Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper
Eye of Beholder”
Debuff. Snek in need of hug. Really. Also Tea. Muse made Snek sad.
Now with 50% more blood alcohol content.
Sloshed snakes can slither too
Sloshed snakes can slither too
Sya was reading the guest list for the 5th time and the map of the Inn, tracking the lines, the entry points, the locked warehouse and the entry to the secure storage below. The lower levels were not on this map but she knew them, every bit she had helped design and plan when they expanded the Inn, and her idea for an escape tunnel given by Gadez… it might have been handy ya know. Maybe they needed a hidden…. Citadel of sorts down there, it would be hard to build secretly…buy their ws plenty of land and no one else seemed to be digging down…. Sya was one of few she knew who had such an extensive series of rooms below ground in town.
Hmm. Perhaps he was right, the broken and damaged eggs should make a box, a family of sorts, and look after each other in this harsh world. A family of choice and friendship, not blood and marriage.
She turned her head, the single large expressive eye turned on the grey skin and 4 eyes of Nesna, another blightborn “blessed” like she was with extraordinary features and changes beyond the norm even for their own kind of a sort.
Sya was not concerned about her choice of clothes that fit her more revealing than before, the leather was more snug, but honestly her eye and now cobalt scales seemed to draw more attention than a short skirt and a fortune hugging top. Really, she had died, reborn, changed, lost everything… She was not ashamed about showing her skin.
wait…how did she get there…had Sya been that out of mental notice she missed a woman sitting next to her. Sya sighed her eye and body language showing she was tired, hurt and her spoon draw was far less full than before the day started. “Yes, I just wanted to share a success with my friend, a new venture, my latest achievement, it hurts. Sorry, I'm not the most joyful right now Nesna. My Bakery, distillery, to make something here…” Sya didn't bother to hide her mood and her hurt soul, her eye, tail and nature did not let her. She was in a funk and her supposed grand opening was remembered for such things now.
One of Syas quirks was that she was an open emotional book, an open story for all to read if they could see to understand. “Has it? No one died, sure someone got hurt when some wolves got too close, or alarms when someone thought they saw an Ember beast, but… No, this is a first. Their was a incident with a shoval dad but thay was resolved safely.” She said evenly trying to not dump her trauma on a guest.
The lamia was not sure why she was open to Nesna, but trusted her feelings and her tone of voice, she seemed to be… Sympathetic to the innkeeper.
“Be careful, even after this, the damaged eggs have to stick together. The clean eggs might be wary of us, because this hurts them to the Yolk, which Sir Abel considered was a good egg. The Spoons might be harder than normal. Most are devnt eggs, but bad spoons will try, Avoid Lord Ayel. Of Rum..whatever soft sunlander” Sya tail, gave a weaker wave and made itself known, sometimes it just seemed to have a life of its own. She said the name with disdain but her words before had a tinge of caution and care about them, she did not want to see Nesna hurt.
Her words fell into borderland phrases and sub Language quirks of Sya herself.
Syas' mood changed a little as she noted Nesna seemed to have a little of a… familiar yolk about her, she had been cracked and the spoon had tried to hurt her but she had managed to outlast the spoon for now. “Would you like to join me for tea, some time in the future Miss Nesna, my apartments have a rather nice double height snug and private parlour.”
Syas pride had returned a little as she spoke of what she had built her body language and eye mirrored. Sya was cursed to always tell what her heart felt.
“I purchased a tea set, and I would like friends to share it with Miss Nesna.” She said honesty and vulnerability, she wanted to share her success and make the most of what life gave her, and the chances she had. Sya had a very good understanding of people and Nesna did not cause her to want to guard up like a castle, she felt... like she needed a friend too. Even if the 4 eyes where a little peculiar to where one should look.