Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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The Narukami trio walked in, but to those unaware of Inigo's curse, it appeared that Morgan and Leon were simply being followed by a wolf. The wolf was obviously injured, seeming rather tired and sad. When he saw Cilia though, his ears perked up and he wagged his tail happily. Morgan smiled at seeing her brother so happy. Leon noticed, but simply didn't comment on it as he walked over to Crystal. "How are you holding up?" He asks her. Meanwhile as that conversation was beginning, Morgan and Inigo walked over to Cilia. 'There are better places to sleep than on the ground, y'know.' Inigo telepathically said to Cilia, his tone showing that he was simply jesting and also that he was tired as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Crystal looked at Leon with tired and angry eyes.
Cilia nodded as she stretched popping her back. "Never again." She said rubbing her eyes as she stopped stretching.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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Looking into her eyes, Leon simply nodded in understanding and leaped up to his usual spot on the second floor railing, eyeing the crowd calmly.
Morgan giggled. "It's good to see you haven't changed much. That means I have yet to miss anything!" She states with her usual happy-go-lucky smile gracing her face. Inigo looks Cilia in the eyes as he speaks again. 'I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?' He telepathically says to both her and his sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

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Jack laughed and sat down at the table Looking at his rewards. 5000J fair enouth but he had also been given a all you can eat feast. and that was great...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Caitlin had a headache, the mysterious blast of energy must have caused her to pass out and she must have also slept through the day. It seemed like a reasonable explanation, she was more sensitive to magical energy than most people. Groggily she noted that there was now a wolf in the guild hall, being as tired as she was this did not set off any alarms in her head. She stretched and looked down the table at some guild member laughing to himself. She frowned a bit as no one had bothered to tell her that a whole day had past plus there was still a injured dude running around in a cloak somewhere, not that she would admit she felt the need to help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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Dremmick lifted his head suddenly as he felt something. It was distant, but noticeable to him. A familiar blood. Not heavily injured, but enough to where he could sense it. Then he realized what it was.

"He's back," he said, "So, Cilia... ready to see Ander again?"
Ander was back at the square where the bakery was in shambles still. He had various cuts and bruises, but nothing major or even that bad. If it wasn't for a time mage, then he would have escaped Era a lot faster. He stood on the edge of a rooftop next to where the bakery was. He had his muffler up and hood over his head so that nobody could see his face. He swapped out one of his shards to a new clear one, one that belonged to the time mage.

"Alright, time to fix this place up," he silently said to himself. He jumped off the roof and landed on the ground below, in front of the ruble. He went to one knee and placed his hand on the ground, a light shining from under it. From the light under his hand, a trail of light made its way on the ground to the destroyed bakery in front of him. When it was completely circled in light, Ander made a fist and turned it counter clockwise, reversing the time on the building until it finally came to a point where it was completely rebuilt where it stood, before the previous encounter had destroyed it. When he stood up he took the crystal out and tossed it at his feet.

"Here's your powers back." With that he destroyed the shard, and the time mage somewhere who thought that she wouldn't get her magic back, was empowered to know that they had returned. Ander walked into the bakery, obviously no one was inside, and grabbed some breadsticks. When he walked outside, there was a crowd staring at him with their mouths agape. He raised his eyebrow and started to walk away. later on he made it to an abandoned apartment complex, and decided that he would stay here for the night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Cilia nodded, her gold eyes flashing and her hand rested on the pouch attached to her belt.
"Can I help?" Ashkii asked turning around in her chair to look at them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Hearing Dremmick's comment about Ander and mainly driven by his curiosity, Inigo says to Cilia, 'I think it's about time for me to get back on my own two feet...don't do anything crazy until I get back!' With that being said, he begins walking over to the front door. When he gets there, he pauses for Morgan to follow, acting like the pet he can very well pretend to be. "I'll be back. I'm going to go check on Inigo." Morgan claims as the pair walk outside of the guild, heading to their home. Once there, Inigo is consumed by shadows once more, but, surprisingly, there is no magic spike whenever he returns to his human form. "Man, It's good to be b-!" Inigo is interrupted by his sister, who is now giving him a bear hug. "M-Morgan...can't breathe..." He gasps out, but it seems as if his sister isn't listening as tears of joy stream down her face. "I missed you so much!" She simply says. Slowly, her grip loosens on him, but before she can fully let go, Inigo hugs her back with equal strength, tearing up slightly as well. "Me too, sis..." After a moment's pause, the break away and simply smile at one another. "Let's go and see if anything crazy has happened during the few minutes we left them be..." With that being said, the siblings return to the guild. As he walks, Inigo places a hand on his still injured right side, grimacing slightly as his wound stung slightly. He opens the door with his free hand, mirroring his sister's happy-go-lucky smile, but with a natural charm to it. "Greetings everyone. I hope I'm not too late for anything." He states as he walks in side by side with Morgan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Guy looked up from his, mugged, he had given up on trying to tell who was a guest and who was a trespasser, he was just going to let it happen. As he and the red clad man sulked in the corner, having lost track of what was happening aofie looked around at the group forming, it was full of powerful people, they could beat ander if they put there minds to it. But in her mind all that mattered was candy. "so uh, when are we getting on that ander guy's case eh, I Don't think waiting around for him to play some master skeem is to smart but I guess I'm not one to talk there" Guy finally burst as red shrugged him off, to busy attempting to feel everyone's powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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Dremmick pulled his bag over his shoulder and secured a loop on it to his belt so it wouldn't move from his side. He then pulled up his hood and muffler before walking to the door. He turned around and bowed to the people inside.

"Thank you for allowing me to use your facility to recuperate. I am very grateful. I must warn you though, I'm not sure what will happen when we find him. I'm hoping it won't come to a fight. The Ander I used to know wouldn't want to bring harm to Cilia, or any other innocent person for that matter, but with his sister's life at stake, I just can't say how his priorities are aligned. If you do wish to come with me, please, be careful and don't do anything reckless. I don't want anybody dying over this." He closed his eyes as he pinpointed where his location was, he could feel the magic energy of people through fresh injuries, even if they were slight like Ander's. "He's on the move again. We should hur-" Just then a child ran up to the gate of the guild hall.

"Hey! Hey! The bakery! Its all fixed again!" The child then scurried off to go see what sounded impossible, followed by a few other of the town children.

"What?" Dremmick questioned as he walked out the door to go see for himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Aofie ran after dremmick as to bring her father along, hopping to get pastries from her father when she has him cornered. She was right that red and guy followed after, but more to see for themselves than for the girl, though they were concerned. "I can't believe it, it's really back" red said remembering it being broken. "I saw this as a pile of junk just a day ago, either we got good engineers or someone used magic" guy mumbled to himself as aofie attempted to lure them in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Crystal stood close to the rest of the group. She stared at the bakery.
Cilia had a small handful of beads in her hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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Leon tailed Dremmick, coming to a full stop whenever the bakery was in his sights. From what he heard about the bakery going from being completely destroyed to suddenly fixed, he guessed it was the work of a time mage. "What do you think of this, Dremmick?" He asked the healer. Leon already had formed a theory on what may have happened, but he was interested in what his newfound ally had to say on the matter.
Seeing everyone fan out to check out the bakery, Inigo and Morgan decided to tag along, the pair now standing beside Cilia. "Sorry, but what's with all the sudden interest over a bakery?" Morgan asked her brother. "Not too long ago, this building recently used to be a pile of rubble. Now, it's as if nothing even happened to it." Inigo explains to his sister as he taps into his heightened senses to visualize any sort of trail of magic, indicated by his grey eyes glowing a faint yellow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Cilia pulled out a gray bead and crushed them on the ground in front of the bakery door. "Beads Magic: Tracing Dust." She mumbled as the dust started to glow green and yellow appeared tracing the outline of footsteps. "Bingo." She mumbled wishing that Ris was there to help her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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Dremmick looked around the bakery until he came upon an empty pot labeled "breadsticks".

"Mmhmm," he confirmed while also inspecting the shoeprints. He was able to follow them out the door before they dispensary. " Seems like he was here, but that still doesn't explain the- *crinkle*," he was cut off when he herd the sound of crystal crunch under his foot. "And this looks like a magic shard that Ander extracts from mages. Being that it was shattered, I'm guessing someone is enjoying having their powers back."

He made one last look around him. "I'm not sure where he went from here, maybe a local will know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Maybe Crystal could do something. I have at least his starting footprints." Cilia said standing up and turning to look at Crystal. "Crystal can you help?" She asked looking at the Dragon Slayer.
"I think so..." Crystal mumbled half to herself, half to Cilia.
Ashkii looked around the area, her eyebrows furrowing together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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"Perhaps so..then again, we have plenty of ways of tracking his magic and even his footsteps. I have no doubt you know Ander better than I do, so I'll leave this decision up to you. In my opinion..he could be hiding in plain sight." Leon states. When he finishes speaking, he bends down a picks up a crystal shard, inspecting it.
"Hmm, maybe I can be of some form of help as well? You definitely can't fool this nose!" Morgan says.
Inigo sweatdrops at his sister's saying. "That's MY line, thank you very much." He states.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Red pulls out a small scanner as he looks at it and away from the bakery, all while aofie comes over with pastries galore and munching away, clearly she was now rooting for ander. "hey, what the hell's that thing ya got there velvet" guy said putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. The boy in plaid just nodded and searched over again. "the inquisition gift's us with this, a small radar of people's magical footprint, I must say, the veracity of the gadget must be hazy with all the commotion from our latest encounter" he said before being smacked over the head by guy. "English moron, jeez" he said a bit angry. "I can see which one's his but I'm sure I can given time"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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"hmm..." Dremmick hummed as he thought. He started to pace while he was thinking. "Are there any uh...hm..no, i don't think he'd be there... OH! Are there any abandoned parts of town? A place he could easily take refuge in without people noticing? Maybe we could find a trail leading in that kind of direction."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"There is one that I know of..." Cilia mumbled standing up straight, a slight frown on her face.
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