Adel Dawson - The Canary, Khor Kosović - The Eel
Collab with: @YankeeDon't You Know We're in White Pine?!
Mentions: - || Interactions: -Adel left the barber shop. Unlike when he entered with one of Vincent's goons on either arm, as he walked out he was alone. He didn't even seem worse for wear either - not a scratch on him, and he'd smoothed out his more casual clothes before he'd stepped out.
The door's bell chimed as it closed behind him. The first thing he did was shove his hand into his pocket and withdraw a carton of cigarettes. He tapped one out and held it between his lips, replacing the carton in his hand with a lighter.
Before he could take a much needed drag, before even being able to light the thing he spotted a helmeted figure jogging up the path. What gained his attention though was the chainsaw in their hands.
Oh hell no, he thought, moving quickly to meet the individual halfway.
Khor scuffled to a stop in front of Adel. “Oh! You got out quick.”
They stood there as if nothing was out of the ordinary, beginning to converse as if they just bumped into Adel while on a run. “Thought you were in real trouble there for a second, that my day was going from meeting to mission.” Khor chuckled and threw the chainsaw over their shoulder, safety handle holstering it almost like a rifle. “Well at least I won’t need a shower now.” They bounced the chainsaw in cadence as one would calm an infant.
Khor’s eyes softened a little bit. “You ok? Who were those guys?”
There were
so many questions to be asked, but Khor's was definitely the most important one at the moment.
"We're in White Pine, who the fuck do you think they were?" Adel hissed quietly, spinning Khor around and guiding them briskly away from the area. They generally moved eastward, but more importantly they had to duck out of view from any street cameras.
Only when they were completely out of sight did Adel allow them to stop moving. He easily sidestepped Khor's other question by asking,
"What are you doing here? With that?"Khor stepped back, bouncing the chainsaw off their shoulder and holding it with both hands like a prize. “This? Well I saw you get picked up by those thugs and had to do something. Ducked into a second hand tool shop to find something to tip the balance and they just had
this.” Khor extended their arms forward to show off the mangy creature of a machine. “Asked for a test run, got it fueled and oiled quickly, sure enough it worked so I grabbed it and ran over to help.” Khor finally began to absorb the Canary’s frustration.
They pulled the chainsaw back to cradle it in one arm while putting out their open hand. “Don’t worry, I paid for it, even a little extra probably. Didn’t exactly have time to count it on the whole account of your predicament.” They answered as if that was the concern the Canary had about the whole situation. Khor didn’t pause. “Needed to talk to you about the heist and didn’t want to interrupt your business till you took a break, at least until those goons did.” Khor tried to snap their gloved fingers without effect and pointed at the Canary. “Speaking of goons and being in White Pine, those were definitely Vincent’s boys weren’t they?”
It was crazy that The Eel thought they could fight off bullets with a chainsaw, but that they had apparently done it to mount a misguided rescue was even crazier. Adel didn't know if he should be flattered or insulted. At the moment, he was just flabbergasted.
He paused a moment to gather his wits about him again, taking the time to finally light up. He regarded Khor during that moment, eyes flicking over their helmet and frame. He pulled the smoke into his lungs, held it, then let it out. Okay, back to neutral.
"Yes. Just a little meeting," he said. The Eel didn't need to know that it had started off non-consensual. It had ended fine, and that was what mattered to Adel. He was alive and had a plan.
Now Khor on the other hand.
"You're going to get yourself killed," he pointed out, indicating the landscaping weapon by tilting the smoldering end of his cigarette at it.
"If Vincenzo hadn't been occupied he'd have already had you shot to hell, running around masked up with that thing."And they would probably get Adel killed too now, by association. Just great. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, huh? There was one other thing Khor said too that didn't sit quite right. He had a bad feeling about the answer, but the question had to be asked anyway.
"Why would you come all the way out here to talk about the heist...?"Khor scoffed. “Little meeting- don’t treat me like an idiot. When I see a little birdy getting picked up by two boys built like boulders I’m not waiting around for them to make you sing like your name sake or treat you like a twink in a bounce house.” Khor stopped, their eyes darted away then back to the Canary. “Unless you're into that, I don’t judge if it's your thing- shit not the point. I know Vincent has a reputation, so I didn’t exactly have the time to plan out a tactical breach.”
If Adel's cigarette had still been in his mouth he would have bitten it in half at the suggestive comments. Thankful that he wasn't wearing his specs Adel slapped a hand over his face, thumb and fingers pinching each temple of his forehead while the palm of his hand obscured the slight pink dusting on his nose and cheeks until he fought himself back to the unfeeling mask again.
Oh my God, he thought.
Khor pulled out a sawn off double barrel shotgun with their free hand. “And I doubt you’d have appreciated me busting in with this little number. Not exactly precise, this thing.” Khor raised the chainsaw by the handle. “Least with this I’d get a moment of shock, maybe force an error, and that’s all I would’ve needed to get you out. No bodies. No mess. Free bird flying.” Khor tilted their head. “Or if you’d like next time I can wait for them to slit your throat while I go home, gear up, make sure I
do it right you know? None of this improvising in the moment because your neighbour and potential partner in crime decided to get picked up while
wandering around enemy territory aimlessly.”
Khor stood exasperated before relaxing themself. The Canary got out fine, that’s what mattered. Khor answered their last question. “I’m here because our potential target is in White Pine. Spotted you wandering around the street and decided you might need a guardian angel.” Khor shrugged. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you didn’t-.”
Khor’s phone buzzed. “Goddamnit… One moment.” The sawn off disappeared back into the jacket and in its place an old phone flipped open, Khor’s eyes going weary reading the message before snapping it shut and taking a breath before speaking again. “Weird question. Little incident in the Brewery district not long ago. A certain… freak blizzard mowing down a street.” Khor rocked the chainsaw gently for the fuel to slosh back and forth in the tank. “Wouldn’t happen to know
aannyything about that, would you?”
It was pure professionalism that allowed Adel to stand there, exuding no hints to his mental state, rather than turn to the brick wall and bash his head against it as Khor continued to talk. They were so unlike every other faction leader in Nocturnia that with this second meeting, Adel determined that Khor was his natural counter. And he had no answer to this genuine person who had been willing to run in to threaten
Vincent Accardo to possibly save someone they'd met for the first time only last night. There was no logic Adel could find to grasp onto with Khor. At least not at the moment.
Adel took another puff when Khor answered their text. That bad feeling he'd had when Khor brought the heist up was still there, and the throwaway comment they'd made about the potential target being in White Pine basically confirmed his suspicion. He'd inquire more about it in a moment. First, he owed Khor an answer - but it probably wasn't the one they wanted to hear.
"Of course I do. But it's not free," he said. There was no sign whatsoever that the Silver Canary felt anything about the event, one way or the other.
"Also, I wasn't wandering around. Stop saying that."He flicked the ashes away.
"This really isn't the place to be discussing... anything. If you need something in White Pine, do it quick and we can keep talking when we're back across the river."Khor squinted. “Not free huh?” They shook their head, then walked toward the Canary as if to pass him by before shooting a hand out, grabbing him by the collar and dragging him along. “Too bad my boys just told me whatever you had to say about it in that little message. Because of that little lie you get to watch me do my job! I’m stealing one of those Vinnie boys and you can witness our little
chat from the shadows, observe some real intel wet work! Surely you haven’t forgotten how all your pretty little secrets come about to begin with right?” Khor’s head bounced with sudden energy. “Man,
I'm glad I grabbed this chainsaw!”
Khor stopped and shot their head around to face Adel again. “Oh and don’t worry, we’ll all be in a nice secluded place where no one will bother us, so when I’m done with the big man, we can talk aallll about everything in the world without worry.” Khor winked and turned, marching and tugging all the same as before. “No time like the present my boy! Oh and I’ll stop calling it ‘wandering around’ when you decide to stop getting abducted, how’s that for a deal?”
Adel wrenched himself free from Khor's grasp, staggering back a few steps before they breached the end of the alley. The set in his jaw and the spark in his eyes might imply to those who knew him best that he was incensed - but for Khor, all they would see was mild annoyance. He was a grown man, he didn't need supervising or admonishment from an unhinged babysitter (and okay, sure, twice in one week was a little much as far as abductions went, but Khor only knew about one).
"You're acting way too familiar with me," he said, his voice hard. It appeared that in addition to not wanting anyone to actually know anything about him, Adel didn't even like people acting as if they did.
"You asked if I knew anything, and I do. Hardly a lie."He wasn't stupid, he figured from the question about it that Khor had learned what had really happened. How they'd learned it was another matter, but Adel figured he knew that too.
Fucking Cyrus. He couldn't begrudge the man at all, it was the nature of the business, but he'd have to find out how the hell
he had found out. As for if he would actually have lied to Khor about the details, he didn't know. If they'd paid him, he might have come clean. It was too late for that, though.
Adel was prepared to walk away right then and let Khor go onto part one of their suicide run. It was the logical part of his brain that stopped him. If The Eel went down, Brewery would be taken over by someone else. Someone worse, most likely. Maybe that person they'd mentioned that had wanted to make a move on Silverside. And he was already here - a first hand account was valuable.
Always business first.The man let out a quick puff breath, clenching the remainder of his cigarette in his hand, uncaring for the little burn. And just like that he was fine again.
"I'll come to make sure things don't immediately go off the rails."Khor balled up their hand and threw it across their chest. “Thatta boy. We’ll both learn a bunch from this little outing, and don’t worry.” Khor’s eyes curled.
”It’ll be fun.”
Collab with: @Estylwen,
@YankeeUndisclosed Warehouse, White Pine
Mentions: - || Interactions: -The warehouse was like most others in White Pine. Buried under local infrastructure and shielded by the sounds of heavy industry. The plan had gone without a hitch, Khor waited for the right moment and the second one of Vincent’s men wandered off they struck him with a lead pipe. Dragging them off, stopping only to check they hadn’t accidentally killed him, they’d arrived at this place that Adel might describe as foreboding and Khor would as homely.
Having just hoisted the man up by his ankles he swung limply as Khor walked behind a screen still within Adel’s sight in the shadows above. Khor placed the chainsaw down and stretched out casually. Soon their thumbs slipped under the waistband of their pants and began to shimmy them off displaying something about them. A woman.
Soon the thick jacket came off revealing a singlet that also supported that fact, if barely. Lastly she moved her hands to unbuckle her helmet, speaking out as if to no one within the walls. “No point getting my clothes splattered if this gets messy. Can’t imagine the public appreciating the sight of that.”
With that Khor lifted the helmet off her head. Shaking a tidy short bob of straight black hair that rested just below her chin. She held the helmet for a moment, spinning it around to look at her reflection in the visor. “No point hiding what you are now hun. Need to find out what he knows.” She placed the helmet down on the roughly folded clothes. Khor allowed an almost deflated chuckle under her breath. “Let's hope he doesn’t need to see a fucking monster before he squeals.”
She walked toward the hanging man barefoot, wearing skivvies alone. It was when the light displayed her that she could be taken into full detail. An ordinary if not meek woman, wiry in build suggesting at least only half the strength she appeared to have in full gear. It was her face that told the most though. For someone so full of energy she looked old, worn out even, as if her body wasn’t her own or betrayed her youth in some way. She moved impatiently as if she was trying to ignore that fact, placing the chainsaw on a crate next to the hanging man and sat down, legs crossed and began slapping his cheek. “Hey, buddy. Little guy. Matey boy. Frenby lad. Muscle cakes.”
Khor went on until the man eventually opened his eyes. And open his eyes he did, staring clearly, confusedly, before he realized he was
upside down, and flinched in the air.
”What the fuck-”His arms flailed blindly, realization dawning on him that not only was he upside down, but he was thoroughly stuck.
Then, his eyes focused on the woman in nothing but her under garments, and his arms flopped weakly.
”Oh fuck….”And he realized she was likely naked for a reason. A reason that meant a lot, a
lot of bad news for him, and another stream of curses left his mouth, before he snapped.
”The hell do you want? You know you got some balls- don't you know who my boss is?!”Khor gave a simple smile. “That I doooo~. In fact that’s exactly why you're here.” Letting the silence gain Khor took a more relaxed pose leaning back onto her hands. “First of all though, and don’t worry we’ll start off real easy, I want to know who you might be. You know, what you like about your job, what you do for fun, your name if you're feeling generous.”
The man gritted his teeth. She was just seeing if he would talk at all, was she? Sure, he'd talk.
”I really like sleeping on the job, my most favourite thing to do.”As he spoke, he tried to discreetly wiggle his feet. The blood was most definitely rushing to his head, making everything kinda fuzzy. His hand passed over his scalp- yep. Goose egg forming where he took a blow. That would take some time to heal...
Maybe- how secure was he?
”As for what I like to do for fun, definitely taxes. Lots of taxes.”He wriggled his feet a little more vigorously, trying to see if there was any give in the ropes to slip. Alas, the rope was tied good. The knot even seemed to grow tighter almost on its own, the loop closing as much as physically possible even as he attempted to loosen it. Kept catching his shoe, bone of his ankle and his heel. Maybe if he reefed on it. Then again, he didn't think pretty eyes would just sit there and let him try to escape.
Instead, he forced a grim grin.
”And my name is the Grinch.”Khor let out a genuine laugh. “You Sicilian wiseguy wannabes are always fun. Always a good time to see you boys make the most of the worst situations.” Khor stood up. “Got a job to do unfortunately though, so we should get down to it proper.”
Khor placed a hand on the chainsaw handle, ripping the cord once for a growl, twice for a roar that settled down to a grumbling. Tightening a cable tie around the safety switch on the handle she dragged the crate so it sat beside her clearly in the ‘Grinch’s’ view, gently rumbling in anticipation as if a dog staring intently for a treat. Khor lifted a knee and rested her elbow on it with head in her hand. “I find some background noise helps me focus, a bit of ambience, stops the mind wandering. Don’t mind, do you?”
The man had flinched as the chainsaw roared to life, gaze torn between staring at the chainsaw, and at Khor.
”You wouldn't fuckin’ dare.” He bit out.
Khor huffed. “Dude. Look at it. When was the last time…” She threw her hands to the side to encapsulate the wonderful specimen of machinery beside her. “...that you saw a freaking
chainsaw? In Nocturnia? I don’t think you understand how excited I am to use this. In fact, you’re going to have to work very hard to stay alive because if I start.” She felt an uneven giggle escape her. “I don’t know if I’ll stop.”
She smiled, eyes wide, then closed, opening again only when she found herself balanced again. “So first real question. I’m new around White Pine. What landmarks do you have around here? The expensive kind.”
The man swallowed hoarsely, suddenly feeling his mouth go very dry. He doubted she was telling the truth when she said she was new, but maybe he could give the appearance of compliance. Give her scraps that wouldn't hurt the boss.
”...We've got some corporate towers, some banks, hell, some eateries. What exactly are you looking for?” He said, keeping his answer vague, trying to wrack his mind on how to navigate this without getting minced.
Khor jumped at a part of that. “Oh! Banks! I love a classic! Maybe maybe maybe…” She brought her hand to chin. “That being said though. For this being Vinnie’s ground, you sure have a lot of bikers around here, and they seem to really like one or two warehouses round and about. What about those?” The chainsaw seemed to jump in protest of being left to idle.
The man gritted his teeth.
”The warehouses?” There was a pause as he wracked his brain.
”You're uh, outta luck. Those suckers are uhm, empty. Moved all the goods just last week.” He said, lying through his teeth.
Khor just let her hand slap atop the chainsaw, a rev as she replied. “uuuhhh, uuumm, whhaaaaats in the warehouses?”
The man felt trepidation slick his forehead in sweat, cursing under his breath before snapping out,
”I told you, they're e-empty!”Khor’s hands snatched the chainsaw. Shooting up to her feet with the throttle pinned, machine squealing in delight, chain slashing the ground kicking debris about. Khor cheered. “Oh I’m getting pretty excited buddy! Kind of hoped you didn’t have anything to tell me! Are you ready for the ride son? Ride of a lifetime!?” She let out a heavy breath, not making sense, just saying what came to mind. “Come on let's go for a journey into the abyss you and me compadres into that deep black!
Under the seeeaaa!”
The man flinched and struggled, trying desperately to put any distance between him and pretty eyes with the chainsaw. Alas, all his movement did was cause him to swing a little closer to the shrieking madness unfolding before him. Still well hidden above, Adel winced. He did not envy the man at all, and he was quickly learning (among other things during this interrogation) that the Eel was some kind of insane person. One that had apparently taken liking him, but an insane person nonetheless.
”Fuck, you're fuckin’ mad! Fine, I'll tell you, I'll tell you, don't kill me! Please!”Khor didn’t seem to hear, or care, lost in the moment. “Oh what’s that sonar man the submarine has been pinged???” She raised the chainsaw above her head, angling the end toward the man. “
Quickly crash dive! Los! Los! Lo-.” She stopped suddenly flicking the kill switch, the chainsaw fighting being shut off with a rough grumbling before shuddering to a stop. Khor leant down taking a knee beside the man. “Shit you lost the whole Scilian act and everything, are you really Scilian or just kind of like, enjoy the play pretend? Wait, no. See? This is why I need the ambience, keeps me focussed. Anyway, warehouses?”
The man looked like he had seen his own ghost. Or perhaps heaven, for a split second. His voice came out jittery and quick, like he couldn't speak fast enough.
”The warehouses hold shit, like gold, art pieces, jewelry, alcohol, slot machines. Lots of things you can spin for a price. But he's also moved his drug business there, and stacks of Sugarcrush are slowly being prepared to move out. And… There are semi-truck trailers. They get moved in and out of the loading bay quick. No one ever sees what's in ‘em.”Khor fell back on herself, eyes wandering with whimsy. “That is quite the prize.”
She just enjoyed the idea of offloading as much as she could, but it was the thought of the opposition that her heart leapt at. Hell of a fight to be had, for sure. She turned her head back to the man, chuckling. “That is probably the most exciting thing I’ve heard in awhile.”
Then her head tilted, bob of hair falling over an eye. “And I trust there’s ALOT of opposition between the world and that haul. To do with the bikers of White Pine, no doubt?”
The man nodded vigorously.
”They got Heavy Crossguard locked up with an iron fist, especially since the Boss is personally overseeing daily operations now. They say the leader of the Wolves can sense vibrations in the ground, and he can grind you to dust between two stones!”Khor blinked. “Wait Heavy Crossguard- Wolves? He has an entire gang under his thumb?” She got low with palms on the ground gazing up at the man just underneath him. “What’s in Heavy Crossguard?” Khor let up a bit. “Last question and you might be in the clear. You’ve survived this long, it would be a shame to hold back now.”
The man blinked confusedly,
”You… don't know? The… the warehouses, those are in Heavy Crossguard. White Pine holds the boss’ headquarters, the money is made in Heavy Crossguard.”Khor put her fingers together and raised them to her chin. “
Educational.” She then rested back casually again. “Well you’ve done better than I ever could have hoped. Now unless there’s anything else you think you should tell me, let's round back to the beginning. Why you like your job, what you do for fun, your name if you’d like.” She sat as if beside a fireplace sharing conversation. “This is the easy part, try to relax a bit.”
The man found it very hard to relax. There was a certain thought rattling around in his head, even as he spoke, hanging there limply.
”It gives me purpose, I like to drink with the boys when we're chillin’, and my name is Francis Romano. Or Frank.”He brought his hovering hands up to his face, stifling a moan.
”I'm such a dead man…”The hands didn't part, as if he was hiding his sight from something he didn't want to see.
”If you're gonna kill me, just do it quick.”Khor winced. “Well full disclosure we’re both figuring that out now.” She felt a shiver going up her spine. Was it too much? Was the rush she let take over too far? She finally nodded. “If it comes to it I’ll make it quick. No point carving you up now.” She looked at the chainsaw. Even as a dead hunk of metal it seemed to beg otherwise.
There was a slight shudder of a sigh from Frank. Relief, perhaps.
Khor got back on track. “So, your job. Purpose. Someone who was lost before and found a reason yeah? Want to continue that purpose on your own terms instead of for a psycho like Vinnie?”
Frank snapped, swaying a little as he hung.
”Boss is not a psycho. I'll be honest, you let me go and I'mma march my ass right back to him, tell him what happened and hope to God he's merciful.”Khor’s eyebrows raised. “Shit you sound willing to die for him. Got some loyalty to you I’ll give you that. I've only heard colourful remarks about Vinnie, and that he might be merciful? Peaked my interest there bud, what have you got to say about him?”
Frank gave a pained smile, despite slowly swinging back on forth from his ankles.
”The Boss'll kill ya if you talk and take money, we all know that. It discourages people who would see the Boss as weak, ya know? But if I tell him I was facing down a chainsaw, he might reduce me to simply wiping my mind and dismissing me from the mafia…. That'd be okay, I'd deserve my punishment. At least they'd say Frankie came back to the Boss.
“He cares more about this city and the gyfts within it more than what people may think. If he was in charge, like the Mayor? He'd probably have gyft showcases instead of gyft wars…”Khor shuddered. Gyft showcases? Something about that struck a primal fear within her. Shaking off the feeling she picked up the chainsaw. “That’s ominous…” Spotting Francis's sudden shock with the chainsaw in her hands again Khor raised an open palm. “No no! Not for you! The rope. You’re one loyal freaking operator, going back to face the music I mean, geez. That’s borderline masochistic, talking to a kindred spirit but still.” Khor readied her hand on the rip cord. “Now you’re gonna have two options.”
Khor pointed the chainsaw at an open manhole. “Door number one. You scuttle down there and meet up with some guys of an associate of mine. When they’ve used the info you’ve graciously provided you get a free lease on life, and can do whatever you want after having a couple days to sit on it.”
Khor reared the chainsaw. “Door number two! You get real brave and punch on with yours truly. You’ve earnt a fair fight but your chances of walking away are real slim if you take that roadway. Oh and if you pick door one, left, left, straight, right. Don’t try escape down there either, atmosphere will kill you quicksmart without help. Got that? Alright curl up, tuck your head!”
The chainsaw roared back to life followed by a thud, the man now freed. Khor killed the machine, threw it to the side and stood back, highlighting herself and the manhole. “Decision time! What does our contestant want to win today? A or B? Left or Right? The choice is yours, what will it be?”
Franked curled as he was instructed, groaning as he rose from the floor, pulling away any remaining rope. As he stood there, blood rushing back to where it was supposed to be, all he could think about was his boss. To live a life apart from the Thorned Roses was not to live at all, to live apart from the command of the Boss, well, it was a life sentence.
Frank knew he was choosing his own death. But, perhaps there was some redemption in it for him. He would die alone here, and his boss would never know of his sacrifice, but he'd also never know of his initial betrayal.
All the better, he thought as he raised his fists and lowered his stance.
”If it's all the same to you, I'll take two.”Khor smiled, somewhat sombre, somewhat excited. She was small but the little shit still had the audacity to bounce around on her toes pretending she was Muhammad Ali. Then came the blur. Fists flying faster than could be tracked, shadow boxing for a moment before punching her knuckles together. “Could’ve gone back to him, but if this is what you want.” She raised her arms, open hands held in stance. “Well, I’m right here.”
His face immediately scowled.
”Hold on. You mean-”His jaw tightened.
”You wouldn't keep me indefinitely? I mean, I know you didn't say indefinitely, but I assumed you'd want me to, I dunno, join you, abandon this whole mess, live under a rock for the rest of my life-”A big inhale. He was getting ahead of himself.
”Perhaps… I misunderstood you. If you really will let me go after, I have no issue with being your hostage longer.”Khor bounced back. “Oh you didn’t- oh shit I was about to turn you into a smear. Wow I… I REALLY need to work on my communication.” She stood there shuffling a little, not sure how to hold herself. “Well, uh, yeah door one! Yeah no you’ll just sit down, share a drink, they’re good guys just trying to make a big score so they’ll look after you, then, yeah.” She stabbed her thumb upward. “Topside freedom. Can tell Vinnie all about this after they’re done I couldn’t care less, neither could they.”
Khor ran her hands through her hair. “God, you really didn’t see the light there. I just thought I’d play the theatrics, see what all the other king hitting bozo’s in this city get out of it, but honestly, that sucked!” She threw her hand out at Francis. “Almost killed a man because I was too busy playing game host. Fuck. I’m really not good at this am I?” She bounced her head talking to herself. “Honest, this is why you're honest.”
She waved her hand off. “Rambling, sorry. Door one. On your way, and if we meet again hopefully you’ll be the one tying me up waving a chainsaw around, make it even huh? See you round maybe!” She raised her hands quickly. “Oh and remember! Left, left, straight, right. Don’t die down there now.”
Frank gave a little ‘huh’, taking this woman all in. Maybe,
maybe she wasn't so bad after all… Maybe.
Regardless, he did as he was told, dipping down into the manhole, taking the left tunnel, then the next left, straight, then the right tunnel. Off to meet his destiny.
With Francis now well on his way and the manhole cover placed back where it belonged, Khor scanned the rafters and walkways above looking for any indication the Canary was still there.
She found it in a small, soft orange glow. Adel had shimmied out of his hiding spot, brushing dust from his sweater but choosing to stay half hidden in shadow as he regarded Khor below him. He didn't think that she would turn on him now after inviting him here, but it was better safe than sorry.
"That ended better than I expected," he told Khor, his gaze drifting to the manhole for a moment. Of course he also could have told her a lot of what Vincent's goon had given up, but it was worth it for the scant few new pieces of information he'd learned.
"So you're really planning to rob Vincent..."Khor grinned, the visage of a hapless idiot smeared all over her face. “Yeeaah~.”
She moved back behind the screen to start getting dressed. “Sounds like the payout might be a nice secondary as well. Glad Franky got a happy ending too, just hope he doesn’t spend too much time down there or those tunnels will melt the meat off him.” She chuckled at her statement before taking a more serious tone. “Nah but seriously I hope he doesn’t spend too much time down there or those tunnels
will melt the meat off him. Should’ve told him to take a deep breath…” She stroked her chin before letting her hand fall. “Nah he’ll be fine. Left left straight right. Franky’ll find Frosty just fine.”
That too was good to know, not that Adel planned to spend any time whatsoever in sewers. He stayed quiet for a few long moments, taking a deep pull as he sorted through his thoughts. Now that he'd seen The Eel's face, he would know her identity as soon as he got back to the office. She'd allowed him to come along to her little interrogation, insisted on it even, so she had been prepared to show her real self to him. With that in mind it stood to reason she either wasn't actually all that upset about the business with blizzard or she had forgotten about it entirely in her zeal. Adel was betting on the latter. Without her helmet on, Khor's thoughts showed clear on her face - and they were even more swift and chaotic than his own were. Hopefully whenever she remembered, he wasn't around... but his luck had been abysmal lately so he doubted it.
"I think it's a bad idea," he said. Some free advice from a pessimist.
"Even if you pull it off, he'll find out. And he'll be pissed. He'll come after you."What he didn't say was that somehow Khor had lucked into some decent timing though. With The Lion and the Lodestar pressing in on Vincent, and the man having to manage his other properties to possibly prepare for Clash or the Iron Rose to try something, The Boss had a lot on his plate. With luck, they could take something out from under his nose while his attention was focused outward. But it wouldn’t stop the man’s retaliation.
Khor nodded. “Oh it’s a terrible idea. A god awful one, so irresponsible he’ll have to deal with the fallout eventually. As for him finding out, shit, I’m counting on it.” Khor shimmied their pants back on, sitting to drag on and tie their boots. “Let’s just say that captain of mine I mentioned at dinner is the traditional type, the kind of guy who likes to set up the board so the game falls into his lap. Now I don’t know if you could tell but I
loathe chess, so rather than sit down and play I thought it better to flip the whole damn table. Vinnie boy is a prominent figure, someone with a lot of ties, and my captain will have a far harder time drawing treaties in my own blood if I’ve pissed all over those relations beforehand. Makes the whole organised betrayal thing a
little more tricky.”
Khor dragged their jacket over their shoulders with a shrug. “That or this is all just miscalculation and I’m so very,
very dead.” She laughed, droning off at the end, smile tightening. The tension in her face fell as she closed her eyes. “Whatever, gotta roll the dice sometimes. Not your problem anyway, worst case you still stand to get rich without sticking your neck out much of any. If you still want in after how I was before, that is.” She picked up the helmet, turning to look up to the Canary. “Sorry for dragging you along, had to capitalise on the moment you know? That and I don’t care whatever the hell that drug is or where it came from. Really if anything, I’m just concerned why you thought it was a good idea to stick some random poor bastard with it. Doesn’t seem your style, careless and callous.”
The easy answer was that it hadn't been his idea in the first place. When he'd told his people to figure out what Sugarcrush did, he hadn't expected them to go shoot some guy on the street with it either. But that was the problem with the Canaries, a problem that thankfully no one outside of himself properly grasped. They were not a uniform unit. Some were spies, some were former killers and gangbangers, some were just pencil pushers... some were smart, and some were dumb as bricks. They were held together by the promise of money - Adel's money - and the relative safety they could enjoy. He didn't fault his boys for going for the fastest method of experimentation, or for wisely not doing it in Silverside, though he wished they had gone about it differently. But what's done was done.
"...it was an oversight on my part," he said, accepting the responsibility.
"It won't happen again at any rate."Adel wasn't sure if he wanted to be part of Khor's mad gambit, but if he was to think objectively about it she was probably right. The brunt of the retribution would fall upon her, and Brewery. It was in his own best interest to prevent anyone with ambitions above their station from making a move on Silverside, and though it would be counterintuitive to lend a hand against Vincent when he'd just struck a deal with him, technically he already was doing that on behalf of the Order. Plus he was one hundred percent sure that Vincent's men had seen Adel and Khor together outside of the barber shop. Feigning ignorance just wouldn't fly.
The man sighed.
He moved, dropping down from the catwalk and landing on the concrete floor. He took his cigarette in his mouth, stuck one hand into his pocket as he approached Khor, and held the other one out to her. The gesture was not expectant, just a simple offer. A handshake.
Khor blinked at the gesture, a weak smile tugging at her face. “You're serious?” She made a double take, looking at his hand, then his face again, before gently clasping his hand to offer a polite shake. “You’re full of surprises. I wouldn’t have blamed you for cutting and running. Hell wouldn’t have blamed you for throwing me under the bus and selling me out to Vinnie.” Khor’s hand squeezed a little more firmly, her eyes flooded with relief that maybe she’d have a wall to put her back to when Nocturnia decided to kick off into a full blown war or a knife in the dark decided to fall upon her.
Her eyes darted down. “And yeah, no stress. I know the feeling of some go-getter lad with stars in their eyes shitting the bed and leaving you to wipe, believe me. Just needed to be sure.”
Khor nodded, steely eyes back on the Canary. “You come good on this with me and I’ll see Silverside as sacred ground. The Akula’s won’t let a single wayward soul do as much as to even spit on it. Beyond that, with the fight in my sharks and the wisdom of your bird's eye view, we might just carve ourselves a little sanctuary in this city yet.” Khor’s eyes darted to the side with a nervous chuckle. “That’s if I don’t get myself turned inside out. Just in case, I’ll make sure the Akula’s will know who to follow next.” She gave the Canary a light slap on the shoulder.
He leaned away slightly at the slap, but otherwise let her do as she pleased. He couldn't say that he felt good about the decision to throw his lot in with Khor, but having her on his side was miles better than the reverse.
"That's what I want," Adel said. A safe place, just one safe place in the city while he fought to make it out into the real world.
"...not the you turning inside out part."Khor’s head fell back slightly before a sudden laugh escaped her. “You and me both Birdy. Shit, you and me both.” She reached for her helmet and rolled it in her hands before sliding it back over her black bob of hair. Even though she was concealed once more her persona still beamed the cheeky bastard it contained. “We should probably scarper. You good to get back to Silverside?”
She's like a psycho aunt, Adel thought to himself. Or at least how he imagined an aunt to be, since he'd never had one. The mental picture he was building of Khor was shaping up to be an interesting one indeed.
"I'll be fine," he told her, and after a beat added,
"and the next time you want to reach me, just call."