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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andrea


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Maxim said
--Rank 2: Wizened (Universal Elemental): Me second year, they let us apprentices learn more offensive based magic, and also how to make the first school stronger. They also taught Gremlock how to cast spells stealth like. I enrolled in the Universal Elemental class, which are spell type that contain smattering of all the various elemental types. This allows Gremlock to more easily hit enemy weak weak spot, but a specialist will always be more powerful! (i.e. A fire mage with similar or even lower training will be more effective with fire spells than a Universal Elemental spell caster, but Universal can hit nearly any weak point).
("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.)

Could be wrong here, but I had to give my Andrea the unique trait of elementalist to know multiple elemental magics and be better at them than a 'regular' magic user who might have learned one or two elemental magics. Brovo also told me i couldn't start with all the elements, could start with 2, fire and air, and had to upgrade either my unique or my apprentice general trait to learn the other 2 elements.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

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Maxim said
Only question I have is, my upgraded unique trait added an anti magic belt to prevent early potion discharge. Is that going to mess with my spells in a massive degree? If so, is there any alternative you would recommend?EDIT: Woo! Post 400.

I'll just outright and say a few things after -trying- to read your sheet.

Using improper grammar, throughout your entire CS is like an eye-sore to read. Its painful. Its hard to get what you mean. Its not fitting the purpose that a CS is meant to have... IE) Introducing your character, giving a quick and easy layout of their talents, what they are, etc, and to demonstrate your writing capabilities.

Your 'second school of magic' isn't really a school of magic at all. It is also taking what is actually someone else's unique ability. Which is unique.

Mechanist weapons, aka) Guns naturally have a ridiculous reload time. They're 1 shot flintlock weapons. A normal one takes about a round to load in order to fire off safely. Leave alone a massive one like an elephant gun... Furthermore, I'm not sure how much your elephant gun kind of seems off... Its a massively unwieldy weapon and of very powerful nature given its basically a small cannon. I don't know what to think because for one of my characters, I used a unique to get a specially mechanist blunderbuss with AoE and fire properties... You're asking for one with increased damage, a heavy weight you can apparently heft around as a small goblin, and the ammunition to do so... with a rather fast reload speed for the weapon given its size, munition and your size...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Derp, didn't actually read the context of what i was commenting on... nevermind....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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I was worried about the Stutter Step unique being accepted, but seeing as the Diana's Brood upgrade is the exact same, I'm not nearly as apprehensive about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Tempest said
I'll just outright and say a few things after -trying- to read your sheet.Using improper grammar, throughout your entire CS is like an eye-sore to read. Its painful. Its hard to get what you mean. Its not fitting the purpose that a CS is meant to have... IE) Introducing your character, giving a quick and easy layout of their talents, what they are, etc, and to demonstrate your writing capabilities.Your 'second school of magic' isn't really a school of magic at all. It is also taking what is actually someone else's unique ability. Which is unique.Mechanist weapons, aka) Guns naturally have a ridiculous reload time. They're 1 shot flintlock weapons. A normal one takes about a round to load in order to fire off safely. Leave alone a massive one like an elephant gun... Furthermore, I'm not sure how much your elephant gun kind of seems off... Its a massively unwieldy weapon and of very powerful nature given its basically a small cannon. I don't know what to think because for one of my characters, I used a unique to get a specially mechanist blunderbuss with AoE and fire properties... You're asking for one with increased damage, a heavy weight you can apparently heft around as a small goblin, and the ammunition to do so... with a rather fast reload speed for the weapon given its size, munition and your size...

Well....nuts. Why did nobody say anything when I posted this months ago, crap.

Anyways, going over the issues one by one.

1. Bad Grammar: The idea was to make it a bit different from other character sheets and to give a bit of flair to it. That said I can definitely see where you're coming from. Given the ridiculous length of the CS though...I'd really rather avoid rewriting all of that before hearing what Brovo has to say about it. :(

EDIT: Actually, would it still work if I just swapped everything for proper grammar versions? Or is the first person perspective also bad?

2. Magic School: Yeah I was afraid of that. The thing I'm having trouble with is, he's supposed to be something of a utility magic character, able to make potions and such and not be really a powerhouse. The main trouble I'm running into is I don't know how he's supposed to be the kind of adaptable utility caster with exactly 2 magic schools to his name, without bending the rules a bit. Also, LoR 2 had an Arcane school, which (I think) did roughly the same thing, possibly with more versatility. If you guys have any ideas for two good magic schools I'd love to hear them though. :)

3. Firearm: Ah, I didn't quite realize it took that long to reload the weapon. I'll probably have to rethink his specialty weapon then. The thing I'm wondering is...if they take that long to reload the normal type ones, why would you ever actually use it as opposed to a bow, which you can fire plenty fast? Personally I disagree that it'd be too strong for a small character, as long as it's proportioned right. Otherwise you'd be horribly hampered just by using a small character (well, moreso than normal :/).

Just my thoughts, please don't eat me. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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@Everyone: Round 2, fight!
Abida Qisaf

Heavy Hitter
--Crushing Blow (Rank 2): You've learned that against enemies who are pained or slowed, you have even more time to swing and aim, hitting them with the maximum potential force possible. (Automatic critical hit against enemies that are stunned, dazed, unaware, or otherwise not expecting the attack. Small chance to crush armour in such a way as to mangle a limb or cause internal damage to a target through armour.)

Unnatural Vision II approved.

Stutter Step is approved, though beware that most forms of moving quickly from one place to another can cause disorientation or even motion sickness. (ex: If you use it to hit someone in a surprise attack, expect your accuracy to drop off due to your character's mind not being able to keep up with their physical speed. You might also stumble and not end up quite where you meant to as a result. Repeatedly using it over and over, and your character will probably buckle over and start vomiting.)
Tempest said
OH YEAH? Well what about DOWN? Didn't think about that, huh, did ya? ; P

Star Trek did an episode about this once. Red shirts were transported into rocks.

It did not end well for the red shirts.

--Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)

Grand Duellist 2: The zipedeedodaa Day edition is approved.

Vampire Socialite is approved. Note that her silk empire is a bit out of her hands, you can't summon an army of mercs to help you... Right now, anyway.
Esyllt Boudica

Spellforge approved.

Non-magic telepathy 2: ADHD edition approved.

--Wizened (Rank 2): Having done some study and practice, you can now understand two schools of magic, and understand a greater amount of subtly with your first school of magic. There is now a greater chance of you casting a spell without others noticing, unless the spell is blatant and loud: Like a fire ball. ("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.)
LimeyPanda said
Hey look. Tempest and I did a thing together.Where is everyone else's thing, huh?

Reading my posts correctly. ;)
Jorick said
So Brovo, should I assume that the Sharp upgrade for Kasim will be exactly the same thing as you listed for Rayvon, the Investigator thing? Figured I should clarify since Zin and Laenaia got different things for vampire upgrades, although I'm pretty sure that's only because they're "unique" traits instead of normal ones.For Zin's second school of magic I'll go with Healing.Also, for everyone else, Kasim is totally free for collaborative shenanigans if anyone's interested. I'm down for doing things with Zin too; she's already got a meeting planned with Laenaia, but other things can absolutely happen in that week of free time our characters were given.

Herzinth said
See, on one hand the inner conflict that would cause in her character would be rad, plus there was a lot of development paths I had planned for her that (obviously) aren't coming to fruition at the moment. On the other hand, I'm a bit hesitant about utilizing the come back from life option Brovo mentioned in the OP because it might reduce the threat of character death in the future.

I wouldn't offer it if I didn't think it'd be fine.

--Free Runner: Rolling, ducking, jumping, sliding, sweeping, edging--all of these things and more are things you are seasoned at doing. Having obtained peak conditioning, anything beyond this is unnatural... (The environment can no longer be factored negatively against your character--fighting atop a steep slope is the same as fighting on a flat grassy plane, save any advantages. Atop this, your character's acrobatic abilities are at their natural peak: There are few places you cannot reach.)

Both uniques approved.
Alphakoka said Bugger.Still indecisive about it, though, well, bonus on contacting/talking with people with criminal background?

You can use that, if you want. They might even help you out of a tight bind, like a jail cell, or custody.
Maxim said
Only question I have is, my upgraded unique trait added an anti magic belt to prevent early potion discharge. Is that going to mess with my spells in a massive degree? If so, is there any alternative you would recommend?EDIT: Woo! Post 400.

It likely won't, but I'll need to read it. I will read it at work tonight. :D
Andrea said
Could be wrong here, but I had to give my Andrea the unique trait of elementalist to know multiple elemental magics and be better at them than a 'regular' magic user who might have learned one or two elemental magics. Brovo also told me i couldn't start with all the elements, could start with 2, fire and air, and had to upgrade either my unique or my apprentice general trait to learn the other 2 elements.

He can start as a universal elementalist, but he won't be good at any of it whatsoever. It's simply too much to really be competent at knowing. I suggested for you to pick the elements individually because you really seemed interested in comboing them, like fire and water, and that's highly specialized stuff--yes, he plausible could know fire and water and air and so on, but it'll not be as good or specialized as yours is.

Which is why I'm recommending Maxim to change to a specific element as of right now.
@Everyone: I'll read Maxim's sheet at work and give a "Word of God" on it later. For now, just make sure y'all remain civil and all that jazz, but you have been so far, so. Just early an early warning, blah blah blah, the old guard knows this routine already.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well I'll let Genais ask for her own new unique and standard stuff for Nadira, but since we both share a unique atm I'll get that out of the way for her while I do my own levelup for Maher.

Maher Adonai

New Standard Trait: Acrobatic please
Standard Upgrade: Awakened Meditation, rank 2 please

New Unique: TBD - I'm still not really sure where to go with this one.

Unique Upgrade for Maher and Nadira, (upgraded names to follow when I have a chance to discuss the song with Genais.)
The link the twins share has grown stronger through their time in the Queens Blades. They are now able, with the others concent, to see through each others eyes and hear what the other hears. This of course takes concentration and the twin using this ability loses input from their own senses for the duration.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Brovo said You can use that, if you want. They might even help you out of a tight bind, like a jail cell, or custody.

Egh, give me several days to think of an accompanying fluff.

Though, am I correct that Laenaia not getting hypnotic eyes is because of her magic school? Or did you roll a dice for the upgrade?
Still thinking about what school of magic I'll take for the second.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Brovo said I wouldn't offer it if I didn't think it'd be fine.


I need either Sarzu to bring me back to life, for people to try the lake thing, or GM intervention. Mangled!Thailen ahoy.

I'll level up once I've got a confirmed way of bringing her back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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Herzinth said
WELL IN THAT CASEI need either Sarzu to bring me back to life, for people to try the lake thing, or GM intervention. Mangled!Thailen ahoy.I'll level up once I've got a confirmed way of bringing her back.

Replying quick at work: GM will do. Don't ask Sarz he will do something horrible to you. Will be online at over weekend soon enough.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Throwing your own players under the bus. Wow Brovo, how could you.

also thanks for the future revive
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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Herzinth said
Throwing your own players under the bus. Wow Brovo, how could you.

Because humour. Also because I do not doubt he would do it to me for humour.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


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Herzinth said
WELL IN THAT CASEI need either Sarzu to bring me back to life, for people to try the lake thing, or GM intervention. Mangled!Thailen ahoy.I'll level up once I've got a confirmed way of bringing her back.

Brovo said
Replying quick at work: GM will do. Don't ask Sarz he will do something horrible to you. Will be online at over weekend soon enough.

Awww please... I would love to bring her back as a undead abomination of nature, can I please? It will be magnificent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

ok so something of a unique trait in process here, basics hashed out with brovo on steam breifly, might need some work yet.

New unique for Maher Adonai
Mind and Body: Mahers training at the temple covered more than martial meditation techniques, it also covered the concept of the mind and body as one. Rapid movements sharpen his mind allowing his perception to keep up with his speed. Focusing his mind makes his movements more precise, so on and so forth.

So yes needs a little work still but the basics are there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alex
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Trait Advancement:
--Investigator (Sharp Rank 2): Knowing your enemy is important. Hopefully being able to read his opponents will help Zayn in the hundreds of battles to come.

New Trait:
--Slippery: Zayn was lucky to survive his first real combat after joining the Blades. Realizing that no one’s luck holds forever, Zayn is taking advantage of the Queens’ resources to learn a valuble lesson: how not to get hit.

Unique Advancement:
--Perfidious Pathos: The mind is the most powerful weapon at Zayn’s disposal, and the telepath is taking steps to sharpen it. He is now able to more aggressively project
emotions on to others in combat, and can more easily suppress the emotional feedback such an attack would cause him..

New Unique:
--Hostile Fauna: Animals are fueled by emotion and instinct. As a budding empath, Zayn is quickly discovering the uses his powers could have on such creatures. He is able to manipulate animals to perform actions. The effect is subtle: convincing a rabbit to attack a wolf is hard; convincing a wolf that your enemy looks delicious is less so. If Zayn spends significant time with an animal, the bonds he forms can be made deeper and more profound, granting him more control over the beast in question.

--Combat Negotiator: This character has a way with words, and enemies are more likely to listen to pleas for mercy or to stand down. (Minor bonus to convincing enemy NPC's to do as you wish.)
--That's Mine!: Mission important objectives, or just straight up notable and/or powerful items, just seem to fall into this character's lap. (Minor bonus to finding and acquiring items. Enemies also have a subtle tendency to lose theirs around this character
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andrea


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Andrea Trait Advancements:
New General Trait: Slippery
Upgrade General Trait: Awakened Meditation 2

New Unique Trait: Snake Whip, either through her magic, or a blessing from her goddess, ignoring any claims that she is death or banished still, her whip has become alive, the length of the whip a sentient, living snake that will bite any target she would hit with it's fangs. With time she hopes to either with her magic or more gifts from Lollth, add more snake heads and perhaps have them deliver poison from their bites (eg with trait upgrades).

Upgrade Unique Trait: Divine Connection,
Lollth's Aura, knowing certain her goddess still blesses her Andrea can will people to fear or fall into submissiveness to her by summoning Lollth's strange allure and charisma into being like an aura, but as expected from a goddess who prides herself on Chaos, she is fickle. If Andrea relies too much on this gift, her goddess will have her amusement by making the opposite of what Andrea wants to happen occur.


Ceann Trait Advancements:
New General Trait: Slippery
Upgrade General Trait: Sharp 2

New Unique Trait: Shadowstep, the ability to move from shadow to shadow, but not (yet without upgrade) through walls or closed doors.
Upgrade Unique Trait: Hidden in Plain Sight, the way Ceann moves and acts, it is easy to forget or ignore her. She could be standing right in the middle of the room but is not noticed by anyone. (begin new addition) She has become so apt to this craft now that she somehow makes people ignore her even while she is in plain sight of them, she could brush past someone and they would ignore her presence as if she is just the wind.(end new addition)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Brovo said
@Everyone: I'll read Maxim's sheet at work and give a "Word of God" on it later. For now, just make sure y'all remain civil and all that jazz, but you have been so far, so. Just early an early warning, blah blah blah, the old guard knows this routine already.

*Checks watch, then goes back to tapping foot impatiently, then notices he misread later as 'later tonight' and moves to grab a soda*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


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Ze upgrades for one Naream Baenre:

New: Awakened Meditation: Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)

Upgrade: Apprentice, Wizened, gain stealth magic and has learned golemancy thanks to some lessons with Esyllt

New Unique: Trait 3, Soul Gems, normally ordinary gems or crystals but thanks to a necromantic spell of his own devising Naream is able to fill these gems and crystals with the souls living creatures that have died, be it beast or man. Unlike the soul stones powering the more powerful necromantic constructs, like wights and such, these soul gems Naream can use to recharge his power if he is running low or use them to boost one of his spells.

Upgrade: Lich Transformation, Phylactery Focus, to achieve his goal to become a powerful necromancer and lich Naream needs to one day shed his mortal life to become undead, but with his sentience and free will intact, to that end he has finally managed to select the item that will be the focus of his lifeforce, his soul and he is slowly storing his essence into it as his time as a Queens Blade passes. (No game effect per so but required, in my view, for the eventual lich transformation)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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@Maxim: I like it so far, but need dat second school of magic and all that jazz.
Maher Adonai

Awakened Meditation
--Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)

The unique upgrade is approved.
Alphakoka said
Egh, give me several days to think of an accompanying fluff.Though, am I correct that Laenaia not getting hypnotic eyes is because of her magic school? Or did you roll a dice for the upgrade?Still thinking about what school of magic I'll take for the second.

I randomed it to try and keep it unique, yes. At the moment Zin and Laenaia are very similar.
Maher Adonai (again)

It's approved since we talked about it over steam and what not anyway.

Both Uniques approved, so on and so forth, electric boogaloo and all that.
Andrea & Ceann


Awakened Meditation
--Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)

Snake Whip and Divine Connection's upgrade approved.


--Investigator (Rank 2): Where others might struggle to put the clues together, this character's eyes have grown used to looking for the out of place or abnormal. Chinks in the defenses are easier to locate, and things that aren't natural or off-kilter and relevant to your character's curiosity are easier to detect and find. (Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses in armour. There is a chance that your character will suddenly have a realization about something they didn't understand before (GM assistance).)

New Unique approved, upgraded unique approved.

Both uniques approved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Brovo said
I randomed it to try and keep it unique, yes. At the moment Zin and Laenaia are very similar.

Welllllllll, they're practically sisters by blood...... >_>
Give Laenaia shadow magic for her second school.
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