New Orleans Botanical Gardens
"Loki? That would not surprise me given what I have been mostly told are the issues he's caused more recently. Including the knocking me off the Bifrost Bridge," Klara commented, following along after the group.
"Wait Max before you heal you should really--" he started to say, before Max went about doing things anyway, and even still it didn't look like it fully healed the right way, at least to him,
"...Set the bone..." That was kind of "Using Powers to Heal People 101" otherwise you have a much higher risk of accidentally making everything worse and having the bones mend in the wrong way.
"Damn it I hate Exodus," Pietro muttered, looking at the others around. His legs still really weren't doing the greatest in part to the little mishap, but at least he'd be able to stand and move. Even if it might hurt a bit, as he stood up off the ground.
"At least not as bad as the last encounter..." "If you need that rebroken to heal it correctly later let me know," he looked over at the speedster.
The speedster who immediately looked up and said
Pietro managed to grab Max and yanked him out of the way, and Lance turned and looked, seeing what looked to be a Tesla car flying right at them. Instead of moving, he shifted and caught the car, preventing any more injuries or whatever from the one car. But then there was the looking over at Exodus, and there he was, flying in the air.
With several more Teslas in the air. "That is not a good sign..." Mira commented, having come over to see about helping out with Exodus.
"I hear not your falsehoods - I hear only the truth, the voice of my Goddess - and she has bade me to strike you down, Judases!" Exodus called out, before he started throwing the Teslas at the group.
"Can he seriously not with the whole thing? Him and his ramblings are getting a bit annoying..." The cars started flying, and Pietro raced over, managing to get Perry out of the way of one of the falling cars. Seems like whatever had caused him to freeze up before was definitely over with at the moment. Another car flew over at Mira as she got over to the rest of the group, but she let out a powerful shriek that deflected the car away from her and everyone else. Another went straight for Jaclyn, managing to hit the ground right by her and sending her backwards, thankfully not being a direct hit.
Unfortunately Lance wasn't quite fast enough to catch the next car to come at him, and he got hit directly, though thankfully for him since he had shifted, he remained unharmed. Another car attacked Perry, but thankfully she was still next to Pietro who managed to get them out of the way (just barely anyway). Then Mira got hit this time by another car, getting hit directly as she went flying away from the spot and hit the ground.
The remaining cars he had in the air, they managed to not land or hit anyone else, so that was something.
"This certainly is a fun thing," Chrysi said with a smile, as fire started swirling around her. The first blast of fire she sent out didn't seem to hit anyone (likely due to the bad luck that Perry had caused). However that wasn't the end of anything, as a whip of fire slammed right into Max instead, causing some severe burns and sending him flying. Fire was surrounding the entire area, and she just sort of smirked at the group.
"When will people ever learn not to cause so many issues. This is starting to get ridiculous." The plant life in the area started catching on fire, and there was getting to be quite a bit of smoke around.
"Oh no you don't," Klara muttered, as she summoned up water, and sent it out, trying to douse the fire that was starting to potentially get out of control. Hoping to at least mildly contain it.
Guin and Annie They'd see another version of Mary walking into the parlor room, but as she entered her green eyes started shifting to red. And another familiar person also walked into the room, someone who had long since left the mansion. That being Ayita, who had walked in behind her.
"Okay, you wanted to talk Ayita, let's talk then." she had somewhat snapped. But before Ayita responded or said anything, the group would see slight movement off to the side. Then the playback of memory seemed to freeze in place suddenly.
"...Wait you weren't in this particular memory," a voice behind them called out, and they'd find Mary standing behind them.
"How did you get here..." "These two sort of go trapped by Chrysi, I decided to try and help them so I came in after." "I see..." "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is this memory of?" "This? Oh um... Well it's kind of when Chrysi sprang into existence... During the Mesmero incident a while back. Figured it'd be harder for her to find me. That she wouldn't look here. Since you know, I tend to try not to think about that sort of moment... Never told anyone but I blacked out. I remember when we went to go after Mesmero, but afterwards I completely blanked out on it. First moment I really noticed something was wrong..." she responded, not really looking over at the group, thinking about something.
"You guys should really get out of here though, fast... Something's coming." Those last words had barely left her mouth when suddenly there was a swirl of frenzied motion, as several almost shadow like creatures came flying into the room, and started trying to attack all of them. Thankfully though at the moment, none of their attacks seemed to land, so that was nice.