Could I get a GM call on whether the bomb's fuze is electrical in nature? @Pumpkinlord
Yes it is, like a wireless trigger
Could I get a GM call on whether the bomb's fuze is electrical in nature? @Pumpkinlord
I think I'm going to have to drop out. This RP is too big and too busy for me, and I already can't keep track of everything or keep up with it. I'm used to a much slower pace and a much, much smaller group.
@DarkRecon Choose someone new to be a rival? :>
<Snipped quote by Estylwen>
Not that easy. Silver Sentry was also a "technology" hero so just choosing another would be difficult.
Though it's looking like she'll already have something going with Glutton...I was thinking about doing it later but I was thinking that Guardian would see Glutton as a "What if". Like, had she decided to stay in New York all those years ago but get into worse habits like killing others more often rather than just info leaking.
IC post is complete, just double checking something with Pumpkinlord. :>