Gilbert Summers, "The Hat"

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House -> Carnival Setup)
Skills: N/A
Gilbert gave Andromeda a weary smile, nodding his head slightly as he spoke.
"I am fine, thank you. I tried something foolish with my abilities and paid for it. We all have our limitations, and we all must attempt to move beyond them in our own ways. The lesson learned here is that one must be willing to accept the consequences that may accompany the attempt." It seemed that Emendators were not perfect, nor were they omnipotent, self-sufficient deities, regardless of what others may have thought of them throughout history.
Alexandra's observations were taken into consideration as well. It was an interesting concept at the every least, and not impossible.
"Emendators feel a pull to one another. Eventually, we all made the choice to come together. I did feel a drawing, though it was different than that of the other Emendators. Yes Alexandra, it is possible that others like me may yet become aware of themselves. But I do not know what this is, exactly. This "Management" may very well have the ability to see into histories as I do, but it does not excuse the actions taken today." As the discussion developed among the Paradoxes, concerning the uncertain state of these people who had dropped Evelina's name to gain entry, Gil was surprised to see a trio of women enter the Kitchen House fully uninvited and begin to see to the linens. It surprised him greatly as well when he didn't actually do anything to stop them, as if they were all suddenly powerless to raise discernible objection to strangers in their home. It was highly unlike him. Yet here he was, doing absolutely nothing while three sirens made away with the dirty laundry, traipsing through the building like they were fully comfortable doing so without so much as a "by your leave".
Enough was enough, at this point. The Paradoxes were supposed to be using this time to relax, take a break, and regroup themselves. Not stand by and allow the antagonizing actions of strangers to continue to disrupt them. And Gilbert himself had work he needed to do. The presence of this carnival and its people were cumbersome and seemingly designed to put them ill at ease.
"If you would please," he started, looking back at the Paradoxes present,
"continue with the plan for now. I will speak to someone in authority over there, politely if at all possible. Impolitely if it is not." Gilbert turned and exited the Kitchen House. He walked silently and with increased stability of pace than he did earlier. Whatever affected him earlier was subsiding nicely, albeit with a reminder to not try that particular twisting of his power's intent for quite some time, by his reckoning. The Hat's face was neutral. Even friendly, as he generally seemed. He was a personable guy the vast majority of the time, if a bit toward the aloof side. He did not stop until he stood at the door to the trailer marked "Management", whereupon he gave an assertive knock.
"Respectfully, we should speak about something." he stated clearly, eyeing the door with some scrutiny.
James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Kitchen House)
Skills: N/A
James was the kind of man who, when presented with something unexpected but not directly harmful, took a moment to sit back and observe. It was amazing what one might learn if one does just that; take in a scene as it unfolds and remain quiet. The fact that he had an expression of utter confusion helped, too. Three singing women approached the building they were in and whisked away their linens, presumably for the purpose of... washing? It was more than a little odd, and he didn't have the presence of mind to feel barged in upon until after they had left. The ordinarily boisterous man was silent for a moment or two after their departure. He looked like he wanted to say something twice, even going as far as to open his mouth wide and raise a finger into the air as if to make a point of some kind, but withdrew both times and remained quiet.
His eyes moved down to the other piece of raisin toast in his hand. James held it up and peered at its sweet and savory, lightly bronzed surface, even turning it over to make sure it looked roughly the same on both sides. Perhaps there was something on it that might have made him prone to hallucinations; mold of some kind, or maybe it secretly contained something illicit that tweaked with his perception with pharmaceutical assistance. He found nothing of the sort, obviously. Giving it a shrug, he tore another piece away with his teeth and started chewing.
"Aight, so... Y'all saw that too, right? Askin' for a friend." He couldn't refute the concerns and statements of those who had spoken up, either. Something was up, and the delicious (if potentially hallucinogenic) baked goods aside, hanging out in the Kitchen House was not doing them any more service. After Gilbert stepped out to assert himself, James looked around to everyone remaining.
"Aw, hell. Let's us start up some conversations then." He stopped his train of thought for a second and looked to Andromeda. They had come back this way to avoid the carnival, owing to her understandable difficulty earlier. Quietly, he assured her,
"We can get this, if'n you need a while, 'k? But think 'bout it - this might could be the first ever happenin' of a crossover comic, hmm?" But they did otherwise have a job to do, even if that job was to talk to strangers they may or may not have superpowers. He began to exit the building. Addressing the other Paradoxes in general, he mused,
"Imma go introduce myself to folks an' see what happens." The jovial wereboar slid his stetson back upon his head and nodded in the direction of the carnival.
"C'mon then, let's get this over with."