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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @Nallore @Morose - Lyon looked over towards Ciel and smiled slightly, pulling the blanket up and over the child a bit more to tuck him in. He had been through a lot it seemed even if he wasn't bleeding all over the place. Hopefully he could get some rest and hopefully Medic would be back soon. Hearing Ed he just shook his head but he didn't bother saying anything to the pompous child other than to answer Ed's question. "Oui," was all he said. He didn't bother acknowledging the fact Ed said he pitied Sana. There was no point. Talking didn't seem to get through that childs thick skull. Getting up from his place he grabbed a rag and started cleaning, not even giving Ed a seconds notice other than to make sure he was still in the room and he wasn't causing any problem. Looking over towards Ciel as he cleaned his lips thinned. "Étonnant combien les enfants peuvent être forts."

@FantasyChic @Rivaan - Mike was glad for the help. "Thank you," he said towards Amelia as she gave him a hand with stuff. Sana and Marx nodded slightly as they kept looking for something for themselves and Lyon back in the infirmary. It seemed the other three had things under control. "Thank you," Mike said towards Tiffany as well while she helped. "Hey, Sana, we got people at the fence coming in. Medics with them but Beni isn't. They are about half a mile out," a guy said poking his head into the kitchen area. "Beni isn't with them? What the fuck?" she said before turning and picking up her crossbow. "Excuse us, come on Marx," she said before exiting the kitchen with Marx on her heels. She wanted to inform Lyon what was going on but she didn't waste time right then. If Beni wasn't with them things had to have gone really wrong. The broths were ready and Mike pulled out trays and some cups to pour it in. "Shall we head back ladies? If Medic is back, we should be able to get things settled with our sick pretty soon," he said confidently.

@Nallore @Caits - Froggy and Beni looked over towards Sophia when she enters but it appears to both of them that Ash has everything under control in that department and they go back to their horse trading as it were. Talking of medical supplies they can trade between the two groups, what each has, what each needs. They seem pretty comfortable with each other. After a short time they had something worked out and Beni leans back nodding, shaking Froggy's hand in agreement. Looking over Beni notes Sophia a little closer and stands up, his eyes drifting down to her missing hand. "Doc, we may be able to do more for you all than I first thought," he said before looking back at Ashton. "She needs a hand, that we might be able to help you with," he said and Victor cocked a brow as he looked at Beni. "Would that be of interest to you?" he asked, not to anyone in particular but to the group in general.

@Sigil @Morose @Nallore - Tatiana smiled a little at Jacks words but kept her focus. She kept dancing, catching the pins and working them into the dance before tossing them back, each time a little faster or with a little more flair than the time before. Passing them back and forth between herself and Bahzooli before stopping and holding a hand up. It had been a while since she had danced this much but she was enjoying it. "This vork vell, but need more. You strong?" she asked, an idea formulating in her brain. "Can juggle and balance person on shoulder?"

@Sigil @Morose - "Mental note, keep her away from the distillery," Astrid commented as she looked over towards Bridgette. Shaking her head they continued on their way. Things went pretty simply for the most part. The road had been cleared with Beni and his group on the way to Newnan, so minus the odd Walker strolling up to them, it was a quick a ride. Which Astrid was grateful for. Coming into Franklin Medic took lead and lead them up to a tall chain link fence with a gate that seemed to surround what used to be a high school. "Sana, open up," he said as they came to a stop. Astrid pulling back on the reigns. "Where the hell is Beni?" Sana asked as she took aim with her cross bow, pointing it towards Astrid head, her brows raising as she took in how the two Viking women looked. "He's fine. Stayed behind in trade for now. This is Astrid, she is part of their medical team it seems. She is going to take that guy Ray back to Newnan. They can help him there better than I can," he explained. Marx looked at them skeptically, eying the Viking women and then Tryke as aimed his rifle. It was a bit odd, seemed a little warm to be wearing a thick leather glove over one hand and not the other. Who did he think he was? The King of Pop? "Fine, open the gate. You two stay out here, Astrid - you follow me," Sana said as the gate opened. "Marx.." Sana said as she looked at him. "I won't kill them unless they try something," he said frankly as the group was let inside. Astrid dismounting her horse and handing the reigns over to Bridgette. "Samme gjelder for deg," Astrid said to Bridgette with the smallest hint of a smirk on her lips before grabbing the medical supplies she had brought and followed Medic and Sana into the school.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

As they settled into finishing the broths, the news announcement for Sana and Marx happened. A thing that caught Amelia's attention right away. She had just arrived her, but was told and seen how Beni was the leader. If he was not present in the returning group something was not right. What had transpired she did not know, but expected that his absence was not a harbinger of good tidings. She really hoped it was nothing serious though... it would be such a bad luck if something went seriously wrong the day she got to this place.

“Alright, let's go.” The girl agreed as they were ready to return to the medbay now. She also smiled and looked about before focusing back on Mike.” Let me carry one of the trays... It's one of the few areas I actually have practical experience at... Used to be a waitress for a while.” She mumbled, remembering the time just before the end of the bloody world happened.

"I really hope nothing bad happened to Beni..." She said quietly, fearing what would happen if he as the leader was to get missing. She's learn history in school... it had proven that whenever a leader vanished, things for the comunity would turn for the worst as the power struggles usually happened afterwards. Luckily it seemed things here were rather well organized between the people of importance, but still she hoped it won't get to that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia smiled softly at Ashton as he walked over towards her and gave her instructions to where it should all go, she turned slightly to look at Froggy and Beni as they spoke about trading medical supplies. It wasn't something that she had knowledge of other than basic first aid she learned from Froggy and Astrid during her month long stay in the infirmary. "It would make whatever your using smell like fast food." Sophia said jokingly as the two other men apparently just finished and came to some sort of agreement. She watched Beni approaching her, when he noticed her missing hand Sophia subconsciously covered it under her chest. Not that she was embarrassed by it she felt a little less helpful having to rely on others to do the simplest of jobs.

When Beni mentioned he could help her with getting a new hand she looked towards the biker man for a moment perking up some. "It would certainly make my tasks a whole hell of a lot easier. I was a construction foreman before all of this it required two hands mainly lifting stuff. I wouldn't have to rely on others as much as I do now." Sophia looked towards Ashton, then towards Froggy. And it would stop Bridgette from calling me 'Future Mrs Hook'." She was feeling a lot more hopeful that if he did have a means of getting her a proper prosthetic.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond's eye slowly opened once more his vision was extremely blurry he could hear muddled voices as he slowly shook his head and his vision started to finally clear. He could hear Lyon and Ed speaking in French which he didn't even take back in high school, he groaned slightly when Ray looked at Ed seeing him wiping his hands with a bloody rag. "Don't tell me the gay childish French boy was touching me while I was out.." Raymond said he was to weak and in so much pain to even move an inch.

The last thing he remembered going out again was the cold sweat and then the blood loss again, he looked around the room he didn't see Tiffany anywhere and was concerned where she was and how long he was out for. "Where is Tiffany?" Ray asked as he let out another loud groan in pain but didn't move an inch every inch of his body ached and even the slightest movement made him feel very dizzy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building one (infirmary)

Niesha glanced to the infirmary doors again, still thoughtful. Her mind went over the last few years, drifting over the few things she'd had to do that she still wasn't sure was the right thing. She shook her head, and sighed softly to herself. She wondered, briefly, if something had been different, would she be here, right now? If Sophia hadn't been there, to stop that man from killing her? Would she have been able to other throw the man by herself? If she hadn't found anyone, in the beginning, would she be here? Would she had died in that first wave? She knew that those thoughts were nothing but unanswerable questions, and all she took from there was the fact that she shouldn't take for granted what she had.

Sliding down the wall, Niesha sat cross-legged, leaning back against it, looking down at her hands. She closed her eyes again, listening to everything around her. She bit her lip, her thoughts, and indeed feelings troubling her somewhat. She knew she was truly dedicated to Sophia. She knew she cared about her, and the thought of losing Sophia was devestating to Niesha...She drew in a breath, and let it out slowly.

Things were different, now-a-days. When you didn't know what was around the corner...shouldn't you take even a little bit of happiness? Wasn' that best, when it could all be taken away in the blink of an eye? She smiled to herself, and opening her eyes, she glanced to the door again, waiting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel typically was not a heavy sleeper, to say the least. Usually he'd be all over the place, tossing and turning and waking up erratically only to fall back into his troubled slumber. But today the boy lay as still and silent as a corpse, his only movement being the slight rise and fall of his chest. If one wasn't closely watching the emaciated boy, it would be easy to believe he was dead. If it weren't for Sana, Lyon and everyone else, he most likely would have been by now.

Ciel, like most children, was used to having vivid, easily memorable dreams. However, these past few days his dreams had been foggy and carried with them an uneasy feeling. It was as if his imagination had been replaced by gloomy shadows and echoing voices he couldn't recognize. Today was no different, naturally. He was deep in the process of starvation. It had taken only one week to fall this far, and it would take several more to climb back up.

The eleven year old was woken up by a loud groan of pain. Ciel felt panic rise in his chest, his first instincts telling him that the groan came from walkers. There was no way he'd be able to even sit himself up, let alone fight off walkers. He didn't even know where his rifle had ended up. He could hear the others in the room still talking calmly, which didn't make sense if they were under attack by the undead. Even in his sickly, weakened state, he was able to take this bit of information and conclude that walkers were an unlikely source of the noise.

Not caring to sleuth out anything more about the source of the groan, he let his eyes fall closed again, but for whatever reason he couldn't get himself to go back to sleep. This was strange. He was too tired to even lift his arm and yet he felt trapped in consciousness. He hissed in frustration, wishing he had the energy to get up or the calm to fall asleep. He was stuck, unable to move much at all without feeling nauseous and lightheaded. He didn't even think he could speak; his throat felt too dry and sore. He had nothing to do but wait.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Cafeteria

Tiffany gathered her own fair share of the workload, though she had never been a waitress like the other girl claimed. It was surprising what skills you picked up in your lifetime and how useful they would be later on down the road. She wondered if she would ever use her lawyer skills. Surely there was no courtroom anymore. It made her feel like she wasted her time. Something practical, like a nurse, a fire fighter, a police officer, or even a teacher had their benefits in the apocolypse. Not a lawyer though.

She followed the others, hopeful that Ray would be feeling better soon. She worried that the French man, the one she had a bad feeling about, didn't do anything to him. He rubbed her the wrong way and she barely spoke to the man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Tatiana sitting on Bazhooli's shoulder while juggling? He supposed that there wasn't anything inherently wrong with it, but he found it hard to picture. The beautiful, delicate, and graceful Tatiana, sitting on top of the large and muscular Bazhooli? It wasn't that he was jealous at the thought...though the idea of Tatiana's legs spreading for Bazhooli didn't make his top ten list of things to do during the apocalypse...but that it simply eluded his imagination.

Wouldn't one of the pins smack Tatiana in the face while flying upwards? And if she tried to stand to do some sort of trick, wouldn't that damage Bazhooli's shoulder? He supposed that perhaps that was just the price of a good performance--physical pain and injury. Jack wasn't a doctor, but even he couldn't imagine ballet was incredibly healthy for someone's toes. None of his sisters had been into it--not that he saw them growing up much, of course. They lived with his dad. He did have a younger sister, Georgiana, that he visited once while she was studying in college--she played ice hockey for the University of Minnesota.

What had happened to her?

Édouard Riviere

Location: The Infirmary (Franklin)

There went one mild source of entertainment. Apparently, Lyon had decided to stop paying attention to him. Well, that was fine. It wasn't the first time in his life it happened to him. The staff were forced to listen to him and cater to his each and every whim on pain of death--but his sisters had a vicious streak, and once they tired of boxing his ears to assert their will, the silent treatment would come shortly after. Édouard imagined that Sana would have been best friends with Alisanne, the cruelest member of the family.

But what was Lyon paying attention to? The sickly Jewish kid. Édouard rolled his eyes again, leaning up against the wall. The blood and gore that coated his clothing rubbed off against it, creating a gruesome shadow on the plaster. He didn't care, however, despite the likelihood that Lyon would make him clean the room again. And at least it seemed stubby was either going to die for real this time, or had finally decided to stop being a nuisance and actually heal.

The injured could be so exasperating at times, so challenging. His eyes darted to the door, as Lyon busied himself with Moon-Moon or whatever the kid's name was. Maybe it was time to slip off, to leave Franklin behind, and start his life anew. There had to be a settlement of sorts somewhere that would understand him--maybe he'd find a way to contact his sisters in France. Édouard doubted that even the undead could kill Alisanne and Darcey. They were too stubborn for death.

Letting out a bit of a yawn, Édouard stretched in a near cat-like manner. Things were starting to get boring--he almost hoped that Captain Stub would burst into flames without a moment's notice. At least that would have been interesting.

Tryke Lockley

Location: the Woods ---> Franklin

Viking girls acting super clingy and secretive? Check.

As Tryke followed the small party on her bike, she realized how fortunate they were, and how odd the entire situation was. On one hand, only the stray walker reared its ugly head. She didn't have to swing her baseball bat around, instead able to let it rest comfortably behind her as she rode. Her makeshift flamethrower, Tryke found, was far more effective at terrifying people than the fucking walker infestation. A bat worked surprisingly well, when it came to smashing walker brains into something like applesauce, only ten times more disgusting.

"Is there a viking convention in town I didn't get an invite to?" Tryke asked, a small smirk on her face. As they approached Franklin, she took in the metal, chainlink fence. Her mind flashed instantly to Farraday cages, and she sighed a bit, reminiscing about old times. Maybe she'd be able to trade her service for food--electrifying the fence wouldn't be too difficult. It wouldn't be sustainable, but they'd be able to keep it off mostly, and turn it on to shock anyone who came near.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry," Tryke muttered. "It's the Michael Jackson tribute fest, right? The 1980's called, they want their fashion back." Her comments were mostly under her breath, but her eyes were obviously narrowed, as she took in the thick glove. Thinking back to her previous scathing thoughts, maybe he did have an android arm. That'd have been cool. Tryke always knew she'd have done well in a world where robots were beginning to replace people--and a robotic arm would have been the start of that.

"What the hell's wrong with your hand?" Tryke asked, giving in. Her lack of patience didn't help, and it was bothering her more and more. No one wore thick gloves like that--her gloves, for example, were fingerless. And if it wasn't for her bike and roughing it up in the woods, she might not have even worn them. But this asshat? It seemed almost like a fashion statement.

Only, of course, no one had time for fashion statements. But her other theory, of a robotic arm, seemed a little too much like a cheesy Star Trek fanfic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @Nallore @Morose @FantasyChic @Rivaan @Sigil - Lyon looked over towards Ray and chuckled at his words about Ed, looking over at the half bald one and then back towards the one legged one. "She went with another from the group you came in with and one of mine to the cafeteria," he told Ray in a calm voice. Down in the hallway Sana glanced over towards Mike and the two women with him, seeing the trays of food and nodded slightly as she kept pace with Medic and Astrid heading back towards the Infirmary. As they pushed the doors open Lyon stood up and looked at Astrid for a minute before rubbing his eyes and then towards Medic. "Where's Beni?" he asked. "Beni is in Newnan, he is safe, We made a small trade for safety it seems. Beni's call. This is Astrid, she is one of their medical team. She is here to transport that one," Medic explained before going into a bit more detail. Lyon didn't like it but the man wasn't exactly in the best shape. "Well, you're here to save him, save him," Lyon said to Astrid. She simply nodded and went over to Ray and got to work. Plasma was set up, antibiotics and pain meds were added to a saline IV, vitals were taken. "We will take you to Newnan and take care of you," she said in a calm voice as she looked at Ray.

"I will need a truck to transport him in," he said as she looked over towards Lyon. "Get it done Sana," he said and she nodded, heading back out of the door. Turning Astrid saw the small child, stepping over to him she rested her hand on his head. "This child isn't in good condition," she said in a statement instead of a question. "No, he isn't. Neither is this one," Lyon added looking over at the boy who had the compound fracture. Medic looked at the full infirmary and sighed, this was beyond their supplies. Astrid nodded in agreement. It seemed this place was in bad shape in the medical department. The slightest thinning of her lips occurred and she did something she had hoped she wouldn't need to. Pulling out a sat phone and it started to ring. After a few minutes a voice rang in on the other side. "Hello?

"Tom, this is Astrid. Tell Ash to kill me later for taking the phone. Take the phone to him, we have an additional emergency," she said as she stood there, her hand resting on the beard of her ax. Lyon and Medic looked at each other in shock, they had phones????? Tom didn't like it but he sent through a message on the two way from the Armory. "Boss, I'm sorry. I didn't know she grabbed it when she got her weapons and shield. I swear boss, it didn't even dawn to me she would take it," he rambled on before finally getting out the reason he was contacting Ash. "Astrid has an emergency call to you coming in on the Sat phone..." - God he hoped Ash didn't put him on shit shoveling detail...

@Nallore @Caits @Sigil - "Well I am sure we can work something out," Lyon said before hearing the call come in on the two way to Ash. Victor looked over towards Ash and chuckled a bit. Of course Astrid would cover her bases, granted form the sound of it things hadn't been cleared to start. "Go easy on her Ash," Victor said quietly before looking over towards Beni who looked like he was rather surprised, granted that wasn't surprising in and of itself - phones were pretty much a thing of the past. They had only been lucky enough to have a pair of Sat phones because of Caesar and Alicia before their deaths.

@Sigil @Morose - Marx glanced over towards Tryke and cocked a brow deeply over his eye before looking away from her and making sure the gate was secure. "Conversations usually start with hi my name is such and such, what's yours?" he said as he glanced back over to her and then to Bridgette. "I'm Marx, now, your turn," he added as he kept his rifle at the ready but trained low currently. His vision changed a bit as Sana came back out of the school and he started to take a step towards her but she waved him off. "Just getting a truck for transport," she said as she started to walk to the far end of the fenced in parking lot to get the truck that had been taken out earlier that day and come back with a one legged man. They were working on cleaning it out but Sana told them to hurry up and just get it rinsed real fast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 35 min ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

Mention of a functional prosthesis definitely piqued Ash's interest. Not for himself, but for Sophia. From what he could tell, speaking with her on interviews or check-ins, her experience with construction would be amazingly useful in keeping things upright (like the ever-important WALLS). Keeping people alive was priority one. Keeping people useful was a close second. Sophia with two functioning hands could remove a fair amount of extra duties from himself, and if today was any indication, Bridgette as well.

In these troubled times, rough amputations were a lot more common. Surviving them was more difficult, and even if one did, their productivity and survival chances dropped in case of a emergency. Getting some of that back was well worth the investment. Listening to Sophia, she felt the same way.

"Future Mrs. Hook?" he mused aloud. He had heard it around, but didn't say anything. It was the kind of thing that Bridgette would say, except that there was a distinct lack of profanity involved. Ash nodded, even smiled thinly, and opened his mouth to say more - until his radio went off. The news from the Armory was not the most welcome. Set aside the fact that Ash had considered handing off one of the satellite phones anyway, its removal without mention was troubling. The more relaxed look to Ash's face dissolved immediately.

"Yeah. If you would, please bring that at a run. Infirmary." His voice was terse. Luckily, counting the time to lock the Armory and beat feet to Ash's location, it was about ninety good seconds before Astrid got to hear Captain Holloway clear his throat and state flatly, "Go for Ash."

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

This show was getting a little too complicated, at least for the amount of practice time available. Give them a week, maybe as little as a couple of days, and something was possible. Coordinating a performance between two people who have never worked together before, trained under two very different types of the Performing Arts, and have just met that day (that is to take place in a few hours) was problematic. The Great Bazhooli did not know how to respond to her expressions or other nonverbal cues yet, a thing which took time and a little trust.

"Da, I can lift on shoulders. But remember, am Impalement Artist. I juggle, but I am not Juggler. Cannot be comfortable doing this without practice. Vill try though, if you vish, and is not making your Jack upset, ok?"

It occurred to Bazhooli that his position there might be viewed as threatening to the observations of the recently engaged man. Russian performer meets Russian performer; they literally had their own language, worked in a similar capacity before the Outbreak, and met by astronomical chance in Georgia, of all places. "Ve should involve your man too. In some way."

Bridgette Vinters

Location: (outside of) Heard County High School, Franklin

A whole other settlement. Lots of new people, conveniently squatting in a High School, of all places. Seemed fitting, when Bridgette thought about it. In the random swirl of her teenage years, she often thought that school was the end of the world. Now that it really was the end of the world, people went back to the place where that feeling originated. High School. Like prison (and the rest of the world now), High School divided people into cliques, had a tendency to be violent, and gave you an education. Maybe not the one you wanted, but you learned nonetheless. Another feature in common with prison, this new world, and high school, was that you stood a much, much better chance of dying if you were all alone.

Now, here were these guys. Bridgette didn't know what kind of people they were, but if they were letting strangers in, or at least near, because they had a medical emergency, it meant a couple of things. First off, they weren't the type to "prematurely retire" someone who was grievously hurt, not when there was an option. Secondly, they were provisionally open to allowing outsiders in to help. Continuing with the observations, the good(?) people of Franklin weren't entirely stupid, either. Astrid went in, Bridgette and the new girl stayed behind.

Astrid's parting words marked either restraint or a conditional promise of violence on Bridgette's, she couldn't quite tell. Regardless, she didn't want to give the impression that the message in Norwegian was in any way unclear to the Frankin people. She put on a dangerous smile and responded with a nigh cheerful, "Aw, you know me. Friendly girl." in clear English. The smile faded into something more serious as Astrid disappeared into the school. Bridgette gave a look over to Tryke, and back into the group of strangers near her. She didn't know any of these people, and to be frank, she was a little testy at having to wait outside while her closest friend in the world was someplace unknown.

Tryke had her minor conversation with the guards, or at least who she thought were guards. For all she knew, they were the actual Welcoming Committee. Maybe they needed one of those in Newnan? No, passing thought. Then the one guy introduced himself. Naturally, such displays of gentility required adequate and polite response.

"Well hello, Marx. How the fuck are ya?" she said in mock seriousness. "I'm the Contingency Plan. Don't suppose you got any water for these horses? We have a hard ride back."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel still lay in a semi-conscious daze, unable to fully fall asleep. He was half paying attention to the conversations going around the room, though the only things he could really see or hear clearly were those very close by: Ray, Astrid, his own labored breathing. He took some interest when he heard Astrid talk of taking Ray to Newnan. Newnan... he hadn't heard that town's name since the undead broke loose. He'd never been there, but it wasn't too far from his own hometown. So Newnan was still standing? Funny, he always though such towns would be the first to fall.

He coughed sharply, his dry throat starting to bleed a bit. He wasn't able to do much about the smear of red that now stained his cheek, but he could feel it. The voices in the room had gone quiet, it seemed, so he went back to silently watching his IV drip liquid into his arm. Few things were more frustrating than being bedridden, unable to get up and move around. Boredom takes the greatest toll on the young. He felt... useless was probably the best word for it. He wasn't terribly keen on the idea that he was just another mouth to feed, another body to take care of at the moment. These people had others to take care of, others they'd grown to like and appreciate, and Ciel felt they'd probably appreciate being rid of a weak, sickly stranger. Nevertheless, there was nothing he could do but wait until he either recovered or expired.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Things were going... one way or another right now it seemed. Amelia still was worrying about what could be happening, but frankly she was just one person and someone of no real importance so she just focused on carrying the trays for now. As they approached the infirmary things seemed to start to take just a tad bit more sense. She hoped at least.

Finally something really important caught her attention, was that a phone? She had not seen a working one in so long! It was almost impossible to believe actually. She even blinked a few times at it before she finally believed it was real. Things were still out there and it made her thing about other technology that may be salvaged and get to work such as computers and so on. She had thought on the subject a lot during her lonely nights while traveling and remembering the past and really regretted the fact how much their old world depended on the centralized electrical grid. She missed watching movie before sleep... or listening to music.

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she realized this Newnan place had phones! And better medical care by the looks of things! It all seemed like some small piece of utopia right now in her mind, though she realized things most likely weren't as peachy as she imagined them. They never were.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building one (infirmary)

Niesha was getting a little concerned about what was taking so long, and she glanced to the doors once more, pondering going in. She glanced to the grease, but figured that wouldn't be going anywhere, but part of her was concerned about the mess that she was-she didn't want to drag in grime and grease, and probably cause an infection if anyone had an open wound. Or have to end up cleaning up more mess. She was sure that she was covered in grease all over, in patches and she was too tired to have to clean up more mess.

Biting her lip, suddenly filled with uncertainity, She was sure if something had happened that there would be some sort of a commotion if anything was happening, so she calmed herself slightly, and shifted, Sighing to herself, Niesha looked back up to the sky, She closed her eyes again. She could go in, she supposed, and perhaps try and soothe things over with Astrid, but...she wasn't in any mood for that, too tired for it all right then.

Maybe tomorrow. She reached up and rubbed her eyes, like a little kid that was tired, and let out a slow breath, opening them again and looking to the infirmary door, waiting for Sophia to come back out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

Sophia nodded slightly towards Ashton, it was a name she didn't really mind her little nickname she looked towards Beni forgetting to introduce herself. She held out her right hand and smiled at him for a moment, it was certainly something that she had to look into for herself. "I'm Sophia Harris by the way. If your group needs my services i'd be willing to help with Ashton's approval of course." She introduced herself, then she heard the radio that Ash was holding going off hearing Tom's voice on the other end mentioning something of a Sat phone. Seeing the expression on Ash's face starting to change as Tom came into the infirmary and spoke into it, she Sophia looked towards the main door to the building.

"I guess i'll let you guys to your duties, i'll go run the old grease to fabrication for ya." She gave Beni a smile and a nod towards them, Sophia started off back out of the infirmary and spotted Niesha still waiting there she went up and pulled her into a loving hug and kiss. She wanted to tell Niesha the good news. "So apparently the guy in the Mess Hall earlier is from another group, he said he could help with this." Sophia said gesturing towards her left arm. It will certainly be a weight lifted off of her shoulders once they get things well underway with this new group with a new hand she would be able to do the old things she used to do a month ago before the bite.

Sophia then looked down at the grease and went down to lift up one end of it struggling with the one good hand she had she really was hopeful now that something can be done with it. "Anyway Ashton said, to take it to Fabrication." She told her and then blushed slightly she hadn't fully explored the town yet and didn't know where everything actually was at. "Where is it exactly?"

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Meghna looked between both Tatiana and Bazhooli for a moment as the two of them tried to work out a routine together, Bazhooli did have a point though they did just met today. She then turned towards Jack for a moment she wasn't sure on his opinion about doing something a little more flashy before speaking up. "Given the time, maybe something that isn't extravagant mainly for safety concerns for the two of you had just met as well. And I don't think either of you want to visit the infirmary so soon. But it's ultimately up to you if you trust each other I don't see the harm in it." Meghna said she didn't want anyone to get hurt, and since she was essentially running this event if either of them got hurt it would fall onto her. She then looked over towards Jack once again and gave the man a friendly smile it was also Jack's decision since the two of them are getting married.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond sighed slightly it was good that nothing had happened to her he turned to look up at Ed he still didn't trust the hell out of the man, he acted like a damn child before he passed out during the truck ride. Then the door opened Ray slowly turned his head wincing slightly at the pain as he saw Medic, Sana and the newcomer Astrid. "Thank you." Ray said softly as he watched the woman starting up the IV and watched as the antibiotic and plasma were hooked up to him. Ray closed his eyes once more then started to think of Tiffany as he opened them again looking at Ciel and the other kid with the broken leg.

"I uh have a request, could Tiffany come? I trust her, and she is the one who saved me." Ray asked he didn't know any of these people very well but he was grateful for what they were all doing to try and save him. The only person he had gotten to know well enough even if it had been the last few hours was Tiffany and the least he could do was at least make sure that she was safe and alright.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 35 min ago

Black James!

Location: Building C (James's House)

It would never have been unusual, before the Outbreak, to see someone sitting on their front porch carefully writing in a spiral bound notebook. Yet this day it seemed strange. The indomitable blackneck known to mere mortals as James Mandingo Grady set his mind to penning his thoughts, ideas, and plans for continued Agricultural prosperity for the people of Newnan. Or really anyone who wanted to read it.

The last man to draft something similar was Cap'n Ash. His homemade books were clean, precise; they were textbooks with marvelous annotation and excellent penmanship. James had no idea how the man was able to boil down years of training into five notebooks, each basically outlining the successes of his labor here in Newnan and how to repair/reproduce any of it. Plus his plans for the future and detailed instructions on their execution. Of course, the militant Virginian had also written another text that worried James, when he found out about it. It was his Will.

James knew that Ash was taking things very hard. He retreated into his cold, stoic exterior and lived there for a long time. Bu inside, the irreverent Mr. Grady could tell he was hurting badly. He also knew that a loaded pistol lay on the desk in front of Ash as he penned his works, and surmised that their commanding officer was giving serious consideration to using it on himself after he was done. In the end, he decided against it. But it still gave James the creeps, especially now that he was attempting the same feat.

His handwriting wasn't as clear as his literary predecessor, nor was he as mentally organized, hence his slower work. But he did work nonetheless, and it was legible, and James was making excellent progress. He detailed the logistics first; how much land they had, how many pounds of food it could produce (based upon type and availability of edible flora), he number of people it could feed, and growing/harvest times. Then he moved on to the processes. What to plant, when and how to do it, when to harvest. Staggering. Companion planting. Simple and alternate methods of fertilizing the land. Traditional methods, contemporary methods. James really poured the extent of himself into this notebook, enraptured with his mind accessing and recording the cornerstone knowledge of his upbringing. He had grown up in farms, often boasting that he received a more complete education there than public schools.

Admittedly, his knowledge of Agriculture, plant and animal both, had become a hell of a lot more important to the survival of mankind than solving for X. At least at face value.

James's plans for the sustainability of the community called for off season plantings and hopefully an array of supplementary goods. Some of these items they didn't have yet - but he knew a place where he could get it. Stonefruit, pears, citrus that could flourish in their latitude, nut trees perhaps. Things that required minimal upkeep but produced maximum, reliable yield and nutritional diversity. Things that they could grow in large tubs or barrels, that could turn any part of Newnan (even blacktop) into verdant, food producing space. Hell, if he could, James would turn every last inch of ground and rooftop not already claimed into crop space, one form or another. He began to write down plans for that, as well.

In his near-meditative state, something else clicked. Tea. Tea grew well in this part of Georgia, and could grow in poor soil almost as well as okra. They didn't need it to survive, persay, but by God it would help so much. And as it turned out, a lightbulb moment hit the rural gentleman. James even started giggling to himself. Risky proposal, all of it.

But when it came down to it, what wasn't risky anymore?

On a separate sheet of paper, James made two columns. One was labeled "Dunaway Gardens - Tea & Stuff", the other one "Ison's Nursery & Vineyard - Motherlode". He put aside his budding textbook project for the meantime, intent upon getting out this set of ideas while the muse had him. Oh yes, James could make this place green and growing. He could keep food in Newnan all year round. And possibly more importantly, James could keep Newnan caffeinated until the end of time. The Boss would appreciate that. It wasn't coffee, but a strong cup of black tea was just as effective in a pinch, not to mention the medicinal and fertilizing applications. This was important, and he could do it for his new family, even if it was the last thing he did upon this earth, it would be justifiably worth it.

Then remembering his promise to Ash, he flicked on his radio to Zoie's personal channel, "Hey girl. You a'ight? Need anything?" then he thought for a second, "Hey, you mind if'n I come by, run somethin' by ya? No pressure, ain't a thing, really. But I'm hopeful."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @Nallore @Morose @FantasyChic @Rivaan @Sigil - Astrid waits for the tell tale voice of God, I mean Ash to ring in through the Sat phone, looking over towards Raymond as he asks for another to come. Turning slightly she heads over to the other side of the room and leans back against the wall looking at the growing group. They seemed to have a decent set up here but it was by no means a long term solution. "We have one severed leg here as we thought but it seems more happened while we were on our way. We have two children here, one with a severe compound fracture and one who is suffering from severe malnutrition. Requesting permission to bring the children as well as the companion of the man who's leg was severed," she said in her usual flat tone. Keeping things short and informative. Turning her head slightly her tone changed. "These kids need our help Ash," she said, her voice a tad more caring than it normally was but it was something Ash would be used to. Anytime she dealt with children a softer side of Astrid came out. Looking back over to the group she waited for his answer as her hand rested on the beard of her ace and she looked over towards Ed a bit, raising a brow at his "haircut"

Lyon watched the woman intently as he sat there next to Ciel. He didn't like the idea of more people leaving their care but if Beni trusted them enough to send them here to get the new guy and for him to stay behind he had to trust them as well. It sat badly in the pit of his stomach but there was nothing that could be done about it right then. These people needed care, far more than Franklin could provide. Astrid had come in like a force, getting right to work, and then making a phone call as if she was an EMT back before everything had gone down, reporting into the hospital. Just how good were things over in Newnan?

@Nallore @Caits - Beni nods slightly. "Yes of course," he said before Sophia left. Outside Fabrication won't be difficult to find; it is in Building 5 across the street heading south west from the Courthouse right next to the Repair shop in building 4. Things outside seem pretty calm and looking about it seems that Richard has been working on repairing something for the town. He is wandering from the repair shop and back up north towards Zoies place about this time. He doesn't say anything, just giving a general nod in the girls direction as he continues on his way. Tom from the Armory rushed by with the sat phone but pays no one any mind as he speeds into the Infirmary to drop it off for Ash, before turning tail and running right back to the Armory. The man isn't leaving weapons alone even behind locked doors for long with so many new people in town. Fabrication will have an area designated for recycling oils and such with a clip board on the wall to write down what was dropped of, from where, when it was left, and by who.

@Nallore @Sigil @Morose - Tatiana looked over towards Jack and remembered their many dance lessons together - The Chicken Dance was very popular. She adored Jack, loved him more than anything, but she was not going to delude herself. The man was not the most graceful. Okay, he was in his own sweet and endearing way but with pins flying around and possible knives at one point in the future... Yeah, she didn't want him at risk. She had seen the circus growing up and what they did in Vegas as well. These were not simple acts, people did die. Wouldn't that be something, to die in the circus instead of by a Walker in this day and age. "Nyet, not for tonight. Future, get better. Tonight simple. Ve can work Jack in, if he vant," she said before looking up and smiling at Jack. "No hov you say? Goffing?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Cafeteria -> Infirmary

The group made their way back to the Infirmary and Tiffany was happy to be back, as shocking as that was. After handing off their goods she noticed the phone call. It took her a minute, but she realized this was the first time she actually saw a working phone since the start of these events. Walkie-talkies were used before in her old school, but she never realized how much she missed talking on a phone.

She overheard Ray and was thankful he was awake and doing well, though he didn't sound as good as he was. Her heart jumped a bit when he requested she come with him to Newnan. His concern for her was almost unbelievable considering he was without a leg. She hoped they would allow it and if it was possible to get Ray and the kids help, then she would take on that task and travel to Newnan.

Her primary concern was how they would be getting there. She assumed it would be via car or truck as they had injured. She stepped into the room and made her way over to Ray with a warm smile, "Hey, sorry to leave you like that, but I'm back. Seems like we're going to be heading out soon." She hoped Ray would be able to handle the trip there.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel overheard Astrid's request to bring the boy with the broken leg and himself along to Newnan with Ray. He wasn't really sure how he felt about that. It would be best if he was somewhere well equipped to treat his advanced malnutrition, but at the same time moving was sure to be uncomfortable. "Oy, vey..." He coughed out, an expression of distaste, the first thing he'd said since he'd taken ill. Hopefully this wouldn't turn into yet another worst-case scenario.

He thought for a moment about what means the others planned to use to get three people, one of whom a full grown adult, out of town with any degree of speed and efficiency. He hoped for the sake of his own fragile sense of dignity that they didn't plan to carry him all the way to Newnan. He'd always hated being carried. especially by strangers. It just felt highly unsafe. He coughed again, a few more drops of blood staining the side of his face. Even though he was on IV and was technically sufficiently hydrated, he felt like he was going to die if he didn't get water within the next hour. Besides that, his stomach hurt and he felt dizzy if he so much as moved a finger. So he continued to lie mostly still, though he remained awake.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Bazhooli wanted to involve him? Jack tried not to get sucked back into his fantasy, with the Eye of the Tiger being the only song he could possibly perform to. If anything, his best role would be adoring fianceé, cheering Tatiana on from the crowd, and panicking more than slightly over the danger of the stunts. It wasn't that he didn't think Tatiana could do anything she set her mind to--it was more that he didn't know Bazhooli well enough yet.

And yet, the man was his best man. He'd trust him, if Tatiana did. Anything to see that smile on her face. "Oh, solovey, you know me. Goofing runs in my blood. Hudson family genes and all. Can't just turn it off an' on again."

He did, of course, agree with Meg and Tatiana. A simple show would be the best, especially for the first night. And maybe after that, Tatiana could do one of her ballets? Swan Lake was a ballet right? And the Nutcracker? Les Miserables? Those were all ballets...right?

Édouard Riviere

Location: The Infirmary (Franklin)

At Lyon's chuckle, Édouard frowned deeply. Seemed Captain Stub thought he was a funny one. He curled his hand into a fist, tempted to smash the man's nose in, and leave him there to deal with his own mess. Just because the guy was missing a leg, didn't mean Éd had to be nice to him. And right as Édouard was about to give into his rage, new people burst into the infirmary.

Among them, there was yet another woman! Typical. Lyon realized Sana failed to seduce him, so he brought in another one to try with. And just like Sana, this one seemed to be so sweet, so doting, so caring...Aww, look at the way she tended to Ray and the kids! It made Édouard sick to his stomach, and he crossed himself, as if to ward off demonic spirits. The woman having a phone didn't shock him too much. After running into another Frenchman, nothing was all too shocking.

And there was the door, so open, so tempting! If he could just slip out...

Well, what was the harm in it? They all seemed to be distracted. He didn't need to be stuck in all of this shit. And so, bowing his head slightly, as to be theatrical, Édouard waltzed out of the infirmary--or at least, he would try to.

Tryke Lockley

Location: Franklin

Right. No answer from Michael Jackson about his hand. If he hadn't been holding a riffle with intent to kill anyone who tried anything, she might have given into the temptation to just tug the glove off, and see what wonders appeared. But she supposed he did have a point about introducing herself first. No one she had met that day actually knew her name.

The temptation to call herself Tessa Tesla was pretty high. Her actual name, Trillium Brite Lockley, wasn't the most fun. It was perhaps the single benefit of the apocalypse--no more nerds realizing who she was, and squealing about the sci-fi franchise her parents started. But with her luck, one of these assholes would recognize it all the same. Better to go with the nickname. Less chance of her being found out that way. "Call me Tryke." Of course, Marx--the most idiotic name she'd ever heard, even compared to hers--had his eyes trained on some chick. Typical.

She started glancing around, half wishing for an excuse to just leave. This experiment in social participation was proving to be a bore so far. Her bike provided better company, and it didn't pretend to be the goddamn king of pop. At least Bridgette was amusing. Her brand of impatient and cheeky sarcasm made her not as awful as the rest of the fuckers in Tryke's book. She tapped her fingers against her leg, letting herself get lost in her thoughts about how to improve Sheila--her bike. Perhaps boosting engine efficiency would be her next pet project...

"Oh, right, you were going to tell us what the fuck was wrong with your hand, right, Marx? You're not related to the communist, are you? Killer name to be branded with." She looked directly at Marx, unwavering in her gaze. She wasn't a people person; she was a robot person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building one (infirmary)--->outside building Five, Fabrication

Niesha looked up, a little relieved when Sophia appeared. She thought she might end up standing there for a while, with the grease next to her. Being pulled into a hug, and a kiss, Niesha was a little flustered. She still wasn't use to it, doubted she'd ever be use to it. She shifted slightly, aware that she was still covered in grim. As Sophia spoke, about her hand, Niesha gave her a smile, pleased for her, but still a little guilty about Sophia losing her hand. It didn't matter how many times Sophia said it wasn't her fault, Niesha believed it was. THe fact that Sophia didn't seem to hate her, baffled Niesha a little bit. Okay, a lot. But she was pleased that Sophia had this opportunity. She just wished Sophia didn't need it. "Thats great" She said brightly.

Leaning down to help lift the grease once more, Niesha thought a moment, recalling the layout of the area, she tried to recall where fabrication was, but she hadn't had much to do with that, if anything. Hesitating a moment, "I think its near the repair shop, down this way" she said, starting to lead the way, hoping she was taking them the right way. Returning Richard's nod, Niesha nearly called out to ask if they were going the right way, but decided against it, Shifting her grip as Tom ran past them.

Relieved once they reached Fabrication, Niesha let out a slow breath, "This is it"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Everything in the infirmary was going quite well in a way. It was even more surprising that the folk from Newnan seemed to want to bring over the children along with Ray back to their settlement. Since they seemed to have a lot better condition than the group here had, it probably was the best idea for their survival. Especially Ray he's condition was quite dangerous right now thought the children also needed a lot of care. It was fine though one thing caught her attention right away. Ed seemed to be up to something again! She never let him completely out of her field of view and constantly tracked him with her peripheral vision at the very least. Was he trying to... walk away? Well he was going to have to pass near Amelia to do so cause since they had arrived back from the kitchen, she stood near the doorway.

There was now a very specific thought forming in her mind, a desire to screw with Ed, but also the desire to stay away from him as much as possible. There was currently a warfare going on in her mind between her rational and irrational side. She wanted to trip him as he was heading off towards the door, but was it not better to just poke Lyon and get his attention towards Ed?

'Aghh...' She was thinking before finally pulling on Lyon's shirt.” What do we do about him?” She whispered to Lyon, pointing at the currently trying to sneak away Ed.
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