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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 3 days ago

Maddox - Phoenix Wing

Over the course of two months Maddox had done several jobs but mostly spent time training. Nothing special physically, as Maddox had always exercised and worked out to stay in top condition, but he began pushing his magic to its limits. Years of barely using his magic had caused a notable atrophy and this time was devoted to reversing it. As the Magic Games were upon Phoenix Wing, he had certainly become stronger. He had only ever trained by himself, keeping a reserved attitude among his guildmates when it came to practicing. By teleporting far away from Magnolia he was able to go all-out safely, and secretly.

Now the time had come. The red-haired mage was in the guild hall with the rest of the chosen participants. Wearing his (now) signature leather jacket, he couldn't help but smirk when Jamie gave his speech on victory. She was always energetic and confident about the guild, and now was as good a time as ever to make him proud. Team B, huh, Maddox affirmed to himself, looking over to his comrades. He has known Angelo for a long time, and the boy was good. He was immature, but had potential. Damien was considered one of the strongest, if not the strongest, of Phoenix Wing, so having him as a partner was a plus for the team. Trinity and Rose were fairly new but highly motivated and both seemed rather intelligent. And that left Maddox. Seems like a well-rounded team to me.

After running a hand through his hair, noticing that he needed a haircut, he approached the teleportation lacrima that Jarvis had prepared for quick travel. "I don't think I've ever used one of these before," Maddox commented with a chuckle, picking one up in his right hand and gauging how much it weighed. He watched Damien's spectacle with a smirk, tossing up the lacrima and catching it again with the same hand. "We'll win, all right." Maddox grinned toward Damien before looking across the other guild members. Not a thing to worry about. We have stiff competition, but we sit at a higher caliber than the rest. I'll make sure we don't lose. I owe the guild at least that. Maintaining his smile, Maddox held the lacrima up and turned his attention to Jamie. "Let's get going, shall we?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago


"Whoops, my bad. When you have kids sir you start to get things mixed up all the time. And try not to spoil her too much. That's my job."
He chuckled and leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes and get some sleep until they arrived in Crocus. In the meantime Fiona was happily sucking on a lollipop and looked around at the hustle and bustle of the train. The entire guild seemed to be pouring in and it was really getting cramped as well as loud. How her dad was able to sleep with this much racket was beyond her, but it was simply because when one has kids, even the noisiest places are ideal napping spots.

@t2wave@Silver Fox
Nolan chuckled and leaned back with his back against the counter. "I'm quite fine thank you for your concern. Just stating the truth Why do you ask?" That uncharacteristic smile came back again with a vengeance. A gleam of light appeared from his teeth for a brief second making a low ringing sound and it was...charming? For the love of the gods there were sparkles around him! Okay something was really, really wrong with the situation here! Nolan was a guy that could hardly speak to women without flipping out or at best not froth from the mouth, but now he's being god damn Prince Charming! There was practical cause for anyone who knows him to be concerned for his well being!

The sparkles and charming smile were replaced by a grunt of being Karn's cat bed. "Yeah yeah I heard Karn I heard." He turned his head to look at Damian who was trying to pump everyone in the guild up with a light show with the Phoenix Wing's logo. For once Nolan actually approved of something that Damian did save for the time when he one twenty bucks on the bet that Penny and Damian would get together. He turned back to Ariel who was still shocked and puzzled. Perhaps it was something that she did that's made him more...friendly towards her?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall to Crocus

Over the next two months Gideon went a on jobs here and there. Some solo but most with people in the guild. He had also come to know Jamie who was the true Guild Master of Phoenix Wing. Finally it was the morning of the Games and everyone had been at the guild hall waiting around it seemed. Jamie was excited that was for sure. It was announced that there was transportation lacrima for anyone that would be cheering on those that were participating. He had wanted to see the games so he decided that he would be going to watch and cheer on the guild. Gideon walked up to the table and smiled at Javis as he took a lacrima. Gideon waved to Jarvis as he left the guild hall and went outside. As soon as he took another step he activated the lacrima and said. "Crocus." His next step was through the gates of the Capital City. Gideon had passed the city once before on a job close by but never stopped. He also had heard his father talk about it a lot. Crocus was a beautiful place and was filled with people getting ready for the Games. Gideon began to walk around and then something over head clouded the sky. Gideon looked up and then gasped in amazement as a giant ship flew over the city. Several people gasped with him and a few others cheered that a guild called Pirate Lord had arrived. Gideon hadn't heard of them and by the looks of it most other people hadn't either besides a few here in there among the crowd that was gathering. Gideon wished he could communicate with the others so that they could see this giant ship and then he began to ponder...who where his guildmates about to face?

Pirate Lord Guild Ship Bridge

Captain Salem had called his strongest members into the bridge for a meeting. "Alright everyone we have arrived at Crocus. The games will begin when they are announced for this I want you all to form a team. Decide among yourselves who is going. I assume Bel that you will still be participating?" Salem smirked big. "Right now the team that was decided on when we left to get here was as follows: Bel, Malice, Aurora, Merlina, and Soren. If any of you want to back out then you need to decide now." A cat purred in his lap and nuzzled his hand. Once the cat was done it looked at Malice and hissed but then seemed to have smirk on it's face. Salem gave it a look that said stop it and it did. Suddenly A screen popped up in front of him. Sara says we have arrived at the place that we shall be docking. We have enough power to last use the length of the games and to keep us floating. Bel and I will be storing up to get us going again after the games. We will win this everyone." Salem got quite and waited for everyone to respond except two of them who had nodded that they would be staying when they were called on, Soren and Merlina.

@oblivion666 @demon shinobi @Vesuvius00
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera -- Phoenix Wing Guild Hall
Mithera fluttered haphazardly into the guildhall, before zeroing on Karn, and his little form. In seconds Karn would find himself being tackled, and likely playfully stick under Mithera. "Karn! You're back!" She snuggled up to him. "About time you come home! I missed you so much Karn!" She pushed her cheek against Karn's, nuzzling him gently. "And you have a cute new form! That's amazing! What kind of things can it do? It's my size too! That's so cool! Where did you get it?" She nuzzled his cheek again, glad he was back. "I missed you!" She jumped up and down a little, before rolling off him and onto her back, letting him get up again.

Mayt -- Some backwater town, on a job
Mayt sighed softly as a man walked below him, and he dropped down just as the man passed over him, letting the sound of his sword sliding out of its scabbard tell him to turn around. "Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help but notice you have more things than you walked into that house with. A good deal, in fact. You mind returning them before I beat the living shit out of you and give them back anyway?" The cloaked man moved to strike at Mayt, but he was met by the pommel of a sword hitting his nose, causing it to squirt out blood, and knocking him out. Mayt rolled his eyes, leaning down and tying the thief's hands before liberating him of all his stolen goods. "A good punch in the face can work just as well as magic if done right." He turned and walked towards the manor the man had just come from.

As he arrived, he knocked on the door, waiting for a maid to open it and throwing her a small sack. "You'll find that most of those items are missing. I don't know where the rest are, but the local police should find them soon enough. I've apprehended the thief and I'm going to drag him off to jail." The maid gave him a blank stare for a moment, before going to find the reward she was supposed to give to anyone who completed the job, but by the time she got back to the door Mayt had already left, and she could see him dragging the thief off. Blood still trailing from his nose.

As he walked, Mayt looked back at the thief as he dragged him along. As he came to, Mayt sighed softly. "You made me late to something I really didn't want to be late for." The thief groaned softly, not really understanding what was going on. "I really don't appreciate it. You're lucky I'm not a dark guild member, or your head would be on a pike in thirty seconds flat. Assuming I was nice enough to kill you quickly. I have half a mind to drag your ass all the way to Crocus so I don't have to stop to explain who you are, but that would be even more inconvenient in the long run.." The thief chuckled very softly, but then groaned again. Before long Mayt was throwing him at the feet of someone in charge, and stared at him roughly. "This guy is a thief, I don't know where he's been storing what he has been stealing, but that's now your job to find." Mayt moved on past, and soon found himself at the train yard, and he was soon on his way to Crocus. "Freaking hate being late." He murmured softly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri Takashi

During the two months Sayuri had kept herself extremely busy. She'd been training, doing jobs, and helping her father when needed. The first two almost consistently at the same time. She'd regularly drop by the guildhall to pick up jobs though it was always at odd hours so she rarely saw anyone other than Jamie and Jarvis and even then only in passing. She had certainly gained strength. She'd even gained a
couple new abilities while out training. Though magic wasn't the only thing she'd gained. Her fighting ability had also improved. It was now more focused on how she caught rather than a typical style. She was more than satisfied with her progress over the two months.

She'd entered the guild unnoticed as Jamie was telling everyone who would be participating. She sighs as she wasn't named to participate, 'Well darn that takes some of the wind out of my sails. Oh well. There's always next time. Besides the progress I've made is great.'

She pats an unsuspecting Ariel on the shoulder, "Sup Ariel. It's been awhile. Hope you haven't had any troubles with the apartment. I haven't but I just wanna make sure," she grabs one of the teleportation lacrima but slips it into her pocket instead of using it. She looks at Jamie, "I think I'll stay here with Ariel. Having a couple people stay in the guildhall to keep an eye on the place would probably be a good idea."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

time Lord
@invisible Man

Time lord was very aware that Nero didn't like him. He smiled in a friendly way, happy to annoy the Genie. "Oh, you dont need to be polite, Nero. I'm very aware you do not have any particular fond feelings for me. All I have is Eve's' best interests at heart, and I hope you do to." There was a threat in those words, but Time Lord still smiled, looking to Eve, "Sadly, I didn't bring anything today for you. I was running a tad late, and left it home. I'm sure there will be a place to buy something at the games"

He smiled, and looked about the train station, easily picking out the train that would take them to Crocus, and began to herd the others in that direction, "This train will get us there just in time. I'm sure the rest of Dragon Fang will be on it, come on now" The fact that Time Lord was younger then Nero, not that the Genie, nor anyone else knew this, didn't seem to worry Time Lord.

@Silver Fox

Michael smiled, happy that he could be apart of the games, as well as see his brother. They hadn't spent this much time apart...in ever. The longest they had been apart before this, was a few hours. It had been a very long adaption, anad Michael was just glad that Gabriel hadn't got himself into serious trouble. "Of that I have no doubt. Gabriel always loved battles and competitions" he said, following Prince out. "I guess I'm just looking forward to be...well, apart of it"

He looked around at the cheers, and the way everyone was. Happy, Michael smiled, and finally managed to catch up with Zephyr. "I know what you've been trying to do. If you want to take over the spirit completely, my guess is you have to prove yourself" He gave a shrug, because he didn't know this area of spirits, and could only speculate. He just didn't want his friend to get hurt.

Master Jamie
@Amaya Tamashii

Jamie grinned, "You aren't back up, Rosie. We are entering two teams. I expect you to do just as well as the others." He said, taking the bag and slinging it over one shoulder. "go on. I'll make sure she's all fine and find a good spot to watch from" She said, grabbing two Lacrimas, handing one to Rose.


Penny returned Damian's grin, watching as he created the guild mark. She knew that it had been a frustrating process, but it looked excellent now. She smiled, giving a glance around at everyone. Some were already grabbing teleportation lacrima. There were new faces, which meant they would have to catch up on who joined.

Her eyes were drawn to a girl. There was nothing really interesting about her, she could have been any one. No. It was the sense of her magic. Phoenix? Solias said there was only a handful left... Thinking about Solias was painful, and she swallowed. Is is possible she trained with a Phoenix? If so...Where is that Phoenix now? Penny wondered, figuring she would speak with the girl later. As far as she knew, she had been the only Phoenix Slayer around. Solias had said about one that he had known, a long time ago, but hadn't heard anything of them for a while.

She looked back to Damain, "Let's go. You don't want to be late, and miss entering" She said with a smile


Sasha retrieved a Lacrima, and retreated back to Lazarus. When the guild gathered, it was quite crowded in the hall, but Sasha liked that. The two teams were quite balanced, she thought, and She thought that Karn at least would be easy to work with. She hadn't had much t do with Nolan, and all she knew of Joshua was from Edolas, and that had been too messed up to really get to know anyone, but he seemed a reasonable member.

Of course, the other team had powerful members too which meant that they had a good chance of winning this. But would they have to fight each other? That was a queer thought.

She grabbed Lazarus's hand, and activated the Lacrima, transporting them to Crocus in minutes.


it was nearing Midday. The games were about to begin.

There was a lot of anticipation and hype for the grand magic games, and the Games Master was milking it up, cheering and getting the crowd involved as the guilds prepared to start the elimination round.

At the announcer desk, a small, brown haired sweet looking woman sat with a microphone, speaking "So, for the first time in 100 years, we have the grand magic games. How amazing is that? And it looks like there are some strong contenders today! Phoenix Wing, well, we've all heard of them, does anything else need to be said?" She smiled sweetly, looking to her other commentators, "Dragon Fang, again another powerful contender for the games, but these two guilds seem to have a good relationship, I wonder if they will use that in the games? Guess we shall see! Frenzy Plant, not much is known about them, but we are hearing more and more from them! And then there is iron Inigma, a mysterious guild. There are always late contenders, and we've heard things about a Rider guild too! How awesome is that? I wonder if they ride horses!"

Again, she smiled sweetly, and looked to her comrades in the announcer box, "Who do you think will win?"

Ferris sat next to the small, sickeningly sweet woman while watching the games master hype up the crowd. She had spoke into the microphone with great enthusiasm that was greatly justified. This was the first time in one hundred years that the games had last taken place and as a mage himself he was very honored and excited to be apart of this even if he wasn't fighting himself. Magic was finally becoming accepted again just like it was back in the golden age of mages, the age when Fairy Tail, Saber Tooth, Lamia Scale, and so on. Today all of the big names of this century were taking place to fight for the title of strongest guild and the prize money that came along with it. He had been looking forward this day ever since it had been announced by the royal family.

Brushing his hair followed by sparkles appearing around him, he leaned in and spoke into the microphone. "That is completely up in the air. Phoenix Wing has Damian "Blades" Gerald and we all know what kind of force he is to be reckoned with along with Sasha Shin, the Ice Queen that rules over the ice. There are many well known mages such as Trinity, Maddox, and Lazarus, but there are a couple of not as well known mages from their guild such as Nolan and Karn. Dragon Fang is a monstrously guild as well that has one of the strongest teams in all of Fiore and Frenzy Plant's militaristic discipline shall prove to be a tough wall to hurdle for the other guilds. My knowledge of Iron Enigma and the Rider guild is zilch. What I can guarantee is that this will be one blood pumping, heart stopping ride! " He smiled ever so handsomely at the female announcer with sparkles all around him.

The announcer, her name going by Jessie, grinned and said "Ferris is making himself look pretty, as if some of you girls in the crowd could see him! He's pulling all the stops, sparkles and everything! This guy's a player!" she gave a sickeningly sweet giggle, the young woman showing that she wasn't merely a sweet girl.

"But he's right, there's so many powerful players here, that anyone could win! It's going to be a fascinating ride, that's for sure! Now, the peliminary round, that's going to be a-ma-zing. There's 77 guilds registered right now, who knew that there was that many guilds around? Of course, 100 years ago that number was much greater, but I think 77 is a marvelous number! But it isn't for the games, of course! So, there needs to be a round to eliminate some guilds, all the way down to six! How awesome is that? Six guilds, out of 77 will compete to prove te strongest guild in Fiore! OH! WE Don't know what the peliminary round is, but we can spectulate! Little birdies over heard questions being prepared, so is it going to be a round of quizzes? WHO Knows, what say you Ferris?"

Ferris smirked at Jessie's not so innocent comments and spoke into he microphone in a way that conveyed that charm of his. "I deny nothing." He chuckled and turned his attention back to the main event in front of him. As fun as it was to play it up with the sweet commentator there were more important matters at hand. He listened to what she had to say about the elimination round. Seventy seven joined in the preliminaries, but only six could make it. They didn't know what the first event except that it maybe a quiz so it was purely speculation at this point.

"Well Jessie my guess is that the mages' wisdom is going to be tested so that they get through obstacles. One of the most important things a mage needs is their wits. If they don't have that then they aren't worth their guild's crest. If I can guarantee who is going to be in the six is Phoenix Wing, Dragon Fang, and Frenzy Plant. The rest I couldn't say. What about you Jess?"

Jessie giggled again, and smiled, leaning into the microphone, it was clear she was sitting on a book or two to be able to see over the desk. Uncomfortable, she climbed up onto te pannal and brought the microphone to her.

"Well, of course, they will be in it. They have bright members, once you get passed their power! I reckon you're right, I guess we will just have to wait and see! OH LOOK! The games master, SHeldon is getting ready to start! HUSH! Let' here what he has to say!"

The Games master was twirling about, generally making a fool of themselves, grinning, dancing and playing up the crowd, but as half past 11 rocked around, he become serious, and stood with a hand in the air, waiting for silence. When He was granted Silence, the Games Master Smiled, and began to speak, his voice unnaturally loud "Gooooooooood Daaaaaaaaaaaay Fiore! I am SHEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOON! Your Master of Games! Now, some guilds are still arriving, some guilds are still signing up, and they have 30 minutes to reach the Stadium! Of course, we have to kull some of them, and bring you six teams! So, the Pelim round, or as I like to call it, You Blew it round, will begin to get rid of some of them! This years Blew it Round is a test of wits, genius and the ability to trust your team members!

There are ten levels! You must climb to the top, passing each level and going through the door to the next floor. You must answer riddles! THAT's RIGHT1 Haha, you'll have fun, I'm sure! And you may just find a surprise at the top! You have 25 minutes, guilds! Use them wisely!"

Master Jamie
@YipeeXD@Zarkun@silver Fox@Joshua tamashii@J8cob@hatakekuro@Amaya Tamashii@Jangel13@CirusArvennicus

Jamie, still holding Elyse, turned to his teams, and smiled at them. Most of the guild should already be in the stands, ready to watch and cheer the guild on. They had a ssection reserved, close to the action.

"Alright. Take your time with these, and don't get impatient. I know most of you prefer to kick butt, and think later, but I know you can do this! So. Talk and then answer, okay? We'll be cheering you on! I know Sheldon can be queer, but he's really quite harmless. And will enjoy this more then you" Jamie smiled again, "Okay. ANy last minute worries?"


Gabriel had arrived with the rest of Frenzy plant, and after enlisting Thor to save him a seat, he went hunting for Michael. He expected his brother to be here, and was not disappointed when he found him through the crowd. Gabriel then proceeded to weave through the crowd, to his brothers side, looking over the members of Dragon Fang that were with Michael.

"MICKY!" Gabriel said, and Michael looked over, then smiled brightly, and pushed towards Gabriel, hugging him. "Oh, I hoped to see you here, Gabriel! It's so great to see you! I've missed you! How have you been?" Michael seemed very eager, and Gabriel smiled, glad his brother was somewhat energetic right now.

"I'm doing great, Micky, what about you?" Michael was probably five cm taller then Gabriel, and yet, he had a way of seeming smaller. Gabriel ruffled his hair, and smiled.

"I'm excellent! It's been great, these last few months, but I've missed you greatly"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 23 min ago

Trinity Stratos - Phoenix Wing

Trinity smiled as she felt Karn leap to her shoulders, situating himself comfortably. She reached up to scratch his head adoringly, though it wasn't long before he leaped from her shoulders to Nolan's head. The archer took a moment to look the boy over, "this is one of your teammates, Karn?" In response to Damian's rousing, Trinity turned and called, "Yeah, let's win it!"

Just then, a small, black-furred figured pounced on Karn from the entryway. "Oh." The archer watched the two tumble for a moment, the apparent cuteness of the scene increasing beyond her expectations for the morning. Where had this other creature come from? Ah, it must be Mithera. "Haha, should I leave you two be?" Watching the two currently small creatures, Trinity had herself a seat on the nearby couch.

Soon enough, it was time to go. She'd probably end up grouping up with her team in the moment's after she arrived, so she hadn't been to worried about finding them herself right away. She stood up, motioning to the others that nobody needed to get up. She retrieved enough Lacrima for Nolan, Fleo, Karn, Mithera, and herself. When she comes to Sayuri, all she has for her is an apologetic grin and a show of empty hands. She retrieved hers from her pocket and gazed upon the lacrima for just a moment before turning to the others. "So, uh... who knows where we're going? Crocus? Where's that?"

Mysterious Swordsman - Crocus

A cloaked figure carrying a torch emerged from a mountain tunnel. A woman bearing a sword, she raised her arm to shield her eyes from the sun while she gazed at her long-awaited destination. Rumor has it her guild would be here. After extinguishing her now obsolete light source, the woman placed the object against the side of the cave. Another traveler could use it.

The woman made her way across the field, stopping here or there to smell an occasional flower she'd never seen before, or gaze at the fish in the stream. This was a very peaceful, very beautiful place. Fitting of the kindgom that embraced magic so. Her eyes fell upon the arena, above the city in the mountains, and it gave her pause. A lot of mages would be gathering today, her guild included. She should be more serious, now.

Ryan Kregor & "Kracko" Niles - Crocus

The man wearing the purple pinstripe had a cigar in his mouth at most times, whether it was lit or not. He only really took it out of his mouth to make talking easier, and only if he was about to do a lot of it. He had just stepped out of a nearby magic shop, and went to light his cigar when a female voice sounded from behind him, "Ryan, I'm ready!" The man sighed, exhausted from having to keep up with this young lady all day.

"Finally. You know we're only here to sell, right? We're not supposed to be buying things right away." He gave her a vague leer before he went to light his cigar again, only to have the lighter swiped from his hand by a young lady with short brown hair, green eyes, and a pale green and yellow lightning bolt pattern scarf.

"And you know that's bad for your health!" She held the lighter out and wagged it at him, trying to shame him for his bad habit.

"Who cares?" Ryan simply swiped his lighter right back, and he lit his cigar. The girl pouted, but plodded along happily behind him as he trudged ahead. "C'mon, this was our last stop. We'll be late if we don' hurry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall ---> Crocus


"Yup! This is Nolan! We've been training together for the last two months!" Karn chirped, before his ears twitched as he smelled a familiar scent before he was promptly tackled off of Nolan and to the ground a familiar white scaled creature.

Chuckling as he was flat on his back, wings fluttering a little as he was nuzzled and snuggled by Mithera. Ears twitching as he listened to her before rolling off to let him up, the small brown creature got up and playfully pawed at the scaled belly.

"I missed you too Mythy! Good to see you're doing well! Yeah I got this form two months ago. There's a nifty place I'll show you sometime! This for, is one I can stay in as long as I want and helps recover my magic! And it can fly and breathe fire!" Karn said eagerly as he answered his friend's question before breathing out a puff of golden flame. About the size as a gumball. He chuckled and lightly pawed at her tail.

"What have you, Zero-kun, and Zenny been up to?" he asked before his ears perked toward Trinity as she spoke, cooing a little in amusement at her words before getting them all Lacrima. Karn pawed at the ball a little, before looking up to Trinity at the question.

"I have no idea." Karn chuckled before picking up the Lacrima with his little mouth while leaping onto Nolan's head again.

When getting toto Crocus, Karn continued to lay on top of Nolan's head, excitedly looking around.


Dragon Fang Guild Hall ~~~> Crocus


Prince chuckled in amusement at Michael's words and gently ruffled the blue hair. [color=aqua]"Yeah, it should be a grand of a time. The feline said, watching as his two teammates spoke to one another while he hummed softly.

When at the games, he sat with Michael, buuuuut this time, instead wearing his usual attire, the tall feline suddenly had long red hair, looked like a girl chest hips and all, and was wearing what looked like a cheerleading outfit. Though the eyepatch was still covering the one eye. Waving pom poms in his clawed hands.

"Good luck everyone! Go Go Dragon Fang!" a feminine voice cheered before shouted energetically.

Looking to Michael, he grinned cheerfully and wrapped his arms around the blue haired boy's neck from behind. "Ah this must be the Gabriel I've heard so much about. Nice to meet you~" The feline said gleefully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Phoenix Guild Hall
Staring for a moment she wasn't quite sure how to respond. Nolan was acting strange. He smiled again before going into full on charm mode. Did Karn break Nolan in the last two months? Changing to Light she stepped closer to see if he would do anything different. "Because you aren't acting like your usual self. Like, at all. Are you sure you're alright?" It was probably a bad idea but she raised a hand to see if he was running a fever.

Sayuri approached which startled and drew Ariel's attention away from Nolan. "Ah! Oh, hi Sayuri. No the appartment has been great." The Light mage watched her pocket the teleportation lacrama. "You don't have to stay here with me. I'm sure it would be much better in person. Don't stay behind on my behalf." At least Ariel's mood was improved. Speaking of going to the games those participating needed to go. Turning back to Nolan she pointed that out. "You better get going. Can't afford to be late."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Online

Angelo grinned as he transported with the others in time to see the announcer and the game master go on about their speech about the first round. Unfortunately the games wasn't what Angelo was expecting since he was thinking it was going to be an all out brawl but instead the first round is handling riddles? Angelo was already worried because he was never good at these word games and he wouldn't know how to answer one of them Angelo is already afraid he will loose in the first round before he can really fight. Angelo looked as Jamie asked them if they had any questions "is their a way to figure out what riddles we are going to deal with?" Angelo asked hoping that if their was a pattern to the madness then he may have a chance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hunter Jorgenson and Ammy Silver|Grand Magic Games in Crocus

Hunter stood with the rest of his teammates in their designated starting area, listening to the announcers and game master with a bored expression on his face. He just wanted to get fighting already, especially with so many people with so many different kinds of magic. Hearing that Phoenix Wing's famous Blade was in the competition made him tingly with anticipation. In fact, he was so busy imagining the battle that he almost missed the announcement that they'd be solving riddles first and then get to the actual games. He groaned audibly and looked at his team. "Tell me you guys are good at riddles because I'm not. Just ask Zev." Ammy, who had summoned her scythes and placed them in their places on her hips, smiled and shook her head at Hunter. The young man had a natural knack for combat, which was a given thing since he was trained by a dragon, but he admittedly wasn't very good at word games.

"Hunter makes a good point this time, but that shouldn't matter. We all have something to bring to this particular challenge. Are we all ready?"

Damian Gerard|Grand Magic Games in Crocus

Damian sat with the rest of Phoenix Wing Team B, making a last minute once over of Durandal to ensure that the blade was in tiptop shape. And that it's innate magic wouldn't act up when he least expected it. During the last couple months, he had realized he could sense something in the blade, but never had anything happen. Still, the fact that it could flare up made him worry and he didn't want it acting up when he least expected. Gonna need to talk to Zero and Zenoram about that, see if they have any theories. Satisfied with it's condition, he spins the blade and sheathes it.

A game of riddles to bring it down to six guilds from seventy-seven. That would be interesting, but he had a feeling that both Phoenix Wing teams would make it through to the Games themselves. Turning to his team mates, he puts his fist forward. "Let's do this!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mithera -- Phoenix Wing to Crocus
Mithera pawed back at Karn, and when he spat a ball of fire to show off his new ability, she matched it with one of her own, watching them collide in midair. "That's amazing Karn!" She continued to paw back until Trinity distracted him, and he moved back onto Nolan's head. Mithera joined him, but on Nolan's shoulder instead, hoping her tiny weight wouldn't make him uncomfortable.

Once they got to the games, Mithera perched herself on the railing in front of where the guild was staring, and watched the arena floor with great anticipation, her tail waving lazily back and forth in anticipation. She blinked once she heard the name Iron Enigma, and she tensed up, not moving. What was Melina's old guild doing here?

Team Iron Enigma
Team Iron Enigma was ready to go, but they were relaxed and happy to be here. Laynette was stuck on an emergency job, so for now Deyja, who was separate from the rest of his team reading poetry to himself, was replacing her in the games. Jacob could barely hold his excitement in. He was constantly jumping around and starting short conversations with his other team members, and a gave a snide comment about how they were dressed, which was a simple design that they all were wearing. Nothing special or particularly eye-drawing but it didn't restrict movement and had the guild emblem on their back. Cathris was also off alone, but she was absorbing energy and preparing herself for the next few days of the games. Grant was enjoying a conversation with Mark, the team's most versatile member, since he was a maker mage. He was likely going to be their pick for the first challenge that they had no idea what the name indicated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo was with team b waiting to see when Damien called tell them and say let's do this. Angelo grinned at him as he walked over and put his fist against his "let's show them why we are the best and win this" Angelo said grinning waiting for the others to get in on it
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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@Silver Fox@Caits@YipeeXD@Joshua Tamashii

Nolan sat with his teammates while he waited for the event to start. The only in the team that he knew the most was Karn, who speaking of which was sleeping on his friend's head and the rest he seldom knew. He knew that they were powerful mages, that much was for certain or else they wouldn't even be there. Sasha did make him feel uncomfortable simply because she was a woman and his fear of them simply made it hard for him, but in a situation like this he would manage it. As a teammate he would offer his support in and out of combat, even if Sasha did make his hide shiver.

So the preliminaries were test made of riddles. He could only guess that these riddles maybe tough if it was enough to whittle down seventy seven teams to six There was no nervousness of them losing before the games could even start. He was confident with his mental ability that had become even stronger after having to deal with Karn's mind tricks for two months. Speaking of Karn, Nolan tapped him on the head. "Oi, get ready. The event is soon."

With one out of the way, it was time for the second series of tests to begin. The receptionist's opinion of the oni was mixed. He seemed like a force to be reckoned with, judging by his aura and bearing alone. Such a warrior would require stiff challenges. She examined the sparse selection of mages available and made her selection. "Private Leixia Wuiwomi, it is time to demonstrate your mastery of Bow Magic."

The hooded girl, almost hidden in a corner of the room, breathed a heavy sigh. Never would she greet a call to action that put her in the limelight as a friend. She pulled out her bow as she took a position opposite Enma. Her eyes swept over him quickly, and her gaze hardened. "Fine then. Even if you're better, you're going to look like a pincushion before I'm through. You ready?"

Was this guild filled to the brim with beautiful women? By the gods he must've died and gone to paradise! This however wasn't the time to be admiring beauties; this was a time of action because Leixia certainly wasn't fawning over him. He swung his kanabo for a brief warm up and just from that swing alone came great air pressure from his own physical strength. This woman had spunk, he liked that in his opponents. "You can say that if you can hurt me. Come at me with your worst." He grinned devilishly like a battle loving behemoth and swung down his club against the floor.

Though inaudible, Leixia gulped.

The receptionist didn't seem worried. Her outward demeanor had changed little. "Begin!"

Leixia wasted no time. With a club like that, the frightening stranger would be wanting to get into melee range, no bones about it. One swing of that thing and Frenzy Plant's prettiest archeress would be a pretty pudding. In a swift, fluid motion, she drew an nocked an arrow, starting to move backward in the process. She shouted, just a little too loudly, "Hyper Toxic Arrow!" and shot it at him, then started to knock a second arrow immediately afterward.

Enma could only assume that Leixia was going to keep her distance from him due to her archery magic as well as the fact if he gets within range of her with that club of his, she was going to be left as a blood smear along the floor. Just like he predicted, at the start of the spar the archeress knocked an arrow and shot an aptly named poisonous arrow that whizzed through the air and just as quickly knocked her second arrow. The oni shifted his stance, turning it into a side stance with his left side face open and leaded backwards slightly, hearing the wind whistle from the passing arrow.

Beneath her breath, Leixia swore vehemently. Dodging a well-aimed arrow, particularly at the speeds she fired, was no easy feat. Clearly this man possessed supernatural reflex as well as strength. The expression on his face, as if he would have been happy seeing her on a platter, would have unnerved a less self-sure woman, but Leixia kept up a straight face.

That same vicious grin was pasted on his face. It seemed like it was his turn to attack. While he had dodged the arrow he concentrated vibrations in his throat and he leaned forward shouting, "Ogre's War Cry!" Using the air as a medium for his vibrations and his voice as a catalyst for the attack, he roared and sent a continues forward force towards Leixia. The force of the vibration induced attack typically inflicted both blunt damage and a sensation akin to vertigo, and Enma expected this to be no different.

Deducing from the incantation that a sound attack was incoming, Leixa prepared to roll for the side. When the bellow came, her head rattled and her vision swam, but she managed to evade the brunt of the attack. At this point, she was glad enough that Enma hadn't seen fit to close the distance just yet. Leixia resharpened her vision, and palmed three arrows. "Wuiwomi Volley!" she belted out, and with great speed, shot all four arrows consecutively. Their tips were blunted, as most weapons were in the training hall, but would deliver almost the exact same amount of hurt on contact. Without any sort of magic to aid her, Leixia shot her arrows faster than normal by moving her bow forward while drawing the string backward, thus halving draw time, and transferring arrows directly from her hand rather than the quiver.

Not bad, not bad at all. Despite the difference in both power and skill she still was physically capable to at least dodge his War Cry enough to avoid the full impact. She added three more arrows to her quiver and then shot four arrows consecutively. He respected her as an opponent for her talent as an archeress, but alas, he had bigger fish to fry. Enma dashed forward as she shot the arrows at him and swung his club upwards, breaking the arrows on contact and continued charging forward. The distance between them was now closed, leaving Leixia vulnerable to Enma's attacks. He clenched both hands around the handle of the spiked club. With a sharp twist of his waist to shift his weight forward, he swung the blunt weapon horizontally to the right side of her torso. He still held back enough of his strength to keep himself from splatting her against the wall.

The sight of a charging Enma breaking her arrows caused Leixia to freeze, "Shit," was all she managed, in a remarkably deadpan tone as well, before the impact of the oni's club smashed the wind from her lungs. She tumbled to the floor, gasping, her bow and arrows completely forgotten. Her chocolate-brown eyes were scrwed shut, as if by cutting off her senses she could shut off the pain.

Morimato Tsubano, the healer eternally on call at the Frenzy Fort, rushed in. A few moments and a quick examination later, she hauled Leixa off with a miniature horde of animated dolls. Holding back was clearly not something Enma had much practice doing, though to do him credit Tsubano hadn't found any fractured ribs.

Enma felt her body mold along the club as it slammed the right side of her ribs. Leixia could've been easily killed by Enma if he didn't hold himself back enough, but thankfully he had the sense to keep himself from turning her insides into mush. Before he could go and help her, a masked person dressed in furs rushed in and shipped the poor woman off for treatment. The guild seemed to be buzzing now that one of their own was possibly seriously injured. Thankfully her ribs were simply bruised so there was no need to worry.

After the commotion died down, and her fear for Leixia's ribcage laid to rest, Indigo selected a new challenger. As much as she wished Kilo was there, the huge axeman was part of a siege crew gone north and wouldn't be helping out this time. The blonde receptionist found among the Lieutenants the most physically-brutal one she could. To be sure, without magic Arivaderci Salvay was nothing special, but her specific practice could match Kilo blow for blow.

When called for, the naga slithered slowly and humbly to the mark. She knew why she'd been selected, and hoped herself equal to the task, but said nothing. Once in her spot, she raised her hands into her stance and waiting for the signal to come.

His next opponent was unexpected. Who would've known that this guild would have a naga as a member? Guilds were much stranger than he originally thought. He figured that since long range attacks like arrows were ineffective then it was most likely the case that this naga was someone that he could trade blows with. It looked like he was going to be a bit more serious than the last match. He held the spiked weapon with only one hand with ease so that he had a free hand to use. Now all he had to do was just wait for Indigo to give them the okay to fight.

It wasn't long at all before Indigo obliged. "Begin."

A suspicious lack of vocal accompanyment arose as Arivaderci thrust her palms against the floor. The double impact caused the entire training room to rumble, but all the reverberations attuned themselves to one spot: Enma's. There, they all met and collided with one another, creating a violent shaking beneath Enma's feet intense enough to knock a full-grown man to the floor. The cursed naga then surged forward, using her winding body to move far faster than possible for a normal woman her size, and bore down on the oni with a grim, mute determination.

At Indigo's signal the Naga mutely thrusted her palms against the floor, causing the entire room to tremor from the sheer force. The vibrations had homed in on Enma and once they collided together they created a small scale earthquake that would've been enough to bring a lesser man to his knees. Enma however was not a lesser man. Only did his knees slightly buckle from the initial impact and that was the extent of the Naga's attack. Once he felt the initial tremor beneath him he had created vibrations that were of equal strength of said tremor. Any effect of the tremor was neutralized and the oni was ready for the next attack.

She rocketed towards him with speed that he wouldn't have expected of a woman of her size with a steely determination. Enma had to respect her will and desire to beat him, but this time he wasn't going to play games. This was going to end with one strike. The spiked club glowed red from his Warrior's Magic, increasing its durability and hardness to give more damage. Vibrations erupted from the soles of his feet and created a powerful concussive force that made Enma dart towards the Naga at high speeds. When he was in range he swung his blunt weapon straight down towards her head.

A small smile, the kind born of a fulfilled expectation rather than any inkling of happiness, skipped over Arivaderci's face. Now in an ideal range, she stopped moving, and held a single, small, pale hand in the path of the crushing maul. No words passed her lips, but there was a subtle change in the air--an ill wind. The club came within an inch of her skin and then, with neither flare nor ceremony, shot upward. The incredible force at which it rebounded away from her palm tore at Enma's grasp. Even if the thing wasn't wrenched from his grip, its path of movement had been totally reversed, and the oni was forced to use his strength to bring it back under his control. Arivaderci then pivoted, coiling her snaketail slightly and springing off of it, and laid two hands sideways on the bare part of Enma's chest, one above the other. For a split second there was nothing but a meeting between their eyes. Then enough raw power flowed through Arivaderci's hands to carve a rhino-sized hole in a castle wall.

His attack was going to land and she seemed just so calm with her hand out as if it would be able to block that attack. He could tell something was off just with the ominous wind. Then he understood why; that head smashing maul was sent flying upwards towards his own face. He let go of the club and tilted his head to hear the whoosh of his weapon flying by his ear to avoid breaking his own skull into bits. Arivaderci's hands were soon on his exposed chest after she sprung off her coiled snake tail and within a moment after their eyes locked a blast of power blasted against his chest. Enma grabbed onto her wrists with both hands and gritted his teeth from the pain, but there wasn't any blood. His skin was a vivid red like the skin of a demon's. His Warrior's Magic had coated his chest and cut the damage that he would've received from her in half.

His grip on her wrists was so great that he probably had broken her wrists and spheres of vibrations appeared around his hands. Enma's demon grin stretched back on his face and the vibrations exploded with an over whleming force that tore the ground beneath them into deep, spherical crater.

Arivaderci gritted her teeth at the immediate pain, knowing that it would only increase in the coming seconds. With what remaining control she could muster over her hands, she delivered another, less concentrated dual palm blast that allowed her to ride Enma's vibration overload rather than be torn apart by it, and she landed in a coil some distance away. She flexed her wrists experimentally, revealing that the bones were intact. Some satisfaction budded in her grave heart, imperceptible to the world as always, that she had weathered such an attack. Those hands were the foci of her power; they would not be so easily destroyed. Still, her head rang with a brutal, high-frequency pounding that had yet to depart.

Enma gritted his teeth from the second dual palms blast as he tried to overload her with his vibrations, using the force of the attack to propel herself away from him to avoid the constant barrage. It looked like his grip didn't break her wrists like he hoped for though it looked like the shock waves did enough damage to her that he at least had the upper hand for now. The beauty of vibrations is that it can cause internal damage even if it is blocked physically along with the destructive force it is capable of.

"Penalty: challenger!" Came a call from the sidelines. Indigo had stood up, arms crossed beneath her chest. [color=0007FFF]"To be a soldier means to have discipline. To have discipline means to control oneself. Frenzy Plant, unlike other guilds, does not tolerate collateral damage."[/color]

Enma was about to follow up and attack, but stopped hearing Indigo call out penalty. He turned to look at her and arched his brow. "Penalty? What kind of bullshit is this? If you got rules then tell them before the god damn fight princess." Enma glared at her with annoyance. He couldn't help it if his magic was destructive. This is how he was taught how to use it and this was the fighting style that he had used in war to defeat his foes. This mage says that they are soldiers, but how many of them had actually gone to war? There was no such thing as avoiding collateral simply because they were too focused on surviving for another day.

Penalty Command, Challenger: Hardlight Snare." The training room floor flashed, small particles of green light tracing lines across the ground and surrounding Enma. They converged on him and crawled up his legs, until a glowing, angular pattern covered his whole body. The oni couldn't move.

The sound of dry scales sliding over hardwood paneling heralded Arivaderci's approach. When the oni looked up, he saw the naga at the top of the crater, but she made no move to approach or attack. She just sat there, waiting, as the ten seconds ticked down. A moment later, the snare vanished, and Enma was free to move again.

The next thing he knew there was a bright flash of light from the floor followed by traces of green light surrounded Enma from every corner. Whether he liked it or not he accepted the penalty. The light covered his body and forced his body to be as still as a statue. He was helpless to whatever attack the naga may throw at him. Instead she stood at the top of the crater waiting patiently for the snare to vanish. It was clear that she was a very honorable person for wanting to fight him without restrictions.

Arivaderci did not wait for him to thank her. She lunged from the crater top toward him, snaking around to his backside. Twice, she darted into melee range to deliver a palm strike before dashing back out. Having been punished for delaying previously, she attacked too quickly for him to grab her, but sacrificed some power for it. Her alacrity was, however, dulled slightly by the vibration-induced headache.

Once the snare faded away Arivaderci sprung a him and bounced around, hitting him with two palm strikes that were swift, yet lacking in power to do any actual damage to him. This fight was starting to drag out much too long to his liking. He wanted to get to the A-Class round already.

Enma had leaped high back to the top of the crater to get out of a disadvantageous position. The next moment, Arivaderci followed. Vibrations emitted from both of his hands, their frequencies increased to an unbearably loud high pitched screech and then swung them wildly yet precise. The result were ten minature vibration blades flying at her. They were like buzz saws; they vibrated so that they were able to cut whatever it is they are to cut.

Eyes widened as the bladelike constructs flew toward Arivaderci. The naga became acutely aware of how little she wanted to leave this room in a crumpled, unconscious heap like Leixia, but couldn't bring herself to give up outright. Instead, she returned to the attack, not against Enma, but against his projectiles. A focused Shotgun Palm could rupture the acutely shaped vibrations keeping the saws intact, but they came too quickly for her to be comfortable. With a practiced aim, she whirled around, spinning this way and that and destroying the blades, but as she turned to meet the final one it met her first. The sawblade sheared into the flesh of her shoulder, sharp enough to part the nerves without fraying them and give the opportunity to convey pain. Along with skin, the blade cut cloth, and the shoulder of Arivaderic's outfit dropped off. She clapped a hand to her shoulder to stop the bleeding and keep her bodice from falling down, and shot Enma a glare that managed to be severely irritated yet ironically cute, like a puppy trying to look fierce. She held up the arm of the injured hand in a sign of surrender.

Indigo looked disappointed. "Looks like Ari's giving in. What a pity...I thought I saw chemistry between you two for a second there. The Monster Pair: Enmaderci! Oh, well. Our challenger advances to rank B. Better get that wound looked after, Ari. Looks like a rough one."

Oh if looks could kill then Enma would be killed by a swarm of adorable puppies. He chuckled and said with a wide grin, "I'll be here whenever you want to challenge me again." The oni would've done a spit take if he was drinking anything. What the hell was going through Indigo's mind?! Well, at least he made it to rank B.

The receptionist's eyes fell on a tall man leaning against one of the supporting columns. Up til now he had seemed content chewing on a stalk of wheat, though very watchful when it came to the challenger's abilities, but his demeanor had changed somewhat. He nodded to Indigo, who said, "We've got only one A-rank soldier on call right now. Owen Whately, go ahead and step forward."

The red-haired man spat out his wheat and stepped to the line. He quickly tilted his head upward, and then back to normal, a common country greeting. "Howdy there. Yer a powerful stranger, all right. Gonna be a heck of a soldier too, I think. There ain't much more penalties ya can git, jus' so ya know. There's property damage, an' cheatin', an' almost killin' your opponent, fo' which you'd be almost kilt. Not fun at all." He drew from a long, thin scabbard a fine, silver blade, like a giant needle, before removing a small, circular shield from his belt. Instead of on his forearm, he gripped the handle with his hand. He did not smile as he said, in a casual tone, "I ain't gonna kill ya, but I'm gonna push ya hard. A-rank ain't the kind-a people ya mess around with."

Was nodding ones head a form of greeting between the humans? And why did he talk funny? To be frank he had a hard time understanding what Owen was trying freaking say. The accent was just too god damn thick! Enma walked over to his club, which was lodged into a wall, and pulled it right out before walking back to the battlefield. Enma nodded his head and pretended to understand what he just said. All he could gather was that this guy was going to be a tough one to fight.

This time, Indigo's voice held something akin to excitement. "Attack!"

At Indigo's call Enma covered the spiked blunt weapon with a bubble of vibrations and then swung it straight down, sending one large version of the vibrating blades from before. This time as it travelled down to Owen, the ground was being left with one large scar in the attacks wake. The oni wasn't expecting this attack to meet its mark. This was simply testing the southener's strength.

Without giving off much in the way of anxiety or enthusiasm, Owen sidled a couple of feet to his right, and watched the vibroblade pass him by. He cast a dubious glance Enma's was as if to say, what was that? That wasn't ever going to hit me. The southerner placed his rapier in the mouth of the lionhead adorning his minute shield and employed his free hand in the removal of the wheat stalk from his mouth. "You a bettin' kinda man? How 'bout this: you break my chew toy, you win. I cut off that fancy ponytail, I win." He replaced the stalk between his teeth, and detached the rapier. He executed a horizontal cut with the weapon, though from this distance there was no chance it would hit. Instead, a carpet of saucer-sized, silver magic circles appeared all over the training room floor, but that was all.

As he expected, Owen was able to dodge the flying vibroblade with ease. It was a simple attack though it was very fast so to dodge it easily is still an impressive feet. He watched he odd southerner place the rapier in the mouth of the lionhead on his shield and pulled his wheat stalk out from between his teeth. This time he understood what Owen said despite his heavy accent. "Heh, this makes it much more interesting!" From that distance Owen still swiped at Enma, but only cut air. There wasn't much time to question him due to the sudden magic glyphs appearing all over the floor. Whatever magic this guy used certainly was going to make this much harder. At any rate Enma wasn't to get anywhere in this fight if he kept his distance. The oni dashed towards his opponent with one hand gripped on the chain of the spiked club, spinning it around with deadly force. Once in range he swung the club by its chain as if it was like a whip.

When Enma attacked, Omen did not displace himself. Fights were just as much about territory as they were about damage. Control meant everything, and this southerner felt quite comfortably in control. Instead of striking back or giving any ground, he turned his rapier upside-down and knelt, pushing the needle-like blade into a tiny magic circle. All around him, from the circles on the floor, giant versions of the rapier blade sprang up, forming a wall of spikes that took the brunt of Enma's strike. Rather than staying firm and breaking, the flexible blades bent slightly, then rebounded to their original positions, flinging the club the other way. When held by its chain, such a heavy weapon could hardly be controlled, and was totally at the mercy of the laws of inertia.

Owen removed his sword, and the blades around him sank back into the circles. After a moment, he repeated the move, and this time every circle beneath and around Enma for several meters sprouted a keen-tipped facsimile instead. Though each of the pointy blades threatened to pierce Enma's skin, one in particular was headed right toward his ponytail, from an unseen ngle directly behind him.

So this was the nature of Owen's magic. That sword of his is able to create glyphs that are able to summon different versions of his rapier and in this case he used them to create giant versions of his weapon to block the incoming attack. The blades bent back and then flung his club straight back at him, but Enma yanked the chain to change its direction and used his free hand to grab onto the handle of the weapon. There wasn't any time to think after that. More swords had been summoned through the glyphs all around him and flew to turn him into a pin cushion. To protect himself Enma vibrated the air around him in the form of a dome, making the oni look distorted. As the blade enter the dome they began to shatter into many pieces. The frequencies of each blade were being matched by the vibrations, which in turn destroyed the incoming weapons.

With vibrations concentraing around his right foot he stomped the ground and released a powerful shock wave that cracked the floor beneath both of them, causing the floor to shake violently. It was exactly like what the Naga had tried to do to Enma before, but this was a much stronger version compared to hers.

Three blades stabbed into Enma's back, though not very deep. The oni turned to see the magic circles that his shockwave had been meant to destroy instead floating through the air, knocked there by the tremor. They lofted with the grace and effortlessness of bubbles, spinning around lethergically, but carrying with them a dire promise. Through any of them Owen could cast his rapier, and just now, he had done so. A lock of hair drifted to the ground, but the ponytail was still firmly attached.

The shockwave sent by Enma before the attack hadn't fazed Owen nearly enough. Though powerful, it didn't quite match Arivaderci's control, which had been made possible by her knowledge of the room's structure. Plus, with the various craters and cracks in the floor, the resonances had been disturbed. Plainly, Enma wouldn't be able to end this match with a single blow--unless he could control himself enough to target Owen's stalk. Now, the southerner retaliated. He moved forward, light on his feet despite a sturdy physique, and executed a blindly fast, conic series of stabs while he waited, not willing to give Enma the chance to shatter his own blade. As many targeted Enma's weapon and armor as they did his body, trying to keep man and club alike pinned down. Owen knew that if he could force Enma onto the defensive, he'd have the advantage.

Enma grimaced slightly from the shallow stabs and saw that his efforts were indeed fruitless when it came to destroying the seals. Even his attack meant was mitigated by the cracks and craters from his own destructive attacks. His situation wasn't getting any better and he had to find a chance to take the piece of straw in that guys mouth out or else he's gonna lose his pony tail and not become an A Class mage.

Owen charged at him and sent a flurry of thrusts to keep Enma down and force him on the defense. He knew this strategy from many fights back in his own village though Owen executed it much better than most of the soldiers he had fought before. If Enma went on the defense he would lose ground and eventually lose to the swordsman. Destructive, wide spread power wasn't going to help him in this fight. His next move had to be precise and focused power to win. Enma threw his club behind him since it wasn't a weapon made for precision. He was dodging and dodging continuously until he figured out Owen's attack pattern. As his blade came towards him the oni stepped to the side and then stepped forward quickly, grabbing onto Owen's sword arm with his right hand. His grip on Owen's arm was one that told that no matter what Enma wasn't going to let go of him. Enma's left hand vibrated like his vibroblades and at close range he swung down his hand, letting loose one slash.

"Tch," Owen remarked to the oni's grip. He knew that trying to end with a big thrust would leave him open afterward, though he hadn't expected Enma to stop relying on brute strength and actually dodge. Rather than waste energy trying to wrench free, he nimbly bent backward, leaning out of the path of Enma's chop. When he straightened up, a half dozen magic circles had appeared behind his opponents head. Checkmate. Just before he went to activate them, however, he became aware of something.

He spat his stalk onto Enma's forehead. Now that he could see it, all that was left was a tiny nub. Evidently, his evasive maneuver hadn't worked out so well for his cargo. "Aw, hell." He unentangled himself from Enma and replaced his rapier in the lion's mouth, then hooked the shield onto his belt. Every silver circle shone briefly and then faded from existence. A hand was offered for Enma to shake. "Nice one, partner. Guess yer not all muscle after all. Yer magic's real unique, guess I'll be waitin' fer the rematch to face off again. Now yer A-rank, a Corporal. Welcome to the club."

Dammit Owen dodged the attack! The next thing he knew he had blades behind his head. It was over, he was going to lose and fall short of A Class. So why weren't they being activated? Well his answer arrived in the form of a stubby spit covered stump on his forehead. Spitting on someone in his culture was a great disrespect, but he kept his wits about him. It looked like that his attack had met its mark after all. A proud grin spread along his face and he shook the man's hand, this time not crushing it like he did with the other guy. "I'll accept the challenge any time."

A bright smile was on Indigo's face as she called, "Excellent job, Enma! Not many get into A-rank on their first try. Owen's a very good sport. Do you think you're up to try and beat the final challenge, and earn the highest rank in the guild on your first day? You'd set a Frenzy Plant record."

Enma laughed and shook his head with a wide grin. "I'm only up for whatever food you humans eat. I've got a long way to go before I can think of taking on that challenge." The oni smirked and continued to speak. "Besides, I'm waiting for my rival to be at that level. Now where can I get some food?"

Indigo gave a respectful nod. Though it might have excited her, it wouldn't have behooved her to give Enma a firm lesson about S-rank power levels had he taken the challenge. "Mess hall is on the second floor. Help yourself freely, ally." With that she returned to her post at the desk in the entry room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii[@YipeeXD

Grand Magic Games

Zephyr listened to the games master discuss that the preliminary rounds was going to be riddle based which made Zephyr start sweating nervously. "I didn't train to do riddles.... So no not good at them, if they were questions about Machines then maybe but riddles are a negative." Zephyr said while Ammy said that they each brought something to this challenge which made Zephyr look at Hunter. "Me and him bring our love of fights and......" Zephyr said stopping to try and think of something else but just pretended he said nothing and grinned as he raised his fist in the air. "Yeah! Drag Range is number one!!!"

Malice with the entire group for their team heard about the riddles part and smirked. "Perfect. I can do riddles in my sleep. Well hopefully you four can keep up with me so we can reserve our spot in the winners seat. So Im in it to win it. Besides this just helps me further my dreams. So Salem keep your eyes on me and be amazed. Not that you aren't already amazed." Malice said although she more so smirked with a cocky look at Merlina. Thats when she heard a familiar voice shouting something abourt Drag Range which made Malice freeze a bit. "Oh dear lord no....."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lazarus - guild hall ---> crocus

He and Sasha had trained hard for the past two months. His body was stronger, and far more defined. He believed that the two if them had genuinely become wizards worthy of S class titling. He listened to the returned master Jamie name both teams. No S class wizard in team A? Seemed a little unevenly stacked, but he didn't care. They had 2 god slayers and frozen heart mushed into one team. That meant that Maddox and Damian were on the other team. "Doesn't that mean we are competing against eachother master?" He asked. He thought he could actually take a fair crack at both Damian and Maddox now. He hadn't really fought anyone in a long time, so his level of power wasn't really apparent. Sasha had come back with the lacemaker and they left for the capital.


So the elimination round was riddles huh? He smirked a little. They had both karn and Sasha for this. They had a huge advantage.


He rolled his eyes at everything that was going on. True. He was excited for the games too, but some people went overboard. "We'll crush the opposition for sure." He scratched his chin. Over the last 2 months, he had kept up his normal progress routine. Even though it wasn't his job anymore, he still wanted to be the fiercest criminal killer the country had ever seen. They left for the capital

So the event was riddles? He was quite a learned man from his time in the palace between assignments, but he honestly thought Ammy and Jackie could win them this one. Ammy just seemed like the kind of girl who would know these and Jackie was just completely mysterious. She could be a wildcard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Silver Fox

Michael hadn't seen Prince's new...outfit just yet, and was surprised at it, but it actually made everything seem better, funnier and michael laughed, "yes. He likes to boast that he's older, but it's only by a moment or two. And he's way too immature. He thinks that he can get Frnezy Plant to party" Michael smiled at his brother, who gave a sigh

"Which is proving harder then I thought. Such a serious bunch."

Michael personally thought that the guild was good for Gabriel. He looked to Prince, and said "This is Prince. I have no idea what he is doing, and I'm quite terrified to ask if he created this outfit. He's normally a guy" He looked back to Gabriel and smiled again.


Jessie giggled, wriggling happily on the bench, "OOOOH riddles, how awesome! How Fun! DO you think the power players can do it? Does Phoenix wing have smart people in it? Will dragon fang soar? Will Frenzy Plant's discipline show? Who knows? We shall find out!" She giggled again, "Oh look, they're starting to go in! OH! One guild has already flopped out, how sad, don't you think, Ferris?"

@YipeeXD @Hatakekuro, @Silver Fox, @Joshua Tamashii

Sasha was relieved that the entry round was Riddle based. She was excellent at Logic puzzles, and hoped she could do well for the guild here. She looked at her team, and smiled, "Let's go!"

She led the way to a large, queerly shaped building. It had multiple entrances, its walls were many and shaped almost like hexagons, it sat on a flat bottom, but was round in shape. It went up and up and up.

She approached one door, and opened it, waiting for the others to go in and following inside. Lacrima's were everywhere, some following them around. There was a door at the other end of the room, but the one they entered from had disappeared. She didn't have much time to look about, as a deep, disembodied voice said, "You can always see it,
but it’s too far away to touch,
mountains rest on it,
at sea it surrounds you.

What is it?"

The voice had a musical quality to it. Sasha frowned slightly, and began to think. She looked around at the others and then said "Can you repeat that?"

"Certainly" the voice repeated the riddle, and Sasha mouthed it to herself.

"I think I have it, but what do you guys think?" She asked the group

Phoenix Wing Team B
@Zarkun, @Jangel13, @J8cob, @Amaya Tamashii@CirusArvennicus

When Phoenix Wing Team B entered the building, they would see much the same room, and again, within moments of entering, they would hear the voice say:

" I soar without wings, I see without eyes.
I've traveled the universe to and fro.
I've conquered the world, yet I've never been anywhere but home.

What am I?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Corcus || Competing


Karn yawned a little as Nolan poked at him, and he shifted a little but remained curled up on top of the Ash Godslayer's head. "Okaaaaaay!" he chirped before his ears twitched as the group moved to their first riddle. He titled his head and looked to Sasha as she spoke about their thoughts. The little creature tried to think. He wasn't all that good with riddles, unknowingly like his Edolas counterpart who could built a bomb out of paper and strings.

"Uuuummmm a bird? Birds are everywhere and see everything." Karn chirped innocently.

Corcus || Dragon Fang Audience Stands


Prince let out a giggle at Michael's words, grinning widely. "Awe my dear Mikey, love defies all genders!" He grinned before looking to Gabriel and moving closer and clasped his clawed hands over the twin of Michael.

"A pleasure to meet such a handsome man like you, Gabby. Destiny has brought us together with this sweet competition. My love of you with great compassion. I hope to soar and be merry with such a handsome man such as you!" Prince cheered in his usual flirtatious manner.

It wasn't unsual for Prince to outright ask someone to merry him or bare his children at first sight, though sometimes he didn't on the more... Sensitive people like Michael. Poor boy probably would have fainted. But Gabriel probably could handle it without passing out in shock.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Wisdom, knowledge, patience are going to be the keys in order to succeed. Those who are only able to think with their fists are going to struggle with this. Power isn't everything when it comes to being a mage and this event cements that truth. However without power then a mage is nothing and that is what the games is about. When a mage has wisdom, knowledge, and power then they there is nowhere that they can't reach. He isn't just preaching it, he lives it as a mage himself. His brow arched as he watched another guild walk out. "And it looks like Witch Wart is out of the game."

@Silver Fox @Joshua Tamashii@Caits@YipeeXD
Looks like things were finally rolling. Sasha was playing leader and lead them into the building. The twists and turns were most peculiar and when they walked through a door it disappeared and a deep disembodied voice spoke to them. It was their first riddle. Nolan folded his arms and thought for a second, nodding even with Karn on his head. The transformation mage wasn't going to be much help at all in this situation since he didn't seem like the brightest of lights despite his glowing personality. "Personally I think it would be the sky or something of that sort. In certain folklore mountains rest upon the heavens and when you are at sea there is only the sky and ocean surrounding you. The sky is far away and we always see it. If it isn't the sky then I believe it's something related to that."

Nolan removed his pipe from his pocket and proceeded to place tobacco in it. His lit it up with his lighter and puffed out a ring off smoke. There was no way in hell that they were going to go back out empty handed, not the event before the damned games.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*


Rose followed her team silently as she looked around she thought about the riddle before it clicked "I'm your imagination! I remember reading a lot of books about riddles because I liked the challenge of figuring them out and I remember this one because it is catchy and sticks with you as a kid" rose explained saying the answer along with explaining why she knew it so quick. She pushed her raven black hair back before putting it into a ponytail with her favorite blue ribbon Elyse gave her. She then folded her arms before looking as her group remembering small things about each one to help her remember there names and magics.

Rose hated events like these cause she found them stupid and annoying but it was for her guild so she was gong to play along and make it through this for herself.
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