Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Kenny approached the town, he noticed a shadow in the distance on one of the buildings. It was The Coon. He quickly jumped into the bushes, and somehow found his hero costume. He quickly changed into his new clothes. Coming out of the bushes, he jumped forward, pushing the two older soldiers to the ground, "Get down!" He said in a hushed tone. His voice was much deeper now and more hushed, purposefully designed to sound different than Kenny's. "If The Coon see's us we'll lose the element of surprise!" Mysterion said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 5 days ago

Armin burst out laughing. "These are regular humans!" he leaned back on the wall to steady himself while laughin.
Sasha looked up and spotted the others. "It's Rivaille Heichou and the others!" she said happily, getting up and running towards them.

Jean followed her, making sure she didn't do something stupid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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ShadowVentus said
"That's certainly music to my ears!" Inigo says, smiling happily. "Are you by yourself too? I just recently came across her. I would call her otherwise, but she never gave me a name...in fact, she almost shot me down! Heh heh.." Inigo explains, rubbing the back of his head in the awkwardness of it all.

"Oh no, my i came here with my best friend Midori Seiryuu, she's kinda (grumpy) busy at the moment, but i'll introduce you to her later." said Suzaku.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Inigo's eyes lit up at the possibility of meeting another girl. "I can't wait! It'd be a pleasure to meet her as well." He says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Kazuma °Forest°]

Kazuma remained in the air. He summoned a small tornado, and sent it to scout around the area. The tornado found a small deserted town. He headed towards the town when he saw a small group in a building. Some men in a type of soldier outfits and what seemed to be a chubby looking person. He headed towards the building and landed on the ground. He opened the door slowly to where the soldier men where.

-"Hello, is anybody here!" Kazuma asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Necrox T. Scarlet

((Well, yeah... But he isn't so evil as you may be thinking, and evil characters are against him. Also, if someone really did wanted eternal peace, himself would have commited suicide a looong time ago. Maybe I didn't explained that, but Necrox would really kill himself if it was necessary.))
"Exactly as he said. If it is fun for you to remove souls and use them against everything, what's the point of killing me?", he asked, his voice returning to normal. Seeing how Mia was ruthless on killing him, Necrox decided to let go of his awakening. He soon returned to the normal boy he was. "OK, so how about a deal? I lend you my power without fighting and you let me go.", he said, tired. He felt that Hope was reaching there soon enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Anime_Freak said
Armin burst out laughing. "These are regular humans!" he leaned back on the wall to steady himself while laughin.

Sasha looked up and spotted the others. "It's Rivaille Heichou and the others!" she said happily, getting up and towards them.

Jean followed her, making sure she didn't do something stupid.

The Coon didn't laugh. "They may look like humans, but they're not" He said, "No matter how many you kill, they keep coming back" He looked dramatically off into the distance again.

Mysterion followed sneakily behind Sasha and Jean, making sure that The Coon didn't spot him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"This forest is starting to get on my nerves..." Mokou growled a bit as she was tired of how unusually big this forest was, and this was worse than the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. Thinking that this would help her explore, Mokou let out a burst of flames in the shape of a Phoenix and had those flames crash down to the forest trees, immediately burning those trees down and making a path. Due to her control of those flames, the fire did not spread, it just burnt down the nearby trees. Many would see the smoke from the fiery blast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Smoke?" Hiei thought seeing smoke off in the distance. He ran going to investigate it though he planned to stay out of sight once he found whatever was the cause for it.

Somewhere in the forest sat a man who had just woken up and seemed confused. He had a bottle of some random type of alcohol next to him as he started to get up. This man was Chu and he appeared to slightly lose his balance but catch himself upon retrieving his bottle of alcohol which was still half full. "Well now this doesn't look like demon world not one bit" Chu said with a heavy Australian accent as he started walking off in a random direction while taking a swing from his bottle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

LaXnyd said
Gilgamesh had turned from uncaring to one thing that only one other mongrel had ever pushed him to: Furious. The mongrel had struck him. The mongrel, the mad dog had dared strike the king of heroes with her accursed powers. "...you dare... you dare drag me down and make me STAND ON THE SAME GROUND YOU WALK ON?" Gilgamesh considered unleashing Ea right there and then to dismantle this little pathetic charade, but the King of Heroes calmed himself. Such an opponent; a mad dog, was unworthy of being struck by Ea. Instead, he grasp what he remembered of the situation and smiled. And he pulled out one more item from the Gate of Babylon. However, this item did not lose it's power. Oh no. Legends were a mysterious things. Although called "Weapons", they still qualified as long as they were the crystalization; the manifestation of a legendary figure. So long as that was the case, then even though Gilgamesh usually only preferred actual weapons due to the fact he could just throw them at the enemy mundane objects were also in his treasure such as a knife, a jug of wine, wine cups, or a mirror. Or a box.Pandora's box appeared from the Gate of Babylon. Unlike the box that Mia was safe from, this box was a prototype; collected by Gilgamesh when he was king of Uruk and first unleashed against his one and only friend, Enkidu. Smiling, with the box safe from the draining of Mia's Pandora's box, Gilgamesh opened his new weapon. Both boxes were designed to drain each power. Mia's Pandora's box and Gilgamesh's pandora's box instantly began their infinite cycle of draining, power transformation and more draining against each other. Both boxes were exact equals; with Gilgamesh' box being an exact prototype of Mia's own box. As a result, both boxes would completely negate each other. Even if one was inside of the other, their power outputs, draining power and all other aspects were completely equal. The two boxes were negating each other. Standing at his full height once more and no longer obstructed by the draining, Gilgamesh gave a twisted little grin. This was not a comforting, or even a psychotic grin. This was the grin of a tyrant who was about to punish a rebellious servant. With a snap of his fingers, each weapon that fell from the Gate of Babylon, shamefully stripped of their powers, began glowing as their power returned. Returning the shamed weapons to the gate, Gilgamesh pulled out three more weapons. Kusanagi, the famous Japanese sword said to turn the wind where it swings. Mjolnir, the great hammer of Thor, said to bring down lightning where it struck.Ame-no-nuboko, the spear which formed the Japanese islands in it's creation mythos. The three legendary weapons fired themselves at Mia, this time no longer obstructed by the drainage of Pandora's box.

((.............. okay, misconceptions galore. You're not in the legendary Pandora's Box. It's a massive prison for Gods which was CALLED Pandora's Box because of it's occupant, Hope. The Spiral Empire fought a hopeless war against unstoppable godlike beings called Daemon, who could not be killed by any normal power due to their nature being tied to the fabric of this universe. The Spiral Empire designed thus a weapon capable of saving thie universe from destruction, to avenge those that had been killed, a light in the seemingly infinite dark. This weapon was called Hope. To create this weapon, the Spiral Emperor, Lord Genome, had to commit a thousand evils, tantamount to murder and torture, things that would haunt him for the rest of his life. This story fits the legend quite well. Pandora's Box contains all of the world's evils, however, in the deepest depths of the box is the small, fragile voice of Hope. Thus, the prison was named Pandora's Box, after the famous greek tale. There is no other relation whatsoever between the original box and the planet-sized space station. While you might draw forth the original Pandora's Box, which would be quite frankly an empty box, perhaps with the power to contain evil beings, it wouldn't do much to the space station.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dark Elsa said
Elsa watched as she and her sister were scanned at the Ark. "Anna what did that weird thing do?"

Anna blinked when the scanning began and shrugged a bit annoyed upon being ignored by the other Autobots.

Jazz turned back to their small friends, "Don't mind Ratchet, he's just a little uptight." He said, "And don't worry about the drone either, it was just scanning your anatomy" Ratchet liked to know what he was dealing with, and he knew little about those creatures anatomy. Therefore, in order to better understand them he had his drone scan them. It was nothing complex or fancy, just a bit of data. At that time, Silverbolt and the other two aerialbots entered. "Jazz, we'd like to scout this area further, if you will allow us, Jetfire and Air Raid will accompany me" Silverbolt said. He then noticed the other two newcomers, Anna and Elsa, "What are those?" He asked, pointing at the humans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

MagusDream said
((Well, yeah... But he isn't so evil as you may be thinking, and evil characters are against him. Also, if someone really did wanted eternal peace, himself would have commited suicide a looong time ago. Maybe I didn't explained that, but Necrox would really kill himself if it was necessary.))"Exactly as he said. If it is fun for you to remove souls and use them against everything, what's the point of killing me?", he asked, his voice returning to normal. Seeing how Mia was ruthless on killing him, Necrox decided to let go of his awakening. He soon returned to the normal boy he was. "OK, so how about a deal? I lend you my power without fighting and you let me go.", he said, tired. He felt that Hope was reaching there soon enough.

((Well that'll make beating him very easy once one of my rare good characters hears about this. So if Necrox dies, does that mean Mia and Stein are wiped out?))
"Nah, I don't think so." Mia smiles, as she looks over at you from where she's standing over Gilgamesh.Her face is still covered in the Black Blood, twisted into her insane smile. "My one weapon is this box here, afte you're out you might well squash me. I don't think I'll be able to get you in here a second time....." She grins, as Padnora's Box starts flickering, glowing up with sudden increase of power. "Everyone except me in this room is about to get royally screwed over by Hope, too. So how about you accept my deal? You let me operate on you for a bit, I prevent Hope from blowing you all to pieces, and then you get the chance to escape. I can't gaurantee you'll be able to, but then again, life's a bitch, isn't it?" Mia knew that Hope would be here soon. The only thing stopping her from entering was her fear of this place, and that wouldn't outdo her curiosity for much longer, esspecially with Pandora's Box so powerfully loaded. And the moment she did, the thoughts in necrox's head and her own would no doubt get them both crushed to space dust.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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thewizardguy said
((.............. okay, misconceptions galore. You're not in the legendary Pandora's Box. It's a massive prison for Gods which was CALLED Pandora's Box because of it's occupant, Hope. The Spiral Empire fought a hopeless war against unstoppable godlike beings called Daemon, who could not be killed by any normal power due to their nature being tied to the fabric of this universe. The Spiral Empire designed thus a weapon capable of saving thie universe from destruction, to avenge those that had been killed, a light in the seemingly infinite dark. This weapon was called Hope. To create this weapon, the Spiral Emperor, Lord Genome, had to commit a thousand evils, tantamount to murder and torture, things that would haunt him for the rest of his life. This story fits the legend quite well. Pandora's Box contains all of the world's evils, however, in the deepest depths of the box is the small, fragile voice of Hope. Thus, the prison was named Pandora's Box, after the famous greek tale. There is no other relation whatsoever between the original box and the planet-sized space station. While you might draw forth the original Pandora's Box, which would be quite frankly an empty box, perhaps with the power to contain evil beings, it wouldn't do much to the space station.))

((As I was unaware of what you really meant by "Pandora's Box", I have taken your information into account and changed my post to fix any misconceptions.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hiei would see Mokou near the center of the burnt portion of the forest. "Well...looks like no one is really here," Mokou sighed, and wondered if someone was hiding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mia holds out her hand and catches Mjolnir, the lightning shooting over her flesh simply making her giggle as the other two weapons are launched sideways, crashing into the walls of the bag. The Vector Plate launched them like bullets, sending them crashing into the walls of the bag. Mia smiled, as she realized some form of pocket dimension had been created where the rules of Pandora's Box didn't apply. Well, that was a problem, now wasn't it? She grins, as the Black Blood twists and turns, breaking through her skin, snakes hissing around her as her eyes glowed bright green. "A game, a fight? Ooh, and your toys are so sparkly! I'm going to have to make you give me all those little toys of yours, and I'll make you cry and scream......"
Mia giggled, as she exploded forward, moving at incredible speeds as her Vector Plates appeared all over her skin. She sped like a bullet, tendrils of Black Blood slashing at the air around her as she hit him with over a hundred times the speed of a human, nearly breaking the sound barrier. he slashed at him with the Plague Blade, laughing as she occasionaly struck towards him with Mjolnir, the lightning causing massive explosions every time it struck it's target. She herself crackled with white lightning, as her assault was ended by a massive explosion of Soular Energy, the white lightning striking Gilgamesh's very soul. Even if he'd blocked every single strike, she strike him through her Black Blood with a mere touch, as it acted as a conductor for her soul.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Hmm there's someone here interesting" Hiei thought deciding to observe Mokou from up in a tree just outside of the burnt up area. Though he could be seen rather easily he still decided not to confront Mokou just yet.

Chu was satill rater humorously stumbling around the forest in a drunken stupor though this was a ploy on his part to fool any hostile wildlife or people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

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AcetheKidd said
Sanji put his hands in his pockets and nodded. " yeah...lets go see who it is.." Chopper nodded

"Alright but we need to be careful." Sofyia began to cautiously pick her way down the street, "We don't know if the voices belong to the people who destroyed the city or the people who were passing through so it would be best if we handle the situation with extreme care."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Zerith picked up the sound of conversion near by the Fallen angle walked towards it. He spotted three people dressed in a strange uniform and chubby as weird costume "hello there!," Zerith shouted to them.

MagusDream said
"I see. Before we can head there, are there anything you would wish now?", she asked.

"I wish for a HoloNet transceiver with interdimensional calling plan," Charr requested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The strikes of thor. The great strikes of the Black Blood. Even as a heroic spirit, these strikes would most definitely have killed him. It would probably have even brought Berserker, the Greek legend with twelve lives who could only be harmed with a strike above a strength capable of destroying mountains to his knees.

However, this mongrel had not counted on one thing: He was the King, and she was but a mongrel.

Gilgamesh weathered through her attacks. He did not block. The King did not need to block. The King had also considered unleashing Enkidu, his most prized and treasured weapon to simply hold down the mongrel in place, but such a creature was unworthy of being bound by the weapon that bore the name of his best friend. Instead, he had stood through her attacks unharmed. How? One might ask?

Despite his arrogance, Gilgamesh was no fool. He had his own defence, just in the unlikely possibility that a few worthy ones had broken through his barrage. The King of Heroes, Iskander, and his beloved King of Knights Arturia were two such beings. And it was through them that the King had learned a small amount of respect. It was also through Arturia that he had discovered the means of his defence in his treasury.

Avalon. The Sheath of King Arthur; the ultimate defence, created by the fairies to hold Excalibur.

As Mia began her assault, as she taunted him, speaking blasphemy about her taking his weapons, Gilgamesh drew the sheath from the Gate of Babylon and implanted it inside of him. As a result, he was protected by the "ultimate defence". The sheath of Avalon defended Gilgamesh, protecting him by shielding him in an unreachable Utopia; the land of fairies which King Arturia herself was said to have gone after her death. It did not resort to crude simple "blocking" and "deflecting"; instead it isolated the user in a reality complete of their own. For all intents and purposes, it had elevated Gilgamesh to another plane of existence, one superior to the one in which the location he was standing in was struck by the blows.

"Is that all you have, Mongrel? Nothing but power, power and more power? Nothing but a means to remove power from others and add power to yourself?" Gilgamesh sneered as he revealed himself to be unharmed even as the very ground around him was destroyed with enough force to kill him twenty times over. "Such a basic, primitive concept. Such a brute will have no means of matching me.

Know your place."

And with that, the King of Heroes began his original assault once again, throwing countless legendary weapons at Mia, already tiring of the mongrel. He was not even truly seeking to punish her anymore; no, she was but a distraction. His true goal here was to face the great presence he had felt; but instead he had come face to face with this mad dog who reminded him so of berserker. And he had been infuriating enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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