Hey now, at least Emily's working laterally with him. How's your invasion going?
It could be vertically

Invasion wise we're eating Erik burgs rn
Hey now, at least Emily's working laterally with him. How's your invasion going?
<Snipped quote by Estylwen>
I'm chilling~ probably post our collab sometimes around when the war docs are going up, assuming that will be before the jump into evening/night. Then unless things change or other people wanna collab before next day, will finish up a solo thing and then be good 'til next day ^^
I have plans for the evening IC-wise, so you will indeed be atleast a little busy~ //quiet villain laugh
Thanks again for the collabs, Flux!
Was Ezra really gonna have her shoot at a box of kittens ;_ ; I knew he was evil but damn.
Was Ezra really gonna have her shoot at a box of kittens ;_ ; I knew he was evil but damn.
HONESTLY that was my thought; now I'm unsure even giving Webb back to him.
Edit: Also, Webb has been very obedient, Ezra will still care for him. :>
Khor - "Well golly gee fuck, this is gonna suck."
Adel - "Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhhhhhh!"
Khor - "Wait you like what's in my head-? WHY DO YOU LIKE WHATS IN MY HEAD?? SENPAI???(jks lol)"
Adel - "Ahhahahaha- *BITEY* Nah!"
Khor - "You mean you're letting me go AND I get to shoot things? Dude- WHAT!?"
Just Erza dumping all the phyiscal damage on Adel with the psychological on Khor, these poor two beans XD
There is always a way. It's just sometimes the dice disagree :p
<Snipped quote by Herald>
The dice love disagreeing.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>
Kairo should of spend manpower to get him some noc burg before they close during the war.