In celebration of the Resident Evil 2 board game being announced on Kickstarter(, I have decided to resurrect Raccoon City. You don't have to be familiar with the RE series to participate in this RP.
The Raccoon Incident was a days-long ordeal that eventually culminated in the nuclear destruction of Raccoon City, with all trace of its 100,000 citizens decimated in the wake of Umbrella's scandal. The T-Virus and G-Virus were mistakenly unleashed on the city via the sewage and water systems, infecting hundreds and eventually thousands over the span of a month (August-September. Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, a multi-billion dollar leader in Big Pharma, held Raccoon City hostage with it's experiments, due to the company's philanthropy and financing of public infrastructure. The leaders of Raccoon City were on Umbrella's payroll, and the research technicians and employees kept silent as Umbrella committed heinous (not to mention illegal) experiments under the guise of virus research. The setting will be familiar to fans of the RE series - Raccoon City is our playground in this RP.


The Outbreak was worst during the following [DATES: 09/24/1998 ~ 09/30/1998]

The Outbreak was worst during the following [DATES: 09/24/1998 ~ 09/30/1998]
This RP takes place over the span of 6 days (09/24 ~ 09/30) meaning this RP has a foreseeable END. The RP will stop once we reach September 30th. On September 30th, the city is going to be nuked and that won't be changing in this RP, but the decisions you make leading up to the Sterilization of Raccoon City can make some difference and perhaps even ensure the survival of others, also trapped in RC.
-1. Your characters are trapped in Raccoon City, with thousands of zombies surrounding whatever shelter you chose to hole yourself up in. There are still [Survivors] out there - will you risk your own neck to save them or say "Fuck them" and get out of RC as soon as possible?
-2. Perma-death is obviously a thing in this RP, but will generally be reserved for players who drop out of the RP.
-3. Your goal is simple: EVACUATE RACCOON CITY BY SEPTEMBER 30th.
-4. Teamwork is key to surviving the zombie apocalypse.
There are only 2 sanctuaries (SAFE, zombie-free zones) left in the city, after the fall of the Raccoon Police Department. Survivors swap items and munitions here, as well as coordinate their defensive/offensive strategy for evacuating Raccoon City. Pick one of these as your Starting Location.
There are only 2 sanctuaries (SAFE, zombie-free zones) left in the city, after the fall of the Raccoon Police Department. Survivors swap items and munitions here, as well as coordinate their defensive/offensive strategy for evacuating Raccoon City. Pick one of these as your Starting Location.