Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 1 hr ago


Abisu remained on the couch, still holding the controller staring at the screen. "That." He declared, even as Harper was already moving on to beer pong. "Was a horrible way to die."

There was a long pause where he continued to reflect.

"Imagine having fought that long, and that hard. Only to be just... picked up. And walked off an edge to oblivion by a being so... committed to your destruction they didn't care about their own life because they already know they've won at this life, and you've lost. And you're unable to do anything to affect your fate." He continued speaking quietly to no one in particular. "And all you can do is writhe helplessly, as the unthinkable becomes... inevitable."

He turned away from the tv screen, opening his mouth and emitting a large cloud of smoke from his lips. "Fuck."
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by The Man Emperor
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Seth Montes

Helmut again raised a brow at Harper, calling her Chucky. He didn’t get the reference, but he guessed he didn’t introduce himself, so nicknames seemed applicable. “My name is Helmut Spielzeugmann. It’s a pleasure to meet you. And I assure you I would not waste my time peeping on female students.” He didn’t blush, but he did look at her with a grimace. He was not as lascivious or ghoulish as she assumed.

"I... won't even try the second one..." Seth said with a defeated tone. He had repeatedly repeated Helmet's second name in his head, but to no avail. He couldn't pronounce it! There was no way, indeed, that he unravel that kind of mystery right here and now. He was also afraid that he may accidentally cast a spell in the process. Maybe even an advanced one that he never knew about before. He just knew that something like that might happen!

"Shall we?" she nodded in the direction of the common room's table tennis table which was currently being ignored in favour of retro gaming...

Seth mostly listened in when Harper talked about the rules. "I have not participated in this game before," Seth said, interrupted for a second when Munnin randomly cawed and earned a side eye from Seth. "But... I will see how I fare." Maybe he could do with a little bit more beer than he's usually allowed himself to take. But would the fraternity like him anymore if they got the unfiltered Seth here? He was a telepath specialist, after all, and there are a lot of thoughts that he read that he'd rather erase from his memory. And yet, those sorts of things tended to burn themselves into the mind, like a brand in the side of a cow's ass.

No! He must win this game! He must win, as he always has! He can imagine Mom cheering him on at this moment, screaming and yelling. Go get them!

"Imagine having fought that long, and that hard. Only to be just... picked up. And walked off an edge to oblivion by a being so... committed to your destruction they didn't care about their own life because they already know they've won at this life, and you've lost. And you're unable to do anything to affect your fate." He continued speaking quietly to no one in particular. "And all you can do is writhe helplessly, as the unthinkable becomes... inevitable."

He turned away from the tv screen, opening his mouth and emitting a large cloud of smoke from his lips. "Fuck."


Seth didn't even try to read what was on Abisu's mind. Such words can only come from insane, mad thoughts. And he didn't want to have such thoughts at the moment. He didn't want to have portents of doom swirling in his brain. Not here, not now. There's a game to play! "Who's first?" Seth asked.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Dyelli Beybi @Demencia


Helmut nodded, hoping these people would not get the idea of peeking at people changing. But he felt Harper’s big mouth would eventually get him into trouble. Recoiling when he heard Ava budding into the conversation. He was taken aback by her brashness and that she interrupted his conversation.

Hearing of the game, he had a worried look on his face. He didn’t drink much alcohol, so he hoped that he wouldn’t be forced to drink so much. He just enjoyed a small drink to help him relax; he never understood why people would drink to the point of vomiting.

That sounds simple enough. I guess it could be fun.” Helmut again shrugged his shoulders, not sure how this could turn out. Standing up and following Harper towards the table tennis table. Standing beside Harper while waiting for the others to join them. Moving a little closer towards her since he didn't feel comfortable being surrounded by other people.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Harper Thane

Harper gave Helmut a sideways glance, smirking slightly before turning to face him properly, half-perched on the edge of the table, "I've had another idea - team ups! You're with me."

"Hey Abisu!" Harper called to the one who was smoking on his own in the corner, "This is Seth!" she pointed to the student in question, "He needs a beer pong partner. Your presence, Sir, is required in this most noble of sports! Let's get this party started!"

Without waiting for a reply she started setting up the table, filling a series of red plastic cups from the keg and arranging them in a triangle on the table, almost like she was racking pool balls. She seemed quite committed to making sure Helmut and Seth enjoyed themselves.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 1 hr ago


Languidly the spindly young man stood up in response to Harper, swaying as he braced against the couch for support and squinted in Harper's direction. "Beer pong?" Climbing awkwardly over the couch instead of going around he approached the table with a zombie like shuffle, appraising the table like a chess player evaluating the board. "You know that beer pong is a conspiracy right?" He looked between Harper, Seth and Steve. "Made up by a marketing company hired by budweiser whose executives wanted to sell more beer to young college students."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Beer Pong with Harper

They won with two cups to spare. It had been a fairly even game and everyone had missed a few throws Though by then, Harper was definitely feeling the four cups of beer she had drunk. She hopped up and down excitedly then, apparently forgetting they'd just met, hugged Helmut, "We did it!" she exclaimed, picking up one of the two remaining cups and draining it in celebration... though apparently her coordination was not what it should be and she ended up tipping half of it down her front. There was definitely no way she should be weilding a wand.

She giggled, "Whoops! I should probably change this! What are you guys up to next I'll come and meet you?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Dyelli Beybi

Helmut Peter Spielzeugmann

Helmut stood beside Harper, feeling a wave of uncertainty engulf him. The prospect of playing beer pong was a source of anxiety, as he was unsure of his skills. Being teamed up with Harper, whom he felt somewhat apprehensive around, only added to his unease. His heart raced as he contemplated the game ahead, his mind filled with doubt.

He watched the other students coming towards the table. His gaze was intense, but his now-looking broke it at the table. While waiting his turn, he observed how to play the game and what techniques to use to fling the ping-pong ball. Helmut took the ping-pong ball in his hand, carefully looking at the plastic cups bunched up together. Focusing for a second before throwing the ball. Being silent for a moment before cursing in German as the ball bounced off the lid of the cups. Cursing once more when his opponent got a ball into one of his cups. Drinking from the cup made him look disgusted. Missing almost every shot when throwing the ping-pong ball, causing him to drink a copious amount of alcohol and become equally as drunk as the others. Wobbling and struggling to stand up straight. He held onto the table so he wouldn’t fall over. “Warum habe ich zugestimmt, dieses Spiel zu spielen?” (Translation- Why did I agree to play this game?) He muttered under his breath, feeling quite queasy. He felt like he would need a lot of water to try and recover. “I need to sit down.” Whispering to no one in particular. He slowly turned so he could sit down on the nearby couch.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 1 hr ago


Abisu stood to one side after swilling the last beer while Harper and Helmut celebrated. He held one of the balls up to his face, squinting at it. "I think these balls might be... too round." He said thoughtfully to himself. "Also, it might be losing... but I feel like something's gonna happen. Like. Not good. Like it's gonna rain or a celebrity's going to die or something." He said, as though he were seeing something in the face of the pingpong ball.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Harper Thane

"Why do I get the impression you might not agree to play that again?" Harper directed a sideways glance and smirk at Helmut before turning her attention to Abisu, "Dead celebrities? I'm confused. But you know if you want to go again we can try with something a bit less round... but maybe not right away," she gave a small giggle, looking between drinking game group

"You know what..." she said after a moment's thought, "I'm not going to get changed, I'm going to get another drink then go and relax in that hot tub that Derek likes to tinker with," she declared before adding with a slight smirk, "You're welcome to join me if you want."

She didn't wait for a reply, but set off in the direction, looking ever-so-slightly unsteady on her feet.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Dyelli Beybi

Helmut Peter Spielzeugmann

Helmut was lying on the couch, not noticing anything being said to him. He lay on the sofa with his hands over his face. He wants to cover his eyes from the blinding lights of the room. He didn’t feel well from drinking all of those beers. “Fuck why did I even agree to this stupid game.” Muttering under his breath. Feeling nauseous and that he was going to vomit at any moment.

Helmut seemed to perk up when Harper mentioned a hot tub. In his drunken stupor, he thought being in a hot tub would be a good idea. “Wait for me, Frau Harper.” He stood up slowly while stumbling behind Harper. Oddly enough, his eyes were staring at her figure, something he usually wouldn’t do while sober. When he and Harper got near the hot tub, he noticed he hadn’t brought swim shorts. He wasn't sure if he should get in without wearing some swim shorts.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 1 hr ago


Abisu stopped gazing intently into the ping pong ball, his half-lidded eyes looking in Harper and Helmut's direction. "I'll come too, hold on." With a start he headed out of the room, tossing the ping pong over his shoulder as he collected his still fuming bong and bag of other goodies from the coffee table by the couch. He didn't even notice when the ball landed directly in one of the empty cups left lying empty upon the ping pong table. "Last time I did the hot tub with Derek, let me tell you, we got into some crazy-ass shit. Fuck that was a good time."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Demencia
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Demencia Unreasonable Confidence

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Ava Sterling

Ava stood up from the couch at the mention of the hot tub. "I'm not much of a hot tub person myself, but I'll come hang out." she said. All she wanted to do was creep on the girls in the hot tub, she didn't need to bother getting changed for that. She waved one hand and a crystal sphere appeared in her hand and she began to balance it in her palm. God bless whoever decided to put a hot tub in a dorm. she thought.

She picked up a drink and brought it with her as she followed the others, hoping they wouldn't notice that she hadn't exactly kept up the pace with them as they got varying degrees of wasted and this was her first drink. Couldn't exactly play Smash impaired, could she?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 1 hr ago


Abisu paused by the door, looking once again poised between thoughtfulness and being elsewhere. "I think everyone's really, secretly, a hot tub person. Just takes the right frame of mind." Bracing his still fuming bong under his arm, he began rummaging through the hefty brown paper bag he carried, his expression brightening when he found what he was looking for, proffering a hand towards Ava - in which rested two pills. "Red pill or blue pill?"
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

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Harper Thane

Harper was usually the sensible one of the group, but the game of beer pong had left her distinctly giggly. She had clearly intended to end up in the hot tub all along because she was wearing her swimwear underneath and she quickly peeled off her jeans and t-shirt at the edge of the tub before balancing her wand on the edge of the tub then half-falling, half-climbing in, something which she seemed to find very amusing... "Am I the only girl in here?" she asked incredulously before catching sight of Ava, "Hey Ava! Hop in, I'm outnumbered!"

She paused, turning back to the others nearby, some of whom were new to the fraternity, "Whatever you do, don't press the button by the dial," she told them unhelpfully, not explaining which dial she meant - there wee several, "It can cause accidents."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 1 hr ago


Abisiu muttered something under his breath that Ava might have overheard which sounded suspiciously like 'Chekov's button'
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Helmut Peter Spielzeugmann

Helmut followed the others into the hot tub, worried he would ruin his clothes when he got inside. The most worrying was whether getting into the water would destroy the dolls hidden in his coat. He watched intently while Harper was getting into swimwear. His attention then turned towards Ava and Abusu joining them. He looked at the bag that Abisu was opening. “What is it?” he asked, wondering what the pills were.

He didn’t think he would take any drugs; he thought mixing booze and drugs would lead to very terrible things. “What dials? What do they do?” He asked, looking around for the dials Harper had mentioned. “Who even brought this hot tub into the college?” He had his boots in the water. Not wanting to immerse himself in the water fully.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

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"Oh... Derek is really best qualified to explain how they work," Harper replied to Helmut airily before taking a quick stroke across the hot tub so she could rest her arms on the edge of the edge, looking up at him, "You know you can take your boots off, just dip your toes in the water," she encouraged with a bright, disarming smile.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Demencia
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Demencia Unreasonable Confidence

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Ava Sterling

"Girl outnumbered?" Ava questioned. "Y'know I've seen uh, movies about that." She leaned against the edge of the hot tub, seemingly considering whether or not to whether or not to leave her on her own. "Oh, who am I to abandon a girl in need." she said dramatically. "Especially one in a swimsuit." She rolled the sphere around her hand and it glowed, before her clothes also began to glow and fade away being replaced by a swimsuit. She flicked her wrist and the sphere disappeared again. "The things I do for women." she said, climbing into the hot tub."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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@Dyelli Beybi @Pragia12

Helmut Peter Spielzeugmann

Looking over at Derek, wondering how this machine worked, or even what it could do. “What does this machine do?” He asked while taking off his boots and socks. Holding onto his boots after stuffing his socks into them. Perhaps he was too drunk not to remove his boots before getting in. He was relaxing a little, enjoying the feeling of the water on his feet. He moved a little so he wouldn’t get splashed as Ava came in.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

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Harper Thane

Ava Sterling

"Girl outnumbered?" Ava questioned. "Y'know I've seen uh, movies about that." She leaned against the edge of the hot tub, seemingly considering whether or not to whether or not to leave her on her own. "Oh, who am I to abandon a girl in need." she said dramatically. "Especially one in a swimsuit." She rolled the sphere around her hand and it glowed, before her clothes also began to glow and fade away being replaced by a swimsuit. She flicked her wrist and the sphere disappeared again. "The things I do for women." she said, climbing into the hot tub."

"Involving the Dallas Cowboys?" Harper asked, innocently enough... that was unless you understood the reference.

@Dyelli Beybi @Pragia12

Looking over at Derek, wondering how this machine worked, or even what it could do. “What does this machine do?” He asked while taking off his boots and socks. Holding onto his boots after stuffing his socks into them. Perhaps he was too drunk not to remove his boots before getting in. He was relaxing a little, enjoying the feeling of the water on his feet. He moved a little so he wouldn’t get splashed as Ava came in.

"Oh well, it's reasonably straightforward," Harper added, turning her attention back to Derek, "Well I say that, but I couldn't make one. You'd require some skill at artifice, which I don't have, and some skills in that time manipulation stuff Derek does."

As if on cue there was an abrupt whirring noise, "Oh!" Harper's eyes went wide in alarm, "No, no, we..."

There was a flash and a whirring noise and then the people in the water, and anyone in contact with it, were abruptly dumped in a sandy dessert amidst a cascade of warm water.

"Oww..." Harper complained, sitting up to get her bearings, "Does this look like Arizona to you? I think we're still in Arizona," she paused before adding, "I don't have my wand," she looked down at herself, "And I'm wearing swimwear."

She glanced between the others who had landed with her, "Well, I suppose this is a good time to say 'welcome to Phi Mu Lambda!'"
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