Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 27 min ago

"You go through this world thinking you're the good guy, even in your worst moments you think that. But what happens once you realize you're just a pawn for the bad guys?"

~General Information~

Name: Hunter Monroe
Nick-Names: Mudak
Sex/ Gender: Male
Age: 18
Place Of Origin: Small town in Nebraska
Camp Cabin: Cabin Twenty, Nemesis.

Appearance - ? Years Old: 18

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Straight
Partner: Nope
Godly Parent: Nemesis
Human Parent: Bill Monroe
Siblings: Kathryn Monroe
Legacy: Unknown
Pet/s: None
Other: Well damn the anti social is strong in this one.

~Personal Information~

Personality: Hunter is one of those people who is always willing to help, he will go out of his way to make sure those he cares about are okay and safe. Hunter also attempts to be caring at times, it doesn't always come across as this as he sucks at saying things that he is thinking.

Though something many people notice is that he has a huge Ego, his reasoning behind this is still unknown, even to him. He is also one of those people who went out into a hard situation may snap, and when he snaps he tends to go all out.

In many situations Hunter will attempt to keep a level head and try to not get involved in a conflict, This does not mean he will let someone push him around. In fact once it comes to that he goes in fist swinging.

Hunter is that person who doesn't fit in as a leader, but has some leadership skills, and is able to follow orders. He always viewed it as like an NCO in the military, give him a job, he will get it done.

Skills: Hunter is a survivor, his skills range largely on combat and surviving. Some would include:
-Basic woodland survival
-He is well familiar with many types of firearms.
-Hunter can take orders, he's also able to give them out when needed.
-He'll listen, he will stop what he is doing to just listen for whoever needs it.

Hunter grew up in a small town in the middle of Nebraska, he lived with his Mortal Dad Bill, and his Demigod Sister Kathryn. Who was actually from a different Goddess. At a young age Hunter looked how to handle weapons, everything from firearms to a collection of blades his father had stocked up. This was because Bill's job was to go out, and kill pretty much anything that wasn't human. Though Unlike most mortals Bill was able to see past the mist, this was because his own father was a Demigod. Hunter never knew his grandfather, so in turn never knew who his godly great grandparent was.

When Hunter was about 11 Bill took him on one of his "Trips", so that Hunter would have a better chance once the monsters started noticing him. For assistance Bill brings along one of his friends, who after events of the trip take place, winds up dead. Hunter and Bill left with minor injuries, but Hunter's father snapped that day, eventually blaming his friends death on Hunter.

A week after the events Hunter and his sister Kathryn started traveling the country to get to Camp Half Blood. The only reason they even had a remote idea where it was, is because Bill was Crazy about it. Because he was more mortal than Demigod he never got into the camp, but the notes he had on it were plentiful. After traveling for a year or so the two made it to camp.

As the years went on Hunter grew up, many times leaving camp not feeling it as much home, just a place he could be safer if he needed it. Though after losing his sister in the Titan wars he left camp until he had turned 18, at that point he was tired of running, tired of avoiding his world. So he went back to camp, preparing himself for whatever may happen now.

~Weapons and such~

Weapon/s: Hunter is trained with a collection of weapons, many mortal weapons, many not as mortal weapons. Most of the weapons he uses are ones he had either taken from his father, or had obtained through other methods well on the run. Though he still has some of his gear from when he entered camp for the first time.

Weapon/s Name: His main blades he has a tendency to call Reason, and persuasion. Though his main blade's original name is Empistosýni (or εμπιστοσύνη in its Greek Translation) Meaning trust. The rest he are not really named.

Weapon/s Type: Hunter's weapons include, his modified camping hatchet, His first/only sword, a combat knife, and an a .45 pistol.

-Hunter's Sword, Empistosýni, is a three and a half foot blade with a reinforced hilt, a small serrated edge about 6 inches long near the hilt on one side, and well balanced.

-Hunter's hatchet is based on a steal frame, then reforged by his father with celestial bronze, making it a weapon effective in taking on everything from Monsters to mortals.

-The pistol when Hunter has the ability is loaded with a celestial bronze cartage, though due to not being something common with in camp he has been relying on what he stole from his dad last time he saw him.

~Other Information~

Other: Hunter actually hold an extreme hate for the gods, still blaming them for the death of his sister. Though he doesn't share the same hate for demigods.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
Bad Moon Rising (Cover):
Produced by: Mischa "Book" Chillak
Vocals: Peter Dreimanis
Guitar: Clay Jones
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 27 min ago

That was the longest I have ever spent on a character sheet. If it needs work let me know and I will edit it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Remipa Awesome
After consulting the GM and other co-GM, I am sorry to say we must turn down Hunter's application. Aside from the abundant grammatical errors, there appears to be little actual effort put into the CS, like you just chopped it together in twenty minutes or so. Secondly, the idea of a demigod owning a pistol with a Celestial Bronze cartridge is simply unacceptable, especially one who lives in Camp. Thirdly, you've made him anti-social to the point of a reclusive shut-in. Due to the RP relying on not only quests, but character interaction, this makes him poorly suited for the setting. And lastly, his entire backstory is very muddled and confusing.

To list a few key problems: it's rare to the point of unbelievable that two separate goddesses had relations with his father. Likewise, to go out monster hunting would require weapons made from Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, or Stygian Iron. It's impossible to get any of those materials unless one went to either Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter prior. Next, one is either a demigod or a mortal. There is no half/half or level of blood. Lastly, it's chronologically impossible for his sister to have fought in the Titan Wars. To put it in perspective, the main characters from the books (Percy, Annabeth, etc.) are in their early-to-mid thirties at this point.

Due to these above errors, we simply cannot accept Hunter into this roleplay. Good luck on your further ventures!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 27 min ago

@Ghost Shadow
Alright then, I get the chunks, that was mainly because of having to stop part way in and finishing it later.
Thanks for your input!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@WhiteStar19 Hey since Archer is going to be with Kiran, do you want to collaborate on the next post?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 4 days ago

~Simon Riddle~

"A man chooses, a slave obeys."
~ Andrew Ryan, BioShock

~General Information~

Name: Simon Klaus Riddle
Nick-Names: Marvolo, [Lord] Voldemort (Used primarily by Griffin and Ky' Vie), The Riddler (Used primarily by Griffin and Ky' vie, much to Simon's chagrin), Dr. Strange
Sex/Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-Years Old
Place Of Origin: Beverly, Massachusetts
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Sixteen - Hecate

Appearance - Twenty Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight
Partner: None at this point in time
Godly Parent: Εκάτη - Hecate, goddess of magic, sorcery, witchcraft, crossroads, trivial knowledge & necromancy
Human Parent: Alister Riddle - Antique store owner
Siblings: None at this point in time
Legacy: None
Pet/s: A single raven named Addams
Other: Erin Chase (Acquaintance - The Shadow Child), Syleste Nioré (Acquaintance/Friend - The Sightless One), Arianna Watson (Acquaintance - The Madwoman), Ky' vie Morgan (Acquaintance - The Fiery Tinkerer), Hawley Griffin (Acquaintance - The Knave), Logan Murdock (Acquaintance - The Legionnaire in Pain), Jericho Brooks (Enemy - The Outcast), Claire Bellerose (Acquaintance - The Woman of the Sea), Gideon Carlyle (Enemy - The Temperamental Brute), Archer Andrew (Dislikes - The Annoyance), Colt Winger (Enemy - The Lecher), Kiran Khanna (Acquaintance - The Healer), Aella Stedford (Dislikes - The Whore), Tobias Grímsdóttir (Dislikes - The Death Eater), Calista Eden (Acquaintance - The Flirt), Carmen Latham (Secret Crush - The Harvest-Child)

~Personal Information~

Personality: Often described as a bohemian in terms of both habits and lifestyle, Simon is something of an eccentric, going through random periods of disinterested languor followed by similar periods of intense engagement and enthusiasm, with seemingly no correlation between the two. Constantly bored, Simon endlessly looks for ways to stimulate his mind, be it studying some series of runes or even turning to habits such as knitting to keep him occupied.

A man of graceful charm and cultivated tastes, Simon has a deep fondness for vintage or classical music and old movies, often analyzing them while he watches as a hobby. This fondness is so deep-seated, in fact, that Simon keeps a personal phonograph and projector in his cabin for such occasions.

Armed with an advanced intellect and deep fascination of the occult or mystical, Simon is generally fearless, completely and totally unflappable in the face of danger while dispassionately observing his surroundings; unfazed by either threats, violence, or gore, not allowing superstition or grotesque situations make him afraid. Some theorize that this is due to a natural addiction to adrenaline, with dangerous situations being his high.

Though many attempt to displace Simon as being witless and offbeat, his unconventional demeanor merely masks his true nature underneath: a Machiavellian genius of frightful caliber who tactfully uses his intelligence and observational skills to control nearly all scenarios to his desired outcome. A remarkably skilled reader of people, Simon carefully observes tone, inflection, facial tics, and body language to determine one's emotional state or mood, allowing him to further his manipulation by playing off of one's weaknesses.

As a result of his cunning nature and sharp wit, Simon is confident bordering on arrogance, fearlessly walking into dangerous, even life-threatening places with little apparent regard for his own well-being and belittling those he believes to be intellectually inferior. That being said, Simon is no fool, clearly understanding that some situations are simply too much for him alone to handle, during which times he will seek assistance.

In spite of his crafty personality, Simon does have some capacity for empathy and human emotion. He has a remarkable ability to not only gauge one's emotional state, but soothe them in times of duress with calming words and positive reinforcement. As a result of this empathetic ability, Simon has an incredibly good rapport with children, showing a doting, paternal side when dealing with them. Some believe that this is a way for him to "redeem" himself from his more heartless manipulations; to keep him sane.

And finally, on a lighter, more amusing note, Simon becomes uncharacteristically awkward and bumbling in matters of romance, stemming from a difficulty dealing with people on a personal level. Though he is capable of love and attraction, his trouble expressing it properly, coupled with his aloof behavior cause him to strike out in many romantic endeavors. Nevertheless, he perseveres, hoping to perhaps find a woman to settle down with one day.

  • Mystiokinesis: As a son of Hecate, Simon is capable of casting incredibly varied and powerful magic, drawing power from the natural energies of the world. Simon's magical prowess allow him to manipulate the elements, cast protective runes around him or allies, alter the state of something, conjure various objects, project psychic energy bolts, and even utilize the more enigmatic powers of telekinesis and telepathy, with seemingly any number of spells in-between. As a result, Simon has the capability to become one of the most versatile demigods in Camp Half-Blood. His magical prowess, however, is not perfect and comes with a variety of drawbacks. Firstly, casting spells pulls on Simon's personal energy reserve, with stronger, more advanced spells relative to the amount of stamina lost. Overexertion can send Simon into a deep, comatose-like sleep, during which he will recover his energy reserves. At worst, overexertion could have fatal consequences. Secondly, Simon's spell-casting relies on hand gestures and spoken incantations. As such, if one were to bind and gag him he would be incapable of casting any magic whatsoever. And thirdly, Simon is still human. He requires food, water, oxygen, and rest to survive, and can be harmed the same way any other demigod can.
  • Mist Control: Another power inherently gifted to children of Hecate is the ability to manipulate the Mist, the supernatural force that prevents mortals from seeing monsters, supernatural weapons, etc. To this end, Simon can cast powerful illusions that affect the victim's sight and touch , manipulate the memories of mortals, disguise or completely hide monsters from mortals' sight, hide various locations or individuals from a mortal's sight, disguise himself or others, and even potentially teleport. As with his Mystiokinesis, Simon cannot overexert himself when utilizing this power for fear of entering a coma - or worse.
  • Occult Knowledge: A self-proclaimed scholar and aficionado of occult or mystical knowledge, Simon possesses a remarkable amount of knowledge on anything remotely magical or supernatural, ranging from information regarding monsters, to various artifacts and weapons, all the way to knowledge of the various other planes (Olympus, The Underworld, etc.)
  • Martial Arts: Though not one to regularly participate in physical combat, Simon has trained extensively in martial arts and hand-to-hand combat as a way to supplement himself should he be without his magic. Though lacking obvious strength or endurance, Simon often combines his observational ability with his fighting, allowing him to analyze his opponent for any obvious weaknesses or gaps in their pose, making him a formidable foe in his own right.
  • Strategy: Though he often appears to gallivant through dangerous situations without a whim, Simon is a skilled strategist, carefully planning out each and every move he makes while using his impulsive front to make enemies believe he is without a plan. Nevertheless, his boisterous adventuring spirit and childlike fascination mean he prefers to think on the spot as opposed to planning a full strategy on paper.
  • Fluency in Latin: As a student of the arcane arts, Simon is fluent in Latin, capable of reading, writing, and speaking the language perfectly.
  • Alchemy: Simon has a peculiar interest in the art of alchemy and potion-making, crafting a variety of draughts and elixirs to serve various purposes; ranging from healing one's injuries or illnesses, to enhancing the drinker's confidence and luck, to causing agonizing, painful death. Simon keeps a record of various potion recipes and ingredients in his journal.
  • Necromancy (Limited): As his mother is the goddess of necromancy, Simon possesses limited powers connecting him to the Underworld. He is capable of summoning a single skeleton warrior to his aid at the cost of energy. This warrior is bound to Simon, obeying his orders alone. He also appears capable of banishing undead minions back to the Underworld, though this ability has not been seen enough to draw a full conclusion.

Biography: Born on a stormy autumn night in Beverly, Massachusetts, Simon claims to recall little of note during his childhood. His father, Alister, was an eccentric, theorized drug-using antique store owner who had the uncommon ability to see through the Mist. From the time he was old enough to read, Simon was extensively taught Greek mythology from his father, who firmly believed that knowledge was the greatest gift a person could receive. He excelled in his schooling, though deliberately kept his grades below exceptional to avoid standing out amidst his peers.

Simon was often excluded by his classmates, considered "weird" and a "freak" for his lack of social skills and tendency to analyze people and situations. Because of this, he grew up a very lonely child, his only 'friends' being whatever animals he would come into contact with and his own father.

As the years passed, Simon's loneliness grew. He attempted to fit in with the other boys in his class, but lacked the athletic skill and coordination that many young children had. It was in one of these desperate attempts to prove himself that he fell out of a tree he was attempting to climb, fracturing his leg. Though the injury healed fine, it left him with a permanent limp that only further alienated him from the rest of his peers.

However, Simon's luck would shift when he turned the age of 13. A young transfer student by the name of Emilie Brooks had recently moved to the United States from Canada, and started attending Simon's school. She became acquainted with Simon almost immediately, looking beyond the "strange gimp boy" to see the true individual underneath. Simon grew enamored with her vibrant, sunny nature, feeling revitalized in her presence. Their continued interaction evolved from acquaintances to friendship to romantic attraction. Simon felt as though, for the first time, he was not alone in a world he did not belong in, and that things were finally about to change...

It was not long after Simon's 14th birthday, only a year after he had met Emilie, when he received a phone call. Emilie Brooks had drowned the evening prior in a lake after hitting her head against a rock in a diving attempt, drowning within minutes. Simon did not tear, he did not weep, he did not scream. He only felt numb. The one person who had saved him from being alone was taken from him, as was to be expected.

From that point on, Simon no longer opened himself up to people. He hid his emotions under a mental suit of armor, instead letting others view him as they saw fit. He turned manipulative and objective, forgoing personal relationships in favor of making sure he held every card. Heartbreak was something he would never experience again.

By the time Simon turned 16, his demigod status was revealed to him personally by his own mother, who gave him a spell-book as a claiming present. Sent to Camp Half-Blood now that his status was revealed, Simon immersed himself in his Greek heritage, becoming rather well-known in the camp as a resident scholar and magician, even if he had very few, if any friends to speak of. None know of his past or what he's experienced, as he keeps his memories guarded close to his chest. But there may be someone who can pierce through his cynical exterior...

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: A walking cane
Weapon/s Name: Sidhe
Weapon/s Type: Made partially of Stygian Iron
Attributes: A gift from Hecate, Sidhe is full of potential magical energy, enhanced by various enchantments that make it nigh-indestructible. At its true purpose, Sidhe functions as a focus for Simon's magical powers, channeling his own magic into the cane itself to allow for more focused, precise spell-casting. It also functions as an effective blunt weapon.

~Other Information~

  • Simon walks with a pronounced limp in his left leg that was caused from a childhood injury
  • Simon has the odd tendency to forget others' names, though whether this is out of legitimate memory issues or deliberate forgetfulness is unknown. As a result, he relies on nicknames to refer to others in the Camp.
  • Many of Simon's personal habits and traits mimic that of famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes; similarities that Simon, with a certain amount of amusement, acknowledges.
  • Simon hints at having partaken in the use of illegal substances before, though whether he continues such narcotics is unknown.
  • Simon is a talented piano player.
  • Simon has a close relationship with his mother, Hecate, having strong pride in his heritage.
  • Simon shows some level of disdain towards the Olympians, notably for their treatment of his mother before the Second Titan War.
  • Despite Simon's apathetic nature, he seems to hold sympathy for either those who are disabled or who have suffered poor treatment throughout their lives.
  • Simon has an odd habit of randomly lapsing into periods of silence, even when in mid-sentence. Why he does this is not certain, but he appears to be in great strain or concentration.
  • Simon's pet raven, Addams, seems to follow him around everywhere, either planted on his shoulder or above in the treetops close-by. Some note that the raven appears oddly cognitive for a mere bird...
  • Ironically, Simon holds good manners in high regards, and always believes that one should make requests politely and respectfully.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song: "Teardrop" by Massive Attack

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Knight of Doom
That's fine. Little busy at the moment though. xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

That's fine, just PM me when you're available.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air." ~ Georges Bernanos.

~General Information~

Name: Carmen Latham
Nick-Names: Flower Girl, Carmie (Only by doting relatives)
Sex/ Gender: Female
Age: Nineteen Years Old
Place Of Origin: Burlington, Vermont
Camp Cabin: Cabin Four

Appearance - Nineteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Partner: None
Godly Parent: Δημητηρ - Demeter, Goddess of the harvest and agriculture
Human Parent: Adrian Latham - Agricultural Mircobiologist
Siblings: None
Legacy: None
Pet/s: None
Other: Carmen is new to camp, so she doesn't know anyone.

~Personal Information~


Carmen has a difficult time making friends. She usually ends up in awkward social situations, unsure of what to say or do. She tends to over think what she says before she says them, and by then the topic has already changed. Even when she does speak, her voice is fairly quiet. Many times she gets frustrated with herself for her mistakes, but her frustration quickly turns to plain disappointment. Carmen tends to get embarrassed easily because of other's teasing of her speech.

However, these traits diminish after time is spent with a person. She hasn't had this happen many times while she lived with her relatives, but when it does everything comes more naturally for her. With strangers, though, she tends to keep her mouth shut. She has selective mutism, usually never talking to certain types of people, especially people who are mean to her at any point of their social interaction. It's a defense mechanism she adapted from her short time in public school.

Carmen is typically selfish because of being spoiled at home and unobservant of anyone else's needs but her own. One must state something plain and simply for her to figure something out. It's difficult for her to read between the lines. However, she does try her best to please others. She values the opinions of others so much, she tends to forget that she has free will. She is also pretty clumsy and forgetful, again due to her upbringing.

Carmen tends to bail out of a relationship at any sign of something going wrong. However since it's difficult for her to notice this, it rarely happens, unless someone points it out to her. She relies heavily on others during social interaction to help her get through a conversation without embarrassing herself.


Chlorokinesis: Carmen has the ability to control, manipulate, and summon vegetation. She is barely aware of it, simply be living that she is good with plants. She can also talk to plants, but she hasn't figured it out yet.

Green-Thumb: She enjoys working with plants life and is very good at it. She also has a vast knowledge concerning plants due to reading about them in her spare time. She uses this to her advantage, knowing what plants could kill you, poison you, heal you, or what you can eat. Her knowledge even goes down to the molecular level thanks to her father.


Carmen lived with her grandmother and aunt for most of her life. Her father was a very busy person who frequently traveled from place to place. Her aunt worked a low paying job as a preschool teacher, and had to live Carmen's grandmother. Her grandmother was living off the money left to her by her rich deceased husband. For awhile, Carmen's aunt taught her, but Carmen insisted that she attend public school.

So she started public school around sixth grade. At first a few girls were extremely nice to her despite her unfavorable social skills. However, in the end these girls back stabbed her, spreading horrible rumors and insulting her every step of the way. Of course the entire school joined in her mockery. At one point, even the teachers were subconsciously belittling her. At this point, Carmen's grandmother stepped in and pulled her out of the school. It was around seventh grade that she was pulled back into the pleasant atmosphere of homeschooling.

Using this experience as a valuable lesson, Carmen was taught that it's best to listen to her superiors. It was also around this time that Carmen's grandmother introduced her to gardening. It had always been a part of Carmen's life, but now her grandmother began giving her full lessons. They had a large greenhouse, where Carmen was eventually given her own space for her own gardening endeavors.

By the time she was fifteen years old, word reached Carmen's household that Carmen's father died in a plane crash. Carmen was devastated. Although she didn't see her father much, the time she had spent with him was significant. He use to bring her back presents and teach her interesting fact about plants. Her mourning lasted awhile, but after realizing she needed to accept and move on, she started going back to normal life.

Now she is nineteen years old and her aunt and grandmother finally decided to tell Carmen about her mother. After a hard decision and many tearful goodbyes, Carmen left for camp half blood, with all of her things with a weird Knife attached to a chain added to her collection. Her grandmother had ment well, by giving her a weapon, but Carmen had little experience with one.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: An item that was given to her by her Aunt and Grandmother as a parting gift.
Weapon/s Name: Acacia (ακακία) - Means Thorny
Weapon/s Type: Kyoketsu Shoge Knife
Attributes: It's currently made of normal stainless steel, and Carmen currently has no idea how to use it properly.

~Other Information~

Carmen loves reading fiction as well as books about plants. She tends to indulge in romance novels since she's never experienced love from someone that wasn't a relative.Carmen also has yet to meet her Godly parent

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"Paradise" by Coldplay.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Knight of Doom

Hey hun, as much as I love the enthusiasm for the character; I cannot accept a child of Persephone as she is unable to have children without disappearing from existence. Her cabin (while she has one in the camp) is very much like that of Hera; it is there to honor her as the Queen of the Underworld and as a Goddess, however it isn't in use unless she herself chooses to stay in the camp.

As a side note though; while I can't accept a child of Persephone, you could always make a child of Demeter who is Persephone's mother.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ah, thanks. I'm sorry I didn't know. I will change that as soon as I can.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

There, I fixed it. Not much changed since her mother doesn't have too much influence on her yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Knight of Doom
She's cute.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Thanks, I wanted to add a bit more diversity to the range of characters in the RP
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Knight of Doom
She looks like she could be Logan's sister or cousin, to be honest. xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

They ARE technically cousins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Knight of Doom
They're all technically related xD
I meant more on the mortal side of the looks. lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hey @Knight of Doom;

Okay, as far as the character herself goes; like I said the first time you brought her to our attention, I love the concept and the enthusiasm that you’ve put into creating her. I’ve spoken extensively with my two lovely Co-GM’s about her, and unfortunately we’ve come to the conclusion that before we can accept her into the camp as a character, there are just a couple of concerns with her that we would like to bring up with you, if that’s okay:

The first thing we would like you to have another look over is her personality; out of the three of us, I will admit and take responsibility for bringing this one into light, and into discussion. As a GM, I will admit that there are characters in past roleplays that I have accepted, and after a while, find I feel a slight regret for doing so because of their very timid, and sheepish nature- this is not an attack on your character or on you, it’s just that I don’t want this to happen again; I hate regretting a choice I’ve gone and made about something, especially when it comes to roleplay. I personally just feel as though with her personality, she’s a follower. She doesn’t particularly make choices for herself, but rather just goes along with what everyone else around her wants; and while I know that this is an actual personality type (I know people who are like this in real life), I feel that it might impact quite negatively on her while she’s in the camp- but only if she’s going to be staying that way. Someone was kind enough to point out to me that it’s very much like how Nico was when he was first introduced in the books; and after some discussion, I very much agree with this. My reluctance with her personality is because I see no desire or willingness that she will be able to adapt, or grow as a person throughout her time within the camp; if I can see that, then I will have no issues in welcoming the new character.

The second thing that I would like to bring up with you is her choice of weapon. This brought up a lot of concern in the discussion, purely because the material you have chosen to make this weapon out of is stainless steel. Weapons made of such material cannot be hidden away by the mist, as it is one that humans use in ever day life; it also has the ability to harm humans and other demigods when it is being wielded. Such a blade will not harm Gods, Titans, or monsters of any kind. And as such; we cannot allow a weapon made from such material to be used within this roleplay. This ruling is not just for you- it will be implemented for all current and future roleplayers. Weapons must either be made from Celestial Bronze (common), Imperial Gold (rare – Olympian Gods children), and Stygian Iron (rare – Underworld Gods children).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Carmen is more of a family person, and a follower, so yes at first she wil be quite introverted, but I think that BECAUSE she is a follower and because there are many outgoing personalities in this roleplay, that she will quickly adapt to the surrounding atmosphere. She will quickly realize that the people at camp are family. Once she realizes that, she will interact with them like she does with her mortal family.

As for her weapon, her mortal famiy doesn't know much about camp half blood. Only that it exist and is the best place for Carmen to live. Her current weapon is only for getting her to camp. Once there she'll probably have to talk to Ky'vie about making a weapon similar out of Celestial Bronze.

I hope that clears everything up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
Avatar of Knight of Doom

Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

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