Mentions: @UncleExpendable @Fabricant451 @Milim @Penguin @Hey Im Jordan @dragonpiece @Nyther @DocRock @Indra @King Cosmos @Whoami @Hitman
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." ~Ephesians 6:12
Superheroes. The term evokes images of superhumans in caped costumes, battling against criminals and monsters to save the world. But, not all of the world's inhabitants are so distinctly placed on the ends of the moral spectrum. After all, one person's hero may be another's villain, and vice versa, while some may rest between the two extremes. All that can be said with certainty is that they are something more than human, and they are now real.
Why now? That is a mystery for another time. For now, the world must come to terms with the existence of superpowers, as daunting a task that may be. Will the masses cower before the mighty? Will they rise up to contain them? Will they try to convince them to work on their behalves? Will they lavish them with praises and curses, depending on their actions and notorieties? Of course they will, as people can be awfully predictable.
However, if you think this is a story where good triumphs over evil, you are sorely mistaken.
1. Have fun.2. Whatever I say goes.
3. Do not be a douche.
4. Keep your smut private.
5. If you ghost on the roleplay, you will be kicked, and your characters will become NPCs. This does not apply to players held up by inactive players, those that give ample warning of inactivity, or those that experience real world events that prevent them from roleplaying. Should you be unable to roleplay for whatever reason, your characters will temporarily become NPCs.
Character Sheet
Name: Put their full, legal name here.Age: Obvious.
Species: For now, only human characters will be accepted.
Sex: For now, only biological male or female characters will be accepted.
Appearance: Images are acceptable, provided they are linked.
Personality: At least 1 paragraph should suffice.
Powers: Example Power- At least 1 paragraph should suffice.
Biography: At least 1 paragraph should suffice.
Other: Things such a themes, nicknames, and other miscellaneous information go here.