Astrid startled awake at a banging sound outside of her cell. Instantly she was wide awake and staring at the door fearfully waiting for it to open. For the moment when she would become an adult and they would condemn her to be floated. Floated just like her parents. The thought of them filled her with anger and the sudden desire not to go out as they did.
Shouting from the guards could be heard as the stomped along the grate outside. A few guards prepared themselves outside of 100 cells of the teenage delinquents. At an unseen signal from one of the leaders the guards simultaneously. Screams and yells were heard throughout the corridor as guards quickly cuffed the kids. Astrid froze for only a moment as her door burst open and two guards entered. One of them was a tall skinny man, the other medium in height though quiet a bit overweight. Thinking quickly on her feet Astrid leapt out at the tall skinny one. She managed to headbutt the man, breaking his nose and spraying herself with blood. Turning back to her other arresti she screamed, "For my sister, asshole."
Holding onto the fatman as he struggled to get her off of his back, Astrid could not see the skinny man approach her from behind and stick her in the side with something. Electricity courses through her and all of her muscles contracted instantly. She shook before letting go and collapsing to the floor. Her head slammed into the solid ground. The last thought before she passed out, was that the fatman had better have been shocked also.
Groggily coming to her senses Astrid saw she was strapped to a seat. Fear crawling up her throat and choking her, her head whipped back and forth to see 99 others sitting in seats just like hers. Some were restrained while others were calmly waiting for whatever would happen. Everyone however has a confused look in their faces. No one knew what was going. Why were they all in hear? What was going to happen to them.