Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Red looked up and began to walk away with aofie in the hands of guy who was pondering the abandoned parts. 'a lot of them are taken over by gangs or for fighting but no one really lives there..." he said to himself as he rustled the young girls hair looking to the others a bit anger about how hard it'd been to actually start a fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ander was sitting in a bed in an abandoned hotel on about the 7th floor. Most of the wall had fallen out and it exposed the room to the elements, but he kinda like it better that way. When he got here however, some gang tried to fight him for trespassing. they were mostly normal people except for a couple amateur mages. Either way, they picked a fight with him so he knocked them all out, creating the hole in the wall as he did so. He piles the unconscious lot on the ground outside. After that, he used his fire shard to cook a fish he had bought in the market. A small fish, two skinny breadsticks and some water he had in a canteen... dinner of champions. The fish was all he could afford and it was a treat that he didn't have to go hunt for anything today, he hoped he could just relax after dealing with the Jailers in Era.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Red Jumped as he looked to the others he had been with guy when they strolled through these places every now and then, he knew well the perfect places for a squatter to stay. "gentlemen, er and women I believe the malefactor of our conundrum has come to a dramatic cliffhanger has come to a close" red muttered as he pointed to his device showing an abandon part of the town were a surprising amount of energy had been emmitted. "I'm sure what ever was here was either ander or an impressive homeless mage" Guy said know well that no one around there was no were like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"I'm just surprised we hadn't run into anyone yet. Usually someone in these type places has a gang that wants patronage for being in their 'territory'."
Dremmick looked around from place to place until he spotted what he was looking for.

"How bout that hotel over there with a huge hole in it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caitlin stood on the roof across from a run down hotel where she suspected the guy everyone seemed to be looking for was staying. His magic was similar to hers, just enough so that she could track him. Thanks to an illusion magic, he wouldn't see her without using some sort of magic. Standing on that roof she realized just how badly she wanted to meet him, it was like thinking you were alone and then suddenly finding that you were not. Caitlin wanted so badly just go in but she didn't, instead she equipped a long cloak with a strange emblem on the back. She was unrecognizable, a good back up plan if her illusion failed, which she feared it might.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Red nodded and guy made fist and smiled eagerly as he pulled red closer. "holmes you've cracked the case, when we bag this meat bag it's a free round on me" he cheered as he was sure they'd win. He then noticed aofie tug on his pant leg and he smiled. "and there'll be candy in it for you too" he laughed before red grabbed him by his shirt. "you scoundrel, intending to insentivice my own spawn in order to cure your own selfish desires, she is not more than a helpless child" he huffed only for guy to sigh and rest his arm on red's shoulder. "listen, she's a mage too, and we can't just leave it here, I'm sorry to say but you'll have to bring her" he growled before walking towards the door. "comeone let's goooooooooooo" he cheered, smacking the top of the door as he left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Dremmick nodded, "Alright, but lets not get carried away. Hes taken on groups of mages himself just fine, I would be on my guard if anything." As they walked, he looked down at his arm and clenched his fist. Jailers were trained to be able to fight mages even without magic, that wa even highly skilled regular people could join. Dremmick was a top fighter in being able to fight mages without using an ounce of magic, and praised throughout the guild for his skill. Even so, he wasn't sure he could face Ander without the use of his magic. He hoped he wouldn't have to expose himself to the other mages in this fight, it was bad enough Leon knew what he did already. As he guessed, there were members of the Jailers lurking around, waiting and watching to see how the fight would end. A magic was keeping them both invisible and impossible to sense by anyone who did not bear the mark of a Jailer. If he exposed himself here, it could mean death.

Dremmick took a deep breath. He wasn't sure if he could fight Ander. To him, he was still an ally and a friend. However, if he betrayed his guild, it would have dire, often deadly consequences. To betray a normal guild was like betraying a town, it would mean exile and you could just move on somewhere else. But to betray the Jailers, who serves over the whole country, it would be betraying the crown, and a death penalty would be applied like it is on Ander. "Man, no matter how I look at it this mission could quite possibly end in disaster." He thought to himself.

With resolve he looked back over to the hotel across the slums. "Forgive me Terra," he thought to himself. "Alright, lets go get him, he said as he moved forward. In his right hand he held and intricate yet robust dagger with the point down, and around his left arm, a rope was spun around it with a heavy, wicked looking rope dart at the end of it which he held on to like a second knife facing forward.
Ander finished his fish and chased it down with some warm water that was in his canteen. He had the feeling he was being watched, and not by the Jailers that he could tell were waiting on the sidelines either. In fact, that's how he knew there were people on the way to find him, because they would have moved in already had there not been.

Giving into instinct he went ahead and spoke up after wiping his mouth with a cloth. "What do you want? You should leave, this place isn't safe," he said to nobody in-particular. If someone was there they may answer, if not, well, then nobody heard him so it didn't matter. Of coarse there is always the chance they just won't say anything. Ander stood up from the bed he was sitting on and checked his gear, it was all in place. When he took out the large silvery crystal, "Crystal form: blade" and it morphed into a crystalline blade that fit into his katar handle and he sheathed it. Four shards appeared and floated around him for a second before he set the water and lightning crystal shards in the steel crest on his chest, leaving the fire and sleep shards in the pouch at his side. He then jumped out from the big hole in the wall and climbed up to the top ridge of the roof about two stories up, still waiting for an answer to his question, if there was even anyone there in the first place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caitlin smiled and released the illusion magic, she was now sitting crosslegged on the roof across the street from Ander. The cloak still hid her identity, though she doubted he would even know who she was. "If I wanted to try to hurt you I would have done it already and if I didn't know that it is dangerous out here it's unlikely I'd just hang out on a random roof." She lifted one hand slowly, showing the charm bracelet with various magics on them. "We are more alike that you'd think but still very different."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Drake 's hood was up, but not his muffler. only the nose and up on his face were covered in shadow. Caitlin could see a smirk form on his face at her last staement as he held out his hand, signaling her to stop. "I already know, I've seen what you can do. But I would say no more on the matter, for now, if I were you." He nodded his head in the direction of a Jailer but the Jailer was completely invisible Caitlin. "We have an audience tonight..." He looked back toward Caitlin as he stood up. "To be honest, I envy you and your guild. I've always wondered what it was like to truly be free." He stopped when he saw a group of people approaching. "Dremmick? What in Fiore is he doing here?"

"ANDER! Don't make this harder than it has to be!" Dremmick shouted as his rope dart started spinning in his had.

"Well, sh%@.." Ander cursed under his breath. "I apologize, but it looks like our conversation will have to come another day." With that he pulled up his muffler and jumped down to greet his new guests.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Cilia had a handful of attack beads. She would only resort to her obsidion magic if she needed to.
Crystal stood in the shadows. She knew she needed to stay out of the way of Ander to keep him from taking her powers but she would fight if she had to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Dremmick threw the dart and like a jet it took off for Ander's head. Ander simply tilted his had to the side and the dart slammed into the wall behind him. He then jumped into the air and pulled on the rope, closing in on Ander ready to strike with his dagger. He made a couple slashes and stabs toward him and yanked the dart from the wall leaving a two foot diameter hole in the wall with a smaller hole in the center where the dart went in. Ander with a little effort parried his oncoming attacks and palm fisted Dremmick in the sternum, pushing him back.

"ANDER, COME TO YOUR SENSES! If you don't come back and face your sentence, Terra could possible die!" Dremmick pleaded.

"You fool! The moment I die will be the very moment they kill her too! She has a better chance living if I break the curse!" Ander snapped back, advancing on Dremmick with a few combos of his own.

"You are the fool, they will be waiting for you when you get there," Dremmick shot back, deflecting the assault with his rope dart spinning around him like a deadly flail.

"And thats how I know she's still alive!" Ander was done with this conversation as he unleashed a wave of electrified water down on Dremmick. Oddly enough however, it was only enough to knock him down and momentarily disable him. If there was ever a sign of holding back, Ander was on full display. He jumped backwards and turned toward the others. His hood and muffler had fallen and he could see the group clearly, but one of them was familiar. He felt as if he recognized the purple haired girl, but...something...he didn't know what, but it felt like there was something actually keeping him from remembering. When he caught himself staring he shook his head. He took a fighting stance and prepared for the others, all shards spinning around him rapidly, ready to swap out whenever he needed them. He kept in mind the one girl he saw on the roof, just in case.

"Uhg, this is not going to be a good fight," Dremmick said as he started to sit up. He was soaked and still felt jittery from the shock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Guy instantly came in his a punch from the side, only letting his breath tense up his stomach after he got close enough. It came from an angle like a hook but was going ever so slightly upward. Red sighed as he realized that guy's physical magic wasn't going to help much here, as well as his unpolished fighting style. Aofie smiled at the man, a sinster lust for burning his was in her bones, it always was but amplified here. "guy, alligation of your absurdity will do nothing more than compassionate you" red shouted at the boy's foolishness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"It's really you, Ander...I'm sorry that it has come to this, but this is your last dance!" Inigo says as he summons a katana and then leaps into the air, bringing his sword down towards his opponent.
Meanwhile, Morgan utilizes the shadows to make her way over to Dremmick, giving him cover in case Ander decided to attack him once more. "Are you alright?" She asks as she forms in front of him.
Leon jumps up on to a nearby rooftop, watching the ongoing battle. He focuses on not only Ander's movements, but Inigo and Morgan's as well. He wanted to see what they were capable of without his help, but, in case things did not go well, he began preparing one of his stronger illusionary spells.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Dremmick looked up to Morgan while rubbing his head. "He's holding back, he could have killed me there. And look now"
Ander did a small thrust with his katar as he ducked down and rolled below the punch, upon coming out of the roll, he mad another quick jab with the katar from behind Guy before blasting him with a water jet to put him out of the way. It wasn't until after Guy landed, that he would realize that a small minor prick was at his throat and a half inch stab wound was right in line with his kidney. Ander did not want to kill anyone here tonight, but he did wish to make a point.

Ander heard Inigo speak and again it felt like he was missing something. Like there were memories that were tucked away and he had no means of finding them.. He locked blades with Inigo for a moment before breaking it off with a swing and jumping to the side.

"Something isn't right here," he thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"This is the last line Ander!" Cilia said as she threw her handful of beads. "Bead Magic: Lightning Flare Shock!" She said as the beads activate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

In the blink of an eye, Ander's water shard ejected and was replaced by the sleep shard. Ander charged his lightning shard and slammed a fist into the stone pavement, grounding him and directing the lightning through his own, sending into the ground below. He then leaped forward to use the sleep shard he equipped, grabbing Cilia by the shoulder, to put Cilia to sleep.

"Who are you?" He wondered out load as he set her down gently. He took a few paces back as he prepared himself for the others. "two down, five to go," he thought to himself, "unless the girl from the roof decides to join in, and then I have to find out what to do about them." he finished, eyes darting between all potential enemies including some nearby Jailers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Crystal shot a ball of fire at Ander from the shadows where she had been hiding at.
Ashkii had already formed a ice spear and it was gripped in her hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caitlin frowned, it was her guild mates down there, she should be helping them not thinking about helping Ander. Yet she stood there questioning her allegiance. She joined when Marakov was head of the guild but since then she had felt like an outsider. She also had to factor in Dremmick, who she by no means had any desire to fight. Her cloak was enchanted to conceal her identity no matter what but she did not feel right about jumping in. She switched to ice magic and jumped from the roof, landing softly on the ground. "Ice magic: Permafrost." Ice quickly covered the whole street. "This ice won't break or melt unless one of you has golden fire laying around. I think something is wrong here, others than the obvious. I don't think mindless fighting will help me find an answer. So I'll ask you all, What is the real reason behind the order for his capture?" Caitlin paused for a moment more, "If you can't tell me I'd believe you, I'll just have to track down the answer, I doubt someone's superiors would like that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

When the fireball was thrown, the sleep shard was swapped back to water and Ander blasted water at it until he was engulfed in a cloud of steam. He talked loud enough for Caitlin to hear him, "I'll be in a place that is familiar to you," and when the steam cleared (his favorite trick) he was gone.
Dremmick cursed under his breath as he slipped on the ice. "I've said everything I know back at the guild hall. Other than that it just comes down to it being an order." He looked around as he saw the other Jailers leaving. " Just as I thought, recon teams... they are probably heading back to hq to report the engagement." He told himself. "We should probably head back to the guild hall for now. I have a feeling things are just starting to heat up."
Ander found a comfortable spot on top of the guild hall roof to sit and eat a breadstick while he star gazed. He couldn't wait for the sunrise. Before he had left the Jailers, he had never seen one. All his missions were at night, and they never let him leave during the day. He remembered his sister haveing a lot more freedom, and to this day, he is still unsure as to why.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Ashkii let her spear shatter into shards and she went over to Cilia, checking to see if she was awake.
Cilia grumbled as she sat up. "Why do I always have to fall asleep on the ground?" She muttered to herself


Crystal stepped out from the shadows where she had been hiding.
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