Kristin Reynolds

Location: Arena
Skills: N/A
Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A
Kiera turned to look at Sera and nodded giving her a smile. "Yep we do actually, we used it to travel across the states to New Rome." She told her as she looked over at Kristin to see if she would answer her sister's question. "Our weapons should be fine, Argo III should have the armaments that we need, i'll ask Alannah and Lauryn if she's still loaded." Kristin said, as she looked at the others for a moment she shook her head slightly at Demi's comment.
"C'mon lets go." Isaac said, as he and Janelle went to get things ready for their journey and get whatever gear that they needed, as Kiera looked over at her sister. "Lets get our things ready." Kiera said to her sister. Kristin turned to Demi and Zeke. "If you two don't mind grabbing the camping supplies at the camp store, since it's a quest they should hand all the camping supplies that we need for free." She asked them she went and headed over to the Hephaestus cabin where she knew where Lauryn usually was most days.
Over at the Roman side of camp the legionnaire nodded giving Niah a salute. "Yes ma'am." He said as he turned around and quickly started to spread the word that the quest was starting. They had already made up a plan to have the most senior ranking senate member to take up the temporary position to lead the Legion.
Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus
Skills: mistyiokinesis
Leda would be able to easily dodge out of the way of the basilisk that tried to attack her, and she would be able to kill it with her weapon. Damasen would be able to stomp on a cluster of the little snakes easily killing them easily and swung his weapon at another, there was a sound of hissing, and the basilisk started to slither away from the group. Madalyne closed her eyes and sighed slightly for a moment watching the little things go off. "Lets keep moving." Damasen said as he started to lead the group forward eventually they were able to get out of Damasen's swamp, Madalyne started to follow him as she looked around.
She spotted what looked like a rather tall mountain in the distance, maybe they can use that as a vantage point and figure out where the Doors of Death were maybe and get a better lay of the land and see any other threats. "That mountain over there, can we go over to it?" Madalyne asked looking over at Damasen as he looked at her and nodded.
He started to lead the two of them over towards the mountain then the three of them could hear what sounded like a dragon's roar as it flew overhead but it didn't look like it had spotted them yet heading in the same direction. Madalyne remembered dealing with a dragon with Niah and Nancy with the quest that they had gone on together which felt like a lifetime ago.