Hidden 9 days ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Kristin Reynolds

Location: Arena
Skills: N/A

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kiera turned to look at Sera and nodded giving her a smile. "Yep we do actually, we used it to travel across the states to New Rome." She told her as she looked over at Kristin to see if she would answer her sister's question. "Our weapons should be fine, Argo III should have the armaments that we need, i'll ask Alannah and Lauryn if she's still loaded." Kristin said, as she looked at the others for a moment she shook her head slightly at Demi's comment.

"C'mon lets go." Isaac said, as he and Janelle went to get things ready for their journey and get whatever gear that they needed, as Kiera looked over at her sister. "Lets get our things ready." Kiera said to her sister. Kristin turned to Demi and Zeke. "If you two don't mind grabbing the camping supplies at the camp store, since it's a quest they should hand all the camping supplies that we need for free." She asked them she went and headed over to the Hephaestus cabin where she knew where Lauryn usually was most days.

Over at the Roman side of camp the legionnaire nodded giving Niah a salute. "Yes ma'am." He said as he turned around and quickly started to spread the word that the quest was starting. They had already made up a plan to have the most senior ranking senate member to take up the temporary position to lead the Legion.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus
Skills: mistyiokinesis

Leda would be able to easily dodge out of the way of the basilisk that tried to attack her, and she would be able to kill it with her weapon. Damasen would be able to stomp on a cluster of the little snakes easily killing them easily and swung his weapon at another, there was a sound of hissing, and the basilisk started to slither away from the group. Madalyne closed her eyes and sighed slightly for a moment watching the little things go off. "Lets keep moving." Damasen said as he started to lead the group forward eventually they were able to get out of Damasen's swamp, Madalyne started to follow him as she looked around.

She spotted what looked like a rather tall mountain in the distance, maybe they can use that as a vantage point and figure out where the Doors of Death were maybe and get a better lay of the land and see any other threats. "That mountain over there, can we go over to it?" Madalyne asked looking over at Damasen as he looked at her and nodded.

He started to lead the two of them over towards the mountain then the three of them could hear what sounded like a dragon's roar as it flew overhead but it didn't look like it had spotted them yet heading in the same direction. Madalyne remembered dealing with a dragon with Niah and Nancy with the quest that they had gone on together which felt like a lifetime ago.
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Leda cleaned her sword on the leg of her pants, the last remnants of monster dust falling away. It was convenient how monsters didn't immediately reform in the exact location they died in Tartarus - convenient and lucky. The respawn period was a blessing. Although, if Mads were to die down here, Leda wasn't sure if she would find it so great then - and if she were to die... Well, at least then she would have an answer to some of her questions about her status. She had spent her entire life relying on faith, faith in the gods and the stories. She ought to have been able to subsist on that a little longer, to just keep the faith that things would work out, that she would have her reward... But it felt increasingly hollow, increasingly meaningless. She had died for something she didn't even know if she believed in anymore.

"Why the mountain? Don't you know which way we're going?" Leda asked, turning her attention to the giant. He'd brought Percy and Annabeth to the Doors of Death before - wouldn't it be as simple as retracing his steps? Was there something else that Mads wanted to take care of at the mountain? And if so - what was it?

But those questions went unanswered, as her companions headed in the direction of the mountain - and Leda froze, in terror, disbelief, and thrill, as a dragon's roar pierced her ears. "Bloody hell..."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded slightly, replaying what Zeke had said through her head again - it was a succinct summary of the plans, and she cringed internally a bit, both appreciating and yet ashamed by the fact that the refresher had clearly been for her. She should have been more on top of this, this was Mads they were talking about - this was her chance to right the wrongs she had done to New Rome, to bring back the person they had lost, and then... Then they could rebuild, and the Twelfth Legion wouldn't need her any longer. Her service would be over, and she would swear a new vow, a new vow to...

Her thoughts froze for a moment. It wasn't Lady Diana's name that came to mind.

It was Niah's.

She didn't know what to do with that.

She then stared at Demetri, as he explained his philosophy. She didn't know how much she agreed with it - it was both foreign to her, and intimately familiar. The legion taught that they needed to rely upon one another, that the strength of the group was what mattered, rather than the strength of the individual. But to be nice to everyone? Even a stranger? That was something that Nancy couldn't comprehend. She didn't trust people she didn't know, she didn't rely upon people that had not been tested.

Nancy then looked away. "I'll see you then," she then said, before leaving and making her way for the Roman side of camp - to do what preparations she could as the only praetor left standing.
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood (Arena)

"Got it." Andy said and started off toward her cabin with Stella in tow. At Zeus' cabin Andy ran in and grabbed her backpack. She adjusted the straps so it fit comfortably, considered for a moment then took it off and put on an extra sweater. Andy fully believed in wearing extra layers. You never knew when you'd need those layers. Even though it was the middle of summer. She'd be hot, but she'd have it as a pillow or something if needed.

Andy then picked up Demi's duffel. He had said it had everything except the Cornucopia. That was in his trunk. She opened that up and found the Cornucopia. The duffel bag she threw over her head so it was easier to carry, and held the Cornucopia in her hands. Back outside of the cabin she followed Stella to her cabin.

Location: Roman Camp

The legionnaire set about the task to let the Senate know the doors were there. Niah took a slow deep breath and started packing her stuff. She lived in a half state. She had some essentials always packed and ready to go. Ever since the fall of New Rome she had lived in that way. Niah had a feeling she would always have a go-bag ready. She had lost so much. Irreplaceable things.

But she still had the legion. She had Nancy. She would have Mads again. Five more years and she could retire. Get a little place in town and live a normal life.

Five more years would break her. She didn't have to live in New Rome. Was living in New Rome even a normal life? She could do what Marco and Emily and so many others had. Go to a human school.

Or something else. Find her sister. God her sister. She still needed to tell Nancy. What about Nancy? Would she help? Or would her dedication to Rome before all others come back? Niah had seen the realization in her face. Nancy might be the angriest person Niah ever knew, but she had seen that face. She had heard her realize how much dedication Niah had put into their friendship. She had hope that Nancy wouldn't get lost to duty again.

All of that going through her head Niah was packed quickly. She left the book she had been studying on the table. If she survived then she'd worry about figuring out how to get her sister back...if she could.

Her oath. She had to serve those five more years. Niah couldn't break an oath. Not wouldn't. Couldn't. Her very own blood burned at the idea of it. Kumantot she mentally cursed.
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Hidden 5 days ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Arena -> Cabin #4
Skills: N/A

Stella was thankful that they were being given time to pack up what they needed, as she was sure that if she had tried to leave just then and there, they would have been woefully unprepared. She heard the others talking about the Argo, and blinked for a moment before hearing about the Flying Ship. She wanted to ask a bit more about it, but felt Andy tug her off to go to their cabins. She silently agreed, the priority was pack first, ask all the questions she had later.

She waited outside of the Zeus cabin, leaning against the wall, petting Arbor for a moment, trying to organize her thoughts. The Underworld sounded like a scary place to be, and yet, they were going there to rescue friends and family. Did that mean that she'd see Jason there? Her grandmother? That nice man who use to give her honey candy? As she pulled herself out of her thoughts, she found that her index finger was bleeding, as she had chewed it down to the quick again. "Oh shiitake mushrooms!" She cried out as she realized what she had done. She shoved her hand in her pocket before Andy came out, so she didn't have to explain.

Once they got to her cabin, she dashed inside and pulled out her own backpack and sickle. She tucked the sickle away into her bag, and put her knife away on her belt, somewhere less obvious. She shoved some extra clothing in there, including her "Keep Berkeley Weird" sweater her otou-san had sent her recently, some extra shoes, and some extra of other things. She made sure to put her seed bag into her pocket as well, and with that zipped her backpack close. Before she headed out, she wrapped her finger in a bandage and made sure it was secure. She didn't want anyone to worry about her. She walked out and looked to Andy. "Ready when you are."
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Hidden 4 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Arena —> Infirmary - CHB

Zeke’s face burned from Demitri’s whispered comment. He shoved his boyfriend but kept a firm hold of his hand. ”Somehow, I don’t think that’ll keep us warm and definitely not dry.’ He nodded goodbye to Nancy and started walking out of the arena when Kristin stopped them.

”Oh, ya. We can grab enough for everyone,” Zeke agreed. He resumed walking again, thinking about the quest they were about to embark on.

They hadn’t exactly succeeded last time, and there was a lot at stake. Zeke stared at the ground as they walked, starting to feel anxious. ”Are you nervous at all?” Zeke asked Demi. He had intended to keep his feelings to himself, but something pulled the words out of him.

Zeke paused outside the infirmary doorway. He shifted to look at Demitri and swallowed the lump quickly forming in his throat. ”If something happens to me…I need you to make sure Nancy gets Mads out. And Leda. That’s all that matters. And tell my mom I died in some epic heroic way,” Zeke chuckled halfheartedly.
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Hidden 1 day ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Demetri Rowan Howell


”Oh it'll keep us warm alright. Body heat and all, ya know? It's basically science.” Demi joked as they began to walk away from the other campers and towards their destination. That is, until Kristin called out to them to grab tents for everyone. As Zeke agreed, Demi couldn't help but roll his eyes. ”Not a pack mule!” He muttered loudly to no one in general. There were so many campers going, how were they meant to grab tents for them all? And he certainly wasn't going to change into a pack mule just to make it easier. He figured he could shift into a dragon but that takes more energy than he cared to use for a simple task. His mind rattling around with various ideas on how best to do this when Zeke's voice cut through the haze of it all.

Was he nervous? Demi hadn't exactly thought about it. He squeezed Zeke's hand gently to try and comfort him. To let him know he was here for him. ”I wasn't really nervous until you said that. What the hell Kel? If something happens I'll make sure you all make it out safely. There will be no heroic deaths today. If something happens…if you're stuck on the otherside…gods I don't even want to think about that possibility. But should it happen I will tear this world and the next apart just to bring you back to me. You got that? Tartarus won't know what hit em.” Demi's eyes became steely as he looked into Zeke's. A firm look for recognition of what he'd just said. He'd swear on Niah if he had to. He'd make that vow.
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