But out of curiosity; would it differ if it is a disillusioned Black Númenórean? In contrast to Orcs, all men are (kind off) redeemable.
I'm afraid to say that it would make no difference; the very reason they are called
Black Númenóreans is that they were in direct opposition to 'the Faithful' for over a thousand years, their attitude and beliefs matching so closely to those of Morgoth and Sauron (domination over
lesser men) that we even get the Mouth of Sauron in an age where their people are pretty much drawing their last breath.
There's also a huge debate as to whether Orcs are also redeemable, which I will not get into here, but of all the men I would have to say that the Black Númenóreans would be perhaps the least redeemable that there are - even the Haradrim and Easterlings (some of them) must have fought simply out of fear of the repurcussions if they did not, or out of a misguided loyalty, or even did not...we don't know everything that happened in the South or East, after all.
In contrast the Númenóreans or 'the Kings Men' at least, fell so deeply to the darkness that redemption for them would likely come only in their deaths. If even then.
So, once more I must say no.
Feel more than free to come up with a different concept though, I'm all
ears eyes.