Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh I'm not asking for apologies, just making an observation. And besides, I'm pretty sure Bellasiel is, so far, the only one not being a jerk. Here's what I'm gathering from the characters based on their dialogue and actions thus far (Bear in mind these are simply my own personal impressions so you may want to take them with a grain of salt):

-Daichi: So far he sounds like a self-entitled thug and bully that really could stand a slice of humble pie at some point.
-Zero: At this point I can only assume he's an emotionally stunted drone who apparently isn't capable of making decisions, instead just blindly deferring to his prince.
-Rex: Okay, now Rex himself isn't actually that bad a guy from what I can tell, but holy crap his Keyblade is a friggin' psychopath, apparently.
-Azazel: I could be misreading something, but he's coming off as a hypocrite. I mean the guy inwardly mocked Arthal and Cyrus for using magic in their fight when, you know, he's a friggin' mage who, himself, has been using nothing but magic to do anything for himself.
-Arthal: Admittedly I didn't exactly get the best first impression of him, at first believing he was an arrogant prick. But since the fight with Cyrus Apollo's posts have made it clear that that was all a facade. However, that small glimpse of his real personality he showed at the end of the fight showed him to be... an arrogant prick, absolutely convinced that there was no possible way Cyrus could hope to beat him to the point he even said as much.

So yeah, those are my initial impressions of the characters I find to be less than likable at the moment. If I'm wrong about anything feel free to correct me, of course. After all, those are just my own personal first impressions and therefore totally subjective and debatable.

Azazel wasn't mocking them, he was just noting that their magic was a bit pointless at that moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

O.o it has been so quiet lately here that I am not use to all the OOC action
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Just wanted to mention that Azazel is no longer standing on the building, he is on the ground with the rest of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Oh I'm not asking for apologies, just making an observation. And besides, I'm pretty sure Bellasiel is, so far, the only one not being a jerk. Here's what I'm gathering from the characters based on their dialogue and actions thus far (Bear in mind these are simply my own personal impressions so you may want to take them with a grain of salt):

-Daichi: So far he sounds like a self-entitled thug and bully that really could stand a slice of humble pie at some point.
-Zero: At this point I can only assume he's an emotionally stunted drone who apparently isn't capable of making decisions, instead just blindly deferring to his prince.
-Rex: Okay, now Rex himself isn't actually that bad a guy from what I can tell, but holy crap his Keyblade is a friggin' psychopath, apparently.
-Azazel: I could be misreading something, but he's coming off as a hypocrite. I mean the guy inwardly mocked Arthal and Cyrus for using magic in their fight when, you know, he's a friggin' mage who, himself, has been using nothing but magic to do anything for himself.
-Arthal: Admittedly I didn't exactly get the best first impression of him, at first believing he was an arrogant prick. But since the fight with Cyrus Apollo's posts have made it clear that that was all a facade. However, that small glimpse of his real personality he showed at the end of the fight showed him to be... an arrogant prick, absolutely convinced that there was no possible way Cyrus could hope to beat him to the point he even said as much.

So yeah, those are my initial impressions of the characters I find to be less than likable at the moment. If I'm wrong about anything feel free to correct me, of course. After all, those are just my own personal first impressions and therefore totally subjective and debatable.

What you have take into consideration about both Daichi and Zero, is that they are not portray the edgy antihero archetype. They are essentially villains. They seem like assholes because they commit to such. They had a villainous backstory as thieves and that didn't really change once they had the keyblade powers to pop in and out of worlds. They are sellswords. Who will do any job good or bad for the right money. They are more like Axel than they are the Riku complex.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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@Xan the G

It makes sense. I figured as much since an antihero still usually will let civilians go or not do anything to them as long as they don't interfere. Villains do as they please which was hinted in the opening post. Not all thieves are evil/ bad so it was hard to tell until the posts were made.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

They are sellswords. Who will do any job good or bad for the right money.

Don't mercenaries usually get more work out of war? Seems a bit counter productive for them to have any desire the stop the very thing that's likely getting them so much profit...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I swear Azazel is purposely not paying attention to things around him. Does he not realize the fight's over? Because it is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Uh, no. Arthal challenged Cyrus to a no magic battle. So the battle is still going on technically. Cyrus ignored Arthal really. I doubt that Arthal would attack Cyrus like Cyrus attacked him, but if anyone is ignoring anyone it would be Cyrus ignoring Arthal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The change tones as he saw the blast coming, he was encircling himself with only one course of action he broke his Master's Enlightenment and slammed the blades together taking to the sky he soared up as quickly as he could outrunning the blast before slowly coming down. Redemption dissipated from his hand threw off his cloak cracking his neck he held Knight Seeker carefully with one hand. "No spells, no magic, blades only." He ordered, a proper duel fought in the style of the first wielders.

Redemption was gone only the Keyblade tied to his heart remained, the elf. "If we fought with me using me full potential you would lose." He said in very rough and dry voice. Arthal was in truth of two minds since the death of his master, the calmer more fun side that he had been up until Thon's death and the more serene and emotionless side. Cyrus could feel he that this new power could equal and even surpass him should it choose to fight him. This was the strength of a Master yet he could also sense that in truth this was not Arthal's heart.

Read the second paragraph very carefully. Arthal immediately changed his mind after issuing the challenge. So no, you're the one ignoring things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm going to be honest, from what that second paragraph says, it seemed more like he just wants to battle with a self imposed handicap. But hey, if you say it's him changing his mind then whatever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

It's him changing his mind because I asked for it to be that way. I asked Apollo if we could go ahead and end the fight there so it wouldn't drag out too much and he obliged.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 9 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Xan the G>

Don't mercenaries usually get more work out of war? Seems a bit counterproductive for them to have any desire the stop the very thing that's likely getting them so much profit...

There's money in conflict, not in victory. The war kills the civilians whom they make their money off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arty Fox
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Arty Fox

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'm gonna tackle a post on the morrow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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@Arty Fox

Sounds good ^_^ glad to see and hear from you
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I felt this needed to be deleted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago


I didn't expect for them all to be rookies. Honestly, I though Bellasiel would be the only one. I made her a Rookie because I haven't played many of the games so I figured if I messed up the mechanics of magic and such a bit that I could chalk it up to that. This is why I made her an apprentice and also way she was a priestess before which meant not much fighting.

She has watched others fight for centuries though so she knows the movements, it is just applying it to her own body. Bellasiel may be a Rookie but you have to remember that she can sync with other people. Their fighting style and magic. Their strength is hers and their weakness. When she is done with sync, she may not be perfect at it but her body will vaguely remember the movements even if she doesn't completely. Bellasiel is not weak. She is just not showing her full potential in front of everything that she views a stranger. If you notice she hasn't used magic and has left it all to almost normal sword fighting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I felt this needed to be deleted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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The reason I brought it up is that her experience and or fighting skill isn't necessarily that of a Rookie. The lines are a bit blurred because of her Keyblades power. Example, if she were to sync with Cyrus than her fighting skills and style would match up with his as well as any weaknesses that he might have even be it small to large. I can see your point that most don't seem like they could or would kill another. Bellasiel might be influenced in a sync but she would still be more for trapping than killing at this point. If it meant another person she cared about life though, I could see her making the choice to kill the attacker and not worrying if she died defending either
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 9 mos ago

I think you missed the point. Also, not sure why you felt the need to reassure me that your character has skills of her own, since I never once brought that into question. Yes, they all have abilities that give them something unique. But the one thing they all have in common is that unlike Cyrus, they lack real experience. Cyrus has 13 years of raw combat experience under his belt, plus he's killed before and knows full well he'll probably have to do so again. Can you say that about any of the other characters? Can they be described as battle-hardened soldiers who have already shown their capacity for killing other people? I don't think you can. And believe me, that sort of psychology goes a long way in determining just who the best killer is. Spells, skills, none of that means a single thing unless the person in question has the mental and emotional capacity to use said skills to kill their enemy. Somehow, I doubt any of the other characters can say that (although the jury's still out on Arthal) but I can tell you that, yes, Cyrus can, and he most certainly will through the course of the campaign since I doubt the other Keyblade Wielders out there are going to just let us put an end to their fighting.

I know you haven't read anyone else character - it's evident not only in the way you RP IC'ly but even in the way you talk within OOC context, so I can speak pretty easily for at least myself and D-N's characters since we collaborated on them. By no means do we have Cyrus's skill or experience in fighting other Keyblade warriors within the context of the war. It's not outline in our Bio's but our characters actively avoided fighting in the war because of what our individual goal and aspirations are. We wanted to do something a little more interesting than a gary-stu tough-guy tsundere stereotype.

You can't offend us as RP'ers nor in character because you call us thugs or munny-hungry etc. - because that's what we intended to make. Our characters are gangsters. Not heroes, or champions... gangsters. They have killed people, just not usually in a fair or honest manner as battling in war. We have no qualms about your character's forte in combat, because it doesn't bare any relevance to what we would attempt to bring to this RP. We bring tension in the fact you can only trust us as far as a wallet can stretch (for now at least), and also in the fact that you have two professionals in covert politics, espionage and shady if not downright dirty deeds. Who won't hesitate to commit acts that are evidently to low brow for your character to stomach.

That doesn't have to appeal to you - that's okay. We don't write for your approval any more than you should for ours. We wanted to make gangsters, first and foremost, who were trained in the sword arts of Agrabah's dark streets and alleys. What we have, which your character is inherently missing, is a possible character arc, where we deal with the war and it's consequences, challenging our view on things beyond ourselves for the first time and a challenge to be something greater than the biggest paycheck.

But you can be a war vet and be happy. We don't mind that all. Be as strong and overpowered as you feel you need to be.

We'll keep having fun with imperfect, flawed characters - characters that were interesting enough to drag your war-vet from his battle with the main protagonist to talk to us about a kicked over ice cream stand; jus sayin.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Things are as they are and we are all happy with our own characters ^-^

Let's just leave it at that.
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