Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper
Sqaure to Eye of Beholder”
Snuggles make happy snakes
Now with 50% more blood alcohol content.
Sloshed snakes can slither too
Sya watched as she drank her enforced water to Valas glare if she even looked at the wine, the Lime eyes of the other blightborn clearly seen as her hair was cut short around her horns. She had a musical tone but like Sya had the grit and iron to survive even after their rebirth. To resist the thoughts wanting to turn you Feral, to make you a monster people claimed they were.
Becky hopped over the rogue tail without much challenge, really Sya was a trip hazard but she was also still the owner, and was too busy to get her upstairs yet too. They would put up with it. Ideally they would have given her a bunch of food to help but Vala shook her head and had told her that would only make Sya ill and worse, they just had to give her water and keep her off the booze. maybe they should let her sober up before they took her upstairs?
“Onion?” Sya thought as a man walks in but he was not her blight born friend, a man in warmer rugged wear, pretty practical but good quality. As people went he looked pretty normal if not better dressed than average for the town. Still her large eye were turned to see a woman having a moment with a man who struck her as a little bit … something pricked her senses and she was more curious now. The Lamia woman was pretty good at working things out, though her inebriation made that sense all fuzzy like looking through a blizzard or a foggy day…Not that that bothered her much now, her gifts gave her ability to ignore the lack of light, and now even just sense their energy when her excellent vision failed.
Sya ignored Becky and Vala reaching arm as she moved to check her face and hair in a small mirror leaving winter cloak behind the bar and smoothing out her Auralian dress, its blue complimenting her now changed colouration. “No drinking OK Sya. You can help, just be careful” Vala said and Becky nodded along and yes they told her odd but their was care and worry for her, Sya had been hurt, got drunk, and decided to try and flirt with a royal Advisor. Never a boring day in Dawn Haven.
“Siii will, you need helps, it's still busy.” Sya slithered out, one hand on something for support, be it bar, wall, table or so, she made her way and moved slowly as she had to work on balance at same time.
Reaching the red head woman's table, she seemed a little strange, less like the normal person customers but she Saw the potential tension between them.
“Feel Free to order at the bar.” She spoke casually but still had enough presence of mind to spot the man as a potential bad egg, the woman was unknown…maybe just a fancy shell and not wanting to mix with the other eggs so easily.
“Welcome to the eye of Beholder.” Sya said casually though the implication was to reduce trouble starting by just greeting people and making self known.
The Lamia Had to tuck her tail closer in the busy Inn, it certainly was a downside as she moved through the room. She spotted the practical looking man curiosity over took her and she pushed a path though giving a slight grimace as she knocked her serpentine length against a column. though how would That feel if someone was more gentle, a lovers touch and so running down her smooth sca… Sya cut the vision off out of her book she was reading, time for those thoughts later.
“Welcome to eye, how can we help you, my names Sya and welcome to my Inn.” Sya said proudly though she swayed a little and took a seat…. Well took was a word, she kind of half sat sideways, she was yet to work out a natural look for using chairs. Flashes of blue scales rose up as she waved, in sinc with her body, curlling about her to not trip up people.
“What brings you to Dawn Haven? We had quite a few newcomers lately. Know the traders better though.” She asked casually and watched the door, as she paid attention to him, commenting on the seeing influx of people attracted to the town. Sya had decided that sometimes the best way to avoid the whole… monster thing was to just show she was a… normal…kinda…person.
Sya felt a breeze on her bare arms, she was not cooled but felt it, the dress did not really need to protect her from the weather as her modesty.
“Welcome, enjoy the feast. Our new bakery has free samples as well as the distillery.” Sya waved in greeting to a white haired woman with a tipsy smile, her gesture mimicked instinctively. Sya was politely described as petite, she never had been tall or overly blessed by breast, muscle but she had long lost the tan she had in her first life, she was just glad her eye, unlike other emberkin, was a less threatening blue.
Sya control, her ease apparently she had taken things had a personal secret, an old one. Though Sya had never succumbed to the more primal side, she had formed more of an alliance with it, those instincts and enforces where a part of her as her human desires and preferences. She never really told many all as it probably would be misunderstood, Sya had long lived with two sides and she worked to keep those in a form of balance Vs forcing one to submit to the other. Sya trusted her instincts and her perception, it was why she was still alive today.
“What can we do for you this feast Day, lovely dress i must say.” Sya asked politely to the lady in fitted Dress, white hair and purples. She did look very pretty she had to admit, Sya thought she had a rather distinctive look and was not afraid to use it. Plus it was a good potential Ice Breaker to break the tension of her… differences.
Sya saw the large barbarian enter, she assumed he was tribal of some kind due to his accent and had to crane her neck and bend her waist slightly to see his head. Her eye showed her slight concern but she knew that not everyone was like they sounded or seemed to be. She was the example in her own mind.
“Welcome, how can we help you, I'm Sya, I run the Inn, Clansman of the borders are welcome long as your peaceful. Borderlander.” She repeated her words in a more guttural, harsher native tongue that was more similar to the languages spoken on the main kingdoms far flung border regions. Sya thanks to her father spoke the general tongue, Borderland and a small amount of formal Auralian she picked up on helping her fathers business trading with the kingdom.
Sya added the last bit, where she was originally from to explain her sudden shodt in languages.
Thank You daddy, she thought with a little sad thought, he had taught her a lot of the skills she was using to live her life. Sya helped handle the suppliers, the gold, the traders letting her father work and get more done in the meantime and just shake hands later. Eventually Sya was one who he just told to do it, a rather proud woman that day, though his tear he hid told he probbly was equally proud of his daughter, the tough man was not the best at openly expressing it but it was clear nonetheless.
@BlackRoseSiren@Theyra@Qia@Dark Light