Hey there, kemosabe. Ever wanted to see what was out there? Get out of this same-old kinda life, and see the stars beyond? There's a lil' something for everyone, no matter where you end up.
Take a trip to the core worlds, the cradle of civilization. Get some shopping done, chrome yourself out to the nines' and so long as you have the green, make sure it all comes from first rate and only lightly used from the finest vendors in the galaxy. You can find anything here, regardless of legality! Of course, you'll have to deal with the Vangarians- The Imperials like to tax anything and everything they can get their hands on, also regardless of legality. The best part? If you don't pay your taxes, they send hunter-killer robots after you! The Vangarians get a little heavy handed when it comes to money- Forget to pay your tab at the bar? Robots. Skip on your rent? Robots! Run a red light? Well, that's just a fine if they catch you. It's great! Safe, if you can afford it.
But hey, the taxman got you down? Tired of Vangarians taking every nickel out of your wallet, and then charging you for the ones you will hypothetically earn? Well you can always take a shuttle out to the outer worlds- the edge of known space. It's a bit rough and tumble, bounty hunters, cowboys and space samurai abound- to keep the space pirates in check after all. Plenty of lowlifes around here means plenty of profit to be made! And if hunting lowlifes isn't your jam, you could always be one of the lowlifes- who is gonna stop you after all? A weirdo with a fedora and laser katana? Good luck finding you through all the choking smog and neon drip. Ain't nothin' pretty out there except what you make yourself, but hey! That's the prettiest thing of all, ain't it? Just gotta make sure some scumbucket doesn't put a plasma bolt in your ribs for your troubles in the middle of the night.
Life on the edge doesn't suit you? Don't want to keep looking over your shoulder for bandits and highwaymen? You could always give up all of your worldly possessions and live the life of an ascetic in the Order of the Elars, an organization of peacekeepers and space travelers. The Order of the Elars spend most of their time studying the history of time and space and huffing space dust- Aura they call it. What does Aura do? Well it does a little bit of everything- telekinesis, foresight, fire conjuring, just a lil shot of Aura into your veins and you'll be slinging space magic in no time flat! Just careful not to overdo the fireballs, or you'll turn into one yourself! Man oh man, that's not a fun experience, but its not too bad- I mean, that mind splitting headache will probably be the last one you ever have! So, perks and drawbacks, but hey! What's a little bit of melting brain to manipulating the cosmos as you see fit?
So, catch your interest, kemosabe? You're almost certain to die young, so might as well enjoy it while you can!
~ Roni Keral, Wanted Dead or Alive. 12,000,001 Crds.
The Premise
Welcome to the Milky Way Galaxy- some thousand or so Earth years into the future. Life is equal parts great and terrible, depending on your means to navigate it. Thousands of years worth of technological development means humanity has spread itself out to the far reaches of space, and with it, encountered alien life. The Vangarian Empire- a mostly human civilization rooted in the original homeworld of humanity constantly expands, laying claims to worlds as they see fit, regardless of the complaints of other planetary governments and organizations. All of this is done in their near constant pursuit for a substance known as Aura. Aura, is the magical macguffin that powers practically any and all technology- from spaceships to energy weapons, and outside of more traditional means, is for all intents and purposes the ultimate fossil fuel. It can be found in a variety of states, from massive crystalline structures in the crusts of planets, to the liquid blood inside star sized space whales that travel the inky emptiness between stars and galaxies. But all of that is just the big picture.
We the players will take on the role of a small crew of rag tag spacers, scoundrels and rapscallions from all walks of life aboard the Guernica, making our way through the galaxy and suddenly stumbling on a quest upon which the fate of the galaxy no doubt rests. Will our heroes survive? Or will they crash and burn underneath the weight of the odds as well as their own inner turmoils? This RP takes heavy cues and influences from various sci-fi fantasy properties, Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy, to name a few, with the general goal of being a lighthearted romp through the galaxy- though occasionally with more serious and mature themes and situations to keep the narrative moving.
The Ship
The Crew
Space samurai, star elves, pseudo not-jedi, sentient robot AI, genetically enhanced catgirls, eclectic warrior types, crazy aliens and tinkers; are all welcome- with a caveat: All players and characters must be part of the team. Not everyone has to like each other, and some dysfunction can even be humorous, but everyone has to be able to play their part together. Self destructive sociopaths incapable of communication and endangering themselves and others just for the shits and giggles will be left behind. - just don't be an asshole, basically.
Regarding characters, I want them to be cool! Be good at something, hell, be pretty damn good at that something, but don't be good at everything. This is, after all an underdog story. If I have to tell you the limits of what's too OP, then this probably isn't the game for you.