Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Gummi Bunnies said
BRS stood there for a moment, before actually calling off her weapon by having it disappear in a glow of blue energy. Still, she was deadly silent.

Suzaku eyes seemed to have stars on it. "WOW! You can do that as well, amazing!!!" she gave a jump while clapping hands quickly. "Are you sure you aren't a world traveler like me? I don't remember seeing you in Almaia." said Suzaku telling the name of her home world, she still waited patiently for any kind of answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Zerith picked up the sound of conversion near by the Fallen angle walked towards it. He spotted three people dressed in a strange uniform and a boy dress as weird costume "hello there!," Zerith shouted to them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Sanji nodded and ran towards the town." We really need to becareful here." He said with a frown

" yeah, i smell danger everywhere. " chopper kept his eyes peeled
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

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It only took Sofyia a few moments of searching through rubble to determine that there was no one left in town, or at least this part, "I think the whole town was already empty but I could be wrong." Sofyia listened carefully for a few moments, "Do you hear that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Chopper sniffed at the rubble. " there most definitely people here. These acetate are fresh. "He lifted his head." Yeah..i hear it.."

Sanji looked at them confused." Hum?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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BRS glanced over at Suzaku, seeing that the girl was quite interested by the Other Self's powers. BRS only made a sighing expression, but no voice came out of her mouth as she "sighed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Once Inigo has picked up his sword and placed it back in its sheath, he turns and notices Suzaku. "Why, hello there! Who might you be?" He asks, smiling charmingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

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Sofyia smiled, "Yes but no one lived here, people have come through I'm sure but there is something fishy about this town." Sofyia gingerly peaked around the corner of a half ruined wall, no one was there but the voices were louder, "We hear people talking, should we go find them?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Gummi Bunnies said
BRS glanced over at Suzaku, seeing that the girl was quite interested by the Other Self's powers. BRS only made a sighing expression, but no voice came out of her mouth as she "sighed."

"Awwww...so you don't like me? It's okay, i understand...i just bring trouble to people." said Suzaku nearly tearing up until...

ShadowVentus said
Once Inigo has picked up his sword and placed it back in its sheath, he turns and notices Suzaku. "Why, hello there! Who might you be?" He asks, smiling charmingly.

"Oh~! Good thing you asked, i'm Kuro Suzaku, also known as the Red Sparrow. What your name might be my dear friend?" said Suzaku talking as if she was never crying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Sanji put his hands in his pockets and nodded. " yeah...lets go see who it is.."

Chopper nodded
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"Heh, nice to meet you. My name is Inigo. I'll be sure not to forget the name of such a pretty face." He says, continuing to smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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I might as well stay with these people...better than being alone I guess... BRS thought to herself as she just quietly observed both Inigo and Suzaku, it was quite awkward that she was just standing there and not saying a single word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Mia turns to Glgamesh, and smiles as his power is rapidly drained to that of a normal human upon entering Pandora's Box. The mix of machinery and magic drained all magical energy in the room not specifically marked as to not be drained, and Mia bore such a mark, although she would never reveal it. While Babylon's Gate was still a part of Gilgamesh, he could not manifest it in the real world. Had he not had a physical body, he would have evaporated, losing the power to manifest himself. Mia giggles as the King of Heroes walks into the place willingly. "Looks like you don't know what you're doing. Oh well. I'll see it as a bonus!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ShadowVentus said
"Heh, nice to meet you. My name is Inigo. I'll be sure not to forget the name of such a pretty face." He says, continuing to smile.

"I wont forget it either, i'll get it memorized." said Suzaku, it was rare for her to have this kind of conversation whithout annoying the hell out of people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"That's certainly music to my ears!" Inigo says, smiling happily. "Are you by yourself too? I just recently came across her. I would call her otherwise, but she never gave me a name...in fact, she almost shot me down! Heh heh.." Inigo explains, rubbing the back of his head in the awkwardness of it all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Gilgamesh turned and glared at Mia as he spoke. "...who do you think you are speaking to, Mongrel?" he sneered. "It does not matter what sort of petty tricks you attempt to use against me - to think that you attempted to undermine the King with mere trickery - know your place."

Unfortunately for Mia, there was a severe difference in most abilities and the Gate of Babylon. While most servants would have to extend their power to summon their noble phantasm; the weapons of their legend, Gate of Babylon worked differently. Gilgamesh himself did not create Gate of Babylon, no, he did not have the ability nor capacity to create it. To attempt to "recreate" the Gate of Babylon would instantly drain even the most prana efficient caster servant. Instead, his Gate of Babylon was something that simply "existed". It was the King's treasury, something from which every single legendary weapon was passed down from. It was something that Gilgamesh did not create; rather his very existence was defined by his ability to access it.

While it did cost him much more exertion than he was used to - something he would have the mongrel pay dearly for - he opened the gate of Babylon. Even with his ability drained to that of a normal person, there was still some thing that ensured he still had enough mana reserves to summon the key.

His Magic Resistance. Even though it was quite low, it was till enough for him to prevent pandora's box from draining that miniscule amont of prana required. Once it was opened, it was a floodgate of power available to Gilgamesh. Behind him, weapons of mighty powers, heroic and legendary weapons from the entire human history appeared behind him. To his left, the Jingu Bang, the great staff of the monkey king sun wukong appeared. Beside it, Caliburn, the sword which King Arthur drew from the stone to become king began to appear from the gate.

Gungnir, the spear of Odin which was said to strike with the power of lightning itself.

Dijun's fury, the nine arrows which the legendary archer Houyi used to shoot down nine suns.

Gae Buidhe, the yellow rose of mortality; the spear wielded by the Irish warrior Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, a weapon which inflicts a never-healing wound upon it's victim.

They were but a few of the many Gilgamesh pulled out. Each weapon would be enough individually for a legend. Together, all in one treasury, they were fit for the King of Heroes. Already, with the power of so many legends, with countless weapons capable of shattering mountains, of rending reality, of reversing the very flow of time being pulled out, Pandora's box began trembling; lightning forming across it's sky as it began to be overwhelmed.

And Gilgamesh had yet to even utilize Ea.

"Lament your insolence and foolishness in attempting to entrap the King and die, mongrel." Gilgamesh proclaimed dramatically as he fired the Jingu Bang and Gae Buidhe at Mia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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As the powerful weapons emerged from the Gate of Babylon, the room was flooded in their arcane power, and rapidly Pandora's Box began draining it, twisting it and utilizing it to drain magic at an even more rapid rate. Pandora's Box was a mighty, planet-sized limiter, devouring the magical energy and using it to drain more, constantly drawing on the magic of the bengs within. With Necrox within, Pandora's Box had been fed ridiculous amounts of power already, and the weapons fall to the ground one by one, stripped of their power, feeding Pandora's Box even more. It had a limit, of course, as every enchantment does. However, these simple mountain-shattering weapons were nothing compared to the power Pandora's Box had been created to hold. It's limit had been reached only once, when Hope had drawn on her full power, the power that could casually wipe out solar systems and shatter the barriers of time and space. Pandora's Box stood strong, ready for more to come.
Mia grinned, as long black claws extended from each of her hands, Black Blood leaking from her eyes, her mouth, her ears and her nose. She giggled frantically, as she gestured, and Gilgamesh was thrown into a nearby wall, her Vector Plate easily overcoming Gilgamesh's low magic resistance. "I love it when they're arrogant! You're just so adorable, and then I'll slice you and cut you and make you scream until you beg me to finally kill you. I'll shatter your pride, make you beg and cry....." Mia makes a face of pure pleasure at the mere thought, before bursting into laughter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Gilgamesh had turned from uncaring to one thing that only one other mongrel had ever pushed him to:


The mongrel had struck him. The mongrel, the mad dog had dared strike the king of heroes with her accursed powers.

"...you dare... you dare drag me down and make me STAND ON THE SAME GROUND YOU WALK ON?"

Gilgamesh considered unleashing Ea right there and then to dismantle this little pathetic charade, but the King of Heroes calmed himself. Such an opponent; a mad dog, was unworthy of being struck by Ea. Instead, he grasp what he remembered of the situation and smiled.

And he pulled out one more item from the Gate of Babylon. However, this item did not lose it's power. Oh no.

Legends were a mysterious things. Although called "Weapons", they still qualified as long as they were the crystalization; the manifestation of a legendary figure. So long as that was the case, then even though Gilgamesh usually only preferred actual weapons due to the fact he could just throw them at the enemy mundane objects were also in his treasure such as a knife, a jug of wine, wine cups, or a mirror.

Or a bag.

From the Gate of Babylon, a simple looking pouch appeared. The Kibisis Bag. Used by Perseus to hold the head of Medusa, it had a special property.

Power comparisons, draining and any other effect could be summed up as an "equation". "X" amount of power clashed against "Y" amount of power, and X amount was greater, so X won. "Z" amount of power could be drained through Pandora's box, "A" amount of power could be used to destroy a universe, so on.

The Kibisis bag was not bound by such things. No. The kibisis bag's concept did not lie in it's arbitrary power number to be inserted into Pandora's equation of drainage. Instead, the Kibisis bag's power lay in it's ability to change the very equation. Much like the bag expanded as Perseus battled against Medusa, user of Breaker Gorgon, the petrifying gaze, to envelop and protect the greek hero the prototype bag in Gilgamesh's hands also expanded to the size of a great tent enveloping Mia, Necrox and Gilgamesh. It was then that the bag's true concept, not power, but concept came into effect:

A reversal of reality. A mirror-type bounded field; a fold in space. What was "Inside" the bag, that was to say, Gilgamesh, Necrox and Mia, became "outside" the bag, while what was "Outside the bag" - namely, the entirety of Pandora and the entire space which it drew power from, became the "inside" of the bag. As a result, the entire "Space" of Pandora's box became something that was "inside" the bag, while, Gilgamesh, Necrox and Mia were "outside". When Perseus would use his inherited version in his battle against Medusa, under the very same protection Medusa, while uncovered by the bag and therefore "inside" the bag would attempt to use her petrifying gaze to turn Perseus, who was covered by the bag, to stone, but as her power was directed at something "Inside" the bag and she was unaware of the true nature of the bag's potential it was she that was turned to stone, as she was the one that was "inside" the bag. Much like Medusa, Pandora's power was working on the space it still enclosed - the entirety of the inside of the Kibisis Bag. Why was this possible? How would Kibisis Bag not be drained and stripped of power much like the other weapons? Because the moment it was drawn, it's effect of making the "outside" "inside" and the "inside" "outside" was already in effect.

Now enclosed within the bag, the legendary bag that was much more durable than one believed - for it had to be to be worthy of it's place in the King's treasury - for all intents and purposes Gilgamesh, Necrox and Mia were no longer "in" Pandora's Box". Pandora's box was "Inside" the bag. The three, on the otherhand, were "outside".

Standing at his full height once more and no longer obstructed by the draining, Gilgamesh gave a twisted little grin. This was not a comforting, or even a psychotic grin. This was the grin of a tyrant who was about to punish a rebellious servant. With a snap of his fingers, each weapon that fell from the Gate of Babylon, shamefully stripped of their powers, began glowing as their power returned. Returning the shamed weapons to the gate, Gilgamesh pulled out three more weapons.

Kusanagi, the famous Japanese sword said to turn the wind where it swings.
Mjolnir, the great hammer of Thor, said to bring down lightning where it struck.
Ame-no-nuboko, the spear which formed the Japanese islands in it's creation mythos.

The three legendary weapons fired themselves at Mia, this time no longer obstructed by the drainage of Pandora's box.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Elsa watched as she and her sister were scanned at the Ark. "Anna what did that weird thing do?

Anna blinked when the scanning began and shrugged a bit annoyed upon being ignored by the other Autobots.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Hiei finally awoke after all the time had past by. He quickly looked around him making sure none were nearby. "Damn that was way to close how could I let myself be nearly killed by those pathetic beings" Hiei thought standing up and dusting himself off he retrieved his sword and sheath and started to walk out of the devastated area on his own again which in a way he preferred. His demon energy had mostly returned to him though he still wasn't fully charged per say.

Alexander was nearing the town beginning to see it off in the distance.
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