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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Knight of Doom,

That clears all our queries up; she's accepted. I'll post her across into the character section once I have the chance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Morning everyone!

Okay, last night I did a bit of thinking, and while I love the way the roleplay is going with everyone getting along, people have individually brought up with me a few points over the last few days so first things first; starting from today I will be putting a limitation on characters, at this point, I think that until things start to settle down and some arches (being planned out) are played through we just need to settle on this. The limitation for characters is now going to be three, and will indeed start from today onward; those who already have over this amount of characters may keep them, but until further notice will not be permitted to make any more unless knowledge of such things has been brought up with both myself and the lovely Co-GM’s prior to this notice. This does not mean that any character in the works prior to this day, and that I had knowledge of is automatically rejected or must be tossed aside… I am not that cold-hearted or mean. Any new character CS’ that were brought to my attention before I put this notice up are safe, and will be treated exactly how they would have before this limitation.

To those who might think that I’m restricting everyone to purely collaborations… this is not the case, I personally find them a little easier when you know there’s a lot of ground to cover, and I do ask that you use them if you know that something is going to spam the IC- but I am not saying you have to use them for everything; so if you want to go and throw up a solo post, go ahead, I’m not going to stop you. The IC is dull and boring without them; they add flavor and flair, and they tell us a hell of a lot about your characters- not to mention about how they think. However, just know that we will be using collaborations for Quests, as it follows a certain group of demigods; it will also make it easier to keep it all together. We just gotta remember to keep a healthy balance.

Ideas, plots and story arches. Come at me! If you have an idea that you think is good, if you have a plot that will be fun; if you have a whole story arche in mind filled with drama, romance and all that jazz- then tell me about it! I want to hear your ideas! This roleplay is not just for me guys, it’s for you as well; and I love more than anything to hear your ideas and to try and help make them a reality! All you have to do is talk to me or one of the Co-GM’s- we have white boards! We will write it all down and bring it to each other’s attention during our chit chats! And then we will start working on making it a reality!

I know that we may have only started up; and that yes, right now we have a single quest going that’s will leave a lot of the demigods at camp- but don’t worry because I’ve been thinking about that too, and while at the moment I may not feel the most confidence as your GM in running two quests at once at this stage in time, I do have other ideas and options in my mind as a compromise of sorts. All I ask is that you be patient, and that you trust me on this one. Once the first quest is done; I will be working my brains for so many more to throw our demigods on; and if you have an idea for a quest, well throw that my way too!

This was something that I wanted to implement in my last roleplay; however due to certain circumstances, I was never able to do so completely. Halloween, Christmas, Easter, New Years- our characters will be able to experience it all; some of them, even helping to run the show. There will be three days over each holiday that we would celebrate where all progression (at least for Halloween, until we hit the right pace) will be put on hold. So for example: the 30th of October, the 31st of October, and the 1st of November will be no progression days in this roleplay- everyone will stop what they’re doing, whether that be a quest, whether you’re in the middle of a capture the flag match; everything. And over those three days (though admittedly, I personally might need some help with this as it’s not a holiday celebrated in Australia) our characters will celebrate Halloween in great demigod fashion. Once the three days is up; roleplay for progressions sake will resume from where it had been left off. After that- we will be sure to schedule any games, quests, ect. on days leading up to and away from holidays so that we won’t have to worry about effecting progression. I also have an idea involving birth dates, however that is something that will be introduced after the New Year.

Now, you’re right. You’re all perfectly right; just because most of us have Skype does not mean that we are to ignore the OOC. We all do it, I’m a culprit of this too- we get familiar, and we fall into a pattern of ignoring it while we talk to each other; even if we don’t mean for it to happen, it just does. But we all need to remember that not everyone in this group has a Skype account, and we don’t want them, along with any other people thinking that we’re dead; so let’s start posting in here just a little more than we do now- we don’t have to quit Skype, we can keep our… interesting (<-only word I could think of) group calls; however I would like for everyone, including myself, to post in the OOC a few times a day just to get into the habit once more. This way everyone feels included in group chats, rather than just the few.

Alright- I believe that’s everything I have to cover for now. In regards to my last point; once you’ve read this, please let me know by posting a response to it here in the OOC… even if that response is as small as the word ‘read’ I’ll be happy- means we’re getting somewhere, and that we’re all willing to try this out. If you have questions about anything I’ve just put up; feel free to post them up too if not, contact me directly in one way or another.

Thanks for your patience and co-operation!

Love you awesome nerds,
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 4 days ago

Read! *Salute*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"If you always look behind you, you’ll trip on what’s right under your feet. If you look at your feet, you’ll trip down the road. If you stare only at the horizon, you’ll never see the joy of the journey. Never forget to stop looking and start seeing."
~ Virgil Ponce DeLeon.

~General Information~

Name: Virgil Ponce DeLeon
Nick-Names: Virge, Lion, Stretch
Sex/ Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Place Of Origin: Oakland, California
Camp Cabin: Cabin Thirteen- Hades

Appearance - Eighteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Straight
Partner: None
Godly Parent: Hades
Human Parent: Lisette Ponce DeLeon(mother), Grandma Edna (grandmother- real parent)
Siblings: None
Legacy: Unknown, if any.
Pet/s: None
Other: (Sister)Erin Marie Chase, does not know anyone else at camp, being completely new.

~Personal Information~

Personality: Virgil grew up fending for himself, for not long after her dalliance with his father, Hades, Lisette was hardly fit to be a mother. He grew up with an abiding anger at drugs and the users that took them. His grandma raised him to be a boy of honor and integrity, to help when he could, but keep his nose down when he knew he shouldn’t. Many times he’d had to run away from what he thought was bullying, when it was in fact a mugging. His nearest brush with death had been the bullet that nearly tore through his shoulder, leaving a gouge along his shoulder muscle. His grandma had beat him nearly senseless when she found out he would be okay. Virgil knew she was just scared and had simply pulled her into a strong hug, taking comfort in her presence.

He’s a studious sort, always wanting all the details before making a decision or judgement of a person or subject. He is loath to let anyone get close, in case they turn on him like some of his old friends had in his neighborhood

Caution and anxiety now rule his thoughts, thinking that there might be a threat around every corner, in every person. After a few run-ins with a few unsavory characters, he’d sworn off anyone that didn’t first prove themselves through fire and trials. He’s not known to have a temper, but is quick to retaliate or retort to someone’s challenge or insult. Never one to take things lying down, he possesses a strong will that is slow to recover after his recent tragedies. Not known by many, Virgil is also an extremely sentimental person, often putting in great stock in small gestures and favors that come unasked. If someone were to sit down with him in a moment of vulnerability Virgil will accept support from anyone patient enough to deal with his near catatonic state of grief.

Skills: Virgil is a fair writer, a decent sketcher, and a paramount athlete. His particular talent is hoops, winning many a game on the blacktop in Oakland. It was the money won in these games that allowed him to fund his needs as he fled across the country.

He has all the powers afforded to a child of Hades, but doesn’t know how to use any but Shadow travel, of which he finds particularly easy and not very taxing at all. Yet his nonstop flight across the United States put him at the limits of his abilities, using it continuously for battles and escape, jumping large distances. Eventually he was limited to much shorter hops as his stamina was drawn to its outer limits.

Biography: Virgil was born to a single mother, a once glamorous actress that quickly slid down the dirty side of the business. With a raging coke addiction, she spent most of her earnings before he’d even grown out of diapers. She kicked the habit, finding work in small time commercials, finally breaking back into the scene and rarely having time for her son because of it. Eventually, business slowed as he drug abuse came back and the wear began to show on her beauty. Soon, they were back to the slums of Oakland, back to Lisette’s roots with Virgil in tow.

Lisette had always been attractive and she made use of her little remaining beauty, the only way she knew how… hooking. It wasn’t soon after that she was chasing the dragon’s tail and addicted to heroin. Virgil was five turning six when the worst of it was fully underway. Once, he’d escaped their garbage strewn apartment, finding his mother in the side alley between his tenement and the next, a needle still in her arm as the euphoria filled her body. It was obvious, even then to the young boy, his mother didn’t care about the world around her anymore. Wasn’t the mother he’d once known and loved. He began beating her shoulders and crying, urging her to come back home! He was hungry, tired, and needed his mother!

Child Services were called and Virgil was placed with his Grandmother forthwith. From that tender age onward, he lived with his sweet old Grandma Edna. She took him in with open arms and a warm heart, but with stern rules. His grades never slipped below a B+ again, most often finding Virgil on the honor roll. He now had all the food he could want, his grandmother an excellent cook. Even with all of her rich soul food cooking, Virgil was still fit and strong, not a trace of body fat. Edna always chalked up to her good genes, but Virgil had always suspected differently. His grandmother wanted to protect him for as long as she thought she could.

At the age of eighty-two, Edna was diagnosed with leukemia. Seven months went by after the initial diagnosis and her treatments seemed to be going extremely well. Her doctors were hopeful, optimistic even, yet Virgil couldn’t help but feel differently. Somehow, he knew, his grandmother would die, on his birthday no less. Soon, that fateful day came. He knelt beside her bedside, holding onto a hand that was far too thin. Edna had been a rotund woman and strong in body and soul. It was a wonder she’d survived as long as she did, something that the latent powers of Virgil had a hand in. His subconscious desire to keep his grandmother stayed her death for as long as was even unnaturally possible.

Hours they sat in silent vigil, waiting for the fated time. In the final minutes of her life, Edna finally revealed Virgil’s true heritage, the divine blood of Hades that coursed through his veins. Even as she told him, the dark purple glow of his father’s symbol appeared above his head, floating there without any source other than itself. He wondered at it… until the weak grip of his grandma’s became nonexistent. She had passed away seemingly between beats of his heart and in that moment, Virgil felt more alone than he ever thought he could. Yet even before the true breadth of grief could consume him, an odd sound of scraping and cracking resounded from the ceiling!

Between blinks, the roof was ripped from its holding and a blood-chilling screech filled the air. Virgil began to shake as wide eyes laid on the very first monster, but certainly not the last he’d know. A drakon had come for him and he could see many shadowy shapes all about the night sky. He felt the strength of the shadows then, his awareness of his demigod abilities manifesting in the first ability a child of Hades might utilize, Shadow travel. He managed to get on top of the drakon, flung around by wild bucking as if it were a bull. He flew through the night air, catching a hold on two spines on the drakon’s tail. He snapped one off and managed to climb its spine, eventually digging its own bone into its eye and crumbling the beast into dust!

Thus started Virgil’s desperate escape to Camp Half-blood, his new home, and the only place he had family left.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: A minotaur horn and a drakon bone
Weapon/s Name: none
Weapon/s Type: Improvised
Attributes: None

~Other Information~

Other: Cross-dressing Zeus!

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
For Whom the Bell Tolls- Metallica
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 4 days ago

~Roy Montag~

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
~ Anne Bradstreet

~General Information~

Name: Roy Ulysses Montag
Nick-Names: Bobby Frost, Coldhands, Winter's Child (Rarely used), Sub-Zero (Used primarily by Griffin and Ky' vie),
Sex/Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-Years Old
Place Of Origin: Nevada City, California
Camp Cabin: Cabin One - Zeus (Temporary Residence)

Appearance - Twenty Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight
Partner: None at this point in time
Godly Parent: Βορέα - Boreas, the North Wind and God of Winter
Human Parent: Susan Thatcher, Cafe Worker
Siblings: Khione (Half-Sister)
Legacy: Khione - Goddess of Snow
Pet/s: A large Irish Wolfhound named "Hircine"
Other: Erin Chase (Acquaintance/Friend - The Grinch), Claire Bellerose (Friend/Secret Crush - Sea-Biscuit), Syleste Nioré (Close Friend - Pixie), Arianna Watson (Friend - Ivy), Logan Murdock (Acquaintance/Just Met - Shock Jockey), Gideon Carlyle (Friend - Achilles), Ky' vie Morgan (Close Friend - Hot-Head), Hawley Griffin (Friend/Mild Annoyance - Will Scarlet), Kiran Khanna (Friend) Jericho Brooks (Frienemy/Potential Bro - Moony), Archer Andrew (Friend/Mild Annoyance - The Joker), Colt Winger (Dislikes - Don Jon), Tobias Grímsdóttir (Acquaintance - The Reaper), Aella Stedford (Friend), Calista Eden (Friend), Simon Riddle (Acquaintance/Friend), Carmen Latham (Acquaintance/Just Met)

~Personal Information~

Personality: In many ways, Roy's personality resembles that of his father's domain. Like the winter, he is fierce, indomitable, and powerful; capable of both peaceful tranquility and harsh, intense rage. He is loyal, steadfast, and honest to a fault, never one to hide his opinions or beliefs, even in regards to his friends. He is courteous and well-mannered, yet aloof and somewhat distant, his eyes always remaining cold and indifferent, no matter how warm his smile may be.

Demanding and impulsive at times, Roy can be harsh and single-minded, prone to a strictness whenever those in his cabin disobey him. This harshness, coupled with his blunt, borderline rude honesty cause a number of campers to dislike him, but he does not appear to be fazed by such information, believing that a man has to say what needs to be said; even if it hurts or offends others.

Often called larger than life for his intimidating stature and inclination towards taking the leadership role in a group, Roy possesses strong leadership skills, known for valuing cooperation and teamwork while ensuring that each member be treated equally, specialized in a way that maximizes their skills while counterbalancing their weaknesses. During quests he becomes incredibly brave with a determination to focus on a single task. During such times, he becomes almost frighteningly devoted, often risking his own safety in order to complete an objective. This resolute nature often appears during more recreational tasks, such as Capture the Flag, or even simple hobbies.

Many who speak to Roy describe him as being incredibly friendly and good-natured, but end up knowing very little about his personal life or interests due to his somewhat stoic demeanor. He becomes hesitant upon any mention of his past or hobbies, usually clumsily attempting to divert the topic back into something more general. However, he is a man of good humor who enjoys good discussion and healthy drink, showing that he desires peace and serenity far more than strife and conflict.

Nevertheless, Roy is infamous for his short, oftentimes explosive temper. Tumultuous as a winter storm, he is capable of loud, sometimes even violent outbursts that manifest whenever he feels particularly stressed, indignant, or simply angry. This short temper is only magnified by terrible stress-management skills. Though a good leader, Roy has a difficult time adapting to fast-paced scenarios, or situations that don't go according to plan. Instead of leading during such times, he simply overloads, unable to properly think or process. Roy is aware of and disgusted by his temperamental nature, often choosing to secluding himself out of shame or disappointment for a few hours following any particularly vehement outburst.

Lastly, Roy has a somewhat complicated relationship with both his father and half-sister. Boreas is the winter personified, and thus has difficulty showing affection or care for his son. Likewise, Roy is disgusted by his father's totally apathetic nature. As such, when together, they rarely speak for fear of argument. Some theorize that this mutual dislike stems from deep similarities between the two of them. Likewise Khione's relationship with her younger brother tends to be complex. Though they do not speak much, Roy implies that at one point she attempted to seduce him, the full details of this encounter being unknown.

  • Physical Fitness: Having participated in many outdoor activities since he was young, Roy is in excellent physical shape as a result. As the winter is firm and resolute, so is he. Possessing tremendous strength, endurance, and dexterity, Roy is capable of surviving, and even thriving in seemingly inhospitable environments, with many describing him as an ox of a man.
  • Combative Ability: Roy's physical prowess is only heightened by combative and weapon training. Versatile, he is capable of wielding a variety of weapons, ranging from dual daggers all the way to a massive battleaxe or warhammer with the same amount of skill, though he seems inclined towards wielding stronger, heavier weapons. Likewise, he is trained in hand-to-hand combat, frequently incorporating a boxing-type style in fistfights, where he relies on his own strength to overpower opponents.
  • Cryokinesis: As the son of Boreas, Roy has complete control over the elements of winter. He naturally emanates cold air around him, which is capable of covering the ground in frost if he's sufficiently angered. On a more offensive note, Roy is capable of projecting jets of swirling ice and snow from his hands, summoning hailstorms and freezing winds, creating objects out of solid ice, freezing objects or opponents, covering himself in hardened ice for "armor", and even potentially summoning a blizzard. Simon frequently uses his powers to create weapons in the midst of battle, though extended use of his Cryokinesis can drain him physically, leaving him weak and tired should he overexert himself.
  • Aerokinesis: As his father is the North Wind, Roy has some control over the air and wind, though not nearly to the extent of the sons or daughters of Zeus/Jupiter. He can create and manipulate air waves and currents, create powerful gusts of wind, and even learn to levitate or fly.
  • Survival Skills & Instinct: Due to having an outdoors-oriented childhood, Roy possesses excellent survival skills in the wild. He has expansive knowledge on knot tying, how to build a shelter, start a fire, treat water, build traps to catch food, and even first aid knowledge for injuries one would typically receive outdoors. Likewise, he possesses incredible survival instincts that give him good control over his fight-or-flight response.
  • Fluency in French: As his father himself is based in Quebec, Roy is naturally adept at understanding the language. He can read, speak, and write French almost perfectly, though he doesn't appear too interested in the language itself.
  • Skill with Animals: Roy seems to be naturally gifted with animals. Most any type of creature, ranging from domesticated animals all the way to wild creatures seem to gravitate towards Roy, and he has an uncanny ability to calm down most wild animals he sees, barring an angry bear or wolf, of course. As a result, Roy often forms deep connections with animals, especially his own dog, Hircine.
  • Carpentry: Though his skill with building and tinkering pales in comparison to the children of Hephaestus, Roy is skilled at making items out of wood, typically small whittled statues or sculptures. Whittling seems to calm him down, give him something to do. It's even said that, should one catch his attention, they may receive a crafted gift...

Biography: To Roy's mother, her union with Boreas was very intimate and special. In disguise, he would often grab a cup of coffee or bite to eat at the local cafe she worked at, tending to him each of his visits. The two soon grew fond of each other, beginning a romantic pursuit. Then, one fateful night after one too many glasses of wine...you can guess the rest.

Nine months later, Roy Ulysses Thatcher was born. Roy's father, who bothered not to reveal his own identity to Susan, disappeared without a trace, leaving her to raise him alone for the first few years of his life. Then, as luck would have it, nearly four years after Roy's birth, a new man would come into the picture: Jack Montag. An Army-man turned logger who happened to own his own lumber mill, Jack was strong and dependable, soon wooing Susan much the same way Boreas had years before.

Before long, the two were married, and Roy, now with the surname Montag, had a family. Growing up, Roy was raised in a solid lifestyle, being taught the value of hard work and trustworthiness since he was old enough to walk and talk. As Roy grew older, he would become involved with various youth groups, such as the Cub and Boy Scouts, as well as frequently participating in his family's church; even helping work at the lumber mill when he got old enough.

Roy had a strong relationship with both parents, being taught how to whittle and play guitar by his father, and how to sew and cook from his mother. Things were...happy.

However, as was the case with every demigod, the time would come when they would need to leave...even if they had no idea they were demigods.

One fateful day, Roy was walking through the woods on the outskirts of his house, looking for new trees or animals to discover. Suddenly, a flash of white in front of him caught his eyes, drawing them up to a tall branch in a towering tree...a snowy owl. Native to the Arctic regions, the bird had no place here in California, yet here it was...

Intrigued, Roy could only stare at the bird, completely entranced -- then it spoke.

Introducing itself as Boreas, the Greek god of winter, the Owl claimed that Roy was his son, that the time had come for him to be sent to a place called Camp Half-Blood, where he would learn to hone his skills and abilities. Saying something about this being an "informal Claiming" (which Roy had no idea the meaning of), the Owl procured a letter from within the ruffles of its feathers, holding it in its beak for Roy to take.

With only a quick note about the letter being "easier for you to read than usual", the Owl flew off into the sky, leaving Roy to run back home to open the letter.

Held together with a snowflake wax seal, the letter inside at first appeared completely unintelligible to Roy, written in a language that his parents could only infer to be French. Soon, however, the words seemed to rearrange themselves, becoming legible to him. The letter seemed to confirm the Owl's words, speaking of Camp Half-Blood and a formal invitation for Roy to attend. Stressed at the sudden news, Roy at first was unresponsive, utterly unsure of who Boreas was or how he could be his father. After a few hours of close discussion, Roy's mother came to the conclusion that Roy's biological father - her mysterious suitor all those years ago, was Boreas, himself.

Deciding that Camp would indeed be the best option for Roy's growth and safety, his parents reluctantly sent him on a plane to New York with directions to the Camp placed conveniently in the letter.

Now, Roy has integrated well into the camp, becoming a strong leader and fighter. Still keeping in semi-regular contact with his parents, Roy has all but immersed himself in his Greek heritage, but still keeps a cross necklace and knowledge of a few hymns to remind him of home...

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Dual Tomahawks
Weapon/s Name: Chillrend & Grimsever
Weapon/s Type: Wrought of Silver
Attributes: Though lacking any special abilities themselves, both of Roy's tomahawks are made of silver, making them especially effective against Lycanthropes, due to their sole core weakness being silver.

~Other Information~

  • Though a Greek demigod by heritage, Roy was raised under a Christian household, and still seems to hold onto some tenets of his religion, most notably a cross necklace worn around his neck and a fondness for hymns.
  • Roy's natural body temperature is incredibly low, due to his Cryomantic abilities. Though he does not appear personally affected by this fact, many who around him note a distinct drop in temperature in his presence, which only further worsens if his emotional state should change.
  • Roy is a talented guitar player, keeping an acoustic guitar in his cabin that was a gift from his mortal step-father.
  • Roy has a deep fondness for Christmas movies and music, becoming distinctly more jolly when the winter months hit.
  • Much like Simon, Roy is prone towards using nicknames when describing other people. This behavior becomes especially apparent in the midst of battle or fast-paced scenarios.
  • Roy often wears winter clothing even in the hottest of weather
  • Roy cannot stand the heat, despising it with a passion. He even appears to suffer from heat exhaustion or heatstroke much faster than the average person.
  • Roy is a big eater, known for having a seemingly endless appetite during meals.
  • Roy still acknowledges his mortal parents as his "real" family, practically disowning Boreas in all but name and title alone.
  • Any mention of Khione makes Roy incredibly tense and nervous.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song: "Will the Circle be Unbroken", version by Troy Baker and Courtnee Draper

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 4 days ago

Well good morning/afternoon everyone! How goes it this fine day? :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Morning guys! How are we all today? :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 4 days ago

Living & Breathing - the usual :P Gonna try and get my intro for Simon and Roy up today, if I can.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

any possibility you guys could accept another person?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 4 days ago

I believe we have room to accept one more person, yes :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

yay! Ill get to work on my character immedietly
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~Adam Collins~

~Adam Collins

~General Information~

Name: Adam Collins
Nick-Names: Mute, Giant, Hammer
Sex/Gender: Male
Age: 18
Place Of Origin: Oakland, California
Camp Cabin: Cabin Nine, Hephaestus

Appearance - Eighteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Partner: None
Godly Parent: Hephaestus
Human Parent: Elizabeth Collins
Siblings: None
Legacy: None
Pet/s: None
Other:Erin Marie Chase(Friend / Angry Lady)
Claire Ari Bellarose(Friend / Anti-Hephaestus)
Syleste Astrea Nioré (Close Friend / Blind Lady)
Arianna Louise Watson(Knows of them / Annoying Lady)
Logan Murdock (Acquaintance / Roman version of a Zeus Kid)
Gideon James Carlyle (Close Friend / Best Customer)
Ky' vie Morgan (Half-Sister and Close Friend / Technically Boss)
Hawley Eames Griffin (Knows of them / Annoying Fool)
Kiran Khanna (Close Friend / Reason he's not bled out)
Jericho Brooks(Knows of them / Moon Moon)
Archer Trey Andrew(Friend / Owl Dude)
Colt Malow Winger (Friend / Roman Flirt)
Tobias Casper Grímsdóttir (Knows of them / Death Tailor)
Aella Lorraine Stedford (Knows of them / Secret Crush)
Calista Celena Eden (Almost Friend / Secret Crush)
Simon Klaus Riddle (Friend / Simon Says Magic)
Carmen Latham (Friend / Treehugger)
Virgil Ponce DeLeon (Friend / Other kid from Oakland)
Roy Montag (Friend-Sometimes / Other Anti-Hephaestus)

~Personal Information~


Adam has always been quiet. It wasn't that he was shy, or afraid to talk to people. By no means was he anti-social, he just didn't speak much. When he did, he wanted his words to count for something. He wanted people to listen. It took some time, but eventually he realized that there was a lot of things you could tell a person without using words. Actions, gestures, expressions all matters, even if it was just subconscious.

While Adam doesn't have the sharpest, fastest of tongues, he's not afraid to stand up for what's right. In fact he had a reputation for doing just that. Using his silence and size, Adam often comes off as intimidating, causing most people to avoid him. He doesn't mind too much though, he prefers his own thoughts to the rambling of most others.


Pyrokinesis: Adam can't actually create fire, not yet. Most of his power is focused into generating intense heat. His body's inner temperature rises to incredible heights, to the point where he is hot to the touch. This comes in very handy when working in the shop.

Blacksmith: The skill in forming metal. He is particularly adapt with a hammer, utilizing strong blows to efficiently shape the metal into the imagine in his head. He can work with tiny, standard mechanics, but his specialty are shields.

Fighting: Adam doesn't like fighting, though his body is naturally built for it. He is nearly seven feet tall and has rippling muscles from working the forge. When in battle, he is one of the least skilled. He doesn't know how to block and parry like most fencers. Instead he relies on his size and strength to knockout an opponent in a single blow.


Adam grew up in South Oakland, California. It was a rough neighborhood, especially for a single mother and newborn child. His father was gone before he was born. It didn't matter to him, his mother and he were very close. She always walked around with a big smile on her face, even after a particularly long night. More than that she never questioned why he was so quiet. No matter how much work she had, she always made sure to make time for him at the end of the day.

Elizabeth worked tirelessly to provide for Adam, a double shift at the nearest cafe, a part time job at the bed and breakfast, and any other job she could hold onto. She would do anything for her dear son that she loved so much, but they never made enough money to live anywhere decent. It was hard on Adam, he saw how much his mother struggled, but couldn't help.

It wasn't long before Adam was approached by a kid from school asking for help selling drugs. He and a few others wanted him for his size and strength, he would make the perfect body guard and he needed the money. It was a tough dilemma for him, but after taking another glance at their life and his mother's tired eyes, he decided to go out with them. Adam never actually handled the drugs, all he had to do was stand with a gun and look intimidating.

For a month, he received a decent pay. He would take the money and hide it in his mother's purse when she wasn't looking. If she knew what he was doing, it would only add worry to her plate. After a failed drop off that resulted in him getting shot in the shoulder, Adam immediately left the small crew from school. He knew if he continued his mother would eventually find out about his illegal pastime activities. They were never happy about his decision, but he would not be persuaded otherwise.

One day Adam found two policemen standing at his door. His mother had been shot and killed in a drive by while she was working. A common event for Oakland, nothing new in a neighborhood like his. Adam only thought on who the shooters could be was his old crew, but there was nothing he could do about it. He tried to tell the police, but they said they wouldn't be investigating such a common event. Grief overwhelmed him. The police took him to her body, as a final goodbye. Seeing her so still and pale filled him with fear. Her permanent smile that he relied on was gone. Now her face was blank. With his mother dead and father gone Social Services tried to take him away, but he bolted from their grip.

He was sixteen when he arrived at Camp Half-Blood. It took nearly six months for him to cross the country. He wasn't even sure where he was traveling too most of the time. Stepping into the camp for the first time was confusing and strange, but he grew to love it. It became his home, even past the summers. It wasn't long after he arrived that his father claimed him. At first it angered him. How could a god not protect a person from one bullet? The mother of his child of all people. It took sometime, but eventually Adam forgave his father, and immersed himself back into the forge.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: A Hammer
Weapon/s Name: None
Weapon/s Type: Blacksmith's Hammer
Attributes: It's a blacksmith hammer. He found it on the floor of the workshop.

Weapon Appearance

~Other Information~

Other: "Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92XVwY54h5k by Twenty One Pilots

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 4 days ago

After discussing your CS with the other co-GM/GM, we have decided to accept Adam on a few conditions. First off, his Relationships tab will need a little editing. First off, Ky' vie would be Adam's half-sister, not cousin. Second off, Erin would not be his close friend due to the fact she's barely friends with her own childhood friends :P Third, Logan is the son of Jupiter, not Zeus. While this may be a minor detail, calling him Zeus-son to his face will result in a major ass-kicking XD And lastly, Aella would not be Adam's best friend as she literally just arrived to camp lol.

As for his backstory, while there's nothing explicitly wrong with it, there definitely needs to be elaboration in some places, especially regarding Adam's relationship to Virgil and his mother's death. Likewise, not only is it doubtful he'd be able to get a job below 16 due to child labor laws, but also he'd legally require schooling, otherwise Social Services would have take him away.

Once these are edited I can say with full confidence that he is accepted! :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Ghost Shadow Thanks! I'll get to work on those topics you mentioned immediately.

Editted. I'll take another look into the background tomorrow, to see if I can elaborate. For now let me know what you think.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 4 days ago

Okie doke, Relationships looks pretty good. I like the idea that he has 2 secret crushes/attractions. Could make for some fun mini-archs along the way. Once the backstory's edited a bit we can add him over to the Character section and you can get started on an intro! :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I edited and added a bit more to the backstory. What do you think about the new part i added in about the drug gangs? Also what has happened so far in the story, for when I get accepted?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Everything looks pretty good, but Calista's poster just wishes you to change the relations status from Good Friend to at most an Almost Friend, but doesn't mind the love interest at all.

On the subject of the gang, did you want it to be a cartel, or just a street gang that peddles drugs? Gangs are a lot like a family in and of itself and there are some things that need to happen for you to be in a gang. He'd need an initiation into the gang, to prove his loyalty and he would have been told about the implications of being in the crew. If you want or need ideas, send me a PM and we can talk about it. This is more for accuracy than anything else, since the gangs wouldn't be so casual as to bring someone in just for the muscle, so to speak. They want strong people, yes, but they want loyalty until death first and foremost!

Otherwise, it looks great and will probably be accepted with just the edits to relations with Calista.
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