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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Karn had spent his two months training on Yokai Island with Nolan and the demons who helped assist in training. It was a bit rough and tiring, but it really was great training. With his second origin unlocked, Karn found that he had a much easier time utilizing the powerful Chimera Slaying magic and he could also concentrate on magical forms as well. Of course, although the magic did make him feel quite a bit better, his sickness was still upon him. It felt like time had been ripped away from him. It wasn't something that was easy to explain, but to put it simply his instinct pretty much told him what was wrong. Life had shortened due to this predictiment. Despite feeling stronger and healthier, it wasn't really. Still it was nice, his body wasn't entirely supported by Master Rian's magic now that his own grew twice as much. He even managed to come up with some more moves he wasn't previously able to do.

Recently returning to the Guild, Karn sat on a table in his draconic cat form, curled up in a ball resting. However, when Jamie suddenly called to everyone while standing on the bar counter, the brown creature stood up with his ears perked. Tail wagging back and forth excitedly. It was time for the games, and he couldn't help but be excited.


Dragon Fang Guild Hall


Prince had spent his two months either on jobs, hanging around the Guild annoying people like usual, going out on his walkabouts, or so on. His routine didn't really change other than he went on jobs more often thanks to Zephyr and Michael. Before being on a team, the feline didn't really go on jobs unless he had to. So much to Master Jack's pleasure Prince was sure, Prince had been out of the Guild more often. Of course that didn't stop the feline from giving his daily affections to his closer Guildmates like Master Jack.

"You sure had fun with your room. Cleo sure is living the life of luxury." Prince said from behind Michael with a amused grin as he gingerly slid his index finger's claw up along Michael's spine teasingly.

"Better hurry though, or you might miss everyone leaving for the Games." Prince chuckled with amusement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kuroneko
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Kuroneko Daughter of Malkav

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Huan Fen
Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

"Two months..." Fen murmured to herself as she stared at the request board from where she was sitting. It had been two whole months since she'd joined the guild and, while she'd managed to overcome the awkwardness of meeting new people, allowing her more outgoing personality to shine through, she still felt a bit like an outsider. She'd only gone on a few minor jobs on her own and hadn't had much of an opportunity to really bond with any of her guildmates. The problem, it seemed, was unfortunate timing. Shortly after joining the guild, Fen had learned that they would be participating in something called the Grand Magic Games. A foreigner to Fiore, she had never heard of the games before, but they certainly sounded like a big deal. It also explained why everyone had been so preoccupied for the last two months and didn't have much time to spend on a newbie.

Fen leaned back in her chair, tilting back onto the back two legs and staring up at the roof as she chewed on her bottom lip. "Mmmm... Maybe I should try joining a team." She said aloud to herself. She wondered who in the guild would be a good fit for her and was quickly carried away by fantasies of joining a powerful team and becoming famous all around the continent. "EVERYONE!" Fen was brought out of her thoughts and back to reality by the Guildmaster's shout and she tilted her head back farther to look at him, balanced precariously on only two chair legs. "Hmm? What's this?" She asked of no one in particular, as she looked at the the Master from her upside down view. *CRASH* It was inevitable that the chair would overbalance and bring Fen crashing to the floor, on her back. She quickly leapt to her feet and returned the chair to its upright position, standing next to it with her hands clasped in front of her lap and an attentive expression on her face as she waited for the Master to speak. She'd just pretend that mishap with the chair didn't happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

One Month Before the Games

Archangel, that is what they called Magni. It intrigued the man as the heartless beasts that he hunts would give him such a name. As he was contemplating, Magni was sitting in the forest, his blades stabbed deep into the earth while the 'monster' would get his rest from the long journey to reach this town. This was rather strange for him, Magni never really tried to do anything else but hunt dark mages and kill them like vermin. However, they were getting stronger, strong enough that Magni couldn't deal with them alone any longer. The Antimage looked up at the town, it was based upon a hill, buildings towering over each other even though they were of the same height, it was an interesting concept, but Magni was never the type to gawk at the scenery.

He continued to sit for a bit, he never really had any time to just... think. He had been on the hunt for years and his goal was just getting further away from him, like the dream he was chasing was just out of his grasp. However, Magni would never falter from his noble goal, this stubborn man would see his quest through, no matter what it takes from him. He breathed deeply, enjoying the time to his own thoughts before standing up from the lush grass. Magni retrieved his warglavies, sliding them into his sheaths located on his back and was ready to finish his travel to the guild of Frenzy Plant.

The Antimage walked through the streets of Oak Town, the way was relatively empty, but there were always people staring at him. It might be from his dangerous weapons, impressive muscles, or maybe the scary looking armor. He didn't really notice people staring at him, his mind set upon one thought, and that thought was to join this guild. The reason of wanting to join was merely that he learned that Frenzy Plant were filled with strong warriors, and he needed these warriors to help him on his quest. Magni knew that if he manages to direct the guild with his goal, he could finally finish his quest. And now, now was the time to join them as he reached the front doors of the guild.

Magni stared at the doors, was he really ready to interact with people once again? Was he ready to change his destiny by relying on other people? He had many questions that one could answer but only himself, Magni clenched his fists, he hated those kinds of questions. The man sighed as he placed his hand upon the door and waited for a couple moments before finally entering the guild. His life ready to change, for better or for worse, he did not know.

So this is what the towns that the humans had occupied were like. The streets were wide and paved with stone, the buildings towered those of his village, and they all had strange cuisines in windows of shops, and odd garments displayed on plastic people with still, emotionless faces. The people seemed strange, simply because they were human. They didn't have any extra or missing parts of their bodies nor did they appear like bipedal creatures other than humans such as foxes or walking umbrellas.

The humans seemed to be very curious about Enma, but who wouldn't be when a six foot man with a spiked club and horns protruding from his forehead is walking down a street looking at every single thing like it was something he'd never experienced before. The yokai didn't even notice their worried glances or their stares. He was simply too enthralled by the sights and sounds that Oak Town had to offer. There was some slight anxiety however. An oni that lived among other yokai all his life he had only met two humans, Nolan and Karn. He didn't know the customs of humans and he didn't want to accidentally offend anyone. When he and Nolan went their separate ways the God Slayer had told him to try and not do anythings stupid. It wasn't actual good advice, but at least he was showing concern. Right?

Enma walked around absently mindedly with no actual clear cut idea of where Frenzy Plant is within the town. He groaned loudly and grabbed his head in frustration. Just how did he even get to this town in first place?!

As a sign that Lady Luck smiled down upon him a stranger walked up to him. "Hello there, you seem lost. Where are you trying to go?" It was a man that as in his late forties, tall and slim with black hair and a long nose. He smiled at Enma politely. The man was trying to be a good samaritian though he was about to learn that sometimes it's just best to be a selfish person. The stranger held his hand out for a handshake. "The name is Jason by the way. What's your name stranger?"

Oh no, the legendary handshake! He had only heard legends of it from the yokai that had left the island though this was his first experience with it. From what Nolan had told him, a handshake is a polite greeting between humans. He musn't let himself appear to be rude. He must one up him! Enma took the man's hand, but rather than shaking it he squeezed it due to him thinking that a handshake was really gripping someone's hand tightly. Popping sounds came from the poor man's hand and Jason's eyes were about to pop out of his skull

After a hell of a lot of explaining and convincing Jason to not set the authorities on him, Enma had finally arrived outside of Frenzy Plant's guild. Enma was going to thank Jason, but he had already ran away in fear that he would get another crushing handshake or something even worse. With his head held high he entered the guild.

Immediately inside the grand doors of the Frenzy Fort was a small, rectangular chamber. Though clearly designated a reception area, it also sported shades of a room that could be converted, in times of war, into a Murder Hole. The doors of this area leading into the interior were made of metal and, though open now, easily reinforceable judging by the circular holes in the floor directly behind the doorframe. Vertical slits, usable for either arrow-shooting or spell-slinging, lined the interior walls, and beneath the carpet in the area's center the floor was suspiciously hollow. Even in the ceiling, there was a panel that could be moved out of the way for the pouring of boiling oil. In the new age of magic, such medieval defenses seemed antiquated and useless, but nevertheless they provided a glimpse of Frenzy Plant's fortitude and seriousness when it came to war.

The Antimage and the Oni, arrived with in seconds of one another, were scarcely given time to size one another up before a voice from their right greeted them. "Hello! Welcome to the Frenzy Fort." Against the room's right wall was a long desk covered in neat stacks of folders, binders, and papers, behind which sat a gorgeous woman of about 30 years. Her long, blonde hair streamed behind her, which -coupled with her elegant, extravagant garb- gave her an almost regal air. She wore a professionally friendly and welcoming expression. "May I help you gentlemen? I take it you're not here for sightseeing."

When Magni had entered the room, it seemed to be rather normal for any kind of waiting area, but as he continued to look around, he found several strategically placed defenses as his eyes continued to run along the ceilings and walls. It seemed a rather ancient way of defending a place, but this room could probably take out dozens of attackers if all the traps were timed correctly. He was about to walk further into the room until the doors opened once again, Magni quickly swiveling towards the direction of the entrance to find someone impressive. The stranger's appearance looked rather extravagant with the added help of his height seemed to make him look rather intimidating to anyone not used to such sights. He was about to just turn around, searching for more traps as it seemed to entertain him more than talking to another person, however, a voice came to greet their presence.

What a truly formidable structure this guild was. Even the reception room was riddled with traps and spaces for sneak attacks that turned this place into a killing floor. In an age of magic they seemed to be quite useless unless used by a skilled tactician. Nolan was right about this guild; they really are always prepared for war. Now this is something he could get used to. If everyone was so gung ho about training and war then there is maybe so chance that he could ask for their assistance in uniting all of the yokai in Ishgar. The other lands had warriors much stronger than him and in greater abundance compared to his own military. If he had this guild along with his own army and Nolan's help then perhaps he had a chance, just a chance, after all.

A masked man stood beside him, silent and exerted with an aura of menace. He would have to watch out for him if this guy was inducted into the guild as well. His attention on the masked man turned towards something much more attractive. Enma was going to say something, but Magni's silence just made it awkward. Something told him that this guy really didn't talk much, like at all.

The Antimage looked to the right to find another being, and it seemed that this one was apart of this reception area. He glanced at the warrior before moving for the girl, he actually felt quite stupid for not noticing the only other human inside of the room, maybe he was just secretly really into traps? As Magni continued to get closer to the woman, he did notice the elegant look of the lady. In another life, he might have asked her out in a second, however, he was Magni the Antimage who cared not about appearances or pleasure. The silent man reached the desk, most likely the warrior right behind him, and continued to stare at her for a couple of seconds.

Awkward silence filled the room as Magni didn't really know how to respond to such a basic question, he hasn't actually spoken in quite some time, the only time he really uses his voice is for grunts. He continued staring at her, there was luckily a mask hiding his embarrassed face through this entire ordeal, and he finally found something to say, "I want to join." Yes, nailed it.

Though Indigo couldn't see past the strange man's mask, she got from his silence and cranial direction that he was rather fixated on her. She gave him a smile, though covertly wondering if measures would need to be taken. "Join Frenzy Plant? Alrighty then, I think I can scrounge up some people to test you. Rank progression is determined by your ability to defeat opponents from each rank you wish to pass." She cast a glance at the other man, particularly his horns. "And you?"

Finally. that introvert finally said something. Enma sighed with relief and then felt woman's staring at his horns. It was something that most people weren't used to seeing on a person he guessed. It seemed like that he would have to fight his way up through the ranks to get where he wants to be, which was quite alright with him. It was a way to test his strength and impress the guild. "The name is Enma. I am here to join the guild." Oh did he hope that there was some healing mages on standby. There were some mages that were going to get broken.

"Very well." The receptionist stood up from the desk and strode stately around it. Her movements carried remarkable grace and allure, though it was hard to say if she were even really trying. Both of the men were taller than her, forcing her to look up as she requested, "Please follow me."

Not Long Until the Games

Fleo Plector - Phoenix Wing Hall

Even more so than usual, Fleo Plector was excited. Today was the day that it would all begin. Though she'd opted out of participation, the dusty woman was dead set on accompanying the others to Crocus and watching the events live from the spectator stands. It promised to be, as Fleo said often, 'one heck of an occassion'. Her spirits had been high for some time now, ever since she'd played a part in the restoration of the 'dream spirit' Annalise. The dye-haired foreigner had visited the guild several times, often to hang around and talk, or put in a show with her incredible Dream powers, but never stayed long. Fleo was happy for her; with the young woman's crippling mood swings gone, she was free to make up for the ten years she'd spent trapped in a dream, living a life most would envy to the core.

The only stick in the mud was Ariel, though she couldn't exactly help it. After a metaphorical prodding by Fleo, Ariel had explained why she couldn't join the others at Crocus to spectate the legendary proceedings. Fleo thought it all to be an immense bummer for her friend. She approached Ariel now, back in her typical blue blouse and burnt-orange jacket this fine day, and said, "I'm so sorry, Arie! Would it help if I brought back a buncha souvenirs for you?"

Jamie's sudden spectacle made Fleo jump. She hadn't quite gotten used to the old master being around again, and still suspected it might take some time. Adjusting her headrag, she waited for Jamie to continue with sparkling eyes.

Nero - Dragon Fang Hall

Something strange had happened. Nero had always been a believer in 'best laid plans', but despite his most powerful intentions he had found himself forestalling his plan of action. As best he could figure, Eve was the culprit for this change, starting the moment that she, Joslyn, and Nero departed for her hometown. While traveling with the necromancer, and being around her afterward, Nero couldn't help but feel a desire to make her happy of his own accord. Such a want wouldn't be extraordinary for a genie whose joy was to grant wishes if not for the way in which it took route. What would make Eve happy wasn't a change in height, or new clothes, or a personality shift, however many times Nero offered. It was something far more difficult to attain, and Nero, unable to allow himself to make a clean cut from the history books with a job left half-finished, swore himself an oath that he'd find out what would bring Eve contentedness and take the steps to make it so.

Two months later, the quirky duo had become fast friends. Nero had yet to accomplish his mission, so the thought of completing his plan had been pressed far back into the netherrealm of his mind. He had bargained a place for him and Ayame to stay in Shirotsume, performing tasks and granting benign wishes in the town and visiting Eve in Dragon Fang often. With Ayame in tow, he'd accompanied her on several jobs and trips, and always found the necromancer a fascinating conversational partner. With the Grand Magic Games nigh, he'd decided that he'd accompany Dragon Fang to the Games, and so found himself in the Guild Hall this morning. For a reason he couldn't quite pin down, he's slicked back and combed his hair for the momentous occasion, and made sure that his cloak and vest were free of wrinkles and smudges.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos

Trinity had gone out that morning, shopping. She'd made a bit of coin from playing for the townspeople in the evening. She'd even taken to traveling to Omnibus, on days she rested from training, to play for a different crowd. It is a skilled Minstrel that knows everyone enjoys music. She'd been saving up for the occasion, too. In fact, just as Jamie was standing up for her announcement, the young lady returned. "Here I am!" She calls and smiles. "I was wondering when you'd wake up."

She'd gone and bought new clothes that morning. An orange-gold short dress, with a emblazoned light blue scapular, bearing their guild's crest and secured by a dark blue belt with gold trim, all topped by a matching mantle. The collar of the mantel rose, to reveal a red velvet lined interior layer. She'd tied her ribbon on over the cuffed sleeve of the dress. Matching gloves, and leg warmers that met with durable, black boots.

She looked for a place to sit and spotted Fleo and Ariel. She passes by Karn on her way, petting behind his ear and scratching lightly under his chin. She motions for him to come with her as she continues walking.

She steps up beside Fleo, smiling gently at their friend. "Bummer you can't come, Ariel. I'll be sure to win for you." She still wasn't so sure, but she could sure try.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Online

For the past two months Nolan and Karn had trained on yokai island with the assistance of the yokai that inhabited it. Two months of brutal training. Two months of getting his ass handed to him by the three strongest warriors in the village. Two months of Karn's femininity that petrified him. Even so the power that he gained from that trip was immense and was grateful for the time that they had given Karn and him just to help them. The yokai from the island left the island with them to watch the games. The Phoenix Wing mages parted ways with the villagers that were heading to Crocus. Meanwhile Enma had gone off to Frenzy Plant to become a guild mage. The oni wanted to be apart of a guild that would be a rival to Phoenix Wing to have some competition between him and Nolan. Nolan was only slightly disappointed that his friend wouldn't be joining the same guild as him at the same time wanting to laugh. That was exactly what Enma would do because they were rivals.

Nolan sat in his place of the bar's counter drinking black tea and finishing up his poached egg on toast. His outfit today was different from his usual green jumper and light armor. He wore a men's black Heart Kreuz jacket leather hoodie with the brands signature cross printed on its back in silver and the name Heart Kreuz printed along the left breast pocket in silver as well. The jacket was unzipped, which revealed a green v-neck t-shit. He wore dark blue jeans and black sleek shoes. Kaso as usual was attached to a black belt, unsheathed in its blue sheathe. Nolan looked up at Jamie who had hopped onto the counter and called for everyone's attention. It seemed like things were finally underway.


"Daddy are we going to go soon?" Fiona leaned on the table with bored stare that one would expect from any five year old girl waiting for something to happen. She wanted to go to the games as soon as possible and see what it was all about that her father was pumped up for. She was excited to see what kind of mages that were going to be in the games and what kind of magic they were going to use. She was disappointed that her own dad wasn't apart of the games, but even he said that he can't hold a candle compared to the participants in his guild. Besides, he'd rather just sit back and enjoy the show.

"Soon sweetie soon. We just have to wait for Master to announce our departure. You'll just have to be patient." He chuckled, patting his daughter on the head who in turn pouted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Return to Phoenix Wing

The last two months after unlocking his second origin, an excruciating process that he had no desire to ever repeat anytime in the foreseeable future, were insane. He and Penny found they could go longer, hit harder, and, to his perception, move faster. They'd trained for hours on end with everything they had. At the end of every day, they were tired and sore, but they kept at it each day, the tiredness and soreness growing less and less and more difficult to achieve, which pushed them harder. By the time they'd set out to return to the guild hall just a couple days before, the two of them could go toe to toe with anyone any worry about wearing down quickly.

As he and Penny approached the guild hall, he had to wonder what the others had been up to and how they all were. The last two months had been communications free with the guild so they could focus on getting up to par. And now they were, with Penny able to form and maintain fiery weapons of pain in the form of daggers, swords and knives along with her whips. However, he'd also grown closer to her as a lover and felt that their relationship was stronger than ever. As they entered, he noticed that Jamie was back and already calling for the guild's attention, so rather than say hi to those he hadn't seen in awhile, he leaned against a nearby wall and paid attention.

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

The last two months had been...interesting for Master Jack. When he wasn't busy overseeing job requests and taking reports for them, he was overseeing Eve's training and care, making sure that she didn't do anything that would bring the Magic Council crashing down on her head for supposed slights. And when he wasn't doing that, he was socializing and addressing his own training. He and Ammy would often train together with the training hall locked so that no one could spy on what they were up to, as Ammy didn't want word of her magic leaking out just yet. Sure the guild knew what she could do, but there were other guilds that would be competing that may not be above spying.

And when he wasn't doing that, he was sitting in the hall, watching his members go about their days. However, today was the day and they were already at risk of being late to Crocus. "Alright, Dragon Fang! Time to move it on out! Onward to victory!" Several cheers rang out as the guild headed out of the hall, full of excitement for the big event of the century. Jack smiled and laughed loudly as he lead the way, the members of Team Dragon Fang close behind with the exception of Hunter, who'd said he'd meet them at the train station. Look out, Fiore, we're coming to win!

Hunter Jorgenson|Train Station in Shirotesume Town

Hunter sat on a bench in the train station and watched for his guild to arrive, having heard them leave the hall. Honestly, it was surprising the whole town hadn't heard them, what with all the cheering they were doing. While he waited, he pulled out a piece of jade and munched on it, reviewing the last two months in his head. He'd hit all his major training areas and even stumbled across a couple of new ones. He was stronger, faster, and had new moves to show off for the games. As he sat, he wondered who he'd fight during the combat rounds. He could hardly wait and waved at Master Jack when he finally came into view.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

One Month to the Grand Magic Games

"Alright," said the receptionist, sitting on the sidelines. A small group of Frenzy Plant soldiers, the few left behind to literally hold the fort while their comrades were out performing jobs, lounged around ready to watch the proceedings. From their ranks, the Antimage's opponents would be selected. "Round one will see you face off against our very own Vergil Marowit! Come on down." A lanky, ponytailed man, clothed in a unique and free-spirited style, leaped down from his position on a windowsill and strolled toward Magni with an easy smile on his face. He took a position opposite the newcomer, gave an elegant bow, and in a silky baritone said "'Ey there, champ. You've got a grim air about you. You gotta learn to loosen up! Either way, you'll have my air around you soon, heheh!" He flourished a strange tool in his left hand, a multi-headed lash made of lovely feathers.

Magni was intrigued by this concept, to get further into the guild was to fight the various opponents that had already made their way into such a place. This actually reminded him of something, but he quickly shook away the feeling as he didn't exactly like to relive such memories. He followed the woman, he wondered how much of a challenge the lower ranks would give him as he could seem powerful in his own eyes, but the weakest in the guild might be at his skill level. Magni knew he couldn't put any slack into this fight, he would just had to treat them as opponents he would face in the battlefield, excluding the fataly wounding part at the end.

As they stopped, it only took a few moments before she introduced his opponent and they seemed to be... relaxed. This was strange as he assumed that the nature of this guild would make everyone act like a solider. Obviously, he was wrong to assume such a thing, but it seemed that his impression on this guild was wrong. Magni stopped thinking as his opponent seemed to start talking, most of the words went right through him, but the last sentence garnered his attention. He gave away his magic, something that he could use to his advantage in this fight as his opponent would have to figure his own magic during the battle. The weapon he pulled out was quite decorated, but Magni's was more deadly than pretty. The Antimage pulled out his two warglavies, he didn't really have a safety mode for his weapon, so he would have to try not to dig into his flesh too hard with his blades.

Magni's quiet, solemn resolve didn't seem to faze Vergil much. The fancy man sighed. "Nasty blades it is, then, but I'll make a beautiful fight nonetheless, and an equally beautiful poem afterward. Madam...?"

Indigo produced a heavy book, and dropped it on the floor with a thundering whoomp. "Start!"

"Wind Make: Monsoon!" The air around Vergil took on a fluorescent, mint-green tinge as it quickly transformed. Rain clouds formed that spattered down drops of liquid wind, and the air itself became hostile to Magni's presence. Though indoors and about as far from the coast as one could get outside of the desert, a roaring rainy storm was forming that pushed against the Antimage, threatening to send him off-balance with every step he took. Immediately this much was obvious: Vergil was no ordinary Make user. Make wizards typically crafted objects or living things; it seemed that this wizard was Making other magic. "Wind Make: Air Razor!" The sculpting winds subtley altered. Now, the raindrops wouldn't just splash--they would cut. The wind that Vergil was using was now condensed into tiny blades, by themselves little more than papercuts.

With a white-toothed smile, Vergil uttered one final incantation. "Wind Make: Crashing Tide!" The greenish air spread out lengthways and swelled, and a large wave rolled straight toward Magni, a million air razors all at once, enough to shred his gear and lacerate his skin if left unchecked.

Magni tried to dig his feet into the ground as much as possible, as his opponent was dealing with wind, he knew that they would try to blow him away. He lowered himself as the book was about to be dropped, ready for mostly anything that this mage could throw at him.

Vergil took no time to start the fight, it seemed that everything around him was being controlled by this mage and he knew that this fight would be interesting at least. Magni braced himself as the wind continued to get stronger, his body standing strong against such harsh winds. As he was about to prepare to move, he felt a sting across his arm and then the stinging started to come at a greater rate. The water around him seemed to be cutting through his skin, although most of them were bouncing off his durable skin, but still some were getting through. He knew that if he continued to stand, this water would be the end of him and he would not let rain be the end of his quest. However, as he took his first step, the mage sent out one last move against him. It was an entire wave of those cutting rain drops, those would obviously tear right through him if he allowed such a move to hit him. Magni knew he had to do something, now.

He wished that he could activate his blink move, however, he needs to drain some of the magic from the mage. His reserves were too low to support such a powerful spell, and would end up breathless if he tried without another source. So, he would go for the alternative. Magni raised his blade and cut into one of the tubes on his belt. His armor suddenly started to glow a magnificent blue inside of the storm. Thank goodness for lacrimas, basically portable energy packets for him. Magni smiled underneath his mask, ready to do some damage now. As the wave was merely inches away from hitting him, the blue aura with Magni suddenly vanished.

The stylish man narrowed his eyes as his wave washed harmlessly through the spot where his foe had been. His opponent had either gone invisible or teleported, but which? With just a split second to act, he raised his fan to cast a spell.

It took only another blink before Magni was only a couple feet away from Vergil, "Surprise." The Antimage sprinted at the mage, each step stomped hard onto the floor, his balance being kept in check by those foot steps. The rain drops were still hurting him, but his blades would hurt more. The warglaives slashed at Vergil, each aiming for his arms so it would be hard for the wind maker to hold onto his little weapon.

"Wind Make: Bluster!" he yelped, not expecting his foe to appear so close by so quickly. Jumping, he created a cushion of air in front of him, and when Magni's warglaives cut into it, it burst, throwing the lighter man back a few feet and out of range. With his prior concentration broken, the rainfall began to lessen, but it had been necessary to avoid being cut. If his brother was any indication, the warriors most serious about fighting were the least likely to care about removing an enemy's limb. Vergil was not about to let a single blade touch him, no matter how gloriously azure the Antimage's lacrimas shone. "Let's try somethin' else. Wind Make: Ifrit Font!" The floor between the two combatants adopting an increasing glow, and the green airrazors adopted a consistency much like fire. The area exploded upward in a geyser of wind that suggested flame, threatening to spatter Magni with air that might as well burn as cut.

Magni sliced, sliced into something rather than flesh. They slashed into the air, but it felt like it was compressed into one area. As the air seemed to burst from the strike, Magni's feet dragged along the surface for only a meter or two away. However, it seemed that Vergil had been blasted further away than him, making the same situation once again.

Magni started to feel less pain as the cutting seemed to lessen, he was glad that opening his lacarima did something at least. Magni was prepared to blink once again, well, before the distance between the two started to burst in a glorious geyser of fire. The Antimage was impressed, but it wasn't enough to fool him. He had dealt with fire countless times, sometimes he dodged them, sometimes he was burned alive while fighting. Magni could tell that it wasn't real fire, but it would still hurt if he entered. So, he would go another direction.

The Antimage started to glow even brighter, the shining light around him seeming to charge with magic. It was going to take the entire lacrima to reach that distance and couldn't deal with any mistakes. The bright light soon vanished once again, and Magni not reappearing on the ground. Where was he? The Antimage had actually blinked right beyond the edge of the geyser, the make shift fire barley glancing his backside.

The light was gone from his armor, but Magni still had his own reserve of magic. As he was descending, his warglaives was suddenly enveloped in lightning, crackling upon the metal. Six feet in the air, Magni clashed his weapons together causing a bolt of lightning to shoot straight towards Vergil. The force of the lightning was amazing, it almost threw him off balance from the force, but all was well. He landed on his feet as the lightning bolt slammed into Vergil.

Even mostly diverted, the lightning blast was mightily damaging. The force of it blasted Vergil almost instantly onto his back, and colorful stars flashes painfully across his vision. It was a moment before he could struggle back to his feet, breathing heavily. "Son of a...what beauty is there in ruin? If ya want it that badly, I'll give in and you can see how well the higher-ups treatcha. Goodness." He composed himself irritably, and fluffed out his fan. "I can do ya one last favor, though...a beauteous memory. Wind Make: Cherry Blossom Rhumba!"

The wind whipped around the two contestants, assembling itself onto a grove of tall, spindly trees. The leaves glowed more brightly than the trunks, and they detached as if caught in a wandering breeze. From all sides Magni found himself assailed by a wondrous and deadly blizzard of petals, nearly real enough to be fragrant.

The Antimage smiled under his mask, it seemed he had won this battle as the mage seemed to still be slightly stunned by his power. If this wasn't a spar, Magni would have added another slicing move to chop his enemy into pieces, however, that wasn't the case. He was going to move towards Vergil to end this fight, but it seemed that the mage still had a little fight left in him. Well, not a little fight, there was still a lot of fight in him as the ground around him started to develop trees!? The wind grew strong once again, the water still trying to cut into him and now the petals were just making things worse.

Magni couldn't see anything, everything was blindingly pink and smelled actually pretty nice on the other hand. He knew that they were going to pelt and cut him just like the water surrounding him, so he had to react now before things got worse. The Antimage was pissed and his weapons sparked once again in electricity, he discharged the lightning from his weapons in the surrounding area, hoping that would push away all of the constructs away from him so he could fight once more.

With so many constructs in the air, Magni's voltaic discharge cleared his surrounding area, but did not conduct any further. Behind the wind-trees and petals, the air had turned a mint-green so light as to be almost white. It was almost as if Vergil had created his own little world. Now, as the air stilled slightly and the petals were as harmless and real ones, the fancy man came walking through the strange air toward Magni. "Isn't it wonderful?" he asked, cupping one of the petals in his hand before blowing it away with his own breath. "My favorite spell by far, though only my second strongest. Listen to me for a sec. You've won the fight, yeah, but we've got a mo before the Rhuma fades. You strike me as a real determined kinda guy, a man on a mission. A purpose is all well and good, just like a sword, but until you've finished it won't fill ya. By beatin' me, you're a part of this guild now, and that means you're my ally. So as your ally, let me tell ya this: learn to stop and smell the cherry blossoms. Find something you enjoy, something totally different from whatever your mission is...a single, most beautiful thing, or a perfectly unique someone. FInd it, and enjoy yourself, comrade." He gave a smooth salute, and stepped back as the Wind Make faded. The duo stood in the training hall once again.

Indigo smiled from her seat. Was she always courteous and nice, or did she know that a special event had just taken place? "Looks like Magni wins. Congrats, mister, you're a soldier now. Ready for your next challenge?"

Magni did it, it seemed like the discharge had pushed everything away! Now, it was time for the finishing... What? He seemed to tense up, the area he was being enveloped was unfamiliar to him, everything seemed to be missing. It was just... nothingness. Well, it wasn't nothingness as a petal floated onto his head, he flicked it off, they seemed to not even try to attack him anymore... What is this guy's plan? Petals continued to fall around him, Magni searching around for Vergil to attack once more, but it seemed he had disappeared within this strange place.

He spoke a little too soon as the mage seemed to re-materialize out of nowhere, casually strolling towards him like they haven't just been through such a fight. Magni was about to charge at him again until he started to speak. He was slightly confused, he had thought that the fight was going to be continuing until one of them were knocked out. Magni began to straighten out himself, putting his warglaives back into his sheaths wondering just what was happening at the moment.

The Antimage glanced down onto the floor as Vergil was speaking, the words seeming to not spark a reaction out of him. Well, with the mask on anyway. Stop and smell the cherry blossoms? He bent down and snatched one off the floor, Magni started to twist it around as if he was trying to find something on that flower. So... another mission? Magni had already realized that he was looking only on one goal, however he had actually just figured that he had forgotten that there were more things than just that one goal. Magni balled up his fist, the cheery blossom in the center. Magni breathed deeply, and soon the world around him started to reappear.

He opened his fist to find the cheery blossom gone, he continued to stare at his hand, his mind clouded. Magni was soon broken out of his trance by someone announcing his victory, it was the receptionist. When he was questioned about if he wanted to continue, his body seemed to relax at that point. He had gotten inside of the guild, and that was his goal for the day. He had also come to realize that this guild was stronger than he had originally thought, if this C-ranked spar proved slightly challenging, he didn't really want to figure how strong the higher tiers were going to be.

So, the Antimage balled up his fist again and stared back at Indigo, with his gruff voice he said one word,"No."With that, Magni started to walk towards some place where he could get a drink.

Indigo nodded. "Mess hall is on the second floor. Not the room with the cannons, mind you. Make yourself at home, soldier." Though her smile had faded, she felt acutely satisfied. At first glance Magni had appeared to be a mindless brute, but perhaps there was far more to the man than met the eye.

Eve - Dragon Fang Guild Hall

The Necromancer had quite the swell time living within the Dragon Fang, it seemed that her sighting didn't seem surprise anyone anymore and they seemed to accept her as she is. Well, maybe not that boy Micheal, she always tried to avoid him due to the little incident two months ago. She also put that memory into the vault, she didn't exactly like memories that didn't make her happy. However, within those two months Eve had experienced so much! First, the little trip to her village with Nero and Joslyn was really fun! She showed them around the destroyed town and showed them all the neat sights and even her old house! They even got to meet her parents! So didn't really notice their reactions, so she assumed that they were happy to see that she was happy. In the end, she grabbed a picture of them before leaving to live in Dragon Fang.

Living inside that place was strange, people were so lively compared to her old village. People always coming and going with antics here and there by the strange people. However, the strangest person she had met in this place was Nero. He was the strangest as she found him really enjoyable to be around with, she felt some sort of fast friendship forming between them. Like, sure, her guild mates seemed to accept her, but not actually getting to know her. Nero on the other hand seemed to always have a good time talking to her, he actually seemed to be enjoying her presence rather than others and she felt glad for that. Now, in the mean time of those two months, she had been doing all sorts of things with her powers. She made people happy! They always tried to give her money, which always seemed weird as making people happy was really the only thing she wanted, but she couldn't really turn down a gift. Eve just stockpiled the stuff in her room, not really knowing what to do with the stuff.

Now, it was a new day! People have been talking about something about games being played somewhere, they seemed rather excited about these games which made her excited! Games were always fun, she always played them with her parents when she was little, ah, the good memories. Eve was sitting on some random table eating her breakfast bagel, kicking her legs into the air waiting for someone to come along through the doors. And there he was! Nero looking rather spiffy than usual, she giggled at the new style of clothing and hair. When finished her breakfast and was about to head towards her friend. However, the Master suddenly yelled something out, making everyone march to the train station. Eve knew this was her time to move and she quickly weaved through the crowd to get to Nero. It took a lot of her 'excuse me' to get to her friend and when they arrived at the train station, she grabbed his arm giving him her same old smile, "Hello!"

Sin & Virtue - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Sin felt terrible, constant training for the last two months had taken a rather big toll on him from Virtue. It was like she had infinite energy when it came to training and she was rather unforgiving when he came to it. She kept on saying something about for protecting him, but he felt like that she was enjoying beating him up the entire time. His swords could never seem to pierce the hovering shields and always seemed to predict every single one of his movements. It was like Virtue knew all of his moves, which she actually did. He had managed to beat her, but it was like at some kind of one out of four spars that he would actually win. Sin wished that he could activate the others of his powers, however, they would never budge, even if he tried to forcefully try to activate it, which always resulted in him being knocked out cold for a few minutes. At the moment, he was lying on the coach, trying to feel better about himself, but currently his muscles and his egos seemed to be injured.

Virtue on the other hand felt rather great. She always had some kind of spirit that would never quit, like some kind of determination to control her powers had overtaken her. This new emotion within her didn't seem to please Sin, but it was at least helping him out. He had discovered new things such as creating different things with his aura, empowering other weapons, and even using his aura to boost himself into the air, which really surprised Virtue the first time he did it... After he slammed right into her and both fell out of the sky. Herself included, she also was getting stronger. She needed to protect her brother and use her powers to teach others about the virtues of life. Sin on the other hand was rather selfish with his power, using it mainly for his own well being, but his powers are based off the seven humanly desires. Just like last time, she was sitting on the floor, reading something she always managed to conjure from her clothes while Sin was moping around. She flipped a page before someone startled her making her book fly into the air.

Sin also felt rather surprised by the sudden yelling, also the flying book managed to hit him straight on the noggin, making him glare at his sister, her hands covering her smile. He growled at her before looking towards the weird thing that yelled at them... Who was that again? He was pretty sure he had seen or heard of this person before, but their image didn't really ring any bells. Both Sin and Virtue started to stand up, both stretching their bodies, wondering what this thing had to say to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Zephyr Hardt
Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Bound and determined to get stronger as he was the newest to Dragon Fang that was on the team, Zephyr would head out on missions like mad with his team and when they rested he went off and trained by himself. He took every chance he could to become stronger so he wasn't a burden and after the two weeks Zephyr was certain he achieved something few could do and he was proud of it. He achieved his second takeover, being God Takeover it was surprising for Zephyr when he got the chance too. It happened one day at night when he was in a canyon running through it to increase his speedtime with his engine suit when he bumped into the god Loki. To be fair if he didn't mention his godhood Zephyr would have thought he was an odd man. Yet a gods power was incredible, it put Zephyr to shame so Loki offered Zephyr a once in a lifetime chance. If he could last three minutes against him, he would willingly allow Zephyr to do Takeover on him. So Zephyr quite literally spent the next three minutes being bashed around left and right only to find out Loki was going easy on him and if really wanted to fight seriously that Zephyr would have been out in one shot. Thanked him for letting him whack him around though, and lived up to his word and Zephyr took Loki's body over and achieved God Takeover, however much different from Machina, the machines don't fight for your body. Actual beings most certainly did and Loki tried at every chance he got. So Zephyr spent time training on how to keep a hold of his body, and only achieved being able to hold Loki off for about five minutes before Loki's will would gain hold.

So sitting in the guild hall he waited anxiously, no one knew about his new takeover so he couldn't wait to surprise them all. So when Jack announced the que to start marching Zephyr jumped out of his seat and followed behind the master with Zephyr pumping his fists in the air all the way to the train station, where Hunter awaited them. So Zephyr waved at him and smirked. "You really going to go on the train? Wont you be nauseous the entire way there?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Souvenirs? That wasn't exactly the same as being there to see it all in person. It was a nice gesture though. Huffing a bit Ariel shook her head. "No, that's okay. I'll be fine. It's just something I'm going to have to deal with. Thank you both though. Just have to use the lacrama." Smiling briefly she pushed herself away from the support and stepped away.

Not really sure what else to do she headed over to the counter to retrieve the lacrama she would use to watch the games. This was not something she'd used before. But apparently the thing was already all set up for when the games started. Where in the world would she put it to watch? It probably should be out in the open in case some others didn't go as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Online

Nolan wondered when they were going to leave for Crocus. It would be his first time ever visiting the capital so it should very well be fun to explore it during his free time with Team Powder Keg. Oh by the gods now they've got him calling their team that too! It was a fitting name, but it sounds so unattractive. They were a team where they can go off at any moment just like a barrel filled with gun powder and he was their leader, the one that actually was the gun powder. He would have to represent not just Phoenix Wing. Team Powder Keg's reputation rides on his shoulders.

Breaking his thoughts was a certain multi-personality woman that had kept trying to use Charm Magic to rid Nolan's fear of women. Uncharacteristically he grinned at her and said, "Looking pretty as usual Ariel." That alone would've been more than enough to raise concern for Nolan's health.

Things were staring to happen! The entire guild had marched out of the building and were met by crowds of cheering townsfolk wishing them luck for the games as they made their way to the train station. Zev wasn't even fight in the games and he was still honored that the entire guild was getting this sort of treatment. Once in the train he and his daughter sat down by the aisle so that if Fiona needs to do her business then her father can lead her through the train to the bathroom.

Fiona say Master Jack walk down the aisle and waved at him. "Master Jacky!" She yelled ecstatically.

Zev chuckled and looked back up at his master. "Good evening sir."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Online

Rider's Blade

"Is everyone ready?" Fraquar asked, looking around at the five members of his guild. It had taken time, but with all their help, they had managed to set up their guildhall in Acalypha Town. He knew Jarvis would likely be weary of them setting up a guild that was a day's walk from Magnolia, but it had been the only one that would take them in exchange for protecting the local merchant guilds. His guild had built the hall mostly by themselves, declining local help as a way of saying thanks for having them. After the hall had been set up, Fraquar had the other five train while he himself went out on jobs to keep the guild's income flowing.

"Ready when you are Master Fraquar." Sigurd said, placing Elfhiem in it's sheathe across his back. When Fraquar had been out, Sigurd was in charge of the guild and, as most members came to both love and hate, the other members training. He pushed them hard but made sure not to push them so hard that they wouldn't be able to continue the next day or sooner if needed. Still, he knew they would be stronger because of it and hopes that it would pay off and help them do well in the Games.

"We're goin' to the capitol right? Ya reckon there'll be anythin' interesting there other then the Games?" Delsin asked as he finished putting his gun back together from his latest round of maintenance.

"There should be plenty to see there. It's the capitol. If it didn't have anything to attract it, I doubt it would be much of a capitol. I just hope it's beauty meets my expectations." Krystal said, brushing her hair, which wasn't all that unusual a sight, as the girl fretted about her appearance constantly. It surprised everyone in the room when she shut up about it whenever Sigurd had taken them training.

"Instead of worrying about the capitol, worry about the other teams. Phoenix Wing will be there and I doubt Master Jamie will be happy to see us. Are you sure he... she... whichever if back Lucus?" Pyrrha said

"Definitely. Visited once to see Rose. Ran outa town, though that was mostly Jarvis when he saw me talking to Miss Averyonna." Lucus said

"Enough idle chatter. Let's go." Fraquar said." We'll have time to talk on the train."

Everyone nodded in agreement and followed their Master out of the guild.

Joshua Tamashii

Where: Phoenix Wing
@Caits [@Amaya Tamshii]

Joshua had spent the last two months training and occasionally going on the odd job to help the guild and pay rent. He had been spending a lot of time with Amaya surprisingly, often taking her on these odd jobs or to help him train, when she was willing to do the latter. The two made a good team, with Joshua acting as the frontline fighter and making sure Amaya was safe and out of harm's way while she used her dragon slayer magic. If she ran low on magical energy, he would equip his ice blade and summon some ice for her to eat and charge up. When they weren't working or training but still together, he would tell her stories of his times in the far north and east, describing the land and customs. He even told her about the lights in the night sky that appeared in the far north that the people up there called the Aurora Borealis.

Unlike some of his guild mates, he didn't unlock second origin, as he had no idea what it was or that it even existed. He wasn't bothered though and looked forward to the games, wanting to test his strength against the other mages from this land and see how well he would do in comparison.

Right now, he was relaxing with Amaya, just idly chatting with her while he sharpened his sword. When Jamie called for everyone's attention, he sheathed the blade and stood up.
"Looks like it's time." He said, helping Amaya to her feet before going over to where the Master was.

Amelia Averyonna and Elyse Yashai

Where: Phoenix Wing

Amelia had spent the past two months rather passively. She was still studying the book her mother had given her and was making some progress. She didn't go on jobs or train, as she wasn't one to do so. She helped either Jarvis or Jamie with small things around the guild and occasionally helped with Elyse when Jamie was too busy and Rose was away. During one of these times, Lucus had visited and Amelia had been having a nice chat when Jarvis had shown up, less then happy to see the Wind Mage in the guild, causing Lucus to quickly leave. Amelia was confused by this and questioned Jarvis about it but left it alone afterwards.

Elyse had spent the past two months in bliss. When Jamie had returned, she had spent her entire day, pestering him until she played with Elyse, which had taken longer then everyone expected. Since then, she had pretty much spent most of her time with Jamie, since Rose was away training often and she soaking in every moment of it. When she wasn't with Jamie or Rose, she was running around the guild, sometimes with Amelia watching over her.

Now, Amelia was simply enjoying a small snack with Elyse when Jamie suddenly called for everyone. Amelia had to act quickly to hold back Elyse, as the small girl immediately ran to be with Jamie and then had to struggle in keeping Elyse quiet while Jamie made whatever announcement they planned on making.

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

Where: Dragon Fang

Jack had spent the last two months training and trying to accomplish her goal of becoming normal. She sometimes asked Master Jack to train with her, but otherwise left him along to tend to other needs of the guild. Finding a training partner was hard for her, so she often trained solo. Despite this, she was making process with her Mist-Make magic, being able to make more items then just weapons. She still didn't understand how emotions could effect her magic and she struggled to figure it out.

Now two months and still no progress, she was getting frustrated. When Jack called the guild together and led them to the train station, she followed and remained silent for most of the trip to the station. When they arrived though, she grabbed Master Jack's arm.
"Master... would it be okay if we sat with you?" She asked

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Silver Fox

"She was living the life of luxury even without a massive bed" Michael said, blushing at Prince's touch. "Can't I come? Gabriel might be there with Frenzy Plant. I'd like to see him!" He said, having gotten use to most of Prince's antic's, it was easy to...be normal.

He started downstairs, leaving his room door open slightly so Cleopatra could go out whenever she wanted. He had taken to leaving her food and water in the guilds kitchen. He had tried leaving it just outside the guild, but other cats were attracted to it.

The guild seemed so full of excitement, and Michael just wanted to be apart of it, as well as to see his brother, as they entered the guild hall, Michael looked about, seeing Zephyr. But before Michael could go over to him, the guild started to move on out.

Time Lord
@Invisible Man

Time Lord had popped into Dragon Fang from time to time to oversee Eve's training and see how the girl was going. Often, he brought a small gift, a basket of sweets, a teddy bear, some random little things he had found, hoping to make the girl feel easy, and cared for.

right now, he moved through the crowd, following the girl. He figured that such a large, loud crowd as would be seen at the grand magics games might be a trigger for her, might cause her to do something that they would rather she didn't. While his magic was still in place, Time Lord didn't want to risk anything. And he didn't particularly like the fact that Nero was becoming chummy with Eve. He wasn't exactly someone Time Lord thought of as responsible. Chances were, Nero would get Eve to try and use her magic. And Time Lord wasn't going to let that happen.

He gently tapped her on the shoulder, and smiled, "hello Dear Eve. I thought I'd join you today" He nodded at Nero and Ayame, but for now his attention was on Eve.

Master Jamie
@YipeeXD@Zarkun@silver Fox@Joshua tamashii@J8cob@hatakekuro@Amaya Tamashii@Jangel13@CirusArvennicus

"So we all know what today is! I hope you are all ready! And whether or not we win, you're going to be stronger, and closer as a guild! And you never know...you might learn a few things about your fellow guild members! BUT WE WILL WIN! WHY? BECAUSE WE ARE PHOENIX WING!" Jamie shouted, looking around at the assembled guild members

We have two teams! SO, I've chosen who will be in what team finally! Lazarus, Sasha, Karn, Joshua and Nolan! You are Phoenix Wing team A! Damain, Angelo, Maddox, Rose and Trinity, you are team B! Now we are going to be late, even if we leave now, so I've asked Jarvis to give everyone some teleportation lacrima! Whoever is coming to cheer your guild on, come and get one! Crocus, remember!"

Jamie jumped down from the bar, grinning, and then freed Ameilia of the burden of holding Elyse back, picking Elyse up. "All ready to go? Your mother would kill me if I left something behind or didn't bring enough things for you! Of course, there's always candy!" he said this softly, taking out a few candies, grinning.


Jarvis smiled at Ariel, and retrieved the Lacrima he had made for her. It was guite a large Lacrima, having to be held with two hands, but it was very light. "You just speak on and off to turn it on and off. It should be on the game already, so You'll see it all" he explained, another box nearby with transportation lacrima for the rest of the guild.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 36 min ago

Angelo walked to the guild hall to hear Master Jamie's speech and Angelo couldn't help but feel anxious being so excited but so nervous at the same time was something else to him. His mother was rushing into the guild hall going straight towards Angelo and she hugged him tight, in a sense this would be the first time she will see Angelo fight in an arena so she was nervous for him mom okay, ill be fine don't worry Angelo said smiling as he hugged her alright give them hell honey she said hugging Angelo one more time and Angelo couldn't help but laugh a little as he got away from his mother and he went to grab one of the teleportation lacrimas for the trip to the arena, Angelo hasn't been in an arena before and that's why he was so excited sparks were literally flying from his body...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Fleo Plector - Phoenix Wing Hall

After nodding to Ariel, Fleo dug in to listen to Jamie. Though her speech did excite Fleo some, she honestly would have preferred the guild master to say something like 'because we have a secret weapon' or 'because I'm giving you all awesome power boosts', but she supposed 'because we're Phoenix WIng' would do. In the previous few months, she'd seen enough of her fellow guildmates to know that their guild stood a very good chance of reigning victorious. The members participating in the Games were nothing to shake sticks at; they were the real deal. It almost made her sad that she'd given up her position among them to Karn, but a wave of justifications assuaged her misgivings. She'd made the right choice. All that remained now was to send her friends her best wishes, and watch the magic unfold.

The Frenzy Fort

It was an important morning. This wasn't just a fact drilled into every soldier in Frenzy Plant. It could be felt in the very air. Very few occassions called for the unification of the entire soldier guild. Warring nations, a city on the brink of disaster, a looming battle, a rampaging demon. And the Games.

For this guild, the Grand Magic Games were games only in principle. Frenzy Plant took it seriously. A few weeks ago, they'd stopped allowing A-rank wizards and above to go on jobs, and instead began the final phase of their training. Those participating in the games were obliged to battle their allied soldiers, sometimes up to five against one at a time, rehearsing versatility and sharpening wits as well as talents. They even brought in outside help, mages from lesser guilds and mercenary groups, and physical fighters as well, to test the ace team's prowess. Over the course of a few weeks, the entire guild had worked itself into a Frenzy, fighting and drilling until its soldiers could stand no more, sleeping, and then beginning again. Though only five of them would be participating, everyone was called upon to improve his or her self, and on the eve of the Games the entire guild took a day-long party, feasting and singing and dancing, wrestling and sparring and storytelling. Today, however, all stood still.

The soldiers stood at attention in the huge training hall. Its floor was still scarred by indentations and burns from the last mock battles, but those who stood atop it were immaculate. Everyone had put aside or modified their typical clothes and garbed themselves in sleek, official green. In ranks they stood, and in front of them paced Zander, splendid in a uniform of verdant hue beneath ruby armor that shined glamorously. "Today is the day we march, not to war, but to a challenge even more dire. The other guilds have convinced themselves that the warrior guild in the north is no threat...a mere weed on the path to victory. We will prove that discipline and talent are the glue that holds an army together, and the oil that shines a triumphant crown. When we take the field, we will fight not as men and women, or boys and girls...but soldiers. War is what we are bred for. And from this moment on, we are at war." Zander raised his gleaming sword into the air to a chorus of applause and cheering, and the Frenzy Plant members broke ranks to rush upstairs to the cannon room. All the cannons today had been pointed in one direction: Crocus, and victory.

Nero - With Dragon Fang

Nero treated the girl on his arm to his own silly grin, doing his best to match hers. "Hey, Eve! Gosh, what an exciting day. I can't believe everyone's so hyped up about me being a guest announcer!" He chuckled, and squeezed her forearm. "Heh, kidding, of course. It's going to be a fascinating day. After my reconnaissance of every team participating in the games, I think Phoenix Wing's got a clear advantage. They're fielding two teams, not one. Almost cheating if ya ask me, but who'm I to judge? I expect Frenzy Plant and Dragon Fang to put up a fight, though. The soldiers are hardasses, but they sure can fight. And these guys," he gestured to the various Dragon Fang members around, "Aren't exactly pushovers. If they come out swinging, the Phoenixes will have to Wing it." He snickered at his own joke, wondering what Eve's take on all this was.

At that moment, however, an uninvited guest appeared. Did the Time Lord make it his business to put his nose in Nero's at every turn? Still, the genie grudgingly admitted to himself, for better or worse this clock-obsessed individual was responsible for Eve's admittance to Dragon Fang in place of a sanitarium. And if that hadn't happened, Nero would very well have been rotting in the ground. In a weird, round-about way, the Time Lord had saved the dark mage's life. So instead of gushing forth a stream of invective, Nero simply said, "Hi, Grime Lord. Wouldn't be a party withoutcha."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Phoenix Guild Hall
Smiling a bit, Ariel picked up the lacrama. She still wasn't all that pleased about having to stay behind but at least she would have a way to see things well. "Thanks Jarvis." Lacrama's were still something that were way above her head. It was probably worth learning because one other time she touched one she sucked all the magic out of it.

She heard someone say something, a complement. It took a moment to place the voice. "Thanks you Nolan." After a few seconds it dawned on her that Nolan just said something nice and calmly to her, a woman. Turning slightly she set the Viewing Lacrama down. Nolan's expression was uncharacteristically soft. "Hold on. Did you just compliment me? Are you feeling alright?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall


Karn's ears perked as he saw Trinity, purring a little as she petted him before flapping his wings and gingerly landing on her left shoulder. Climbing along her shoulder places so his forepaws balanced along her right shoulder, while the hind legs balanced on the left.

"This so super exciting!" Karn cheered excitedly, his tail wagging gently as he tilted his head to Ariel. It was sad she couldn't go, but he was glad for her to at least watch and communicate with them. Moral support from friends was always good.

As Jamie listed off the teams, the draconic feline chirp happily as he bounced from Trinity onto Nolan's head. "Yay Ashy! We're on the same team! And Icy and Lighty and Mr. Samurai too!" he chirped energetically.

Dragon Fang Guild Hall ~~> Train Station


"Of course you're coming. Who else would be the Dragon Fang cheer squad?" Prince smiled innocently as he followed after Michael, watching the others excitedly rummaged about before heading off to the train station. The tall feline hummed, pondering something. It was going to be quite noisy. With a lot of scents and delicious magic around. Made him hungry. Luckily Karn was there, sadly he was a participant. It probably would be cheating if he ate a opposing contestants magic. But, he just smiled and grinned to Michael.

"Looks like we better hurry if we want to go. Sure your brother will be just as excited." Prince chuckled before heading out after the others. Ears twitching at the loud cheers that caused a bit of a ringing. But it wasn't as if he wasn't used to it. Human's were a noisy lot.

"What are you looking foreword to the most Mikey?" Prince as they reached the station, waving to the others eagerly. "Heeeeey everyone, hope you're all excited!" he cheered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Magni - Frenzy Fort

This guild was his type of show. He had originally thought the guild was some sort of military type of guild, this place dedicated only to grueling training and heightened spirits. This was discouraged by the man he had fought, Vergil, his attitude and relaxed nature seemed to dupe him into some sort of false sense of information, the fight was challenging. However, that man really did more damage to his mind rather than his body. Well, at least after the fight he managed to join this guild, and he was in for the surprise of his life. His first thought of Frenzy Plant, soon seemed to multiply infinity as the next month showed him the true sight of this guild.

He trained, he trained constantly for that past month with his allies in Frenzy Plant, he realized their strengths. Everyone seemed to almost have a zealous feeling when training, even the weaker fighters of this guild were training with as much intensity as him. This reminded him of his old life, the life of training was hard on the body, but good for the mind. True, his mind was constantly melting from the lack of sleep and aching muscles, but it just cleared the mind. It definitely got him to clear his mind, to think about the stuff that Vergil had said to him and ponder about the implications of heading for another mission. Magni couldn't really figure that part out, so he mainly just pushed it in the corner of his mind, but it was still prodding him from time to time.

The training was grueling, tiring, and rather fun. He could feel the new power within him, he had never really trained that hard in quite some time, he had realized how much he had been limiting himself by not practicing the proper training routine. However, now was not the time to practice. It was the time to enjoy oneself. This party lasted for quite some time, Magni really just stayed at the bar, drinking almost to death. He really didn't like the taste of the drink, but it felt rather nice to feel such a warm fuzziness inside his cold heart and mind. However, when drunk he mainly just stayed the same. Silent, non-moving, and rather awkward to be around. Strangely enough, no one could ever see the top of his face, he managed to angle his mask to only show the bottom half of his face. What was he hiding up there? No one knew, and probably not for some time until he reveals his face. So, he just enjoyed his time of silence and alcohol for the day ahead would be even crazier than in this fort.

The Antimage found the hall rather silent, the way he liked it. He did have to dye his purple armor into lustrous green and he would say that it looked decent on him, but he liked his purple better. The Ruby Knight was an impressive sight to see, he could feel the confidence and power within such a figure. With his speech ended, Magni didn't really cheer, but just clapped. He still didn't feel right using his voice, it felt really weird. So, with everyone else, Magni calmly and orderly marched their way to the cannon room for something special for these Magic Games.

Eve - With Dragon Fang

Eve giggled, Nero's smile always managed to make her laugh and she didn't exactly know the reason why, but why should there be a reason for laughing? She titled her head slightly, she didn't really know what guest announcer really meant and also this whole Magic Games things really confused her. These games make people happy, but she also seemed to hear other conversations that they would be fighting. I guess fighting could bring happiness, but she liked the whole making people laugh through funny antics and jokes. She continued to listen to Nero, he also seemed to be rather excited for these games, so she just shrugged and decided to just be happy though this entire ordeal. "I have no idea what you are really talking about, but I'm glad your happy. These new guild names are rather funny to my ears, sounds wacky just like Dragon Fang!" She giggled just before Nero waved at all of guild members and she just shrugged. "If it makes people happy, I'm up for it,"

She was just about get closer to Nero before someone touched her shoulder. That slightly spooked her, grabbing onto Nero's arm tighter and she looked over to see who had poked her. Oh? It was Time Lord! This guy was pretty swell, just like Nero! He always brought her gifts from time to time, she has a little corner for those gifts! Well, it was nice to have him along anyway. She smiled brightly at the man and patted his chest with her hand, "Good, the more the merrier!" Eve giggled out, before patting Nero. Yes, best people in the world are with her and she was feeling quite chummy.

Sin & Virtue - Pheniox Wing Guild Hall

Both Sin and Virtue looked at each other, this thing was rather extravagant in their speeches. They saw that this Master Jamie was rather excited for these games. Virtue didn't really like this kind of violence to be sported around in such a jolly manner, Sin on the other hand was quite excited to see the strongest wizards from around Fiore to fight each other. So, obviously Virtue has to come with Sin just to keep him in check as her brother seemed quite intent on going to these games. Surely enough that he pulled her towards those lacarimas, supposed to teleport themselves to the Grand Magic Games and he was rather excited to see such bloodshed.

"Heya Mister Boss" Sin greeted towards Jarvis, "Hope you will allow me and my dear sister to watch this grand event!" Virtue rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Please, lets just get this over with," Virtue mumbled, the two grabbed their own lacarimas. The two ready to teleport with everyone else in this guild to Crocus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Outside Phoenix Wing guild hall
@Joshua tamashii@caits

Rose spent the last two months training by herself reconnecting with her magic as well as attempting to allow lucus back in her and else's life. She finished picking the blue bag with fishes on it. She doubled checked before heading out to the guild hall hearing Jamie rally the guild "Wow team b...always wanted to be back up"she said with a sleepy yawn. She listened to Jamie speak before moving over to him" here a bag of her favorite toys and here's an envelope of money for her to be spent on whatever will keep her occupied till I am done."she said with a smile as she was glad Jamie was back cause rose was certain Jarvis would have murdered someone if they asked one more stupid question.

*~*Amaya Vanisis*~*

Amaya enjoyed helping Joshua these past two months, kinda bummed out of not being picked but then again she did request not to have her magic publicly known as much as possible. She went on little jobs with Joshua and found him useful in fights since he can help keep her magic up with his ice blade compared to her very unstable team. She had wondered what happened to Lucas as normally he stuck around her but it seemed to been three months since she last saw him.

Amaya also enjoyed knowing about joshua's homeland and his adventures. She told him some about her home and her village. However she kept the truth of her past hidden foe her own reasons abd still avoided the question about how she became a Dragon slayer. In all truth it was the simple fact she feels like she would be betraying those she cared for by telling her story.

Amaya was sitting with Joshua just doing the usual chatting as she listened to Jamie announce the teams" good job on making team A" she said congratulating him as she accepted the help up"thank you lets get going" she said happily following him
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

All Phoenix Wingers

Damian remained where he was as Master Jamie spoke, though the addition of a few new members didn't escape his notice. Guess they joined while Penny and I were gone. He grinned as Jamie discussed the games and rested a hand on Durandal as he announced the teams. Angelo the Lightning Mage, Maddox the Blink, Rose the Shadow Mage, and Trinity the Archer. Add to that the Blade of Phoenix Wing and we've got one hell of a team. And the other one is no slouch either. We can win this. When Master Jamie hopped down, Damian looked at Penny and grinned before whipping Durandal free of it's sheath and thrusting it into the air.

At first, nothing happened, then a coalescing series of his sword blades appeared falling a short distance, then floating back up a short ways. After several seconds, the guild emblem sat in the middle of the hall, large and a rainbow of colors. "Let's go out and win this thing, guys! Time to show them what Phoenix Wing can do!" The emblem grew larger briefly before shattering into a thousand smaller ones, all a rainbow of colors. That trick had taken the better part of two weeks free time to finally get down right and it had still been a little off just now, not that anyone would know.

Jack Goran|Train to Crocus

Jack returned Hunter's wave as he lead the way into the train station, making sure to clear things with the ticket vendor before leading the way onto the train as Hunter took his place with the rest of Team Dragon Fang. "Yep. Spent two weeks learning to overcome the nausea. Turns out my heightened senses were betraying me." What Hunter didn't say was that he found sleeping beat it and that if he closed his eyes, he felt worlds better. Jack, on the other hand, was making sure the guild was all finding someplace to sit. The entire guild had opted to come and so there wasn't much room.

He nodded to Zev as he passed their seats. "Still morning, Zev, but glad to see you could make it and Fiona too." As he passed the young girl, he slipped her a sucker and a couple candy bars. Jamie's habits had somewhat rubbed off on him, so when he saw Fiona, he spoiled her to the best of his ability. When Jackie caught him, he chuckled and nodded. "Of course you can." He lead the way to their compartment and let Jackie in first before sitting as Ammy joined them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 36 min ago

Angelo cheered loudly at Damiens speech about showing them what they got. Angelo generated a lightning bolt and held it in his hand raising in the air like Damien was with his sword "to Phoenix wing! Time to show everyone why we are the best guild!" Angelo cheered out to everyone already feeling pumped up for the fight ready and raring to go! Angelo was ready for it he was ready to help lead the guild to victory the only one who has beaten him was Damien and that was a draw during the S rank exams.
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