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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Lyn nearly jumped when she felt Meirin’s finger brushed her cheek, her mind engrossed into the show for a moment during the end. Immediately her hand whipped up and tried to brush the tickling away, confused at the cause on her expression until she registered the voice causing her look down instinctively. Her arms held tightly to Tyrael’s head while she leaned over the edge to smile over Mei. Her golden eyes brightened to see the red haired and green eyed woman underneath her. Her little lips crept into a smile at the sight as she waved from on top of Tyrael’s shoulder, her head looked beyond to notice Ssarak had followed the older student as well.

Lyn’s voice spoke out loud through the rune after Mei bowed and asked her question, followed by Ssarak’s greeting toward her Uncle. Letting Tyrael answer, she looked at Mei then proceeded to show it off. “Look at what Leith gave me. It’s a rune where I can talk with my thoughts! Isn’t it neat?”

To let the woman examine it, Lyn held it out in her hand then tried to pass it to the woman while leaning from her perch. She wasn’t frightened because she knew her uncle would catch her if she went too far over, even as he was digging out coin for donations, and so the odds of her hitting the ground was very, very slim. She didn’t realize her sweet bag was on the verge of toppling over on the other hand. At least, until it suddenly came crashing to the ground. For Lyn tried to snatch it only to have Tyrael’s large hand be faster. It plopped right into his palm as he offered them to the pair, making Lyn smile in relief, and her body returned to sit back upright. Her chin rested on the Fallen Orc’s head comfortably settling in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Althalus quirked an eyebrow at Alaira's tone. "Jealous that I've got all her attention? Don't worry, I'm sure Mar can find the time to talk to you. We're done and both relatively presentable. I swear." He teased grinning up at the half-elf. His grin slipped away at Alaira's distaste. "Don't worry. Lyn isn't with us, she's with 'the demon-thing'." He paused for a moment, obviously considering if he should really try this again before continuing with a sigh.

"You have to make your peace with Tyrael at some point Alaira. Lyn likes him and if you want to be around Lyn you're going to have to be around him more. You're both more similar than you'd like to admit. You both want to protect Lyn, Mar, and, strangely enough, me. Both of you, for some damned reason, think you're monsters that don't have a chance of redemption. So, if you're not here to chat with Mar, why don't you go and find Tyrael and Lyn? Have a fun day with the both of them and realize that perhaps Tyrael isn't as bad as you thought and maybe you can learn to trust him. After all, he hasn't threatened you with death. Horrific death, I might add. He may even like you, if you weren't so busty threatening him all the time."

Althalus glanced back into Den before continuing. "If you don't want to go chat with Tyrael and Lyn you could always chat with Mar. I think she might enjoy the company. Don't tell her I said that though, Naga pride and all that." He winked conspiratorially at Alaira.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


To be polite, Ssarak accepted one of the caramels, while leaving the rest for Lyn. Giving a nod, he took a seat nearby to wait for the show. Although, he actually did not know where or what kind of show it was going to be; he was simply present to see Lyn. Given their surroundings, he guessed that it was a show meant for children. Of course, with Tyrael's well-known propensity towards violence, Ssarak actually did not know what the fallen demon would consider suitable for a young child.

When Lyn started to speak, or rather, the rune on her person, it actually took Ssarak a bit by surprise. He knew how well-developed Lyn's mind was, so it was a kind gesture for Leith to give her such a gift as that rune. However, Ssarak found himself curious about how Leith came into possession of such a rune. It had a rather specialized purpose which would not be useful in many other circumstances. He supposed Leith could have simply requested it from a runecrafter like Val, but that would likely require payment, which would have made it an even greater kindness.

Ssarak leaned in to get a closer look at the rune. "Indeed it is. I am guessing that it is nice to not require a psychomancer to relay your thoughts to others? Although, be careful not to become too complacent with it. You will still need to practice speaking normally; that is even better than having a rune, I can assure you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith ran a knuckle along the scar on his cheek when Ovak mentioned Lidda. ”Vitamancers can indeed be quite threatening." He shuddered as he recalled his encounter with the Eternal Hunger, and more specifically, her death. He was quick to start talking again. ”Though that could be said for all the Master's of each Blood class here, and all of the different skill levels training to become masters." He smiled. ”I'm not sure if some people are going to think that these messages are subtle."

He listened to Ovak as he talked about what he could see and his warning about curiosity. He nodded as he dropped his hand to his knee under the table. ”I understand. I've read a lot of stories as when I was younger, and a few of them hand the same moral. I will use restraint whenever something catches my curiosity." He listened to Lucilia's speech, and when it was done, he turned to Ovak. "She seems to have a knack for the big speeches, doesn't she?" He whispered lightheartedly to the archmage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Meirin was surprised at Tyrael's... Hospitality. Though perhaps it was only because Lyn was here. Following Ssarak's lead Meirin also accepted a piece of candy, popping it into her mouth. She let the caramel sit until it was warm enough to chew easily. Meirin also found them some seats near by, which would give them a close enough view of the puppet show to see them act, as well as hear their narrations. However Meirin was more interested in Lyn's new method of communication. It all came from a rune stone she was holding onto, which reminded her of a similar stone used by the college's local foreas, Coco. Perhaps it was the same one? Either way it was interesting. What was more interesting was how quickly Lyn was able to use it. Meirin didn't question the little girl's growth due to her unique heritage, but she wasn't sure what to make of Lyn's mental growth. Barely a year old and she had the intelligence and speech of someone five years older. Which wasn't that old all things considered, but it was for someone who was less than a year old anyways.

Another thing that interested Meirin was when Lyn told them that Leith had given it to her. If Meirin's memory was right, Leith was Ssarak's roommate, a Hydromancer. She remembered him from the first day at the college. They both shared sleeping problems, though Meirin had gotten over the worse of it by now. She wondered idly if he was okay too. Though he has other problems to worry about now, like his demon hand. Shaking her head, Meirin tried to put those thoughts aside. She was here to enjoy the festival, not fret over her friends.

"That's amazing Lyn! I mean... Wow! You're learning so fast." Meirin said as she led everyone to their seats. The show was about to begin, but Meirin rather they try some other attractions. More importantly Meirin wanted to spend time with Lyn without Tyrael. She had nothing against the teacher, but Meirin did not feel particularly comfortable around him. To put it simply, she felt he was dangerous. And she didn't want to put Lyn into any more danger than she needs to be. "Say Lyn, after this show how about we go see some animals? I think I saw a petting zoo near the entrance. They have some fascinating creatures over there!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

The halfling scoffed at his words, looking off to the side for a moment. "Of course not..." She said, dismissively. When he confirmed just where she was, her frown deepened. "Faaantastic. I'll be back later then." She started, turning to leave. She stopped when he continued talking, sighing softly. She reached up, idly running her fingers along her ear as he spoke.

She was quiet for several moments, taking her time before finally replying. "Need I remind you of what he's already done to us?" She asked quietly, turning around. "He almost killed all of you, and me. And if we didn't have Sam, I'd be a vegetable. I don't know what's worse..." Anger was plain in her tone, but she wasn't usually this... quiet. "And yes. That was his fault. He's the one that summoned almost all of 'em in the first place." She looked off to the side, and then back to him.

"Do you... remember the demon?... The one I killed?... I wouldn't blame you if you didn't." She reached down, grabbing at her shirt and pulling it up, just enough to expose her stomach. It was... a mess, frankly. Her skin was covered in scar after scar. Acid burns, gashes, scrapes... In fact, it looked more like her skin was just scar tissue. "I dove into it to protect you, all of you. And I'd do it again, but..." She let go of her shirt, looking off to the side as a look of uncertainty crossed her face. "These scars... are not scars I can be proud of. And my face..." She ran her hand across her cheek, closing her eyes. "...It isn't mine. It's some poor bastard's face the vitamancers grafted to my head and sculpted to look like my own. I guess they didn't want me to look like a zombie..."

She shook her head, looking down towards the ground before looking up to him. "The pain was... indescribable, Athalus. It felt like every part of my body was being shredded to pieces, with acid poured in every wound. And some nights, I feel it in my dreams..." She grit her teeth, sighing and calming herself. "I can tolerate his existence. But I won't forgive him. I can't." She sat down in a nearby bench, considering the last thing he had said. "I... Don't know. Maybe. I don't have a whole lot to do today..." She said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Grey Onyx

Grey stood by as Lucilia spoke, idly gazing out over the banquet hall as he waited for her to find what she was looking for. He watched her fiddle with various pouches of things he couldn't really identify, before a servant brought her a glass. She poured the medicine into it, and handed it off to the guardsman. Upon hearing his orders he nodded once, saying a quick 'Yes Ma'am.' before heading towards the headmaster's table, careful not to spill the concoction. Luckily, the hall wasn't as crowded as it had been earlier, a fair amount of the guests seemed to have gone off towards the fair, if he had to guess.

He stopped once Lucilia had begun her little speech, looking over his shoulder towards her as he listened. He smiled lightly, she really did have a talent for that sort of thing. The end of her speech was a little... well, not odd. Her words resonated with him in some way. Yes... better to try and fail than do nothing and also fail. He felt a little better with that thought, it eased his mind somewhat. Nonetheless, he had a job to do. He arrived near the Archmage, gently tapping him on the shoulder. "Sir?" He asked, hoping he wasn't interrupting anything. "I'm afraid I'll need you to drink this. It's from Lucilia, she called it your 'Tea', I believe." He set the glass on the table before catching sight of the albino. "Ah, hello Leith. Enjoy the demonstrations?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"And you've never lost control?" The assassin reminded her gently. "We've all made our mistakes, Alaira. Put too much trust in something, thought we could maintain our cool, the list goes on. I thought I could protect Mar and Lyn from all the threats going against them. I can't. Everything that has nearly gotten them has brushed past me without a second thought. Xyden, the Demon you killed, her exact copy, the list goes on. You've forgiven me for my mistakes, so why not his?"

He gestured towards her stomach. "Your scars aren't battle scars, true. But they're scars to be proud of. You didn't earn them slaying some beast, fighting a champion of some army, or conquering some city. You earned them protecting the lives I couldn't. You preserved rather than destroyed. As for your face..." He gave a small shrug. "I don't think they grafted someone's face onto your own. After all, if they had a face they doubtlessly had a stomach too. They would have grafted someone's stomach onto yours too. You were simply lucky enough that they managed to repair the damage done to your face before it was so bad they couldn't."

"Wait here." He ducked back into the room, checking on Mar. A few moments later, he came back out fully dressed. "Mar's asleep. We're gonna let her rest and head into the Fair. We both could use a day off."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Colette Filiatraut & Lucilia Riovas | Luna & Lucius Cypher Collaboration

After Grey had left, Lucilia decided to use this time to get away from the feast. She wasn't going to go far, simply give herself time alone. She left the table and headed towards the patio, where things were fairly empty sans a few diners here and there. The moon was high, a few days until a full moon at that. It reminded Lucilia that she'd have to go to another meeting with the vampires of the college, to preform their monthly ritual. Lucilia walked over to the edge of the patio, leaning against the railing. There was a single, almost withered vine spiraled around the marble rail. Using her magic she gave the vine just a bit of life, hopefully long enough for it to survive the winter.

Footsteps were soon heard behind her and the smell of candies filled the air. Colette gulped nervously as she held the a black treasure chest that had a black lock. She had the key on a chain around her neck. She felt Hyllos nearby which made her a bit more relaxed knowing she could be a bit safe. Call her paranoid but after her time in the catacomb had made her a bit...weary of the air around her.

"Um Lucilia...can I talk to you?" she asked as she got just a few few away from the older vampire, if she had a beating heart it would be beating with anticipation. She clutched the chest to her small body as the cold air hit her the exposed parts of her body, but she remained unaffected since she had no feeling of the air around her, one of the curses of being the creature of the night. She began to wonder if she would ever feel the emotions most other creatures called love. She immediately shook her mind out of those dark thoughts knowing that she could not change the past or parts of the future and that she must live the way she can.

It made her wonder what would happened to her if she finally finished school, she had no where else to go and she really didn't want to go back to her home full of loneliness and darkness. She had gotten too used to being arond people that she felt that she could no longer go back to the way she was living. 'I will have to start making plans once I am done with the drought, its the only thing i can do so I don't go back to the way my life use to be' she thought. She looked down at the new outfit she put on.

Her new outfit consisted of a black off the shoulders shirt that was more lace and showed off her arms in medium holes that were various shapes. Under the shirt was a black strapless dress that was treated more like a shirt that reached her knees and blew in the direction of the wind. The shirt flared out a bit at her slim hips. The rest of her legs was covered with her high heeled boots. Her hair was in a side braid a few strains out of the braid and curled up at her pointed ears exposing her upper back and her neck.

Turning her head Lucilia noticed Colette. It's been some time since the two spoke personally: they met with a fair amount of regularity during school hours, either passing each other in the halls or getting their fill at Underhaven. But this would be the first time in a while since they've had a chance to talk. "Of course my dear. What's on your mind?" Lucilia waved her hand, using her magic to create some seats for herself and Colette. She used some mushrooms which grew to the size of chairs, with a plush and comfty top. "Toadstools", basically.

Colette took a deep cold breath before she walked over sitting on one of the chairs getitng comfortable. She placed the chst on her lap gently looking at the older vampire.

"I wanted to show you something. Its not something that I would show to anyone, but I trust you more than anyone I ever trusted in my entire life, even when I was human. I trust you with this secret item that is currently helping me come up with the blood candies and hopefully with solutions for the drought." She said in a nervous, but determine tone of voice indicating even though she was nervous; she was determine to do what she had planned. She reached up taking the chain that held the key to the lock from around her neck the coloring the chain caused around her neck vanished instantly the second it was off her neck.

The key was an odd shape, instead of it being like any ordinary key in the word, this one would remind anyone of a broken half of a heart. It was red unlike the lock holding the chest closed.She looked at the key for a few moments before she inserted it into the lock. A loud click filled the air as the lock clasp released itself and the lock titled slightly. She carefully took the lock off like it was porcelain glass, though the way she was dressed she looked like a porcelain doll herself, and placed it next to her on the chair away from the edge. She looked at Lucillia with serious eyes.

"Promise me that you will not tell anyone about what I am about to show you. I know that people of our kind still don't like the fact that the I was changed into one of them and that they cannot do anything to change it, so its best that they dont find out about this." she said. Whatever was in that chest was obviously very important to Colette and was inciting curiosity from Hyllos who could hear from where she was flying.

Lucilia gave Colette a soft, but serious smile. "You can trust me Colette. This will just be between you and me." Though Lucilia was honestly curious what Colette had that was so important. While Lucilia always gave the girl her privacy, she generally knew most of Colette's secrets, if only because Lucilia liked to pry. But she's never seen this box before, and if it would help prefect the draught, than it was all the more important for Lucilia to listen. "Go on."

Colette nodded her head when she received permission to continue. She slowly opened the chest, which was surprisingly silent but it looked liked it hadn't been opened for long time. When it was completely opened Colette slowly reached inside and pulled out a pure black chain, but that was not what caught Lucilia's attention. What caught her attention was what was hanging from the chain. It was a heart shaped amulet of some kind that was all black but in the center is what looked like glass filled with red that seem to move with the movement of the necklace, like water did. Colette held her close and put the amulet part of the necklace in her bare hands letting the chain dangle in the air.

"Lucillia..this is the amulet the vampire left me after he turned me. I never told anyone about this because there was no one there I could trust or anyone to talk to this about. The red inside the glass part here... Is his blood." She said.

Lucilia's eyes widen. "Vampire blood? That's..." Lucilia knew that vampire blood normally wouldn't last this long. Something of a side effect of their nature: unlike mortal blood which congeals, vampire blood turns into dust. Just about everything turns into dust when a vampire's life isn't sustaining it. The blood of a vampire was quite potent but difficult to isolate, so much that even Lucilia doesn't bother to do it. While powerful, the resources needed to keep it in it's liquid state was just too much for the cost. And yet here was Colette, with an amulet containing some.

"I can see why you would keep this a secret. Especially since... Well... Vampire Blood is needed to cure vampirism. The difficulty of keeping it long enough for the ritual is too costly for most however. Even for me. The fact that you have it... I'm not entirely sure what to think. Did that vampire intend to... Cure you at some point?" Lucilia couldn't look at Colette when she mentioned that. Many times before Lucilia thought about curing herself. It wasn't impossible, even for those who submitted themselves to Aarem. But at this point, it'd be too late for both Lucilia and Colette. Curing themselves of vampirism would return them back to their mortal state, both in time and body. Which meant that if Lucilia cured herself, her body would rapidly age to match her true age. And considering that she's a little over two centuries year old, curing herself wasn't an option.

"Never mind that. I'm glad you are willing to show this to me Colette. How do you think this would perfect the draught though?"

"I don't know yet, but I think this is what he wanted to me to try." Colette said putting it back in the box. She stood and walked over to the edge looking out into the distance. She looked ready to cry as she began to speak.

"When I was turned...I didn't want to believe that I was anything but human, but when I saw the fear of the people I was forced to kill. I knew that...that there was no turning back for me. My life was forever different and I was helpless to change it. My parents feared and loved me to the point they mysteriously disappeared one night." she said tears in her eyes as she spoke each syllable.

"For two centuries...I felt like my life was on a tight rope like in a circus.Every move I did or every word I spoke neither helped me or ruined my balance to stay upon the tight rope I felt like I was standing. I had so many questions yet there was no one there to help me, no one to comfort me." she said in a cracked voice. It was hard to believe that she was so young with her recent actions, but in her heart she was only a young child that was once naive to the world of vampire and was forced to live a life she never thought she would have to.

"I felt so isolated from both worlds: human and vampires...except for the vampire who changed me and used his last visit to give that amulet to me....I felt like I was a broken doll just wanting to be put back together. To keep me from hurting person after person." she clenched her hands into fist cutting into her hands as potent red blood like tears went down her reddening cheeks onto the concrete balcony railing.

"Everyday..I never got to cry because it was a world of survival for me from the moment when I was awake at night to when I fell asleep during the day. I had to deal with people who would come to my home trying to find me and hang me at the stake to wait for the sun to finally kill me....it was either kill or be killed for me and it only fed my blood lust to slaughter more and more innocent people." Colette said falling to her knees not even reacting to the way the skin of her knees scraped against the concrete.

"I want to use that amulet to help vampires who are just like me, vampires who are perhaps even younger than I am...vampires that don't have the luxury to be rescued like I was...to be saved from the blood lust that haunts them every waking moment even if it means some go back to their mortal state and living their lives again. I will to do anything it takes...anything even if it means my own life" she said.

"I know I can never go back to what or who I once was, but it is not too late to help others Lucillia, this may be our only chance to do it." she said before Lucillia had the chance to say anything.

The first thing Lucilia did was help Colette up. The second thing Lucilia did was give Colette a great, big hug. Then she put Colette back onto the toadstool. "I'm so sorry Colette. I've been a vampire for so long... Sometimes I forget that deep down, we're all still human, with sadness, regret, and so much more. Things like hope." Taking out a handkerchief Lucilia took Colette's hands and wiped the blood off of them, then wiping away her tears with a clean handkerchief. "And what I see right now is hope for the future. That you'll bring hope to other vampires, not just because you're able to, but because you are a kind, noble soul who wants to. I'm glad that you're willing to share this with me Colette. Now maybe I could share something with you."

But then Lucilia froze up. She didn't mean to say. She was caught up in the emotions of the moment. Lucilia's own past was something she's been trying to forget. But hearing Colette's tale just reminded the elder vampire that once upon a time, she was just like Colette. A young girl naive to the world, forced into the dark and bloody realm of vampires and the evils within. It gave Lucilia a harsh reminder that ultimately, she could never control her life like she did before. At least, not now.

"... I think, Colette, that you and I are quite similar. In fact I think we both may have known each other once, in the past. Because I used to be a girl just like you. I was young, naive, and didn't know what the world had in store for me... I knew I wasn't invincible, but surely there was some light. But then... Then I became a vampire. The hunger took me... I remember killing my own family. Back then, I used to be attending the College, but there wasn't many vampires there to help me. I was... I became feral. I fled into the dark woods and became a monster. It wasn't until a very long time that someone came and saved me. Another vampire who wanted to give me a second chance. Every since then I wanted to do the same for all the other vampires, so I invited them to stay at the college, just like what I did with you. I sought them out whever the rumors said they would be. But instead of hunting them down like some, I did everything I could to help them regain their senses."

Most of this Colette already knew, and Lucilia's beginnings weren't too different from many other vampires. She simply didn't want to remember the pain: Lucilia was a strong woman, but the memories of her tearing apart her mother and father just to lick the blood off the floor, it was sickening to the vampire teacher. Shaking herself out of her self-loathing Lucilia looked up towards the moon.

"Colette, I'm proud of you. I think you'll do even better than me. I've spent years trying to perfect the Marrow Draught to no anvil. I was about to give up. But thanks to you, we're getting closer to defeating the curse that all vampires share. Something that will help all of us live a normal life. So... Don't be sad! I'm not sad! I'm happy I got to save you! I'm grateful that you've become such a wonderful woman! What happened to you in the past is always going to be harsh and unforgettable. But that's why you're here. To beat your dark past, for a brighter future."

She blushed as she recieved complements from the woman who saved her from a terrible future. She then remember she wanted to show Lucilia her progress of changing the world of the vampires.

"Thank you so much Lucilia for listening to me. I really need that a lot. But i also want to show you this since I promise I would when I got the time to do it." She pulled out from under her dress a neatly wrapped sphere that reminded them both of the wrappers they saw as they were humans. The wrapper was black and red and had the initials "CL" on it in the large red part in bold black print.

"This is the very first candy I managed to make and I want you to try it for me. It suppose to make you last a week without the marrow draught. I really burned myself trying to make it in my room and after almost 12 hours I managed to make this" she said, her cheeks still a light red color as she down-casted her maroon red eyes to the ground in a modest fashion.

"I made sure it actually tasted like candy because I know I miss the luxery of tasting the sweetness they put in candies. I always looked forward to getting candy every time I ate dinner. I guess it was my parent's way to black mail me into eating my vegetables." she giggled out, this was the first time she ever talked about her past without getitng upset.

"Thank you Colette. Well, down the hatch!" Lucilia took the candy from Colette. She was a bit hesitant at first, but she put it into her mouth and tasted it. At first, it tasted like a hard piece of jelly. Soon it soften, and Lucilia could taste the blood trickle into her mouth. But then... Then there was another taste that Lucilia couldn't pinpoint. She thought perhaps it had to do with the vampire blood Colette may or added to it. But then Lucilia realized what was going on.

She was tasting sugar. It was sweet, if a bit grainy. But for once, Lucilia actually tasted something that wasn't just blood. For a moment, her mouth was alive again. If it wasn't made of fresh blood or had a texture to it, Lucilia wouldn't have been able to taste it. But this... Lucilia had to confirm it. She took out an apple seed and used her magic to make it grow into an apple, skipping the process of turning into a tree. She bite into it and tasted the flavor of the fruit, it's tangy sweet and sourness. It was a fleeting feeling, but it was certainly shocking to Lucilia. She had no words.

Colette watched her biting her lip wondering what the older vampire would say. She hoped she would like them since she spent so much of her time to make it. If she was mortal her hands would have began to sweat. When she saw her grow an apple from out of no where and bite into it she smiled a bit knowing that she was probably shocked that she could taste the sugar in the candle.

"I used just a drop of the vampire blood in the amulet to cure the vampirism to a small extend, though it wont fully heal us. It can give us the ability to gain back one sense we lost when we were turned. The ability to taste. I could see it in you eyes, though I know you were trying to hide it, whenever you were in the dining room eating that you missed that, so I made this candy mostly for you in return for helping me and giving me the honor to fix something you spent years trying to fix for all vampires" she said.

Lucilia had no words to express the things she was feeling. It was such a simple thing. Something that everyone is born to do. But to taste the sugar, to eat an apple, where things that Lucilia had forgotten so long ago. Colette spoke more about what she did, adding vampire blood into the marrow draught. Lucilia never thought it would work, considering the difficulty of isolating vampire blood and the fact it seemed counter intuative. but sure enough for just a moment Lucilia was able to regain her taste buds, and her thirst for blood was gone. She wasn't sure how long she could go without but if Colette is right she wouldn't feel the need to drink for at least a week. This was so much to take in.

Lucilia had to compose herself. By now she could only taste the lingering sweetness of the candy. Colette's Marrow Draught wasn't perfect, but it was getting there. Turning to the younger vampire Lucilia reached out and hugged her. "Thank you Colette. It's... It's perfect. Everything I could have ever hoped for."

She smiled and hugged the older vampire back. "I am glad I could be at home help for you. Consider this a gift for you... If i get the next batch ready, do you think I can give some to the vampires at the next ritual" she asked shyly. She was definitely optimistic about this working and it seem that it could work. The wind blew Colette's braided hair making it brush against her pale skin.

"If you don't I don't mind the no answer. I just want to get started on this quickly so I have time to improve the drought." she said blushing running her fingers through her silky black hair. One thing about vampires is that they didn't have to worry about washing their hair, but the one problem is that vampire's hair could grow so long that some either cut it over and over or brush it over and over.

"Oh, of course. It'll be on the next full moon however, which I think is... A day or two away. If that's enough time. But this is certainly a breakthrough Colette! In fact, there's one thing I want from you. I don't know where you've made the new Marrow Drought, but if you want feel free to use my personal laboratory. It has access to practically all the resources the college provides and more. I can't say I have much vampire blood in stock, but I can make arrangements to obtain more." While this wasn't the sort of good news she was expecting on a night like this, Lucilia was happy that something good came out from today.

Sitting back onto her toadstool Lucilia looked up into the skies. It was the same darkness as always, but there were lights in the stars. A reminder that for all the bleakness in this world, there was something to grasp that could change it. A sort of... Noble darkness.

As a stiff breeze rolled by Lucilia turned back towards the feast. She should return to her seat before people begin to wonder if she had left the feast without so much as a farewell. "Ah... That's one problem down, but now I must return to my duties. Colette, you should try to enjoy the festival a bit. I wish I could go, but I have to attend to the diplomats and others in the dinning hall. But perhaps... One day, I could take some time off and we could just... Have fun. For once." Lucilia was certain she had some vacation days she could call in, assuming her punishment won't stop her from taking a little break every now and again.

Colette smiled and nodded. She walked back to her chest and closed it back up. She re-locked it with the black lock and carefully put the chain back around her neck. She turned back to the older vampire and smiled brightly for the first time in a long time.

"Thank you so much. I won't let you down Lucillia" she said in a determined voice before she turned back to head back to her room with the chest to put it back where she had it a smile on her face. This is one the best nights she had in a long long time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael eyed Meirin suspiciously. Of course Tyrael wouldn't mind taking Lyn to the petting zoo, if she wanted to, however he also wanted to spend some time with her... And not necessarily with everyone else. And while Uicle did say that Tyrael needed to be kinder to the others, that didn't mean he was going to cow to their whims. "There are many magical creatures around the college Lyn could learn about. She should try something new instead, such as the carousel. Tyrael pointed his hand towards a wooden contraption off in the distance, illuminated by rune lights and bond fires. There were were carved wooden statues of horses, griffons, dragons, chariots, and many other mythical creatures. And despite the college's reputation of magic, the carousel used non aside for lighting: it was a marvel of engineering and manpower.

Soon the puppet show began. It was the tale of an ancient hero of old, traveling to the kingdom where his father wronged the king by slaying one of his sons. The hero offered his sword in service to the king in order to repair the misgivings his father had committed. The king, obviously uncertain of the ability and loyalty of the hero, decides to station him in a great mead hall near the coast. During the day it was a place where his warriors could rest and reveal to their hearts content, but at night a powerful and evil troll would come, killing everyone who slept there. The hero accepted the quest and went to the mead hall, and on the way he learned more about the troll which could come at night. That it had the strength to tear apart a warrior wearing full armor, and that no blade or arrow could even pierce it's hide. That it ate the flesh or mortals but never finished it's meals, leaving the bloody remains behind like the beast it was. For many children in the audience it was suppose to be a scary description, but for some like Tyrael, it sounded like your average wild animal. Perhaps a bear.

The story continued as the hero arrived to the mead hall, where other warriors both greeted him warmly and questioned his ability. One of the warriors was the brother of man the hero's father slew, and had a bone to pick with the hero. The warrior took out his sword and challenged the hero to a duel, but the hero refused: he offered his sword to the king to protect his land and it's vassals, including the very same warrior threatening his life. The hero's honor forced the warrior to back down and give him a warning: that the beast would always show when the moon was at it's highest, and that it would not stop it's slaughter until there were no one left in the mead hall. If he failed, not only would he die, but also anyone else in the hall. The hero remained confident however. He stayed in the hall for the whole day, sharing drinks and tales of his heroism until day became night. Many warriors left the mead hall to return to their homes, but a few stayed behind. Some where scared of the mysterious troll, fearing for their lives. Others didn't believe it and think it's the work of their enemies, not some magical creature. The Hero simply stayed vigilant, waiting for night to come.

And sure enough at midnight, the doors burst open, and out came the troll. The troll was at least three times the size of the other puppets, with a mouth big enough to swallow a man whole. It was about to reach out and grab a warrior when the hero stepped forward. But he had no weapons, nor any armor: he was in fact naked. This brought some laughs from the audience. The naked puppet warrior challenged the troll to single, unarmed combat, and so the two fought. The hero showed an equal amount of strength and endurance as the troll did, before tearing off it's arm and kicking it out of the mead hall. The other warriors, by now awake, was in awe at the hero's victory. Word quickly spread about the hero's victory over the dark troll, and the king soon arrived to make the hero into a knight, where his adventures would continue for some time.

That was the end of the first story which took about thirty minutes to preform. Despite the relative small stage, the puppeteers made due with changeable stages and clever usages of string. Each of the puppets had their own costume and looks, such as the hero's flowing blond hair, the king's shining crown, or the trolls sheer size. All in all a decent show for puppeteers who had no magic to use, and Tyrael gave a customary clap when applause was called for. The next show was about to begin, but Tyrael wanted to take Lyn to the Carousel. Without even waiting to donate the demon stood up to leave.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Lyn giggled a bit at seeing Ssarak’s surprise, his face showed it well, as he heard her speak. On seeing him lean in closer to examine the item on her neck, she tried to make it easier by closing the distance without falling off Tyrael’s shoulders. He naturally won’t have allowed her to fall but she wasn’t excited about coming down from her perch too soon as she enjoyed it there. She didn’t have to stand on her tippy toes to see over everyone’s head after all and not walking was also a perk.

At mention of the same exact thing Leith made her promise, Lyn shook her head in amusement. ‘I know, Leith made me promise to keep practicing when he gave it to me. Besides, I think the rune would get over heated if I used it all the time. At least, that’s what Val said to Sam once.’

It was pretty clear the child had gotten around, the fact she mentioned Val telling Sam to be careful with a new rune was evidence enough. When they reached their seats, she knew it was time to get down and gently tapped Tyrael’s head to put her on the ground. Clutching her candies closely and bracing to be moved, her head turned to the red haired woman when a petting zoo was mentioned. Her nose scrunched up in curiosity immediately. Through Tyrael had already answered for her, namely causing her to frown slightly since he treated her like a child, pushing her to the carousel which was another word she had never heard. First she decided to focus on Mei who had made the suggestion first.

‘What’s a petting zoo?’ She asked having never experiencing one. Her mother was a Naga and she had never been, save for sneaking on that mission with the others, outside the college since her birth. There was still much of the world she hadn’t been exposed to which only increased her desire to understand what others were referring to. ‘Is it like the stables? Where several animals live or something else?’

’Also, Uncle Tyrael, why can’t I do both? As long as you’re with me, it will still be fun.’

Before her question could be answered, the show began. Her reactions were accurate for each scene as the paper dolls, each made with strings and delicate designs, bobbed about the stage. Their arms waved while a voice boomed behind them creating the narrative in the background. So engrossed, she barely heard anything afterwards or replied until it ended. That was when her uncle decided to go ahead with his earlier plans as he clapped then move to leave, bring her along.

’I guess we’re going to the carousel first. I hope you two don’t mind?’ She stated, trying to be gentle as possible.


Ovak noticed the gesture Leith made with his finger, gently tracing the scar on his cheek and seemed to linger in his thoughts. If the archmage had to guess, his mageblood aside, he assumed Leith was replaying the result of his last mission. Noting that fact, Ovak’s mind shifted through his own recollection of past ‘future’ images and tried to determine which had already occurred. At least those associated with the scar. Main ones that surfaced included a Wyvern, a massive assault on the college by Eania and Djarkel combining forces, and even an encounter with a newer threat yet unknown to the world itself.

Taking in mind Leith’s phrasing, mainly the comment about the vitamancer, he took an educated guess. “Last mission had an encounter with a wild mage, um? Luckily you survived it and lesson well learned. Be thankful it wasn’t a Wyvern, those creatures are malicious as well as hard to kill.”

Upon mention of the teachers being formidable, he nodded. “Each one was chosen specially for their talents and experience in their magics. As for what they think, we can’t control everyone’s thoughts. Besides, Ovak continued, ”Anything we do, in reality, will end up rubbing someone wrong. At least this way we’re not encouraging a war while informing Djarkel, Eania, and everyone else we’re not exactly helpless.”

Getting a sensation his wording might’ve been misunderstood, Ovak chuckled then corrected himself.

”Well, I should’ve phrased myself better. Curiosity isn’t a bad thing, but rather how you approach it is. Sometimes it even saves lives or destroys them when you are careless. Practice curiosity with caution is usually a good idea.”

Ovak chuckled lightly at the student's comment over Lucilia’s speech. Inwardly he caught himself stating another fact, one he viewed too grim to share with Leith as it would’ve stirred the trait priorly mentioned. Last thing the archmage wanted to do was to arouse bad blood between a student and a teacher. He leaned back in his chair, but before he could comment someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Without looking, he already knew who it was. Ovak’s hand reached for his ‘Tea’ and took a brief slip, allowing Grey to address Leith, then spoke. ”Hello Grey Onyx and thank you. Also, when you return to Lucilia you might want to inform her I’ll need an extra cup later tonight.”

The archmage continued, pausing only for a breath. ”Oh, and she should wait an hour after I retire before entering my room. I’m expecting a guest later and I don’t think he would appreciate additional presence besides myself. He’s a very… interesting fellow to put it lightly.”

He was about to take another sip when a thought crossed his mind, and he tacked on another point. “And please inform her she can discard those medical tests she’s at least considering running on me. I’m not nearing the end of my life and I much rather not . Besides, if things were that simple then life would be easier.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith paused when Ovak asked if his mission had an encounter with a Wild mage. He was slightly surprised that the Archmage knew about his mission. More-so at the mention of a Wild mage. The ring on his finger seemed to know about the Wild be he was hesitant to ask it. ”Well yes, I did have an encounter with a mage, but I don't really know what you mean by Wild. But that has been the second time that I have heard of it in these past few days."

He paused as Grey approached the table to give Ovak a cup of tea from Lucilia. He nodded to the guardsman when he said hello. ”Hello. I did enjoy the demonstrations. They were a lot different then last time. I can tell you that. How have you been?" Leith asked. He wanted to know how Grey was doing after what had happened when the man was attacked by the Eternal Hunger during the mission. Something like that doesn't just go away, and Leith should. He had been having trouble sleeping ever since the mission. He stifled a yawn as he waited for Grey's answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Ironically, Ssarak was just as clueless as to what the others were describing as Lyn was. His homeland was entirely inhospitable to virtually all exotic creatures, so to attempt to gather foreign animals in such a way would require a steady supply of runes. As a result, it was not generally a profitable venture. Likewise, “carousel” was a word he had never even heard before, so he had no concept of what that could be.

Ssarak had no particular issue accompanying Tyrael, as long as Meirin was still willing to stay. The professor’s personality was one of the farthest from likable possible, and he generally made no effort to act otherwise. Not to mention, he was a demon, or at least, a fallen. There was a definite distinction between the two, but for most of those who were not demonmancers, they were one in the same. It was surprising to Ssarak that Lyn actually liked being around him, though Ssarak mostly attributed that to her youthful innocence. At the very least, Ssarak could respect Tyrael’s abilities, his consistency, and the fact that he was seemingly loyal to the College.

”Being that I am unfamiliar with either of those, anything you do will likely be new to me. The performance we just watched was certainly a new experience.” Ssarak commented.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

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Colette smiled as she walked ways from Lucilla. She knew in her unbeating heart that tonight was the best night of her life. She felt like she accomplished something tonight. She only began to hope that things would go well with the other vampire at the full moon ritual where she would spread her candy to them.

'I wonder if the vampires who hate me will accept my help...' she thought as she stopped in front of the many large windows that was in the corridors. She held her chest close looking at the almost full moon, the light glimmering on her like it did on the balcony. She heard a familiar screech as her bat friend, Hyllos, flew at her and nuzzles herself to Colette.

"Well Hyllos we have a something big coming up pretty soon. Let's just hope everything goes as planned with the others of my kind..if only I had the opinion of another vampire before I try this." She said.

"Be careful of what you wish for mistress, you may never know if they will come true" Hyllos said preaching herself in Colette's bare shoulders carefully so she wouldn't cut into her mistress's skin with her sharp claws.

"I doubt it. I been wishing for a long time and they have never been answered." Colette said petting her head with a free hand. She placed the chest in the ground gently and leaned on the window sil looking up at the moon. Hyllos and Colette just stood there in a comfortable silence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Meirin Kurenai

"A petting zoo is where you can see different kinds of animals up close. It's kinda like a stable, but with different animals, like birds, or cows, or even bugs. You can even touch them and feed them!" Meirin cheerfully explained to Lyn. She was hoping that Lyn would agree, but before she could speak Tyrael mentioned taking Lyn to some sort of wooden contraption. Meirin was not a superstitious person, but she didn't exactly trust the handiwork of technology. Too many moving parts, too many chances where things could go wrong. She understood that Tyrael just wanted to take Lyn on something new and exciting, but Meirin wanted Lyn to see something safer and more interesting.

But before Meirin could offer a counter, the demonomancy professor left with Lyn, heading straight towards the carousel. "Oh, wait!" Meirin stood up and followed, but not before taking out a coin and donating it. She bowed her head respectfully towards the actors before catching up with Tyrael and Lyn. She didn't like how he was practically forcing them along, even if Lyn agreed to see the carousel first. As they got closer, Meirin was questioning the carousel's stability. The wooden mounts look stable enough, but the way it creaked as it spun made Meirin uncertain. Not to mention that just almost out of eyesight was piles of broken parts of the carousel, suggesting that they must have broken off at some point. Gulping, Meirin catch up to the others.

"Is... Is this safe? It doesn't exactly look the most... Stable."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


”Ah, well I could be getting my train of thoughts crossed. Not many are able to tell the difference after all and few live to make that mistake again. Their magic is rather old and derived from a source best left alone in the end.” Ovak stated simply, his words paused to bring his tea to his lips again. The steam wafting up and into his nostrils. A minty scent lingering in his memory for a few moments.

He thought for a moment, his fingers tightened as something passed through his mind. The archmage inhaled a moment then let out the breath in a bitter sigh. Avoiding it was impossible but he hated having his peace taken away by the collecting mob, his eyes shifted to the pair with a slight apologetic look. However, he refused to send them away. If they left on their own was another matter and fully understandable.

Slowly, Ovak leaned into Leith’s side then whispered. ”Brace yourself, we might become rather popular here shortly. If you want to run, I don’t blame you. Just wish I could follow.”

The words barely finished, the diplomats drew close like vultures waiting to pick a carcass clean when the lions were done.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 3 mos ago

"A prominent college in which those with mageblood are expertly trained in the art of magic."

Had Ruvaen lied to her as a joke? If so, it wasn’t very funny considering she had traveled a long way. Well, not too long, but it was wasted time, nonetheless, that she could have spent on making money. After all, there was no way a renowned college such as Ruvaen spoke of would be reduced to a backyard carnival – one with questionable and obviously treacherous rides. More specifically, a carnival with a wooden, slowly spinning trap of death. Cosima had never laid eyes on a torture device more foul than the carousel; an apparatus created to torment children with dizziness and delusional notions of misplaced fun. This dead-like festival was not Cosima’s definition of fun, more so her nightmares and terrified thoughts. Nothing scared Cosima more than loose children flying about and dubious contrivances with working, toothless men and pure sugary demise. Yet, Cosima waited in line, her foot tapping impatiently as she waited for it to move forward in hopes of being able to ride this death machine herself. It would give her something to tell her mother after she explained the disappointment the college was.

Somewhere near her, Cosima could hear the uncertain and shaky voice of someone either behind her or in front of her and an accompanying insistent one. The brunette would be lying if the voices didn’t irk her – everything irked her at this point; the smells, the sounds, the permeating sweat and body heat that clung to her like sickness clings to lying near-corpses. It was unbearable – but the idea of seeing some mage to talk about her future at the college was even more unbearable. Instead, Cosima wanted to pretend that everything was a deception so she could return to her mother in New Sanguine, where she belonged.

“How long must I wait here till I can leave without a guilty conscience?” Cosima wondered aloud as she was wont to do.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael didn't comment on Meirin's concern. In hindsight the carousel was a new thing that even he wasn't didn't know much about. The fact that no incidents have been reported (As far as he knew) about the ride made him think it was safe to use. But all the more reason he'd like Lyn to experience it, for good or ill. Of course if it was a bad experience there'd be hell to pay. When Tyrael approached he could see the workers look at him with fear. Whether it's because he was a demon or because they knew he was a professor, Tyrael didn't care much for it. Her let Lyn down to wait in line before approaching one of the workers.

"When will the next ride begin?"

"H-hello good sir! Next ride is actually beginning right now, we just need to reset the ride..."

Tyrael nodded his head and was about to join Lyn when the worker spoke out. "Ah, I must apologize, sir, but... There's a weight limit for the carousel... No one over 200 pounds." Under normal circumstance Tyrael would feel insulted at the perceived insult, however seeing Lyn look so excited at the carousel, he opted to ignore it. "So be it, mortal. But I want the child to ride on the best seat available." The worker bowed his head and got the others to go back to work. Soon a man dressed in fine clothes stepped up onto a podium and began shouting for people to come ride the carousel, and that there were some mounts available. There was twelve in total, and the ride itself was free, though a modest donation for Hysteria's "Creative Dynamics" group was most appreciated.

However as the riders got onto their mounts, there was another issue. The horses used to move the carousel around were exhausted and needed some time to rest. An hour at least, but regardless the customers would have to leave. When Tyrael noticed how long things were taking he went back to see what the issue was. "What is taking so long?" He asked bluntly. The head engineer, the only worker there who seemed to have no fear of Tyrael, answered back. "Horses are tired sir. We've been pushing em hard for the past few hours, and they're near dead if we make them do this one more time. We'd ask the college if we could borrow their horses, but the thing is that ours are trained to power the carousel. Any other animal gets jumpy in cramp spaces." Sighing, Tyrael had a simple solution to this problem: Demons.

"How many do you need?"

"Four at the minimum, though six makes things easier for everyone I'd reckon."

Looking over at the horses being led out of the carousel, Tyrael knew a few bestial demons who he could easily command that would fit. "Then stand back." Tyrael's hands began to glow with a dark green energy as he focused on the demons he needed to summon, remembering who they are and what plane they exist in. When he found the six needed Tyrael tore open a hole between the Inferno and the Physical Realm, and used his demonic powers to call the creatures forward. From the hellish portal came large hellhounds, with two-heads and glowing red. They were shorter than the horses but a bit wider, and more or less the right size to power the carousel. Vicious beasts normally, but under Tyrael's control they were docile as dogs (Which they kinda were). He spoke in a profane language of demons and commanded them to enter the carousel, serving as it's new source of power. They did so dutifully, even allowing the frighten workers to put them into harnesses. And just like that, the carousel was back on schedule.


Approaching Ovak, Leith, and Grey was a lone woman who smelled of blood and roses. She smelled almost like Lucilia, which for at least one of the three gathered there, it could only mean one thing: This woman was a vampire. Unlike any vampire seen thus far, she had crimson leathery wings sprouting from her lower back; whether these are natural parts of her body or something she has only for the occasion was to be determined. She approached the trio, curtsying deeply before introducing herself. "Greetings, I am Shaltear Yzarc. I am the Baroness of Tide Tower. May I speak to you, Archmage? I'd like to ask you about some of your students." Shaltear spoke politely, yet her eyes were filled with quiet hostility, like a woman bent on revenge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf

Keri watched as the castle gates appeared into her view. Her eyes widen in amazement . A menacing smile played across her lips exposing her whitened fangs. A feast within her grasp. A offering of meat. Keri violently shook her head, heartbeats pounded in her ears continuously. In the past days, insanity played as her only friend. Her starvation started to kick in as if she was kick in the gut by a horse.

"I'm in control." She whispered in a faint voice.

Keri noted many guards which roamed the grounds. Two seemed to be posted by the gate. She felt some of the previously passed guards gain a tighter hold of their weapons. This just added to her already maxed out stress. Her palms became sweaty as what seemed to be a fair ground formed behind the already ajared gates. Keri noticed her breathing become labored as she watched groups form within the area.

Keri took a deep breath then continued on her search. Her mouth watered. She ended up stopping random people asking if the knew someone named Satori. The answer was the same every time making her frustration rise and her impossible goal seem farther away.

The need to find her friend became more urgent as minutes went by.

When Keri was just about to the carousel, she felt a gentle breeze brushed by her. On instinct she let out a warning hiss while her hair settled back into place. She noticed the ground closer than before and brought herself up again. Her eyes darted around in uncontainable excitement once she realised one else seem to have felt it.

Keri knew there was no breeze when she walked inside the gates. She continued with extreme caution while searching for the person who just passed her by but in udder disappointment no solid object stood out.

Upon arriving at her designation, and turning her head to the nearest group, Keri noticed a demon standing by a child, a human, Eysire, as well as an odd looking elf. She stood there lost in the slime possible that she would be able to approach the others as well as maybe the demon itself. Gathering her courage she decided to approach them for more information just to notice the demon leaving the group. Keri slightly turned away for a retreat, but decided against it forcing herself to interact with the odd group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Lyn listened, hearing Mei’s description and slowly let her imagination run rampant. Birds, cows, and several other creatures cropped up in her head where they swirled around in a blender, twisting in bizarre creations. Some were mixed match creatures. Like cows with eight legs to bird like wings or horses with beaks, and even birds with compound eyes. Others looked like the physical representations of their names such as horseflies, dogfish, and more. The pure silliness in her head was enough to make Lyn giggle out loud, her hand raised to stifle it, as the mood was undisturbed by her guardian's rudeness.

When they arrived at the carousel, her eyes scrunched up in question. At finally seeing the thing her uncle was excited about and she then peered down in question at him. Mainly her eyes were asking if that thing still worked at all. Despite the paint job and repaired parts, it still looked like there was already several years under its belt.

To add to her growing anxiety, Lyn noticed it was mostly children who was riding and without being accompanied by adults. The seats were gradually emptied to release the prior riders and they followed the workers, mostly human leading them toward an exit. Meanwhile new customers were bring led to the various mounts then carefully instructed to sit down, hold on tightly and remain still. There didn’t appear to be any sort of harnesses unlike the saddles and other safety measures many of the teachers made when they let her ride the many animals.

Tyrael didn’t seem to notice her glance. Instead, he picked her up and placed her down, allowing her feet to find purchase upon the firm ground behind. She was literally placed behind the earlier female. It was the very one who had made an impatient comment and was still likely tapping her foot, wanting to get onto the ride herself. Ignoring the woman for a moment, Lyn peered around her to watch Tyrael’s larger figure move through the collection of individuals. He easily parted the crowds in the line who spotted him and gave him wide berth, thanks to his appearance. It likely looked like he was cutting in line to most.

Lyn shook her head not fully understanding everyone’s fear of her god father.

Unable to hear his conversation, her head turned to introduce herself to the woman. Though she promised Leith, as well as the others, she would speak physically, the idea of looking strange in front of a possible new friend was not something she wanted. Not to mention her struggling to make sounds and noises could be seen as rude. So, the child let her rune do the talking.

The friendly, childish voice broke out across the air toward the half elf and human. Lyn’s left hand clasped her rune while her free hand raised outward in greeting like she had seen numerous people do in the past. To the woman, Lyn almost looked identical to a normal, healthy human six year old. In reality, her mental state was more around seven or nine, though her eyes also gave away her origins. The pupils were thin and curved down, much like a snake's. Despite the reaction she might gain, Lyn tried to be nice as she could when she spoke. ’Hello. My name is Lyn, you waiting for carousel too?’

Before the older woman could answer, movement caused Lyn attention and shifted her head to identify it. It was a Naersan human of slight paleness wearing a dark, green tunic and buck breeches heading their direction. The newcomer’s boots clipped along the college’s cobblestone grounds, her three swords wiggled at her hips, as something seemed off to the child. Her serpent like tongue flickered from her lips to catch the scent and wrinkled her nose abruptly. It was human...yet, something was off. Something she couldn’t quite understand and out of her past experience. It perked her curiosity enough to make her stare then follow where the woman walked to, unsure if it was polite to call her over or wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enzius Zarbath

Enzius rode into the fairgrounds, looking around in awe at all the vibrant colors against the landscape. The college towered over the colorful fair, dark and foreboding. Inside was the knowledge to mastering his power. His pony, which he had named Sire after an energetic elf from his childhood. Sire whinnied indignantly at all the noise and Enzius patted his neck reassuringly, steering past a group of children. As he rode through the grounds, he saw the occasional snow elf and even a wood elf, who towered over everyone else. There were several Esyires flying through the sky, which astounded Enzius as he almost fell off Sire gazing at a dragon flying directly over him. He looked around and spotted a student, some dwarf. He rode up to the dwarf, "Hey you there!" he said in a rough common tongue, being much more used to graceful dialect of his clan and the Snow Elves. "Who do I speak to to enroll in the college?" The dwarf smiled and replied "Oh, that would be Ms. Lucilia. She's in the dining hall." Enzius nodded and rode on, Sire trotting towards the college. As he entered the gates, a servant came up to him and offered to take Sire to the stables. After a moments hesitation, he nodded and dismounted Sire, patting his snout reassuringly as he made his way towards the dining hall. He followed the signs further down into the castle, turning a corner and marveling at the size of the feast before him. There was enough food here to last the clan years! He made his way into the college, following the servants' description of Lucilia. Finally, he spotted her at a table and made his way over to her. He thought about the way he would introduce himself. He was representing Enfeah after all. He hopped up onto her table, standing over her plate of food. He bowed slightly and stated in a rough elven accent "Greetings, I am Enzius Zarbath of the honorable clan Enfeah. I wish to enroll at your college."
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