Yuri & Zoe
Corwitten by @Pragia12 & Dyelli Beybi
Where Yuri discovers Custospada isn't responding to hails and Zoe reveals she might be more than she is letting on.
The communications room was a small affair adjoining the bridge, dominated by a pair of cabinets for the radiotelegraph and a small desk for the operator to sit at. The cabinets had a pair of dials and a series of vacuum tubes each, and a series of sockets for plugging in telegraphs. What was hidden however, was in the storage space under the cabinets. Yuri had squirreled away some of his personal effects aboard the airship, and the handle of Saoirse he kept in the cabinet would be for the best.
Drawing a flat-bottomed glass and pouring himself some of the caramel-colored Quinian whiskey, he’d raise it over the instrument of his trade. “Cheers” he says simply, throwing an oversized lever-switch on the side of the box. A brief spark of static would be all he’d receive “Damn.” Seems his drink would need to wait.
The lieutenant knew these boxes like the back of his hand. While he was far from a master electrician, these were his assigned tools, and he had torn down and built dozens of these in his limited time. Taking a screwdriver from the storage space not used for alcohol, he would open up the back of the cabinet and get to work.
Two replaced wires, one cleaned terminal, and a couple accidental discharges later, the radiotelegraph hummed to life, those vacuum tubes lighting up in a soft amber indicating they were on standby. A small smile flickered across Yuri’s lips, and he allowed himself to enjoy the sharp smokiness in his glass.
As he did, there was the sharp click of footsteps on metal floors, then Zoe appeared, no longer wrapped up in the Favian gentleman's jacket. Apparently she'd returned that as she left the cold of the gondola, "That's the telegraph isn't it?" she asked, following up immediately with, "Is it working? Someone said it wasn't."
The lieutenant turned his head to face the civilian at his duty station, putting the glass down at the desk "Yes Ma'am, wasn't working before, but should be working now. Was going to get into contact with Custospada." he said simply, turning back to the box and plugging in the telegraph switch into one of the outlets.
"Well don't let me get in the way," she said, perching herself on another desk in the corner of the room. She fell silent, letting Yuri do his job, though it seemed she wanted something when he was done.
Yuri nodded, drawing a pocketbook from his jacket, propping it open with one hand and looking down as his other went to the dials, setting the frequency of reception appropriate to the code, and the attenuation for broadcast. He flipped towards the back of the book, and scribbled on a blank sheet of paper before tapping away. Each closing of the gate lit the vacuum tubes. "By all means, get another glass if you'd like." he offers, gesturing down to the open second cabinet stowage. "This might take a few minutes"
"How risqué!" Zoe commented, though her tone suggested 'risqué' meant the same as 'fun'. She fetched a glass from the cabinet, pouring herself a whiskey, before pulling up a chair to watch Yuri work. She leaned back, taking a sip, studying him with dark eyes from across the brim.
The lieutenant gave a half-cocked grin "We don't need to follow every protocol in times like these, ma'am." he'd turn back to the machine, waiting a few moments before repeating his tapped message, longer and more drawn out this time. Silence would reign and his expression would darken only a tinge as he double checks his dial, rotating it gingerly back and forth into position again before signalling a third time. He reads the ticker tape record that follows to ensure he was sending a proper message "Strange."
"What's strange?" she queried curiously, her brows knitting together in concern.
"Not getting any response from the castle." he said with a sourness, tuning the frequency to a regional channel and tapping the same message.
"Well then," Zoe pursed her lips thoughtfully, "We will potentially need to put down unassisted... or at least be prepared for that eventuality. Think our crew can manage that?"
Yuri took up his own glass and stood up from behind the station, "Going to have to, or just skip it and route to Grendel." he says simply with a small draw "Custospada shouldn't have fallen already, had nothing indicating revolutionaries had gotten that far."
"Possibly cleared out ahead of the Calarians?" Zoe posed, "It's an exposed position with the capital fallen," she paused, then gave an apologetic shrug, "Or so I would imagine!"
"I wouldn't be surprised, but I also would be disappointed." he'd allow that to hang for a moment, a glance back to the box that hadn't reported a single return transmission "So, treasury? My old man was in banking," he offered casually.
"Oh, so have you been out here as well?" Zoe asked innocently.
He shook his head "Nah, he didn't involve me much in the business, what did your father do there?"
"Something important!" Zoe said airily, and for a moment it looked like she was about to say something like 'I don't know', but instead leaned forward over the desk, adding conspiratorially, "Very important. Important enough I don't feel I can discuss it when some of the people on this ship are unknown quantities."
A single golden brow wwas raised slightly and he'd nod over to the open porthole behind her, it was to her to close it. "Important how?" another draw from the Quinian whiskey "I can understand a desire for secrecy, but we are in a precarious position."
"The kind of important that means you can take your teenage daughter to look at the gold reserve and nobody bats an eyelid," Zoe replied with a slight smirk as she straightened up, "Oh don't worry, if there are any soldiers hanging around at the fort I'll have to tell you all then. Until then, just enjoy my charming company!"
The lieutenant rolled his head forward slightly with a pointed expression that faded to casualness easily enough "As you wish, ma'am." he caught her meaning, taking a seat and finishing his glass. "You made your choice of bunk yet?"
"Its Zoe or Miss Spyrou if that's too scandalous... and no I haven't," she sat back, lounging languidly on her chair, "Why do you ask? Are you angling to share?" she smirked.
A pleasant smile graced Yuri's lips "I'd had my own picked out, Miss Spyrou, though I appreciate the sentiment." he evened his expression again "No, just wanting to keep track of who is where, if something unexpected or unfortunate were to happen."
Zoe smiled brightly, seemingly amused by the exchange, "Well, lets find me one near some people who might be loyal to the Empire. They're less likely to smack me over the head with something heavy."
"Think that'd fall under unexpected and unfortunate." He'd say, the imagery not pleasant to him. "I'm going to test a couple messages, make sure we're broadcasting properly. I am set in officer's cabin: first one to front. I'd suggest you take a bunk across from it, or we can try to carve something out of the storage space next door. Thankfully the accomodations are a step above most of the fleet."
Zoe nodded, "I'll take that cabin... but also keep an eye on some of the ones we've picked up. I've offered them a fortune for this job though we'll be carrying an Emperor's ransom. I was expecting to find soldiers at Custospada to help take control of this vessel. But if there aren't..." she trailed off, letting Yuri fill the rest in for himself.