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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Gm reporting!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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The other GM is here.

That didn't take you long Sep... Its like you're eager to get back into it or something.
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@Sundered Echo It's almost as if I had the sheet ready for the OOC or something.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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@Rtron get a new sig and avatar scrub.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Technical data

Name: Fa-Val-Kuul

Species: Tiss’shar

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Faction: Jedi Strike Team

Rank: Jedi Master

Master: N/A

Former master(s): Thanan Halis

Concerning you

You are on a mission. How did you dress for it? What else can you say about your looks?

I dress practically. I do not tend to wear Jedi robes on missions into enemy territory, Instead, I follow the customs of my own species and wear only tool belts or other harnesses to carry my equipment. In colder climates, I will wear a heated suit or vest. I am of of the Tiss’shar subspecies orl-ar:
, and have solid black eyes with a notably muscular build.

In order to confront the Sith, you need to be strong. Name one weakness or flaw you have identified but not neutralized.

Emotion and passion are my constant struggles. My nature is to be a predator. The instincts of a Tiss’shar are cold, calculating, and vicious, something that has shaped their entire society. It is not a unique position among Jedi, as there are many other species with similar instincts, but I did not settle to approach it in the same way. While others would seek to deny and suppress their more problematic instincts, I have accepted that they are a part of who I am. I chose to learn how to use my nature in the service of the light: a choice that has shaped my path as a Jedi. I am bold, direct, and, in combat, use controlled passion to deadly effect. However, to live in such a way requires me to maintain a constant balance between the peace afforded to me by my conscious mind, and the fury of my inner self. I am a loyal Jedi, but I know I cannot afford to err in controlling my passions. It is a constant struggle for balance within myself, which I do not believe I will ever neutralize.

Fighting Sith is not easy. How do you plan to use the Force for this?

Combat-wise, my force abilities are focused around augmenting my lightsaber combat and physical prowess. Telekinesis is a powerful and versatile tool in the arsenal of any Jedi, and I have trained to use it creatively and effectively. However, the most unique, and powerful, ability I possess is that of force body. I can use the force to essentially bypass the limitations my body places on itself to augment my physical abilities far beyond what is natural. I become faster, stronger, quicker thinking, and all around more effective. Unfortunately, those natural limitations are in place for a reason, and depending on how far I push myself, using this ability can cause harm to my body. Internal bleeding, snapped tendons, and broken bones are only a few of the injuries I can potentially give myself. As a consequence of this, I have also trained in the healing aspects of the force to rejuvenate my body as I destroy it. My use of the force requires that I maintain a balance between augmenting my abilities and mending my injuries. It is certainly possible for me to push myself beyond what my healing can handle.

Sure, you can use the Force… but what else can you do?

I am a Jedi Guardian, specialized as a Jedi Battlemaster. I have years of experience leading both soldiers and Jedi alike. As a predator, I have natural talents for tracking targets, which is further enhanced by training and experience. I have a particular attention for detail when observing a situation that has served me well for forming strategies.

Something got you to join this mission. What was it? What events shaped your life?

I was hatched on a remote agrarian colony in the outer rim, though I was not there long before my force sensitivity was discovered. It was something my parents were familiar with, as my brother before me had also had the same kind of sensitivity. As such, I was given to the Jedi Order before I could form permanent memories. Growing up, I was aware of my brother’s existence, but I never met him in person until I was an adult. Even now, we are not terribly close, as we both agree that such an attachment could be more dangerous than helpful.

At first, I did not stand out among my fellow initiates, and in some ways, I even lagged behind. I was somewhat impatient, and prone to outbursts of passion and anger. The peaceful, placid mindset which Jedi strove to achieve was simply not part of my nature, but that was hardly a unique problem among initiates. Some were of predator species like myself, while other younglings simply had fiery spirits. In any case, my instructors taught me techniques to keep myself calm. Or at least, calm enough to pass my initiate trials.
I eventually became a Padawan to a Human Jedi named Thanan Halis. He was a rather practical Jedi, and the one who set me on my current path to inner balance. For the first year or two, my abilities progressed decently, but I was still hindered by my natural passions and other inner conflicts. However, my master taught me not to wholly reject my nature, as it was a part of who I was. It was a part of my identity. Instead, I sought to bring my instincts into balance with my conscious mind, while preventing them from drawing me to the dark side. And over time, I learned how to use them to serve the light. It was no easy path, and I came close to falling more times than I would have liked, but in the end, I grew to have an understanding of the passions and emotions that had corrupted so many Jedi. And with that understanding, I could control them.

Being raised in the midst of a war, it was almost unavoidable that I would see combat during my training. Through the entire time that I was a Padawan, my missions brought me into battle, sometimes unintentionally. I of course had missions of a more peacekeeping nature, solving some of the more mundane problems afflicting the average Republic citizen, but those often just became interludes between the “real” missions, fighting the real threat. My master disliked war just as much as any other Jedi, but he knew that a Sith Empire was not a fate to which the galaxy could afford to be subjected. For my own part, I could not disagree. I had seen, through the course of my apprenticeship, what life was like in enemy territory. As a non-human myself, what I had witnessed struck me as horrible on a more personal level.

In terms of my combat skills, the war had shaped me into a warrior-Jedi, and with my master’s guidance, I attained enough inner balance to pass my Trials of Knighthood without any more difficulty as the average Jedi. But, the war was nowhere close to over, and it would continue to dominate my life. It was not a week after becoming a knight that I was back on the battlefield. I took on a Padawan myself after a while, but I never fully left the war.

As the years marched forward, I became a more effective Jedi Guardian, even as the Republic drew no closer to victory. Every struggle and defeat we faced pulled us farther back than our successes pushed us forward. I have saved many lives and killed or captured many of the Republic’s enemies over the course of my career. My skills with a lightsaber have been honed to a fine point, and my connection to the force has grown to the point to raise me to the upper ranks of the Jedi. After being captured, surviving Sith torture and interrogation, and eventually escaping, I was named to be a Master of the Jedi order. Later, during a battle that most would consider hopeless, I turned the tide into an unquestionable victory. Through clever strategy and martial prowess, I saved a battalion of exhausted, undersupplied, and beleaguered Republic soldiers from certain destruction, and nearly killed a Sith Lord in the process. For that, I was considered worthy to be named a Jedi Battlemaster. Despite all of those successes, the war still rages on, with the Republic seemingly in constant retreat. I know that much more will have to be done to protect the Republic so that is why I have chosen to lead this mission. I must never give up on the hope that the Republic can once again exist in peace.

What are you like, and what keeps you motivated?

The war which has shaped my life has elevated me to the heights of the Jedi Order, but all of those successes seem hollow when I can see that the threat of the Sith is still very present to every Republic citizen. When I recognize that all of my efforts have not been enough to stop an enslaving army of the Dark Side from pushing the Republic to the edge of collapse, I know that I have to push myself ever farther to finally bring peace to the galaxy. Like any Jedi, I want to protect the innocent, and I see the Sith as the primary enemy to that goal. I particularly want to ensure that the Republic’s non-humans never have to experience a life under the rule of the Sith. As for myself, I am not am not a common Jedi. I am more…practical, bold, and often blunt. I can respect those who can adhere strictly to all of the Order’s traditions, exactly as they are written, but I have seen too much of the galaxy to believe that is a realistic goal, or even a wise one. My own, internal struggle with my basic nature were not solved by traditional means, so I have experience with the flaws of those traditions. As such, I sometimes take more liberal interpretations of the Jedi code. In general, I maintain a calm exterior. I have been on the battlefield more than long enough to be comfortable being close to my soldiers, though I do not form long-term attachments. I can be friendly, kind, and even joking when the situation calls for it. However, when combat is upon me, I am like almost no other Jedi. I fight with controlled passion, so while my expression may be calm, my movements tend to be nothing short of ferocious.

How do you fight with lightsabers?

I have a great deal of training in lightsaber combat and am proficient in all officially recognized lightsaber forms, but I do have my own specialties. I wield a standard lightsaber, along with a lightsaber shoto. I may use one or both, depending on the situation. I am an aggressive fighter, and tend to focus on the form Juyo. It is, in several ways, a reflection of my own personality, as it requires the use of controlled passion. It channels the ferocity that it innate within me, but with focus, I can still maintain a calm conscious mind while using it. However, I, like any other master, do not restrict myself to the use of a single style. I am able to incorporate controlled passion into styles which do not traditionally make use of it. As one who frequently sees combat, I use Soresu for defense against blasters, Ataru and Jar’kai to take advantage of my agility with dual blades, and elements of telekinetic combat from Niman. In difficult situations, I have even found methods of incorporating surprisingly aggressive counterattacks into the traditionally very defensive form of Makashi. I have become accustomed to tying elements of different styles together in combat, and switching between them rapidly to remain unpredictable in combat.

One of the more unique aspects of my combat style is how I integrate thrown lightsabers into my personal style. I can of course throw them in the traditional way, but I have also practiced fine control of how I can manipulate them in the air. My shoto is a particularly agile weapon, so I can make quick, telekinetic swings that can surprise my foes.

How do you relate to the other characters?

Republic Special Forces lieutenant Vebra Mirthios has served alongside the battalion I commanded on many occasions for years. I know him personally, and am confident enough in his and his squad’s abilities that I recommended him for this mission.

Out of Character

How powerful is (s)he in the Force?

Fa-Val-Kuul is a Jedi master, so all of her core force abilities are appropriately powerful.

Fa is capable of particularly potent and creative applications of telekinesis. She is talented in its standard applications, such as push, pull, jump, and telekinetic movement, but she can also telekinetically manipulate her lightsaber precisely and gracefully in combat. More than standard lightsaber throws, she has integrated the telekinetic movement of her lightsabers into her personal combat style. In addition, Fa is capable of using force wave to create a telekinetic blast of energy.

Force body is Fa’s most effective ability for enhancing her abilities with a lightsaber. She is able to bypass the natural limitations of her body to greatly increase her strength, speed, and reactions. It can allow her to perform great physical feats, but the farther she pushes herself, the more of a risk there is that this ability can cause her to physically injure herself.

As a consequence of Fa’s use of force body, she has trained herself in force healing to counteract her self-inflicted injuries. She can heal many common bodily injuries in a short time, but her healing does have its limits, and she can certainly push herself farther than her healing can handle with force body.

Force speed is another option Fa has to enhance her physical combat abilities, which she often uses before force body, since its physical side effects are not as severe. In some situations, she will use force speed in conjunction with force body to reach truly exceptional speeds.

Force valor allows Fa to enhance the resolve, accuracy, and speed of herself and her allies. The effect is noticeable if she is actively engaged in the fight, but can become more pronounced if she is truly focused on it.

To deal with more powerful Sith, Fa is practiced in Tutaminis, and is capable of absorbing a strong lightning attack.

Because of her style of fighting, Fa has intimate knowledge of many aspects of pain. Force body tears at her physical form, while her healing mends it back together. The process is, understandably, rather painful, so she has practiced in the technique of Crucitorn. Due to her deep understanding of pain, she can diminish the feeling of pain within herself or others, or amplify it in the body of a foe.

Tapas has been a crucial force technique to allow Fa to operate with the same effectiveness as her fellow Jedi and soldiers. As a Tiss’shar, she is naturally a cold-blooded being, unable to regulate her own body temperature. As such, she uses the force to keep herself warm in cold environments.

List of powers:
All core force abilities at a level fitting of a master
Force Body
Force Healing
Force Speed
Throw Lightsaber
Force Wave
Force Valor

Has your character encountered members of the other factions before?

Fa has encountered the Sith Lord Sish. During the battle which caused her to be elevated to the rank of Battlemaster, she dueled the Trandoshan, and wounded him severely. Unfortunately, she was not able to kill him during the battle, so he survived to continue serving the Sith’s Empire.

Your character can’t know his/her every weakness or flaw. Which ones were missing above?

Fa is dedicated fully to her mission to eliminate Nyiss. Capture is not her intent, but neither is rescue. She does not currently know of the Jedi prisoners that Nyiss’ forces will be holding, but they will not change her mission. She is certainly willing to rescue them if possible, but her willingness to make sacrifices in order to eliminate Nyiss could bring her into conflict with other Jedi with different priorities.

Fa’s own failures, or rather, the inadequacy of her successes, have begun to weigh on her mind. She is well-trained enough to control her passions, but she has felt some frustration at the fact that, no matter what she does, the Republic is still no closer to winning the war. She is prone to feeling a sense of futility, particularly after personal successes that have no real meaning. In can increase her resolve to accomplish her goal, but also make her more prone to take unnecessary risks.

The Dark Side. How well does your character resist it?

Fa is a Jedi Master, and not one who would easily fall prey to dark temptations. She has gained resistance to the dark side through familiarity with passion and emotions which can lead to it. She can easily recognize the warning signs that her emotions are going too far and prevent herself from being overwhelmed by them. Though, she is not without weakness. The dark side is unlikely to consume her by surprise, but she does regularly open herself up to temptation.

Do you have any limits as to what is “ok” to happen to your character?

There is something about dismemberment, particularly of the tail, that does not sit well with me. I don’t even understand why.

Do the ends justify the means?

For Fa, the ends justify the means to an extent. She is wholly dedicated to her goal, but there are some actions she still will not take. She is a Jedi and will not execute unarmed opponents, nor will she do anything that will bring direct harm to an innocent. However, she would be willing to sacrifice lives through inaction by focusing her efforts on Nyiss, instead of rescuing prisoners.

Captivity. Do you want him/her to potentially be captured?

It could be a way of mixing things up at some point in the story, but I do not think I would particularly enjoy being captive for an extended duration.

What do you think your character is doing in a few IC months?

For as long as Nyiss is alive, Fa will be leading the strike team against her.
Does your character have any secrets useful for the GMs’ plots?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Checking in!
I'll get my CSes up as soon as I finish them... lol

Glad this is finally back!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Prisoner-Talon Soule
Technical data

Name: My name is Talon Soule.
Species: I'm an Amaran.
Age: I'm sixteen years old.
Gender: I'm a female.
Faction: I am a part of the Jedi Order.
Rank: I'm a Padawan.
Master: Currently I have no master.
Former master(s): He was killed outside the temple during the sacking at the Jedi Temple. His name was Ceros Spiralfall.
Time/location of capture: Inside the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant during the Sacking.
Concerning you

As a prisoner, your wardrobe is limited. When you were captured, how do you look and what clothes do you have on now?

I was wearing a pair of trousers, shirt which I use once in awhile, and a vest. I have an earring in my right ear. My height is about waist high and I also wear gloves that have the figures cut off just to keep a connection with my former life. My Jedi robe is dark brown but I never really wear the thing unless I get too cold.
You got captured. Did you make any mistakes that led to this, or were others at fault?

To be honest I would like to say that it was the temple's fault yet for some strange reason my constance will not allow me. I can't place the blame upon my deceased Master, yet I can't help be feel as if there should be blame placed upon someone's shoulders. I was half to blame since I had tried to make the man proud ever since we were matched granted a Jedi Master technically aren't allowed to become too close with their Padawans. Maybe this is my punishment for my former life or even a punishment for ever living. The fault was mine in a way. I was upset about going to the temple for a new mission since we had been working for a while without any breaks and I guess I had distracted him because when that one familiar With appeared my master told me to run to the temple and help evacuate the younglings. I went to refuse only to be pushed forward as the Sith attacked which left me no choice but to do as I was told. For some unknown reason I decided to look back just in time to see my master killed in front of my eyes.

When I was inside the temple I force myself to focus and do as I was told. What I didn't know was that there was Sith inside our temple. Needless to say I was founded and eventually caught by one while trying to give her something to chase instead of younglings to take or hurt. Not one of my finest moments granted but it worked.
The Force is your ally. How do you use it?

Force Speed, telekinesis throw, force sight, force sense, precognition, mind trick, force jump, tutaminis, and Telekinetic defence. These are the skill in know but I'm not very good with them since I'm not the type for meditation and things such as that. It's not that I don't want to more like I have to be in constant movement or else it will feel as if I might go insane from sitting around on the floor for too long.
Having the Force did not keep you safe. What other skills can help you escape?

My master was an Investigator so I learned to research my target quickly and efficiently. I was also taught about forensic and detective skills to help identify the criminal behind the crime. The hardest thing I had to learn was how to survive inside a unexpected scenario such as an ambush from our enemies or another event happening at the same time. As a thief I know how to steal in order to fill a job order or obtain what I need in order to jump an obstacle in my path. The pickpocket skill will come in handy when a Sith with a key cames walking by and doesn't notice a thing as you take what you need. Slicing comes in handy if you have to hack a door open in order to gain entry to an off limits spot or break out of a prison cell.
What was your life like before you got captured? Which major events shaped your life?

My life before the Jedi was rather difficult. I learned the skills to survive and once the Jedi found me I never really looked back. Mainly due to many bad choices that had gotten a few friends killed on jobs. Another reason is because I don't truly feel the need to look back into the past or ponder on what I could have done differently as well as the positive outcomes. Then again I grew up in a very different place than any other Jedi had. So if you would still like to know then let us go back through my memories and find out where everything fell apart.

I heard from the people who raised me that my parents were beast tamers. From what it sounded like they were one of the best who always stopped by Nar Shaddaa to sell their product. My mother gave birth to me on one of these runs. It's funny how a joyful moment can be swiped away from an infant especially when your parents had done nothing wrong yet the people who took their lives seemed to deem it necessary. After that happened I was raised by the local thieves. They tried their best to show me love but even they didn't truly know how to show someone like me this affection. So the group decided to teach me something better that even my kind would thrive at. The wonderful life of a thief.

I was about five when I was first taught to pickpocket though in the beginning stages I was just the cute decoy while someone from our group looted the person clean. I thought it was just all fun and games at the time until I was told to pick my very first pocket at the age of five and a half. I remember my heart racing as they slowly pushed me toward a man in the streets. I could tell by the scent he wasn't from our moon but the dead giveaway was how finely dressed he was making the perfect target to steal from. My paws become sweaty and my heart felt like it was about to explode out of my chest as a hand reached up to grasp the very first coin. As my paw felt around for his wallet, only to feel it slowly shifting underneath my claw at first then traveling up into my palm, just as the man moved forward to pass by a what could have been a witness. The adrenalin rush I felt that moment made me feel so good that I continued to do the act. By seven it became to come naturally, as if it was embedded in my instincts, which was about the same time I learned another thieving trick.

I remember walking around with nothing to do while my family went to gather information on another job before seeing something leaning over the door as if they were telling someone a secret. I didn't know that I was slowly inching forward until the person nearly jumped out of their skin thinking I was law enforcement. I was told to go away and forget I saw but my curious nature seemed to kicked in because the next thing I knew my body shifted to the right for a better look. The girl yelled a couple more times before finally stop all together. She was slowly slicing the secretary system, though at the time I had no clue what was going on, just that the system was shut down. She went inside them come out with something inside her hands with a smile upon her lips. The next day the young woman was doing the same thing which caught my attention. I slowly and quietly walked behind her and just watched, only to scare the woman half to death when she finished.

After a while I was able to earn the woman's trust which helped me gain a new skill though I wasn't any good at it. I mainly stuck to the skill I was best at, granted that each time I tried setting my goal higher which was a risk in itself, but we would have thought that I would meet a real life Jedi during my job hours. He was just a man with a dark brown robe with something clipped to his belt. By the time my paws grabbed onto the metal the guy had grabbed the scruff of my shirt in order to keep me still. His eyes narrowed down at me, as if he knew something about me that I didn't know myself, he mentioned about me being force sensitive and that I needed to go with him. My hand slashed upward as I screamed at the top of my lungs forcing the man's grip to loosen allowing me to escape. After that the guy seemed to follow me everywhere even when I was sure that there was no way that the Jedi would follow. Eventually I stopped long enough to ask the stranger what he wanted only to get an exciting and upsetting answer.

I was tempted to go yet in a way I wasn't happy about it. New places to steal from would help strengthen my skills but a new place meant somewhere far and unfamiliar. Yes, I wanted out of this place but at the same time I knew that it would be harder to learn a brand new way of doing things. Something in which I honestly wasn't looking forward to in my life span but then again I was curious to see different places for a change of scenery. I asked if there was another way only to be turned down. I remember trying to run away and stay away only for our game of chase to continue until I finally agreed to the arrangement. I lead the Jedi home and explained everything to my group only to be shut out, leaving me nothing to come back to but a broken heart. We went to his ship after a gather what little I owned and took off. I knew I was leaving everything I knew behind but at that moment my feelings were to run away and never look back.

When we arrived at the temple I felt excited as well as betrayed by those who raised me but then again there was no honor among thieves so in a way it was to be expected. As we walked I observed which Jedi would most likely be the easiest to steal from and the ones who would be the hardest to get close enough to. When I was told to stay while he talked to some people my ears would shift to from side to side, as if to be used as I was signalling someone, but in reality it was showing where my interest was at the moment. When the man come back he wasn't alone. A woman followed close behind him after which made me very nervous about what would be down with me. After some whispering they had finally came to a decision that I would stay at the temple and train to become a possible Jedi. The training was hard and I felt sick going against what I was taught to believe in but eventually I had slowly seen that the ideas of both teachings were similar in many ways but the methods were completely different. When it was time for the trails I knew that I was ready to show off what I had learned so when I was happy and proud of myself yet I was also rather curious to what my life would be like now.

The master that was assigned to me was an Investigator named Ceros Spiralfall. He was a kind man who helped me become better at slicing granted we didn't always get along at times. I was a stubborn kid who was mainly set in their ways and the man was the teacher trying to turn my head towards his ways. I think this was the reason we ended up getting along most of the time or maybe it was because I just wanted to make him proud like a child would for their father yet I could tell there was a rather large amount of distance between us. That all changed on my very first mission as a Padawan. The information was either falsified or it could have been human error yet the Sith was able to fool us rather well and easily lead us into an ambush. It was supposed to be a simple supply line, nothing too big and nothing too small, but when we got there we have walked right into an ambush. Yeah supply lines are sometimes guarded but the Jedi knew something wasn't since it was more heavily than the ones than the ones we recently ran into. We continued forward slowly not knowing we were running into an ambush until the last second. During the battle I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins which helped keep me focused. But after the battle was the hardest part since what we assumed was said supply line turned out to be a slave center, showing the real evil in this world, as my heart became heavy my master took me aside and told me examples of the good still imprinted in this world. I believe this was when we started drifting closer and as we worked together our bond seemed to grow. Before the Sacking we were going to obtain information on our next mission though neither of us expected to run into Sith.
How do you keep yourself calm in captivity? How do you keep your will to escape strong?

I do a lot of things to keep calm since I am not able to stay still for long periods of time. I gather information on where major supply areas are for the Sith. Another is just doing physical exercise while meditating such as sparing, push ups, sit ups, and walking around the cell. I also keep my thieving skills sharp by stealing from other prisoners and the Sith that come by. Lastly I like to cause trouble to show these guys I'm not afraid of them in the least bit grant most times I'm caught. Will is another story. To keep my will up I help others escape this place with messages to the Jedi of the places they need to hit.
How well do you hold up under pressure? Do you have a high pain threshold?

I think of other things while under pressure granted that it's very hard most times. If that doesn't work I think of the pain that the Sith inflicted on me and how I'm saving others from the same fate. The pain threshold is something I know I can hold considering how many that back home people would do one of three things.
Beat you to a pulp, cut you up, or kill you one sight. The order of the actions didn't matter more than who you had made mad or in some cases who you had stolen from and how much they wanted to teach you a lesson.
Lightsabers. Though you lost yours, it would be good to know what style(s) you use.

There wasn't many styles that really fit me due to my height. I had a yellow colored Lightsaber shoto. For the fighting style I use Ataru.
Have you encountered other prisoners or Sith in the past?

(Echo told me not to worry about this part)

Out of Character

How powerful is (s)he in the Force?

Talon is fairly well with the basics yet she lacks in keeping the Force up to date. The constant movement helps her relax and focus instead of the Jedi's normal methods which makes the girl rather unique. She's aware that being in prison has slowly taken her skills in the Force to lower over time so instead of just sitting around and meditating the way the teenager does it is doing physical exercise while meditating.
Has your character encountered members of the Strike Team / Rescuers before?

Not that I am aware of.
Nobody with any sort of wisdom wants to speak of their flaws. Especially not to their enemies, so what are your character’s flaws?

Talon is rather addicted to the rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins. This is mainly because of her life as a criminal well and being in constant danger while living on Nar Shaddaa. Often times the teenager will lie in order to hide her feelings towards others yet her tail and ears can shed light to one single emotion that can be seen. When frightened the young woman's ears fold back towards her head and her tail wraps around the owner's waist granted the natural fluffiness makes it look rather strange when one sees it. Talon tends to revert back to her old ways of causing trouble and using old skills just to keep them sharp as well as messing with any Sith inside the cell blocks.
Is your character any good at holding out against torture?

I want to said that she can handle hours of torture and still wouldn't break no matter what but I really can't say that. I wouldn't go as fair to say that there is no ways and could ever handle handle the cruel actions of the Sith because of where my fox was born and her jod. I can however say that it would be an average amount. Personally I'm hoping to make it to where the girl proves to be a challenge considering that amount of pain she can handle.
What is your character’s personality like? What motivates him/her?

Talon doesn't show her emotions through words or at least fully. She can tell a good lie, just like any other criminal who lived on Nar Shaddaa, but her features will tell the truth. The corner of the teenager’s mouth will twitch, those with the keenest of eyes can can see it right away, that's not easy to see. The young woman needs to know everything about people mainly because of learning under an investigator Jedi. She's very anti-group work but will suck up her feelings about to and work together with others.

What motivates Talon is the thought of helping people. Yes, she tends to go back to her old ways but she does it trying to use them for good. In a way the girl is like a very cheesy super hero with a terrible origin story. She's willing to learn new ways in order to help with her goals even while staying in the prisons and with a huge chance of dying a horrible death by the Sith.
Do you have any limits as to what is “ok” to happen to your character?

I would have to say that the only true limitation to what happens to my character are her tail getting cut off. I understand that there are going to be characters that die which I don't mind making another character from scratch. There are some things I prefer not to happen but in my mind set it's like asking players to not leave an everlasting impression on my character. I want the players to become creative in the writing and allow me to enhance my own since my character's don't react as well as they should in dangerous scenarios. Not to mention I love being evil to my own characters.
Do you want your character to escape?

Eventually I would like Talon to escape but not right away. Mainly because I want obtain as much information as she can in order to help the Jedi rescue teams and strikers. I also want the girl to continue her former Master's work and destroy their supply chains to at least slow them down. Yet in a way I would also like for her to learn new skills from a different Jedi in a different position to help the young woman see a new point of view in a Jedi's life.
How easily do you wish to be captured?

Since Talon is going to be captured by Jewel it's most likely going to an easy capture. As the player I would like my character to have her captor go on a run because of a harder moving target and not to mention the adrenaline rush. So for I made my girl love getting into dangerous situations just for thrills so I would like to keep it that way IC. Yet I also want the teenager to play hit and run just to tick the Sith off.
What do you think your character is doing in a few IC months?

My character would be gather information on the Sith and other prisoners. Picking out who can be trusted, who wants to escape, who might be lined with the enemy, and things such as that. After she's gathered all the information she can then comes the hard part. The teenager would write it out before helping some prisoners escape, giving the item to one specific person or in some cases dividing each message into pieces, allowing the Jedi to strike the Sith where it hurts.
Does your character have any secrets useful for the GMs’ plots?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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@The Dow Dragon, @NarcissisticPotato, @DrunkasaurusRex, @Boomlover, @SushiJaguar. @AdamantiumWolf:

Those either not the on the Discord chat or been heard from recently, Over HERE and sound off! If you're still interested that is. For those who aren't sure what faction to do, I suggest going with a faction with low number. Currently these are the most recent numbers over all, if any are incorrect please inform the GMs and I'll fix it.

Sith: 12
Jedi Prisoners: 9
Jedi Rescuer: 3
Strike Team: 4

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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@Fallenreaper I'm going to add to the strike team after Korens good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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@The Dow Dragon, @NarcissisticPotato, @DrunkasaurusRex, @Boomlover, @SushiJaguar. @AdamantiumWolf, @babbysama, @Tzarima, @Zoldyck, @Sloth, @vietmyke, @ethanjory:
Those of you who either aren't on the Aftermath Discord chat, haven't been heard from recently, or who have expressed interest in this RP prior to its latest relaunch, we're wondering if are still interested. If you're not interested, we'd appreciate knowing that too and would like to wish you good luck with RPing in any case.

If you should still be interested, now's the time to submit a sheet here in the OoC, or if you've not got one ready (that's fine), at least express the faction you want to make a character within.

We've got a slightly more updated list of faction distributions here:
Sith: 12
Jedi Prisoners: 9
Jedi Rescuer: 3
Strike Team: 6

Apologies to those pinged above by @Fallenreaper too. Some mentions were broken there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SushiJaguar


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