The Night Begins
Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park
Saturday Night
The more emboldened actions of Bakuto and Tony were met with finally some reward as Tony successfully slew the bat-like Hollow, coming at it with a sweeping approach, while Bakuto's actions managed to do some damage to the dog hollow, but not quite land a direct blow. Such an over the top approach was not suitable for catching something more mobile. This however did open them up to attacks from the others, the humanoid hollows swinging their thick log-like arms right at the two, sending them flying a few or several feet. Given that they committed decently to their respective attacks, their chances of defending themselves from it were not great.
Mikazuki successfully caught the attention of the lizard hollow and entered direct combat with it, trading blows as he deflected it's approaches, the claws being bounced off his blade before landing a couple licks with his ripostes. It was unfortunately not enough to defeat it.
Try as the group might however, one glance back over to Ouga and they would realize their time was up.
Ouga vs Regalhorn
While the battle with the hollows and the new substitutes took place, a litany of thunder and destruction played out at the park entrance as Ouga and Regalhorn came to blows. After the initial blast of lightning from his zanpakuto, Ouga proceeded to charge right at the large hollow, and to his surprise as he swung his Douroki Douji, Regalhorn's fist made contact, what appeared to be a bone-like armor formed around it, allowing the soul devouring demon to safely strike against a lightning explosion. The initial clash was disengaged as Ouga took it in... He wasn't going to be able to just bowl his way through, and even with his Shikai, for a Hollow to be able to match it was exceptional.
"I guess doin' is believin', not even a Gillian and you can already measure up against a Shikai... I can see why you've been able to last",
"Hmph, a compliment? Or are you simply measuring? It matters not, prattle as you please, for you only delay your end",
"We'll see 'bout that".
A series of thundering clashes erupted throughout the fight, each strike from Douroki Douji was met with a solid resistance, fist against bat, lightning against bone. Each strike had different intensities and even types of lightning as Ouga tried to find the best way to pierce Regalhorn's defenses, yet he found himself gritting his teeth for the long haul as each time the bone armor seemed to be able to be broken by his strike, another of different composition would be made to match it. This wasn't good, Hollow were tireless, and though they also had limited reiryoku, they did not feel tiredness from lacking it. If this kept up, it would only end badly for him.
There was a brief pause in their clashes as Ouga took a step back, entering a stance before the entire bat glowed with lightning. "Raishougeki!" What sounded like the roar of an engine would ring out before being followed by a single straight flash of lightning and at the very end of that road was Regalhorn, the blast creating a large cloud of dust. The attack was quick, almost instant if not at least at a significantly high speed. It was not as heavy as his direct strikes, but it was fast, with immense range. He hoped it would be quick enough to strike before Regalhorn could form the bone armor.
His eyes widened as Regalhorn emerged from the smoke, bursting forward as he threw a punch, managing to catch Ouga off-guard as he managed to only partially raise his zanpakuto to defend himself, causing him to go hurtling back several feet before stopping himself to a sliding halt. It was a success, as his eyes told him, yet not a big enough one to change the tide of this battle. Regalhorn after that attack spotted a burn upon his chest, meaning he managed to hit him, yet even his raw body was strong.
"Tch... Not enough huh. Just what kind of diet have you had?"
"Impressive speed, with an ability boasting power, even I was surprised by that, yet it appears it was not enough", he stood up straight, before walking towards Ouga. "However, our playtime is over, you have shown me enough for me to be satisfied. Goodbye Shinigami with the interesting hair". Regalhorn's hand raised with each step, spiked bones forming as he prepared to deliver a fatal blow, and just as it appeared he might do it...
An array of blue light wrapped itself around Regalhorn, halting his movement completely. Even with his barbaric strength, he could not break free from it. Ouga's eyes did not deceive him, he was saved in this moment. So this was the favor Shouko was talking about.
"It is quite rude to bring an old man out so late at night, only to be met with a ruffian... Or two", the old man's eyes rested upon Ouga as he cited the second. He wore a gray coat, had a well-groomed beard and mustache and slick back hair, eyes a deep almost glowing blue. This man was Hilmar Schuttmann. He pulled back the sleeve of his coat to reveal a few glowing tattoos as he held what appeared to be a silver cross enclosed in a circle. It was most certainly a religious symbol yet unclear exactly what it was.
"Well you know the drill already, I can only provide support. The killing blow must be yours", Ouga appeared to psych himself as he stood up, his bat glowing as he was not about to waste this chance.
"I'll ignore the last comment. Get ready for the big one", he bolted, exerting his body to the fullest extent as he lunged right at Regalhorn, pouring all of his reiatsu into this strike. Regalhorn however was not sitting idly by while bound, creating bone blades around his bound areas to cut himself free... But not every binding, no, he concentrated it around his right arm. He only had time to cut himself free, not take on and defend himself from the incoming blow and so he did not try to, instead... He grabbed a nearby hollow that squealed in terror realizing what he was doing as he used it as a shield. That hollow was vaporized almost immediately by the powerful blow, and the ensuing shockwave would break all the bindings too, setting Regalhorn free, yet he knew his chances were now slim now that one of those were present.
"Hmph, I see now the tides have turned, yet this is but a delay... The power I feel from this town will become mine. Mark my words", he swiped his cape, causing his form to disappear as Ouga attempted to follow-up, only to swing into nothingness.
At the same time as the old man Hilmar had arrived, so too did another substitute Shinigami, Enishi Rei. With the element of surprise on her side she was bound to take out maybe one or two of the hollow present, and everyone else could clean the rest up. It had been awhile, but due to certain circumstances she had been forbidden from doing shinigami duties, though it was not hers or the two Shinigami recruiters' request. It was Hilmar's. Perhaps there was some excitement to her appearance today, at the very least that may be what she felt as she was able to wield this power yet again. The reasons to her restriction were not known to her, and so like a child unleashed upon a playground in months she was filled with vim and vigor.
"Dry are the tears of the crestfallen"
"Long have they endured, the night speaks to them in darkness"
"Yet wherefore does one seek truth and salvation... One must clutch it for themselves, or take the hand that offers it"
"And so I offer my hand... Weep, Mugetsu Higanbana"
Erupting around Sara was a black and red flame, it's embers and arches resembling that of the flower petals of a lycoris lily, or the spider lily. She had never seen it before, yet the voice that rang out around was familiar, it was Shouko's. Very different to the voice she was hearing much, much earlier, and as the flames engulfed the area around her, she could see the sky and buildings flicker and fade, before she found herself in a much more recognizable street... They were not too far from the park, after recognizing a couple landmarks like a store or a specific lamp crossing or lamp post. Regardless, Shouko appeared standing behind her, her parasol zanpakuto having sprouted blades, and changed into a much larger shape, and no blade present whatsoever.
In turn, the hollow that Sara was fighting howled in pain, the feminine voice it had was distorted as it writhed, before slinking away into the shadows almost immediately. The flames of Shouko's zanpakuto attempted to give chase, yet the night favored this one especially well as the darkness became its ally.
"Hm, so it escapes yet again... Perhaps I am ill suited to slay it", she mused to herself.
"You did well hanging in there Sara, yet you became reckless near the end... The others will have gotten back up also. Please, take a moment to compose yourself and we will be off", as always she appeared somewhat cold, yet her words spoke of consideration.
Mitsuaki's plan was rather ill-conceived, he would look at either side of him and notice blades beginning to every few seconds slice right through, once on the left, once on the right, and then again and again... Each one closing in on him. The attempt to go through the top would fail and a blade would manage to slice right through his shoulder. Even if he raised his blade, it would only partially block the blow. The hollow would circle around before heading inside to inspect it's prey and as it's mask was but inches from his face, it suddenly flinched, backing away and almost yelling. It's form shivered and rattled briefly, before smashing it's face against the floor of the park. It was strange what he was seeing but... To him, it appeared as if it was trying to resist something, before it would howl and leap off into the night... The experience was, strange to say the least and yet the voice that howled in that moment seemed a little familiar...