Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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@Knight of Doom

Ashley is also the name of Logan's dead girlfriend xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Wow, I didn't realize that. I just kinda pulled it out of my ass, but hey, Ashley is a pretty common name. Do you want me to change it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Knight of Doom

Nah, I don't mind, just thought it was coincidental that we chose the same name, and in the exact same way. It had been first name that came to mind for me too lmao
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Haha, great minds think alike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Archer Andrews

"You want a fight? You got one. All you have to do is throw the first punch. I'm not dumb enough to start one, but if you are... come at me."
~ Archer Trey Andrews.

~General Information~

Name: Archer Trey Andrews .
Nick-Names: Arch, AA, Scamp (by Gideon).
Sex/ Gender: Male.
Age: Twenty.
Place Of Origin: New York City, New York, USA.
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Seven - Athena's Cabin

Appearance - Twenty Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Partner: None.
Godly Parent: Athena.
Human Parent: Trevor Alam Reese - Mechanical Engineering for Boeing.
Siblings: None at the moment.
Legacy: Unknown.
Pet/s: A pet snowy owl named Frost.
Other: Gideon Carlyle (Best Friend), Claire Bellerose (Friend), Erin Chase (Acquaintance), Arianna Watson (Close Friend), Slyeste Niore (Close Friend), Hawley Griffin (Acquaintance), Kiran Khanna (Friend).

~Personal Information~

Personality: Being a self-proclaimed "funny man", Archer has a very light hearted aura about him. He is always making the jokes during awkward situations and depressing moods. He is considered to be annoying by the other campers at times, as he also tends to make jokes at inappropriate times. His jokes are offensive at sometimes, depending on the person. He seems to be able to make a joke out of everything and seems to be a person that doesn't take situations as seriously as they should be taken.

He did grow up under discipline though, which allows him to turn the jokes on and off whenever it is necessary. This also forces him to focus in dire situations, causing him to turn the jokes completely off. He can be solid in dire situations, as his father, through his engineering, has taught Archer to think outside the box and think differently in certain situations than other people do. He tends to be able to use everything around him to his advantage in a situation, which, through has mother, made him learn that anything can be a weapon. The battle strategies coming from his mother have helped him also in the past with certain situations.

When it comes to a battle, Archer never turns down a chance to fight, but he is never the one who provokes it. If it ever seems to be that he has started a fight, he always defuses the situation by walking away. However, if someone picks a fight with him and they take the first swing, he happily complies with their eagerness to fight a son of Athena. In a fight, he is observant and takes into consideration all the factors of doing one simple move, including the outcome of many different scenarios. He thinks quickly though, which allows him to process this information rapidly as well, which also always him to act in good time.

Archer does sometimes tend to think of himself better than everyone else, as he is one of the best fighters and most athletic people at Camp Half-Blood. He is never humble about his accomplishments and tends to always be bragging about the different quests he has completed in the past, especially hard ones. He never seems to learn that this is why people tend to pick fights with him. He never seems to go on quests as often as the other campers, but when he does, it seems, to him at least, that it is a harder quest than some of the others.

He is extremely flirty. Like ridiculously flirty. If there is a female human, demi-god, or god in any vicinity, Archer with most likely flirt with them. He is quite charming, though he can be a bit of a goof at times when it comes to girls. He always tries to show off in front of them. The only person that he does not flirt with that is female is his mother, which both of them are okay with that. He has never had a serious girlfriend however, and girls tend to find him inattentive in relationships as well as noncommittal. No matter how much he flirts, he seems to not have found "the One" yet.

Skills: Archer is a naturally athletic person, so things like running long distance, swimming, climbing trees, rock climbing, and all of those things come very naturally to him. He tends to leave swimming to Claire, though. He is able to fight with almost any weapon and can become very adaptable to anything as a weapon on the spot. He is a quick learner, which allows him to adapt to certain situations, and his ability to think outside the box allows him to use whatever sources he has around him to his disposal.

Along the lines of magical or godly abilities, he, like Gideon, has telumkinesis, but Archer's is much more powerful and much more refined. Archer, since he has had his ability long, can conjure up almost any weapon, minus a few big weapons such as cannons or mortars and other great weapons like those. He has the ability to conjure up some weapons that he can just create out of his imagination. When he comes in contact with other people's weapons, he has the ability to make them weaker. His powers, however, are not that refined, and sometimes it can backfire to where the weapon is only barely weaker or his own weapon or skills become weaker. And, no matter how much he will NOT admit it to anyone, he is fairly good at weaving.

Archer actually grew up never knowing his father for the longest time. He was dropped off at an adoption home when he was just barely a baby. The baby was crying nonstop and it woke up the other children in the house, so the mother of the house, as she was called then, decided that she needed to go check out the crying. She saw what it was and immediately brought him into the orphanage. He had no name on him, no letter saying where he had come from, so the mother named him herself, naming him after her first born son that had died when he was only three: Archer.

The rules of the orphanage were strict, and Archer adhered to them as he got older, but he was never put down for wanting to have a bit of fun. Because no one knew where he came from, he took on the orphanage's mother's maiden name, which was Andrews. He hung out with the children and became like a little brother to the older children. When they were adopted off, he never cried, but he would always tell them, "I know I'll see you again soon. Some day." The mother was always worried when he said that. She thought he would freak out the children about them getting taken back to the adoption home, but it never happened, and she slowly got less and less worried.

When Archer's father came back for him, it was a big surprise to everyone. No one knew who this man was, not even Archer, but he presented the mother with a picture of himself at Archer's age, which, at the time, was seven years old, and the resemblance was uncanny. Sadly, the mother gave up Archer back to the father, but Archer, as he normally did, told her that he would see her again soon. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and he left with his father.

Archer found out very quickly that he did not like living with his biological father. His father, being a strict engineer who was always busy, never seemed to have time for him and when he did, it was always to teach Archer about manners or to teach him something about engineering, or, in Archer's opinion, to bore him to death. Archer became so tired of this that he joined a bunch of clubs, teams, and such just so he could stay out of the house and away from his father. He would get rides from teammates or club members and he almost never had any contact with his father, which he was fine with. They both seemed fine with the arrangement.

As Archer got older, he began noticing he was getting attention from the opposite gender. He wasn't humble about being good looking. Rather, he was confident about it. He showed off all the time, and this was the time period when he got into more trouble. He was around fifteen at the time when it began. He brought girls home, he was ditching classes, and he was skipping practices. His father was not amused. He would kick the girls out and force Archer to go to class and practices. This drove Archer to the edge and he and his father, on the night of his sixteenth birthday, got into a screaming match, which was how Archer came to learn the truth about where he came from and what he was.

He knew any life could be better than living with his father, so he packed up and left for Camp Half-Blood. He was there within a few hours, and found himself right at home with everyone else. He made fast friends with a few, flirted with all the girls, and now loves his life and lives it as he had back at the orphanage rather than how he was back with his father.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: As a son of Athena, Archer has mastery over many weapons and thinks it is great fun to spar with as many people as he can with as many different weapons as he can, which is one of the reasons why he likes Gideon so much.
Weapon/s Name: ασημένια φωτιά and φλας which is "Silver Fire" and "Flash".
Weapon/s Type: An old, authentic Jian Sword and a crossbow.
Attributes: ασημένια φωτιά enhances his physical abilities, making him move faster and jump higher. The power of it drains him though, even though the enhancement only goes up slightly. φλας gives him better accuracy without having a scope, but while he is holding the crossbow, he cannot create bolts for it.

~Other Information~

Frost tends to chase Erin's cat almost all the time, which is one of the many reasons why both Erin and Archer don't like each other.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"Freak Flag" by Shrek the Musical Cast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You can't do it? Give up. Sit down. You're fucking done. Then stay the fuck out of my way."
~ Colt Malow Winger.

~General Information~

Name: Colt Malow Winger.
Nick-Names: Winger, Wings, Beau.
Sex/ Gender: Male.
Age: Nineteen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Los Angeles, California, USA.
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Ten.

Appearance - Nineteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight.
Partner: None.
Godly Parent: Venus, goddess of love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and desire.
Human Parent: Rames Jeremiah Winger - Drunkard, alcoholic, janitor.
Siblings: None at the moment.
Legacy: Unknown.
Pet/s: None.
Other: Erin Marie Chase (Frienemy), Claire Ari Bellerose (Acquaintance), Logan Murdock (Acquaintance), Hawley Eames Griffin (Acquaintance), Ky'vie Morgan (Friend), Gideon James Carlyle (Close Friend), Kiran Khanna (Acquaintance), Syleste Astrea Nioré (Friend), Arianna Louise Watson (Secret Crush - Friend), Jericho Brooks (Acquaintance), Archer Andrews (Close Friend)

~Personal Information~

Personality: Being a newbie to Camp Half-Blood, only being there a little under a year, many know him as the male version of Erin, though some say he is much worse, and others say he is better. He is very rebellious and independent, keeping mainly with what he believes is right and what he believes he should do. He is quite intelligent, both in street smarts and book smarts, and has a hard will. He can be considered blunt and steely at times-well, all the time, but he really doesn't care that others find him offensive or harsh at times. Though how Erin can recede from the spotlight, Colt steps right into and expresses his exuberance and outgoing nature there. He cannot stand people who hide in the shadows when life is so short, but if they hide because they cannot do what is put in front of them, then he begins to ignore them. From the abusive relationship from his parents, Colt has become very shelled and hard and tends to not listen to leadership or an adult presence very well.

Being a son of the Roman version of Aphrodite, Colt knows how he looks and he isn't afraid to exploit it to get what he wants. Arrogant and proud, he can seem a bit snobbish at times, though it much more likely that he seems like a jerk or an asshole. He flaunts his looks, his muscles, and everything along those lines. He is a major flirt, but he flirts mainly with girls just to get into their pants rather than to actually find love. With his powers, it's very easy for him to get human girls to fall for him, while it is rather hard to get the demi-goddess to fall for him. Not that he hasn't tried... That being said, he is very uptight about his looks and makes sure that he looks good every day, which he doesn't have to try hard for. Venus's beauty is natural for him, which means he can wake up looking perfect. He can become very envious, however, of other people's beauty, especially those without the parent of Aphrodite or Venus.

When it comes to anger, Colt can seem very intimidating. Standing at just over six foot four inches, he tends to hike himself up even taller to make those that have made him angry seem a lot smaller and insignificant in their own minds. He is quick to get revenge on those who hurt him or his friends and tends to hold grudges for a very, very long time. He has an excellent memory, and if he doesn't get someone back right away, that means something worse is coming in the long run. Colt has a longer fuse for anger, but he gives off a big explosion when he's set off. He sometimes becomes blind to the fact that it was a friend that made him angry and in his blindness, he can hurt those that he cares about.

However, even through all his bad, Colt still has a small glint of good in him. He is truly loyal to his friends and family, those that he considers family anyways, and is extremely protective of them. He isn't afraid to get back at those who hurt his friends or those who hurt anyone close to him in general. He can be considered overly protective at times, but he hardly shows that side. He mainly shows his "I don't give a damn" side to the world, while this softer side is hiding underneath.

Skills: Colt has been known to use amokinesis to get mortal girls to fall for him and get them to bed. He has also been seen using charmspeak on people to get out of working or doing things that he does not want to do. When it comes to physical skills, Colt is an amazing runner and a half decent fighter. He is a skillful horsemen as well as a great dancer, though no one has ever seen him dance. Besides those things, Colt doesn't expose many of his skills.

Born to a single father at the time, Colt grew up in with a very broken childhood. His father was in between jobs at the time he was born, but as soon as Colt was born, his father knew he needed to get a job. Rames began working as a janitor at one of the local elementary schools. He worked multiple shifts, or so he claimed, but many a time, he would come home to the babysitter and a baby Colt smelling an awful lot like tequila, beer, or any other form of drink, depending on what mood he was in that night. As soon as the babysitter was thrown out the door by Rames, Rames would turn his drunkenness to Colt. Whenever Colt would cry, Rames would leave the room, slamming the door behind him, which would only make Colt scared and cry louder. He would purposefully ignore the poor child and leave him be, sometimes forgetting to feed him for hours, only to have the babysitter come the next day and feed him.

As Colt grew older, when he was about five years old and beginning to develop a rebellious personality, Rames married an elderly hag named (at least, a name that only Colt was allowed to call her) Miss Pricip. She never took Rames last name, which meant that Colt was required to call her Miss Pricip at home, in public, wherever they went. Colt, when he went to school, only referred to her as "the rich hag". His father had only married Miss Pricip for her money, and once she died when Colt was eleven, his father inherited all of it...

And almost immediately flushed it down the drain. His father went out all night partying with janitor friends and came back drunk as he used to be when Colt was a baby. Colt would avoid his father as much as he could, barring his door with his bed or a chair, making sure that his father stayed away from him while he was drunk, but when Colt came down in the morning, his father, still drunk, would beat him, verbally abuse him, and neglect him as he always had. This began turning Colt into a hard shelled young man. This abuse went on for many years.

Colt met Erin when he was freshmen in high school, being one of her first friends. He and her became close and he was very much for her dating their other friend, as he did not know what the guy was like underneath. High school was a getaway for Colt, and a new sensation, as he was beginning to unearth his god like beauty. He was the flirt of the group, the guy who always spoke of his conquests. He would flirt with Erin, on occasion, mainly when he was bored, but he never did anything about it, especially after Erin and their friend started dating. His relationship with his father had now reached the point to where they mutually ignored each other and didn't acknowledge that the other existed.

Erin began pulling away around the time of Colt's fifteenth birthday. He had began noticing slight changes in her at first. He had asked her, on many occasions, what was wrong, but she seemed to pull farther away from him. He couldn't believe it, especially after how close they had been before. He began trying to get her to tell him, begging her, even threatening her, but it wasn't of any use. She wouldn't tell, and it was beginning to worry him immensely. He pushed at her harder, and finally saw the truth. He saw the exposed bruises on her skin and the cuts, and he couldn't believe it. He had thought the guy to be nice. He pleaded with Erin to break up with him, that Colt would protect her, but she went back to him anyways.

After losing contact with her for many days, Colt, and the rest of her friends and family, became increasingly worried, and they went out to find her. They found her, Colt actually being the first to find her, and took her back, and her mother explained her parentage. Colt knew what they had to do, but, with much resistance, he borrowed money from his father and took Erin to Camp Half-Blood and dropped her off, before heading back to Los Angeles. It was another year before he told his father the story, and his father laughed, drunk as usual, and explained where Colt had come from. Colt, shocked and angered by this, immediately packed up his things and headed to Camp Jupiter, staying there for only a year before heading to Camp Half-Blood to meet up and reconnect with Erin, though they were both different now.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Though Colt prefers fists to weapons, he does have his weapons of choice when he gets into situations that he cannot handle with his fists. All of his weapons are very small, easily concealable in anything.
Weapon/s Name: δαγκάνες (Claws), Ηθοποιοί (Stars), μπουλόνι (Bolts).
Weapon/s Type: Bagh Naka (tiger claws), Sai, Chakram.
Attributes: None of the weapons, as his mother is not a fighting type person, are able to extend his abilities.

~Other Information~


Before Erin began dating the abusive boyfriend, Colt had a small crush on her, but it has been long gone since. Erin never knew about it

Colt learned many of his skills at Camp Jupiter the year prior to him heading to Camp Half-Blood.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"Enter Sandman" by Metallica.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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doot doot
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago

“You think having the talk is bad with your parents? Mine was a fifteen hour debate that included diagrams, a PowerPoint presentation and no less than four demonstrations."

~General Information~

Name: Calista Celena Eden.
Nick-Names:Callie, Cal, CC, Red.
Sex/ Gender: Female.
Age: 18.
Place Of Origin: Vancouver, British Columbia.
Camp Cabin: Cabin Ten, Aphrodite.

Appearance - 18 Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single, Currently Mingling.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Partner: None.
Godly Parent: Aphrodite.
Human Parent: A late fisherman.
Siblings: Jaune, A half sister who was her primary caregiver throughout the majority of her life.
Legacy: None in-so-far.
Pet/s: None.
Other: N/A.

~Personal Information~

Personality: Calista, as a daughter of Aphrodite, is a known flirt. She enjoys the dating game as much as a child of Ares likes the battlefield. For Calista, it is a battlefield a true test of one’s abilities. She has honed her charm and charisma to a deadly edge and finds herself eager to please. Calista is typically well liked by those who get to know her, however she typically has to make up for stepping off on the wrong foot with most people she meets. This is most commonly due to her flirty exterior, people assume she lacks depth.

Calista is very proud of at least half of her heritage, she had an upbringing many would be jealous of, especially Demigods. Aphrodite, her mother, dropped her off at her half sister's house when her father passed away. She was told growing up that one day the same may happen to her, though for some reason it seemed a fantasy that would never happen. But if there was one thing Calista took from her childhood it was immense pride as a daughter of Aphrodite. Most other demigods look down upon her mother as a lesser god with feeble abilities, but years of training directly under her mother has benefited Calista deeply in both tactics and deception.

Calista handles negative emotions in an unusual way for a daughter of Aphrodite. Most seek a partner or ten and make do with what they have. However Calista acts much more human, she sits, she cries she gets angry and throws a tantrum. Her mother accounts to this to how strong her father’s will was. Calista feels as though this is one of her defining features and is surprising proud of her human characteristics after spending so long around Jaune and Aphrodite herself.

She has very mixed emotions of her father, on one hand every story accounts to him being the paramount of a man, he was a barrel chested ice fisherman with a figure chiseled from Mount Olympus itself. But she had long forgotten his figure or form. He had the voice of a siren and the eyes as blue as the ocean he constantly traversed. However before Calista’s fourth birthday he passed, drowned at sea. She fears being left and though she would never admit it also fears open water to some extent. She has a distaste for Poseidon, knowing her father died in his domain however as Aphrodite has explained more than once, gods cannot save every human from every inevitable death. Calista still finds it difficult to get over however.


Amokinesis: A power possessed by all of the children of Aphrodite. The ability to control emotion, most prominently those involving love. Calista’s experience and training under another daughter of Aphrodite has given her an inherent talent manipulating those who love. Her experience has also allowed her the ability to easily manipulate a lack of love, whether that create animosity, hatred or apathy.

Charmspeak: The ability to influence other with the strength of your voice. Charmspeak is bestowed on few children of Aphrodite and works to strengthen their abilities of Amokinesis. It took little time for Calista to discover this ability with the tutelage of a daughter of Aphrodite herself. She is able to persuade other with just her voice and to the untrained ear, unbeknownst to her target the majority of the time. Some examples are simply asking to cut in line at a coffee shop or asking a mark to betray valuable information.

Inherent French: As all children of Aphrodite can, Calista can speak French as long as it is popularly known as the language of love. As an offshoot of this ability Aphrodite or her children’s abilities are at their strongest when in Paris, the city of love.

Virtuoso: Calista is a phenomenal harpist as well as an enchanting singer. She has learned to use Charmspeak through singing as well as speaking in order to get what she wants from someone however it is much more difficult to do through singing in a variety of ways. First off, she must make direct eye contact with the mark, secondly she must be thinking of both the coming notes and melodies as well as their hidden meaning. If she can focus long enough and hard enough to accomplish this, this version of Charmspeak is much more potent.

Fighting: Calista fights with αγκαλιά αγάπης (Spelt phonetically: ankaliá agápis). She is swift and relatively nimble utilizing Amokinesis in mid fight in order to make an enemy hesitate before striking the winning blow. While she is somewhat competent fighting with her hands and a sword and shield, any who had actually spent time training in either of those two aspects would be able to best her without any other outside influence.

Calista was born in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. Her father was a fisherman whose weekly routine would be to cast a wide net around the island of Victoria and then make his way back into harbor. One evening he met a woman on his way home, she had red hair and emerald eyes, freckles too. They say that Aphrodite looks different depending on the time of day, month, temperature and wind speed. Which is more or less true, they also say that her children will inherit her features at their conception, this was definitely true. Calista, without an Irish bone in her body, is a sturdy redhead who can hold her nectar sporting freckles all around the bridge of her nose and cheeks.

For the first four years of young Calista’s life she lived with her father, he was a fisherman and as such she had her sea legs before she managed to figure out her land legs. It wasn’t long after that her father had passed away.

For poetries sake, it would be nice to think of that day as a huge storm, raging currents, pounding winds, the whole package. But it was a clear sail, a steady sea and everything except for one little thing in the universe was perfect.

The first time Calista met her mother was at her father’s funeral. She was scooped up into her loving arms and embraced, hushed and coddled all the way home. She was brought to a home completely unfamiliar to her, though it was still in Vancouver. Turns out Aphrodite had thrust a child upon another one of her daughters. Apparently it's not even all that uncommon among the daughters and sons of Aphrodite, having a child, a sibling thrust upon them in times of need. A god can't permanently raise one of their children, or so Calista has been told.

Jaune was Calista's half sister, her primary caregiver and Calista's greatest antagonist for the majority of her life. She treated her less like a relative and more like an instrument she was tuning, day in and day out. She twisted, pulled, replaced parts of Calista trying to shape her into the perfect being. Calista's seventh birthday she was given a dagger, bronze, had similar abilities to cupid's arrows. She was told it was worth more than she would ever amount to. A person can only take being told they are worthless for so long until they snap. Calista remembered that day well. Aphrodite's second visit, her longest visit. She took the two girls out for a day rowing on a canoe, though she did not row, their mother convinced to able-bodied men to. They sailed over the stretch of open water where Calista's father had drowned, not too far from shore, in fact one could've swam. But he did not, Aphrodite explained to her daughters, sometimes things had to happen and those things were devoid of meaning and importance.

Calista took training more seriously and she became that finely tuned instrument and oh how she played.

Two years ago Calista began real training. She was bred a lover anda fighter. Taught how to use her looks as a soldier uses his sword. How to sway people’s strongest opinions to her side with a glance, a flutter of her eyelashes. She was taught to pluck at the strings of a harp as if she was one of the sisters of fate plucking at the string of a life.

By the time she was let back out into the world she was no longer Calista Celena Eden, daughter of a fisherman living in Canada. She was Calista, daughter of Aphrodite, a demigod.

Calista entered camp half-blood when she was nearly eighteen years old and has been there ever since. She isn’t too well known as she has yet to want to make an appearance, but watching heroes return from missions, it makes a girl yearn for some adventure.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: a Dagger.
Weapon/s Name: αγκαλιά αγάπης (Spelt phonetically: ankaliá agápis/Lover’s Embrace).
Weapon/s Type: Bronze Dagger.
Attributes: αγκαλιά, as a bronze weapon cannot harm humans, however it possesses qualities not unlike Cupid’s arrows. When a mark is struck by the dagger they feel immense feelings of love, lust or obsession, depending on if the target is struck in the torso, lower body or head respectively.

~Other Information~

Other: ?

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"I Found" by Amber Run.

"Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him."

Let me know if you need me to amend anything! Any feedback is welcome from anyone as well~~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Colt now has a sister... hmmmm. xD

Actually, question: Is she just now getting there or has she been there for a couple months?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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She has been there for a couple of months!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Hey hun, first of all, I just wanna let you know that I absolutely love and appreciate the enthusiasm about your character; it's always really awesome to see all that pouring out through a CS once it's finished. However, there is one big thing that I took notice of while reading through it; I've spoken with both of my Co-GM's about this, and together we've come to the conclusion that we will not be able to accept your character being raised by Aphrodite up in Olympus.

Don't get me wrong; we all loved the idea. Unfortunately, there is no way for that to be possible if she wants to remain a demigod camper. Any demigod invited to live in Olympus would not be able to survive for very long up there on the food of the Gods; and after time, they would have changed from a demigod into a minor God/ Goddess themselves. And while the Gods and Goddesses might go and play favorites every now and then with their children, I don't believe that one of them would go out of their way to raise one of their children themselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Vicier Thanks for the response! That's totally fine I can make adjustments and hopefully post them later tonight or tomorrow! Thanks for considering it so much though!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Alright, deepest apologies for the double post but I made some quick adjustments to the bio and pertinent parts of the CS to adjust (she was now raised by her dmeigod half sister Jaune). Hopefully this quickly fixes the main issues and you are able to look at the rest of the CS. If there is anything else I missed let me know, had to try something different though with the whole actually being fully raised by Aphrodite. But totally respect the fact that you denied it! (You have/had every right!)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Write; accepted honey! Welcome to camp half-blood! Feel free to post in when you have the chance to! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago

My post will be up soon! Hopefully we can get a quest going in the coming days or so!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey, you got Skype?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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I do! Skype name is: writewrotethis
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
Avatar of Shoe Thief

Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

So almost have character sheet ready, but when does the Role-play take place in reference to the Battle of New York?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Remipa Awesome
Several years after the war with the giants, if you've read the Roman sequel to the PJ series. ^^
So Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Nico, and company will all be well into adulthood, possibly even graduating from college and the like and pretty peripheral to this roleplay. Does that help?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
Avatar of Shoe Thief

Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Yes it does! Thank you!

I should have the character sheet up tonight at the latest!
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