea if It was personal or something else…

Daphne looked at Kat, she mentally called her Kat. Kat, not priestess Katherine…Kat. Her feelings were rather protective and confusing right now.

She hesitated as a traitorous thought crossed her mind, one she did not need running though her mind. “We should get to the accommodation, it will be tight but safer Together than separated, plus easier to keep warm.” She repeated herself a little, a sign of nerves.

She spoke and paused, a hand fiddled with the hilt of her sword, a nervous gesture she had not done in a while, as she looked about.

“Come on Persephone" as she helped her up, the older woman made a gesture of Selene towards the the priestess and whispered quickly to Daphne.

“Thankyou, Daphne is right, we are safe as reasonable, we should not clog the streets and let the guards do their work. B… Nathanial is it? I owe you cookies? Pastries? And I will repay you. I bake, no refusing. Priestess, thankyou. I always found the godess came in dark times.” A less steady but still able to force herself to stand, her uniform was less armoured than Daphne's and she bore more heraldry and details. The Sage was the wrong nation to decode them for the most part. She made the last part as a weak joke, whilst her job was serious, her life was balanced by light pursuits and hobbies.

Her last part she said softly and respectfully, Seluna had come through for them, she could feel…better somehow.

Daphne let her be, Persephone was independent and she would ask for help if she needed it.

“Sorry, Nathanial, I'm about to do something I pebbly should not, but I did spot a wash basin in the other rooms, you might be able to at least get the blood out your hair and smell a little nicer.”

Her hand bounced on her hilt as she approached the shorter woman, blonde haired to her brown, and goddess forgive her, all too cute. All too Kat.

“Forgive me, but I will not be dishonest here. Even if I'm selfish, silly and stupid. Even if…it still protects you regardless of anything.” Daphne said slowly and deliberately, like her Knight she never lied in a Temple.

She raised a hand and lifted Kats head slowly and bent down on her knees, eyes closing catching one last glimpse of her cute Kat, she did the one stupid thing her brain pushed.

Kat kissed her softly on the lips and hoped she would not be damned for having a weak resolve for this cute woman. She said softly and with difficultly. "if I was unlucky I could of been Sir Abel. I regret not trying. "

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 22 min ago

Hidden 1 mo ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Collab between @SkeankySnack, @c3p-0h, and @The Muse
Location: The Crystal Cave

Part II

Ivor moved through the trees and the brush. “Should not be much longer now.” The trio had made their way from town, Ivor leading the way ahead, or more aptly retracing his own footsteps. It was unusual for a hunter to return to the same grounds he’d stayed at so soon after leaving it. It was fortunate then that both his and the doctor’s footsteps were walking in tandem just earlier that day. How much time had even passed? The lack of sun made it difficult to tell the ‘when of the day’ anymore, but even he surmised it must have been an hour or so since their group left Dawnhaven. The time was spent idly chatting with Zeph, eager and opportunistic, he reminded him of Ivor in his youth rising up as ‘son of the chief’. It made Ivor a bit nostalgic for that old village life, how the people depended on him to get through the good and the bad. This was his life now, and now these people needed him to lead them to where the crystals were, “It was best time for Dr. Ceiling to be finding me, I was just coming out of cave as she was nearing where I was- ah! Jabool!” Ivor pushed forward, his arm outstretched to move a thicket of brush and reveal the mouth of the cave. It was still fresh with the work he and Celine did to clear away the snow. “Welcome, to crystal cave!”

Zeph stepped out from the brush and paused at the edge of a rocky shoreline, taking in the scene. The cave’s mouth was wide and dark, a shadow framed by snow-covered terrain and bordered by a small, icy lake. Frost crept across its edges, giving it a still, eerie beauty. Zeph hadn’t even known this lake existed, tucked between the mountains behind Frostmoon Lake.

The cave itself seemed ordinary enough—no glowing crystals or shimmering lights to suggest something magical or otherworldly. Just a cold, dark mouth that swallowed up all traces of moonlight. If Ivor hadn’t pointed it out, he might’ve easily missed it altogether.

Zeph squinted at the entrance, a skeptical look on his face. Crystals? He hadn’t seen anything that looked remotely special, but he wasn’t about to question Ivor’s judgement. At least he wasn’t stuck in another stuffy room. The crisp mountain air felt refreshing, despite the bitter cold.

His boots crunched against the snow as he stepped closer to the cave, assessing the shoreline. A small stream snaked from the cave mouth toward the lake, forming a barrier between them and the entrance—shallow, but wide enough to pose a challenge. The terrain was rocky and slick with patches of ice, the kind that didn’t forgive a single misstep.

He paused for a moment, securing an oil lamp to his hip before carefully navigating the rocks jutting out of the water, his balance steady as he hopped across them with ease. When he reached the other side, he turned back toward Tia, watching as she approached the water’s edge.

“Careful.” he reached a hand out toward her, offering it in an unspoken promise to steady her if she needed it. “Wouldn’t want you taking a dip.” he teased, a faint smile on his lips.

Tia blinked, her eyes focusing on Zeph as she seemed to come back to herself. She’d spent the entire trek in (predictable) silence, her mind quieting as they’d journeyed. Though her breath clouded in front of her, and her hands trembled, she didn’t notice the cold. The men’s chatter had seemed to fade away.

She’d been lost in herself as they’d traveled, small things capturing her attention and pulling her further and further away from the surface. The night sky above her was littered with light. Stars flowed across her vision, illuminating the darkness with a river of color. Aquamarine, pearl, emerald, lavender. Tia moved automatically over gnarled roots — around the glistening surface of a lake — to a shadowed pit carved into the side of a mountain, as deep and fathomless as the sky.

She looked at the stream that separated her from the cave.

As clarity returned, so too did the chaotic buzz of reality. She was suddenly aware that her feet hurt. Her hands were cold. She wasn’t very good at jumping. Tia looked back up at Zeph and his outstretched hand, as a tremulous little cloud escaped her lips. She tried to steady herself, taking in a determined breath.

Picking her way across the same path Zeph had taken, Tia took each step slowly. She wasn’t used to slick ice and crunching snow, let alone trying to do anything remotely athletic while wearing her thick winter robes. Her gaze found the water again, calm but frigid. Just one more step until she reached the other side – it was a wider distance than the rest of the journey had been. She looked between Ivor and Zeph for reassurance. Her eyes found the guard’s hand again, and his amused expression. He curled his fingers twice, beckoning. Tia jumped.

Her legs couldn’t stretch much, confined as they were by her robes, but still her foot managed to find the edge of the riverbank – coated in ice.

Tia let out a short chirp as her balance faltered. A hand shot toward Zeph’s as her eyes went wide.

He caught her hand with lightning reflexes, fingers curling firmly around hers as his other hand instinctively found her waist, steadying her as she started to fall.

“Tsk,” he clicked his tongue, holding her in a dipped position with an amused smile. “If you wanted me to sweep you off your feet, Firefly, you could’ve just said so.” he chuckled, low and warm, before slowly straightening her back onto her feet. His hand lingered at her waist for a brief moment, ensuring she was steady before releasing her.

Tia might’ve actually preferred the water. Maybe then she would’ve turned into a block of ice incapable of feeling this absolute burning mortification. It wasn’t too late, she reasoned. She could dive in right now.

She couldn’t quite meet his eyes as she gave him a halting bow in thanks. Then, desperate for anything else to focus on, Tia looked up to Ivor. He was blight-born. Did his night-vision mean he could see the red painting her cheeks? She tried not to think about it. Looking up at the man, Tia held an open palm out towards the depths of the cave – an invitation to lead them. Hopefully he’d start talking, and his booming voice would block out the sound of Zeph’s laugh echoing in her head.

Ivor watched the whole exchange with a rather cheeky grin, “Ahhh, to be young again,” the blightborn mused in his native tongue. Once the two were safely across he crouched, then sprung up, legs propelling him from the ground as he bridged the gap. A magnificent leap that shook the earth upon his landing. Tia was very proud of herself when she didn’t fall over – though it was a near thing. “That was great catch you did; happy everyone safe.” He nodded in reassurance and upon Tia’s invitation, waved his arm in a follow motion as he led the trio into the mouth of the cavern.

Tia followed, Zeph close behind, and her embarrassment faded away the further into the cave they traveled. Her attention drifted. The voices grew muffled again. The chill less sharp. Step by step, she walked. The darkness swallowed her. It consumed her with its inescapable gravity, pulling her deeper.

Inside, snow was scattered all over the floor from where Ivor had been digging earlier, stalagmites and stalactites littered the floor and ceiling. Ivor entered into a natural pathway carved through the rock, wide enough that even the giant had little difficulty traversing the corridor. “Before the blizzard, Ivor was out hunting and, be believing me or do not, there was hole in ground and Ivor fell through,” he emphasized the fall with whooshing and crashing noises. “Ivor really got the banging around, but was no big deal. After two days of walking I come upon most beautiful thing Ivor has ever seen; FISH! Fish like you would not be believing… oh except Miss Priestess has seen fish, she is the believing.” The giant laughed, realizing the whole reason they were even here was because she had seen his fish and wanted to come here. Zeph shot an amused glance toward Tia, gauging whether or not Ivor’s story was true.

She didn’t return his look. Tia became lost in the void as they walked, the stretching, aching nothingness. It erased the boundaries that made her, one by one. Raising a small hand, she ghosted her fingers against the cave wall. The jagged stone pricked at her, reminding her of where her body ended – reminded her that she was not boundless. Ivor’s voice bounced against the stone, filling the air with something that wasn’t her own breath, her own light footsteps tapping against the ground. In the darkness, with only the faint light of Zeph’s lamp, Tia’s eyes traced the men’s outlines, the edges of their bodies separating them from the rest of the cavern.

Zeph remained quiet as they pressed deeper into the cave, attuned to every faint sound echoing through the dark. Water dripped from the ceiling, each drop echoing in the stillness between Ivor’s narration. Rocks shifted and crunched beneath their boots, occasionally tumbling in unseen depths, each sound keeping him alert.

Every so often, his gaze flicked toward Tia, who he now walked beside. She seemed lost in thought, her expression distant, as though the cave held some sort of significance. She hadn’t shared why she insisted on coming here, and he hadn’t pressed her for answers during their trek, but still, curiosity gnawed at him.

Once far enough, a violet light faintly began to glow from the edge of the darkness, “Oh! Ivor think we are getting closer now!”

It was like every part of Tia stilled as she saw the soft glow of lights – the fluttering of her heart, the blood in her veins, even her ever whirling thoughts. She didn’t freeze, though. She didn’t trap herself as she so often did. It was stillness like a held breath, quiet and eager.

Suddenly unaware of the two men accompanying her, Tia moved forward, past them and towards the light. Zeph quickened his pace to stay close behind, instinctively resting a hand upon the hilt of his blade, unease settling in his chest. There was no hesitation in Tia’s steps as a burning weight urged her forward, until –
...The heavens shined…
They glittered around her — crystals embedded into the midnight stone of the chamber that the cave opened into. A spectrum of blues and violets sparkled, illuminating the darkness with a river of color. They flowed into a glowing pool, filled with glittering fish that rippled the water’s surface.

‘It’s real.’

Her heart was suddenly pounding in her chest. Her hair stood on end. Tia couldn’t look away from the pool. It was different from her vision, but it shined like the galaxy all the same, with stars not above, but…


Zeph’s breath hitched. The scene felt impossible, surreal—like stepping into the heart of a dream, or perhaps a nightmare. Something about this place didn’t sit right with him.

He crouched by the water’s edge, his gaze drawn to the crystals growing along the shore. They seemed to pulse with a mesmerizing, otherworldly energy, casting an ethereal glow across the cavern. His gaze followed their path into the water, where more crystals glowed beneath the surface, their blue and purple hues bleeding into the depths, illuminating the water in an unnatural way. Fish swam past, their glowing bodies drifting lazily before disappearing into the shadows, beyond the reach of the crystal's light.

“What is this place?” Zeph asked, his voice low with awe and suspicion, as he glanced up at Tia.

His voice seemed far away as she watched the water, flecks of light reflecting in her wide, dark eyes. There was only the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the small puffs of air that escaped her parted lips. She wasn’t in control of her own body as she slowly lowered herself to kneel before the water. The jagged stone pressed into the fabric around her legs.

These were the stars she was meant to find.
Transfixed, Tia reached out a hand, her ring catching in the glow of the crystals.

Ivor smiled, “Ahhh, good to be back,” Ivor mused, his voice echoing along the crystal walls. It was only for a small duration, but this place felt like a little home away from home. Natural ambience, a cool enclosed space and plenty of fish to feast on. “When Ivor fell down hole, Ivor had no idea where he was. It was only by chance that I happen upon crystal cave.” Zeph glanced up as he stood, his eyes scanning the furthest reaches of the cavern. Where had Ivor fallen from?

Ivor unslung the polearm, carefully setting it down, “Ivor bet, if he had weapon like this, spearfishing would have been more fun, easier than casting line and using bare hand,” he began to remove his boots and strip off the rest of his leathers and furs while he spoke. “Ivor spent whole blizzard in here, fishing and fishing and fishing, catch many MANY fish and-” something suddenly clicked in the blightborn.

“Oh no!” Zeph’s eyes darted back to Ivor, now down to just his loincloth, dropping onto his hands and knees at the water’s edge, effectively scaring the fish. Tia snapped back into herself, bringing her hand back into her chest as she flinched away from Ivor. He was a hulking, blighted mass of angry (naked) muscle beside her and Tia was starkly aware of how very small she was in comparison. How very fragile she was. “Ivor left all of the fish in front of the temple! Ivor forgot to give it to Sya!” Slamming a fist into the ground he slew out a slurry of curses in his native tongue, “Damn it all!” Tia let out a terrified squeak and fell to the side, into Zeph. His hand shot out to catch her, but she spun from his grasp, leaving him grimacing. She tried to scramble away, the jagged rocks on the cave floor catching against her hands. Without warning Ivor shot his head into the lake and yelled into the water, bubbles emerging along the surface.

That… Tia didn’t know what to do with that. Body still frozen in fear, she watched Ivor scream into the water, his booming voice suddenly muffled. The longer it went on, the more her fear turned into stunned confusion.

…His lung capacity was quite impressive, actually.

Zeph blinked. Slowly. Twice.

Tia glanced up at Zeph. Then back to Ivor. Slowly, she crept towards Ivor again and raised a trembling hand. “Tia…” Zeph said cautiously, his muscles tensing. She paused at the sound of her name. Though he hadn’t asked her to formally introduce herself, he’d known it all along. It took several heartbeats for her to work up the nerve to pat Ivor on his bare arm. She hoped it came off as comforting.

Ivor’s head resurfaced in a cascade of water raining from his long locks, the screaming subsided with a deep inhale and sighing exhale. His eyes found the priestess beside him, a trembling, pitiful figure who seemed terribly frightened. Ivor gave her a sheepish expression, realizing he was most likely the cause, “Ivor apologize, sometimes Ivor get too into head, good ice dunk is way to clear head, make it easy to move forward.” The blightborn stood up, dusting himself off and offering a hand for Tia to lift her up as well. “Ivor should go first, make sure it is safe down there…but Ivor does not know what to look for.” He shrugged, while it was possible that they could all go, if there was a dead end or if they went too far without resurfacing…well technically speaking he was the only dead one here.

Zeph’s muscles gradually relaxed, though his heartbeat remained quicker than usual. He let out a slow exhale, forcing himself to appear calmer than he felt. Being trapped in this confined space with such a massive blight-born wasn’t exactly ideal—especially if that blight-born decided to turn feral.

As Ivor helped Tia to her feet, Zeph’s gaze shifted back to the shimmering water. It stretched further than the light could reach, its true depths veiled in darkness. Pulling his attention away, he quietly moved toward the edges of the cavern, his lantern casting sharp shadows as he searched along jagged stone.

His steps slowed as the light revealed another corridor carved into the rock, the ceiling lower and the width thinner, but likely where Ivor had first stumbled into this place. He stared down the tunnel for a moment, pondering how deep it went, before glancing back at the giant and the mouse.

Zeph’s brow furrowed as he returned to them, his eyes set on Tia with a quiet focus.


Why had a Priestess of Aelios come to this place? The glow of the crystals and the glittering fish weren’t enough. She had seen the fish with her own eyes, according to Ivor. Was she that interested in the crystals? His gaze flickered to the dirt smudged across her robes from the fall, then returned to her face, trying to piece together a puzzle.

Tia’s eyes unfocused as she considered Ivor’s suggestion. Most of the water from Ivor’s eruption had only gotten through the top-most layer of her robes, but some still dotted her skin and hair, causing her to tremble. Arms wrapped around herself, she looked back to the glittering pool, the fish cautiously approaching the shore again. Then she pulled her bag off of one shoulder and around to her front. After some digging, she found her notebook and pencil again.

She bit her lip. Looked up between Ivor and Zeph again. Then she wrote out a message. Tia worked up her courage and showed him the page.

He’s still learning to read. Please tell Ivor that I’m not sure what we’re looking for either, but I think I’ll know when I see it. I should go, too.

“Go?” he repeated, surprise evident on his face. His eyes darted from her face to the water. “In there?” he laughed in disbelief. Tia’s eyebrows drew together. Her book lowered. “You know it’s freezing, right?” he raised an eyebrow, trying to gauge how serious she was. He couldn’t imagine an Aurelian would find frigid water inviting. Even Lunarians weren’t keen on taking cold plunges for fun.

Tia was trembling from only a few drops of water on her skin — she was very aware of how cold it was. Pressing her lips together, Tia looked down and swiped at the water with her sleeve. Her cheeks started to warm.

He glanced over at Ivor with a wry grin. “She wants to go too,” he said with a shake of his head before turning his attention back on the water. Tia was obviously determined, but there was no way he was letting her freeze to death in this little cave. Did either of them even have the material to get a fire going? Or know fire magic?

Tia’s eyes darted back up at his tone. She frowned.

“You’re more resistant to the cold, aren’t you?” he asked, glancing briefly at Ivor. “How about you take a swim first and see what you can find.” He paused, then shrugged. “Or I will.” Tia held her book close to her chest, arms wrapped around it as Zeph all but dismissed her.

‘He doesn’t have to be rude.’

‘What a stupid idea.’

Ivor blinked at Zeph then turned to Tia with a soft smile and crouched to be more on her level, “Miss Priestess, you come so far, but would not be good if journey ended before it began.” Tia deflated slightly at Ivor’s gentleness, though her displeasure was still clear on her face. He reached out slowly and gently pat her head. “There will be time and place to be brave, but now is time for waiting. Ivor will be back.” The blightborn then stood up and walked to the water’s edge, crouching low to dive straight down. Tia’s eyes flicked back to Zeph for a moment before she focused again on Ivor. She stood as tall as she could, her head held high as befitting a priestess – even if her blush gave her away.

“Hm…Ivor wonder if he can drown…oh well time to find out.” Like a flash, he was up in the air, his legs springboarding him into the air before he tucked his entire body into a cannonball dunk, scattering the fish in his wake.

Tia gasped, the air harsh against her throat as frigid water splashed over her. She curled in on herself, narrow shoulders scrunching up as she tried to turn away. It was so cold that it was painful where the water hit her skin, soaking into patches of her hair and clothing. Her trembling turned to shaking as she tried to straighten up enough to look back into the water after Ivor.

Vash’ti. Zeph muttered, the foreign curse slipping out like a growl. It was an old word, one he’d picked up long ago from his father—barbarian in origin, a remnant of lessons Zeph hadn’t entirely wanted, but never managed to forget. As icy water dripped from his chin, he wiped it away, casting a glare at Ivor, now submerged, before shifting his focus.

“You alright?” he asked Tia, briefly overtaken by concern. His eyes lingered on the way wet strands of hair perfectly framed her face as she tried to peer into the water. The way she shivered sent a flicker of irritation through him, directed at Ivor. This was no place for a delicate sunflower like her.

Tia glanced up at him, expecting more mockery in his gaze, but his expression was uncharacteristically serious. Granted, she’d barely known him an hour. She didn’t even know his name. She supposed she didn’t know what was uncharacteristic for him. Still, it caught Tia off guard. A trickle of guilt mixed in with the cold.

She took him in again, this stranger that was now deep in a cave, dripping with freezing water because of her. He wasn’t shaking like she was, though. The cold didn’t seem to steal from him, like it did her, even if he’d been splashed just the same. His hair seemed midnight dark, the water making it shine where it had landed. Her eyes caught on the way the water dripped over the curve of his cheekbone, down the line of his jaw, to the — nope.

Her eyes snapped back up to his. She forced herself to nod. Then, if only for something to do (or anywhere else to look) Tia pulled her bag to her front again and started digging through it. At least her arms had blocked most of the water from soaking through her book, even if now her sleeves were heavy.

Her hand emerged with a thin towel. It wouldn’t cover much more than the length of his torso if he tried to drape it around himself. It was meant for the heat of the temple springs, rather than this Lunarian chill, to tide visitors over from the water to the temple where they could properly dress and dry themselves. But it was something.

Tia held it up in offering to Zeph.

His expression softened, a sly smile returning to his lips simultaneously. “You first,” he said, gesturing casually toward her. “Can’t have you freezing solid on my watch. That Champion of yours would see to it that I never felt peace again.” Tia nearly flinched when she thought of Dyna… she would not be pleased if she ever learned of this venture.

Zeph’s gaze flicked to the towel briefly before returning to her. It was small, hardly enough to make a difference for either of them, but the gesture wasn’t lost on him. Strange, how someone so clearly out of her depth in a place like this was still thinking of others before herself.

“Go on,” he added, motioning again with a touch of playful confidence. “Don’t worry about me. I’m built for this.” he grinned, even as the icy chill bit at his skin, a sensation he refused to let show.

Finally, Tia recognized the masculine bravado for what it was. She’d been a healer for a long time — men or women, small or large, all people needed care, whether or not they were willing to admit to it. And men — especially young, fit ones like him — were often the least willing, in her experience.

Something crossed her face. It was a mix between indulgence, amusement, and bashfulness as she accepted his words. With a small shake of her head, Tia turned back to face the water. She unfolded the towel, pressing it against her wet hair, as she tried to find any sign of Ivor in the depths. The glow of the crystals only went so far, before darkness swallowed it. Tia wondered how deep it went — what Ivor would report when he came back to them.

Her hands stilled when she saw something flickering. The fish, their movement normally so sporadic and disorganized, suddenly turned, nearly in time with each other, to point deeper into the pool. They darted, clearing the shallows. Tia’s eyebrows drew together as she watched the odd behavior.

Then her eyes widened. She started tapping at Zeph’s arm frantically as something dark and crimson drifted up through the water like smoke.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Town Square
Eris froze in her tracks, her heart thudding wildly in her chest. A shiver coursed through her as her breath hitched, her hood falling back slightly as she turned toward the voice. Her blue eyes locked on the man approaching—his measured stride, the glint of dark Lunarian armor in the moonlight.

‘A guard! Aelios, you’ve answered my prayer.’

Relief surged through her like a wave, the sharp edges of her fear softening. Surely, with him here, she’d be safer.

“I— Oh, Goddess Above, I’m so glad to see you,” she said, her voice trembling as the words spilled out in a rush. “I’m Eris Hightower, Lead Sage. I need to get to the temple. It’s urgent, for the Prince and Princess. I have to bring the Priestess back to their residence and… ” she paused, drawing in a shaky breath to try and steady her nerves.

“It’s awfully dark and with the bells tolling, and the…the attack that happened…” she trailed off, frowning. “Would you... Could you assist me?” she asked, looking up into his dark eyes, her own filled with desperation. “An escort to the temple and back to the royal residence would be greatly appreciated. Please, if you could be so kind?”

Her voice wavered slightly on the last word, the fear she tried to suppress bleeding through. She gripped her coat a little tighter, her thoughts racing. Having the guard beside her would set her at ease. He was a protector. Trained for this type of thing. He would know what to do if a feral blight-born emerged from the shadows, wouldn’t he?

She held his gaze pleadingly, silently praying that he would agree.

Interactions: Aliseth @Dark Light
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 9 days ago

@The Muse



He raised a calming hand and offered a soft smile. "Lady Hightower, a pleasure to serve you." He said, before giving a quick sharp bow. "I ask you take a deep breath and slow yourself down. You are safe." He assures her, voice confident and soothing. His eyes remain locked on hers. There was a subtle intensity to his gaze as he search for secrets in those deep blue pools.
At mention of the princess his heart wanted to skip a beat, his muscles wanted to tense with anticipation, his face wanted to show his concern... but none of these things happened. He was a master of nothing if not himself. He would get an update in due time.

"To the temple and back." He muses aloud. "That is some distance. It will take a time, a time not on my path. I'm sure if the priestess is there, she will be safe." he commented. A steady pause filled the space between them as he seemingly continued to asses her, noting the desperation. "Hmm." He murmur as he further contemplated the request. His will to aid weighing up against his duties.

"For what reason does the prince and princess require the priestess so urgently? What cannot wait until after lock down?" He enquire. His head ever so slightly tilted to the side as thoughts weighed by the curiosities within it and his voice soften just a little along with his features. "Why ever would they put such a beautiful, intelligent and important creature in harms way.." The question seemingly more to himself. "Do you carry any proof of this royal errand?"
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Echotech71
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Nathaniel Stormlight

Location: The Lunarian temple.

Nathaniel heard the subtle noise of bells echoing from the centre of the city. "An alarm?” he mumbled listening to what the guards were shouting out, relaying what they had investigated to the public. Staying indoors for now would be smart. They've likely had practice drills on procedures such as this, in case something like this does indeed happen. His pulse jumps for a moment, thinking about the other sages who weren't in the Alchemy chambers when he went with Eris when they went to discuss the upcoming expedition.

His mind wandered for a moment, wondering if she would be ok; he shook his head almost immediately, trying to keep focus. She'll be ok, she's smart and very skilled. Right now you have a role to perform. Help keep these people safe until the all-clear alarm is sounded. Every urge in his body told him to go out and help the guards investigate what had happened, but with him still being a new resident, it would likely only bring suspicion to him just turning up.

His attention was brought back to the present. Hearing Katherine speak about the cellar that she could only just remember. A cellar could be a good idea. "We move to the accommodation quarters.” he said softly. "We can have two people in each room, so we aren't too crowded in one.” I am unsure of how big the quarters actually are. Likely small rooms for people who have just had the clothes on their backs, but they could have what's needed.

Nathaniel nods "Yes that's my name.” giving her a respectful bow. When she spoke about rewarding him with baking. A smile brushed across his face, "There is really no need....” but when it felt like he wasn't for debate, Nathaniel submitted to it. ” Ok, perhaps you could teach me a few recipes, I'll be happy with that.”

Daphne spoke about him getting a bit cleaned up. The blood that stained his coat cracked across the surface, a sign that it had dried. He could feel the irritation on his scalp as the blood in his hair was starting to dry too. The offer to wash himself up was nice, no doubt there was likely some amounts of blood leaked through his collar and down his abdomen. With a little focus and a trace of his fingers under his tunic, he could feel the dry patches. "As much as I would like to bathe and wash all this off.” he said pointing to himself and the blood on his attire. "I'm afraid that will have to wait. At least until I'm out of here and back at the inn. It would be unethical for Aurelian to bathe themselves clean inside a temple of the Moonmaiden.” Gods forbid, he's already set foot in a place without consent bringing a corpse with him, getting blood everywhere, rearranging the furniture, lighting a brazier without permission from any of the priests. Then to strip down to wash himself, he wasn't surprised that Selina herself doesn't make him burst into flames as punishment. He would just have to endure it for now.

After listening to what Daphne had to say, his attention went back to everyone else out there in the town, still debating whether or not to go out there and help. But his attention quickly snapped as he saw Daphne kiss Katherine. His mouth slightly opened, not expecting this. Didn't Katherine just say she was not long into this? Bit bold of Daphne. He cleared his throat, regaining his composure, somehow. "Well, if we do go to the Accommodation rooms, I suggest we hide out in a group. But if you two want some privacy, to sort things out. I don't mind taking Persephone to another room to hold out until the all clear.”

Mentions/Interactions: Daphne @PrinceAlexus, Kat @SpicyMeatball Eris, @The Muse

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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Guard Tower

“Oi, Azkona! You can’t –”

“Piss off, Tav.”

Frantic activity filled Dawnhaven, triggered by the tolling of the bell. The guards were buzzing around like flies over rotting meat. Citizens scurried through the streets, eager to find refuge, or else a big bad blight-born would huff and puff and blow them all away like crumbs. They were acting like crumbs.

Elio stalked his way through the streets, his path steady, his mind working. His conversation with the blighted girl played again in his ears, her words, the bits of the timeline he’d pieced together, Aliseth’s lies. He knew he couldn’t just take the girl’s words at face value, but he couldn’t just write it off, either. She’d given too much detail. And while it was still possible she’d used some kind of psychic magic to grab information, Elio just couldn’t see her as a threat yet. Not when a guard hated her so obviously, and the town was on such high alert. If she had proven to be suspicious in any way, she would’ve already been dealt with.

So where to go now? Secondhand information and suspicions were only so much to go on, and he wanted answers. He wanted action, now that he’d gotten a whiff of something brewing. The buzzing energy in the air pushed him forward.

Fuck Aliseth and his Moon Temple tip. Elio had half a mind to go check it out anyway, but the rage he felt when he’d learned Aliseth had lied about Zeph’s death still simmered in his blood. Trying to find this crime scene was another option, but one that would probably prove to be more trouble than it was worth. It’d likely be cordoned off by now, covered in guards trying to do damage control. It was one thing to blow off a passing guard’s orders to take shelter. It’d be another to try and muscle his way into an active crime scene.

The promise of a challenge almost made him want to try it.

But without the Moon Temple or the crime scene as options, Elio’s next thought was to go find Zeph. Verify that the little prat was alive, see what he knew, get into some trouble figuring out what all this mess was. Zeph would be game. He loved trouble.

A few quick brushes with guards verified that someone had seen him alive recently (I’m gonna snap Kain in half.) and someone else was pretty sure he and his new partner were scheduled for a rotation at the guard tower near the alchemy chambers. The tower loomed in the distance, growing taller and taller as Elio approached. The top glowed with the warm light of a fire, smoke drifting into the winter air.

He didn’t bother knocking. Elio let himself in, took the steps two at a time, emerging into the open top of the guard tower with its roof supported only by four wooden posts to find…

No Zeph. Just a single guard. Asleep.

Fuckin’ amateurs.

It really was impressive how consistently shit they were proving to be.

She was young. Clearly freezing, based on the way she huddled herself under her cloak, her nose and cheeks pink. Dark strands of hair tangled themselves around her face, and the sun had speckled her tanned skin.

Her eyes darted beneath their lids. Elio watched the way her eyebrows scrunched together ever so slightly, the way her body pulled in on itself under the fabric of her cloak as she started to wake herself. Crossing his arms, he took the moment to lean against one of the tower’s wooden posts.

The guard snapped awake. It was like she’d been dunked in water, the way she gasped and scrambled upright. Her eyes flew open, a blue so colorless they were nearly grey.

A dark eyebrow raised. The corner of his mouth quirked up in a dry smirk.

“Morning, sunshine.” Elio’s voice was bright and cheerful as he watched the guard sputter and reorient herself. No wonder the town’s security was absolute shit. At least this one was something to look at, even if her incompetence was pissing him off. “I take it you haven’t seen a Zephyros Hale recently, then?” His smirk grew. “Not even in your dreams?” Elio took a moment to examine the guard tower, looking over his shoulder at the streets below, as if he were only now considering its purpose. “Shame,” he said, turning his attention back to the guard. “Bet you could’ve seen plenty, this high up.”

Interactions: Charlotte Hawthorne @SpicyMeatball
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 22 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Eye of Beholder”

Debuff. Snek in need of hug. Really.

Tea Snake...I guess.... Flirting.. or just Sya... Can you even tell...
Sloshed snakes can slither too

Sya day was…anything but normal, she had gone through the lows, highs, been insulted, kissed a handsome advisor.. made friends, and maybe another… oh Sya.

“Tha Afternoons tend to be my quieter hours, Morning, Lunch, Evening, Afternoons tend to be the lull, nice time to go for a bath, enjoy the hot springs or do a little shopping in the market.” Sya said casually as she did not really sit but leaned herself as chairs did not work so well.

“I'm not even sure what I can and cannot do… things…changed, and I ended up.. having to learn them all again” Sya said in a roundabout way, she would be more vocal on her snug but this was the public bar. To think she was a normal ish woman not too long ago..

“I, guess that works, I can send invites, or just ask people.. it feels all very.. Lady like and I was a Blackamiths daughter.” Sya was unsure how that almost worked, she was used to a very very different life. Though she had to admit looking at the Inn.. the fact she owned a business, she was kind of a merchant now… She was allowed to have tea and entertain her guests in her comfortable and social privacy of her apartments.

It all was just alot…she had gone from being homeless and alone, to being a semi respected business owner…. In months. Ernough to make your head spin.

“Normal left us a long time ago, but i can give great hugs now.” Sya said with a numerous tone, after all.. if you could not laugh in it's face, how could you face the blight and what it made you?

“This town needs a little… life, just because we might not be in best of times does not mean we have to roll over and give up." Nesna had inspired a little positive spark in Sya, her day was improving and she could use that spark to make others lives a little better, well Sya had achieved something. It was odd a Blightborn would be concerned about it but Sya could not break the little pull in her mind to share something positive.

Sya did not understand Sya… that was the secret.

Nesna really was invested and Sya was bouncing off the energy and feeling it too, she could feel her energy really was up. “That Desmond, he a Lunarian trader, but Auralia.. Ayel is not even sure if his shop is open yet.” Sya would not see a single copper go to that peacock, no coin would go to him of hers unless she utterly had to. “That or see what Caravans bring in. And he is stuck in bar…” She added, they always were unpredictable of nature, quality, volume but they had a wide range of goods. She gestured to Desmond, hand and tail in perfect sync.

Sya was feeling playful as she used her tail to poke Nesna in the leg and acted entirely innocent before laughing and breaking under her own sense of humour. The cobalt scales were cooler to the touch and she ended in a slender tip of fine scales that came to a delicate point.

“Thankyou, I veel better, much better” Sya said genuinely And her eye did not hide her feelings, She made her tail wave and rested the tip on counter away from people's feet and absent minded stroked the scales, smooth, fine, gleaming cobalt blue layered and overlapped. For the shock it had an appeal about it too, the colour was so deep that they were both night and day with deep colour and sparkles of light.

Her life would never be boring.

“If you need my help, just ask. I'll be here, my staff will know, or I'll be in my apartments. Just Knock, Just knock, I like the cool breze sleeping. Or not... im not ashamed.” Sya said truthfully, she hoped she would be fine, but everyone needed help at some stage. She teased Nesna a little, she was not hitting on her, that was just Sya, she was a person who when allowed was playful, flirty and entirely comfortable In herself in a strange way of things.

Everyone else just had to deal with it.

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Town Square
Eris hesitated, her lips parting, then closing again as her mind raced. He didn’t recognize her? She was Dawnhaven’s Lead Sage, her name carried weight in both Aurelia and Lunaris—or at least, she had believed it did. Yet here he was, oblivious to her identity, and worse, seemingly unaware of why the Prince and Princess would need immediate attention.

‘How could he not know? Hasn’t he been informed?’

A frown formed on her lips, her heart sinking as the realization struck: he didn’t recognize her name, her status, or the urgency of the situation.

Her eyes narrowed slightly for just a moment, suspicion flashing through her thoughts. Was he mocking her? Testing her? He was Lunarian, after all, and Aurelian-Lunarian tensions were hardly a secret. Though he had been polite, what if he was stalling on purpose, using her desperation against her? The thought sent a shiver down her spine.

Why hadn’t Aelios sent her an Aurelian guard?

“I…” she stammered, her voice unsteady, “I don’t… have proof. I wasn’t expecting to need it.” Her cheeks flushed pink, a mixture of embarrassment from the compliments he had laid on and the growing nerves she couldn’t suppress.

“Surely you’ve heard about the Princess? Isn’t… isn’t that why the town is on lockdown?” her eyes glanced behind him, into the town square where other guards shuffled people into shelter. “That’s why I—why I’m here.” she returned her gaze to him, meeting his calm brown eyes. “She needs the Priestess. It can’t wait.”

Her voice softened, almost breaking, as she added, “Please, you have to believe me. I wouldn’t be out here if it weren’t crucial.” She paused, her mind racing for some way to sway him.

“I assure you,” she began again, her tone shifting in a final attempt to convince him, “If you help me, I’ll be sure to mention you by name to the Prince and Princess so they know who assisted in their time of need.” She bit her lip nervously, searching his face for any sign of agreement.

“What may I call you?”

Interactions: Aliseth @Dark Light
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 2 days ago

* * *

Interacting with: @c3p-0h

Charlotte scrambled to her feet, heart hammering against her ribs as her hand instinctively flew to the hilt of her sword. Her bleary eyes cleared quickly and locked onto the stranger standing before her, before quickly flicking around the tower to locate her shield should it be needed. Heat flooded her cheeks as the realization dawned; Not only had she fallen asleep on duty, but she’d been found by a total stranger.

For a moment, Charlotte remained silent as she tried to figure out something--anything--to say that wouldn’t make her look like a complete fool. She opened her mouth once--twice--but no words came out.

“Who are you and why are you in this tower?” She finally managed to blurt out, though sounding much less confident and official than she’d hoped. “Civilians aren’t supposed to be up here.”

As her pulse steadied, her eyes darted over the stranger and took in the details. His long, dark hair fell in unkept waves around his face, framing soft, but strong features that seemed almost carved by an artist’s hand. His copper-toned skin looked Aurelian on the surface, but no part of him seemed to be bothered by the cold that chilled her to the bone. Though he wore no insignia of rank or allegiance, there was an undeniable air of confidence about him. He stood at ease--relaxed even--as though her presence posed no threat at all. That only made her more self-conscious.

Great, she thought bitterly, not only am I caught napping, but it’s by someone who looks like the main character of a bard’s tale.

And who is this Zeph-- oh.

The name flashed in her head, written in hasty-scrawl on a parchment in the barracks. Right next to her own name. Zephyros Hale, the guard who was supposed to take over her leading her training assignment. “He should’ve been here by now… No, I haven’t seen him.” She let out a sigh, relaxing slightly before pacing over to look over the balcony into the streets below. “Though from the sound of it, I doubt he’s coming now.”

“You never mentioned your name.” She stated as firm as her voice would let her, “Or what business you had with Hale.”

Her eyelids settled into something of a glare, “And you can cut the mocking tone, I know I fucked up. Seems to be all I can accomplish these days, especially without the likes of you to rub it in my face.”

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Guard Tower

“And you find this acceptable?” Elio cocked his head to the side. His eyes sharpened, even as his smile remained on his face. “All this fucking up? he asked, gesturing towards her with a lazy wave of his hand. “Better yet, fucking up and then lamenting to the world about it?”

Come on Darling, have some dignity.

Elio took a breath, ignoring all the questions she’d asked him, all the information she’d demanded. It wasn’t like it’d help her do her job, anyway, or stop her from embarrassing herself with her own insecurities. He looked back out over Dawnhaven. Tiny, busy bodies cluttered the streets, the ebb and flow of directionless crowd control. His patience was wearing thin. The second he’d seen her passed out he’d figured she wouldn’t have anything useful for him. Screw it. He was already pretty sure Zeph was alive, and he was getting tired of wasting energy looking for him, when he’d probably just fucked off to find some fun of his own.

Elio turned back to the guard, firelight eyes drifting over her. He took in the nervous way she shifted her feet, how her eyes measured the distance between him and her shield.

“You’re green.” The observation was as blunt as it was bored. “Unfortunately for you, it’s winter and the growing season’s passed.” Elio huffed out a breath of air that might’ve been a laugh. The small cloud billowed and dissipated, as his eyes watched her. “But I guess I feel bad for you, that you’ve got Hale as a partner,” he said with a cheeky smile that was anything but sympathetic. “So you can have this for free.” Elio pushed himself off of the post, standing to his full height again. His arms unfolded slowly, a hand raising as he began to count off on his fingers one by one. “A feral attacked. The princess is missing. Abel, one of your more reliable guardsmen, is dead. Town’s on lockdown. Culprit’s still loose.” Each new statement brought him another step closer to her, until he was close enough to pick apart the individual freckles on her face in the flickering firelight. He raised an eyebrow as he looked down at her, hand still aloft. Elio wiggled his fingers slightly.

“Best get to work,” he said, voice low. His hand dropped slowly, lest she get even jumpier than she already was. “Before someone pulls you like a weed.” He spent another moment looking at her, with her slate grey eyes. His smile widened.

Elio stepped away, turning back towards the ladder.

“You find Hale and he’s not dead, tell him Elio’s gonna kick his ass.”

Interactions: Charlotte Hawthorne @SpicyMeatball
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Collab between @Dark Light and @The Muse
Location: Town Square > Northwestern Watchtower

"Hmm." He pondered her words as she spoke. Eyes still scrutinising hers as though he could see into her thoughts. "A guard, my friend, had his face eaten off by a wretched blighter." He proclaimed with a heavy hint of emotion infiltrating his tone. He knew why the damned alarm was ringing.

Eris's brows knit together, startled by the sudden edge in his voice. Her heart skipped a beat, a surge of nerves tightening in her chest.

“I… I am sorry about your friend." she said quietly, guilt overwhelming her. Elara’s gruesome story flashed through her mind. Of course it was likely that he knew the guard who had lost his life.

He takes a breath and calms himself, dropping his gaze. "I'm sorry, No. What has happened to the Princess? If urgency is an issue, speak quick."

“She was involved in the attack and needs a skilled healer.” Eris said softly, suddenly feeling so very small and powerless beside him.

"She is injured!?" He asks sharply with a hint of surprise. Eris silently nodded in response, biting her lower lip nervously.

His lips press together and he nods knowingly. "I, royal guard Aliseth Kain, would not risk you another step more than is necessary. If you truly value urgency then allow me to take you back now and send multiple guards in your place. It is safer for them, and they will move more quickly."

Eris pressed her lips together, fighting the urge to argue against his suggestion. Logically, she knew he was right. It would be safer to send guards in her stead. And yet, she felt conflicted. Was it not her duty to handle this? To fix this? She had told the Prince she would go and yet…

Lifting his gaze, Aliseth tilted his head to catch her eyes face to face. With an ever-gentle hand he placed it on her shoulder, offering a gesture of comfort and promises, whilst also subtly redirecting her to face back the way from where she came. The heat in Eris’s cheeks rose, unable to do anything but move with him when he turned her.

"Besides, you are after all, exactly the sort that these vile monsters would pursue and take advantage of. It would be too great a loss to us all if the blighted beast return, swooping down from the sky and stole you away. Please, obey the curfew, leave this for those trained and simply let me take you home."

Eris blinked a few times, her gaze following the path she had just traveled. “Well, I…” the words caught in her throat, worry reflected in her eyes. The firmness of his hand on her shoulder freezing her in place.

After a moment, she shifted her weight, looking up at him again from under her hood. She searched his eyes, hoping to find reassurance in his calm confidence. Turning back felt like failure. How could she return empty handed? Would the Prince understand?

“Can I… can I at least accompany you to relay the message to the other guards?”

"You may." He offered firmly with a warm voice and soft smile. A rush of relief—or was it excitement?—swept through her. This, at least, felt like a small victory.

"You can stay by my side until you are satisfied that the Prince’s order will be carried out in full, now let us begin." He nods down the road to where he could see some other guards slowly moving about in torchlight trying to appear busy.

Exhaling softly, she fell into step beside him. “Thank you, Aliseth Kain.” she said, glancing up at him and offering a warm smile before shifting her gaze to the flickering torches ahead. “You are very kind.”

He gave no words of reply, the faint hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he began walking through the snow towards the guards. With Eris by his side, his steps were purposeful and stride fair paced. "I commend your bravery Lady hightower." He offered without turning his head or diverting his gaze. "They are lucky to have someone like you in their circle."

Eris glanced up at him, surprised. She felt anything but brave. “I—” she paused, pulling her gaze away and swallowing the urge to disagree. “Thank you.” she said instead, uncertainty creeping in. It wouldn’t do for her to belittle her own status, even if she felt that people tended to be more unlucky with her around.

As they neared the guards, Eris slowed her pace and kept close to Aliseth. Although she knew little of him, it felt safer to be near him while in the midst of total strangers (men)—most of whom appeared weathered and like they’d rather be anywhere else but here. She glanced up at him nervously, hoping he’d take the lead.

With a gentle touch he paused her movement as he took a final firm step forward toward the guards. "Attention." He called sharply, allowing a hint of anger into his raised tone. His eyes deliberately scrutinized the poor form and posture of the guards before him. He showed obvious impatience as he waited for the proper attention. Eris stood motionless, her gaze fixed on him, captivated by the way he effortlessly commanded the group.

One by one, they fell into line, their focus wholly on Aliseth. With firm authority Aliseth relayed their new priority orders. The task of finding the priestess and accompanying her to the royals home with utmost urgency. Of the three men, he directed two to the new task and one to remain at his post to update his superiors and watch the street.

"It’s ok, we will send more men." he offered Eris softly as he stepped back beside her. "The next can search any other areas she may be. They will find her." Eris smiled, feeling reassured. “Thank you again.”

Moving on suddenly, with the haste and urgency Eris had shown earlier, Aliseth almost left her behind. Reaching back he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her beside himself. Eris let out a small squeak of surprise, stumbling slightly into him. She grasped his hand instinctively to steady herself, but allowed him to pull her forward, her heart racing as she hurried to match his pace.

For some time, Aliseth moved without talking, continuing to lead the way while maintaining his grip on Eris’s hand. The sage remained quiet, completely lost in her own mind. Frozen.

As they entered the residential area, his eyes flicked up to a nearby watch tower, noticing the dance of shadows within and the softest hint of conversation escaping it. He let out a soft little growl as whoever was in there didn’t seem to be doing much watching.

"There." he said to Eris as he gave a slight nod to the tower. "We will send them too." With that he released her hand and started to make his way to the wooden structures base.

Eris stood still, suddenly aware that her heart had been pounding against her chest the entire walk. She blinked, her eyes trailing up at the watchtower as Aliseth stormed away. What was she doing here?

The walk had passed in a blur, like she was detached from the world around her. Her eyes flicked back towards Aliseth, processing what had just happened—the slightly painful grip he had on her, the tense silence, the sternness in his tone, his general aura of irritation. Her heart sped up again and she shoved her hands into her coat pockets, clutching Tia’s hairpins for comfort.

Aliseth shifted so fluidly between kindness and anger. It reminded her of her father. A sharp pang went through her chest.

Taking a steadying breath, she glanced around, wondering if she should leave. For the moment, Aliseth’s focus had been pulled from her and he seemed enraptured by whoever was inside the tower.

He had likely wanted her to follow, but…

She bit her lower lip and focused her gaze on the royal residence in the distance, lit like a beacon by torchlight and guards patrolling outside. It was only a short walk away.

She could make it before he returned…

Interactions: Elio @c3p-0h, Charlotte @SpicyMeatball
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by BlackRoseSiren
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Aurora Halliwell

Eye of The Beholder
In the Temple & Outside the Temple

As Aurora sat in a trance, mesmerised by the dance of the candle’s flame, the serene atmosphere was unexpectedly shattered by the piercing sound of the alarm. It echoed through the stone walls of the church, sending a jolt of adrenaline through her. Instinctively, she sprang from her pew, her heart racing as she took in the chaos unfolding around her. Looking around she realises there isn't a soul near her, her brow furrowed, "I'm sure there were people here when I arrived." She pondered for a moment.

Her eyes landed where she remembered the High Priestess and another priestess were standing next to another woman who looked important. To her surprise, she realised they had already left the church, presumably to assess the situation outside or to guide the congregation. Determined to help in any way she could, Aurora felt a surge of purpose. With a deep breath, she made her way towards the heavy doors once again. As she pushed them open, a wave of cold fresh air hit her face, as she stepped outside, scanning the area for any sigh of the priestesses. She hoped to find at least one of them so she could offer her assistance, driven by a desire to help her community in whatever way was necessary in this moment of crisis.

As Aurora stepped outside, she quickly caught sight of the priestess and the other woman she had noticed earlier upon her arrival. A mix of curiosity and urgency pushed her toward them. They were deep in discussion, engrossed in their thoughts and animated gestures, yet Aurora felt a compelling need to interact. She patiently waited for a lull in their conversation, her eyes darting around the environment, seeing an undercurrent of unease that made her heart race,

Finally, seizing the moment, she approached the woman with a warm smile that contrasted with her internal tension. ”Hello! I wasn’t eavesdropping on your conversation.” she began, her voice steady despite the anxiety bubbling beneath the surface. ”Do either of you know what the alarm was about?” She paused briefly, gauging their reactions, before continuing earnestly, ”And is there anything I can do to assist you?

As she spoke, her gaze remained vigilant, scanning the surroundings as if expecting something to emerge from the shadows. The feeling of vulnerability weighed heavily on her, and she couldn’t shake the thought that if only she had her bow and arrows with her, she would feel much more secure. ”I just wish I had my bow and arrows.” she admitted, her voice trailing off, revealing the unease that was now visible in her demeanour.

Ranni @Queen Arya Céline @SkeankySnack
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