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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Is Sam going to try to eat Victor?

Nope. He's not blood thirsty for vampires. He can be around them and everything its just that he can eat them if he runs out of human choices. Plus he considers Victor an ally so he wouldn't eat him unless he was double crossed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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@Slendy You can just already know Victor and run into him either before or after he's created another demonic beast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Posted for Gabriel, and his plans to take down HIVE.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After, so I can have a reason for them bumping into each other. :D The hint is "look at that defenseless meal crawling"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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@Slendy Well things just got a bit more complicated. I don't think Victor is going to be running into some wounded child where he's going....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

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Hey Wiz, just an recap, since the concept of Day and Night does not exist in Space, or rather has no point of reference as it is both equally day and night outside of the earth elsewhere, Bedivere can't exactly exist in space without being both the most powerful vampire you have ever seen on this side of the universe in the darkness that is space (which really isn't dark at all given the amount of CBR and light traveling through it) as well as just incinerate due to the daytime.

I'm not sure if this is what you intended as I did mention going to the moon would have been a perfectly valid defense too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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@The Grey Dust
I assumed you meant the moon would be a defence since it is almost permanently illuminated by the sun. It has a single side that's almost always bright, and a single side that's almost always dark. Night and day there are geographic locations there. As such, one could remain in the sunny area and be safe (most of the time).

However, within the space station with the power off there would be almost no light. I assumed Bedivere's power was tied in to darkness, rather than 'day', as 'day' is just a name given to a particular span of time in which there happens to be more light. As you said, these concepts become meaningless in space. So would Bedivere exist in some quantum state in between two vastly different states of matter, as a wave function of all possible Bediveres?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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@thewizardguy Bediception?
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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@thewizardguy Bediception?

This is what happens when Bedivere goes to space. Does he exist? Is he alive or dead? Is this all a dream?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

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@Slendy She's kinda in the middle of nowhere XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

To be honest, I don't think any vampires need to go to space. I'm sure what Wiz meant in his post was that they would defeat the Hive headquarters where the orbital is controlled from and then direct it to crash itself into the atmosphere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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No.... I specifically stated they'd pop into the sattelite.

The control area is probably the most heavily guarded place in the entire base.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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No.... I specifically stated they'd pop into the sattelite.

The control area is probably the most heavily guarded place in the entire base.

... ah. Very good then. >>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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You will not stop me from having vampires in space, damnit!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@thewizardguy That sounds like a musical. "Vampires in Space"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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I looked it up, and I discovered that it was a real thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Wraithblade6 "Amish Vampires in Space." My god.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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But doesn't Victor need to touch an adjacent shadow, also it would be hard to cut the power off a station that would have sub reactors not to mention constantly aligns itself with the sun so the cannon can charge.

There's still a few twists and turns with HIVE that remain to be seen. As for a direct vampire assault on the Citadel would be foolish due to such tech like this. prototype.wikia.com/wiki/Viral_Detectors.

I'll also have to draw a blueprint of how the base works, but in short there is only one door in and out that goes down into an elevator with said detectors. And not to mention hospital like white bright corridors and such, but we can work something out if you'd like.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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All power must run through the main power lines, if they manage to cut that almost all power would be cut off. The only remaining power would be pretty much right next to the source.

...... Why? None of the vampires use viruses. And neither does the blood. That would just sit there, doing nothing.

Gabriel can anticipate defence systems, and manipulate his way past them. And they have enough brute force to break their way through pretty much anything. They could further employ Bedivere, Chantelle and Victor again to port in and out of the base, Guerilla warfare style, and deal as much damage as possible.

Hive is probably awesomely lethal. But unless they get help from Dawn or the Purge, they're pretty screwed here. I've been planning this one out for a while now, although it'll be interesting to see how HIVE chooses to defend itself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Legion-114 Victor can jump from shadow to shadow without breaking his cover as long as the two shadows aren't more than a short distance apart (and he stays focused). So Victor could potentially shadow walk his way through many layers of security until he arrives at the final entrance to the Hive base. Then all he has to do is wait for someone to open up the doors and attempt to step through. Also, the brighter an area is the more profound a shadow would be. (I'm correct in that thinking right?")
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