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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mastuo woke up with joy and excitement running throughout his body. Although the events of yesterday were very important, today seemed completely different from the day before. Not only was he now sixteen years of age, but he had also been promised something very important for that day as well. He jumped out of his bed and dug through his closet to find some clothes that resembled traditional fire nation clothes. His mother, his sister, and Masuto himself may be living in Republic City, but he was born pretty close to the heart to the Fire Nation, and that's where all of his family traditions come from. He wore a simple light red top, a pair of loose jeans for him to move around in, and light shoes as well.

As soon as he finished changing, Masuto couldn't help but think about the day before, when he had suddenly had the guts to take on a small squad of Rogue benders my himself. He knew who they were after, and after all of this time rebuilding, he just couldn't see why they would want to tear down a nation that had just gotten it's bearings after almost three hundred years of not being present. He was stopped in his tracks by his mother, who also pulled him out of his thoughts and back in to the physical world. "Masuto." She spoke in a light tone, obviously emotional about something that he wasn't aware of. She wasn't sure where to start. She knew she had to wait for the White lotus members to get here before the announcement, so that was already out of the question. "Your sister came back from her travels to see you today, she's down in the living room." Masuto's face lit up in excitement and rushed down the stairs to see his beloved sister. He was a few years older than he was, and she had been traveling the world to work on a big story about the modern world, sort of like an almanac in a way.

Masuto's sister, Aki was sitting in the living room with a smile on her face and her eyes glued to the stairs, waiting for her little brother to be rushing down to see her. It had been a little while since they had spoken in person, but that didn't matter since they would talk like a day hasn't gone by without the other. Her smile widened as she could hear him practically jumping up and down from the level above her, and then rushing down to see his favorite sibling in the world. Masuto slid down the railing of the stairs and connected eyes with Aki, that spark of passion still present in his eyes, and the same one that she saw when he said he'd find her somewhere around the world and travel with her all those years ago.

"Aki!" He called out, looking at his sister as she stood up from her chair and walked over to him as he touched the ground. She hugged him tightly and looked at him with a calm smile. He had grown since she had last seen him, and although he looked so different, he was also the same in many ways. After a moment of hugging, Aki let go of her brother and he did the same, now almost at her level of height. "You've grown since I've see you, Masuto. You excited for the part and everything?" He nodded happily and she could see he was going to burst at the seams. "Well, I got you a couple of things." She said, which only cause him to jump a little more than he already was. "But... We're going to have to wait until the party. Mom's rules." Masuto nodded and calmed himself a little, still ready for the day planned ahead of him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Nyima rolled her eyes when Rayn puffed out his chest. They had been talking about a recruit who had been following her around like a puppy dog. She had said how she preferred to date dogs, less training, and Rayn quickly caught on that she liked older men. She assumed that was why his chest was puffed out at the moment, he was a few years older than her. She stepped out of her door behind him and locked up before she followed him down the stairs. When she reached the bottom, she wrapped her arms around one of his, "What can I say? Big, strong men make me swoon."

She laughed a little and released him, "Now, why are you getting all big chested about it? I may like older men, but don't act like you have a chance. I'm so out of your league."

She smacked his arm lightly in jest. She corssed her arms and hunched her shoulders slightly, trying to keep out the chill of the morning. Sure, she was raised in the Northern Water Tribe, so cold was hardly an issue. But she didn't dress warm for Republic City's winters. Thus when the wind blew, it was more noticeable. She buttoned up her coat and lowered her arms slightly, as less wind passed through her coat. She looked up at Rayn, "Do you think she'll be at Head Quarters or out and about on the streets, looking for the allusive Rogue Benders, who've caused so much troubled for her and her department?"
Zenji sat in front of a mirror in the house of the waterbender who had taken her in for the night. She stared at her blue hair and noticeable Air Nomad clothing. Their clothing had hardly changed in the last 300 hundred years, especially if you at temple, then there was no way around it. She used to live at the temple. It wasn't until she went home to retrieve her glider that she found family and friends dead. The temple was neither safe nor a home she could live at. Slowly, she started to piled her hair onto the top of her head. She pulled a toque down over her hair, hiding the bright blue strands. She stood and retrieved her clothing that she had gotten the other day. They were just normal clothes, to make her appear less like an Airbender. She sighed as she changed into the jeans, a sweater and a scarf. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She looked nothing like Zenji. She grabbed her glider and walked out of the room to be met by the waterbender who was helping her, "Hey Blue. Heading to Masuto's party?"

Zenji found it funny that the woman didn't call her by her name, as if to remove the last part of her old identity. She nodded, "I think it is a least I can do for what he did yesterday."

Ahsoka nodded, "Well, have fun."

Zenji smiled and walked out of the building. She hadn't told her what she had seen the previous night and she wasn't going to tell her. She wasn't going to tell anyone. She was going to smile and put on a brave face. She couldn't ruin Masuto's birthday. She arrived at his house, sometime later and knocked quietly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She stepped out of her door behind him and locked up before she followed him down the stairs. When she reached the bottom, she wrapped her arms around one of his, "What can I say? Big, strong men make me swoon."
He was about to smile when she laughed a little and released him, "Now, why are you getting all big chested about it? I may like older men, but don't act like you have a chance. I'm so out of your league." His chest became less puffed up. As he smiled at her jab. "Buuurn." He said softly. This was a normal conversation for them. Though he truly loved this girl he felt she would never love him the same way. Which was not important, only that she was happy mattered to him.

She smacked his arm lightly in jest. She crossed her arms and hunched her shoulders slightly, obviously trying to keep out the chill of the morning. She looked up at Rayn, "Do you think she'll be at Head Quarters or out and about on the streets, looking for the allusive Rogue Benders, who've caused so much troubled for her and her department?"

He glanced at her and said while looking back and twisting to squeeze by a person walking down the streets. "Liu? She is probably back at the department. It's still a little early for her to be out hitting the pavement. She is probably livid right now. Pairing in her office brooding and trying to come up with an idea. Good thing I don't have to work today. It'll be tense at the department. "

He sighed and said, things are getting harder now, we can't slip up like what happened with the blue haired girl. Specially if someone id's us. My cover will be blown and if you get Ided she would send me after you... Until she finds out about us. Which she will if it comes to that."

He walked around the corner where the wind was hitting them in the back. He casually moved slightly behind her to block the wind with his body. He knew she was cold and wouldn't accept his jacket. So he decided to do this for her instead . They were now only a couple blocks away from the Department
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Zhi had woken up from a call to her Telephone, sitting up, she answered it: A call from her Uncle that they had found the Avatar, which fully woke her up. The news had made her day, her month, her year even! Since she was nine she wished for this day, and now it was here. She was told that he had halted the White Lotus so they could wait on her, and told her not to waist anytime getting ready and getting there to the new Avatar's home. It was supposed to be a day off for her, but she didn't care about that. In a matter of minutes she had taken a shower, gotten dressed, braided her hair, and applied her makeup. Although she looked fine to the normal eye, she could see the flaws in her makeup and the way her hair was braided, though she didn't dwell on it. Swinging on her jacket, she slapped her gloves on, sent a blade down each of the sleeves, and then made her leave. Quickly making her way to the other White Lotus members, she nodded to them and they set off. Zhi walking a short distance behind them, she would leave them in the front to present the news, while she was just a sentry. Her job would be to protect the Avatar, which she planned on doing. Even teach them firebending, though if they already knew it, she could help them train in it, even train them in combat. Many thoughts ran into her mind, focusing on one at a time. She wondered how many sentries would be placed around the new Avatar, it was known by the White Lotus that she was above most in her station, so she would be capable of defending the new Avatar herself. But that wouldn't stop them from sending more, she was sure. Even still, this new Avatar needed freedom, not having millions of sentries surrounding him pretty much screaming "He's the Avatar!" she sighed at the thought and shook her head, but it would make sense as to why there would be allot of sentries. There were gangs, Agni Kai, Red Monsoon, and the Triple Threat Triad. Didn't need this new Avatar getting wrapped up into anything of there's. As well, Rogue Benders, what if the new Avatar was an Airbender to start with? She bit her lip due to her being nervous about that, but stopped when she calmed down. Of course, that's why she was there, to protect him. Plus she had the police force, and the White Lotus as backup. So there was nothing to worry about, she took another breath as she felt they were getting closer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Masuto was prepared to say something else just as he heard a knock on his door. He wondered who it could have been, but his excitement didn't keep him still as he rushed to the door, giving the door knob a twust and a pull so hard that Masuto had to take a step back as it flew open. Aki walked over to the door with a curious face to see who it could have been, and was a little surprised to see what she saw.

Despite wearing something different, and going as far to completely conceal her hair under a hat, Masuto knew that it was Zenji, the one who he had unknowingly saved two days before. Although the recognition wasn't instant, and it did take a moment for him to look at her face, his face lit up with a smile once more and welcomed her in. Aki simply smiled and laughed quietly at her little brother. "So, the first one to show up is a girl. Good work Masuto." He wasn't going to say anything about it, and did his best to hide it, he blushed a little at the statement.

"She's just a friend, Aki. Nothing else to say." He spoke in a calm tone as he looked at her and moved away from the door to allow Zenji to walk in. He then turned back to her and and smiled. "Well, you're the first one here, and that's Aki, my older sister." He motioned to her as she waved hello and sat back down in her chair.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zhou stopped on the corner of the street. The North kingdom was not near as advanced as Republic city which would be frightening or wondrous to someone else. But he has already seen it in his travels and was trained to know about the advances. His hand Gripped his sisters engagement necklace in his palm. He had no lead on where to find his sister. Horrible reports of young girls alone can easily be kidnapped and thrown in a life of pain and misery. This waS the best place to find out if she was here or not. Most of the world information came through here.
He slipped the necklace in a inner pocket of his shirt and looked back toward Mizuki, a young water bender who he met in the North kingdom who was traveling as well. They decided to travel together for protection. Where as he didn't need it he couldn't let her walk around alone. He shifted his sword on his back as he noticed a few people giving him looks but not many.
"Well we made it finally. What was your reason for traveling here to this place again?" He asked her.
As for him, he hoped three years wouldn't be too late..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilune
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Kilune Forever does she seek the unknown...

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Mizuki's unusual crimson colored eyes moved around the city. She had been sent to this specific area for unknown reasons to her. Zhou, the man she was with currently would have known this. She'd met him some time ago in the North. A chilled air whipped around them, though she didn't feel it. Having been raised in artic tempatures tended to harden someone to the weather.

"Well we made it finally. What was your reason for traveling here to this place again? He had asked her.

"Zhou, I told you. Ko'noki wouldn't tell me. She only said that it was of the up most importance to be here on this day," She paused holding out a sheet of paper to him. "And to be at this exact address at the exact time on the list.." Taking a moment she shifted a bit. She brushed her bangs back to the sides of her face and took a deep breath before sighing.

"You would think after so many years in Temple that 'Noki wouldn't be so cryptic with her instructions.. And this is the first time she's told me where I had to travel to.. It's unusual." She cut her eyes to him, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "And she didn't have to send a bodyguard..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Zenji looked at the girl and blushed as she said Masuto had done good work for her arriving first. She shook her head and fixed her hat a little, "This was when Masuto told me to be here... I.. I didn't want to be late."

She stepped inside and smiled at Aki. She gave her a small wave, "I'm Zenji... It is nice to meet you..."

She turned and looked at Masuto. She bit her lip a little, "Ahsoka wanted me to apologize that she couldn't come... Something had come up... I didn't really catch it."

She looked around the room and nodded, "You have a nice home..."
Nyima walked noticing Rayn was walking a step or two behind her. She knew what he was doing, if the wind had been coming from any other direction he would be there. She didn't stop him, she had to let him feel like he was helping her in someway. She looked ahead to see a group of men walking. She stopped suddenly. Grabbing Rayn's arm, she pulled him over to the wall. They had already spoken about how being a 'couple' helped with make it seem as if you weren't looking and watching. She leaned against the wall and pulled him close to her. With his body blocking her from the sight of most the people who were walking about, she watched the men walking. She whispered to him, "White Lotus..."

One of the men looked in their direction and she quickly looked at Rayn, smiling, "Do you think they've found the Avatar?" she looked at them from the corner of her eye to see one of them still looking. She sighed, "Look away..." she wrapped her arms around his neck but for whatever reason the man still focused on them. Nyima groaned slightly before she took the initiative and pulled Rayn close, kissing him. When she pulled away and looked, she noted that the white lotus man had in fact looked away, "About time," she murmured.

She ducked under his arm as the White Lotus moved around the wall and out of sight. She peeked around the corner, "Should we check it out... It could actually be the Avatar..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rayn saw ahead of them a group of men walking. Before he could do anything she stopped suddenly. Grabbing his arm, she pulled him over to the wall. She really grabbed ahold of the idea as a couple for a cover by the horns. She leaned against the wall and pulled him close to her. Despite doing this only a day before he still shook his head at the smell of her perfume. She remained hidden and she watched the group ahead of them. She whispered to him, "White Lotus..."
He raised an eyebrow at the thought. For them to be out I the open In a group he knew it meant only one thing. Nyima figured it out and said it first.
She quickly looked at Rayn, smiling, "Do you think they've found the Avatar?" she looked at them from the corner of her eye. She sighed, "Look away..." He though about the Avatar, it would only bring a hinder to rouges. Before he could say anything she wrapped her arms around his neck and after a moment she groaned slightly and pulled Rayn close, kissing him. He was taken off guard by the kiss. She... The one who was uncomfortable the other day of being this close.... What ?
She pulled away and looked over his shoulder "About time," she murmured.
She ducked under his arm and moved to the corner. He was kind of in a state of shock still. Trying to think on what happened. Did this just happen? Was she the first to make the move? Course it was just for cover by the way she spoke...but he took a step back and remembered the first time he met her 3 years before. A scared young girl who he just rescued, shivering under the coat he put over her. Not confident in herself not knowing what to do.

He looked over at her and saw a strong woman who constantly kept him on his toes and was probably as strong willed as him. He shook his head as he watched her peeked around the corner, "Should we check it out... It could actually be the Avatar..."

He hoped not. Even though he was young... He didn't want to kill a kid. And he knows the leader of the rouge benders will send him after him. He moved over and peaked around the corner as well, his head right next to hers so their cheeks almost touched. He raised an eyebrow as he saw Zhi walking with them. Even though she was normally undercover. This had to be important.
He placed his hands on her shoulders and said, "Well let's go ask." He said with a smile. Nyima didn't know he knew one of the people walking. He took her hand and pulled her out of cover. And wrapped his arm around her and made his way over to Zhi.

As he moved over to her he gave her a casual wave when he caught her eye. " So what's up with the gathering? Something important happened right?"

"Zhou, I told you. Ko'noki wouldn't tell me. She only said that it was of the up most importance to be here on this day," She paused holding out a sheet of paper to him. "And to be at this exact address at the exact time on the list.." Taking a moment she shifted a bit. While Zhou looked back at her. "You would think after so many years in Temple that 'Noki wouldn't be so cryptic with her instructions.. And this is the first time she's told me where I had to travel to.. It's unusual." She cut her eyes to him, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "And she didn't have to send a bodyguard..."

He looked at her as her eyes cut into him when she sarcastically called him a body guard. His eyes were just as hard at her he then looked away and said" it's not like I'm too happy escorting a..." He glances back at her. "Princess." He leaned against the wall and continued. "I don't have time to just wait around anymore. I would rather be on my own... I work better that way." He looks around the the street corner. Watching people move back and forth. " I hope it doesn't take long." Crossing his arm he noticed in the distance some men with hats... Standing up a little more. He noticed it was the white lotus making their way down a few blocks away... "Strange..." He said softly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Zhi continued walking, thinking about the new Avatar and what to think about the person. Losing focus every once in a while due to one of the members looking back at something, she didn't pay it any mind. She knew if something was up then she could figure it out, but nothing looked too bad, so she stayed silent with her eyes forward and mouth shut. Just as she was about to become lost in thought again, and familiar voice rang in her ears, "So what's up with the gathering? Something important happened right?" it was Rayn, she didn't have to look at him to know that. She knew the voice from a job they did together a ways back, she figured that's what the member was looking at. He was probably walking up towards them, looking back about to answer, opening her mouth she closed it as she glanced at the girl he was with. Ok, she guessed they were walking up. He blinked a few times then looked back at Rayn, thinking it through in about a second. She knew she didn't want most people to know she was with the White Lotus, no real reason, she just didn't want to. She wouldn't discuss important matters around someone she didn't know, for all she knew the girl could be a spy, but that was paranoia due to her being a mole in most cases. She couldn't mention the Avatar due to members of gangs being around, or Rogue benders. They all were everywhere and she didn't want to risk that. And finally, it was White Lotus business, not the Police Force. Their job was to maintain peace within Republic City, White Lotus focused on the Avatar. So there was no way she'd mention what was going on, atleast not in the public. From the corner of her eye, she saw that a member was going to speak, but she gave him a warm smile. One that was nice to the public, but the members knew it was a 'You say anything, and I'll roast you!' sort of smile, so the member just shut his mouth and looked forward once more. Zhi then looked back at Rayn and spoke, "I've been sent to escort these gentlemen, that's all I can speak of in public....And around civilians," that's when she looked down at Nyima then forward, "You're more than welcome to follow along and see what's going on though." Those were her final words on the matter as she continued walking with the rest of the Lotus. She had to take extra caution to make sure the Avatar would stay safe, atleast until she made it there to protect him. Or more sentries came along, it would be a long journey for this Avatar she knew.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilune
Avatar of Kilune

Kilune Forever does she seek the unknown...

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It's not like I'm too happy escorting a..." He glances back at her. "Princess." Mizuki paused, glaring at Zhou for a moment. She locked her jaw as she gave herself time to reconstruct her composure. She smoothed out her clothing as she walked over closer to him. "I've told you before, Zhou.. Don't go there."

"I don't have time to just wait around anymore. I would rather be on my own... I work better that way." She offered him a lovely smile, belying her temper. "If you're so sure, why don't you strike out on your own? I'm a big girl. I can handle myself just fine. After all I know how to handle all the big bad bullies."

For a moment she ignored him, leaning around to see what he was looking at. Seeing the group of people she raised a brow. "Strange.... Mizuki nodded lightly. "Look.. " She pointed down the street a bit then held the paper back up. "This is the same block as the address that I'm being sent to. Are those..." her eyes widened slightly. "White Lotus? We need to find out what's going on here." She grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her to a closer spot near the group, hiding them in a patch of shadow near a building side.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"Ask?" Nyima said as Rayn took her hand and pulled her out from behind the wall. She was greatly confused at what he was talking about, the White Lotus weren't just going to answer him. But he didn't seem interested in the White Lotus, instead he asked the woman behind them. The woman had something about her that just screamed cop to Nyima. Maybe it was the way she held herself. She answered Rayn's question as vaguely as possible and Nyima noticed the look she gave her, or more so the fact that she looked at her, when she mentioned civilians. Nyima looked away not bothering with it, they weren't getting the information for that source. When the group was a little ways away, Nyima noticed two people poking their heads out from behind the wall that Rayn and her had been hiding behind. She squeezed his hand, "Two o'clock... They aren't exactly stealthy..."

She looked back at them and her heart dropped while her stomach rose into her throat. She looked directly at the male and noticed at she recognized him. She looked up at Rayn then back to the man, "I... I... I think that's Zhou...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After a awkward moment of silence between the group as he could tell she didn't like the fact Nyima was there. She looked between the lotus and back at Rayn and spoke, "I've been sent to escort these gentlemen, that's all I can speak of in public....And around civilians," that's when she looked down at Nyima then forward, "You're more than welcome to follow along and see what's going on though."
Rayns eyes narrowed at her tone . As an officer he knew why but he looked down at Nyima. He quickly said " can't tell us but you will let us see it? You were always an interesting one Zhi..."

Before he could follow he felt Nyima squeeze his hand and say"Two o'clock... They aren't exactly stealthy..."
He glanced back casually and saw two people a man and woman. Nyima looked up at Rayn then back to the man, "I... I... I think that's Zhou...." He looked at her surprisingly. Zhou was her brother... He placed a comforting hand on her arm and asked " are you sure?"

The last thing he wanted was her to see someone look like her brother and not be him . It would be hard on her.
Zhou watched She locked her jaw as she gave herself time to reconstruct her composure. She smoothed out her clothing as she walked over closer to him. "I've told you before, Zhou.. Don't go there." He only smiled slightly, apparently calling her princess strikes a cord. He hasn't figure why yet though.

"I don't have time to just wait around anymore. I would rather be on my own... I work better that way." She offered him a lovely smile, belying her temper. "If you're so sure, why don't you strike out on your own? I'm a big girl. I can handle myself just fine. After all I know how to handle all the big bad bullies." As much as he wanted to he couldn't. Curse the morals his father instilled on him. He thought to himself jokingly.

."Look.. " She pointed down the street a bit then held the paper back up. "This is the same block as the address that I'm being sent to. Are those..." her eyes widened slightly. "White Lotus? We need to find out what's going on here." She grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her to a closer spot near the group, hiding them in a patch of shadow near a building side. Shaking his head as she did so. Apparently she wasn't angry anymore at him. But he felt he needed to say something anyways.

As they his in the shadows he whispered as he stood behind her, "I'm sure you could hold your own prin.... mizuki. But despite what you think this city is far more dangerous than the North kingdom. I couldn't leave you if I wanted to. If you were hurt I would feel responsible.... I don't want to see that." He watched as a man and woman walked up to the group and talked to the Lotus and another woman. It seemed short though when the group started to continue on. His eyes lingered on the girl who glanced back towards their direction and said something to the man.

As she looked back though he took a step closer.... No... It couldn't be. The woman looked back and stared directly at him. Her eyes wide and shining like he remembered. She said something again to the man she seemed very close with. As he touched her shoulder he could tell the man cared for her. He shook his head in disbelief and whispered. "Nyima?" Before taking a few steps and saying louder " Nyima? Is that you?! "

He felt a rush of relief that was so unexplainable wash through him, joy, sadness and anger at the same time as well. He gripped the necklace from the outside of his shirt and a big smile came to his face. He started to walk towards her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
Avatar of pyroman

pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Thank you, we tried to make it as traditional as our old house to the best of our abilities." Aki nodded in her chair, reaching out to grab a cup of tea that was on the small coffee table. She remembered a little more about the fire nation than Masuto did, but she was a few years ahead of him, and he moved to republic city almost at birth. "It was usually me and out mom who decorated the place, since Maastuo was too young to do anything at that age."

Hoshi nodded in agreement and glanced at his sister, his glowing amber eyes meeting her darker red ones for only a split second before the two of them both turned their attention to the first guest. Of course as an older sister it was her job to tease her younger brother about not only the fact that the first non family related person to walk through the door was a girl, and a friend of Masuto's, but also she seemed to be pretty shy and quiet. She could have a lot of fun while he was still living in this house.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilune
Avatar of Kilune

Kilune Forever does she seek the unknown...

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"I'm sure you could hold your own prin.... mizuki. But despite what you think this city is far more dangerous than the North kingdom. I couldn't leave you if I wanted to. If you were hurt I would feel responsible.... I don't want to see that." He had whispered to her in the shadows. She rolled her eyes unable to resist this time.

"Look.. I get it, not a lot of people are strong enough to run solo.. but I happen to know what I'm doing, and you aren't respon-" She blinked as he stepped from the shadow, "Nyima?" Mizuki looked to the group of people closer. Who was he talking about? Did he know one of them? She looked to him quietly, waiting to see what would happen. "Nyima? Is that you?!" She was slightly suprised that he simply started walking way.

Mizuki quickly followed him, staying close as she looked from the people, and the girl he seemed to be addressing, to Zhou. "Hey, wait up.. Do you know these guys? Who is Nyima? Who is that that's with her?" She then glanced to Rayn and the others as they walked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Zenji looked around and nodded, "I think I read some books on the Fire Nation at the temple," she said calmly as she removed her hat. They were indoors now, she didn't think Masuto would have too many friends that were in the Rogue Benders. She pulled out the pins and let her hair fall and stuffed them into her pocket. She walked around a little and nodded, "This place looks an awful lot like it did in the books."

She smiled at looked at Aki and Masuto, "Of course, I've read more on the air temples and what they were like before the genocide... I don't know why... They are practically the same... What with Aavtar Aang and the monks having taught the faith to those who wanted to hear."

She smirked and perched herself on the edge of the couch, "I think it would be fun to see the Fire Nation."
Nyima looked at the man who hid behind the wall. She knew exactly who it was, without even having to think about it. It was her brother. But in that moment, she became that little seventeen year old girl, frightened and weak. She felt a stinging her eye. She hated that sheltered Water Tribe girl. If she had been who she was now those three years ago, maybe she would have been able to save herself, instead of being saved. She wasn't that damsel in distress anymore and she never would have been if it hadn't been for how her family treated and protected her. She shook her head and turned away, "Must have been a trick of the light..."

She took Rayn's hand and started to walk away when she heard Zhou call her name. Nyima? Is that you?! She squeezed his hand tightly as the tears fell from her eyes, "Ignore him," she said quietly as she kept moving forward, not looking back. That's what she intended to do, she couldn't look back anymore. She was strong now, she could handle herself, protect herself. That wasn't her family who had done that. She had grown up, become her own person, thanks to Rayn and no one else. She had spent years thinking, what if she had gone home? What if she returned and married the man as they had intended? What if she had chosen to see her family again? What if she could? She was done with what ifs, this was her life now and she couldn't go back. She wouldn't go back. And so, she couldn't look back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She shook her head and turned away, "Must have been a trick of the light..." This confused him, she never had a trick of the light before. At least what told him.
She took Rayn's hand and started to walk away when he heard the man call her name. "Nyima? Is that you?! "
At the sound he felt her hand squeezed his tightly as he saw tears fell from her eyes, "Ignore him," she said quietly as she kept moving forward, not looking back. "What?" He said, bewilderd at what he heard her say despite Zhou calling her name. Nyima was not a common name. And she was obviously was hurting right now.
"Nyima... Wait what are you doing?" She continued to walk dragging him along and ignored him. Tears still falling down her cheeks. He narrowed his eyes and stopped. His strength stopped her in her tracks. At which he moved I front of her and looked her in the eye. Or tried to as she looked away. He placed both of his hands on her cheeks and said in a soft voice, "What are you thinking? Nyima... Your brother is right here... A situation YOU told me might never happen again. YOU told me how much you missed them, your brother especially. Now it's here and you are walking away? " he stood up straight." The old Nyima runs away. Not this one... Not my Nyima." He lifted her chin so he could look her directly I the eyes. "Did you here me? My Nyima is a strong beautiful individual who can make her own future... Even in hardship." He gave her an encouraging smile. "I'm right here... IF he tries to take you back you know I will be here to help you right?"
He then looked up towards Zhou over her shoulder and gave an ever so slight nod.
He sensed Mizuki hurry to follow him and while she stayed close to him she asked. "Hey, wait up.. Do you know these guys? Who is Nyima? Who is that that's with her?" Zhou never told her about his little sister... He never told anyone save they knew her before. It was a hard subject for him. But here she was right here.
With out taking his eyes off of her he said" Nyima is... My little sister." He paused for a moment and continued, "When she was 17 she ran from home on her wedding day.... We haven't heard anything from her since. My parents thought she was..."
He stopped cold in his tracks, as he saw Nyima shake her head, grab ahold of the mans hand and turned and walked away. What was... She doing? Did she not hear him? He was about to call out her name again when he saw the man make her stop and talked to her in a low voice. What was he saying? Was he controlling her? He started to get angry but as soon as he did the man looked up and gave a nod ever so slightly. He nodded himself and started walkin again. He was greatful to the man... He was creating a moment for him to see his sister.
He slowly came up next to her he saw her tears and started to tear up himself. "Nyima... " was all he could muster up beforepullin her into a massive hug.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"You might get the chance..." Aki muttered under her breath and just quiet enough that her brother would be able to hear. He wasn't so sure about their guest though, since she was now considerable closer to Aki than Mastuo was. Masuto only looked around the room and assumed that this was what many traditional fire nation homes looked like, since he was moved out of there a month or two after his birth. He hoped that he could one day go to his homeland as well, and causally walked around the living room of the house.

Aki, although she didn't know it, knew that something was going to happen today, and could tell by just how different everything seemed around her. Hoshi was the only thing that didn't seem different, which to her meant that he had yet to change in some way, and his change would be the most drastic out of them all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Zenji looked at Aki and smiled as she mumbled something. She didn’t hear her exactly but that didn’t matter. She clasped her hands together and glanced at Masuto. She smiled at him, “Happy Birthday by the way…” She reached into her bag and stood. Walking over to him, she pulled out a small Air Bison plushy. She shrugged and handed it to him, “I didn’t know if you would like it… I don’t really know what you like… But I… um… Had two of them, so I figure why not….” She smiled, “It is real Air Bison fur…”
Nyima stopped when Rayn did, not allowing her to move forward. She looked away from him, trying not look at him. However, a moment later, he placed his hands on her cheeks, forcing her to meet his eyes. She tried to continue to not look at him when he lifted her chin, giving her little to no choice. She snorted a little, “Your Nyima is a run-away….” She smiled softly, “And since when did I become your’s.”

She kept looking at him and swallowed, “Promise?”
She turned to face her brother when he said her name. She didn’t get a word out before he pulled her into his arms. She curled up in his arms and buried her face in his chest as she continued to cry. Sometime later, she pulled away from his chest and looked up at her brother. She just looked at him, trying to get it into her head that he was actually there standing in front. She smiled at wiped away her tears, “I’ve missed you….”

She hugged him again before looking over her shoulder at Rayn. She smiled at the man who had helped her through so much, “Zhou… This is Rayn… Rayn, Zhou.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilune
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Kilune Forever does she seek the unknown...

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Mizuki's steps slowed, her jaw dropping at the scene before her. His sister? Zhou had a sister? She frowned a bit. She thought she had known of everyone in the tribe.. 'Noki made sure of it, but what confused her most was why the girl was never mentioned. Her eyes settled over Nyima and felt a pang of empathy for the girl. She was crying, clearly whatever memories she was experiencing from seeing Zhou cost her a great deal of emotions.

Her eyes moved to Rayn then to Zhou slowly. Even he was tearing up a bit. It was so unusual for her to see that. She quietly walked up behind him and stood with her arms in pockets near her hips on the dress she wore. A shift in the wind whipped her hair around a bit but she shrugged it off. Clearing her throat a bit she glanced to the siblings in arms, not wanting to disturb them.

"Zhou, you never told me that you had a sister before.. Did I know of her?" She offered a gentle smile in way of a greeting. She glanced to Rayn, trying to figure out who he was to Nyima... Perhaps a brother? No, he looked too friendly for that...
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