Hidden 15 days ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Beach
Skills: N/A

Stella listened to what Andy said and nodded. "Small gathering, but with you not as the center of attention. I think we can do that... and I can make a cake for you then. No song, and not a lot of people." Stella offered a small smile to her friend and gently pet Arbor more at that point. She was glad to hear there was a kitchen in the Big House, that she could probably use. She would make a point of asking Chiron later, since Mr. D sometimes still seemed to grumble around campers it seemed.

She wanted to ask Andy if there was anyone she wanted there... but she felt it was probably wrong to ask such a thing in the moment. She curled up a bit more and wiggled her toes into the sand. She wasn't sure what else to say. She knew Andy had it rough, and there was probably someone she wanted there more than anyone. They didn't talk about him a lot, but Stella knew that Andy and Arthur had been the best of friends.
Hidden 15 days ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 days ago

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: Superspeed

Leda ran as fast as she could, but even without the exertion, the air in Tartarus burned her lungs. It was like breathing in acidic fumes, a heavy and stinging smoke that left her insides feeling scoured. Her limbs were practically lead, as she stumbled to a halt, almost tripping and dropping Mads in the process, narrowly coming to a safe stop. When Mads got off, Leda collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily, her head woozy and her ears ringing. She desperately needed water. "Perf, gimme a mo'," she mumbled.

Her face was red - redder than it had been in death, the unnatural paleness that had seemed to cling to her momentarily dispelled. Her feet felt like they were on fire, and her shins ached. She needed to stretch more. There were a lot of things she needed to be doing more. "Any chance you could pass me some water?" she then asked, once she'd managed to catch her breath a bit more.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood
Skills: N/A

Nancy frowned. She wasn't exactly surprised that Leandra was lying, but it would have been a nice change of pace to be able to skip over the trial and go right to the sentencing. She took the paper from the legionnaire, and crumpled it in her fist. Had she been able to, she would have burst it into flames. "Of course," she muttered. She didn't meet Zeke's eyes.

"State your case. You have five minutes. And I'll remind you, we have the Styx's daughter here. She already knows if the oath you swore to New Rome has been broken." Her eyes narrowed. Whatever Leandra wrote down, it didn't matter. Niah had to be able to feel that Leandra had broken her oath. And that was enough. That was enough for Nancy to see her punished, to see the worst person she'd ever met in her life undone. There was no way that Leandra could get out of this.

She was white knuckling the paper now, her arm trembling slightly.

In that moment, she imagined Leandra cursed, transformed into a hideous monster and cast into the sea, just like the tales of old. If she asked Apollo, would he do that? If she prayed to Jupiter, would he come down and dispense his justice?
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Hidden 13 days ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: The Beach
Skills: N/A

"I 'aven't gahne back to Galway sence we mahved to de US. It's naht a super large ahr noisy place like de cities and all around 'ere. It's a nice place to be," she added, as he made the comment about the food and all. She laughed a little bit about the comment with regards to the whole potatoes being in a lot of foods. "Dere was de great famine dat typically is called de potato famine if dat says anythin about 'ow much potatoes matter in de food."

Janelle hadn't really been paying much attention to the conversations around her aside from the one between her and Isaac. She just sort of shrugged a bit. She didn't really know a lot about Andy, aside from the fact that she was Demetri's half sister. Other than that, she knew next to nothing about her. So it wouldn't surprise her too much to know that Andy's birthday was soon or anything like that.
Hidden 13 days ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Demetri Rowan Howell


Full glad that the new mini poseidon was also on board with the idea of a Leda welcome back party, Demi grinned before taking a sip of his drink. Kiera, ofcourse, was more concerned with actually getting Leda back than any party they could be throwing, but that didn't mean she wasn't interested either. As usual Alexios made it all about himself, Demi wondered if the god was capable of doing anything but that,but given who his mother was he somehow doubted it. Even the romantic gestures he did for Demi felt like it was more to do with Alexios than anything else. While he didn't mind it, they felt like they were a way for the god to make himself appear better than Zeke, more worthy than Zeke. But that's where Alexios missed the mark every time. He wasn't with Zeke for money, or anything the demigod could do or provide. He was with him because even behind every snide comment, biting remark, and personal jab that they shot at each other, it was all a veil for how they truly felt.

He liked Zeke for the time he was willing to offer him, the company of silence when the world wanted them to scream, the way that even in the most basic of sense all they had to do was look at one another and understand what it was the other was feeling. To an extent, he knew how Kiera must've been feeling. If he knew Zeke was in Tartarus, hell even if he was in the Underworld, there would be no lengths Demi wouldn't go through to get him back. He'd fight every god if he had to. By the time Demi came back from his own thoughts, Alexios was droning on about the parties he could do still. He laughed, amused at how long the god could speak until an idea clicked inside his head. A mischievous smile appearing before he spoke. ”Well then, after all you are THE Party God. Why don't you throw Leda and Madalyne one? It should be easy for someone of your skill, two separate themes to match the Roman and Greek aesthetics and traditions while taking into account the different interests of both the returning demigods. Right?”
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Hidden 12 days ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 1 day ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"Oh, I do hope they're safe at college." That was probably nerve-wracking. Being a college kid and a demigod! Tests, studying, and having to watch out for monsters. Seraphina wondered if she could ever be able to do that now. Back when she didn't notice monsters it was easy. Yet how much trouble would it become trying to be a student out there...hiding from monsters....ick no thanks she'll probably just be a year around camper.

Sera giggled a bit with a nod of agreement. "Oh yes. The all powerful party god should be able to manage such a thing. Unless that is far to difficult to handle." Two parties for a normal person would be difficult. Alexios was a god, plus this was what he was good at. Probably could snap his fingers and have everything set up perfectly. Not the most exciting power to have as a god.
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Hidden 5 days ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@Kirah@Morose@KazAlkemi The legionnaire eventually went back to Leandra's side as she wrote down her second response on the sheet of paper that was given to her. It didn't take her to long to write what she wanted to and handed it back to the soldier, who walked back over towards Nanc the note said. 'Tartarus promised me power. You have already made up your mind and get on with your sentencing.' Was what the letter said simply the rest of the Senate waited silently to get the vote started.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"We can certainly do something small for you then, nothing to big or anything and no singing." Kristin said to Andy reassuring her that only a small group of people would like to go. "Is there anyone in particular you'd like to invite, and what kind of cake did you want?" She asked knowing that there were quiet a few cakes out there that people usually liked having, Kristin knew she was close to Arthur but he hadn't come back to camp for awhile now for some reason to be with his father.

"If you were given the chance would you ever want to go back home?" Isaac asked Janelle looking at her curious if she ever did miss her home, he knew that he certainly did miss going back home to see his non demigod siblings and his mother. But he chose to stay here in camp all year long to keep them all safe from monsters. "Also did you want to do anything else today?" Isaac asked Janelle.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Alexios started to think for a moment as he looked at Demi and started to catch on he just wanted him to leave most likely. "You want me to leave and plan everything huh?" Alexios said to Demi looking at his future husband. "But if you really want me to plan it sure if it'll make you happy." Alexios said as he stretched slightly. "Buuuut party planning is boring doing it alone!" Alexios said groaning slightly while looking at Demi with puppy dog eyes.

Kiera laughed slightly at Alexios' antics as she leaned back slightly while looking at him and Demi for a moment, she really did hope that they'll make a really good party for Leda and Madalyne for surviving down in Tartarus for so long. "It'll make me really happy if you worked on it though." Kiera said while looking at the god, as he complained about having to work on the whole party alone.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus

Madalyne quickly got off of Leda's back as she looked around the swamp it looked rather creepy looking Leda looked pretty tired, as she quickly dug into her makeshift pack out of monster pelts. She pulled out one of the canteens of water that they had and handed it to Leda. "Here you go." Madalyne said to Leda, she took a moment to look around the swampy water near by looked pretty deep, she then paused for a moment and squinted her eyes seeing something in the distance.

"I see something over there." Madalyne said pointing it out, from the looks of it appeared to be a hut of some kind, she didn't see any lights or anything really. "Maybe theres some supplies and stuff there and maybe a moment for you to rest up a bit to." Madalyne suggested to Leda while looking over at her, knowing that her friend was a bit winded after carrying here for so long.
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