Hidden 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Note: There is a Mess Hall & Bathhouses. We just didn't think those needed descriptions.
There's also amenities that are strictly meant for summer camp, which are bordered off and/or covered in snow.
Ie. Soccer field, Archery Target Practice, a theater cabin (with costumes), a Pavilion for outdoor eating, the Blob (in the storage shed), etc.
Names are subjected to change depending on the program. For example, the Arts & Crafts area is called Santa's Workshop right now.

The cabins at Second Horizons are cut and paste, as far as layout goes. The second floor is the dedicated bunking area, with bunk beds lining the walls. The second floor for most cabins have remained identical throughout the years. The ground floors have more variety — the green cabin has more bean bags in the sitting area than chairs, and the pink cabin kitchenette is used more often than almost all the other three combined. The subtle differences from cabin to cabin is what defines the color system of Second Horizons. Please feel free to add your own touches to each cabin, making sure to use your color as inspiration.

One more thing of note, the counselor room is by the front door and has two beds inside of it for the group's 'mums' & 'dads'. They need a place to sleep too! Campers of their cabin are their responsibility 24/7, from the start of the program to the end.

Near the center of the camp, the rec room is the source of entertainment for when it’s ‘too cold’ to go outside during the winter retreat, and ‘too hot’ to go outside during the summer camp. The rec room is kept warm by an open fire place, and houses a collection of classic board games and a TV, with a few video games included. Additionally, the Rec Room has a small kitchen room with an ancient stove (first floor) and a second floor where people can do arts & crafts — there’s no digital options, though.

The center of the camp, in the middle of the four corners of the main cabins, where the bonfire pit is located. During the winter, there is a massive Christmas tree near here, which the campers are welcome to decorate together after the night’s bonfire and s’mores.

During the winter, this lake is frozen solid and used by Second Horizons as both a hockey arena, and an ice skating rink. Attendees can receive lessons provided free of charge by counselors who are sometimes willing and sometimes less so.

This stage is where the campers in summer can convene for movies projected onto the screen behind the stage, or concerts put on by fellow campers. In the winter, attendees can gather around small fire pits for a more intimate experience while watching Christmas and winter themed movies.

Second Horizons houses an indoor heated pool that isn’t in use during the summer. Attendees who adore swimming will find their home here. Additionally, there is a sauna (co-ed, there’s only one), where campers can warm up after a day of playing in the snow.

Hidden away by an hour’s hike — through a trail made by years of use — there’s a small group of hot springs campers have been traveling to for years. Though not officially recognized by Second Horizons staff, this doesn’t stop campers and counselors alike for stealing away for a bit of ‘privacy.’ Just make it back safely, okay?

Second Horizons only has a few slopes that are maintained for skiing: a bunny slope for newer riders, and then a half-pipe for more experienced boarders and skiers. Other than that, you’re on your own if you want to take advantage of the fresh powder that shows up every other morning. That means hiking to the top of the mountain and getting back on your own. Second Horizons affords a lot of freedom to its attendees. Don’t be the one that ruins it for the others.

Typically reserved for summer usage, the Sound & Dance is a building tucked beside the Rec Room. This cabin has a collection of various musical instruments, and a space with an open floor for students to practice their dancing. Though typically closed off during the winter, the camp counselors do have a key — if you’re able to convince them.

The nerve center of the camp, depending on who you ask. This is where the director stays, along with the actual staff — the cook(s), the nurse… Neither children nor counselors are allowed here — and the interior of the Lodge is far more comfortable than the rest of the camp. Second Horizons is built for the Director to relax and make some money while paying 20 somethings peanuts to babysit while he collects the big bucks from the parents. Unfortunately, there were a few legal requirements to making a giant daycare.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: The Lodge w/ other Counselors —> The North Pole Christmas Tree
Featuring: Nick Walters
Mentions: None

It didn’t pay well, the kids were little shitheads, and the cabins were cold. And yet, Nick kept coming back.

He only went the first time because of memories talking about it with his father, and he wanted to try it out. After that? He managed to convince his best friend to tag along with him, and Nick was all in on Second Horizons. For five of the six years he’d attended, Nick had been the blue counselor, but this time? He was trying something different. Nick had decided to request the Pink Cabin — sure, it wasn’t his normal vibe, but he’d had a feeling when he was writing his sheet that it was time for a change. Maybe he’d like it there. ‘course, he figured that Andi kid was coming again, and they were a little extra from time to time.

He’d been in this same spot for five years now, listening to the camp director give his little spiel before he walked away to his office and the counselors were sent out of the Lodge and off to the North Pole to greet the kids who had shown up. A couple of the counselors were already gone and waiting at the airport for the fly-ins, but Nick managed to weasel out of that job once again. To him? Listening to the Director ramble on for a few minutes in a pre-camp hype speech was better in every way than sitting in a bus with entitled campers whose parents spent too much to get rid of their kids for the winter. Not that Nick knew anything about bad parents.

“Nicky boy, what’s the number one rule of Second Horizons?”

Nick was brought back to reality by the Director speaking directly to him, and he cleared his throat. “Uh, you know I don’t like being called that, right? Because I’ve been pretty clear about it for six years… okay, okay, whatever.” When the Director rolled his eyes,. Nick decided to brush it off, a gentle reminder that older people didn’t really care how he felt or what he wanted to be called. Okay, whatever. “The first rule is not to bother you unless there’s a life or death emergency BECAUSE,” Nick spoke up, prepared to give the rest of the answer before the Director even had a chance to interrupt him, “Second Horizons is your paid vacation home.”

“That’s correct.”

Of course it was correct. Nick had to wonder if it was just for show, or if the Director really thought Nick didn’t remember these conversations. It was the same thing, every goddamn time. Nick knew what was coming next, it was going to be the ‘second rule of Second Horizons. Why even wait? Nick should have given him the answer without even waiting.

“And, Nicky boy, what’s the second and final rule of Second Horizons?”

“Ain’t gonna be no fuckin’. Right? Satisfied?” Nick answered, rolling his eyes. No matter how many times the Director said it, that rule was almost always broken. Hell, Nick himself had a tendency to break it, but it wasn’t his own fault. He didn’t get it, but damn near everyone who applied to Second Horizons tended to be pretty hot. And what was he gonna do? Not flirt? That wasn’t really an option here. “Permission to be dismissed, Captain?” He asked, and the Director shook his head.

“Look, you guys just don’t cause problems for me and I won’t bother you. I hired you because your resume leads me to believe you’d make a pretty good professional babysitter. Those kids in your cabins are collectively your problem. Not mine. If they become my problem, then we’re gonna have a problem. And I want a very problem free winter holiday.”

That was understandable. Who didn’t want a problem free holiday season? Hell, Mike was spending Christmas here, and Mike had a family. Nick had… well, there was that gremlin kid, and Nick was pretty sure her family would let him hang out at her house if he didn’t feel like intruding on the Carters, but all in all… Nick liked it here. This was his family — for the season, anyway. As ragtag as the counselors were, Nick liked more than a few of the longtime campers. A lot of the time, their families didn’t want them for the holiday. Nick definitely understood that on a personal level.

“That being said, I hope you enjoy your time here as well. We got a good thing going here, and I’d love to keep it that way. Just remember, I’m watching you. Always watching you. Like…”

“Roz from Monsters, Inc?” Nick suggested, but he was ignored. Why was his best material always ignored?

“Like Santa Claus. I know when you’ve been naughty and I know when you’ve been nice, so you better be good for goodness’s sake. Or however that stupid song goes. Now go stand by the Christmas tree so you can meet your kids. Merry Christmas.”

Nick shook his head, but as the Director dismissed them, he was happy to be out of the Lodge. Weirdly enough, Nick didn’t really like it in the Lodge — too comfortable, it took away from the idea that Second Horizons was a ‘camp.’ There were already too many resort-esque features for Nick, like the pool room and the sauna. But, to his credit, the Director spared no expense. As he stepped into the brisk, cold air of a Washington morning, Nick pulled out his phone and typed out a text message to his co-counselor:

To: Kim Benson (counselor)
Boss freaking out, where are you w/ kids??

5 mins.

Wait, are you texting while driving? Don’t do that.

Nick shook his head and dropped his phone back into his pocket as he wondered if he’d drawn the short stick, as far as cabin counselors went. Maybe he should have stayed in blue… No, wait. He needed positive thoughts, right? Positive thoughts. Plus, there were a ton of campers he had to meet at the Christmas tree. Then, they had the big group bonfire, then the smaller bonfires by the cabins… why did they have two bonfires? Nick didn’t know the answer to that either.

To: Kim Benson (counselor)
I’m at the tree in a bright pink sweatshirt. You can’t miss me.
Seriously, I would be a liability if we were in a stealth mission.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Parked in the pick up area of Bellingham International, Kimber Benson leaned back in the driver seat of one of two short buses. Today would be the beginning of an adventure, which was what the back of her pink camping shirt said. The front of her camping shirt told others she was a camp counselor, announcing her title to the world. If it wasn’t for this insulated traveling mug filled with hot coffee, she probably would be on the verge of passing out.

Sleep even before the campers arrived was not a thing for counselors because after they were done training, they would all stay up getting to know one another. As the director had told them, they had to make sure they were a ‘family’ and not coworkers. The campers were their children and it was their job to make them feel welcomed and safe.

This past week focused on going over ACA’s standards and accreditation process, plenty of group scenarios, mostly focusing on calming camper conflicts, and other highly acclaimed, practical techniques like CPR. Time went by fast and now here she was picking up some of the campers that would spend their holidays at Second Horizons with her. She wasn’t excited nor was she nervous. Honestly, she didn’t know how she was feeling. This was a new experience for her and she wasn’t sure what to expect and knew for a fact this would be nothing like writing camp. Taking one last sip out of her mug, she placed it down in the cup holder, hopped out of her seat, and exited her bus.

Walking to the second short bus right behind her, she knocked on the glass of the Amtran door and mouthed to her bus-partner-in-crime, “I’m going to get the kids now, Jackson!”

As Jackson sat in the driver’s seat, vibing to Spose’s “I’m Awesome”, he muttered some words of the chorus and hit the steering wheel in rhythm to it, bopping his head forward. It was only when he heard Kimber smack against the glass did he break himself out of the zone. “Hold up, Kimmy!” He propped up, exiting the bus.

He was rocking the homemade -- albeit cheaply-made -- red cabin shirt with the fox logo dead center. It was a maroon red and over it he had a simple black zipped down sweatshirt. “Can’t get them and expect to leave me behind! I’m coming too!” He said with a burst of energy that carried him into a jog as he caught up to Kim.

Seeing his camping shirt made Kim slightly grimace. They were given two shirts, one generic one and one with their ‘team’. Kim did not wear the shirt with a bunny on it. The message it gave was NOT cute. The campers could wear that one all they wanted but she was not going to be called a ‘little snow bunny’. Nope. There was no way in hell. When he charged out of the bus, she rolled her eyes and continued moving forward, “All that spirit is going to scare the kids. Watch.”

Jackson laughed. “Not my kids! No self-respecting Fox will be afraid of a little team spirit -- they’ll feed off of it!” Jackson stated proudly, pumping his chest as a mild holler left his lips. “But speaking of kids, you know yours don’t stand a chance this year, right? I’ve come up with a whole new game plan and I just know it’ll fucking rule!”

“We will see about that. They have me, after all. I imagine my cabin will be filled with chaotic and unpredictable personalities. Try besting that, dude.”

“You’re on, Lola Bunny!”

Who would’ve thought she’d meet someone that basically understood her in every way that mattered?! Swaying back and forth on her heel and tiptoes, Mia Chambers beamed at a rainbow pixie with blue hair. A girl that reminded her of Ramona Flowers, but far more energetic. The small platinum-blondie stood beside her snoopy dog suitcase, with a matching duffel on top of it, and her pink backpack strapped on her back. Her new friend went by the name ‘Joey’ and she sat beside her and sissy for the WHOLE plane ride. They became super, duper besties because they liked similar things, like sweets and the interwebs, and they hated just as much! She patiently waited for the other girl to grab all her bags.

As she waited, Mia grinned at the other blonde beside her, who was less bubbly, less happy, and less… thrilled to be here. The other Chambers sister, Chloe. Biting the bottom of her lip, she thought quickly about what to ask her sister that didn’t sound annoying. Oh yes! “So sissy, are you going to skate today? I’d love to go with you if you do!”

Chloe Chambers was not enthused in the slightest. She had been dreading this day for upwards of a month; the day that she and her younger sister were being shipped off to god knows where over Christmas, and unfortunately for her it had finally arrived. Optimism was not a word in the blonde’s vocabulary- hell, not even excitement was- but, she did put on a good show at the airport for Mom, citing how much she was “looking forward” to quality time with her sister. Chlo did not need her mother’s tears on her conscience again, so she played along until her parents were out of sight and out of mind. And now, it was back to being unenthusiastic.

As Mia’s perky voice penetrated through the blonde’s headphones, Chloe pulled one ear bud out and raised an eyebrow at her kin. “Depends on how I feel when we get there. I’m not trying to get altitude sickness on my first day and screw up my training schedule that Coach made for me to follow.” She explained bluntly, the notion of spending time together immediately going right over her head. “Why don’t you see if your new little friend wants to go with you…” Chloe suggested, nodding over to where the girl called Joey stood not too far from them.

Joey was...not having an ideal time. Oh, why did she insist on bringing everything but the kitchen sink with her? Because she’s extra? Because she couldn’t bear to go anywhere without what she considered the essentials? Yes, both could be the truth, but it was most likely due to Joey being horrible at prioritizing anything related to shopping. Her punishment for this? Having to drag two large suitcases in addition to her fully loaded carry-on bag.

In short? Being a short girl with a lot of baggage was not fun.

“I’m...coming…” Joey said, grunting with each word/step as she dragged her heavy luggage, her back partially turned to Mia and Chloe.

After her sister responded, so indifferently, Mia looked away and pouted to herself. Her sister was the big stupid. All she cared about was herself. This was supposed to be their chance to have sister bonding time. It was always coach this, training that, dad said. She really had a stick up her ass and it was annoying. FINE! Grabbing her suitcase, Mia marched to Joey, who was more like a sister than her actual sister, and stopped her in her tracks, “Before you start sweating, let's take a quick selfie!”

Chloe sighed as Mia fled towards the new girl, not thinking much of it, and slipped back on her ear bud in order to continue listening to her music. Sometimes she wondered how on earth the two of them could be siblings…

Joey glanced at Chloe for a brief second as if she was partially worried about ...something. Before she could let a single thought form, her attention was literally captured by Mia and her desire for a selfie. Joey couldn’t possibly turn her down and her arm rested on the blonde’s shoulder and neck, cheek pressed against hers, and she smiled widely, pearly whites showing and everything.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Three was Mia’s lucky number, so she usually always took three consecutive selfies and during each shot she changed her facial expression. “Oh-em-gee. They’re so perfect. I’ll send you them right away!” Yes, these acquaintances had already exchanged digits. At least Joey was fun to be around, UNLIKE SOMEONE. After sending the pictures, Mia gave her sister a quick death glare, before bringing her attention back to what mattered: leaving the airport.

Hark! The herald angels did sing because here came two people with colored shirts that clearly looked like counselors. No, it wasn’t the shirt that said counselor that gave it away! “Joey, look! Big guy in red. He can totes carry your bags.”

She glanced up and eyes immediately widened at his jawline. “Oh, he’s hot!” She would say louder than she thought she would, immediately blushing for a few seconds. “I mean, he looks, uh, fit,” she said, biting her lip, sizing him up head to toe.

“You’re right, he is hot. You should totes touch his muscles. I triple dog dare you.” Mia teasingly snickered. The guy in red was definitely cute, but too blonde for her liking.

From a distance, Kim looked at the campers slowly making their way toward them. Lifting up a clipboard, she reviewed all the names of people that should be arriving around this time. They were fortunate enough to be able to coordinate most of the kids around the same time and so far she didn’t get notified that there were any delayed flights. Any special cases would’ve come a day earlier. “Jackson can you help that one girl over there? She looks like she’s struggling.” Kim pointed to Joey with the pen in her hand.

“Huh?” Jackson clued himself to the two girls with the equally-cutesy bags of luggage. Aside from the hair color, the noticeable difference was the size of the blue-haired girl’s luggage. “Yeah, I’m on it!” He took to a jog and without even so much as a word to either of them, though he did give both girls a smile before lifting up one of the large suitcases in both hands.

“Oh, thanks..” Joey said lowly.

“No prob, little blue!”

He turned his eyes onto the blonde. “Do you need any help? That looks pretty big too.” He asked her.

Her friend forgot to touch the muscle! Mia was shooketh. She wasn’t used to someone with such a short attention span. Joey broke the rules of a triple dog dare! One does not simply chicken out on a triple dog dare. Did she have to do everything herself? After taking off one of her gloves, Mia, without any hesitation, reached to touch the counselor’s biceps, “Hi, I’m Mia. You can help if you want. You got big arms. I like that.”

Thinking nothing of it, Jackson flexed for Mia, looking back at a no doubt displeased Kim, mouthing “I’m sorry” at her and met Mia’s gaze almost instantaneously. “Oh yeah! I work out and shit!” I work out and shit? Talk about lame!

Meanwhile, Joey was stuck between uncertainty and mild jealousy that Mia was currently squeezing his bicep. She shook her head, and in the process, shook herself out of it and joined her new friend in admiring his muscles for herself. “I’m Joey! Nice to meat you--meet you! It’s nice to meet you!” She couldn’t help but smile at Jackson while flatly glancing at Mia as she squeezed harder as if trying to compete with Mia.

Was she being serious right now? Mia furrowed her eyebrows and decided to one up her, “Do you have a pack? Could we… see it?” Batting her eyes, she looked up at Jackson, her hands trailing down his arm in a ticklish manner.

Kim, however, was not going to let this escalate further, knowing Jackson would very well strip naked if they asked, “Okay! That’s enough.” She separated the girls from the red counselor and then flicked Jackson in the forehead, “Come on, we need to go.”

Chloe, who had been observing all of this from a few feet away just shook her head, not believing that Mia seemed to just pounce on the first guy she laid eyes on. Was she really serious? But thankfully, it seemed the female counselor was the only one to have some glimpse of sanity around here, as she reprimanded her male counterpart and tried to get them all out the door, even going so far as to flick him. The blonde liked her style… straightforward and to the point. Walking toward the older girl, Chloe pulled off her earbuds and nodded. “I’m with you on that one.”

“No one asked you, Chloe!” Mia snapped, irritated that her moment with the hot man came to a close.

“I don’t want to assume, but are you two the Chambers?” Kim looked from Chloe to Mia to Chloe again before going to her attendance list.

The elder of the Chambers sisters nodded curtly, confirming the counselor’s assumption. “That would be us.” Chloe replied with a lackluster expression, gesturing towards Mia. “Forgive my sister’s attitude, it seems I’ve come along and ruined her fun like always.” The blonde shot her kin a glance that said it all without saying anything- that she needed to be on her best behavior and not give the counselors- or her- a hard time for wanting to move things along.

Blah. Blah. Blah. Mia rolled her eyes so hard, one would think her eyes would fall out of their socket. Not enjoying her sister belittling her, Mia pulled her bags and gave a quick ‘hmpf’ before marching toward the exit, without the counselors, her sister, and her new friend.

Checking off their names, Kim looked between the sisters once more and subtly frowned. She and Gage were once estranged, but their situation was different. Two teenagers are forced to live together because their parents got married. “If this makes you feel better,” She whispered to the blonde that was clearly in a mood and didn’t want to be here, “There’s others, who had no choice but to come here this winter. I know that isn’t going to help much, but I do hope you make the most of your time. Once lost, you can never get it back.”

Chloe sighed, watching as her disgruntled sister stomped towards the automatic doors without a clue as to where she was supposed to go. Young and naive she was. The blonde glanced over at the counselor (who’s name she still didn’t know) and shrugged. “We’ll see.” The girl stated simply, before gripping her suitcase and wheeling it behind her as she walked off in the direction of Mia and towards whatever awaited them at the end of the bus ride to camp.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 8 days ago

In the parking lot of Second Horizons, Kim stood next to Jackson, with both of the Amtran doors open. She made a quick announcement, “If you need a map, they’re right here—” She pointed to an oddly placed table with a box full of pamphlets in them, before adding, “—but finding your counselor should be pretty easy.” Using her hand, she gestured behind her. Past the Lodge and the Office/Camp store, there was a humongous tree with only lights decorating it (the kids would decorate the rest tomorrow). “Your counselors will be by that tree, wearing their colors. We call that area the North Pole. If you are pink, you can follow me, if you’re red, follow Jackson. Got it? Got it. Okay, let’s go.”

When Kim mentioned his name, he stood up and pounded his hands together in an almost rhythm, grinning at the kids. “Ya heard her!” He clapped again, but this time it was only once and came so loud that anyone with fragile hearing might not be too happy with him. He began to walk off the bus and said, “Now follow me, Foxes!” His tone was commanding and he stomped like an army commander, even mimicking the hand gestures.

“Have a great first day of camp everyone! We’ll see each other again, I’m sure!” Clasping her hands together, Kim brought her gaze to the pink campers, her focus on the two girls standing right in front of her. “Okay follow me, pink team.”

“Wait, call us Snow Bunnies! Jackson was cool when he led his charge,” Mia whined in the freezing cold.

Putting on a customer service face, internally dying on the inside, Kim smiled and said through gritted teeth, “Let’s hop to it, Snow Bunnies

Joey pensively looked at Mia and shrugged. “I guess when in Rome…” Joey mimicked a bunny hop the best that she could for all of one hop before just walking.

Meanwhile, Chloe couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Jackson’s use of the animal name of their cabin… couldn’t he just call the cabin by their color like a normal person? They weren’t five year olds after all and his energy was… nauseating. With a deep exhale, the blonde grasped her luggage with one hand and her skating bag with the other before turning to say goodbye to her sister. But, she found her to have already disappeared with Joey and their counselor….whatever.

As he looked at the girl in front of him and her lack of enthusiasm, Jackson couldn’t help but feel disappointed. “Why such the long face, huh?” He asked, hands on his hips. “You’re at Second Horizons!” He sang in a slightly off-key tune, “And you’re a Fox! You should be wide-smiled with joy!”

The blonde let her lips curve into the most fake smile she could muster, “Oh goody, a Fox!” Her voice cooed sickeningly, her poisonous negativity just tingeing her tone and demeanor. “I’ll be wide-smiled with joy when I leave in two weeks.” She let her face fall back into it’s previous resting position, raising an eyebrow to almost challenge him to change her mind. “You might have wooed my sister, but you certainly haven’t impressed me.”

He frowned at her comments. Yes, it was true that he had a certain effect on blondes with a chipper disposition. He didn’t intend to, but it was part of his natural charm. Likewise, he seemed to have the reverse effect on those who appeared to be a tad more cynical and pessimistic -- like the ray of sunshine standing before him. “I suppose you have a point,” he begrudgingly admitted. He hummed thoughtfully and decided to take a different approach and he smiled minimally at her. “But, like you said: you’re here for two weeks. That means I have two weeks to make you see that, like Bruce Willis in that one episode of Friends, I’m a neat guy!”

“You lost me at Friends. Never seen it.” The blonde tilted her head, unamused and completely lost as to what made Mia and Joey lose their marbles back at the airport over him.

“I--” Jackson gasped, resisting the internal urge to do a substantially more dramatic one. He knew that his foxes would be difficult. The unpredictable nature of the red cabin was that they had always been distinct and unique. Some with tempers and some with outright bitchy attitudes, but color Jackson whatever shade represented shock, because this blonde here made him go into a shock-induced overdose.

As he took a few breaths, he just put on a brave face for this poor, uncultured soul. “Let’s..let’s just go.” Jackson said in a partially-defeated tone as he led the most difficult camper he’s had in his three-year-and-ongoing stint as camp counselor.

Meanwhile, Kim led the pink cabin to the tree. Nick had texted her earlier, saying the director was freaking out and that her and Jackson needed to hurry. She gave a brief reply and focused on the mission ahead. Heavily sighing, she found her way through the snow, the staff, and the other campers, making sure to look back a few times to guarantee everyone she counted was following her. She asked questions to those who were curious about things, but mostly she talked about how excited things would be for the next two weeks.

Jackson had volunteered to take multiple trips back to the buses for those who just wanted to leave their bags. All the bags should have a name tag that Kim tied on the handle, prior to putting it in the storage area of the two buses. Hopefully he didn’t have too much of a hard time finding the bags’ cabins.

Instead of pointing out the handsome man wearing a pink shirt, Kim had no control of the events that transpired next. The two mischief-makers were quick to spot him, even stopping in their tracks. The co-counselor of pink was so goddamn hot, with tousled dark brown hair, that jawline, and his eyes beautifully framed by such graceful brows. While the cold already made Mia’s cheeks champagne pink, seeing this man caused the heat to rise, making her pale skin an even darker hue of rose.

As Joey’s eyes followed Mia’s, the short girl started from bottom and worked her way up and she was taken on a journey that hyped up seeing his face all the more intense for her.”Wowohwow!” Came the pixie’s immediate response. Her face felt hot for obvious reasons and her lips formed into a smile. “You could sharpen a chef’s knife on that jaw…” Joey found herself saying, glancing over at Mia. It was just like with Jackson. But she wasn’t going to be a coward this time, so she casually placed her carry-on bag in front of Mia’s leg that was closest to her, setting it in front of the girl’s leg.

Was it petty? Maybe, but Joey was understanding what her mother meant by going after what you want and right now she wanted that hot guy with the perfectly-sharpened jawline. So she stepped forward, taking off into a bit of a skip.

“Oh hey! Wait for me!” No fair. Joey got a head start. As soon as Mia tried to charge behind, she found herself immediately in the snow, face first, having tripped over Joey’s bag. Cold-cold-cold-cold. She should’ve worn more layers! Looking up, she found an offered hand in the form of Kim and graciously took it. “S-sorry.”

“Not your fault. Here, give me your bags and you can meet Nick.”

Nick! That was his name! With this newfound information, Mia was once again elevated. Brushing the snow off of her, she swiftly ran to catch up to Joey and believe it or not, Mia was fast having ran with her sister a lot when they were younger. If there was one thing Mia could do in terms of sports it was run. Run as fast as a hare!

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Katthaj
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Katthaj That one swedish bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ugly dancing alone in the kitchen while blasting music that you can hear two cabins over is one of Jax's favorite activities when she is alone. She had arrived a day early so that she could have her choice of bunk and be able to smoke the first bowl on the camp this year, she had obviously not said that last part to the camp counselors. The smoke ritual is something she hadn't planned the first year she came to the camp but it is something she decided to do after her new mom accidentally booked all the trips to the camp a day early and she wanted to find a way to pass the time while waiting for her fellow cabin members and of course to take of the edge off that came with being away from her family again.

She had looked over the member list and realized that even though she had switched from the blue cabin to the red cabin she would still need to make sure that no one will start fighting the second the counselors disappear. For example, she thinks that Richard Griffin might try something that will either get his hand cut off or his head cut off and she sees it as her job to make sure that this does not happend. Jessika Fuller is also someone that might cause problems, from what I have read she seems very no nonsense and it will be hard to fit in with that attitude here.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Blake Residence
December 18th — Two days Ago || 8:30pm

All week since school let out early for winter break, there was no time for rest for a certain lanky Nathan Blake. In-between packing for the big road trip, he had to get his Christmas Shopping done for his family. Since he wasn’t going to be at Second Horizons all break and wouldn’t get the chance to see the look on Kylie and Hannah’s face when they see he got them each a mug with their names on it, an engraving about how cool they were written by him -- albeit uncreative as fuck and hella corny, but it was a personal gift from his heart to them.

Suffice to say they loved it, but Hannah just had to mention how he shouldn’t be a writer or any kind of author.

Duly noted, little sister. Duly noted.

Nate slammed the trunk of his Ford Fusion hard enough so it shut tight. Most of his luggage was in the spacious trunk, which he was surprised given how much winter gear he had to buy.

No, he didn’t buy any, like, snowboards or skis. As tempted as he was, Nate wasn’t exactly the type to go yahooing into the slopes. He certainly could yahoo if he wanted to, but that would involve him knowing how to properly yahoo without snapping his leg like a little, tiny twig.

“That oughta do it!”

“Are you sure about this?”

Hannah stood behind Nate, arms crossed, looking at him with her usual worry-judging frown.

“About what? The trunk being closed? Yeah! I mean, didn’t you hear that loud smack it made against the car?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Not that, you idiot!” She flicked him on his wide forehead. “I meant about driving to Second Horizons.”

Oh. That’s what she meant. “First, ouchie! Second, sure! I mean, it’s only--” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notepad and ran his finger slowly down it. “--eighteen hours and that’s if traffic isn’t too backed up.” Nate slid it back into his pocket.

“You could just fly. You know, like a normal person!”

Nate just glanced at her with his blue eyes, wondering if she was talking to the same person. “What and miss all of the sights? No way! This is going to be fucking epic, sis!”

What Nate couldn’t say was his goodies would no doubt get him flagged by the TSA if he flew. Nobody knew just what was inside those cranberry bottles nor did anyone think about the brownies and candy canes he had in his backpack. It was almost foolproof. Even Hannah, his sister who always saw through his ploys and tricks, didn’t know a thing. Though, she did comment about the excessive amount of cranberry juice.

Good thing Nate was known for his love of cranberry juice.

And as she threw her hands up and admitted defeat, she quickly forced Nate to give her a tight hug. And as they spent a few long moments in a sibling embrace, Kylie came into it and the Blake siblings shared a tender moment. Kylie cried and Hannah pulled away so Nate didn’t see her shed a few tears also.

As for Nate? He wasn’t ashamed to let his sisters see him shed manly tears of manly love for his not-so-manly sisters.

“I’ll miss you two! Be good for mom, alright? You know she's gonna be a wreck, what with her two favorite guys away!” He cleared his throat so Hannah knew he was talking to her. “Yeah, I’m talking to you.”

As she gave him a smile, Nate hugged the youngest once more. “And when I get back, I’ll tell you about who your future sister in law will be. I’m sure she’ll be at Second Horizons - I just know it!”

The Blake Three shared a laugh and another group hug before the dark green Ford Fusion pulled out of the driveway and Nate the Great was Washington-bound.

Good old Open Road
December 20th

As Nate crossed into the Washington state lines, he found himself uncontrollably yawning.

Throughout the entirety of the past fourteen hours, he’s been driving in three legs of roughly four and a half hours. He’s consumed at least three red bulls, five cups of coffee in total, and probably about three dozen cheap-as-fuck cheeseburgers from McDonalds.

And one might say, Nathan Blake was a jitterbug on the verge of emerging from his caffeine and msg-crusted cocoon. Into what you might ask? Someone who regretted taking the long way to camp.

And it’s not like he didn’t have a choice. Nate has several choices he could’ve made. He could have asked if Mandy wanted to drive him. He knew she would do close to anything for him. Or at the least, maybe ask her if she wanted to come to camp with him. Yeah, he knew she’d like that, but he couldn’t do that to his friend--ex--whatever you wanted to call their relationship. She was too nice and he respected her too much to put that on her.

Then, okay he could have shipped his goody bag to a PO box near the camp and pick it up there, but then TSA might have flagged it. Sure, it would’ve taken them a bit longer to trace it to Nate. As soon as he would go to pick it up, the cops might surprise him.

So that’s why Nate spent close to a full day on the road. Of course, as he told Hannah nearly two days ago, he truly took in the sights. And if you followed him on Instagram, the journey from start to finish was him posing in front of every major sight he visited. Everything from the gas stations to the backdrops of the Sierra Nevada Mountains to a Mcdonald's was in the background as Nate took numerous selfies.

But still, with a few more hours left in his trip, he was starting to finally experience the much-anticipated crash.

His eyes were closing occasionally, his entire body felt heavy, and Nate knew if he didn’t do something fast, he would pass out on the wheel.

“Music time!”

Nate threw on a playlist and put it on shuffle. The magic of playlists on shuffle was not knowing what song came on first.

As the iconic guitar intro kicked in, Nate laughed, giving his steering wheel a few smacks, actually happy he landed on one of his favorite songs.

“When I wake up,
Well I know I’m gonna be,
I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next to you!”

Nate’s voice steadily rose a few octaves as the song continued, his smile wide and his energy levels beating out the caffeine and Red Bull-induced crash that he felt a few moments ago.

And as the instrumentation picked up for the chorus, Nate just let himself be taken over by the pure adrenaline and he would do this for a few hours. It was the only thing keeping him awake, but it wasn’t the only reason he decided to jam out to Smoke Trio. He honest to god loved this song and the band. He knew the song itself was a cover, but there was just something...homey about Smoke Trio’s version.

“Da da da (da da da)
Da da da (da da da)”

At the height of the song, Nate belched a surprisingly in-tune harmony that lasted for the last fifty miles he had to go, the song being put on repeat.

Second Horizons Campsite

When he got to the campsite and finally parked, he shut off his Spotfiy and, in a relieved, almost accomplished scream, he yawned, got out of the car, and stretched his aching limbs. They cracked in every direction his let them extend, the release of the tightness in them sending waves of relief through his body.

Nate spent a few more minutes giving every part of his body the cracking attention it deserved. When he was satisfied by the consistency of the bone-cracking they made, Nate spent another few minutes gathering his luggage.

Thankfully, Nate didn’t have an excessive amount of luggage. He couldn’t help but notice that there was a colorful girl who had...a lot. She was being led into towards the camp with Jackson and some cute brunette.

“Damn. I wonder if she’s my counselor this year. Wait no, probably a good thing she isn’t.”

Yeah, definitely not a good idea to hit on your counselor. Best to save that for whoever your fellow camper is.

Nate shook his head, focusing his attention on making sure nobody found out about his collection of goodies and general illegal materials he brought with him.

Whoa, careful with that terminology. People might think you’re a narc.

Right. Let’s try attempt numero dos at refocusing.

When he looked down, grabbing the handle of his suitcase firmly in his grasp, unbeknownst to Nate the Great, when he whipped his head up and took off in a run, he felt all of the blood rush to his head. All of his energy sapped from his body in one instant and not even a full step later did his head collide with something hard. And as he yelped in a very unmanly-like way, his voice cracking like a teenage boy going through puberty, he lost his balance and found himself on top of something soft. They felt like Tempurpedic pillows but a lot softer and...oddly familiar.

“Ouch. That hurt..”

He rubbed his head and looked down. His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed a slight tint of red as he saw not what he was on top of but who. Below him was quite possibly the most majestic girl he’d ever seen. Her dark hair reminded him of that dope Metallica album, The Black Album, and her skin was definitely not weak. It was fair and nice and looked soft like a cloud.

“Shit. You’re hot babe! Like the-floor-is-lava hot!”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Myling
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Myling A clown core enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Elιαѕ Lυɴdqvιѕт

outfit, jacket, makeup

Elias’ friend Sage had offered to give him a ride to the camp since she had some business in the area. He had agreed immediately when hearing the offer. It was good to have a friend on the trip even when it was just for the short drive - Sage’s presence calmed him down. And he wouldn’t probably even be able to focus on driving. Elias was extremely nervous, however the feeling also consisted of bits of excitement. He had too many thoughts in his mind.

Elias was glad to be able to spend Christmas in the States, but he was also scared about it. He had always been bad at making new friends and he was scared he would be spending the following two weeks completely alone. Sure, Elias wanted to meet new people and have fun, but he didn’t still know if coming to Second Horizons was a good idea. First of all it was definitely a dumb idea to go on a camp focused on winter sports in order to avoid doing any winter sport related activities.

Elias’ family had a tradition of spending every other Christmas in Sweden with the swedish side of the family. Those trips in Sweden often included a lot of winter activities. Elias’ deep hatred towards winter sports wasn’t the only reason for him not wanting to spend Christmas in Sweden. He didn’t really keep contact with his father or any other swedish family members besides his biological mom. He didn’t understand why he needed to pretend to be a big happy family on Christmas time, when they normally didn’t exchange news or anything.

"How long you're going to stay in the car? We arrived almost ten minutes ago." Sage's voice bringed Elias back to reality. "Oh, sorry. I was just lost in thoughts. You should've said something earlier!" The blonde one said as he got out of the car. Sage, who also got out of the car, murmured about how she indeed had said something earlier, but Elias just had not heard her at first. The couple of friends walked towards the car trunk, Elias took out the bigger suitcase and Sage took out the smaller one.

"I guess it's too late to back off now." Elias grinned a little after finishing his sentence. "Pfft. You're overreacting too much. I'm hundred percent sure everything will go all right!" Sage kept a small break in her speech to check time. "Oh, I really need to go now. But if everything doesn't go all right, remember you can always message me!" They hugged as a goodbye. Then Sage hurried back to the car and rode away.

She's right: I'm overreacting. Everything will go all right. I will be fine. After his internal pep talk Elias decided it was a right time to leave the parking lot. Leave? Where? Well… He wasn't exactly sure, but if he just kept walking in the camp area, he would eventually run into other people. So Elias took his suitcases and started to walk aimlessly. Walking with two suitcases was a little difficult but he could manage.

After a little while of walking, Elias found himself in area that seemed to be the center of the camp since it was surrounded by the four cabins. There was also a bonfire pit and a massive christmas tree. Elias' focus switched from the tree to the people around it. Two of them seemed to be counselors while the rest were campers. When he got closer he noticed a situation going on: on the ground there was a guy on top of a girl. Some sort of stumble accident, perhaps? Elias didn't know how to react or what to say. So he just ended up standing there quietly like an idiot, both hands filled with suitcases.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Today had felt a little surreal for Alexandra. In the past, she'd been the one on the bus, but today she was the one waiting for the kids to step off of a bus. Could they even be considered kids? Alexandra was almost certain that the people on the bus were more teenagers if anything. But, regardless of age, they were going to be Alexandra and her fellow counselors' responsibility for the next few weeks. Second Horizons didn't fuck around when it came to this sort of stuff, and that was something Alexandra didn't mind whatsoever. It was like finding out a forbidden secret, figuring out what made Second Horizons the enjoyable experience that it was and why it was that way.

There was a lot of training to be had for sure. There was some of the usual shit, like CPR and first-aid. Nothing surprising, everyone in the same position as the Second Horizons staff should heed the same training. But, the further she got into her training the more she really realized just how much work went into making the camp what it was. As a younger girl, Alexandra had nothing but fond memories of camps like this as she grew up. Her parents thought it'd be a great way for Alexandra to spend her time and exude her seemingly boundless energy at the time. It worked, to an extent. Alexandra was always a little tough to contain in her earlier years.

Standing in the arrival area, Alexandra was also feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. The two often went hand in hand these days, but Alexandra figured she could channel that anxious, nervous energy into something that would hopefully make her kids' experience much better. Even today, Alexandra didn't have a very clear idea as to how she was going to conduct herself. The counselors she appreciated the most growing up were often the really chill ones, the ones that were okay with her and her fellow campers doing god knew what just as long as they were careful about it. A lot of memories were made when her counselors let her do stuff like that, and she would always appreciate it.

On the other hand, she also had to be careful. There were a lot of things that could happen in an environment like this, and being too relaxed could spell danger. Especially in the winter, where it was hypothermia galore and snow as far as the eye could see. Alexandra expected some interactions with nature at some point, that was inevitable. She had to make sure that these kids weren't gonna get hurt or do anything too stupid, because only god knew what was going to happen if she let one of her campers get hurt under her watch. Just the sheer thought made Alexandra shudder -- or was that the Washington cold?

Regardless, that was something she could figure out soon. Now was showtime, as the bus stopped in their designated drop-off point for the campers. The counselor took a deep breath as she got ready to meet the kids. Alexandra was assigned the very cool Howling Wolf Cabin, and she was dressed in a blue shirt with their very sweet logo plastered all over it. It was hard to miss, especially compared to the other cabins' colors. Hopefully Fiona had the same idea -- because Alexandra wasn't sure whether or not these kids were going to need some help finding their cabins.

As the kids poured out, Alexandra put her hand on her hip and took a sip of her coffee, before taking a deep breath. "It's showtime." She said to herself, before stepping towards the pack of kids gathering.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You can't just do that."


Yvonne awoke in her seat, she blinked a few times and turned to her side, looking out the window to see the state of Washington getting closer and closer. She stretched her arms and back before waiting for the plane to land. The moment the plane landed, she quickly made his way out and towards baggage claim. It was at this time where her phone buzzed to get a call from her mother.

"Hey mom." She let out, "Yeah I just landed... Yeah... I'm good... I have it in my bag... Okay... I'll see you after new years... Alright, bye, love you." She laughed and shook her head before shoving her phone back in her pocket. She looked up to look at her surroundings and a huge smile beamed on her face, she actually looked forward a lot to going to camp this year since she knew that her family was not exactly going to celebrate Christmas this year since the incident but she knew she should not dwell on that. She grabbed her bags from the conveyor belt in baggage claim and before she started wheeling them around to see where her assigned counsellor was she quickly pulled out her phone and turned on the front camera. She held the phone in an angle in front of her and raised her index and middle finger, she partially closed one eye and created a half smile before quickly snapping a selfie to send to her family. She looked down at her outfit of a desert sand turtle neck, tumbleweed coat, black pants, and black Chelsea boots. She put her hand on her head and felt the soft, grey beanie on her head before sending the picture to her family group chat with the quote 'Just landed!' which she also tweeted.

She met up with the counsellor, a man who appeared to only be a few years older than her named Jackson, he made his name pretty clear when he was there. Since Yvonne was still in the groggy just-woke-up mood, and was still a little tired, she only introduced herself in a not so energetic manor and a weak wave. She was still in the phase of missing her family a little bit because she just arrived but she knew camp was going to change that as soon as possible. She quickly tagged along and got to camp along with the rest of the people in the airport; Yvonne still had sleep haze so any forms of introductions she has probably forgot.

Second Horizons Camp

Yvonne got off the bus with just her duffel bag, her guitar and other luggages she left on the bus. She walked for a bit and finally woke herself up in the center of camp she rubbed her eyes and jumped in place a few times, giving her cheeks a few necessary slaps just in case.

"Alright, here we go!" She said, psyching herself up as she prepared for what is to come, after all, every time she has been in Second Horizons it has always been weird and never something she expected. So, she expected to have no expectations to be safe. Okay, she still expected to fuck around and break shit but that was besides the point. She looked at the two people who were practically in second base on the floor and shrugged.

"That was fast, I expected at least everyone meet with each other first but it how it be do." She let out, she thenturned to this guy who was also looking over at the two lovey-doveys over yonder and quickly called out, "Hey!" She then extended her hand, she may as well make a few friends at the start, because who knows what type of wild things you can get with people. "I'm Yvonne." She said to this pale guy with white- no... Blonde? The sun was in her eye she could not exactly tell, but what she does know is this guy is prettier than her by a mile and a half. Although, deep down she already knew she was going to vibe well with this guy.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 37 min ago


Jasper didn’t want to come to Second Horizons for Christmas. In fact there were a million other things that she’d rather do before coming to camp, but her father hadn’t left her any choice. Either she went to Second Horizons and took her punishment, or Ty would face the repercussions. It was the thought of Ty suffering anymore for her than he had already that forced her onto the camp bus.

She was sure to check in with the people holding the clipboards before boarding the bus, grimacing at the enthusiasm that they projected.

The vehicle smelled like feet, and was already full of campers that she wasn’t interested in talking to, looking at, or breathing the same air as. Walking to the very back of the bus and flopping down in the right hand seat, Jasper placed her bag beside her, signaling that she didn’t want anyone else in the seat with her. Putting her playlist on shuffle, slipping in her earbuds, and leaning her head against the window, Jasper rode to camp silently as the ever growing rage boiled inside of her.

Stepping off the bus and gathering her bags, Jasper rolled her eyes at the sight of the snow. How on earth was she supposed to walk in heels in this shit? This fluffy, blinding, slick, shit. Jasper had always preferred autumn over any other reason, and seeing the snow only deepened her hatred for the winter months.

With a deep breath, Jasper grabbed a suitcase in each hand as she did her best not to lose her balance. Noticing that people were starting to gather at a very large tree, she figured that she might do the same.

Taking in the scene around her, Jasper barely had time to see the blur in front of her before she was knocked to the ground.

Very aware that she was trapped between the cold snow and someone who had their face buried in her boobs. The collision had knocked her suitcases from her hands, leaving them free for her to swat at the person on top of her while she screamed obscenities.

”Get the hell off of me you lump of fuck. Ser --”

“Shit. You’re hot babe! Like the-floor-is-lava hot!”

Standing up and brushing the snow off of her jacket, Jasper glared at the young man standing in front of her.
”Are you insane,” she scoffed, looking at him in disgust as she picked up her luggage. ”What kind of jackass just runs around knocking people into the fucking snow?”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Seattle native was thankful for his upbringing in Washington as he cruised up the hills in his black Jeep Wrangler. The roads were winding perilously through the wooded hills and were slick with freshly fallen snow. Desmond’s skills at driving in the snow were bolstered by the back of his car being weighed down by his luggage as well as two bags of salt — just in case. Des and his father might be having a bit of a… difference of opinion at the moment, but he did take after the man enough to “always be prepared for an emergency”. Chances are one of the non-local drivers at this camp might be needing it more than he would.

Desmond glanced at the Google maps directions on his phone, seeing that he was a mere four minutes away from his destination. Checking the clock on the dashboard, that put him about right on time for the planned arrival period. Dez drummed his fingers along the steering wheel in time to the Parkway Drive song that was blaring through the Jeep’s sound system. The relentless bass was loud enough that the glass windows of the vehicle were vibrating.

Life is good, man.

That thought passed through Desmond’s mind as he pulled into the parking lot of Second Horizons. This might be his first Christmas away from his mom and sister… and dad… but that didn’t mean it was going to be a bad one! Jackson always talked this place up, plus he’d get to spend two full weeks shredding the slopes, filming sick content for the Tok, and meeting people that like boarding as much as he does. Hell, maybe there’d be a snow bunny or two to get cozy with too, that could be fun.

Dez went around the back side of his car and popped the hatch to pull out his bags. One larger suitcase contained his clothes and basic toiletries, while the smaller “toiletries” bag housed his real necessities. His camera, his weed, a carefully wrapped festive bong, a copy of Halo 3 and an extra xbox controller, as well as his various chargers and spare electronic devices.

Following his fellow campers, he assumed, Desmond made his way to the North Pole area. A larger group was gathered there, with the counselors wearing t-shirts to separate them according to their cabins. Dex recalled that he was assigned to the green cabin and made his way towards a cute little shortie and a guy with curly hair, presumably his counselors. On his way, he saw Jackson and nodded his chin with a half-smile in a subtle greeting when their eyes met.

“Sup, I’m Dez. Where can I put my shit?” Desmond asked the pair in green shirts as he approached them.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 8 days ago

Featuring: Mickey Kimura & Andi Lin
Location: The Airport —> The Bus
Collab with: @Hey Im Jordan
Briefly Mentions: @LovelyComplex @metanoia while getting on Kim’s bus

Landing in the Washington airport was the furthest Mickey had ever been from home, and she had to wonder how she got away from it. It probably had something to do with Andi’s glowing reviews, but Mickey had to beg her father all the same before he agreed to send her along with her adopted brother. As soon as they’d landed, Mickey was sure of two things: firstly, she loved the way Washington looked. Secondly, and more importantly… Mickey decided she hated planes. She hated the way they felt when they took off, the feeling when they landed, and they had hit turbulence on the way and Mickey had assumed she was going to die.

Luckily, she was off of the plane! She and Andi found their way through the airport (Andi knew what he was doing), and Mickey had even stopped to pick up some KFC for the bus ride into the camp. Granted, it was airport KFC and as she took a bite of chicken she made a face, glancing over at Andi. “Geeze, airport food really does suck. They even ruined KFC.” She scowled, a look that wasn’t often on her face, then ate another bite. “Not bad though.” Not bad? Or was Mickey addicted?

She slurped from her cup of Mountain Dew Sweet Lightning, and then looked over at Andi, “so, what’s the first day at camp like? Should I be excited? Or nervous? I’m already nervous. That’s why I bought junk food,” Mickey said, gesturing at the three bags of KFC she had — some of it was for her… well, most of it was for her, but some of it was for her new friends! “Maybe people in the Green Cabin will like me if I bring them fast food.”

Sometimes Andi forgot what a virgin Mickey was and not strictly in the sexual sense of the word. Andi had no strong feelings about airplanes, other than the fact that male flight attendants were never cute. Ever. He’d flown at least six times in his life and not once had he ever even considered trying to join the mile high club with one. Maybe it was because airlines still liked to pretend that flight attending was a woman’s job,, but that didn’t excuse the fact that the pilots were never cute either. Movies lied to him. Every movie that wasn’t a comedy always had some hot slab of perfectly marbled beef in a uniform that was at least two sizes too tight and a smouldering gaze that Andi just assumed being a commercial airline pilot meant you had to be hot. Like, mega hot.

With his no strong feelings came a flight consisting of Andi ensuring Mickey that no, the plane wasn’t going to go down just because there was a little turbulence and that they don’t actually serve peanuts anymore, especially on flights that were like two hours - at least they served beverages and Andi really wished he had the hindsight to ask for something stronger than orange juice. He refused to drink soda - that terrible sugar water would make his teeth look like a homeless junkie before he turned twenty-five and no one wanted to make out with a gap-toothed boy toy. So despite travelling with his indisputable bestie, Andi’s virginity and flight made for a..less than normal flight. Andi couldn’t even sleep with Mickey’s...entire being which meant he had to suffer through the watching a movie and even the shortest flights felt forever when the only movie choice was a Kevin James disaster.

“I can’t believe you’re eating that.” Andi, now on solid ground and shaking his head at Mickey’s chicken-clutching fingers, could not have sounded more judgy if he tried. “It’s not going to go to your ass or your thighs, honey, it’s going to go to your gut, and I’m sorry but for as much as gets tossed around about body positivity, no one’s going to look at a chunker even with your profile.” Sometimes Andi had a way of...reminding people, Mickey in this case, that he was cattier than an alley full of strays. “Listen, you’re in green cabin, for some reason, they’ll like you even if all you brought was a sleep apnea mask. You have to actively try to get them to hate you. Just don’t let any of them give you baked goods. Trust me, one year a newbie ate a brownie and had to be taken to the hospital because he went ice fishing but the fishing rod was his penis, if you get what I mean.”

Andi paused for a moment.

“I mean he stuck his dick in freezing water, Mickey.”

Mickey raised an eyebrow at Andi’s words. Was the idea to make her want to eat the baked goods less? It was definitely having the opposite effect. “Wait… don’t dicks shrink?” Mickey asked, tilting her head as she thought about it. If that were the case, then… that was pretty messed up wasn’t it? Mickey was doing a good job ignoring Andi’s more aggressive remarks, but then she was somewhat used to it. After a few years, they just kind of went in one ear and out the other. Mickey wanted to eat her chicken, and dammit, she was going to. “Don’t answer that, it’s not important. I wanted to go to Green, ‘cuz I thought it’d be better for me! I know you’re in Pink, but Green seems more my style, y’know?” She asked as she took another bite of her chicken. It couldn’t have been surprising to Andi that Mickey had picked Green. After all, the Green Cabin was touted as the premier cabin for people who liked nature — and Mickey definitely did that.

“I wanna learn about winter flowers and stuff. Plus, Pink doesn’t seem like my style, at least from what you said. It sounds like a lot of people like you, and I dunno if I could handle that… No offense.” Mickey smiled after she spoke, hoping the smile would help alleviate any upsetness Andi might have felt from her words. Andi had a flair for the dramatic, Mickey knew that well. “It’s a bus ride from here, right? I think I see camp people.” Mickey said, pointing out a group of people that included not one, but two older looking people wearing shirts that pretty plainly denoted them as Camp Counselors.

“Those aren’t the flowers the green kids care about.” Obviously the brochure couldn’t just say ‘this cabin is where all the stoners go’ but Andi had hoped Mickey would be able to put two and two together to come up with four. But, eventually the baby bird had to leave the nest, though in this case Andi was certain said baby bird would be back before too long. And Andi wouldn’t even say I told you so. More than once. Or four times. Six tops. “You can protest all you want but we both know you’re a pink at heart. Babe, I’m so pink you could serve me up and call it raw. I have more than enough pink for the both of us, so if you ever get tired of talking about...I don’t know...which Seth Rogen movie is the least bad - they’re all bad, by the way - then you know where to find me.”

Mickey knew perfectly well there would be other, green flowers involved in the cabin… she was kinda interested in those too, she just didn’t think Andi would necessarily approve of such things, so she wisely kept it to herself. Mickey stood up and put her KFC back into its bag, and grabbed her suitcase, wheeling it along behind herself and gesturing for Andi to follow along. “There’s no way it can be that bad, right? It’s a camp! It should be great. Plus, I’m just really excited to play in the snow. I wanna make an Olaf snowman, and you can’t stop me.” Not that Mickey thought Andi would try to ruin her day like that — but still. It was showcasing the energy she was feeling. “What do you even do at camp? Do you like winter stuff? I don’t know if I do or not.” While the counselors were dealing with a pair of (very) loud blonde girls, Mickey had gestured for Andi to follow her up into the bus. “Not all the campers are like that, right…?” She asked quietly, taking a seat near the back with her luggage stowed at her feet.

“Sweetie, if you make a snowman I’ll bring the carrot. I just have to protect you, not everyone at camp is...well, me.” Andi had a way of saying arrogant things without it coming off as arrogant. It was a gift, and one he did not intend to share with anyone. “What I do at camp and what you do are very different things. What I do at camp is try to sync up my showers with whoever has the biggest...muscles. Nothing says ‘gay meet cute’ like running into another guy when he’s fresh out of the shower and you’re not sure if the steam is from the water or the intense sexual chemistry.” Andi followed along onto the bus, sitting next to Mickey - as of course he would - wishing he had gotten a smoothie from the airport now, if only because banana smoothies hit different after a flight.

“No, they’re not all like that. Just most of them.” Andi looked to Mickey and saw the face she was making. “Kidding. Of course I’m just kidding. Relax, just be yourself, and if you see any cute guys that I’m not aware of, I better be given all the info.”

There was a loud slurping noise as the other campers loaded up, and the caravan began its trip to Second Horizons, as Mickey finished off her soda; potentially the last one of the year… Could they go back to town to get more food? She frowned. A Christmas without soda sounded shitty, to say the least. “Have you ever, like… actually had sex at camp?” She asked earnestly, changing the subject as the bus began to pull out of the airport, and their winter adventure came closer to starting. “Does that happen a lot? It’s not, like, a sex camp, right?” She had to know, and she knew Andi would give her an honest answer, even if it was somewhat loaded with thirst comments. The comments were just part of his charm, as far as Mickey was concerned.

“Of course it’s not a sex camp, what do you think this is, Epstein’s Winter Retreat?” Andi seemed almost offended at the insinuation. Just because a group of hot people all congregated in close proximity for a few days and did what hot people did didn’t make it a sex camp. It made it a reality show in the making. “And you know I don’t kiss and tell.” Andi lied as easily as breathing. “Let’s just say I haven’t used my mouth just for eating at camp. Because I’ve swallowed. You know what I mean.”

“Lewd, but message received. Is it cool if I listen to some music for the bus ride?” Mickey knew she didn’t have to ask, but she felt it might be rude to just put her headphones on without warning Andi what was coming. After all, with her headphones in, Mickey might as well have been on another planet. “If you wanna chat it’s totally cool. Awwww man, I hope the KFC doesn’t get too cold.” Mickey had not thought this through.

“Of course it’s cool. We can chat any time. Sorry about your chicken.” Andi knew full well it was going to get cold. He just didn’t have the heart to tell Mickey. He was a queen, but not the cruel kind.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Mentions Jackson @metanoia
Speaks with Chloe @Melissa

The Gulstream hummed and rocked ever so slightly as it approached Washington. Harrison, alone in the spacious cabin, leaned back in a leather-appointed seat. "Damn, mum and dad travel like this all the time? Shite, maybe I should take more trips... These business partners of Dad's sure know how to travel..." He thought to himself, idly staring out of the window at the clouds and mountain range below him.

"Sir, we'll be making our approach to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and making our descent soon. Please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt during the descent. We sincerely thank you for choosing Gulfstream as your travel partner and we would be happy to serve you for your next journey."

The co-pilot broadcasted over the intercom. Harrison rolled his shoulders slightly and sat slightly more upright while fastening his seat belt. For the next 45 minutes, the aircraft swayed gently while it made its descent to its destination. As soon as it landed and taxied to its designated parking location and the captain turned off the seat belt light, Harrison got up and retrieved his suitcase and duffle bag from the overhead cabin. With his headphones hung around his neck, he made his way to the exit door and shook the hands of the pilot and copilot with a small nod before exiting the aircraft.

As soon as he had made his way down the exit ramp, a man wearing a two-piece suit and white gloves approached. "Mr. Easley? I'll be driving you to your destination. You can leave your luggage here and enter the vehicle. I'll put the luggage away in the trunk and we'll be ready to go." "Alright. Thanks mate." Harrison replied. The chauffeur shuffled towards a black Chevrolet Tahoe and opened one passenger door for the second row. As soon as Harrison stepped in, he closed the door and within moments, his luggage was neatly paced away in the trunk and the driver returned to his seat. "Sir, please fasten your seat belt while the vehicle is in motion, thank you. I will be raising the privacy screen for the duration of the trip. If you need to speak with me, please kindly press the button below the privacy screen and we will be connected. Thank you." "Yeah, alright. Thanks." Harrison responded. The interior of the car was of course spotless and carried a faint scent of that one perfume shop that mum likes to visit, Penhaligon's or what have you. "Hm, thats a nice touch." Harrison thought to himself with a small chuckle.

To think not five years ago this would all be impossible even to imagine for him and his family.

Leaning back in his seat, Harrison put on his headphones and rolled his shoulders again. Flying always made him more tense than normal. He reached for his phone, scrolled through some songs and settled on one and pressing play. "This ought to set the mood for this trip, I think." He thought to himself. The vehicle slowly began to move, rolling through security clearance and whatever customs stop they needed to make. Harrison also sent out a generic "Yes, I've arrived at my destination, its all good" text to his parents, just to cover his bases.

The music, as upbeat as they are, soon lulled Harrison to sleep. The car meandered through the street and up towards the camp. During the drive, Harrison did not speak to driver, nor did he really need to. Funny enough, Harrison's eyes fluttered open as the vehicle was approaching the campsite. "Sir, we will be arriving at your destination in moments. Do you need help carrying your luggage in?" "Nah, mate, I'll be alright." "Very well. I will be your driver when your event is over and you are heading back to the airport. I will be in the same vehicle. We can accommodate three other guests should you have any during your return trip." Harrison chuckled "Heh. Sure."

The vehicle rolled to a very soft stop. "Sir, we are at your destination. Please allow me a moment to retrieve your luggage." Harrison was quiet and straightened himself out before stepping out of the vehicle to find his luggage waiting for him and the chauffeur next to them. "Thanks mate, see you soon." Harrison said idly before grabbing his things and heading into camp.

Harrison spots a few buses parked outside the camp, signifying that there are already some campers here already. "I wonder who my cabin mates are going to be..." He thought to himself, heading directly towards the red cabin to drop off his luggage. He tossed his luggage near one of the bunks, reaching in the duffle bag to remove a medium sized pouch and tucking it under a mattress. He let out an airy chuckle. He then placed the duffle bag on the bed and set his headphones next to it. He let out a small sigh and tugged at his puffer coat before heading out towards an area labeled as the North Pole, where they were told to gather and meet up with their counselors.

He could hear some muffled chatter by the tree as he approached. A guy, quite energetic in nature it seems, was wearing a red shirt with a fox embroidered on it. "Guess thats the guy..." He thought to himself. He also spots a blonde with a fierce RBF. Harrison squinted slightly and approached. "Damn gal-y, you didn't have to do the man like that. You nearly killed him." He said to the blonde. "Between us though, I ain't never seen Friends... Too old and 90s for me, you get me?" Harrison continued, ending his sentence with a small wink, his ocean-blue eyes seems even brighter with all the snow around them. "The names Harrison, and you are?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Myling
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Myling A clown core enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

ʙʀɴ "ʙʀɴ" ʏɴɢ

Talking to: Jax @Katthaj
Wearing: This outfit with this shirt

The Williams household + the added family were on their way to celebrate Christmas each one going on their own way. The foster parents and their biological children (7-year-old Jasper and 16-year-old Jaida) were going to spend Christmas in Vancouver in some sort of Skiing resort. Christopher (14 years) was going to visit his family in Seattle and Bren was going to Second Horizons.

It was always a full blown chaos. Were everyone in the car? Was everything packed? And still someone always forgot something. They had already driven once back to home, since Jasper had forgotten his teddy bear he couldn't sleep without. As chaotic as it was, it was also a lot of fun. Bren never got to go on trips with her real parents. This made her feel welcomed and like she was actually part of the family.

Brenda's foster mother was already checking passports and all the children were talking at the same time. The car was filled with cheerful tones. Bren laughed a little. She was in a happy mood and she couldn't wait to be at Second Horizons again this year. She kept coming back year after year. She was excited to meet her fellow camp mates and experience all the different activities the camp had to offer.

Brenda was the first one to leave the car. They had arrived at Second Horizons. She took her bag and left the car. At the same time her foster father left the car as well. "Bren, do you need help with your luggage?" Brenda nodded as the two of them got closer to the car trunk. "I can take my bag and skiis, if you could take my suitcase?" She asked in a questioning tone.

They had arrived a bit too early. However it didn't bother the redhead since she had time to leave her stuff and she could pick the best bunk from her cabin. Brenda left her skis outside and took the suitcase from her foster parent's hands. "Bye then" She had a faint smile on her lips. "Have fun! See you again after Christmas!"

Some of the beds were already taken, so Brenda just left her stuff in a pile on top of one of the free beds. . "Do I need my phone..." She mumbled by herself and took her phone away from the handbag. She quickly checked the clock and put the phone in her pocket. It was soon time to gather at the camp’s center area. Bren hurried to the ground floor and noticed a familiar face. Jax Payne, one of the blue campers. Has she been there for long? If so, Bren didn’t notice her before.

Jax seemed to be in the middle of something, but Bren decided to ask her anyways: "I’m going to the camp’s center area, or north pole, or what the hell it is called in winter time. Anyways… Do you want to come with me?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Melissa
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Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Gwen Thomas was cold.

Standing at the North Pole and awaiting her camper's arrival, the green counselor attempted to keep warm by rocking back and forth on her heels and nursing a dwindling cup of hot chocolate in her gloved hand. She had even bundled up this time around- donning a heavy black parka over her green cabin tee shirt and a fluffy pom beanie- but as per usual, the girl was still freezing. Granted, Gwen hailed from New Mexico (plus during the school year, Nebraska) and considered anywhere with an average temperature below 50 degrees cold, but no matter how many times she visited cities that were graced by snow, she was never truly prepared for the chill she'd feel in the air.

In addition to the change in temperature, the past few days of orientation were full of adjustments. New time zone to get used to, new faces to meet, new protocols to follow- however, as a second-year staff member, Gwen wasn't completely clueless as to how things truly went at Second Horizons. She had learned those intricacies last year and thus was prepared and knew for the most part what to expect this time around. That meant stocking her backpack and cabin with snacks for when her campers got the munchies, looking the other way when people decided to trek to the hot springs for a bit of private time, and providing a listening ear to those smitten in a camp romance or love triangle.

Ah yes, relationship drama. A topic that the brunette was unfortunately all too familiar with- at least this year her advice would come from a place of empathy and not just sympathy. While standing there, Gwen stole another glance at her cell phone and was met with a notification-less screen once again. The girl should've already nipped the habit of checking her messages in what was nearly the third month since the break-up, as by now she was awaiting a text or two that would never arrive. What was it that she was seeking so desperately- another apology text? A promise to be faithful that was obviously going to be broken? Some form of closure? Even though Gwen told herself and others that she was over her heartbreak, there was still some part of her that wasn't- after all, finding out that her boyfriend was cheating on her with a peppy blonde sorority girl a week before her midterms didn't allow her the time to fully cope. Maybe the next two weeks would rid her of any lingering negativity or feelings- Second Horizons had the knack to distract campers from the rest of the world for a few moments, why not her too.

Gwen's grip tightened on her clipboard as she was brought back to reality. Organized and tidy, her delicate cursive handwriting was already scattered over the first page of the stack of papers. Although she had gone through the staff training last year, she still had been jotting down important notes throughout the sessions- various things that would be good for her to remember throughout her time here. But when she hadn't been paying attention as things got repetitive, Gwen had taken it upon herself to decorate the back of her clipboard. She had found some paint pens in an arts and crafts bin and had just gone to town- doodling various colorful flowers and leaves as well as her name across the surface. On the off chance she were to misplace it or leave it somewhere, anyone would be able to return it, as it was now unmistakably hers.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see someone making a beeline directly towards her and her co-counselor, and so her demeanor shifted. A smile reappearing on her face and complementing her delicate features, Gwen greeted the newcomer as soon as he spoke. "It's nice to meet you, Dez- Welcome to Second Horizons! I'm Gwen, one of your counselors for the next two weeks. And this is-" She turned to introduce her fellow counselor, but they had disappeared in the few seconds that her back was turned. "Well, that was your other counselor, but I guess you'll meet them later!" The brunette shrugged but then motioned to the area behind her. "You can drop your things here for the moment, but we'll be heading to the bunk to get settled when more campers from Green arrive."

She searched around once again to see if anyone else from their cabin was present- the only familiar face she noticed was Nate, who looked as though he unfortunately was not making a good first impression with another female camper. Shaking her head with a laugh, as he somehow always found a way to get into sticky situations, she looked back at the dark-haired boy in front of her. "So, Dez, where are you from?" Gwen asked, making small talk as they waited for the others to join their group.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 37 min ago


Fiona had driven from Meadow University to camp, making unpacking when she arrived a hassle - but little did Fiona know that unloading her car would be the first of many things that made her want to roll her eyes over the next few weeks.

The training had gone over smoothly enough, and it was nice to see that not that much had changed at camp since she was there the last time. From what she could tell, Second Horizons had chosen a good set of counselors this year. Jackson might need a watchful eye kept on him, but other than that, Fiona was quite pleased with her lot of fellow rule enforcers.

Of course, being a counselor was going to be different from being a camper. She couldn’t just break the rules, fuck around and smoke weed one hundered percent of the time. She would have to allow herself to be the ‘cool-mom’ sort of counselor. She sure had enough experience with her siblings to know how to handle crazy teenagers. Hopefully this wouldn’t be so bad.

After their meeting this morning, Fiona approached the giant christmas tree to wait on her campers. The blue camp shirt was far from what she would have chosen to wear, but at least it was sort of comfy.

Leaning against the tree, Fi waited and stood there with her clipboard in hand. Greeting campers and checking names off of her list as they approached, she sighed.

Hopefully Second Horizons could offer her the breath of fresh air that she truly needed.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 37 min ago


Eli had managed to save up enough for a plane ticket, along with the money to go to Second Horizons. Working two jobs over the summer, picking up extra shifts through the colder months as needed after school started back up, and even doing DoorDash here and there. Getting out of Ohio was a dream come true, especially since he didn’t have to eat Aunt Patricia’s nasty ass potato salad this year.

He had never been on a flight before. His family didn’t have much money. His mom did her best working as the cashier at the local hardware store, and his father as the head chef at Huskers. Needless to say, the O’Malley’s never did much traveling while Elijah was growing up. He had done as much research into flights as he possibly could, in an effort to be prepared. But no matter how much you read, it never prepared you for your first bout of turbulence.

Making it through the flight without managing to give himself a heart attack, Eli was happy to have his feet back on solid ground when they landed. Checking in with what he could only assume to be two camp counselors, Eli boarded the bus and found himself soon sitting beside a handsome young man with blonde hair. The two of them exchanged some pleasant conversation during the trip to camp, but Eli couldn’t remember the other young mans name about half way through the trip. While the blonde was cute, he was an absolute bore. Eli was more than relieved to set foot off the bus - even if the meant he had to follow Jackson.

Jackson seemed cool, but he also seemed like trouble, making Eli weary. And the tall blonde chick was just… intimidating as fuck. With a sigh, Eli followed his camp counselor and fellow Red members through the snow. Doing his best to take in the scenery, Eli kept quiet in hopes of finding a cabin mate that he felt he could relate to a bit better.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 8 days ago

To most people, the sound of loose change rattling around in the pocket was a mild annoyance which is why many people preferred to pay with plastic instead of cash, but for Riley Quinn the sound of loose change was musical and, most importantly, it meant she could afford to pop into a corner store and buy a store-brand bag of pork rinds for six quarters. On some days she was even able to get a slushie. Until earlier that day, Riley had never been in an airplane and, as it turned out, she still hadn't. Despite her Christmas gift being an 'all expenses paid' trip to a camp she didn't even know existed or why - seriously who wanted to willingly go to camp during the cold months - the 'expenses' didn't cover a plane ticket because campers were expected to provide their own transportation to a specific airport where busses would do the rest of the work. Most campers, she figured, didn't see this as a hindrance. The kind of people who could afford to send a kid to a fancy snow-camp in Washington were the kind of people who would see a family of five holding a sign outside a mini-mall and then flip a coin to see if their reaction was "Oh, how unfortunate for them" before speeding off or "It's probably a lie" before also speeding off - in both cases no doubt about to spend triple digit figures on shit that'll last a week or two at most.

Fortunately, Riley was able to charter a bus from her home to the airport - because she was going to make the camp do some amount of work - and she was well aware that taking a bus to an airport just to get on another bus was a lot like going to a foreign country and only ever eating McDonald's. But what other option did she have? It was too late to refund her camp fees so not going would be a slap in the face of what was, all considered, a fairly thoughtful gift. The bus ride to the airport was ten hours long and Riley spent most of it listening to someone on the phone who was clearly having an affair because no one in a serious relationship at his age used terms like 'honey bunny' and 'I can't wait to feel inside you' which was not only inappropriate for a phone call but also really fucking gross. At least a little past the halfway point the phone flirter got off - probably not the first time he would that day - and one of the new pick ups was an older man who noticed Riley's guitar case and told her stories of how he roadied for Queen. Their conversation came to an awkward end when Riley admitted that she found Queen overrated.

At least he gave her half of his turkey sandwich beforehand.

When the bus arrived at the airport it was still dark out, morning was an hour away and Riley had more than a little time to kill. What she didn't have was spending cash to kill time at an airport coffee shop or something but if her life had taught her anything it was that if you entertained the drooling masses for a little bit, at least one of them will realize that it's polite to give them a little bit of thanks. Airports were a busy place and while most had a no loitering and no soliciting restriction, Riley was never exactly one for caring much about the rule of law. Society as a whole had decided she wasn't worth caring about so why should she care about what society told her to follow? Her political views aside, as Riley stepped off her first bus of the day she stretched her limbs out and proceeded to find an empty bit of sidewalk with a lot of foot traffic coming and going.

Busking was nothing new for Riley, she even had a little sign inside her case that said 'TIPS APPRECIATED, NEVER MANDATORY (OTHER THAN IN RESTAURANTS)' which she displayed in her case. She didn't begin to play right away, it was always better to wait until the sun was actually up, so while she had her spot scoped out, Riley dipped into the airport and blended in with the crowd as she made her way towards a coffee shop. A little life hack she learned was that if you ask for water they give it to you for free - and yet people pay like five dollars for a bottle of it at a grocery store. While she wasn't a paying customer, she knew how to make a free cup of water last an unusually long amount of time and most airport eateries didn't have people wanting to stay in them for long periods of time anyway since they typically had planes to catch. Another hack she knew about was the habit of coffee shops to dispose of the day old baked goods that didn't sell and that's how Riley had a breakfast of water and a croissant. Not bad. Bit hard, but still flaky enough.

By the time she finished her breakfast, and also the crossword in the paper someone left behind, it was promptly two hours before the camp busses were supposed to arrive. Two hours was enough time to earn some pork rinds, as she liked to say. Back outside, the Washington winter breeze was a bit less hostile than she thought, but the best thing about colder weather is that some people took bigger amounts of pity on those who were busking. Some.

Riley unzipped the only thing she cared about in the world other than her family. and set up her sign while making sure she could be heard if she strummed a string. After that brief sound check she played a rather familiar melody, albeit with more emphasis on the bassline. She even sang along, because people were more entertained by entertainers who used their voices too. Or at least their mouths. "Come...as you are...as you were...as I want you to be...As a friend...as a friend...as an old enemy..."

By the time she reached the solo, she had about four people listening, one of whom was mouthing along to the words. By the time she got to the third song of her impromptu set she had a decent gathering and a few people who were in a hurry who just dropped some change or singles in the case as they passed. By the time she got to her penultimate song she had earned enough to buy a fresh croissant and some tea instead of just water, not that she intended to do so.

After she finished, to applause from those who were still there, she thanked everyone, wished them a safe flight and happy holidays, and began packing her bass up. Counting the tips she had made seventy five dollars and eighty eight cents which...was pretty damn good for a two hour busking session outside an airport at some of the busiest time of the year.

Riley was the first one on the bus to camp and she found a seat near the back, kept her head down, and barely interacted with anyone at all until finally she, like everyone else on the bus (though in her case there was hardly any enthusiasm at all), stepped off and stepped onto the ground of Second Horizons. Riley let out a long sigh and looked around. She didn't know anyone nor did she particularly feel motivated to get to know them right then and there. Riley must have been standing by herself for a long time because someone came up next to her and startled her out of her observational phase.

"Are you new here too?"

Harper Davenport had never seen snow before in her life. Sure, she'd seen movies that prominently featured snow but for all she knew that was just fake snow like they use for school plays. As she traveled northward from the comforts of her small Texas town, fellow Texan Kayden traveling with her - much to her surprise, but clearly the lord heard her prayer and delivered so that she wouldn't be completely alone at this camp - and finally saw snow in person her first thoughts were disappointment. She didn't expect snow to have so much...brown and black dirty bits in it. Snow on the side of the road or even the snow still stuck to the asphalt was hardly the pristine sheet of beautiful white that all the winter movies portrayed it as. If she made a snowman out of this snow and put a magic hat on it, the thing would wish for death because its blood was half motor oil and piss.

Fortunately, she was able to recognize that the snow on the main roads was different to the snow that fell on grassy fields and yards, otherwise her enthusiasm for the camp would have been quashed before even stepping foot on the grounds. She was nervous the entire trip up, not even listening to her favorite band could fully calm her nerves and no number of prayers could either, though prayer did help her settle and look forward to the good times ahead rather than worry about the bad ones. Even if no one liked her by the end of camp, she was never truly alone. Of course she wanted people to like her and befriend her, but she figured a lot of the campers would be more...city kid types. They were rumored to have short fuses but deep pockets and while she didn't want to stereotype...it was a thought she had lingering in the back of her head all the same.

But Harper had an ace up her sleeve.

Harper brought four bags: two suitcases with wheels, a backpack, and a carry on bag slung across her shoulder. Only one of her bags had her clothes and essentials. The other three were her offerings to her cabin mates and, indeed, people outside her cabin if they asked politely. Rice krispy squares, homemade beef jerky, brownies with and without nuts, homemade trail mix with and without raisins, and even donuts she made herself, glazed only. If the saying was the quickest way to a man's heart was his stomach than the quickest way to make friends with strangers had to be the same method. She might've gone overboard, but if she learned anything from organizing church functions and prayer circles it was that if you offered refreshments then more people tended to show up even if only for the free food. Church functions had that in common with support groups.

As Harper arrived at Second Horizons, telling Kayden that she'd talk to him later - he probably had friends of his own to greet given that he wasn't a newbie like her - she took a deep breath and tasted the difference in the air. It was...well it just didn't have the same feel as the warm Texas air she was used to, probably because more cars were in this area code than her entire county back home, but there was still that unmistakably winter twinge to the air that was paired nicely with the sounds of people talking, greeting, meeting, and everything inbetween. Harper smiled, closed her eyes a moment, and said a quick prayer before opening her eyes and taking her first step onto the camp grounds.

She spotted someone who she could tell was like her, a first timer, though with how they were just standing there, not moving, Harper assumed they were nervous. Like she had been. God had given her a potential friend within seconds of arriving, truly He was good.

"Are you new here too?"

"Whatthefuck." The silver haired girl looked like she had seen a ghost and reacted accordingly by jolting to the side. Harper just smiled, knowing that if she laughed it might be taken the wrong way. "You can't do that to people, man." What was curious about this silver haired girl, Harper thought, was her voice. She sounded...well she didn't know how to say it politely, but she sounded like what 'dames' in old gangster movies sounded like, but with a rougher brogue. Husky, rough, but unmistakably young still. She sounded like someone who had lived two lifetimes already but she couldn't be older than seventeen and what kid had a difficult life these days?

"I'm Harper. I'm new here too!" There was a pause as the silver haired girl looked at Harper like Harper was speaking gibberish.

"Should I give a fuck?" Harper's smile was fading fast. City kids sure were...different. "Where's that accent from, Georgia?" Before she left, Harper's boss, Brad Whittaker the town butcher, had told her that her accent would be seen as cute in camp, that people loved a southern drawl, and that she shouldn't try to hide it. Maybe Brad was on to something.

"Texas, actually."


"No, but I've-" Harper didn't even get a chance to finish her thought because as soon as she said she wasn't from Austin, the silver haired girl was walking away. Undeterred, Harper waved to the silver girl's retreating back. "It was nice meeting you!" That could've gone worse. Sure, it could've gone better too but Harper wasn't going to focus on the negative. She tightened the hold on her bags and followed the signs and bodies deeper into camp.

Good things surely lay ahead.

It was cold. It was always cold. But the cold never stopped a hero from doing what needed to be done, and this time the hero was Mike Carter, Red Counselor. Carter knew that some of his fellow counselors weren't exactly enthused, but not him. Not Mike Carter. He was built different, and he didn't just mean in the sense that his t-shirts felt a bit tight thanks to his gym membership, but he was built different because he was on a mission to guarantee that this winter was the best experience those under his care were going to have. Of that he was absolutely certain. How certain? Well, while other counselors were waiting at the North Pole - he was too, of course - shivering and questioning their life choices, Mikey had a surprise in store.

Now that he could see campers arriving and making their way towards their respective counselors, he had a job to do. Mike Carter came equipped with a megaphone and he was now standing on top of a table, megaphone in hand. There was no way his campers would get lost. Not on his watch. He pressed the button down and suddenly his voice was being broadcast like he was speaking on a P.A. system at school.

"RED SQUAD, COME FORTH. RED SQUAD, TODAY YOU WILL BECOME Z-WARRIORS. RED SQUAD, OVER HERE! THE WORLD NEEDS HEROES LIKE YOU! RED SQUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAD!" He repeated the message, louder the second time. If there wasn't enthusiasm then Mike Carter would be enthusiastic enough for the entire damn camp.

It remained to be seen if people would love him or hate him, but regardless he'd always have his pride.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Hey Im Jordan & @LovelyComplex

Some people sat still during long car rides, but Christopher Robin Bishop was not some people. He was something else entirely, and as he cruised down the open Washington road, CR was hanging out of the window and enjoying the crisp air, drumming his hands on the door along to the beat of the song that was playing from the speakers. CR’s hands stopped and he pulled himself back into the moving car, having a sudden realization as he spun the volume knob to turn it down low so he could talk.

“Yo, Jay. Bro, I got a question for you.” CR pulled his sunglasses off and looked up at the roof of the car as he thought about how to say the question that was clearly burning in his chest. It could have been the weed, but CR seemed to be taking even longer than he normally did to ask the question. Finally, he started to speak, “alright, so… let’s say you had to…”

He again paused as he scratched at his beanie, before finishing the question. “Let’s say you had to fight fifty duck sized horses or one horse sized duck, which one would you take? I can’t decide.”

“Man, I’d fight the duck sized horses. Do you know why ducks go aggro?” With his left hand on the wheel, leaning back with swagger, Jay Nixon used his free hand to grab his redbull, slurped the energy that gave him wings, and once the can left his lips, he continued, “Two reasons. The duck wants to be dom ‘cuz he’s the boss, or he wants to fuck you. I’d rather not risk being fucked by a duck. Don’t matter if this a male or female duck, they’re going to assert their dominance by pecking the shit out of you.” Yeah, no. Placing his can down, Jay nodded to himself at his answer. He would rather get kicked by tiny horses than have a boss duck with a big dick try to body slam him.

Jay definitely had a point, didn’t he? Personally, CR was thinking about fighting the horse sized duck, but CR hadn’t thought about the duck-horse’s dick… wait, CR had to think about something else. Why was Jay thinking about the horse-duck’s dick? “You right though, I didn’t think about gettin pecked. I guess you could just kick the duck sized horses, huh? That’s not too bad. Aight, aight. I think you win, I think the duck sized horses are the way to go, dude.” CR had strong legs — kicking tiny horses would be easy, so he could pull that off. “Thanks, dude. I been wondering about that since we got into Washington.”

“I got one for you. It’s been on my mind since we left your house,” Jay swiped his turn signal on and slowly merged off the highway. It was time to cruise the side roads until they reached the mountains. “So like, you in the shower right? You drop the soap on the floor. Does that mean the floor is clean or the soap dirty?”

CR had to pause and think about that. The answer to that question was situational, he thought. Was it a clena floor? That was the real question, because some floors were dirty. Like, for example… “Well, if it’s on the floor at my house, dude, that soap dirty as well. You probably pick it up and there’s like… stuff on it, y’know? Like, hair and shit. But like, if you drop it on a clean ass floor?” CR paused long enough to pick up his own thermos, and took a sip of it. “Like, a McDonald’s kitchen after they clean it up for the day before an audit? Then the soap is clean and the floor is clean.” He nodded his head. In Christopher Robin’s mind, it made perfect sense — and he certainly wasn’t thinking about if it made sense in someone else’s head.

Hm. That was some interesting food for thought. “So what you’re trying to say is if the soap was found in a dump and dropped on dirt, it’s definitely dirty, but if it was never soiled and the person, like a staff member of McDonald’s before an audit, cleaned the floor real good, it’s clean?” Woah. This was a lot to take in. Maybe they were overthinking it… this felt far more complex than it needed to be. “Wouldn’t you think once the soap is used… it’s just dirty, though?”

“Nah, dude, cuz you can wash the soap off with water. Soap can always be saved. It’s soap.” CR explained, nodding his head, in a way to kind of reaffirm his own words. Was he certain? Kind of, but his nodding definitely made him feel more certain. Cr tapped his head and reiterated what he’d said before. “Dirt just washes off of soap, y’know? That’s how soap works.” CR frowned as he looked out at the terrain, slowly growing more mountainous as they drove deeper and deeper toward the camp. “Hey, why are we talkin’ about soap anyway? We both use fuckin’ body wash anyway, don’t we?”

CR was right. They did use body wash and Jay couldn’t remember how they got this far, both in driving and conversation. Instead of responding to his friend, his attention went to the random shuffle switch from Hopsin to (G)I-DLE. After downing the rest of his Redbull, he reached behind his seat to put the can in a plastic bag he dubbed as the trash bag. Once his drink was no longer in his hand, Jay turned up the music to let the hype set in. Internally, he was incredibly excited but on the outside, he was stoned and stoic. That is until Soyeon started to rap and he joined her, motioning his free hand to the song. Expectantly, he looked at his friend to sing the refrain part where Miyeon and Minnie come in.

CR grabbed his thermos and took another drink. He smacked his lips and made a face, then put it back down. The premade stuff would never be the same as the chocolate milk someone made for him — but this was his life now. He returned the look Jay gave him, but the truth was? CR couldn’t sing in Korean; to be totally fair, he couldn’t even sing in English, but… he did his best. And his best? His best consisted of off-key belting the bits and pieces of the song that were in English. Was it good? Absolutely not. Was it fun? Yes, a lot.

Even if CR was god awful at singing, Jay couldn’t help but smile. Not widely, since he rarely beamed big like his friend, but enough to show he enjoyed his company. His eyes hidden by sunglasses did fall on the thermo. After a moment or two, he turned his head to look back on the road and went silent. They hadn’t talked about that. Was he a bad friend for avoiding the topic? He didn’t even know if CR wanted to talk about her...

If there was one thing Jay was trying to understand better, it was other people’s feelings and how to help. So instead of bringing up her name or asking if he was doing okay, he decided to go the Jay route. Avoid thinking about it. Turning down the music so CR could hear his low voice, he asked, “Ready to hit the slopes? I was thinking I’d record some freestyle today. Keep it chill, nothing too planned, just b-roll shots. And hey, maybe there will be someone with actual talent this year that isn’t just you.”

“Oh yeah, that’d be cool. I tried teachin’ people, but like, I dunno. I don’t think I’m a very good teacher, dude.” Christoper Robin explained, shrugging his shoulders. He’d tried to teach before, but it wasn’t something he did very well it seemed. Either that, or there were no good students at the camp. Both options, to Christopher Robin, were equally shitty. “That sounds good. Would we have time? Don’t they usually have a like… uh, bonfire thing? And they have to feed us, right? Man, I hope there are snacks here.” CR frowned, thinking about it. What if there weren’t enough snacks? Had they brought enough snacks to sustain them for two weeks? Shit, there was no way to have enough snacks to sustain him for two weeks. They’d probably have to make runs to the store, wouldn’t they? That sucked. CR hated being stuck in a car.

“Uh, yeah. I guess we’ll play it by ear.” The mention of running out of snacks did cause Jay to frown. That was a terrible thought to think about. What if instead of a snow fight they all had to fight over the little food they had left? The snack-calypse. The end of the fucking world as we know it. “Before we lose all hope, there is the Lodge. Sure, I can drive us to town OR we can just… borrow snacks. Return the wrappers later.” Yeah, that sounded like a solid plan. He was positive the Director had a goldmine. Why wouldn’t he? To think, CR and Jay had been attending this camp for three years and they still hadn’t snuck in there. Times were changing and they could either risk running out of food and dying, or stocking up. Ah, yes, they should do a heist.

Oh, that was true. CR hadn’t thought about that, robbing the Lodge was certainly a plan he hadn’t considered. Maybe that could work… CR relaxed, giving Jay a nod. In that case, there was nothing for him to worry about! They had weed, they had snacks, they’d have a bed, there was snow. Life was good, “Yeah, my guy. You got a point, we can just rob the dude. What’s he gonna do? Eat all the snacks himself? Nah, we can do it.” CR muttered, nodding his head. Then, he shook his head as he looked around the car, and said in a kind of confused voice. “Wait, how long have we been at camp, man?”

“Three years, can you believe it?” The only difference this time was a certain brunette wasn’t in the back of the car sleeping. Honestly, this ride did feel a little different and maybe that’s why they both smoked earlier than usual. There was a void without her, but Jay wasn’t comfortable bringing the topic up. Not right now at least.

“No man, I mean look around us. We’re at the camp, dude.” CR said, and pointed at the undecorated tree that was waiting for them. Maybe they’d smoked too much weed, or drank too much Red Bull, if neither of them had managed to notice that they’d arrived. “Are we too high for this?”

“We’re definitely too high,” Jay looked at his hand that was on the stick shift. The car was parked but still running. Wow, time flies by when you’re blitzed out of your goddamn mind. “Say hi to Gwen for me, I gotta… bring the car closer to the cabins.” They both had a lot of shit. There was no way in hell he was going to walk it all.

“Yeah, okay. Just be careful, right? Don’t run over nobody, or like, into the tree again. That’d suck.” CR explained, before he hopped out of the car and spun around just quickly enough to grab his thermos, and then headed toward the cabins, leaving Jay to his own devices.

“Yeah… no trees this time. Got it.” With that, Jay Nixon was easing his way through the snow, making his own path to get to the Howling Wolf cabin. Giving a quick honk when someone seemed far too close for his liking. In time, he found himself safely at his cabin, no harm done… maybe. There was a garbage can he hit, but that shouldn’t be so bad. Oh, and the Lodge’s mailbox. They’ll be okay. Regardless of the mild damage he did cause, his car was now inches away from the front door! Anymore forward movement, he would’ve hit the cabin itself, but he was too good at parking. Clearly, he knew what he was doing. Satisfied at his success, and his baller parking job that sorta-maybe was on the walkway to the entrance, Jay turned off the car and got ready to move his luggage in. CR can pick up his stuff later.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Myling
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Myling A clown core enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Elιαѕ Lυɴdqvιѕт

The pair Elias has looked at earlier, seemed to be in the process of talking of the stumble accident. The girl with the leather jacket seemed very pissed, the guy on the other hand seemed impressed about her looks. Elias didn't observe them for too long, since he truly didn't care that much. He also got involved with something else. There was a voice speaking near him. "That was fast, I expected at least everyone meet with each other first but it how it be do." Elias looked at the source of the voice, he was amused by her voice. However he didn't know how to response, so he ended up just forming a small grin on his face.

Appearance wise the girl reminded Elias from his sister. Emma had just as dark hair and similar vibes. People always got confused about Emma and Elias being siblings since they didn't look similar at all and were different ethnicities. Well they only became siblings when their moms got married. However their relationship was like the one only siblings would share. They fighted from time to time and teased each other (Emma had a habit of making snarky comments about Elias' fashion experiments), but in the end they really cared for each other.

Elias wondered If he would get along with this girl just as well- he had a feeling he would. Speaking of the girl.. she introduced herself and extended her hand for a handshake. Her name was Yvonne. Elias took the offer and shaked hands with her. "Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Elias." he introduced himself smiling a little. Meeting new people was always difficult for him. He would lose all his confidence and start to worry too much about what kind of first impression he gave. It was weird since he was normally so confident, or at least he convinced himself into believing that.

Elias didn't want to leave the interaction just for that. He was deliberate to continue the conversation. "So, Yvonne: have you been before at this camp?" The platinum blonde kept a small between his sentences. "If so, do you have any recommendations about what I should try out in these two weeks? This is my first time here." Elias smiled, hoping that this would be a good conversation starter.

Kayden Norton

outfit, jacket

Kayden was walking towards the camp’s center area while dragging his suitcase. It was great to be here again. This time the Texan youngster was certain no one would find his alcohol, at least not the booze. He was satisfied with the way he had hidden it. He knew his travelling buddy, Harper wouldn’t approve, if she knew he had something like that packed in. However: Christmas was coming which meant baby Jesus’ birthday and how was he supposed to celebrate if not by drinking his ass off?

After a little while of walking, and two times almost falling because of not having proper shoes, Kayden saw a christmas tree that was in need of decoration. Around the tree there were other campers and the camp counselors. Most of the counselors were wearing shirts of the color of their cabin. Kayden knew there were four different cabins: red, green, blue and pink. However it was difficult to differ the colors when they were all together.

Blue he could differ easily, the two muddy colours were red and green but he didn’t know which was which. Then the last color was either grey or pink, but since there was no grey cabin it had to be pink. Pink was his cabin so he went near the counselor wearing that pinkish greyish shirt.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jet lag sucks.

That was the big lesson of the day. Not that the groggy woman in the Seattle Airport Marriott had anything to compare the experience to, but it was clear that being pent up in a metal tube for what amounted to an entire day was not good for her body. Previously, the longest flight she had ever take just took her from Sydney to Queenstown via Auckland for amateur competitions at Cardrona. Even then, there were enough distractions at the Auckland airport to keep her placated in between the short hops. But 14 hours over the Pacific just to get to Los Angeles. And not even the good part of Los Angeles. All she could see from the terminal was concrete and hucksters selling fake maps to stars' homes. She had exhausted her iPod and her laptop movies somewhere over Easter Island and couldn't sleep over the roar of the engines. By the time she made it to Seattle, she was so bushed, she had her flight into Bellingham pushed back a day just so she could try and get some level of sleep at the nearby hotel.

It worked a little bit, but it still didn't blunt the effects of traveling back in time a day and trying to behave completely as normal.

So Jessika Fuller managed to sleepwalk her way onto the plane that would take her up to as close to the Canadian border as the Americans would dare go. If nothing else, it was an easy run up to British Columbia should things go pear-shaped and she had to get out of the country. But that would mean leaving her boards behind, which she wasn't exactly keen on doing. She wasn't sure what this Second Horizons would have on hand for equipment, but she wasn't about to be using the stuff they reserved for the bunnies just hitting the hills for the first time. That would be no test of what she could do against the Americans who were surely up to some level of skill here.

And that was the point of the excursion. To test her mettle in a controlled environment before she had any dreams of going against the big guns around the world.

Although that would mean Jess really had to get used to this whole jet lag thing in a hurry.

Once her flight touched down in Bellingham, she was able to spot what she assumed was the ferryperson taking everyone to the camp. The logos on the shirt made things pretty easy to figure out. Plus the buses. But Jess was in no state for talking at the moment. Someone said her name and she nodded softly in an effort to expedite things. Anything that would get her to a place where more sleep would be on offer. Thankfully, the ride was relatively quiet. Not quiet enough to allow for some quick z's on the way, but enough that her head wasn't totally out of sorts. She was pointed in the direction of the blue cabin by the person who grabbed her name at the airport. She wasn't learning names at the moment. Names could come later when she might have a wallaby's chance in the outback of remembering them. Instead, she ambled her way towards her home for the next couple of weeks. There was talk of a bonfire to celebrate the first night, which sounded like it offered a much better chance to get used to things in the Pacific Northwest.

For now though, there was only one thing on Jessika's mind. Maybe if i just pass out fawr long enough, i won't feel liyyke a zombie. Solid plan. I'mmah do that.

Tonight. Tonight she would show the Americans what's what.
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