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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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"Chariot rider, I believe your attempt at introducing us is failing." Raze said, his arms still crossed across his chest. "Could we not simply train as I was lead to believe was the point of the class called gym?" He asked coldly yet sincerely. He gave a side glance to the new arrival to the group and took a note of the weapon like gauntlet she had her hand incased in before looking back to Apollo, awaiting his answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"We are still waiting on a few to arrive Raze. You must learn patience. I am only following the Supreme Beings orders. He wants you all to sit in a circle and get to know each other so we will sit in a circle and get to know each other. You will do as instructed." Apollo said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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While the others were beginning to sit next to one another as Apollo had instructed, Luna was still trying to find the freaking gym.

"Ugh! Why didn't they give me a freaking map?" She groaned, stomping her foot on the ground for emphasis, not that anyone was around her to see it. Messy brown hair sat on top of the brown eyed girl's head, pinned up rather lazily. It bounced as she turned her head one way and then another, searching for the right direction.

"Why aren't I the Goddess of Direction? That would be so useful right now." She whined, having chosen a direction. She walked down the hallway, shaking her head as she did. Of course, when she wasn't looking, she managed to crash into an open door and proceeded to fall on her ass.

"Ow!" She shouted, looking up from the ground. "Wh- Oh..." She began as she looked up to see the title of the room, 'Gym.' She chuckled a bit and touched her nose with her thumb.

"Heh... I wasn't lost." She spoke and then got up, brushing the dirt off of her butt. She made way for the group in the center of the gym and sat down next to a scary looking guy with purple hair. Her choices weren't very great anyway, most of the people here looked relatively scary, Apollo included. She swallowed, attempting to quiet her fast beating heart, and she pulled her legs into a 'Criss-Cross Apple-Sauce' position. She looked much akin to a small rabbit among a group of wolves, hiding and trying to shrink to an almost invisible size.

Just ahm... ignore me... She thought to herself, trying not to look at or upset any of the people around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Raze let out a low sigh and closed his eyes. "I have patience chariot rider, but I do not like partaking in unneeded actions." He said before he took a seat on the floor, his eyes still closed. He let out a deep breath before laying back on the hard floor of the gym. With his eyes still closed and his slow breathing it seemed like he had fallen asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Waiting for this lesson to start Lucius wondered what he should have for lunch when another cutie (Luna) entered the circle. She didn't have the same radiance as Paulette, but she was still adorable and Lucius figured he could try to chat her up as well. Scooting a bit closer to her Lucius made his presence known. "Nervous? At lot of these people seem pretty dangerous. Ah, where are my manners? Name's Lucius. Lucius Cypher. I promise I'm not trying to cause any trouble." Lucius joked and gave the girl a comforting smile. "So, who might you be?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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Luna let out a small squeak in response to the sudden voice talking to her. Her eyes showed her nervousness as she looked up at the blonde... shining person before her.

"I-I'm... Uhm... I-I-I'm L-Lune!" She began, stuttering. "L-Luna!!! My name is Luna!" She shouted, her cheeks growing bright red, embarrassment washing over her like a blanket. "Sorry..." She whispered, her head lowering slightly. It was kind of hard to look at him anyway, the way he glowed made her nervous. What did he say his name was? Luthus? "It's... nice to meet you Luthus." She greeted him, her voice small.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius chuckled at the girl's stutter. Usually he found stuttering to be annoying to have to decipher, but this girl made it cute. "It's fine, it's fine. It's nice to meet you too Luna. I'm guessing that from your name, you're associated with the moon? Perhaps the night? You certainly seem like the type of cutie who'd stay up all night." Lucius tried to get a good look at Luna but she seemed to be trying not to look at him. Perhaps he was overdoing it with the glowing? He tried to lower the shine, but there was only so much he could do. While his skin was less flashy, it still had a dim glow that eluded to his celestial nature. "Why so shy? I don't bite." The seraph chuckled as he tried to lighten the mood. "Well, how about this. I'll tell you something about me, and you try to tell me something about yourself that's similar. For example, I'm technically a seraph. An angel. Six wings, holy fire, so on and so forth. And you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Akiko was slowly started to get less nervous as this circle was getting drawn out. He was actually growing more bored and wondered when they'd start playing. This was gym, wasn't it? So when do they get to play ball, or maybe run around? Akiko's sharp ears also picked up familiar voices, namely Lucius. Akiko saw the glowing boy talking to a girl who just came in. He seemed to be able to talk to be so easily, and Akiko tried to muster his will power to talk to others too. While the only two people seemed to be the scary boy who made his dislike of what they were doing obvious (Raze) and the the equally scary girl who hasn't said anything (Roxy) Akiko desided to talk to the girl. The boy looked like he was asleep and Roxy wasn't going to bother him.

Akiko stayed a good five feet away from the girl as he tried to talk to her. "So... Whats your name? This class is pretty boring, isn't it? I mean for a gym class. I figured we'd already be doing something by now, but I guess that super bean guy wants us to know each other."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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She blinked, not really expecting him to be so nice... When he asked about her name, she smiled up at him and nodded her head slowly, not trusting herself to speak. Though, she chuckled at his speculation on her Night Life tendencies. He didn't really know how right he was. She was mostly nocturnal but with certain pills, she was able to stay awake during the day. It just... meant she had a bad case of insomnia. The only time she ever really slept was on the weekend and usually only for a few hours.

"Why so shy? I don't bite." He spoke, causing a small jump from Luna.

"S-Sorry Luthus. I'm just... not used to so many people." She spoke, sending him an apologetic smile.

"Well, how about this. I'll tell you something about me, and you try to tell me something about yourself that's similar. For example, I'm technically a seraph. An angel. Six wings, holy fire, so on and so forth. And you?" He asked.

"An Angel? So, that's why you glow!" She shouted excitedly, her eyes widening as she looked at him. "Oh, it's so magnificent!" She continued, grinning like a school girl. "And six wings? I wonder how that works... I mean... wouldn't they just get in the way of each other?" She pondered, biting her lip as she stared down at the floor.

A few minutes went by before she realized he was waiting on her to speak. "Oh! I'm... um... A Moon Goddess? I guess? I mean... I don't really serve much of a purpose since my mom does most of the work. I just do small stuff usually... Ya know... Water... Crops... Fertility... I guess technically I'm like... the true woman? I don't really know... I should stop talking..." She rambled, shaking her head. She let her head fall down once again, feeling embarrassed. She was so awkward and she didn't know how be any different. She'd always been like this. she talked too much and so too often was wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Ryonara said
Akiko stayed a good five feet away from the girl as he tried to talk to her. "So... Whats your name? This class is pretty boring, isn't it? I mean for a gym class. I figured we'd already be doing something by now, but I guess that super bean guy wants us to know each other."

Roxy studied the boy who talked to her. She sighed. She was bored out of her mind be she figured boredom was better then actually doing something. She hadn't brought her anything but her leather's with her which weren't exactly good for activity. "I don't mind waiting. Personally I think it is better than actually doing anything. Besides it sounds like we are waiting on more to arrive. If you want to blame anyone blame the late arrivals."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 18 days ago

That's when Exreal confidently walked into the room, winking at every girl in the room. He made his way to the front of the room and took a bow" hello my fellow students, they call me Exreal, pleasure to meet you all, especially the ladies".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

HylianRose said
She blinked, not really expecting him to be so nice... When he asked about her name, she smiled up at him and nodded her head slowly, not trusting herself to speak. Though, she chuckled at his speculation on her Night Life tendencies. He didn't really know how right he was. She was mostly nocturnal but with certain pills, she was able to stay awake during the day. It just... meant she had a bad case of insomnia. The only time she ever really slept was on the weekend and usually only for a few hours.

"Why so shy? I don't bite." He spoke, causing a small jump from Luna.

"S-Sorry Luthus. I'm just... not used to so many people." She spoke, sending him an apologetic smile.

"Well, how about this. I'll tell you something about me, and you try to tell me something about yourself that's similar. For example, I'm technically a seraph. An angel. Six wings, holy fire, so on and so forth. And you?" He asked.

"An Angel? So, that's why you glow!" She shouted excitedly, her eyes widening as she looked at him. "Oh, it's so magnificent!" She continued, grinning like a school girl. "And six wings? I wonder how that works... I mean... wouldn't they just get in the way of each other?" She pondered, biting her lip as she stared down at the floor.

A few minutes went by before she realized he was waiting on her to speak. "Oh! I'm... um... A Moon Goddess? I guess? I mean... I don't really serve much of a purpose since my mom does most of the work. I just do small stuff usually... Ya know... Water... Crops... Fertility... I guess technically I'm like... the true woman? I don't really know... I should stop talking..." She rambled, shaking her head. She let her head fall down once again, feeling embarrassed. She was so awkward and she didn't know how be any different. She'd always been like this. she talked too much and so too often was wrong.

Happy that he was getting Luna to open up he responded to a few of her questions. "It was a bit hard at first to learn how to use all six wings. First I started with two, than four, than six. I had to "earn my wings" in a sense. But I'm much better at flying now and the six wings gives me a lot of mobility when I'm flying. Very important since I fly fast." Listening to Luna talk about herself he was reminded of Akiko, who from a quick glance looked like he was also trying to make friends. back to Luna Lucius commented. "Now now, I think that's interesting. A lot of people don't seem to respect the simple abilities, but it's gods like you that make sure humanity has a chance. I mean, without you humans won't be able to feed themselves or have babies. We need more gods like you for the world. A true, fine woman like yourself."

Lucius thought of another subject they could try to talk about. "So what sort of animal do you keep? Mines the snake. They have a pretty bad reputation, but it's my domain to give even snakes a chance with the light."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Alright boys and girls." Apollo said. "We are going to go around the circle. You going to say your name and your abilities. We need to know your strengths and weaknesses."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Exreal was a little angered by the fact that he as ignored, but he shrugged it off and sat down next to one of the kid with the gray headphones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

KatherinWinter said
Roxy studied the boy who talked to her. She sighed. She was bored out of her mind be she figured boredom was better then actually doing something. She hadn't brought her anything but her leather's with her which weren't exactly good for activity. "I don't mind waiting. Personally I think it is better than actually doing anything. Besides it sounds like we are waiting on more to arrive. If you want to blame anyone blame the late arrivals."

"Um... Yeah. Yeah..." Akiko didn't have much else to say. She didn't even tell him her name. Just as Akiko thought that he'd have to wait again Apollo started the activity and said that everyone had to say their name and abilities. Akiko frozen. He didn't really know what he could do. Perhaps he could tell them what his father does? Surely Akiko had some of his father's ability. But what exactly was it that Apollo was looking for? Was it combat ability? Utility? Akiko didn't know any of it. He came here to figure that out. He went back to trying to hide himself and hoped that maybe Apollo would just skip over him to someone else who knows what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 7 mos ago

She smiled as she listened to Luthus talk about his wings and about himself, blushling like mad when he complimented her abilities. She honestly wasn't anything special. In fact, she was probably one of the more useless deities in this room. Not because of what she could do, but because of how badly she did what she could do. Maybe she was just cursed with really bad luck...

Luna was going to answer Luthus' question about her animal when she heard Apollo address the students in the room. She sent Luthus an apologetic smile, wanting to answer his question but not wanting to get on the teacher's bad side so soon. But she honestly wasn't sure who was going to go first... She glanced around the room, not wanting to be the first to go nor the one to jump up and make a fool of themselves.

She turned back to look at Luthus, a guilty look on her face as she leaned closer and whispered, "Rabbits..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Lets start with...You." Apollo said pointing to Lucius. "Your name, your ability, your weapons of choice, your fighting strengths."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Zed snapped his finger and a portal opened in the back of the gymnasium. As he walked through the portal his clothing shifted into grey sweat pants and a t-shirt with the letter P on it. " Made it. Just in time to." Zed mumbled to himself sitting a few feet behind Akiko
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

One more the school staff keeps cutting into his social time. He sighed as Apollo announced that it was time for whatever it was they were here for, but he did smile when Luna still took the chance to answer his question. "Rabbits huh..."

It was than that Apollo chose Lucius to begin their little circle activity. Apparently Apollo wanted to know Lucius's mettle. Well he wasn't about to show his cards all at once so he spoke carefully. Standing up Lucius spoke loud and clearly. "My name is Lucius Cypher. And I'm sorry to say that I frankly don't know what my full abilities are. I mean, that's why I'm here, after all. All I can really say is that I'm a seraph, with all that it implies. I've taken up the use of multiple types of weapons such as the longsword, halberd, battleaxe, warhammer, crossbows, bows, all sorts of weapons really. Despite my variable skills however, I can't say I've really gotten into a fight, so I don't know what my strengths in a fight would be." That last part was a lie, sort of. Lucius has gotten into fights before but not fairly. He'd strike from the shadows, or when his opponents were otherwise occupied. Though in a strait up fight he's very good with evasion and taking hits. He uses his natural durability and angelic healing powers to recover from injuries, if they can even land on on him, but relies on sneak attacks and dirty tricks to do maximum damage. He dind't tell them that however, and instead told them what they might consider a weakness instead. Better that they think he's an inexperienced fighter than to actually know his weaknesses and limitations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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HylianRose said
She glanced around the room, not wanting to be the first to go nor the one to jump up and make a fool of themselves. She turned back to look at Luthus, a guilty look on her face as she leaned closer and whispered,

"You." Apollo said pointing to Luna. "Tell us about yourself."
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