Unknown Location, Nocturnia Underground
As Ezra’s message popped up on the Doctors’ phone, he gave a bit of a grumble but sent off an ‘Okay’ to the Midnight Man.
The Doctor leaned back in his chair as he closed his eyes for a moment, his hands moving to briefly reach under his mask to rub his cheeks.
”Annoying to not meet the man himself, but we’ll see what a lackey can give us in terms of information.” He spoke to himself before he heard footsteps behind him.
”Another Rumor?”There was silence from the hooded figure behind their Leader, the Doctors eyebrows furrowed when he wasn’t answered before he turned to face the figure. There was silence between each other before the Doctor moved the clasp his hands in front of his mask with narrowed eyes.
”You’ve seen him.”The figure gave a small nod, moving to sign with their hands; it was a form of sign language, but not one that was known to many.
”The Canary?” He raised an eyebrow and straightened up slightly.
There was more hesitation before the Doctor gave a small sigh, moving to stand up slowly before he stepped towards the figure, towering over them by at least a head.
”You’ve done well. You can rest now.” He moved to put a hand gently on the figures shoulder before he walked off to his chambers.
Abandoned Warehouse, Iron Gate
The Doctors phone buzzed as he got the text that Alastor sent him, giving a small nod before he motioned for a couple of cult members to keep a watch on the entries after Alastor entered.
”You must be the Midnight Mans’ La- Friend.” He caught himself on saying ‘lackey’,
”I hope you- and by extension he- are able to help me with some… information.”Alastor rolled his head a bit, glancing down at the Doctor through half-lidded eyes.
”Don't expect it to be free. What information are you looking for?”The Doctor gave a small smile,
”I don’t expect anything for free; my friend.” He said, he crossed his arms carefully as he watched Alastor carefully,
”I’ve heard rumors of something important to me, and I need to find the truth.”The Doctor moved his hand, a tendril of shadow moving quickly along the ground before shooting up beside Alastor; a slightly blurred picture of Webb.
”This one has been seen alongside your Midnight Man.” He allowed Alastor a bit of time to look at the picture before he continued talking.
”It’s important that I find him, he’s… Important to my group. We can’t have him running amock without anyone watching him.”Alastor raised an eyebrow.
”...Alright. Say I had seen him. What would you do? Kid's got a right to freedom of movement.”If this guy thought he was going to interfere with a job the boss gave the spider-kid, he'd have to think again. Carefully.
”I am not disagreeing with that fact.” The Doctor said as he narrowed his eyes slightly, of course it wasn’t seen under the mask.
”I just wish to harness his abilities and help him become stronger.”A half truth, he wanted to harness Webbs abilities, but only to make
himself stronger.
The shadows twisted around the man slightly, like ebbing water that was attracted to the man.
”I promise he will not be harmed if we find him.”Alastor cupped his chin with a hand, pretending to consider it.
”Hm. An unknown shadow organization promising good intentions, and overall sending up a lot of red flags.”He shrugged, backing up a couple feet towards the exit.
”Sorry, but I can't help you.”The Doctor narrowed his eyes at Alastors’ actions and words, he bared his teeth- unseen under his mask of course - before he twisted a hand upwards.
The shadows resting around him suddenly jolted, twisting across the ground like angry pythons before suddenly erupting around Alastor; attempting to grapple him and hold him in place.
About thirty seconds before The Doctor's attack shot forth, Alastor raised an eyebrow at the yellow filaments exploding around him. So, it was a very easy matter to
see the attack coming, and slide his body out of the way in the most
perfect way.
Then, he aimed his revolver at The Doctor's chest.
”You might not know this, but I can see every way you're thinking to move. You won't be able to dodge this bullet. So I suggest you apologize for getting dust on my shoes, and I'll take my leave.”The Doctor snarled towards Alastor as he dodged his attack, his shadows bubbled aggressively around him. He was weighing his choices; deal with this
pest or let them go and try his luck with the Canaries.
”Take your leave then.” He hissed, narrowing his eyes under his mask,
”Just let your Midnight Man know that its’ not smart to anger the Black Web.”Alastor tilted his head, gun still fixed on the Doctor.
”Likewise.”The Doctor moved to unclip a walkie-talkie on his waist, bringing it up to his mask.
”Let him leave. We’ll get the Token elsewhere.” He spoke into it, keeping his eyes on Alastor.
”Smart move, doc.” Alastor said bluntly, before stepping back towards the exit, never taking his eyes off the Doctor. Then he hopped in a waiting vehicle outside and was gone.
The Doctor waited for a couple minutes once the car was gone to step outside himself, furrowing his brow before he pulled out his phone.
"Get Mia Ready. She's needed for a mission."***
Security was tightened around Webb's place of lodging. Two guards would be posted outside his door throughout the night. This would ensure a higher level of safety while still maintaining Webb's privacy. And, as much as possible, they would try to keep a pair of eyes on him up until he reached Silverside. Once in Silverside, it would, alas, be the Canaries responsibility to care for their newest worker.
Webb of course, was really none the wiser; unless Ezra would specifically tell him that he needed to be watched.