Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Albus Winterhold

"Uhh, well, I was waiting for you. It's breakfast after all, anyhow. Come on, come on, Isobel." Albus happily mentioned as he took a couple of big steps. He was glad to finally get food. He saw someone he recognized at least as he got close to the door. A girl, Allie was it? She had a cool girl vibe going on and she was from Machina. Without realizing there was something by his foot... A rock! "Wa-Uwawawawawaw!" PLUNK Albus fell face first, with his butt up in the air. The wind caught up at just the right time to make his skirt slip up, showing off a little bit of everything.

He took a half-minute from a bit of a daze to stand up. "Owwies.... My head." He complained as he stood. He looked around to catch his bearings. He noticed Allie there and had to ask. "Take a good look?" He gave her a peace sign before his stomach started growling. "Eek... I need food. Let's kick it into gear Isobel!" Albus said as he grabbed the girl's hand and urged them to rush to food.

They got with the rest of the people and grabbed their breakfast. Albus liked the potatoes here. He always liked the potatoes though, a lot of potatoes. And the sausages. He liked the ones that were long. It worked out for pranking for people with their minds in the gutter. And of course, the double waffle with syrup and topped with a small bit of butter. "Heh, waffles Isobel. It has to be waffles."

Evangeline Lindall

A lot was happening but the one thing Eva paid attention to overall was... "Hmph! I eat what I want! I have strawberries anyhow so it's not all junk." She picked up an unused fork and cut into her pancakes with it and put it into Nettle's mouth. "See, Nettie! Good stuff!" She threw the fork into a nearby used utensil's bin so it didn't get used by someone.

"Please calm down, Miss Evangeline. It's not polite to try and put things in people's mouths." Floofel mentioned before looking to Nettle. "But, to your question, Miss Nettle, it is as Miss Livia says. Yes, I think it neigh impossible for you to say my name. For your curiosity..." She made a couple of chirping noises that sounded from the back of her neck. "That is it." It was patterned for sure.

She then addressed Odhra. "If you think you can control her actions perfectly I wish you would try. But, you know full well the truth." Not that she'd admit to not wanting to do so either. She had to play her part of course. Perfectly, of course. She needed to let Evangeline do what she wanted. That was the best thing that could happen.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

– Cafeteria A –

Silas was in the middle of shoveling a bite of pancake into his mouth when he noticed someone coming to sit at his table. He gave Alebard a cordial grin as he chewed and swallowed his morsel of food. He reached for his glass and took a sip of orange juice as Alebard took his seat. As far as members of House Dracona go, Alebard was one of the more mild-mannered ones. Most dragon invokers were full of themselves, but every now and then, you'll find someone who's more humble and amicable.

"Morning, Alebard…and Zalek. Ready for the weekend? I hope Albus has something good planned for Culinary Club."

Silas dipped the last forkful of pancake in a small puddle of syrup on his plate, making sure to coat every bit of it in the sweetness before bringing it to his mouth and taking a bite as if he was finishing some masterpiece. He leaned back a little, patted his stomach, and breathed a sigh as if his meal was complete.

"...I think I still got room. Be right back."

Silas pushed back from the table and stood, noticing that the cafeteria had started to fill up. As he walked back to the counter, he casually scanned the room. The sheer diversity of the students at L'Mordryn always intrigued him – in fact he reveled in it. Nearly everyone who came to breakfast brought a summon with them, seeing as there were a lot less people who attended the morning meal. He noticed a few girls sitting at a far off table, who he presumed were in House Machina…mainly because one of them had a rather sizeable orb floating beside her. He hadn't interacted much with students from that particular house nor did he have much experience with higher technology beyond a few magitech lamps. He considered joining the Future Tech Club at one point just to learn more about technology...but food seemed more appealing, of course.

He grabbed a small bowl of oatmeal and topped it with a few baked apple slices and a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and nutmeg. Satisfied with his second round of breakfast he headed back to his table, spotting Odhra along the way. He was seated with Nettle, whom Silas knew from class, and couple of other girls. He thought he may have seen the dark-haired girl before, but he definitely wasn't familiar with the youngest girl. He figured she was a Tyro, purely based on age. He shuddered slightly at the sight of Snuggles resting near Odhra's feet. There was just something about a spider the size of a large dog that most people didn't get used to. In the moment he looked over to the table, he saw that a cat – or at least what he thought was a cat until it morphed – was stealing a slurp of Nettle's breakfast soup. It seemed another Tyro had been given the slip by his summon, since he appeared to be apologizing. If anything, from what he heard about Nettle's eating habits, she might be the one apologizing. Silas wasn't really close enough to hear the exact details of the scene and simply shook his head.

He reclaimed his seat and proceeded to go to town on his oatmeal. He watched as Zalek tore into his pile of meats and have small chuckle.

"There's times when I wonder if I look like that when I eat."

– Great Room / Cafeteria A –

When Darcy entered the Great Room, she was greeted by what had seemed to become her little entourage. Andirah and Velvette were a couple of fellow Dracona students who were borderline obsessed with Darcella Bray, and they followed her around like puppies.

"G'morning, Darcy!" Andirah shouted as she sprung up from one of the Great Room's plush sofas. She practically skipped her way over to Darcy. "You look so great today! I love those shoes!"

"Thank you, Andi." Darcy flashed her best smile and displayed her boots, soaking up the praise.

"Hey, Cera! You beautiful boy!" Andirah bent down to give Ceraseth a few friendly head rubs and he purred in satisfaction. When she stood, Cera floated up to rest on one of her shoulders.

Velvette sauntered over from the armchair she was sitting in across from Andirah. She was visibly less bouncy than Andi, but no less happy to see her friend. "Hey, Darcy."

"Hi, Vel. Ready for Ashorath's bullshit today?"


"She's so mean! I can't stand her." Andi whined. "And don't say that she isn't...you only say that 'cause you're one of her favorites."

"Well, that can't be helped, Andi. I mean, I'm one of your favorites, right?"

"That's not the same!" Andi exclaimed with her hands on her hips. Darcy smirked and patted Andirah on the top of her head.

"I'm hungry. Let's go eat," Velvette interjected.

"Let's." Darcy turned and lead the trio out of the building and toward the cafeteria. As they walked, the air shimmered suddenly and Snow seemed to appear from nowhere, strolling regally beside Darcy.

"Hey, Snow!" Andirah's eyes lit up as she waved to the sky drake.

"Hello, little one," Snow replied with a cordial nod.

"Where are the other two?"

"They are sleeping. The timeline in our realm runs roughly in line with this one. I'm an early riser. In fact, I was gathering breakfast."

"Oh? And what are you having this morning?"

"Field mice and cragmoles."

"Sounds tasty. Tell the lazies to be ready for Skirmishers' Club tomorrow. Enjoy your breakfast."

Snow walked through a second portal as Darcy dismissed her back to her home realm. The trio arrived at the cafeteria with plenty of time to spare. They moved through the room as if they were the only ones present and made their way to the counter. Darcy opted for a light breakfast of toast, eggs, and bacon, while Andirah piled a platter with waffles slathered in butter and syrup, a fistful of bacon, and a couple of plump sausage links for Cera. Velvette made a simple fruit salad topped with honey and grabbed a small cup of yogurt. Darcy lead the group in no direction in particular to a free table near the middle of the cafeteria. They sat down and Ceraseth made to hop down onto the table from Andi's shoulder.

"Don't even think about it, furball."

Cera gave a small growl and hopped down into a chair instead. He stretched up and rested his paws on the table awaiting his link.

"It's not a cragmole, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it all the same," Andi teased as she tossed Ceraseth his breakfast. He spit a small flame at the sausage link to crisp the outside a bit and proceeded to attack it.

– Campus Grounds –

Sir Geldwin turned to see Sazel bounding towards him clutching what looked to be her report for Chronicle Club. A hand shot up to cover his mouth as she tumbled over the carpet of apples in her path. "Oh, my...I hope she's alright." Sazel seemed unfazed as she got up and continued her approach.

"Oh, who is that? She looks cool..."

"And pretty. Her bark is such a healthy shade of brown."

Sir Geldwin chuckled lightly at the sudden appearance of the Nidhogen. He thoroughly enjoyed the curiosity of his students, but decided to hold back a little in this current matter.

"She's just a former student that I've been catching up with...very bright and quite…memorable," Geldwin replied while adjusting his glasses for no apparent reason. "Thanks for the report, Sazel. I'm certain it will be extraordinary as always. I have to be on my way now. Have a nice day, the both of you." He hated to be so abrupt with his interaction, but certain topics needed to be averted for the time being.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Allie Sydra

Allie had seen it coming. However, she could not act in time to stop it. A girl - Allie had seen her around the school - was about to trip. Allie had just began to turn to her when it happened. And she spectacularly fell.


Allie had a glimpse, for the second time today, of something she should not have. Except for this time, there was something that she suspected nobody should have seen.

But the... person that had tripped seemed to think nothing of it. Even gave her a flippant remark. She could not process things in time to reply to her- him. "Uh." She managed to make a stammered sound, but that was it. He walked away without a care in the world, seemingly unaware of what he had just done to Allie.

Allie eventually found herself able to move, and she managed to put away her dish. But she was still perplexed. The thought she kept returning to was, '...But why?' She checked DataSec. She still had time before her class, since she was not concerned with being early. 'Do other people know?'

She hadn't practiced tailing people much, but this seemed like a good time to practice. It was practice, and not necessarily interest in the boy. She had to know why someone would do that. And of course, if anyone even knew other than Allie. Tailing and fact-finding were well within skills she needed to practice, anyway.

With that in mind, she kept an eye on him while keeping her distance. If he finished eating, she would follow. An exercise to see if she could do so undetected.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sedjwick


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Alebard smiled as Silas mentioned the Culinary Club meeting coming up on the weekend. "You know it," he replied. "I've actually looked through some of the books in the library for recipes lately and found one for something called a cheesecake. It sounds interesting, so I think I'll try my hand at it. It's more complicated than anything I've ever done, though, so I might need a bit of help," he added as Silas finished his breakfast, then got up to get more. From their interactions in Culinary Club, Alebard knew how much Silas liked to eat, and he sometimes wondered how the slightly older boy wasn't overweight, at least not noticeably. When Silas got back and commented on Zalek's enthusiasm in his food, Alebard chuckled along with him and gave a joking smirk as he replied, "Not quite. You're just missing that draconic snout." Alebard had a habit of teasing his friends, especially when they walked right into such a situation as Silas had here, but he always made sure to give that joking smirk that let his friends know that he was just giving them a hard time and that he didn't mean anything bad by it. While it was true that Silas definitely ate with gusto, any human would be hard pressed to tear into their meal the way a dragon did, no matter how much that human liked to eat. Alebard, unlike Silas or Zalek, was a much slower eater, taking small bites of food at a time and chewing slowly, sometimes almost thoughtfully. Part of his philosophy when it came to food was that it ought to taste good, and it ought to be enjoyed. His philosophy also included more abstract, less clearly-defined concepts on such things as the proper balance between sweet, savory, spicy, and other flavors in a meal, and what the proper types of food and drink were for each meal, some of which was also influenced by his attendance at the Vitality Club, but none of that was relevant to the topic of discussion at hand.

Zalek finished his meat before Alebard was even halfway through his omelette. Seeing the unfinished breakfast, Zalek looked between the omelette and Alebard expectantly. Alebard sighed. "Don't give me that look," he said to the dragon. "You just had at least half your body weight in meat, you can't still be hungry." This was another of the games that Alebard and Zalek would play on an almost daily basis, but despite Alebard's protests, Zalek was quite good at breaking down Alebard into giving him at least one bite of his breakfast. On this particular morning, though, Alebard didn't seem to want to give in so easily. He continued to eat his omelette on his own until there was only about a quarter of it left, and that was when Zalek gave him the big puppy dog eyes and squeezed his belly in to make himself appear thinner. Alebard finally broke down and gave Zalek half the remainder of his omelette. Zalek hummed happily before digging into his share of Alebard's breakfast. "You are a tricky little bugger, you know that?" Alebard playfully teased as he scratched Zalek's head right between his horns. Zalek chuckled at his accomplishment as Alebard finished his food.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CelesteEste
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

— Courtyard —
— Interactions with: @ShwiggityShwah

Nobles from the frontier, like most frontiersman, were known for having sharp senses, and Sazel was no different, and she was catching the smell of something fishy in the air as the teacher answered her so dismissively, when typically he encouraged investigation. Furthermore, it was not usual for him to be so reserved about his research. She caught the smell of something else, a greener smell, and turned to face it.

”Oh morning-o Nidhogen” turning around, she smiled at the creature. She knew it from their shared habit of wandering the courtyard, furthermore, she shared a few classes and one club with Nettle. ”Did you catch this? Teacher Geldwin was acting so odd.”

”Couldn’t be some affair, as I am good at noticing creepy persons and he surely doesn’t feel like one. Furthermore, I never saw that girl before, so she likely graduated already… tough why would he hold a picture of her? Ahhh! This made me awfully curious!” she rose both hands to her hair and messed it up a bit in frustration.

”I need to know more. Hmm. Where to go first? Oh, maybe the library. There are yearbooks and the like.” she said, almost starting to leave the scene before she stopped and turned around to notice the summon, did it want to tag along? It seemed interested. Of course many could argue the library was no place for a summon, but Sazel was not within that common-sense gifted group.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 days ago


Both Livia and the moth fey assured her that the true name for Eva's summon would be nearly impossible for her to pronounce it's name. Still, Nettle listened on as the moth fey sounded off it's name in the chirp of it's native language. She listened keenly, not just to the sound but more to the pattern within. Closing her eyes she leaned back a slight bit, going over the sound a few times in her head as she committed it to memory.

"Hhhh... I see." She contemplated the matter a moment before opening her eyes, directing her attention to both Livia and the fey.

"Hh... But perhaps we simply lack the hhproper instrument to hform such words." Lifting her spoon from the soup she gestured towards Livia, careful to keep the spoon above the soup it came from so as to not drip soup on the table or other people's belongings.

"The hhhuman voice is a hstring instrument after all."

She brought her spoon down back into her soup and raised up a spoonful. Just as she was about to eat the spoonful however she instead got a mouthful of pancake instead. Just the bit surprised by Eva's abruptness her eyebrows jumped that slight bit as her mouth filled with breakfast dessert.

"See, Nettie! Good stuff!"

Nettle took a moment to chew this food and contemplate it's taste. It was a bit odd since it's flavor profile was at odds with the soup she was just eating. Given how strong the soup's spice was the taste of Eva's pancake concoction was veritably muted by comparison. After some consideration Nettle finally swallowed her bite.

"Hhh... Taste's sort of hhlike a peanut butter and jelly hsandwich but without the jelly." Was Nettle's verdict. The cake component to the pancake as a base for the rest of the ingredients reminded her of the white bread they used in their sandwiches. The addition of peanut butter to the pancake provided the second of the three components to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich flavor. There wasn't a significant amount of syrup on the lone bite she was fed but it still felt more like a side-note to the main taste of peanut butter and pancake. In the end it wasn't bad taste wise but it certainly could be improved upon. Perhaps a nice layer of fruit jelly or a sweeter variety of syrup would improve upon this particular recipe.

While she was lost in thought a particularly impish feline entity taking an interest in her soup. Her attention was only drawn to the events taking place right beneath her very nose as a young man shouted towards her direction. Looking over she witnessed the scene take place, the unusual black cat creature sampling her soup and skewering a cube of meat from her bowl as it's owner tried in vain to restrain it.

It was quite evident that the creature was not of standard fare. There were a number of reasonable explanations as to how it was able to tolerate her spices. It could very well of been just a creature with morphic biology and a high tolerance for poisons, something likely to be found amidst House Bestia. It seemed unlikely but it could of been one of House Machina's machines crafted into the shape of an animal. If it was a summon of House Phantasma then it was most likely a spirit since matters of the physical impact them far less than it would for the other house categories. The mystery largely remained in the fact that she did not recognize it's summoner. She could not place a name to the face nor a house to the name.

For the first time that day the edges of her mouth pulled up ever so slightly.

"Hhhh... It is, hh... No issue." She reassured the young summoner. With her right hand she gently plucked a cube of meat from her soup, not a single reaction from her as the boiling broth singed her skin. She turned just far enough so her body was no obstacle between her and the strange feline.

"Hh... Where I'm from the scent of flesh hh... Draws many things. Hnot always tangible." With that said she gave the meat a casual underhand toss towards the mysterious summon. If it chose to it could easily catch such a projectile with it's carnivorous jaws. If not then the small portion of meat was on route to bounce off it's nose.

Having addressed the small surge of events she was directly involved in to some degree she finally ate the spoonful she had scooped up earlier. It had cooled on the spoon to a lukewarm state.

A pity.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Should she eat the cookie? Albus really wouldn't have given her the one he had already tried eating, would he?...no, of course he totally would. The thought made Isobel's face flush red - argh this damn stupid idiot always getting her confused like this. Ever since their first misadventure he'd been like this. She'd eat it later. Alone. Yep. She didn't want Albus trying to tease her any more.

"Ah watch-!" Before she could say anything though, Albus had already fallen face first onto the ground. What was even better worse was a sudden gust of wind just had to pick up, showing off Albus' underwear to everyone. Well. Underwear and everything else that entailed.

"You dummy! Wear longer skirts if you're gonna be a klutz! Nobody wants to see that!" Isobel shouted with a slightly exasperated look before shooting a glare over to Allie as if saying 'forget what you saw.' Before she could say anything though, Albus had taken her head and was pulling her along towards breakfast. Grarves, meanwhile gave a few bwarks of excitement before attempting to follow after, only to catch sight of his tail in the corner of his vision, before starting to attempt chasing it. So the dragon was now running in a circle outside the cafeteria until it was unsummoned.

Before long they had arrived at the cafeteria, Isobel piling her own plate with a heap of various meats. Sausages, eggs, a few freshly cooked hams, some Bacon, and somewhat oddly - a few pieces of mutton. That is, sheep.

She took a seat across from Albus.

"Aaaah, man I really don't wanna go to Vorrus' class tonight." She complained, chewing on the piece of sheep.
"Crotchety old man's always gettin' on my case about my 'tardiness' or some other stuff." After complaining a bit, Isobel returned to a more upbeat expression as she gave Albus an excitable grin.
"Hey, got any plans for third session? Rutul needs a sparring partner."

@Pyromania99@A Lowly Wretch@ghastlyInc

"Agreed. Perhaps some sort of wind instrument could help, here. A flute or some such, for example." Livia replied with a sip of her tea. Hm. Perhaps she should make the instrument herself? Wouldn't be too hard - she had conversed with Floofel quite a bit on the subject, or at least insisted she listen to the moth creature's native tongue many times. She had almost memorized a number of sounds she could make.

"E-eva?!" Lost in her thoughts, Livia didn't react fast enough as she force fed Nettle a forkful of pancake. She almost spit up some of her tea. Thankfully it seemed like Nettle hadn't taken too much offense to it, and simply gave her verdict on the food, much to Livia's relief. "Eva, dear, you can't just force feed people food." She sighed, setting down her teacup. "I apologize for my sister again, Nettle..." Livia watched the string of events play through, even some other summons stealing a bite from Nettle Soup Bowl. Really. Some people had no control over their summons.

Well, not her problem so she didn't say anything. Seemed like Nettle was fine with it so she had nothing to say on it.

"Mhm, Eva. For First session I'll be spending a bit of time in the library. Will you be coming with me or...?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interactions with: @CelesteEste Sazel; @RoflsMazoy Clarence and Mort

Despite the size, the Nidhogen learned quickly not to sneak up on people, not while its whole form anyway. The first few weeks was a lot of screaming and purple. And it took its companion Nettle to make sense of it all. Thankfully it managed to just become just another part of campus life and just another oddity of the academy. While most summons are gated in from their homeland, imagine the proctors surprise when Nettle showed up with summon. She couldn’t banish it away, cause it would just be banished to where it currently resided.
But getting off track.

A shaking of its weird head, the fluttering of leaves in the wind. ”Good and green morning, the Sazel.” It tried to remember the names of all the creatures that wander this odd place. It happily nodded to whether it noticed, little swirly seeds fluttered down onto the pavement in the process. Before with a thump, it turns its head to see him leave. It spoke lowly, only children’s whispers over the sound of twigs snapping. ”Purple, blue, shades of red. Colors of mystery. Afraid of something to be found. Sad that it must keep it hidden.”

The Sazel suggested they acquire more information. The Nidhogen seemed eager to be of assistance. Tracking down the pretty brown barked human was more fun then being yelled out for trying to share fruit. ”Good idea. Maybe the House with the Cold things can help too. The Mac- sheens. They have Magic boxes that tell a lot of things when you play the piano with them.” It might take a little bit, but the elemental’s limited understanding of technology meant the computers with keyboards within House Machina. It would elaborate if Sazel didn’t get it. ”Let this one plant itself, can help.” The strange creature seemed to bounce a bit like a dog, little white marigolds sprouting on its arms and back. A sign of joy and excitement.

Just behind them, Clarence would have gotten his apple, but also the ire of a weasel like beast that seemed to be made of wooden twigs gnarled together with a mouth. With Nettle’s summoning of her worms, Nidhogen’s clean up duty summons were running out of apples to eat. So when Clarence grabbed one, the little beast seemed to snarl and snap.

The Nidhogen turned in time to see the problem, the wooden mask of green glowing eyes seeming to assess the situation. Out from its chest, a vine unraveled and swung out towards Clarence and then whacked the weasel enough to startle it. This was enough to make this little vermin retreat back into the courtyard under a bush. Nidhogen’s marigolds were in full bloom as it moved. ”Green Morning. This one is sorry for the trouble.” it said as it moved back onto the grass. ”Sazel, the softbark over there is watching. Maybe he wants to help find your human too.”

Interactions with: @ghastlyInc Lorcan

Cogsworth seemed undeterred as Lorcan gave his reasons for not adhering to the guidelines of the school. While it was worded in such a way, it was a flat refusal to follow instructions. The logic pathways opened under the sentinel sub-routines and protocols as it detected the underlying layer of delinquency the student has displayed. Having met many such wayward souls, the Curator was fully knowledgeable and equipped to meet such behavior. Cogsworth would be doing the school and this young man a dis service if he allowed for a simple warning.

”Error” Cogsworth began. ”Several queries has been requested. Responses are to follow.”

One tentacle appears, and suddenly there is a small bluish light portal that the tendril reaches within. ”Stubborn? So you are unable to control your dragon?” The Curator withdraws a small book and swings it to lay into Lorcan’s hand. ‘How to Train your Dragon’ A beginner’s guide to draconian summoning with little cartoon kids and cute baby dragons on the cover ”I see. Well it’s only to be expected that such a task as simply equipping your summon would be outside the purview of a neophyte. After all, getting better at the fine conjuring arts is what we do best at this school and dragons can be considered an unruly classification. I suggest you study hard, lest your passive demeanor lead to your own bodily harm and potential those of others.” Cogsworth inflection of course never changed. "If your dragon proves too unwieldy, there are other summons that might be more your disposition." Sugar coating is for organics.

”Concerning request to meet your driver. Request denied. Task does not involve this installation or its functions. For future reference. It is considered in truly poor form and social faux pau to make commands on another’s summon for personal matters. At this school, you summon your own servants. To use another can be misconstrued as cheating and I would be remiss if you embarrass yourself further and bring about undue conflict. Your ignorance on this matter is of course, forgiven.”

”Concerning request at delivery of your books and assignments. Request Partly Approved. How diligent of you. Of course Master Lorcan. I have them right here for your review.” Eight total portals and eight total tentacles suddenly appear behind him each one reaching in. Each one pulling out books, folders, paper stacks. Each one layering it one by one if not in his hands if he grabs them, if not in a neat little stack on the floor, piling up continuously until it is roughly waist high (or very difficult to carry). Cogsworth would talk the whole time. ”I can personally assure you that everything you require is there and that you won’t be behind a single class for such a late start. I will take liberties to inform all of your teachers that your books and assignments have been delivered to you…… they have been informed.” Which means that Lorcan couldn’t just burn it all and say he never got it. ”I have also added in my personal notes of where your tutoring deviates from the lesson plan.” A final folder of fifty sheets of printed paper also flops on top of the stack.

The portals disappeared; the tentacles disappeared. ”Will there be anything else Master Lorcan?”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I am hardly incapable of controlling Penjani." Lorcan explained, examining the child's book neutrally while trying to decide how deeply he could shove it into the soulless automatons nose before it 'died'. That said, the automaton did manage to stir a little more agitation in him than he expected. Probably from his lack of proper sleep. That he enjoyed so blatantly throwing the robots request back in its face was another matter entirely. "Simply refusing to do so for such a trivial matter. I realize that the idea of agency and free will might be a bit beyond the average summon of Machina, but I honestly expected a little more from you sir. Perhaps an upgrade is in order?" He asked, gently putting the book into his backpack along with the few texts he spied among the pile.

"As to the matter of my driver. By definition of a curators position, which you claim to be..." He began noting a soft wilting wind grazing his cheek as he spoke. He takes a step to the left, picking up the final folder for later reference before he continued. "Making the formal request of you IS within your duties as resident site caretaker. If only to assure his presence does not disrupt formal operations." He huffs a small chuckle as Penjani continues to glare at the robot, feeding off his own agitation. He eyes the metal butler with mocking curiosity before finally asking the big question. "Or were you simply not aware such task were also part of your assigned responsibilities?"

He lets the question hold for a moment before shrugging it away. He takes a long protracted moment to examine the pile of collected work sheets, stalling the few seconds he would need before the trap was sprung. "As for the materials I requested, this will do nicely. Though I should mention that the reason I requested they be delivered to my room was-" Lorcan was cut off by a heavy gust of window blowing from behind him, sending much of the pile scattering across the causeway and liberally coating Cogsworth with a veneer of busy work. "...was because we were standing in the open air with a strong tail wind behind me." He finishes, reaching back into his bag and pulling out a student handbook before opening it.

"Which if I recall correctly from page 204, paragraph 19 of the student handbook.." He said, knowing full well how hypocrtical the gesture was and hardly caring. He was a hypocrit about more than a few things, so why not add this to the list as well. "The Littering policy clearly states that the responsiblity of cleaning, along with potential fines, falls to the party responsible for dumping said materials. If said unlawful disposal of materials is the result of neglience in storage or transport of either mundane or magical materials, said party will also face further punative measure." He quoted, his sneer being thankfully hid by the handbook and a well practiced sheepish tone.

"Given that I made a all reasonable efforts to adhere to this policy by my earlier formal request the responsible party in question here is...." He closes the book, shooting Cogsworth the fakest apologetic look he could manage. "Well, you sir. By virtue of negligent transport. Still...." He slaps the handbook shut, pushing it back into his bag.

"I wont presume to quote your own policies at you all day. And I should get breakfeast before classes begin. Come along Penjani..." Lorcan says airily, pushing past the robobutler calmly. The tiny dragon girl in question glaring at the robot while she passes but sticking close to her masters shadow as they continued to the cafeteria doors.

-Cafteria A-
Darcella @Artifex

Once inside the cafeteria Lorcan allowed himself to relax, his eyes rolling at the outrage that glorified toaster had had at his summons state of dress. Really, if someone was so pathetic their only option for romantic fulfillment was in the form of their own summons Lorcan doubted there was a realm desperate enough to take them up on the offer. More over than that, he'd be damned before he let anything with tentacles call HIS summons inappropriate. Speaking of....

Penjani stared at her master, eyes wide with worry and a silent demand of approval. Sighing, Lorcan reluctantly patted the purple dragons head gently. "Thank you Peni." He grunted, ignoring how the dragons eyes lit up with joy at the rarely used pet name. "Cogsworth can eat a fat dick. You may continue to dress how you please....In fact, I order you to do so." He added after a moment, walking over to the food line stepping past more than a few students ahead of him to grab an orange.

He wasn't really in the mood to eat, not after having to engage in a dick measuring contest with the robot, but he would need atleast something to hold him over until lunch. He ignored the pointed glares of the plebeians he'd stepped in front of for his pilfered goods as he ran his eyes across the room, looking for a place to sit. Isobel was easy enough to spot, being the only face he really cared enough about to recognize, but she seemed to be with another girl already. He was tempted to go over and sit with them, but his 'cousin' had mentioned being late to something and it was reasonable to assume this was it. He'd not be so rude as to intrude on that little meeting, and there would be time to meet her friends later. Now if it was a guy, he'd gladly be so rude. If only to embarrass his cousin a little.

Looking elsewhere he spied a veritable gaggle of Dracona students huddled together and with a shrug he pushed through the crowd and took a seat. A few of the table residents stared his way...well, more glowered really. As if personally offended by his presence. He supposed that was fair, he'd only been there a few hours. Hardly enough time to establish where on the pecking order most of these peons stood.

Silently he noted the person across him was not glaring. She was a thin sort, perhaps a little older than him with scarlet hair and red eyes and perhaps a year or two older than himself. He wondered for a moment if she was of Mulryan stock before dismissing it, her eyes a shade few too dark to pass for it. "Excuse me..." Someone to his left grunted, stopping Lorcan's musings midway through peeling his orange. "But you are..?"

"Eating." Lorcan said flatly, feeling Penjani giggle silently behind him. The young man balked for a moment, Lorcan taking a moment to commit the offended look to memory. "I MEANT..." He half growled. "Is that you are aware that you are-"

"In L'mordryn's Cafeteria, yes." Lorcan huffed, unable to keep his annoyance out of his voice. He turns away from the other student and returns his attention back to the red-haired woman. "Is conversation with him always this dull or did I catch him on a good day?" He asked, popping an orange slice into his mouth casually.


@Pyromania99@Rune_Alchemist@A Lowly Wretch

"Its....90% junk by volume..." Odhra said in a defeated tone, staying quite as Nettle suffered through the usual morning shenanigans. Seemed like everyday a summon ended up in someones food. Thankfully this time it was on the less life threatening side. He sighed as Floofel addressed him but made no rebuttal. She was right of course, telling someone they need to eat better and MAKING them were two entirely different beasts.

After that he stayed mostly quiet for the meal, focusing on forcing his own food in. His stomach felt painfully full after half way through the porridge but he managed to catch a second wind and force the rest down. Eating didn't always make him feel miserable, but it seemed this one was going to. Snuggles prodded his feet questioningly, concerned with his sudden shift in comfort. He let his hand drift down and patted her gently but said nothing, knowing he'd feel better in an hour or two after his stomach settled.

"If you two don't mind..." He said, finally drifting back into the conversation and turning to Livia. "I might join you. Ives' covers the morning shift at the clinic so I'm free. Plus I've got some books I need to get quotes from for herbology club and I'm doing the catering for C&F for tomorrows meeting. Wanna get what Eva would like as a desert dish since its her turn to chose..." He then turns to Eva with a hard look in his eyes. "And yes, its still Veggie Lasagna as the main dish. Before you or anyone else from the club even asks." he adds, crossing his arms. He already made the food last night, and he was not about to make something new for one or two objections.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Albus Winterhold

"Ahh, yea, Vorrus?" Albus agreed along with Isobel. "He should take it easier on you for being late." This was a secret skill he learned from living with a multitude of sisters for an extended time. It was easier to move along in the conversation just by agreeing like this rather than say she probably shouldn't be late to a class. Despite his typical attitude he was actually pretty diligent about classes. He showed up on time and paid attention for the most part. All things considered, he was already probably on the mentor's radar considering his trickster nature. He didn't really need to make them more suspicious of him... Well, Ashorath aside. It was always fun to rile her up. And Lady Wyght was pretty good to him considering he liked to make flirty comments toward her every now and then.

Still though Isobel was the one in front of him right now. He took a bite from his waffle as Isobel said the next thing... Rutul? Sparring partner? Albus almost choked on his waffle as he swallowed it from the comment. Rutul was... Scary. Albus never had any good experiences in mind when it came to that dragon. It's why he summoned the wyvern Silmeria. Admittedly, she was a bit of a mistake... Still, she was an emergency case just to be safe in case Rutul came after him for some reason or another. "Ehh? Sparring Partner for Rutul? Whatever do you mean, darling Isobel? Surely you don't wish for me to fight a dragon... And Vesper is going to be happily at home watching her shows."

It was all he could to talk his way out of this. For now, while Isobel answered, he nervously poked at his breakfast potatoes and brought a couple up to his mouth in order to eat them.

Evangeline Lindall

"It's not even Lasagna without meat!" Evangeline objected heavily to Odhra's "idea" of "Veggie Lasagna". There were more than a couple issues, but she didn't even remember asking him to cater... Again. He offered once and she thought she was pretty clear the first time on his choice of dish. "Hmph! I sort of feel like going back home and trying to take a nap before class! I don't need to go to the library and find a storybook." Eva added with a pouting face looking aside and her arms crossed. Of course, any amount of seriousness was lost as she opened her mouth and Floofel spooned a bit of food into her mouth. Still, this gave a good indication to anyone who knew Eva's sleeping habits that she was just looking for an excuse since there was no way in hell she was actually going to get a nap.

Still, she was really hungry still as she stopped crossing her arms and began to eat her humongous meal, sharing a good portion of it with Floofel. Between the two of them, the entirety of the breakfast would get eaten though though that'd leave the meats for Evangeline and the more sugary or fruitful parts for Floofel. (Not to mention the portion she shoved into Nettle's mouth.) "I'm just gonna eat my food now and ignore your ignorant rambling." That much was directed towards the most obvious subject as Eva started to eat at her food with a little help from Floofel who took care of the girl like she was her daughter wiping at her mouth with a napkin when it was a bit messy or otherwise.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Waha, don't gimme that." Isobel grinned in response. "I know ya got that other one. Whatsername. Slimeria? Rutul's been itching for a rematch ever since he lost to her last time." Last time it happened, Rutul got undeniably trounced. Poor Wyvern was what one could call 'emasculated' after that. Not that she knew that it was usually how it happened in the realm Rutul was from, but details. "And I ain't takin' no for an answer! I'll drag your ass all the way to the Arena if I hafta."

Ciervia poked his head up from where he was laying on Isobel's shoulders. Yawning, the pygmy took a quick look around before hopping into the table and sitting in front of Albus' plate, eyeing his potatoes.

”Geh!” Albus exclaimed. He was hoping she had forgotten about Silmeria. ”I only summoned her because Rutul scares the everloving crap out of me!” Albus complained, looking down at Ciervia taking a peak at his potatoes. With a slight sigh, he poked into his potatoes with his fork and held it out to Ciervia for the little dragon to take a bite.

Either way, he looked to Isobel again. ”Why do you even want to fight Silmeria? She scares me about as much as Rutul does…” He had to ask again. Silmeria was a bit… Possessive.

Isobel's grin turned into a frown as Albus mentioned fearing both Silmeria and Rutul, but quickly turned back into an eager grin. Ciervia chirruped happily, grabbing the potato with his mouth and wolfing it down before waltzing over to Albus and sitting next to his plate.

"Nonsense!" She laughed. "You know Rutul's secretly a big baby more than anyone." Still...that left Silmeria. Being afraid of your own summons? That was just kind of silly, wasn't it? You didn't summon something you were afraid of...right? Or well, something about compatibility and whatever she wasn't listening in class. "'Sides, Silmeria is cool and I ain't gonna stop wanting to fight her until me and Rutul thrash her, heh." The Pygmy was taking quick, wide-eyed glances at Albus, seemingly trying to get more food out of him.

”Silmeria is really cool, but that’s besides the point. No, wait, why do you even want to thrash her?!” Albus seemed more mildly irritated than mad. Despite all his love of potatoes, he never ate all the ones he made for breakfast so he speared a couple of more potatoes for Ciervia. He didn’t mind too much since the pygmy dragon was pretty adorable at times. ”I don’t really like calling her out either since she gets really possessive with me.”

"Well y'know, she's a strong dragon and I wanna beat her and stuff." Isobel replied in a very expected manner as her Pygmy drake gratefully accepted more potatoes from Albus. He laid on the table, spreading his body out and chewing lightly on the potato. "She beat me once already, so I gotta beat her once, heh! That's how this works y'know!" Isobel turned back to her food a moment, taking another bite out of her mutton. "'Sides, she ain't no more possessive of you than Grarves or Ciervia is of me. Don't be a baby."

At her comment there… ”Ahem, Miss Isobel? My slightly older, pretty and dark skinned friend…. How many times have you actually seen Silmeria? Just that one time right? Where she came out of nowhere are surprised Rutul…” Albus was just making sure she wasn’t just ignoring the truth of the matter.

"Yeah yeah, that totally cool thing she did!" Isobel seeming oblivious to the compliments, or simply ignored them. "Jeez, that was amazing how she just came outta nowhere like that! I need a super speedy fast dragon like that." Isobel, if anything, seeming completely enthralled by the idea of fighting Silmeria, or at least simply seeing her in action again. "If it didn't make Rutul run like a little baby I would have fought her myself, heh!" She grinned. "...not that a certain wimpy McWimp face lets me see her."

”Isobel… The reason that I don’t wanna summon her is because she’s like… Ultra possessive. I mean, obviously she found me super adorbs and all. I know you did too.” Albus had to add with a little tongue sticking out at her. ”The last time I summoned her she grabbed me and hugged me until I could almost not breath anymore. Luckily, Vesper was there and pried her off but she started to go after Vesper so I sent her back.” She was a bit of a problem child but Albus didn’t want to face the crux of the problem here. Well, as he let Isobel continue he took a drink of his water.

Ciervia rolled over onto his back, lifting the potato up into the air with his feet as his teeth held onto it.

"Wahaha, maybe she's just annoyed you don't summon her more?" Isobel grinned, still completely oblivious. "When I first summoned Rutul he really didn't listen to me until we talked it out." No, there was actually no talking. She just suplexed the dragon until he submitted. Still, if he was that against it...hm. They were friends so she should help, right? Right. But how...? "Ah. I got it!" Grinning widely, Isobel leaned over the table slightly, placing her hands on the surface of it and leaning closer to Albus. "You get Silmeria...and we'll have a four way!"

At the very utterance of that phrase whatever water Albus had in his mouth made a forceful evacuation. It hit some guy sitting a bit away from Albus and Isobel and he looked annoyed as he looked over at them with an amount of water all over his right side. ”Teehee… Sorry, it’s what they call ‘Holy Maiden Water’ don’t you know? It’ll give you good luck.” The guy didn’t seem very happy with that but accepted it with a red blush across his face.

Albus turned back to Isobel after that issue was cleared up. ”So, Isobel, what exactly do you mean by “four way?” He wanted clarification. Sure, he knew what the words meant, but he wanted to make sure Isobel knew exactly what the words she said meant. ”Because, like, I really want to make doubly sure.”

"Like y'know, a four-way! So you're scared that Silmeria might do somethin' right? So all we gotta do is tire her out first so she can't do anything. Give her a good and thorough bit of exercise." Ciervia had finished eating the potato, and was now sneakily trying to steal more food off Albus' plate while he was distracted.

Albus grabbed a potato or two and put them near Ciervia. ”I-so-bel.” He added, ready to complain a little bit. ”What the heck is your definition of ‘four way’? Because it sounds…. Like you either know exactly what you’re talking about or not at all and I can’t figure it out for the life of me.”

Isobel was silent for a few seconds, giving Albus a perplexed look of her own. What other meaning could it have? She took a few seconds to think of something else, and as the seconds passed her face slowly, slowly, began turning a shade of red until she managed to get her thoughts back in order.

"GAH!" She reached over, whacking Albus lightly on the top of the head. "You dummy! That's not what I meant!" She shouted, loud enough for the rest of the cafeteria could likely hear her. "I meant like a four-way fight! If she's that much of a problem we just gotta exhaust her! I was thinking a Four-way match with Rutul, Grarves and Ciervia fighting her. There ain't no way she can beat all three of 'em!"

What the heck, Isobel? ”That’s hardly even fair!” He added in complaint. He hardly paid attention to when Isobel smacked his head at this point. ”I mean, she just beat Rutul last time so easily because she jumped out to hit him almost as soon as she was summoned.” He sighed, patting Ciervia on the top of the head. ”You know I don’t like that whole fighting business as much as you do, right?” He asked, curious to see how Isobel would reply to that.

"Tch," Ciervia nuzzled Albus' hand while he was petted. Fair? Might not have been entirely fair, he was right. While she wasn't exactly some asshat that would fight dirty, she quite honestly didn't find much problem with tackling a problem with ones allies or friends. If someone hurt a friend of hers, you can be damn sure she'd have Rutul eat them. If a friend of hers needed help, she'd be the first to offer.

"...what the hell, forget it." Isobel replied with a mild, annoyed frown. She glanced towards the floor...somewhat disappointed? She was honestly just trying to help Albus. If he was that scared of her, or at least was uneasy around her the easiest thing to do would just be to tire her out so they could understand each other. That's how it always worked for her, at least. But fine, if he really wasn't up for it then she'd just do her own thing. "I got some morning training to do so I'll see ya later. Come on, Ci." Isobel got up from her seat, intending on leaving it seemed.

”Sorry little buddy.” Albus said, looking at Ciervia before picking the dragon up and putting him on his head. ”Bwhaha! You can’t leave without your little buddy!” He tried projecting his voice upwards for Ciervia to hear. ”Pretend like you’re in distress a little bit.” He added.

Ciervia looked down at the boy, then back to Isobel...proceeded to place a claw on his forehead, then fell to the side making a little 'blep' noise with his tongue sticking out. Isobel stopped in her tracks, a troubled frown formed on her lips as she glared at the two of them for a moment.

"...tch, damn it." Was he trying...to cheer her up? Were both of them doing that? Argh, how annoying. Albus probably didn't even mean anything by saying no...but then what could she do to help? Wasn't like she was great at anything but fighting. "Gah, whatever. Sulking’s not gonna get me anywhere!" Fine, though. If Albus wanted to play rough, she could certainly play a little rough.

"Hey! Grarves!" Whistling loudly for her mount. "Albus said he wants hugs!"

Albus didn’t know where exactly Grarves would come from… But he knew one thing for sure. He lightly tossed Ciervia toward the table. ”Ciervia, friend.” Albus said with a slight tear in his eye as if this were the last thing he’d ever do. ”Save the potatoes for me.” He then stood there to accept his fate.

As he was tossed off Albus' head and towards the table, Ciervia saluted with a paw, gazing back at the noble man who would sacrifice himself for the potatoes.

"BWARK!" A loud, rumbling roar could be heard just outside the door. Sounds of students shouting. The ground shaking as a heavy creature ran across the ground. Seconds later, the land dragon burst through the door, some students having barely dove out of the way. The dragon looked around for a few seconds, before laying his eyes on Albus. With another playful, loud bark, he bolted for his target.

”Remember me, for this day I die for the cause.” The girly boy said, arms held out. There was little he could do but accept his fate at this point. ”Come Grarves. I accept my fate.”

@Pyromania99@A Lowly Wretch@ghastlyInc

Livia sighed, reaching over and patting Eva on the head. She did like spoiling her little sister, but there were times when she was quite...ridiculous, to put mildly. Still, perhaps it was for the best. The less distractions she had the better. Not that she'd ever consider Eva a distraction, but her studies required focus. Especially with the direction her research had been taking recently. She was almost prepared to attempt finding a second summons, she just wanted a little more...prep work on what she was potentially getting.

"Well then, I suppose me and Odhra will head to the library then." Livia leaned back in her seat, just finishing her tea. She should probably make sure Siobahn was busy for the duration of her research as well. She tended to get...pouty at the topic of her potentially getting a second summons.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Allie Sydra

Allie had trouble figuring out the situation. She couldn't position herself close enough to hear what the boy was talking about without drawing attention to herself, so she settled for a safe but distant position. She recognized the girl he was talking to, Isobel, from a few shared clubs. 'Does she know? They seem to be talking at length. I may have to ask her next time we're in club.'

After some time Allie pulled out DataSec. "DataSec. Start recording our movements. I think the target is about to start moving." Or rather, the two had stopped eating, at least. Isobel had gotten up and left, so that means that the boy would be next to leave.

...Or a dragon could stomp through the door that Isobel had left through. Allie had not considered that option, but here she was, in the middle of it. She shot up from her seat, quickly scanning the area. There were plenty of ways to exit, but she had to observe what was going to happen next. Allie ran along the walls to get a better vantage of the upcoming fight. The dragon was making a beeline towards the crossdresser. 'Ah. It must be a challenge. Now we'll see his true combat ability. Maybe his choice in clothing has to do with this.'

It closed in on him. He even said something strange about fate. It didn't seem like he was trying to evade. 'How long is he going to play chicken?! He must have a serious last-second technique to wait this long.'

'...Should I have tried to save him?' Allie thought as the possibility that the boy had no plan came to mind.

In case the situation evolved further, Allie began compiling her summon for her Load-Bearing Armor. While it probably wouldn't help against a dragon, it couldn't hurt.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Max entered the food court after walking through a mile of the Nidhogen's apples. It seemed the tree spirit wanted to provide a fresh breakfast to everyone, but Max couldn't trust food from such an odd creature and thus sidestepped him. He made his way over to a stall that offered a variety of salads and placed an order for a Caesar. As the guy behind the counter prepared ingredients Max noticed several bagels had been set out with unique spreads. He normally wouldn't take something so unhealthy, but after a quick internal argument, he talked himself into running an extra lap today to work it off. As he was given his salad he requested a toasted plain bagel with a salmon spread. The smell of toasted bagel was very tantalizing and Max couldn't help but look forward to enjoying it after his salad.

Max cared little for other people's comfort and tended to sit at the first table with a spot available. This kind of behavior would normally warrant objections. However, one look at Max's cold stare and arsenal, caused most people to decide it was easier for them to leave rather than attempt to convince Max too. As he sat down Max summoned an Earworm from the school storage and then concentrated on forming a connection. His goal, however, was not of a person but an object. The same clock from his room had an Earworm built into it to allow him to connect to it from range. If the Earworm got a connection it automatically turned on the music playlist. After a few moments, the sound of gentle piano keys filled Max's ear and he began eating his salad. He felt his calm returning and was going back to his zen-like state. He thought about what he needed to know before summoning the Changeling and opened up a small notebook and began reading to refresh his memory.

As he read his eyes caught a glimpse of something black passing right in front of him. He sprang to his feet, knocking over his chair, and quickly scanned for the source of the shadow. He caught a glimpse of black fur, a long tail, and something round and tan, but isn't able to identify it before it vanishes into the crowd. Max's thoughts raced, "Dam these unattended creatures. There should be rules against this kind of crap. I have a lot to accomplish today and I don't need these distractions." he took a deep breath trying to regain his composer, "Well, whatever it was it seems to have left as quickly as it came." he observed while picking up his chair and sitting back down. A small crowd of students was now staring at him, but he paid them no mind. He wanted to quickly forget about the interruption and move on. He reached for his bagel hoping the joy of the rich creamy spread would calm his nerves. He felt an empty plate. The music pauses or at least Max stops being able to hear it. The crowd nearby starts thining out as several students start making hasty retreats. Max had a murderous look on his face and his hand was hovering over Lightning. He was also breathing very heavily and his throat vibrated with a low growl. He scanned the diminishing crowd of people seeing if any of them had his prize. As the seconds ticked by his breathing slowed as his anger cooled. He could hear the music return and tries to focus on the calming melody. As his thought organize he remembered something he'd overlooked. "That creature had something round and tan in its mouth." He thought to himself, "My Bagel! That little shit will pay!" He started angrily thinking of all the ways he would beat up the summon and its owner. he did this until a small voice of reason popped into his head, "I could also just get another." This thought was answered with more rage until a compromise was made "Ok, Bagel now. Ass kicking later." this thought cooled the hot anger into a cool, calculated vengeance to be stored till later. Having settled his thoughts and having new a goal, he starts making his way back to the stall with his lunch tray in hand. Though it seemed luck was not on his side that day as passed the center of the courtyard he heard a rumbling in the distance. This was followed shortly after with the sound of bursting wood as a massive two-ton dragon came barreling through the double doors at the entrance and started rampaging through the cafeteria. He even seemed to be on a collision course heading right for him. Max only grinned. He was ready for a fight and even looked forward to taking his anger out on something. He cracked his bones and was ready to open with Lightning when a girl's voice, back and to his left, caught his attention.

”Remember me, for this day I die for the cause.” A small girl, Albus, declared, ”Come Grarves. I accept my fate.” Max realized that the dragon, Grarves, was not running at him but towards Albus. "You accept your fate huh?" Max thought darkly, "Well, I'm glad to hear it." As Grarves closed in Max did not move, instead choosing to stand as close to the path of destruction as possible. As Garves was just about to pass Max, he looked over at Albus and smiled, it was not a kind smile. He threw down his lunch tray right under Grarves front left paw to cause it to slide forward, then followed it up by stepping to the side and swiftly kicking Grarves in his back left ankle, right on the lateral malleolus, or the funny bone of the ankle. To stop Grarves from being able to easily recover his balance after sliding forward. The desired outcome would be for Grarves to completly trip and collapse right on top of Albus, and maybe even tumble into the other bystanders. However, regardless of the outcome Max would try to casually walk away immediately after kicking Grarves.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mort's Adventure

Moments before the Dragon Impact… @Pyromania99

The sight of a floating hammer gathering food on its own accord was strange even in L'Mordryn, and the image of nobility didn't really suit a lone hammer getting food for his master who couldn't even muster the courage to enter the cafeteria on some days. But, this was only a problem if Mort was just a sentient hammer. He was a spirit, it wasn't strange for random spirits to be roaming the halls of L'Mordryn.

Mort left the hammer behind, out of sight and proceeded to the food tables, making himself as faint as possible.

A good thing about possession was that, within a certain limit it was possible for him to pick up multiple objects. Loading up a plate of food items was relatively easy. Clarence wasn't particularly picky either. The hard part was getting the plate to Orewing discretely, and then balancing it on the way out. Good thing he was proficient in that regard.

The Land Dragon burst through the door to the cafeteria. The only thought that ran through the spirit's mind was;

I better cover this so it doesn't get dusty.

A few napkins from a nearby stack floated off and covered the plate. The Land Dragon made a nice distraction to leave discretely. This was a serious situation which needed to be stopped, no doubt, but someone else would probably take care of it. He took the opportunity to discretely slip out instead.

Clarence! is not in trouble

When the weasel-like creation snapped at Clarence he glared at it, or attempted to. His mouth tightened and his palms started sweating. Clarence was good at making sure his legs didn't shake too much by manually keeping them still. But that also meant that he couldn't kick anything.

The weasel was angry with him but he didn't know why. He couldn't move his legs to run so he had to stand his ground. That meant his only route was intimidation. He tried glaring at it. It didn't have eyes or maybe it just didn't care, but it continued snarling at Clarence. Nothing for it then. If intimidation didn't work then he'd have to resort to friendship.

"E-easy now…" He spoke softly as he stretched his hand out and began to crouch down.

Then the weasel got whacked and ran away, leaving him squatting for absolutely no reason. And now the Nidhogen was looking at him. It wasn't hard for him to hear the nature dragon talk, it was loud, but the important thing was it was speaking to a person. Worse, he knew that person.

There were noble Invokers who hailed from Bestia. Maybe there were less of them or something now, but well, the noble house of choice had always been Dracona. Although, it wasn't as if the other houses were lesser in concentration. There was a bias against Bestia in certain noble houses, although there weren't so many that it rated as more than a passing quirk. Sazel was treated as a pariah by his family that they couldn't judge too much because she performed well when she needed to.

Frankly he didn't know what right his family had judging someone else's heir. Maybe they were trying to bolster a sense of pride in him, or something along those lines. Except Sazel was a better Invoker than Clarence was. They shared a class with Lady Oravierre in fourth period. They hadn't ever talked before but they knew of each other.

With the spotlight on him, he had to step up. With the threat of the weasel gone, there was nothing stopping him from walking confidently up to them and making his greetings. He calmly got up, started walking over, and then tripped on a stray root weasel as it darted out of the bushes and into his path.

The apple in his hand went flying but the weasel caught it and scampered off. He got to his feet.

"S-sup…" He said.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Arkadian Elesir is looking for trouble!

For the time being Arkadian was glad the Forest Witch was content with not cursing Arkadian and his familiar for generations to come, so he took the cue and bowed out, squeaking out a half-hearted thanks. Krampus caught the spare cube of meat easily as he whisked him away.

"Never do that again, Krampus," Arkadian muttered. He was stressed, but nevertheless managed to let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, it didn't turn out that bad, right?" Krampus said, licking his paw.

"You almost gave me a heart attack," Arkadian said. "Maybe even a re-"

He didn't finish that statement out of consideration for Nettle. She seemed nice enough. It was probably unhealthy to assume the worst about people he'd never… well, only just met.

"Maybe even a real one, eh? Heh, you probably didn't even rate the attention she actually gave you, don't get ahead of yours-" Arkadian didn't let Krampus finish before he smacked him on the back of the head.

"Hahaha, maybe you should be paying attention to what's behind you, over there." The Black Cat chuckled.

Arkadian turned just in time to see Grarves, the land dragon barrel into the cafeteria, straight towards someone he didn't know. But then someone else he didn't know stepped up. Arkadian was worried for a second, the other person seemed to know what they were doing so the girl(?) was probably ok. Then he saw the look on his face, and he knew exactly what kind of person he was up against.

"Tohi! Lohi!" He shouted.

They came bounding to his side. There was a little trick to controlling both Tohi and Lohi. Normally they did whatever they wanted to, but Tohi generally wanted to help Arkadian, and Lohi only wanted to protect Arkadian. If Arkadian needed neither help nor protection, they didn't act.

Arkadian's life, despite the shape that it was now, was one shaped by the stories of Gods of old. No one knows who them now, but they know of their tales. They know of their cunning, their strength, their courage, and their bravery. And of all those tales, and even before those, Arkadian favoured the tales of Bravery.

Tohi and Lohi were well aware of who their master was. Tohi plucked him up from the ground by her teeth as Lohi vanished in a twinkle of light. They crossed the distance at lightning speed.

As Tohi let Arkadian down, Lohi had already appeared.

"Barrier!" Arkadian shouted.

An invisible wall appeared and braced the land dragon, preventing it from falling onto Albus. It was slightly angled, letting Grarves fall to the side. When the dust cleared, Arkadian glared at the new presence.

@Pyromania99@Rune_Alchemist@Crazy Scion
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FlappyTheSpybot
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FlappyTheSpybot 10 cats in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 days ago

Eric Williams
Cafeteria A

Interactions: @ghastlyInc

A minute earlier:

Stepping into the casual bedlam of the cafeteria, the 'raven' launches itself from Eric's shoulder and into the vaulted ceiling of the cafeteria as the young summoner makes his way towards the breakfast line. Alert. New student sighted; military attire, house Dracona. Based on their mannerisms, quite possibly a noble. At the last piece of information, Eric almost stumbles mid-step, almost. This could be bad, if someone recognized him and it became public knowledge that heir of a disgraced noble family was attending L'Mordryn Academy, there would likely be problems. Show me. Comes his immediate reply.

The spectral 'raven' makes a low pass through the cafeteria, about ten feet off the ground and twenty feet from the young man in question; getting a good look at his face before spiraling back up into the rafters. Watching through his mind's eye, Eric suppresses a frown as he tries to ID his new peer. He looks vaguely familiar... Did you catch a name? No. Making his way through the breakfast line, Eric absentmindedly loads up his plate as he mulls over the new house Dracona student.

Lithe build and military style attire; which noble families are known for military service and have member in my age range? The Mulryans and Brays are present and accounted for, the youngest Blackwell is in attendance of another Academy last I'd heard, so that rules them out. Who else fits the requirements?... The Brighs. Taking another look at the mental image from the 'raven', Eric nods to himself. Yes, that was Lorcan Brigh alright. They'd only met in passing a couple of times and looking back on his memories Eric doubted that Lorcan had wanted to be in attendance of those events himself. With any luck, between the four plus years since they'd last encountered each other and a moderate change in appearance on Eric's part, Lorcan wouldn't recognize him. Hell, Eric thought, the only reason he had been able to ID Brigh is because he'd made an effort to stay abreast with the going-ons of the noble families.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CelesteEste
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

— Courtyard —
— Interactions with: @ShwiggityShwah@RoflsMazoy

"Someone is watching!?" she hadn't expected it to turn into a thrilling detective novel so fast! With a quick turn, she rose up her fists and was about to declare that she had watched someone boxing once and was ready to apply such immense knowledge on the topic, but there was no need for it. "Oh? Its just Lawrie. I have Miss Ora's classes with him."

With a smile, she started to walk towards him, never minding the fact he fell, the bell ringing that came with each step stopping when she suddenly stopped, squinting her eyes and staring really close at his face. "Yep, its really you, not some doppelganger. You have that... phantasmy-o smell." the heiress knew Clarence's family, somewhat, her parents knew them but she had little first hand experience as her family didn't get her too involved on their social life, she didn't know what to make of them, they looked nice, but she had never talked or smelled them to make deeper conclusions. Lawrie however was nice.

"So... Are you going to help me and Nidhogen? We are searching for the identity of a student, she had like, hair silver like a kitchen knife, brown skin and eyes red like a lobster." she explained, stepping back and smiling. "Never saw her before, she has this... sharp look? Short hair. Do you know anything? Me and Nidhogen are investigating! We are going to the library, see the yearbook and find who she is, then it is likely we will be attacked by pirates or mercenaries, if my books thought me anything." she sounded excited at the last bit.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Pyromania99@Crazy Scion

The looming end of one girly boy was now inevitable. The dragon bolted right for Albus, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. Isobel was just laughing happily, utterly not caring about the chaos she was causing. It was fine, after all! Not like anyone was going to get hurt here. Grarves just wanted some Albus hugs, and the land dragon was more than happy to deliver.

"BWA-ORK!?" Suddenly, Grarves let out a surprised yelp. Something had caught under his claw, sending the massive beast towards the ground. His left claw slid out from under him, causing him to fall forward, smashing his chin on the cafeteria floor and sending the rest of his body vertically upwards, unable to stop immediately from the speed. Isobel's eyes widened in shock as the land dragon careened towards Albus, unable to stop him. That was an actual danger - Grarves easily weight almost half a ton, probably more. Him running into any human at that speed would have easily caused them more than a little injury. She also knew that Grarves was, while a bit of a big slow slobbery baby, he would never hurt anyone. He was about as aggressive as a gold fish.

"Albus!" Before Isobel could intervene, it seemed some other student was quicker on the uptake. Grarves slammed into an invisible barrier of some sort with a resounding wham. The land dragon, seemingly a little dazed and confused slid off the barrier safely onto the ground. She quickly ran over, making sure that both of them were okay. She knew Grarves probably would. His scales were almost as tough as steel plating.

And then some bastard had the audacity to kick Grarves.

"Bwwaaark....!?" Feeling the boot impact his scales, the dragon let out a surprised, doleful yelp. Ouch. That would probably hurt the human more than him, but Isobel didn't care. That bastard was not getting away with this.

"Oi!" Isobel walked up behind him, staring the guy down with a glare that would make even an ornery wyvern question his next action. "Spiky haired overly dressed bastard. Where the hell do you think you're going?" Ciervia by now, had perched himself back on Isobel's shoulder and was standing completely still, reptilian eyes coldly gazing at him.

Grarves had righted himself, and was now looking over to Albus mournfully.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikola had roughly a quarter of his breakfast left when the noise level in the cafeteria rose significantly. The boy looked over int he direction of the commotion. Sadly he wasn't tall enough to see the whole picture, but he could see - surprisingly - what appeared to be an armoured dragon running amok. He had been at this academy for long enough to see many strange things but this was truly outside of his expectations. A part of him wanted to go somewhere quieter to finish his breakfast, but the rest of him was curious.

The boy looked down at his plate; it had some bacon, some eggs, a single half-sausage, and half a piece of toast left. Though he had gone through most of it (with assistance from his fluffy companion), he wasn't confident he could finish the rest in a timely manner. The boy frowned. There was nothing for it, he would just have to eat as much as he could. He stuffed some bacon, the rest of his eggs, and the toast into his mouth, chewing and swallowing quickly. He gulped down the rest of his juice, then he wrapped the sausage in the remainder of his bacon and gave it to Kitten. The small dragon crowed in satisfaction as it chewed. The boy quietly cleaned off his area before scooping up the fluffy beast, slowly chewing on the treat he'd given it, into his arms.
"Ah, Kitten, please keep yourself clean..." Nikola sighed, wiping the area around the dragon's mouth with a napkin.
His pleas fell on deaf ears as the dragon mercilessly chewed on the meat.

The boy began to walk to the source of the disturbance, carefully pushing his way to the scene of the incident. As he arrived he noted the armoured dragon he'd seen before, as well as 2 massive cats and the people who appeared to be their masters. One master he knew well enough, a somewhat infamous house dracona student he'd heard much of through hearsay. The other was a boy his age who he didn't know at all. At a closer glance he recognised the boisterous girl's dragon as a land dragon, which he'd read plenty about in class and in the library of the Drakengard estate. As for the other summoner's cats, he was entirely unfamiliar with them. The boy watched from the sideline as his dragon companion chewed obliviously. He wasn't sure what would happen but he would be there to witness it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Albus Winterhold


Albus was ready to accept his fate... But there was a weird sound that wasn't quite him getting trampled by a dragon. In fact, it was a bwark that caught him off guard. That was most definitely Grarves. Albus looked and saw a couple of odd things. First was a the random guy in front of him with some sort of light barrier and then Grarves sliding past on the ground. "Uwah! Grarves!" He exclaimed as he saw the puppy dragon horse thing look at him sadly. "Thanks mister..? I guess?" Albus said as he ran over to the dragon on the floor. "Are you okay you non-malicious horse drago?"

He kneeled down next to the dragon and put his hand on him to pet. "Are you alright?" Grarves looked pretty sad, that much was for sure. Albus hated pain and sliding across the floor so it was most probable that Grarves did too right? "Here, here. Let me pet it all better little big buddy! Just don't tell Silmeria, good buddy. She'll get so freaking jealous." He added hoping the dragon got humor.

Evangeline Lindall

"Hmph, fine. Go enjoy your Library." Eva told Livia, waving her off as she pouted still. She was just being pouty to be pouty really. It took a little bit, but eventually Eva and Floofel finished their food. Floofel took all the plates to the dish depository as Eva sat at her feet. She heard a loud disturbance and looked over, seeing a weird dragon thing charging into the place. Of course, it was not her problem. Floofel returned soon enough, seeming concerned but Eva just shook it off and walked outside with her Floof Fairy, ignoring the entire mess.
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