Yeah, I agree, a way to keep track of plotlines would help folks when designing characters, and jumping in.
Like if I want to make a smuggler, sith, or jedi, or whatever, I want to know what's going on, so I don't accidently step on someone's shoes in the process of doing something. Also I agree with the whole we could see a player becoming the top dog of the sith or jedi. Just be prepared for someone to overthrow the sith. The key to an ongoing world is making sure folks remain engaged, whatever that takes. It can be a variety of things. I lack as much knowledge on this time period as I do on later, but I'd certainly be interested if there was a sort of "tutorial" provided, or clear guide stuff.
Of course, the dedicated lorekeeper job could be multiple folks. At least two to start, for say good and bad, and that way, it reduces the work load, and makes sure there's folks monitoring as able. And then it can be expanded going forward. I'm not offering myself as tribute, I wrote massive lore documents for something like this before, and I'm not suffering through that again so soon. Still recovering from all the writing I did back then, only for none of the players to really read. It hurt. But they're still going strong, regardless of background lore.
tl;dr: agree with above points, just adding my own angles.