E n d y m i o n : S y m p h o n y o f E c h o e s
"There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment."
- Hunter S. Thompson
7 Months Ago:
Station Endymion reported troubles with power and life support systems as well as a dramatic increase of astroid showers and activity; requested inspectors and additional anti-astroid guns.
5 Months Ago:
Station Endymion reports that its residence are hearing strange things in the ventilation and people have started to go missing; power and life support systems continue to fail sporadically and gas leaks are reported
3 Months Ago:
Station Endymion goes dark, all contact is lost and station fails completely but final message assures that everything is alright; Galactic Senate votes to send Recon Team RO-1 to the Station.
1 Month Ago:
Recon Team RO-1 has been unreachable for several weeks now, other RO teams that have been sent in have also lost contact; Senate suspects something is wrong and votes to send in military; Ryukyuan Imperial Navy (RIN) volunteers to transport collation forces to Station Endymion.
1 Week Ago:
RIN ship HMG Dawnlight Spirit warps into Station Endymion's sector from closest warp gate with collation troops on board and moves to the now defunct and derelict station; prepares to land troops on the station.
Hello! Welcome to Endymion: Symphony of Echoes. Inspired by several sci-fi franchises like Alien, Halo and Dead Space, Endymion revolves around the collation forces of the races of the Galactic Senate and its attempts to find out what really went down on Station Endymion, discovering that appearance aren't always what they seem.
Instead of making everyone a soldier of said gathering, I've opted for a more NRP-esque style with players controlling a squad of soldiers from the different nations and races of the Senate. I would like it for people who have played other Sci-Fi NRPs to use their nations as a base without having to worry about the political stuff since well, when you're on a creepy ass space station, politics isn't exactly the first thing you should worry about.
I would like to have at least one other co-GM to help me write and plan this RP since I'm still something of a green horn when it comes to horror writing (mostly because I'm a pussy, go ahead, judge me). I guess expect something less pure horror standard fare and more creepy/scary.
Current co-GMs: @WilsonTurner & @LHG100
Scientific Support: @RomanAria
Lore Bits