“仁義道徳 - Benevolence and righteousness!”
N A M E和勘使 八知代 • Ōkashi Yachiyo • やちよ
A G E14
C L A NŌkashi
S E X U A L I T Y Hetereosexual
H E I G H T5'2"
E Y E SHazel
H A I R A cream color, Yachio's hair is long, reaching beyond her hips. Wearing it in a high ponytail with messy bangs in her genin days, Yachiyo tidies her mane into a more professional and neat style as a young adult.
H E A D B A N D P L A C E M E N TWorn around the neck.
Katon | Fire (Affinity)
Raiton | Lightning (Later) P E R S O N A L I T Y Whimsical • Emphatic • Decorous • Idealistic • Peaceful • Artistic • Romantic • Tidy
Anxious • Moody • Judgemental • Dismissive • Hardened • Evading • Flustered • Neat-freak
Yachiyo struggles to balance her personal ethics with the behavior and ability that is not just exhibited by her fellow clanspeople, but expected from her, often fighting to meet expectations without betraying her own core values. Her quirks - such as her artstic streak or her superstitious nature - are often supressed in front of others, and easily dismissed as immature by her family. Yachiyo is considered to be quite candid though rarely mean, and never crass, which is usually excused as a result of her exact and ambitious nature. Her behavior sways depending on the environment, shriveling into a quieter, more reserved version when confronted with adults and her family.
She is deeply conflicted about her own upbringing; though she is aware of many of the fortunate privileges she received, she often struggles to fulfill her role within the clan without developing a strong sense of immorality. Furthermore, she's somewhat bitter about the rigorous and harsh nature of her upbringing. This permanent conflict is a source of great stress for Yachiyo, which manifests in a weary and sometimes even confrontational disposition. In spite of her sensitivities, she is quick to judge others when they act in ways she deems unacceptable.
Yachiyo possesses immense empathy and a strong sense of justice, which fuel her confliction about tradition and public image, the dynamic between noble and prestigious clans and those of lower status, and shinobi society at large, though most of her musings are childishly idealistic and one-track-minded.
P E R S O N A L H I S T O R YYachiyo was born the youngest grandchild of the Ōkashi patriarch, with high hopes that finally a child of an eighth generation would manifest the Mōragan; when the infant proved to indeed carry the rare dōjutsu, her parents and grandfather were delighted, but her siblings instead felt envy. Instead of playtime and friendship, Yachiyo was meticulously groomed to be her best possible self. Her father in particular began to shift the expectations he had placed in his oldest son, adding them to the already unrealistic standard he held Yachiyo to, who felt suffocated by the myriad of training excercises and the sense of duty she had to shoulder. Difficult techniques, such as the family's customary fūinjutsu, and terrible combat practice, quickly forced Yachiyo to develop exceptional skills for a child her age, lest she break to the relentless teaching. Only her grandmother treated her like the child she was, teaching her the art of glassworking, an artisan endeavor her mother's family had bestowed upon each child. Incidentally, the recreational activity helped Yachiyo to hone her Katon.
While she showed herself to be an exceptional novice kunoichi in most every depertment, so much so that by the time she enrolled in the academy, she remained ahead of her peers effortlessly, Yachiyo drifted more and more towards the whimsical traditions of her family; tending to the clan's gardens, and her grandmother's unique glass artistry. Momentarily free from the pressure of her grandfather's training, Yachiyo proved equally prodigious in her recreational pursuits, devoting more and more time to them, much to her family's distate. Often hiding away from her demanding, almost abusive grandfather, chiding parents, and competitive siblings, she instead slept in the gardens or snuck away to further hone her skill with glass. Continuing her education, the head-start Yachiyo held over her competition melted. In fact, Yachiyo even struggled with some of the basic techniques her peers had mastered easily, narrow-mindedly obsessing over her own pursuits. However, while her fundamentals were awful, she showcased exceptional skill when she developed a crude form of her own ninjutsu, applying her unmatched technical skill to the glass figurines she loved so dearly.
When graduation time came around, Yachiyo had become alienated, sometimes mocked for her lack of mastery of basic skills despite being a prodigious kunoichi from a prestigious clan; her fall from grace was a welcome retribution for those who perceived her as nothing but a privileged and aloof brat. Her lack of academic success had earned her severe scoldings and punishments at home, ultimately resulting in a depressed disposition. At this time of great tension, Yachiyo inadvertently incited an alteration with Mochi Kurimi at the Academy. The incident was cut short, as an emotionally unstable Yachiyo broke down crying, betraying her stoic image and stunning Kurimi. After teachers interfered, the two girls made up and bonded over their shared domestic troubles, inciting a quiet but strong friendship. Shortly after, Yachiyo met Bijou in her family's gardens. A particularly small lesser panda, who seemed to instinctively take a liking to the girl, whom experienced a similar kinship. Her fondness and bond with the creature and newfound friendships served as an invigorating experience, allowing Yachiyo to scoot by. Though her fundamentals were still greatly lacking, and she was often chided or deemed hopeless by her instructors at the academy, her fūinjutsu, the preternatural potential she had showcased with her unique jutsu, and some choice words from the Ōkashi patriarch, Yachiyo ended up graduating after all.
Meeting her sensei improved Yachiyo's work ethic considerably, as he was kind and encouraging in spite of his pedigree - a concept Yachiyo thought utterly alien. Due to his tutelage, and the necessity of working with her squad members, Yachiyo has improved both her headspace as well as technique.
C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T- So, first and foremost, I kinda would like to have a pretty distinct character development from being sort of difficult and an individualist but kind-hearted, to a more playful attitude but with her actual disposition becoming hardened, maybe even slipping towards the antagonistic side. I really enjoy these sort of contrasting personalities, and I think this development specifically is fun. However, I don't really like being the bad one, so ideally this would circle back a bit AGAIN, to a better adjusted, redeemed character with some edges and issues, but a generally "good" disposition.
-A big aspect of her character, as I envisioned it, would be her desire to establish a genuinely fair ninja society, or at least kickstart a change in how people view perceived prestige, lesser ninjas, other villages, low-ranking clans and such. Basically, focus on class-divide and volatile norms. Obviously this is a really grandios ideal, and I imagine this being a very childish and dumb dream at first, then shifting towards an almost fanatic goal of hers. She'd go about it the wrong way for a long time. I think it'd be nice if she could find a way to achieve that goal to a smaller, realistic extent, but without, you know, the usual genocidal shit anime characters with these desires pull.
- Power-wise I would like her to develop the glass jutsu to a really high level, which would make her pretty powerful but also a unique character. I think it'd be super funny if she ends up this novelty genius who perfects a jutsu nobody else uses (like Konan, who was a pretty big influence. Also continue to develop fuinjutsus and maybe a proper animal summon. I really like scroll stuff in general, and I made her clan specialize in summons and fuinjutsus but since I gave her a dojutsu (albeit a somewhat weak one, compared to others) and a cool technique, I'm not too fussed if it doesn't happen. After all, she is meant to reject many of her clans customs so it wouldn't be too out of the way to not do it. :)
- SHIPS SHIPS SHIPS yes I'm rom trash I want romance hehehe
• Unnamed Glass Jutsu - Using her prodigious technical ability, Yachiyo has developed a unique albeit amateurish jutsu due to her obsessive interest in glassart. With it, she can create and shape small structures, animate them to a limited degree, and fire shards in a fashion similar to kunai or shuriken. (To be named and developed over the roleplay)
• Fūinjutsu Expertise - The sole Chakra-heavy traditional ninja art Yachiyo possesses advanced competence with, fūinjutsu are a staple of the Ōkashi skill-set, and as such, she has been trained intensively in their use.
• Taijutsu - Yachiyo is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, having received basic combat training and excercises to steel her body since her early childhood. It is by far her most developed of the three basic jutsu-distinctions, and Yachiyo is a lithe, flexible, durable, and speedy combatant, though she does not possess the raw brute strength to power her way through everything.
• Mōragan - Though her abilities are limited, Yachiyo can utilize the external view to a limited degree, giving her a useful tool for espionage and stealth missions. She unconsciously has neglected and even shut herself off to further developing the dōjutsu, as she blames her inherited gift for her strict childhood and at times even views it as a regrettable curse. Nevertheless, it is a handy and unique tool.
• Dexterity - Yachiyo is quite precise and yields steady hands, having worked with delicate figurines and decorations since her childhood. Additionally, she possesses a well-developed eyes for aesthetics.
C R A N K• Unnamed Glass Jutsu Utilizing her conjured glass, Yachiyo can animate small figurines and structures. The technique is plain, but requires delicate handling and knowledge of the material. This jutsu was originally mostly being played around with, but can also be used for espionage utility.
• Become One: Kyōsei A fūinjutsu used extensively by Ōkashi. By distributing a variety of seals across the terrain, the user can seal and unseal themselves for advantagious travel across the manipulated perimeter.
D R A N K• All Is One: A fūinjutsu taught to all Ōkashi as part of their training. This seal draws miniscule amounts of chakra from the environment for as long as it is active, so as to be built and used over time. Yachiyo carries a small scroll inscribed with the corresponding seal around her arm. There are variations to this technique, including a much more severe absorbation rate as well as a reversed version, though they are generally taught only to adults due to their risks when used irresponsibly.
• Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet: A basic Fire Release technique, where the user exhales a flame breath from their mouth.
• Unnamed Glass Jutsu: Yachiyo summons a barrage of glass shards to pelt the enemy with, inflicting injury.
E R A N K• Basic Academy Techniques: However, Yachiyo struggles with performing the Body Substitution and the Clone techniques.
N A M E • Mōragan (網羅眼, Literally meaning: All-Encompassing Eye)
A B I L I T I E S • Users of the Mōragan are capable of tethering themselves to other beings or objects, to the extent that it is possible to fully perceive what the user's targets are seeing (or would see) themselves.
The ability to track multiple targets at once requires mastery of the dōjutsu. Though few of the already sparse number of contemporary Ōkashi that wielded the Mōragan have achieved such mastery, a revered Ōkashi patriarch has been said to be able to perceive "everything that could be seen, and could've been seen".
Due to the tethering nature, it is also possible to override a target's vision, forcing one's own into the target's, effectively blinding them to their actual surroundings, but also supplying them with imagery of the wielder's choice.
N A M E• ???
D E S C R I P T I O N• ???
A N I M A L• None as of now. Would like to attain during timeskip.
N A M E• -
A P P E A R A N C E• -