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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
I'll be using the 0th Post for certain important announcements.

5/11: NPC List in Character Tab has been updated!

5/17: NPC List in Character Tab has been updated!
5/28: NPC List in Character Tab has been updated! Gratz to Jason for being the first to ding! The Cave is getting low on resources...
6/6/2018: NPC List in Character Tab has been updated! Crispy's origins have become more clear...

6/16: GM-POSTS WILL NOW FOLLOW A NEW FORMAT. Based on which players are interacting at the time, I will sort everyone into PARTIES and respond to those parties as they complete their "turns." This does not mean you can't play solo, but I WOULD prefer that everyone not go solo all the time so as not to devolve into spammy back-and-forths with each player. I will continue to do my best not to leave anyone behind too much.

7/22: NPC List in Character Tab has been updated!
7/25: Gratz to Jason on being the first to Transform! Jason is Evolving! Dun dun dun dun...

8/9: CONGRATULATIONS! We've reached 500 posts! Keep it up folks, and there may be a little something extra in it for ya! ;)

5/22/19: CONGRATULATIONS! It's a little late, but we've reached 1000 Posts! Also, as of May 8th, the RP has been going for ONE YEAR! Everybody clap your hands if you believe--Just don't pray to the Demon King! ;)

7/19/2019: Everybody wish Jollan CONGRATULATIONS! After a lengthy PM session to catch him up, his character MIIBA is ready to join the rest of the Damned Heroes! In Other News, ALL PLAYER GROUPS ARE NOW ON DAY 5, albeit some are still in the morning and the Monster Party is in the early afternoon. Hopefully, a major overhaul of the NPC Tab will be in the future...along with a lot of other NEW characters...
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

You died.

The crystal clear memory, the moment of your death, burns at the back of your vision in exquisite detail. In this image, time freezes and every minutia stands out for you to ponder at your leisure. Behind it, the rest of your memories stretch into infinity like an endless hall of mirrors. Somehow you know you will never forget any of it. Moments of bliss and despair, weakness and triumph alike, engraved into eternity.

It would seem that you are alone, in this “eternity.” Endless white stretches out in every direction. Yet you feel claustrophobic, as if sealed in a box waiting to be opened. You stand upon a floor, but to look down reveals no shadow nor footprint. You are not sure if the pristine, featureless expanse is light, or void. You have a body, but your eyes, nose, and every nerve may as well be nonexistent for all the perception they provide.

But your ears hear a voice.

“This one’ll do, too.”

In white, there is now black, and with this disparity comes a return to sensation, to feeling. The gaping tear in reality, onyx flesh rent by necrotic claws, admits a man into your presence. His steps ripple upon the floor like water and bring with them undulating shadows. His red cloak's tattered hem reminds you of billowing flames. You can’t decide if his dark clothing is that of the plain layman, or that of the pragmatic general. His hair is blacker than ink, finer than silk, and his features might be considered handsome. But the red eyes and knowing grin are too unsettling. Shadows dance behind him, trailing like smoke. Are they the heads of many dragons, or some other beasts? Is it the phantasmal image of some hundred-armed figure, bearing weapons of destruction? You cannot be certain.

“Greetings, mortal soul.” He sweeps one hand out, throwing the cloak over one shoulder. “I’ll try to make this quick.” Now both of his hands extend, and beneath you the floor presents an image...an entire world laid out before you. A world that is not your own.

“Your world has quite the imagination, so perhaps you’ve heard this one before. An everyday, run of the mill, average soul is swept off their feet by a sudden, glowing circle of runes! Or a portal that appears out of thin air! Or, like now, they are plucked from death’s door. It doesn’t matter, as the end result is the same." He chuckles, and the infinite expanse ripples.

"You’re now a Chosen Hero, and you’ve fallen into a brand new world. Magic is real and brave knights wield magical blades against the forces of evil! You might become an adventurer! You could explore vast dungeons, discover ancient treasures! You might even get your own personal harem of romantic interests, or slay a Demon King!”

The salesman’s smile he wears now twists into a cold, seething rage with a mouth set in stony resolve. His fangs gleam white in a mad grin. With a thunderclap from his hands, the world below you disappears. The void around you goes pitch black. Somehow, he is still visible.

“But that’s not how it’s going to go! You see, I am the aforementioned Demon King. And this time, I’m summoning my own Damned Heroes!”

Something closes in on you; the claustrophobia before is now full blown restraint. The “Demon King” folds one leg over the other and either floats back, or sits on some unseen throne.

“Unfortunately, my followers don’t put much stock in “prophecy,” “blessings,” or “talent." And I find the idea of "cheats" to be overdone. You have to start at the bottom rung like everyone else, and claw your way up...over a mountain of corpses, if need be. Yet, I will allow you one boon: You may choose, from a handful of options, how your new life will begin. In both of our worlds, no one ever gets to choose the circumstances of their birth, right? So in a way, maybe I’m giving you the best deal of all…

Then again, all of your choices are pretty shitty.”

He shrugs, and the shell around you closes completely. You can no longer see anything, yet your other senses begin to stir. And you can still hear his voice, though it comes now from within you.

"Despite all that, in all your world's tales the Heroes are quite savvy. No matter their nature or abilities, they always seem to find a way. Yes...a way to completely, utterly BREAK whatever hackneyed system the gods design!" You can hear him cackle with glee. Then you hear an odd, almost digital sound right next to your ears. Images, each displaying a creature out of a story-book, appear before you.

"Choose among these weak and pitiful creatures. As you grow in power and experience, you will transform into something greater. Some have more options, and others may overlap. In the end it is reliant on you as an individual. Even if two of you become the same type of creature down the line, I doubt your abilities will be exactly the same." Strings of an unknown language appear below the images, and before your eyes they begin to make sense.

"As former Humans, your "intelligence" and "wisdom" will far surpass many “normal” monsters. Feel free to use your memories and knowledge to your advantage. Just beware of thinking you’re a big fish when the pond is merely small." With no other option, and with the closed in feeling growing stronger, you make your choice.

"Now, off with you! If you want more than a snowball’s chance in Hell of surviving the world outside your cave, defeat the Boss Monster! Use violence, subterfuge, even negotiation, I don’t give a damn! After that, make your way to my Palace...those who survive will be rewarded! Maybe I’ll even send you back home…" The shell emits a sharp crack. You see light.

You are reborn.

As you may guess, this is a Fantasy, Anime style RP in the growing “isekai” or “other world” genre. The characters were once normal people on our version of Earth, like you and me. After their deaths, they reincarnate as monsters under a mysterious King of Demons. It's like series like Re:Monster, That Time I Reincarnated as a Slime, I'm a Spider, So What, and a few others. There’s also noticeable influence from monster raising games like Monster Rancher, Pokemon, etc.

Though there might be references to terms like “stats,” “experience,” and so forth, there won’t be any dice rolling or number crunching. If the “stats” are revealed, they’re vague comparisons meant to show an Ogre is stronger than a Troll or something like that. They aren’t the end-all-be-all of combat.

Players will choose one of six monsters types to be when they are reborn, unless I'm convinced to add more. If you want to suggest a new type, remember you're all supposed to be weaklings. Start with the kind of mooks an RPG would have at Level 1. Depending on how many players we have, I’d like to have one of each or at least a good variety. The characters will advance by performing all sorts of actions. Fighting is one option, training or learning new skills is another, and then there might be some odd stuff you wouldn’t expect. There are three forms of growth: Skills, Transformation, and Variance. Skills are things like magic spells or proficiency with weapons. They typically improve with practice or personal insight. Transformation is evolution; a Goblin becoming a Hobgoblin and then an Orc, for instance. Variance is the most unique of the three, and is only earned through special instances that will likely become unique to each character. Depending on different characters' backstories, I may grant them a few "carry overs" from their past lives at my discretion.

Here are your choices:

Slime - The Tank of the group. In stat terms, they’d have higher HP and Defense. They have many options for Transformation, and are adaptable to almost any environment. As they grow they might gain shapeshifting abilities or better offense without giving up too much of their specialty. Starting Skill: Physical Damage Resistance I. (A bundle skill applying to all three types, Blunt, Slash, and Pierce)

Dire Rat - The Damage Dealer. It might seem odd, but even though they’re small their speed and strong jaws mean that taking big bites out of an enemy can be very effective, among fellow weaklings. Their Transformations will allow them to branch out into other beast-type monsters. These usually focus on being physically powerful and having sharp senses. Starting Skill: Beast Senses I (A bundle skill applying to all physical senses).

Wisp - The Magic Attacker. A floating orb of magical energy, this monster can fire spells from range and levitate. But it can’t actually “fly” and is very weak up close. As it Transforms it will grow more powerful magically, and may gain various elemental affinities. And of course it won’t stay a featureless glowing puffball forever. Starting Skills: Mana Orb I, Lesser Force I, Levitation.

Goblin - The Jack of All Trades. The long eared, big nosed, green skinned and child-sized peon we’ve all come to love. Goblins aren’t especially strong at anything, but they’re well-balanced. They are the first monster that can use tools, limited to simple things like sharpened sticks. As they Transform they can specialize more, but it'll be hard to match up against creatures with natural specialties. Starting Skill: Use Light Equipment.

Fanged Lizard - The Status Effecter. Physically not much, but a single bite has the chance to paralyze any enemy, even stronger ones. It can also spit poison to wear an enemy down over time. It has fewer Transformations than some of the others. Yet each one offers distinct advantages and may hint to some interesting possibilities…Starting Skills: Stun Fang I, Poison Spit I.

Pixie - The Healer. Like the Wisp, this tiny winged humanoid is magically focused. Though weak, its healing and defensive spells (one of each) allow it to work very effectively as part of a group. As it Transforms it may become more independent with magical offense or different elements. Starting Skills: Minor Heal I, Lesser Flight I, Shield I.

And here’s a rough draft of the character sheet, complete with an example:

This post may be edited at a later date if new information or changes to the rules/premise become available.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Kazemitsu@Gobby@King Cosmos@UltraCraftGames@Duoya@Knox@Guy0fV4lor@Tatsu@Rune_Alchemist

Those of you who have had characters approved already in the Interest Check, wait a minute so I can get an NPC thing at the top in the character tab. Once that's up you can put them in there. Everyone else, and any newcomers, PLEASE submit and application and wait for approval.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 days ago

this looks fun
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltraCraftGames


Member Seen 6 yrs ago




Species:A wisp


Goals:Reaching the best possible form the demon king can give. As a personal goal thats not really one of the characters is to become a beholder.

Past Life:In his past life he lived in a corrupt goverment. With famine, slavery, executions for minor things. Stuff like that. He together with a few other people had went to live in the caves where the goverment couldnt find them. They practiced their eyesight alot there to help them hunt and see in the dark caves. Usually for fun they would sing alot. Sometimes related to situations sometimes not. Peter also practiced lucid dreaming. To help him escape from reality sometimes and just have a good time. He didnt get technology at all from living away from it for so long. Eventually the goverment found them and killed them. When the demon king gave this offer he was happy to take it. Because maybe then he would live a good life where he can interact with more then just a few people.

Abilities:Mana Orb I, Lesser Force I, Levitation. Probably abilities gained from the past life added later by the gm.

Transformations:Wisp. Hoping to be a beholder sometime.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zeroth Updated sheet-

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

updated the appearance just a bit - not much, but I put her in the CS tab for ya~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Feel free to jump in!

Looks good! I find his past life from the perspective of someone in a third world country (at least that’s what it sounded like) to be really interesting! I hope some of those cultural differences will come across through his personality and his perspective on the differences—and similarities—of this new world.

I like the additional flavor to his personality and history, but remember the characters are coming from our modern day world. Maybe somewhere less developed than the first world, but still our Earth. Having him be a former Knight or Lord kind of clashes with that. Maybe replace that with something like...a police officer who becomes chief/Sheriff/constable, but then the judge/district attorney/mayor won’t let him do things the way he wants to?

Looks good, thanks!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zeroth I thought you meant differant periods of history lol

I'll touch it up when I get a chance tonight
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zeroth I'm gonna make him an African warlord lol
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltraCraftGames


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zeroth would we get some abilities based on our past lifes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltraCraftGames


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Btw theres a thing called wild magic in D&D which could be quite fun. Its basically a list of random effects that you roll a dice for which one activates. Certain types of mages get a chanche of this happening when they cast a spell or when some mage just messes up a spell. Or maybe you activate it on purpose. This is the biggest list currently traykon.com/pdf/The_Net_Libram_of_Ran… but its easy to find other ones or make your own.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zeroth Yo, Zeroth, just wanted to inform you I'm currently working on a Goblin char. I'm on a different computer and all my data is on my personal one but It should be dropped down later today. I'm hoping you'll enjoy the happy-go-lucky king-in-the-making.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sounds interesting! Maybe your warlord could even be the guy whose forces hunted down UltraCraftGames’ cave dwelling rebels?

Depending on the Past Life, there might be some qualifications for things that will be added to the character, yes. However, I don’t want to give them out until we have more finished characters because I don’t want people to think they have to/need to build their backstories for the sake of getting power ups. There is also no guarantee that every player will carry something over from their past knowledge.

The Wild Magic stuff might give me some prompts for ideas, thanks. But remember this isnt just a free form D&D game, it’s got inspiration from all kinds of RPGs and JRPGs on tabletops, anime and games, and even books.

Looking forward to it!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zeroth adjusted it slightly
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Everything works out, you can add it to the character tab if you're ready.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Only two things to point out: I intended for Goblins to be of the smaller variety in this setting, the kind that usually don't get more than three feet tall. If you've ever read the manga/light novel Goblin Slayer, it's like that: roughly as small and physically capable as a young human child, and typically as smart, but far more vicious and cruel. Of course your human personality would override that level of intelligence and that sadism.

The other is that you won't start the game with anything in your inventory--the things you find, loot, and build will be noted as you go. And as the beginning is inside a cave with a lot of other mook-tier monsters, rather than any proper weapons or armor you'll more than likely be making do with sharpened spears or rocks for a bit.

Other than that, looks pretty good!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zeroth I made those minuscule changes lol. Let me know if I can drop him in the Char Tab.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yep, everything checks out! Add him whenever you're ready.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Zeroth I want to join. Would you consider Gareth for this roleplay?
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