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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Satori was busy chatting with various dinners at the feast, as she's want to do. While Satori doesn't quite have as much political pull as Lucilia, nor the military might of Tyrael, or the sheer magical power like Ovak, everyone was well aware of her status as the master Psychomancer of the college, and what sort of potential she'd have. Everyone, from the Rulers of Djarkel and Eania, the King of Yarosmere, and likely quite a few clan leaders in the Scortched Lands, have Psychomancers in their court to combat telepathic readings. Indeed, just from a casual scan just about every diplomat and representative in the feast has either wards, an object to serve as a ward, or a psychomancer currently in their mind (Which makes it harder for another Psychomancer to enter), or even a combination of the three. But for someone like Satori, the wards meant nothing to her. She could break through them without a sweat, and they'd be none the wiser. It's simply the ability to read one's thoughts unstopped is what makes Psychomancer's so feared; they have knowledge of things they could not possibly be told, powers which Satori has christened "The Meta". Like a story character reading the book he's from, what Psychomancers lack in raw magical destruction, they can make up for by manipulating the strings that make up their universe.

Or at least that's how Satori explains Psychomancy to the people she speaks with. While they certainly have great potential, Satori wanted to play up their threat level in order to convince certain dignitaries to employ Psychomancers, and for the many who are too cocky and haughty, make them woefully unprepared when or if she needs to use her own magic against them. These mind games she plays with the dignitaries are fairly one-sided however; Through sheer magic power alone she could invade their minds and take everything in their heads. It might leave them a sputtering wreck, but Satori won't deny that it'd be piss easy considering that very few of these people have a ward greater than intermediate.

After parting with a pair from Ghannanos, Satori expanded her telepathic field to check on the world around her. What was normally a curse for new psychomancers, Satori has turned into a tool to allow her to peek into the minds of everyone in a great radius around her. Her personal record for the largest Wide-Focus telepathic field was in a ten mile radius, however that only lasted for about ten-seconds and left her comatose for a good week from the sheer feedback of taking in the thoughts of everything ten miles around her. Now a days Satori limits herself to just around the college.

But as she was scanning the drunken ramblings of various festival goers, Satori picked up a familiar thought. She almost missed it at first, dismissing it as the rambling of another mind she'd never meet, but this one was familiar to her. Like... It was her first mind read. A long memory ago. And old friend. But this one was different. Not every living being capable of thought have the same type of mind. Little did most know, the sort of minds a Psychomancer can read is based off the type of soul they have. And for some reason, this familiar soul was that of a vampire. While Satori is friends with Lucilia, Satori is not very well acquainted with Lucilia's coven of vampires, and thus Satori doubts this vampire is one of them. Focusing her mind onto the single person, Satori discovered who it was. "Keri..."

Suddenly, Ssarak would have a message in his mind. It was from Satori, but whether or not he allowed her in his mind, she didn't bother waiting for permission. "Ssarak. Near you is a stranger, a human girl who seems desperate. She may be dangerous, but make sure no harm comes to her. Make sure Tyrael doesn't do anything to her. I'm on my way." Satori left Ssarak's mind and immediately left the Feast Hall. If there was one thing her Psychomancy magic couldn't do for her, it was to walk faster in high heels.

Lucilia Riovas

Lucilia returned to her table, where a new plate of food has been placed before her, as well as for any of the other teachers still present. Pickled Vegetables with rolled up fox tongue, drizzled with white gravy sauce. Tasting a bit of the sauce on the ti of Lucilia's finger, she tasted nothing. It seemed that Colette's new marrow draught as already worn off it's secondary ability to give Lucilia the ability of taste once more. She debated going back to Colette for another piece of candy, but laughed the idea off. The girl needed to improve the design, surely, but she was on the right track. One day, Lucilia will be able to eat a meal that isn't drenched in the blood of the living, and be able to enjoy it.

Before Lucilia could begin to eat a snow elf appeared, standing over her food and on her silverware. His dirty boots ensured that she wouldn't be able to use those for clean eating, not that it'd matter to her. Sighing, Lucilia called for a servant to clean her table while she looked at the little elf. Once the table was clear, Lucilia waved her hand and tossed a few seeds behind Enzius. The seed sprouted into a chair suitable for the elf, high enough that he'd be able to sit at the table and see Lucilia, though his feet would be off the ground. As servants cleaned the table further one servant even came by with a stack of folders at least four inches thick. Paperwork. "No no... That's for later. Take it back to my office." Lucilia whispered to the servant.

Once the table was clear and the two were left alone, the vampire put on her professional smile and motioned for the elf to take a seat. "Enzius Zarbath is it? Welcome to the Twilight College. I am Lucilia Riovas, Professor of Herbamancy and general secretary. Would you like a seat?"

Annabeth Gulch

After her... Passionate time with Myrn and Aramir, Annabeth was just sober enough that she realized she needs a new door. For now, she rigged up a curtain and a sign for the sake of modesty. She also left bedding and water for the two elves in her room, in case they awaken with a headache fierce enough to serve as a ward. As she was putting her clothes back on, Annabeth remembered she was suppose to meet with her family today. They had come to the college just to see her again. So putting on her best formal attire, Annabeth left her room to see her family from Eania.

The only ones who could have made it was her Aunt and two cousins, however they were by fare one of her favorites. Her aunt, her father's sister, was the one who took Annabeth in to their inn and took care of her before Annabeth left for the college. The two cousins were from Annabeth's mother side who served in the Eania's royal army, one who was a stableman and another who served as a camp cook. They're the ones who got her a teacher for swordsmanship back when she still lived in Eania. They arrived to the feast just a few hours ago, taking in the sights and show before Annabeth found them. One of her cousins, the Cook, was able to pick off the scent of alcohol on her, specifically Aqua Magnus. This got Annabeth quite a teasing for drinking such an expensive brew, the possibility that she was drunk, and the chance she was drunk with someone else. Her aunt even noticed the love marks left by Aramir and Myrn and suspected that Annabeth just came back from an orgy, much to the shocking embarrassment of Annabeth.

Teasing aside, Annabeth enjoyed seeing some of her family again. They spoke for quite some time before her aunt started having a coughing fit; she was breaking into sixty years of age, and quite frankly is surprised she hasn't gone senile yet. She wished she could stay up all night getting to know everyone at the feast, especially some of Annabeth's teachers, but she needed to go take her medicine and rest (Something a certain Archmage should do). Her cousins would go take her back to the wagon which they'd be sleeping at, though Annabeth promised that she'd arrange better rooms for them as soon as possible. After saying their farewells and giving each other hugs, the family departed, once more leaving Annabeth to her lonesome. Not wanting her aging aunt to be sleeping outside in a wagon in the winter Annabeth's first priority was to find a teacher an arrange better accommodations for her family. However just about every teacher Annabeth saw was busy talking to someone that looked important. That being said Annabeth also noticed that a few teachers were missing. Perhaps Annabeth could find the missing teachers and talk to them directly.

Never one to do things in half-measures the first person Annabeth wanted to talk tow as Khan. Despite his fairly intimidating presence, what with being a Demonomancer and Eyesire, Khan turned out to pretty much be a teddy bear. He was kind, if easy to manipulate if you're his student, but generally a good headmaster. Everyone knew that he was also targeted by assassins during the demon attack however, and many rumors sprung up about who the perpetrator was. A lot of people accuse Tyrael; that the entire demon attack was just a ruse to isolate Khan and eliminate him as the Head Master, jealous that another demonomancer had taken the position. Another faction things it's Uicle, for similar reasons, though with the added bonus that Araem commanded the suit of armor to do so. There was also Lidda, who many thought was trying to kill Khan in the confusion in order to break the neutrality between Djarkel and Eania. But these were all rumors, spread around by drunk conspiracy theorists and pranksters. And Annabeth was more interested in Khan's benevolence than his downfall.

Now she just needed to figure out where Khan currently is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Even before the carousel’s attendant said anything, Ssarak knew he was far too large to accompany Lyn. As such, he simply waited off to the side to observe the large machine. It seemed as if Lyn was going to have to cancel her ride when the attendant explained that the horses were fatigued, until Tyrael intervened. Of course, to say that Tyrael’s “solution” was unnerving would be an understatement. Demons: Tyrael’s first choice as a solution to any problem. He used demon hounds to keep the ride going, which was more than enough to scare away some of the children who had been awaiting their turn. Ssarak was not comfortable with the casual use of such monsters, but it was not as if he was going to be able to convince Tyrael, of all people, to change his ways.

It was not long afterwards that Ssarak heard a familiar voice in his mind, one that he recognized immediately. Satori was a difficult person to trust, but he knew her tone to be serious, and she had not yet deceived him in serious matters. Almost instantly, his gaze started to scan the crowd around them, looking for anyone who seemed out of place.

Since Ssarak could possibly need to act quickly, he decided to warn Meirin as soon as possible using psychomancy, so as not to alert Tyrael. ”I just received a warning from Satori. There is a girl nearby, Human, who could be dangerous. But, she wants me to make sure that Tyrael does not harm her.”

Overall, it did not take much effort for Ssarak to find the girl whom Satori most likely warned him about. He did not even need his magic to see that she her actions as being odd. Most of the crowd around them were generally upbeat and enjoying the festivities, but not this one. Her movements were nervous, just as her expression. He could see the glistening of sweat on her skin, even though the air was rather mild at this hour. And, she was walking straight towards them. Ssarak made eye contact with her and approached, though not with any particular hostility. “Greetings, friend. Is there something wrong? You appear nervous.” He said politely. At the same time, he reached into her mind with his magic to see what thoughts he could obtain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enzius Zarbath and Lucilia Riovas

Enzius looked back to the seat and could tell that if he sat down he wouldn't be able to see the vampire. Instead, he nimbly leaped off the table and landed on the chair, standing with arms crossed. His face took on a slight scowl, as was his usual look, but it changed slightly with grudging admiration "I must admit, Madame Riovas, the college is an impressive sight."

Nodding her head in agreement Lucilia laced her fingers together and looked at Enzius. "I'm glad you see it so, Sir Zarbath. The college represents the unfied effort of all the people in Tiien, dedicated to the goal of teaching the future generation and protecting it from threats from all around." The common speigel, what the college also does is manufacture and provide magical product and services world wide, and Lucilia uses that monopoly in order to make sure the college never falls into the hands of any nation. At least none under her control.

"But as this is a formal celebtration, I'm afraid I'm ill prepared to have you formally introduced into the college. Paperwork needs to be filled out, a tour provided, seminars, a background check, that sort of thing. If you come visit me again tomorrow, I can provide you everything you need in order to apply to the college of Twilight."

Enzius ears twitched at the phrase 'background check'. He wasn't really sure what that entailed, but he was sure he didn't like the sound of it. "What do you mean, background check? I have told you I am from the Clan Enfeah. I come from a line of Cryomancers, all of which enrolled in this college. What more is there?" His scowl had returned, he was a very impatient person and was already tired from traveling miles and miles only to be told come back tommorow.

Lucilia closed her eyes and internally sighed in her mind. "One of those people." When she opened her eyes her unnaturally red and glowing eyes looked straight into Enzius's. She moved her hands close to her mouth, concealing whatever emotion her face would show. All he would have as a tell was her eyes, which while glowing with some sort of occult power, were also lifeless.

"Here are the college we do not descriminate between one's race, history, or relations. That being said, we must conduct a standardized background check on everyone who wishes to be part of the college. This way should any incidents occur involving you, we can apply whatever information we have on hand in order to come to a solution. Additionally, we do these background checks in order to ensure that fugatives of other nations do not intend to apply to the college in order to seek asylum for their actions, nor bring harm to our students. Now, you mentioned that your family has a history at the college. While this will certainly make for a good recommendation for you, understand that I do not have these records on hand to verify those facts. Thus, I'll need some time in order to make sure what you say is true. In the mean time you're free to take up occupancy in our guest rooms, and enjoy the feast and celebrations."

While Lucilia wouldn't be so quick to call Enzius a phony, too often does Lucilia have to deal with magically inept criminals who thought that the college's mercy, free room and board, and largely free education will allow them to run away from their past. But Lucilia makes sure that isn't the case. While it won't be fair to accuse every college hopefully of being that type of scum, she has these methods in place to weed out the weak ones. Simply being capable of magic isn't enough to join the college; it's a thing of dedication and loyalty. The paperwork tested the former.

Enzius looked straight into Lucilia's eyes and it was as cold as the Northern Frozen Coast. His form started to swirl with frost as he listened to her speech. A Criminal. Him? Enzius closed his eyes as she finished and concentrated on his Grandfather's words "Anger leads to the blizzard and that blizzard will consume you." He took a breath and the frost he had been emitting slowly stopped, though the wooden chair he was standing on was covered in frost. He opened his eyes and looked Lucilia in the eyes and said "Please forgive me for my brashness. I was raised in a particular way. We have a saying where I'm from. What you don't accomplish today, will kill you tommorow. I will await your decision."

Enzius bowed slightly, muttering a departing phrase in his native tongue. He dropped off the chair and saw himself out, sighing as he exited the room. He looked around for a servant and asked them where the guest rooms were. They pointed him in the right direction and he made his way there.

Sighing, Lucilia looked back at the emtpy chair. It's not that she wanted to be harsh, but with some of these people a firm word was needed. Lucilia can't afford to be soft like Khan or Ovak. There were... Expectations of her. And standards. But now that this little moment passed, Lucilia had to move on. Using her magic to remove the makeshift chair the next meal was given to the teachers. When the servants came to give her food Lucilia leaned towards one of them. "Go ahead and give my serving to Enzius Zarbath, in the guest quarters."

Enzius sat cross-legged in the middle of his room, a bowl of water sitting in front of him. His eyes were closed and his hand was on the rim of the bowl. He focused on his Grandfather's words "Snow and Ice is much more like fire than most think. Too much kindling, the fire will rage and become dangerous. But not enough and it will die out." Enzius concentrated on spreading throughout the water, his power was limitless, nothing could stop him. But he must also control it, or it will cause more destruction than anyone could ever imagine. Frost spread throughout the bowl as the water began to slowly freeze. Enzius began to sweat as he concentrated harder, knowing he was making progress. A loud, obnoxious knock interupted him and he was startled out of his revierie. He stared down at the bowl through a furrowed brow, the wood coevered in frost and tiny specks of ice flotaing in the water. He scowled and got to his feet, opening the door. A servant presented some food and a note. He took the plate of food and the note, setting the plate on an end table. He opened the note and started to read.

"Don't let the ice in your heart forget the warmth of love."

Enzius put down the note and picked up a slice of cheese and took a bite. It was incredibly tasty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

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Colette sighed and finally picked up the chest. She quickly returned to her room to put it back under her bed before she returned to the fesst. She noticed that Lucllia was back also back. She smiled Gael that she loved her candy tonight. She knew already that the effect of tasting the candy gave her finally wore off so she was back to only able to tasting blood. Perhaps when she had more time she could make the effect even more than just a few minutes.

She looked at Hyllos and told her she could fly around if she wasted to before she went to loom for someone to talk to. At the corner of her eye, she saw Annabeth sitting there.

[i]'Hmm we haven't talked since the mission. I hope she doesn't hate me because I fed off her'[i] that thought made a pang of guilty was go through her p, but she buried it knowing that she should be happy for the festival. She slowly made her way to Annabeth until she stood behind her.

"Hi Annabeth" she said nervously playing with her braided hair wondering if she would like her new outfit as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf

Keri walked a few steps back. Her nervous look formed into a glare. She allowed her eyes to dart to the right. This path was mostly clear. Keri's eyes then shifted to the left. Too much meat in my way to escape.

“I'm not nervous. I’m looking for someone. Her name is Satori.” She said in almost a hiss.

This wasn't the first time a stranger approached her and it probably wouldn't be the last. Keri's mind almost replayed the tragic events. Her body formed shivers down her spine. She violently shook her head clear. Stop thinking about it. Find Satori first then back to hunting them down.

Keri took a deep breath. Her throat began to burn. She felt her body trying to go into a crouch but she refused to let the action happen. Suddenly she sensed something off around her. It was somewhat a familiar smell but different causing ripples goosebumps on Keri's arms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Annabeth Gulch

As Annabeth looked for Khan she heard a familiar voice behind her. Turning and she saw Colette, dressed fine as always. Annabeth wondered how many fancy dresses Colette has. Must be a perk of being Lucilia's friend. Annabeth also noticed her friend had a box with her. A bit small and doesn't really match her dress, Annabeth guessed it was a gift of some sort. Thinking about it, it has been almost a year since the two of them enrolled at the college. Things have been very eventful. Why just a few days ago, Annabeth was fed off this same girl. Instinctively, Annabeth touched her neck. The marks where Colette fed from Annabeth was gone, now replaced by love bites from either Aramir or Myrn. "I guess in a way, Colette was my first." Laughing that dirty thought aside Annabeth approached her vampire friend.

"Hello Colette! You look amazing, as usual. Though I'm a bit surprised to see you out here! You're normally so... Shy." Of course if Colette wanted to change and be more outgoing, that was good. Annabeth would be proud of that. Now that she thought about it, perhaps she should introduce Colette to some of her family. Which only reminded Annabeth what she needed to be doing. "Oh! Colette, have you seen the headmaster, Khan, around? I need to ask a favor of him!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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"Oh no I haven't seen him. I just talked to Lucllia about something" she said hiding her disappointment. She wanted to spend a little time with her friend but it seemed she was busy. "I decided to come and enjoy this."She said with a small smile. She saw Hyllos nearby as if sensing her inner emotions and she sent a mental message that she was fine making Hyllos relax a little and fly around more.

"Sorry if I am not a big help Annabeth if you want I could leave you alone since you seem to be looking for someone else" She said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith looked up when Ovak leaned into him whispered that they were going to become quite popular. The woman that approached them looked quite interesting. He wasn't sure if the wings were real or not, but she sure looked the part of a vampire, at least, the ones in some stories. When she introduced herself and asked to speak to Ovak, Leith stood up and spoke to the Archmage. ”Well, this sounds like a more private conversation. I'll leave you two be." He nodded to Ovak and Grey and gave a small bow to Shaltear ”I hope that whatever problem you have is cleared up as cleanly as possible." With that he left the Archmage's table. He shuddered. He definitely did not want to be on the wrong side of that woman's anger.

He left the dining hall and wandered the grounds. It looked quite impressive. He made his way through the hallways, idly running his hand along the wall. It wasn't for a few moments that he realized that he was running his right hand along the wall and it was making a loud scraping noise. It rang for a few seconds after he stopped. He chuckled as he examined the small scratch marks that he had accidentally made as he walked. With a shrug, he continued down the hallway and turned a corner where he saw Annabeth and someone else. They were walking in his direction so he waved at them and idly wondered if they heard the scraping noise. ”Hello, Annabeth, and Hello..." Leith frowned. The girl looked familiar, but he wasn't sure if he knew her name. ”I don't know your name. I'm Leith." He snapped his fingers as he remembered where he had seen her. ”You're in the Demonmancy class, aren't you?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enzius Zarbath

Enzius finished the meal, quite satisfied. He got to his feet and grabbed his sword, wrapping the belt it was attached to around his waist. He figured he could go out and take a look at the college festivities. He made his way outside into the hustle and bustle of the fair. Many of the participants were significantly taller than him, Especially esyires and wood elves. He inspected the silly games and rides as he waltzed around. He saw several students but was unsure if he should approach them. He also saw what seemed to be demon hounds pulling a carousel. Demons were an uncommon sight in his homeland, as they are usually deep in seclusion and very powerful. But in Eania and most likely, Djarkel, demons were a more common sight. He sighed and climbed a wooden post, which was holding some equipment, and reached the top. He sat down and looked around, the height provided him a nice view of the colorful fair against the dreary landscape. He looked over to the demon carousel and saw that a girl was waiting to ride it, who also seemed to be talking with a woman. He decided to ask about the demons and leaped off the top, hitting the ground in a roll a few feet away from the carousel. He skipped people in line, he had no intention of riding, he just wanted to see what the demons were about. He hopped up on to the fence and peered at demons, who were a bit larger than the wolves from his homeland. But he had no doubt that the Ice Wolves could make up for their smallness with viciousness were they to fight. He turned to the two and asked "So how are you able to tame these creatures?" His question was directed at the older woman, though he noticed the girl had looked towards him as well.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 days ago

Annabeth Gultch | Colette Filiatraut | Ssarak Dyreackthanose | Keri Wolf

"Oh no no no! Don't think like that! I want to spend time with you too! I just need to find the headmaster so I could ask him to set up a room for my family They're here to visit me, but right now they sleep outside in their wagon. I'm hoping to set them up with a room at least. Say, you're not busy right now, right?" While Annabeth may be the psychomancer, even Colette may know why her friend was asking such a question. Before Colette could even answer Annabeth made her request.

"Would you help me find Khan? Surely two pairs of eyes could find the giant dragon man."

"Um sure." Colette said. It was better than nothing, she suppose. She really didn't have this in mind. She sighed mentally and gave a small smile to her fiend. She was not oblivious of what the marks on her neck meant and her unbeating heart did pang a little with jealousy.'Annabeth is a nice girl, she deserves to have someone to love her.' she thought as Hyllos came back and sat on her shoulder. She turned and went back for the exit going slow enough so her friend could keep up with her.

"How about we check the grounds... Perhaps Khan is there." Colette said once they exited the dining hall, where it was much quieter.

"Good idea. The headmaster probably wanted to do some sight seeing, and all the more reason to bring you along! There'll be a lot of people over there,so you'll need to help me see them. Let's go!" Annabeth playfully wrapped herself around Colette's arm, dragging her off towards the courtyard. Along the way, Annabeth wanted to chat with Colette, get to know how her days have been. "So how are you holding up Colette? Are you still in shock over defeating that roc? And your demon, is he okay? I mean... I don't know much about demons, but I thought he was hurt pretty badly." Annabeth almost surprised herself for actually feeling concern about a demon. But Hyllos didn't seem like a bad bat, despite it's origins.

"Hyllos is just fine and Hyllos is actually a she. I been holding up and I am not is much shock anymore. about defeating the roc. I been working hard for Lucilia with something very important." Colette said answering her question concisely, but a lot loosely than she has before. and smiled. "I just made the lace shirt to this new outfit you are seeing me wear right now." She said motion with her free pale hand to the outfit she was wearing. She looked like a porcelain doll, but she looked very cute in it. She didn't seem to mind Annabeth hanging off her arm.

"Oh. Oooooh." So Hyllos was female and that's how Colette got all her dresses. Annabeth was a bit jealous. She could mend and patch her clothing just fine, but she doesn't have the chops to make whole dresses. Maybe for little dolls and such, but not for herself. "You certainly look cute." Though what Colette mentioned working on something important for Lucilia, she was a bit worried. Annabeth honestly could not find herself trusting that woman; it wasn't because she was a vampire, but because she was deceptive. Annabeth had a very hard time figuring out when Lucilia was or wasn't lying to her. Still, Colette was innocent. Annabeth only hoped that Lucilia wasn't using her for some darker purpose.

Eventually Annabeth did let go of Colette's arm and simply walked next to her. "I know this might be... Personal for you, but what about your family Colette? Are... Are they vampires too?" Honestly, Annabeth could likely get information like this just by reading Colette's mind. She knows the vampire doesn't have wards. But unlike say, Satori, Annabeth respected other people's privacy. Usually. At least when she's sober.

"Um... Actually I was the only one turned. My mother and father vanished after they lost their minds." She said a little sadly, but she didn't seem to affect her as bad as it used to. Colette looked at her.She held back a blush when Annabeth said she was cute. "Speaking of vampires... I am sorry I fed off you. I hope you aren't mad about that." She said. She noticed she no longer had her bite marks which made her a bit relieved. Since she never really stuck around someone after she bit them, in fact Annabeth was the first person she bit without killing. That information was shocking to Colette, but she knew the shock wasn't going to last since she didn't lose control like she did before.

Predictably, Colette's parents left her after she turned. Annabeth figured she should have known, but by asking she won't make assumptions. On the bright side Colette seemed to be willing to reveal that sort of information to her, and took it well. Annabeth was willing to drop the subject when Colette apologized for feeding off of Annabeth during the Roc Hunt. "Oh no no no, it's fine Colette. I understand why you had to do it, and I'm glad that you were my first one. I wanted to help, remember? And that still hasn't changed. So don't worry about it." Annabeth gave Colette a warm smile and a friendly pet on her head.

As they were about to depart, Leith arrived. Another set of eyes would be helpful, and Leith was a good friend of Annabeth’s. ”Hello Leith. This is my friend, Colette. I’m sorry for being sudden, but would you help us find Khan? I have to make a request for him quickly!” Annabeth didn’t want to drag Leith along, but she was in a bit of a hurry. She left the dining hall, taking whoever with her.

Soon enough the they arrived at the courtyard. While it was still dark, there was plenty of people milling about. Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, Esyires, just about every races around the world was here, short of demons. And even then Annabeth was almost certain that a demonomancy teacher was around here somewhere. "Well, let's start looking. Stay close so if you see Khan you can tell me immediately."

Colette nodded and began to look around. Since she was creature of darkness her eyesight was a lot more better than Annabeth's.'Hmm where could he be. There is too many people out here to sniff him out' she thought. Her eyes went everywhere she found some people together, but what caught her eyes was a girl. She looked closely at her and her eyes widened when she realized she was staring at another vampire.


For Ssarak, the thoughts he gleaned from the Human girl’s mind was concerning. They were aggressive, almost primal, and largely disjointed. She seemed to be having a hard time concentrating, as if her mind was being influenced by something else. She seemed to refer to the crowd as “meat,” which gave Ssarak worrying speculation. The girl was unquestionably afraid, but at the very least, what she wanted was something that he could actually help her with.

“You wish to find Satori? She is the college’s foremost master of psychomancy, and my instructor. If you wish to speak to her, follow me and I will take you to her.” Ssarak offered.

Keri looked at Ssarak with a devilish smile. Her eyes looked around her once more. She noticed a pale girl, eyes widen towards her way. A chuckle escaped Keri's mouth. Sticking out way too much.

“Alright Mr. Psychomancer as long as you remember to give me an animal bone later. Also give this to the child for me please.” Keri said as she gave him a little wooden deer bracelet.

Her lips parted causing her to gasp. The burning grew hotter. Keri could feel her stomach lurch up in a sickening motion. Her balance was starting to become unstable. Heartbeats pounded faster. The intense pain caused tears to escape her control.

Colette saw the girl seem to be struggling for control over her blood lust. Colette looked at Annabeth biting her lip debating on letting things lie or going to help the girl. Seeing the girl struggled reminded Colette of her struggling 200 years alone and she made up her mind.

“Annabeth stay here I have to do something.” Colette said quickly going over there. She ignores the unknown male there and stood in front of the girl holding out the very same candy she have gave to Lucilia not even an hour ago. Since Colette knew it worked for her, it would work for the struggling girl as well.

“Here take this. It will help with the hunger.” Colette said keeping her emotions in check. Mentally she wanted to pull the girl close and whisper that it would be alright like her mother use to back when she was human and a little girl, but she knew that it wasn't alright. Not yet it wasn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf

Keri watched as the mysterious woman offered her what seemed like a sweet. Her stomach growled more ferociously than before. She grabbed it with a nod of thanks at the woman. A stranger without an attack odd.

“Thank you Miss.”She said in a charming smile as the candy disappeared into her mouth.

Keri noticed right away that they tasted of blood. This would have bothered her any other day. Not today though. As the candy dissolved inside her mouth she noted that this blood tasted different. It took herself a minute to notice it was sugar. Keri enjoyed the candy until it was completely dissolved leaving an enjoyable aftertaste.

“I believe I know what's wrong with me and I must say I'm quite unhappy. I would love to talk to old friend now please.”She said in a violent hiss voice.

Keri took a deep breath as she remember that she had company around her. Her parents would have frowned upon her hasten behavior but then again they would have frowned upon many of her actions now. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a chunk of wood. Keri's hands steadily went to work forming the wood into in her mind a rabbit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak had taken the bracelet and agreed to give it to Lyn just before Colette approached. Between Colette's arrival, the effect of the candy she had given the girl, and the thoughts that Ssarak was able to pull from both of their minds, he had little question as to what was happening with her. Satori's warning made much more sense to him now; he doubted Tyrael would have the tact to deal with a hungry, but still friendly vampire. Admittedly, he was not especially knowledgeable on the details of vampirism, but he doubted there was a true substitute to blood. If there were, then being a vampire would not likely be nearly as controversial across Tiien.

"Greetings, Colette. I was just about to take this young woman to see the psychomancy instructor, Satori. If you will follow me, I will take you to where we might find her." Ssarak said, still keeping up his friendly tone despite the anger and fear still present in the girl. He started to lead the way to the edge of the courtyard, away from Lyn and anyone else she might harm. However, he kept a close eye on her to make sure she was following. If not, he would possibly be forced to take more drastic actions to ensure the safety of those around him. With luck, that would not be necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx
Grey nodded curtly to the Archmage. He'd be sure to carry out his orders. "anything else, Sir?" He asked, arching a brow. He thought nothing of his directives, they were all reasonable enough... But they were mostly just mundane. When Leith asked him about how he'd been, his expression soured for a moment... Well, he hadn't been great. But it wouldn't do him any good to complain, now would it? "I've been better." He said simply, preferring to just drop it.

Once people started to crowd around, Grey rolled his eye. He could tell that the old man didn't want to deal with this nonsense right now... and who could blame him. He wasn't ordered to, but he simply shook his head and put himself inbetween him and the diplomats. "Alright, alright. One at a time." He then tried redirecting as many of them as he could to other staff, insisting that they'd be better served elsewhere. And where words failed, 'The glare' didn't.

There was... One, however. A woman, obviously a vampire. She just... strode by him while he was busy with the others. He approached, hearing her introduce herself as Leith left. He gave him a light wave as he passed, shaking his head... This woman... There was something about her, something he didn't trust. Something beyond the vampire thing. Though to be fair, you should never trust a Djarken Baron. He stepped between her and the Archmage, holding up a hand. He remembered the reports, random vampire nobody'd heard of approaches Khan, and then suddenly demons? Well, here we had another random vampire nobody'd heard of approaching some other College elite. Well, they'd have to go through him first. "I'm afraid the Archmage is not here to speak to diplomats. I can attempt to help you with whatever problem it is you're having..." He said, politely. And if she tried to get around him? He'd be... less polite.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Within Khan’s office

Khan settled into his chair after he finished his story. His back leaned back and applied pressure enough to make the wood squeak in protest, his odd colored eyes examined the teacher. Weariness was already flooding him from the inside out and threatened to force him to drift off to slumber. It was a rest long overdue but he resisted. There was still the feast to deal with, including Ovak’s condition and other more important matters. Giving into mental fatigue wouldn’t remedy the miles of paperwork he still needed to complete. That fact was only made worse when Khan’s odd colored eyes shifted to note them staring there waiting for him.

The headmaster took a breath then exchanged a look with Uicle, his eyes holding there. It was by far the longest staring contest he ever had. Little pointless though since the armor had no definite eyes to speak of. In the back of Khan’s mind, he was debating on the teacher’s reaction to his story. Would there be disgust? Unlikely as Uicle possibly had all his human emotions hollowed out of him by Aarem himself and stuffed in a jar on the God’s mantel. At least that was what Uicle made it seem like.

In his own mind, Khan knew none of the staff or teachers were saints. Serge had killed innocents in the thousands during his time as a soldier and Lidda had been forced to walk away from those enemies dying on the battlefield, their suffering only began. He was fairly certain even Ovak had tasted blood by the way the archmage held himself.

Ignoring his growing anxiety, the headmaster looked at Uicle a little longer. Then he withdrew. His hand reached for his cane and slowly he lifted up, his lungs released a stressful grunt in his efforts. After a moment where his knuckles seemed to fail to crush his cane’s handle, he spoke. ”Is there anything else you want to know or shall we return to the feast before we’re noticed to be missing?”


“No thank you Grey,” Ovak stated kindly as he let Grey answer Leith. Naturally, being a gentle giant he was, Grey moved to intercept the group collecting. Unfortunately he wasn't perfect and one managed to slip by him, trotting to approach Ovak.

The vampire bowed, then started to speak respectively, slightly hinting at her intentions. Her eyes however reflected that of a predator. It was likely what had scared off Leith because abruptly the student’s body rose from his seat and he bid them a polite farewell.

If things were easy, Ovak might’ve followed Leith’s lead and escaped himself. His eyes followed the youth, partly wishing he could join him. He then smacked away the desire, ripping his eyes back to the front to hear the rest.

Ovak reached for his tea to sip it again. The warm heat played at his wrinkled lips and his thoughts pushed past the taste, even ignoring the terrible smell. It was proof he had worse in his history making him smirk at the memory. It was of a woman with flowing, curling locks forming into his thoughts and holding out a terrible smelling tea cup to him. Her brown eyes felt like deep voids he easily could get lost in for hours. The more he dwelled on her picture, the more his heart began to ache. He knew she was gone and the recollection never seemed to dull in pain, but she was still within his heart. His past was history and while it was enjoyable to linger on, it was best to deal with present.

His mind returned to examine the vampiress before him recalling her somewhere. Mentally he tried to conjure up everything he knew about this event, from her most venomous reaction to her mildest, causing realization to dawn on him. She was a baronness. The one connected to guards attacked during one particular escort mission and immediately he realized which mission it was.

Oddly enough he wasn't surprised.

Baroness wouldn’t be satisfied, like many others, to leave here without getting her goal even a fraction done. The main reason many individuals didn’t bother the College was because they had hope they would eventually get what they wanted. She wasn't any different.

Before he could reply, Grey abruptly went on the defensive and subtly warned the vampire off. Not exactly ideal for the delicate situation as Ovak rapidly got to his feet. His hand reached for his came and gestured for a nearby golem, one of wind, to help him upright. “It's alright Grey and thank you. I'm sure the Baroness, Ms. Yzarc, doesn't mean any harm here. However I believe she's here about an incident over a misunderstanding and one I intend to clear up.”

His arm grasped the golem’s out held arm then moved around the lengthy table toward her. “However I do want to make a request of you.”

Ovak stopped to place a hand on the man’s arm in a fatherly manner and didn’t imply, in any manner, he was demeaning the larger man’s actions. In fact he more than appreciate someone had broke the awkward moment soon to come. “Could you give Lucilia this for me? Tell her to tap it twice and whisper the flower Lyn bought her to it. Lucilia will explain and wish me luck.”

Without warning, Ovak gently pressed his hand to mouth then whispered several inaudible words under his breath. Even the most sharp ear would merely note a few syllables and nothing more, making it impossible to determine the contents. When Ovak finished he withdrew his hand. In it was a small coin of purple hue nested in the palm, one that hadn’t been there before and likely a work of arcanite. He indicated with his head for Grey-hopefully when the guard faced him- to take it to Lucilia. When Grey finally retrieved, and if he decided to trust Ovak, only then would he turn back to Yzarc to address her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf

Keri listened as the Eysire talk while she carved. She knew eventually she would have to stop and follow. Her breath was still uneven. This was due more towards anger than anything. She lifted her eyes from her work only to find the had stopped.

” Thank you for your help Miss. I'll repay you for your kindness when I can I promise.” she said in a calmer voice.

Keri put her knife back first. It was done slow enough to show she didn't mean harm. Her other hand put the hunk of wood in the other pocket. Every instinct told her to run. Forcing herself in a crouch Keri readied herself into a sprint behind her if the need raised.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Baulder & E'nasha

Baulder while continuing his never ceasing consumption of food somewhat tuned out the demonstrations. Though when a cooked stake fell onto his plate smelling of the inferno his attention was grabbed for a few moments before returning to his food. While the stake tasted and smelled of the inferno it was a nice palate cleanser and change from the rest of the roasted and burnt meats. Though the rolls were something of note, he would need to find out how he could get more when the feast was over.

Though as the matches began though he kept a half glance on it at most times but he was mostly concerned with eating one of everything he could get his hands on. Though when the once what had been a lady became...... several different things, he began to find that he was now tasting the same thing over and over again. He guessed that he had lost track of time. The whole day seemed to be like that so far, pieces not really missing but unaccounted for. As the fight ended Baulder abruptly stood up and got around the bench he was sitting on. He looked back at the mass of bones and dishes he had managed to accumulate. But he felt like he needed more, if he didn't get more he might go to sleep. He wasn't ready to go to sleep yet, he wanted to keep eating. It finally occurred to him that there had been mention of food stands outside of the college in the various courtyards.

Determined to find more good eats he set off and out of the dining hall. When he walked over the threshold of the college and into one of the courtyards and grinned at the smells. While the sky never quite went fully dark or light he could still tell it was night time, something he had gotten used to figuring out in the few months he'd been there. That was off set by all the various designs of lanterns which hung at various heights and were strewn from various poles.

As he began walking through the middle of the stalls in the trampled dirt he was bumped into by yet more soldiers some even of obviously different origins mingling. He also felt the hot and smokey air as it wafted into the middle isle. There was quite a large multitude of smells hitting him at any given moment. All of the smells felt like different texture hitting his skin at different angles with some course and some rough. But all of them good in their own way. He finally decided to approach one of the stalls as someone not dressed as a soldier or a student was ordering something in a language he didn't know. They had large poles half the length of his arm with something on them. He could only assume that it was meat and he picked it up and bit into it. He heard the person on the other side of the small dividing wall separating him and the cooks begin yelling. Not really caring Baulder walked off and began devouring the sweet yet somewhat spicy meat quite aggressively.

He repeated this process a couple of times grabbing whatever the vendors had out. Everything had such a different texture and flavor he was having a hard time sorting through all the flavors and smells assaulting his senses. It was so nice of these people to just have their food sitting out for him and everyone else. Maybe these people were good people. Though he noticed that every time he walked away from a stall the people would begin yelling about something. Most of them were either not loud enough for him to hear over the festival noises or in some speech he didn't know. But then he suddenly felt a hand grab his shoulder quite firmly. Quickly turning around he found a large soldier type man looking eye to eye with him. "Hey! You gonna pay for that roast?"

Baulder looked at the man with questioning eyes. "If you don't pay for that right now we are gonna have problems kid." Who was this guy? Did he know him? The man then suddenly did something Baulder didn't like, even cutting Baulder off before he could get a word out. He reached out and grabbed Baulder's shirt with full fist and brought him really close to his own face. "You're gonna pay for that, you sub-humans looking for free rides all the time I sho..." The man suddenly found himself in a choke hold by John Cena who Baulder had brought in seeing as this man was so intent on being annoying. As Baulder began walking away he saw several more soldier types begin to look at him and step towards him. Fearing for his life Baulder began to pace away from the now mean looking people. He heard behind him the man who had grabbed him yell out. "Thief! Man's a theif!" The soldiers started moving on him and Baulder decided it was best to run.

Having slipped outside after the fight demonstration between the Rune master and the Vitamancy teacher, E'nasha walked around the many different stands enjoying the ambiance that the lanterns gave to this land's twilight night. She heard a commotion a couple of stands over, and as she went to investigate someone ran right into her, knocking her down and tripping up the other person. "Oh, sorry I didn't see you.. are you alright?" She asked the man as she got herself off the ground, offering her hand to him to help him up as she did.

Baulder for a second kept running into the ground not realizing he had tripped. His face felt like it had a dull pain to it and was red due to him hitting the ground face first. He pressed himself up off the ground and turned around to see a shorter girl behind him holding out her hand. Baulder looked at her confused for a moment, then said."Did I just trip on you? I would assume yes... yes?" Baulder heard yelling and could see movement in the crowd. Why were they coming for him? They were such nice people.

"Uh, yea. But it was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going and- are you being chased?" She stopped speaking as she heard the calls of 'Thief! Thief!' and saw guards coming in their direction. "Oh great. Ummm, this way." She motioned for the guy to follow her as she slipped between two of the stalls, cutting through to the next row. Checking over her shoulder once to make sure he was following she led him away from the stalls and around a corner, stopping briefly there to see if they'd lost them yet.

Following the strange lady through the cramped back alley as he saw the soldiers begin to breach the crowd was an odd experience. To get through the alley he had to extend his awkwardly long legs. This just made him realize how much he towered over the girl. As they came out the other side into the row Baulder left his legs extended as he realized he hadn't stretched them in a long time. "They were such nice people, he kept asking me to do something..... it was a word I can't remember. Oh, hello I'm Baulder. I... thank you. Are you a student?" Baulder said thinking that just in case she said no he was going to need to save his strength and try to get John Cena back to him.

"Well, people aren't always what they seem, but those guys seemed pretty steamed at you. They kept calling you a theif, maybe you accidentially took something without paying?" She smiled a little as he introduced himself and shook her head. "No problem. I'm E'nasha, an herbamancy student. I'll help you sort this out if you'd like, I'm sure we could talk to the guards about it. And if not we'll just keep avoiding them."

Giving E'nasha a questioning look again Baulder responded with a smile aswell."What's paying? If they think I stole the food..... they just had it out." Baulder paused for a moment, he scratched his burn mark for a second before it occurred to him. "If we avoid the people, I think that would be more fun yes? Wait.... Herbamancy? Can you grow things?" Baulder bit his tongue for a moment, was it food he came out here for? "Do you like food by chance?"

"Well, they had the food out to show what they were selling, and I, uh... I'm not really sure how to explain paying. You just, have to give people money before taking stuff." E'nasha glanced around again to make sure they were still clear of the guards before becoming perplexed at Baulder's next questions. "Well, I'm not sure about fun, but It'd be more interesting then wandering around I guess. As for herbamancy, growing stuff is kind of the point, and I have yet to find a food that I don't like." Certain that the guards wouldn't look much further than the edge of the stalls for them, She began to walk the now-familiar path to the gardens. For only having been at the college a few days, she could probably find her way to the gardens no matter where she was. "So, I'm guessing you're a student as well? What's your mageblood? Oh, it's ok if you'd rather not tell me though, some people get nervous telling people stuff about themselves."

Baulder for some reason found himself interested in this girl, well he supposed anyone that would talk to him he was interested in. Baulder for a moment was given a smile by the memory of his first meeting with the demon Tyrael. Maybe this could be interesting like that? Following her through a path that he had never seen before Baulder was inclined to look around and take everything in as he walked beside the girl. He finally recoiled his legs taking him back to his normal height, which was still made him quite a bit taller than her. "Yes, it's all well people don't ask me much they seem to want to be asked. Demonmancy seems to be my blood, though there is not a lot to it right now. Just John, I have no idea where it went...hmm." Baulder put a few seconds thought into what had actually happened to the imp, he "felt" as though he may have ended up back in the Inferno but he would need to check later. "How long have you been here? I think maybe I've been here ten nights but I think we may be missing..... some nights. How are you liking it here?" Baulder said cracking a wide grin as they walked along.

"I don't know much about most of the magebloods, but demonmancy is like creature summoning right?" She surpressed the memory of long ago that came up at the mention of demonmancy. Not all demonmancers were like that, besides, she was just a kid then. She skipped into the garden as she moved onto the new topic, spinning around to face Baulder as he entered the garden. "Time seems to go slower here, doesn't it? It feels like longer, but I know I've only been here for about 5 days. Honestly, I've felt a little lonely scince I got here, I'm not used to being away from my friends for so long each day. What about you? Do you have a favorite place to be or something?"

Baulder looked at E'nasha and was taken aback for a moment. What did he like? He began staring off trying to remember. He felt something in the place that should be his favorite place but he was met with nothing but imperceptible darkness. His brow quivered a bit as he tried to think. There was nothing there but emptiness. "I... like the Underhaven.... the river.... yeah the Underhaven has been fun for me I like that place." Baulder said bounding out of his near depression like thoughts to something that he liked. "What do you mean by lonely?"
"It's like, I've spent 90% of my time ever since I was a kid with 2 people, and now I can't see one anymore while the other is too busy with his own stuff now for us to hang out very often. You're actually the first person I've talked to for more than five minutes since coming here." Now that she's said it, E'nasha realized just how true it was. Not wanting to linger too long on the thought however, she continued on. "I don't think I've heard of Underhaven yet. Is that a place on the college grounds?"

Was he alone? Baulder reached out and touched one of the leaves on a particularly thorny plant. He rubbed it between his fore finger and thumb feeling and smelling it deeply. Surely if he could touch this plant he wasn't ever alone.... surely. When she changed the conversation away Baulder's inquisitive look vanished and he turned around. "Oh Underhaven has been quite a bit of fun. You can get anything there, I do like the lamb they do. It's underneath us I believe. So if that doesn't qualify as college grounds I don't know what does!" Baulder was ecstatic just thinking about the hilariousness that had occurred there just last night. "Say can you do anything with your mageblood yet? It took me some days before I found out what I had to do to use it so don't worry if you can't." Baulder was exhuming his happiness about the idea of the Underhaven onto his face and for once feeling like he could laugh given a slight push.

Baulder's excitement was contagious as he spoke about Underhaven, it was clear he enjoyed being there. it was nice to hear the tone of happiness in his voice. E'nasha smiled proudly when he asked what she could do with her mageblood, quickly finding a flower seed and cupping it in her hands, holding it up so he could see it easier. She focused, and after a minute the seed cracked open and a tendril sprouted, uncurling as it took up the new space granted to it outside of the seed. "It will take a while before I can get it to bloom, but just starting a sprout is an important step." She continued to hold the sprout in her hands as they continued talking, watching more little tendrils pop out and wrap around her fingers.

"Yes you make things from things, do you like the things you make? The things I make are fun, but they like to things in their free time. He likes being around I think, eating sometimes when I eat. But you have total control of that no? -the plant will do what you want? John does most of the time, sometimes he runs off." Baulder paused for a moment remembering their earlier conversation. "He keeps me not alone. But I like you more, he dosen't really talk you do though. What's your favorite thing here? In the garden, I know you must like some of the plants more. I certainly like some of the-" Baulder stopped for a moment, the fire demon still made him remember how he could have been immolated during that adventure with the teacher. He liked John Cena more.

"Yea, I like all the plants I use, and within reason I can control the plant completely. Plants aren't able to do anything much on their own other than survive, because they don't have any plans for themselves. I can use a plant like a tool, molding its natural abilities to fit my needs." She paused to laugh for a second. "I can't imagine what it would be like if a plant tried to run away from me! I have no way to tell if plants like me or not, but I suppose that John could just tell you if he didn't like you." At Baulder's mention of not being alone, E'nasha stopped walking and looked at him curiously. "Baulder, do you have any friends here yet? or at least someone you spend time with whenever you have nothing else to do?"

Baulder wondered if John could live simply survive if he wasn't directing him. He quickly decided on a probably. Something he thought of aswell was that Tyrael had talked about molding the imp into something, perhaps the bloods wern't that diffrent? But the question of friends was more of what that word meant. He knew vaguely what the idea of it was as the villagers had used the term when talking to each other. "What are friends? The villagers they used it and I've heard it used here...... is it a deal? I've made deals before, lots of grain deals. John Cena is the one I've been spending the most time with, well and the books I was told to read. They don't talk much but they are atleast somewhat... informative. Most of them apply directly to John which was fun." Baulder's brow raising and a thin grin growing on his face.

"Um, it's kind of like a deal, I suppose. You would agree to hang out with each other and be there when the other needs help with something. And as a bonus you get to know each other really well and have a lot of good memories together. A friend is a person you can depend on, and they can depend on you. I think that's a bit different than just reading a book." E'nasha smiled at Baulder as she finished speaking.

"I... guess I don't have any of those then. Most of the people seem like nice people, they seem to want to leave when I'm there though. Khan was nice people though, the big lizard guy you know? Taller than me somehow, he really didn't want to take his pills though." Baulder was suddenly struck with an idea. "Hey tell you what, wanna go get up on the wall? I think that would be fun! I haven't been up there yet."

"Khan, the headmaster? Why..." She trailed off as she didn't really know what she wanted to ask in the first place. "How would we get on top of the wall? The only way other than climbing would be to use the guard's stairs, and I doubt they will just let us do that." While her tone was skeptical, she did want to go up there. The walls were high enough that you could probably see the entie campus from the top, and with all the activity going on right now that would be very intersesting to see. "Well, we won't know untill we try, will we?" She said excidedly, looking around for the nearest way up.

"Yes, the headmaster. So many titles around this place, there was only one person with a title back at the village and that was the blacksmith." Baulder smiled that the girl shared his intrest of wall adventures. "I bet... there is a way up the wall that isn't a guard house. I think.... I think I know of a place." He began walking in a direction before it became immediately apparent to him that he had no idea how to leave the garden. He turned back around to E'nasha. "How do I leave this place?" He said laughing albeit a bit stifled.

E'nasha laughed with him for a moment before leading him back the way they had come. "I got lost the first time I came here, turns out that I ended up walkng in circles for an hour or so. Do you know were you're going from here?"

Baulder thought about it for a moment as he tried to remember where he was. When the image of a rickety wooden ladder against the wall clicked into place on the far side of the courtyard in his head, he excitedly said. "Yes... yes! We go!" Baulder said grabbing E'nasha's hand and taking off into a jog towards the far end of the courtyard. The stalls around him quickly became less and less familiar. They had out continuously odder things the further along the wall he got. The smells and the textures they brought to him became stranger aswell though nothing that he smelled did he think he wouldn't like. But soon the stalls ended and the lanterns aswell. While the perpetual twilight did give off a pretty even amount of light at all times the obvious night time had obscured the edges of the college which the lantern's light did not touch. The ladder was propped up against the wall and was barely visible as he approached but it was much in the same place he had seen it earlier in the day when he was watching the stalls be set up.

As he approached the ladder he smiled and slowed down to a slow walk finally letting go of E'nasha's hand. The ladder reached to just above the lip of the wall and looked rather old but if hauling wheat had taught him anything, ladders were usually sturdy. "Well, do you want to go first?"

The ladder barely looked like it would hold a kitten, let alone them. Taking a breath and pushing the thought aside however, E'nasha nodded once before starting to climb. "Hopefully if this thing breaks we'll be closer to the ground than the top." She said jokingly after a moment. When she got to the top she turned to help Baulder onto the wall, making sure the ladder didn't fall as she did. Once they were both on the wall she looked out over the courtyard, smiling at the view. "Amazing! Everyone looks so small from up here..."

Baulder sat down on the edge of the wall facing in towards the college with his long legs hanging off the edge. The colomuns of smoke and the bright blazes down in the bowels of the stalls were nice to see interacting with each other. The smells though were much more mingled up here and less distinct meaning the feeling on his skin was much less distinct. "Could do with more fire and fighting though. Would look bustling then I think." He said coyly looking back up at E'nasha.

"With how many people there are here though, I think it's a good thing that there arn't a bunch of fights happening. It means that everyone's happy. A fire would be nice though, everyone could gather around and tell stories or just watch the flames." E'nasha sat on the wall next to baulder, not hanging over the edge though for fear of falling. She still had the sprout in her hand, and after carefully unwrapping the tendrils from herself she gave it to Baulder. "It's starting to bud now, and even if I don''t help it anymore it will bloom in a week or two." She smiled at him before continuing. "I want you to have it, as a present from a new friend."

Baulder took the small plant in his hands from E'nasha. While it ceased growing anymore it was already looking like a well established plant. He was rather tempted to just eat it seeing as he didn't know what plant it was but he decided against it, though he may eat it still later. He looked with a glint in his eyes, he flashed his unnaturally straight teeth at the excitement of being given a gift. He supposed Tyrael had when he gave him the blades but that was for a job, so really this was the first time someone just gave him something. "I have nothing to... if.... you need something ever, ask me." Baulder felt the situation weird, he had never been given something for nothing before. He moved the plant to a pocket in his trousers and put his hands back down on the wall to stabilize himself on the wall's edge. "So why did you come to the college?"

"You don't have to give me anything back. Meeting someone new is enough for me!" E'nasha smiled before answering his question. "I came here because it's more interesting than the desert, and to learn how to control my mageblood. The first time I ever used it I got Blood Sickness, and I've gotten sick since then too. Too many times, so I hope that by learning and training with my mageblood I can get stronger and stop getting sick. Plus, I want to help people, and I can't think of a better way to do that than with magic. What about you, any special reason for coming here?"

Baulder thought to himself that he would need to find a way to help her later, it seemed like she wouldn't ask him for help. Surely she would need help with something in the future, he would just need to figure out what it was. Stowing this away in his brain he thought for a moment about why he had come. He had wanted to right? Yes, the villagers told him to. They were growing tired of him, he felt compelled though yes? Baulder's thoughts began to cross and he decided on what was winning at the moment. "After the villagers found me..... spent awhile there helping they, figured out i had blood.... I felt compelled to come. I think they were growing tired of me aswell... the harvest was bad last year they didn't. Ever since I woke up in that field I've felt like I was.... missing something. Being here feels right.... I guess." Baulder said making multiple small face contortions throughout his thought trying to get something nailed down.

It was difficult to follow what Baulder was saying, his words seemed so separated, but after a moment E'nasha caught the jist of what he meant, hopefully. "I think I know what you mean, this place should be alien to newcomers like us, but it dosn't feel that way. While the college is very different from home, it's welcoming enough that the separation isn't so bad. But, what do you mean by the villagers finding you, and waking up in a field? Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, I woke up last summer... the villagers said I did anyways. Wolves they said... I...he killed them? The one who was here before.... he's been gone... I'm what is us now. I don't remember him, what he did. It's just darkness before that day, there is nothing but me now. Whoever he was died there and I was..." Baulder for a moment realized that he couldn't really figure out where he came from. Most of the time he had tried not to think about it but now...the question had come up to the surface. "The villagers taught me how to do things after I woke up. I remembered how to do some things though, no idea where or how I learned how to do things like read and write. Not everyone can, I found out, I just could for some reason. There was a lady who was from another village, she was a psychomancer I think..... she told me to come here. I wanted to stay with the villagers that had helped me but eventually they told me I had to leave, I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. When I started here it felt right.... somehow. But when master Tyrael brought me into the Inferno.... that felt weird. It was funny, really funny.... it just felt funny."

Baulder paused for a moment. "Yes, I think I'm alright. Did.... what did home.... feel like? What was it... like, I....don't know what mine is.... "

Wolves and, him? Them? As much as E'nasha wanted to ask Baulder if he could explain more, his question to her left her speechless as she tried to think how to answer. "Well, back in Yarosmere was just a really big desert. Aside from the houses there was nothing around but sand, and it was dangerous to leave the village because you could get lost in the sands. The people there are what made it bearable, a story was worth more to us than anything. As for feeling, I suppose it was safe, and comforting. Everyone knew everyone and helped eachother; looking back, most places aren't like that." E'nasha smiled at Baulder. "Home is where there are people you trust and love to be around, so even if you don't know where that is, you will. Just take some time to think about it."

"Sand?" Baulder paused for a moment. "As in around a lake? Is Yarosmere a big lake?" Baulder only knew of one place that he could find sand as she was calling it. What she was describing was forgein to him at best. His face sliding itself into a postion of bewilderment. These words she used "love" and "trust" also had no real meaning to him. He knew that they were words that people said and used but he had no definition for them. " If I thought....I have no..... those words, those two words you used." Baulder strained under his own confusion as it racked over his thoughts in waves trying to push his mind in a certain direction. "Love and trust? W-I have no definition of it. They are words I know...what do you mean?"

E'nasha laughed before answering. "Yea, sand like what's around a lake. I wish Yarosmere was a big lake, It'd be a lot easier to live there if it were. Really though, it's just sand, like all the water in the lake has dried up from the heat. And it's always hot there, so it's dosen't rain enough to fill the lake back up." After a few secconds of thought E'nasha was pretty sure she had a good way to answer Baulder's next questions. "Trust is belief in someone or something, normally shown through an action. Earlier when you followed me to get away from those guards, you trusted me, even if only a little. Love... is a lot harder to explain. There are different types of love, some much stronger than others. I guess an example would be your favorite food, you could say that you love that food, because it is your favorite."

Baulder attempted to catalogue what she was telling him but as it was filed away for later use the actual information became obfuscated. Now the feeling of confusion had passed he layed his back down on the cold cobblestone of the wall with his feet dangling off the wall, his questions had been coming to him quickly but the feed had been cut and now he was out of them. Though one last one came to him. "What have you been doing while you've been here? I ask as this place has shown me some... interesting things, I'm hoping I've not been the only one experiencing this... this delightful madness." Baulder said with a slight smile forming at the ends of his mouth.

"Delightful madness. That's, actually a perfect way to describe this place." E'nasha smiled as she looked off into the distance. "Other than the classes I go to, which can be pretty fun, and the garden, I've been doing paperwork. I actually just finished what I hope to be all of it yesterday, so I'm thinking that things will get more interesting after today. What about you?"

"Well... within a few minutes of being here I was brought into the inferno or some place I'm unsure if that actually happened. When I woke up I was in an infirmary with an old man who gave me clothes, he was nice. Then I saw plants mauling a student, that's how I met the staff actually. Then the demon sent me with a short girl to a sea or something, I beat a lobster to death, was... big." Baulder made a half hearted attempt to show how big it was by extending his arms briefly "They were tasty but I had to bring some back, couldn't eat them all. Studying like you.... oh and the orcs. They were fun. I liked them. They enjoyed food, I like people that like food." Baulder brought up his clawed hands for a moment and looked at them as the lights of the gathering below brought contrast to his hand. "What.... is it like to know those like you... Khan said there was one like me before, he's gone now. People I mean, they LOOK like you or... well a lot like you, not to say you all look the same.... you look better than the others... I mean" Baulder realized he was stepping on words trying to find something specific but he was unable to find the word. "Like the lizards, there are many of them. But there is only one of me, I don't know where we exist but there must be more yes? I can't be alone in exsistance with.... sorry... I mean what is it like knowing others like you are around, you are not different from them."

"I've... never really noticed it before. But yeah, there are a lot of us, uh, humans I guess? We're practiaclly everywhere you go... It never seems like much, and I've never thought about what it'd be like if there weren't any. I suppose it should feel comforting, to know that i'm just one of many, but not really. I've never thought in terms of just 'human' before, I sort of just see the individual." E'nasha smiled at Baulder. "And you as an individual are very unique. Even if there are more people like you somewhere, there is only one you. And i'm glad I met you."

"Individuals... single people, that seems not... right. Haven't you been several people? You are multiple people through time yes? You are not the same as you were yesterday no? We're you not more like everyone else yesterday..." Baulder was hung up on the word "individual" for a moment. "Then I'm alone is what you're... if there are people like me, they are not me. I... am glad I met you... I don-... uncertain now of me." Baulder's eye twitched and he was filled with a sense of dread. He was alone, for the moment yes. He wondered what the other would say. Had he dealt with this before him? Surely he had, this seemed like something he would always run into. He was now unsure what he was even doing. "Are you certain of what you are?" Baulder was trying to find a life line for this crisis now. Surely the girl had an answer for him yes?

"Maybe? I guess that's a no." E'nasha laughed lightly. "If you want to think that way then no one is certain of what they are. Other than at this very moment we are alive, we know nothing about ourselves, we can't prove anything else. But you're definitely not alone. Just because you don't know anyone else like you, or just because you're a unique individual, does not mean that you're alone. You've got me, and anyone else you decide to become friends with, because we're all different, but we all have similarities too. We're all alive, right here, right now. And that's the biggest similarity you'll ever need to be connected with someone else."

"Yes friend, this is living then huh? Watching small people scurry about with purpose while asking of a purpose. You I like, the longest I've talked with someone... ever." Baulder cracked a grin that he struggled to bend into anything less. "Still so much food to eat to, yes that's a similarity, food. Everyone eats food yes?" Baulder laughed deeply for a moment having snapped out of his momentary depression. His eye twitched again but his smile remained as he looked at E'nasha for a moment then down to the people below as they scurried around.

"Haven't met anyone yet who didn't eat." E'nasha laughed as she watched all the people below for a moment. "Speaking of food... I think those guys will have given up looking for you now, wanna go look around the stalls for a little bit?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." Baulder said as he got up with E'nasha and began to make their way off the wall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Summer Flores

Summer sighed as she walked around the college. It had been very docile for her every since she was rescued by Meirin. She stood in front of a window her long red hair swaying behind her as she moved around. She had changed from wearing the green dress she came here in to wearing to a strapless salmon color dress that went well with how red her hair was. It reached all the way to the ground hiding her feet from sight. It was out of a silk material so it clung to her skin perfectly. She looked up at the moon, her crown green gems gleaming upon her forehead making her sigh. She knew that on the crown was a seal that sealed her from using her powers completely.

'I know that I must fight my way through the levels of the seal my mother placed upon me.' she thought leaning against the window sil. She knew how powerful her mom was and that meant she had alot to do if she was going to get control over her power without it trying to kill her like it did in the past. She started to walk again heading for the kitchen, remembering the day of the fire and remember how the others worked hard to put it out. When she got to the ktichen she saw everyone was in a rushed motion trying to get stuff done and saw something on a silver tray. One of the workers saw her and pulled her in quickly.

Summer sighed as she walked outside the the school to where she was told the tray needed to go pondering how she got put in this situation.'Oh well if they needed help, I am willing to help in any way I can' she thought as she got inside. She smiled when she saw Mar. She met her when she spotted her daughter Lynn playing hide n' seek and even a couple times had joined the games. Those times she really missed being a child and so carefree, but hey everyone had to grow up at some point in time

"Hey Mar I brought your meal for you. Sorry if it took longer than usual there was a mix up in the kitchen' Summer said with a little smile on her lips at the older woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Leith followed Annabeth and Colette to the courtyard. There were people everywhere. It was nice to see so much liveliness as there had been a sort of depression hanging around the College since the attack. With luck, an event like the attack wouldn't happen again, or any time soon at least.

When Annabeth spoke up, Leith nodded and looked around the courtyard. He thought he saw a pair of silhouettes on one of the walls, but with all the lights around he couldn't be sure. Having no luck with finding Khan, he turned towards Annabeth and Colette to see if they had any luck, and saw Colette make a beeline towards a group of people in line for what looked like a ride. Oddly enough, the group consisted of Ssarak, Meirin, Lyn, a snow elf, a woman and a woman that was starting to sway.

He watched as Colette approached the woman that was swaying and handed her something that the woman ate. The woman stopped swaying and Ssarak gestured for the woman to follow him. Leith raised his eyebrow at scene and turned to Annabeth. ”Any Idea what that was about?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Meirin Kurenai

This deathtrap was looking less and less appealing the longer Meirin waited, and it certainly wasn't any better when Tyrael had his demons replace the horses giving the carousel it's locomotion. "As if demons ever made anything better..." Meirin wanted nothing more than to take Lyn away from here. But the little girl seemed completely enraptured by the bright lights and the wood carvings, so Meirin relented. She heard that Tyrael couldn't ride due to the weight limit, and she figured that also meant Ssarak won't be able to join. Meirin wasn't thinking of riding herself, but if she didn't then Lyn would be alone. And that wouldn't be fun at all. "Let's go Lyn, before all the seats are taken."

Of course with a giant demon standing near the entrance, there weren't many people looking to go near the ride. Meirin took Lyn to one of the wooden horses that seemed stable enough. But aside from leather saddle and the bar that the mount was attached to, there wasn't anything to keep Lyn safely on her ride. This worried Meirin greatly. While she doubts that the ride would be very intense, Lyn wasn't exactly the most coordinated little girl in the world. "Lyn, I'm going to stand right here and make sure you don't, fall, okay?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucilia Riovas

Chatting up diplomats and representatives were getting to be a bore, as well as repetitive. While it was always good to get news around the world, after a while the request became streamlined. Funding for projects, a promise of more mages, advice for leadship, etc etc. Frankly, Lucilia wasn't really the best person to ask. She's been saying and doing stuff largely the same the past few years. Vampires tend to be a very single-minded people, and can devote their time to a cause for a long time. Helps that they're immortal and only need human blood to drink. Speaking of vampires, Lucilia noticed that one of them managed to get to Ovak.

Shaltear Yzarc, Baroness of the Waking Sea. Also one of the 10 Vampire Warlords of Djarkel, sitting at number eight. The Waking Sea not only had a sizable hold over the coastal region of Djarkel, controlling a sizable navy as well as the ocean market, but had the greatest convert chance among the vampire clans. While most vampires have about a 50/50 chance of intentionally spreading vampirism, the Waking Sea vampires have increased that chance to about 4/5, give or take. This concerned Lucilia because she simply has no idea how they do it, and it most certainly isn't virtually, as it's normally done, nor through the usual ritual for Aarem's blessing. It was some third-party method, and that didn't sit well with Lucilia. While she doubts it has anything to do with Kudd (The Waking Sea has had this method for well over 400 years, long before Lucilia even became a vampire), the fact it's still a secret to her now is disconcerting. At least the Waking Sea is an ally of the college, for what it's worth anyways.

As Lucilia watched the two interact she noticed Ovak whispering into his hand. She spotted a glimpse of purple and recognized it for what it was. A little arcane contraption of his, where he makes his voice take physical form to give to the teachers or others. Typically password protected and used whenever he needs to say something private to someone, but is in no condition to say it personally. Which only reminded Lucilia that he should really be in bed right now. Either way, the way Ovak called for Grey's attention and glanced over to her told Lucilia that Ovak intended to give the coin to her. Lucilia could put two-and-two together and knew Ovak needed her for some reason, but couldn't leave Shaltear alone. It was only after realizing this that Lucilia remembered that Waking Sea showed up in the reports on one of the student's missions. Now things were starting to make sense, and it only added more headache to Lucilia. Now would be a good time for her to go to sleep, but alas.

Not wanting Grey to protest and make a fool of himself, Lucilia called over one of the nearby servants. "Go get Grey for me. I have need of his service." Thus the servant obediently went to fetch the guardsman, doing his very best not to bother Shaltear or Ovak in the process. Lucilia waited somewhat sternly, almost angry, but it was just the result of having to juggle many tasks at once. More vultures were on their way to speak to Lucilia, so she'd need to make full use of Grey's body.

Annabeth Gulch

Having arrived at the courtyard, now in a more sober state the Eania girl could see all the wonders and festivities it had to offer. Games, booths, works of art, even in the night they were bright and amazing. Annabeth wanted to see it all, but she needed to find Khan first. As she looked around, Colette had to leave to deal with something. Whatever that something was, it involved Ssarak, Meirin, and for some reason Tyrael and Lyn (Who were at least nearby). While she didn't really question it, Annabeth did hope Colette knew what she was doing.

Leith arrived, and noticing the strange scene unfold, asked Annabeth if she knew anything about it. She could only give a dismissive shrug. "Can't say I do. I could read their minds and figure it out, but... I think whatever it is, it's been dealt with. Maybe we could head over and check things out?" But as she was saying that, Satori arrived (On a bear no less) and seemed to personally greet the woman Colette and Ssarak were speaking to. Feeling that a large enough crowd as formed, Annabeth opted not to involve herself. "I think they're fine. Let's go find Khan and maybe we can meet back up with them later."

Turning away from the scene, Annabeth grabbed Leith by his demon hand and began to pull him towards the other parts of the festival. "C'mon, we have to find Khan! Let's hurry, we might have missed him!"

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael watched with paternal pride as Lyn (And Meirin) walked up onto the carousel. Although he had no hand in it's creation, he felt oddly proud to see the little girl up there. Perhaps it was just his way of reminding himself that his life isn't all violence and demons. Once Lyn was settled in Tyrael went over to the operator, since it was his demons that were now powering the contraption. "Now, all you need the demons to do is move, yes?" The operator nodded his head; they first go slowly, then pick up the speed about about two minutes in. They slow down the last minute and come to a stop. The entire ride is suppose to last five minutes total. Tyrael scoffed at this notion. He wanted Lyn to ride for at least ten. The operator insisted that they only do it for five minutes since they need to give others a chance, but Tyrael convinced the operator otherwise by mentioning how it's Tyrael's demons pulling the weight. And just to sweeten the deal, Tyrael also pulled out yet another gaudy golden dagger for "Donation". "I will give you gold or steel. Your decision."

The operator was willing to let the ride go for ten minutes this time. He merely wished to fill up all the vacate spots first, as there was still eleven seats (Since Meirin wasn't taking one) to fill. After getting informed of what was happening, the fine-clothed man at the podium continued to advertise the Carousel's service, mentioning that this one will be a special ride lasting longer than usual, but only once all spots are taken.

Was Tyrael continued to wait, he heard a snow elf ask about how the demons were controlled. Tyrael almost felt offended that the snow elf wouldn't ask him. It's almost as if he didn't notice Tyrael summoning the demons through an Inferno Portal, or the fact that Tyrael was practically a demon himself. "Fear, intimidation, violence, and mortals souls. That's how you control demons." Of course that was a gross oversimplification and not even how Tyrael controls his demons most of the time (Though he does it often enough that he can say it honestly), but perhaps this would be enough to get the elf's attention.


Once Satori was out of the dinning hall, Satori had used her powers to call one of the animal servants to come assist her, specifically a bear. Riding the beast as if it was a horse Satori had the creature make it's way to the courtyard, as it was far faster than walking in heels. The beast went fast, yet despite that Satori sat firmly on it's back. None dare get in the way of a charging bear and less of Satori, who used her telepathy or warn others in advance of her approach. Eventually she arrived to the courtyard and garnered many stares (As she's wont to do) and easily found Ssarak, Keri, and surprisingly Colette.

"Keri..." Satori's old friend. She never thought she'd see the little girl here and... Like this. Like a vampire. Staring intently at the girl Satori reached into Keri's mind to discover what had happened to her. Satori discovered what had happened to Keri's family, the fate she suffered while getting here, the what had been ailing her this entire time. She knew what Colette had done for her, and Satori intends to repay that favor back as soon as she can. But right now Satori and Keri needed time to catch up. And figure out what to do with her vampirism.

Getting off the bear Satori ordered the beast to wait while she approached her friend. Keri was still shorter than Satori was. Smiling, Satori went and gave Keri a strong hug before getting a good look at her. "You've come a long way from home Keri! Come, let's go somewhere private and talk about what you've been doing. Ssarak, thank you for watching Keri here. You should go back to enjoying the festival." Satori went back to her bear, mounting on top of it while giving Keri space to sit behind her. To make sure Keri understood what Satori was requesting, she even patted the spot behind her. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he goes slowly. Just hold on tight."

Shaltear Yzrac

When Grey so rudely interrupted her, Shaltear did not hesitate to mouth off at him. "Oh? The Archmage has no time for diplomatic matters? And I suppose you'll speak on his behalf about how your students slaughtered one of my guard patrols under some impression that they were bandits? And I'm sure you can also explain to me why they burned down an important bridge route all caravans need to cross in order to reach the college, the same route we had to go around due to the fact it's not only be destroyed, but it appears that the field beyond it has been burnt into ashes. As if Djarkel didn't have enough problems with demons, renegades, and other barons, now it seems like the college wants to spread the misery. Do you think you have a solution to that, Mr. guardsman?"

As soon as she finished saying her piece, Ovak came over to try to smooth things over. Shaltear merely crossed her arms and looked at the archmage. Despite his infinite power, Shaltear and everyone else knew that the Archmage rarely ever used that power to enforce his opinion. There was no question that he alone could be a match for all of Djarkel combined, but the fact he refuses to raise his hand against them just made the barons confident to confront him directly, more so when one of his people has done them wrong.

"No doubt you know what I'm speaking of, Archmage, so I demand answers. Djarkel has enough problems between it's petty civil wars and the demon uprising that our forces are spread thin. I had volunteered some of my men to protect the lands of my allies, and what do I find out in one of my reports? That the sole survivor of one group distinctively remembering an Eysire, a monk, a half-elf, and Yarosmere warrior, and a child, escorting a caravan attacked them, mistaking them as bandits of all things. Each one but the captain himself, slaughtered, and the captain himself barely alive. The caravan master himself has "Mysteriously" no recognition of the event himself. So what exactly happened to my soldiers, Archmage? And what do I tell their wives, children, and siblings, who now must find new ways to support themselves now that their husbands, fathers, and brothers have been murdered in the line of duty?"

Despite the rage and fury of her words, Shaltear herself never raised her voice. It was almost as if this was normal for her. Whether this meant she was used to people killing her soldiers or she was merely trying to look strong, it was hard to read. But she was giving Ovak a look saying that she demands satisfaction. Anything less meant trouble. Such was a woman's scorn.
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