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Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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Karina Frost

Karina heard the being's words with skepticism. Fan of religions or not, being revered wasn't a prerequisite a creature like him needed to have so he could influence and control the fates of humans. After all, what he was doing to them was exactly what a self-proclaimed 'god' would do... He used and manipulated them.

'Gods' or any kind of creature that were seen as such were always the same... It's in their very essence to be selfish and egocentric. To use and manipulate the lives of thousands for what they believe to be 'the greater good'... Constantly intervening and manipulating, silently robbing makind of their free will.

Humanity does not need such interference.

As he continued speaking though, despite Karina's clear waryness and antipathy towards him, she couldn't help but find a certain reason within his words. The Cult was a plague. At least, it was definitely a much bigger and immediate menace than the being currently was. Despite that, his attitude and his words when he said that this world 'tires' him and how he spoke about the 'humanity' were a clear indication that Karina shouldn't forget what he truly was.

"In the end, it's just about your own interests, isn't it? After all, why should you care about the feelings, lives or the future of mere pawns? Of lesser creatures? In your eyes, we exist only to be used and further your own goals, don't we?" Karina asked with a very sharp gaze towards 'Bud'.

"As much as you use us, we will use you in return. This is simply a 'transaction' after all... And the terms of this contract are bound to change if one side realizes that it's getting less than the other..." Karina said with a terribly cold stare towards Bud, further adding and agreeing with Octavio's words as he mentioned that we weren't doing him any favours.

When Chres said that he didn't care about them, the being's answer almost made Karina laugh as he said that he 'still cared' in his own broken way.

"Oh but you do. In the same way one would care about their investments or their business, isn't it?" Karina continued, carefully watching the being's reactions as she spoke.

Despite everything, Karina could still see a way how both of them could benefit from a 'contract'. The Being was using them, so they would use it in return. He would be freed from this world and they would get rid of the Cult. It was a fair exchange. Perhaps even advantageous to them, as they might see themselves free from the Being's influence once everything was over...

Or that was what Karina thought before she heard about the 'conditions' for the pacts he made, which were the very things that sustained his existence.

The moment the being spoke about the conditions, Karina simply stood still, in shock for some time, still trying to understand what exactly he had said. It was only when he spoke aboud Vi'daerus that she finally realized what he had done to them.

At that moment, the words the being said previously during the fight came back to haunt Karina's mind, cutting it like a blade.

“No matter where you go. No matter what you achieve. The weight of his name will follow, and the ‘respect’ given will never really be your own.”

In the end, she would never surpass her father... Everything she did and would do in her life, all her achievements, all her effort would be stolen from her. To die in anonimity, without a name, without anything.

Hatred and anger were everything she could feel. Right now, she didn't care about how the being felt about the costs of his pact, or how guilty he seemed to feel.

Cold winds swirled rapidly around her as spikes formed around her feet as she walked towards the being, her rapier unsheathed as she did so. Unlike the ice around her, her eyes were burning with hatred.

Even though Karina had nearly exhausted her magic on the previous fight, her hatred was still enough to make the remaining magic she had go rampant. It was clear to those around her that she had completely lost control of her own magic. Fortunately, she was already exhausted enough to cause any harm or destruction.

The remaining heat on Karina's body quickly left as she stared towards the being. Even if she tried, she was simply unable to say anything. Words couldn't possibly describe the hatred she felt right now, how powerless she felt, knowing that she simply couldn't do anything against him.

Just as the being was about to disappear, Karina's lips started to move. The ominous and grim words that could be read from her lips were enough to freeze one's soul to the core...

"This world will be your prison. From now until the end of times. You will be powerless, useless, irrelevant and forgotten but I will not let you die..."
Karina said just as the being disappeared, a moment before falling down on one knee, followed by the other, then her hands and finally, only then letting go of her rapier as she fell unconscious, her body dangerously cold to the touch as there was no heat left within it for her magic to use.

Time: 11am
Location: Entrance to the forest near the shooting range
Interactions: Hanna @Potter

With her plans to relax at the park and watch the archery competition being completely ruined, Mayet was definitely running out of patience. Her stay on Caesonia seemed to have only given her problem after problem. Fortunately, both for her and Nala, she ended up overhearing about a hunting event on the forest just after the Shooting Range. Despite the terrible humor that the recent events had put her into, she couldn't help but let out a smile as she turned to Nala.

"Since our plans to relax were completely ruined... What do you say about us going to that hunting trip I promised before?" Mayet asked, nodding towards the entrance of the forest as she looked at Nala, which turned towards her with an almost skeptical look on her eyes as she observed the few people that were gathering near the entrance with their hunting gear.

"Oh, them? Just ignore them... If they're smart, they'll keep out of our way and if they're not... Well... I'm sure they will learn very quickly." Mayet said with a mischievous smirk as she leaned forward, gently touching her forehead against Nala's, which now seemed to be a bit more comfortable and excited about going hunting after Mayet's words.

"Besides... You know as well as I do that they won't be able to keep up with us." Mayet said as she stood up with a smile as she started making her way to the entrance of the forest.

Among the people who were gathering to the hunting event, many of whom Mayet was certain that had never hunted anything bigger than a fox, there were a few whom definitely knew what they were doing. One of which was the woman whom apparently was going to be their game warden. Even though Mayet did not like her attitude and the tone of her voice, Mayet would turn a blind eye to it... As long as she didn't speak in that tone with her. Besides, she would definitely be helpful in keeping the others on a tight leash and let Mayet and Nala hunt freely.

Mayet arrived just as the woman finished giving her warning to the other hunters. Despite not saying a word, it was, as usual, almost impossible to ignore her presence. Even though Nala by herself already drew a lot of attention, Mayet wasn't behind by any means. Besides Mayet's exotic appearance and her intimidating, regal air of confidence, another thing that drew attention was the fact that Mayet didn't seem to be carrying any equipment that would be considered necessary for other hunters. No armor other than the simple, short black dress she was wearing and the gold jewelry adorning her, no weapons other than her ring-blade and a few circular, razor sharp blades that she wore on each of her wrist, each one of those with a similar black and gold motif as her blade. The glint coming from them was a clear hint that they weren't just decorations.

If anyone else showed up like Mayet did for a hunting trip other than Mayet, they would be labeled as simply being overconfident nobles that believed the world itself would bend to their will and nothing wrong could ever happen to them but for some reason, it was different for Mayet. One glance in her eyes was all it took to notice that there was... something more to Mayet. There was a certain dangerous, sharp look in her eyes, something that hinted that she could be just as dangerous as the majestic tigress that accompanied her.

"I suppose I can allow someone to join me if a group is really necessary... As long as they can keep up with us. Or at least won't get on our way when we're hunting." Mayet said as both her and Nala looked to Hanna and the rest of the hunters with very sharp eyes, almost as if she was trying to measure their abilities.

Catherine listened to Anki with an annoyed expression after they tried searching around the Elven Quarters for a bit. Their task was definitely going to be even more exhausting than she had previously imagined.

"We know basically nothing about our target then... Great..." she said, with a sarcastic chuckle just after she heard Anki saying that this female elf was 'indistinguishable' from the rest of the elves in Cendana.

"I agree with Anki. Actively going around searching for something we know nothing about isn't really an option. Especially if whoever we're trying to find doesn't want to be found." She said, sighing.

"Whether we will take the passive approach like Anki said or actively try going around as tourists and asking is up to you. Just don't expect me of be of much help in the latter one." Catherine said with a chuckle as she started rummaging through her stuff for a moment, before she grabbed two different vials, one with a gray-ish liquid and another one with a clear one.

"Regarding what you said about an invisibility potion though... Invisibility is a very expensive, complicated and very unstable potion. One small change in temperature, concentration of the reagents or even too little or too much light while mixing it might cause the entire batch to go to waste. Luckily, I have something almost as good though." She said as she slowly poured the contents of one vial into the other one, gently mixing it as the mixture began taking a very light gray, pearlescent tone.

"I discovered this potion completely by mistake when I accidentally ruined a batch of invisibility potion by mixing it with the extract of the gland of a specific creature that utilizes pheromones to hide itself from predators. It works by bending light around you, not enough to make you invisible like a proper invisibility potion, but enough to hide most distinguishing features. Normally this would have almost the opposite effect you would want from an invisibility potion, turning you into a blurred, barely defined but easily seen silhouette. But the pheromones trick the brain into 'making up' the rest of the information it doesn't have." Catherine said, explaining as the liquid gradually changed tone until it finally got stable.

"To others, you would look like a perfectly normal, 'random passerby' in the corner of their eye... As long as they believe you to be exactly that. An unimportant, random passerby. The moment they focus their attention on you, the complete inability of their brain to gather any relevant information, such as recognizing any discernible feature will basically send it into alert. The conflicting information being processed by their brains, with part it wanting to 'make up' for the information they don't have, influenced by the pheromones and the other part of their brain trying to focus and identify the information it doesn't have will immediately make them realize that there's something going on. In their eyes, you'll look like a blurred, out-of-focus image of yourself. Kind of a dead giveaway if you want to be discrete." Catherine said as she handed the potion to Anki.

"Obviously, this potion won't be of much help to the one who will be pose as the tourist. Although it might help the others to not be around but not being noticed while Dumas tries asking around." Catherine finished as she waited for their decision.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Oasis near Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Slick @FunnyGuy

No matter how fascinating humans could be though, their tendency to start conflicts and their apparent tendency to always try to display dominance were starting to annoy Nuallán... and Slick wasn't an exception to that.

While there were some humans that were definitely more... sensible, a good deal of them showed themselves to be innately adept to start conflicts... Be it with their words or their actions. While this was something that the light elves might need right now, would the humans be able to keep themselves under control and learn how to live in Avalia, should they decide to stay...? Or they would end up being the embers to light the flames of even bigger conflicts and set all Avalia ablaze?

Staying true to Nuallán's thoughts, Slick's rough reply to his 'warning' was as far as anything could be from an apology, instead going as far as risking to offend them even further. Despite that, Nuallán would let it go simply with a warning in respect for Lady Rosaria. Even humans were bound to learn how to behave sooner or later. If they didn't learn despite Princess Rosaria's kindness... Only then he would act.

Finally taking his icy gaze away from Slick, Nuallán continued his task of escorting Princess Rosaria and her guest to their hunting trip, watching as Slick crouched, aiming at an antelope before shooting an arrow directly at it's throat.

The moment the arrow hit the Antelope though, a huge creature suddenly appearing, leaping from a tall rock structure and crushing the Antelope as it fell, facing the group as it demanded to know who gave them permission to hunt on it's territory.

"Lady Rosaria..." Nuallán said in a very low tone, giving a step forward and putting himself between the creature and the princess.

"Avoiding a direct confrontation might be possible, seeing how the creature did not simply attack us. It might be the safest option, seeing how it seems to be able to see us despite the spell..." he said, avoiding to put his hand on his sword but still ready to act if necessary, as he waited for Rosaria's reply and her decision on what to do.
Karina Frost

As Sil's voice became weaker and weaker, Akai grew even more worried. She didn't know what to do other than take both of them to safety... She didn't even know what's wrong with Sil... but she did know that she was definitely losing her. The situation became even worse when Sil stopped speaking

"SIL! STOP PLAYING WITH ME! WAKE UP!" Akai shouted as she continued taking both her and Lynx to a safe location.

"THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOKES!... Wake up... Both of you... Please!" Akai said, a mix of anger, fear, desperation and sadness in her voice as she watched, powerless as Sil went unconscious.

Kneeling on the ground, already beyond the point of exhaustion, Karina watched, relieved as her ice spear tore the heart off from the distorted creature that Lord O'Kal had become. While it was another small victory for them, there were still two hearts remaining... Even though Karina wouldn't be of much help, she forced herself to get up... The battle wasn't over yet.

The very moment she slowly but surely stood up though, time suddenly stopped around her. Without any time to react to the strange situation, a huge shadow covered her, taking a very familiar form... Her father, General Viktor Frost. Together with it, a voice called out to her, the voice of 'The Being', saying how she would never escape the fate of living under her father's shadow... She could feel it... That voice was mocking her, mocking her accomplishments and everything she was. It's words were like needles, aiming precisely to the small cracks in the armor Karina built around her heart and mind...

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!" Karina shouted, covering her ears, trying, with no avail, to make the voice go away as it continued.

"YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME, ABOUT MY LIFE AND WHO I AM!!" she continued, with burning hatred in her eyes and voice as she said so.

As the time began to flow again, Karina soon saw herself surrounded, together with the other soldiers and the rest of her group, by sharpened tentacles. In the blink of an eye, each and every one of them was bound by a tentacle.

"I will not fall without fighting!" Karina said, muttering to herself as she did her best to resist the tentacles.

Even knowing that it was a useless effort, Karina simply couldn't give up now... Not after everything she went through. She refused to be remembered as someone who was right, but lacked strength to act up to her words...

At that very moment, the same being, who came to mock her appeared once again. The moment he did, Karina's eyes once again filled with hatred. Initially, she thought that it had come once again to mock her, to say how she would be reminded as nothing more than a failure... But this time, it's target seemed to be someone else, as it turned towards the twisted creature that was once Sightles Nieffar.

Something happened as The Being spoke to Nieffar... Something that it did... Or maybe something that was already happening even before it appeared... Regardless, just as it had said it was happening, cracks started appearing from the Seed's base, 'rot' as the Being had mentioned, quickly spreading towards Nieffar's tentacles and soon enough to it's spine, ending on it being completely split from the seed.

Karina, falling to the ground after the 'rot' took Nieffar, was finally able to breathe again. Although they were not able to win that battle... They were now safe... at least for now. Unfortunately, as much as Karina tried, she simply wasn't able to get up. She knew that she had overexerted herself, both physically and magically. Still, even exhausted, she still found enough energy within herself to send the being a burning stare of hatred as he turned to her, Chres, Týfurkh, Octavio and Jen.

The stump of the seed, after being salted, had turned into something Karina knew well... A very rare resource that was always seen and dealt with extreme urgency and cautiousness, due to it's effects and how it could be used as a weapon against her father and the Military forces he commanded...

”Shadow metal…”

Karina's expression of hatred didn't change as she heard Chres' words. She kept looking towards the being, watching his every movement and word as it clapped, congratulating them with an arrogant tone.

Silently, Karina heard, still regaining her breath from the previous fight, as the being answered to Týfurkh and Chres' questions, mentioning how the reason for him having chosen them was but a gamble and how he was 'useless', stating that his influence in the world was stripped long ago. His explanation continued, mentioning how the Seed was drawing power from another source... Vi'daerus, the Omniscient as he called it.

His explanation, while fantastical, was not exactly impossible to believe, after everything they've seen and went through. The fact that the Insight could bring someone closer to 'godhood' to omniscience, wasn't hard to believe and would explain a lot of the unbelievable powers the sightless had.

Despite all that explanation... There was still one thing the Being, or 'Bud', didn't explain on detail...

"You still haven't answered us. Who... What are you?? Why shouldn't I believe that you are exactly the same as this Vi'daerus you speak about??" Karina asked, her voice and tone sharp as a knife as she looked towards 'The Being', or as he told them to call him, 'Bud'.

"You used us... You used all of us as mere pawns. Sending us to an almost suicide mission based on nothing but a gamble!" she said, shouting as she finally stood up again, pointing her rapier towards him.

"Not very unlike how this Vi'dareus used the sightless, isn't it?" Karina asked, looking directly towards Bud.

"You... Vi'daerus... You both seek to play god with a world that isn't yours, don't you? We are not pawns to be used, pieces of a game to be manipulated. Your influence was stripped from you and even this Vi'daerus needs very specific circumstances to exert his power..." she said, still staring daggers at him.

"It seems that I'm not the only one that rejects your kind... This world seems to do it as well..." she said with a mocking smirk towards him... A small payback for everything he said and did.

"Humanity does not need gods to control and restrict them. And we will not let any creature with such aspirations to do as it desires." she finished, looking to Bud defiantly.

While Karina would like to keep the properties of the shadow metal any amount of it and even it's very existence a secret from as many people as she could, the moment Týfurkh asked more about it and Bud said they were free to take it, Chres immediately said for them not to, proceeding to explain it's properties and exactly what it was before staring at her, seeking confirmation for his words.

"There will not be any oversight to any amount of Shadow Metal leaving this room." she said with a cold tone, looking to both Týfurkh and Chres. Both her tone and her stare were clear warnings that she would not budge on that matter.

"The Shadow Metal will be secured by the Military of Touch and dealt with accordingly." She said, her eyes making it clear that she wouldn't comment on that matter any further.

Even though Shadow Metal was a very rare resource, there was a reason why the Military spared no effort to secure any amount of Shadow Metal they went through and even to keep both it's existence and properties a secret by spreading disinformation. The very fact that Chres and the rest knew that the Seed had turned into Shadow Metal would be dealt with in a very serious manner by the Military. They would do anything so that information wouldn't become public.

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS

After everything Faye went through the last day, it was no wonder that she slept like a rock. So much in fact, that it was remarkably hard for her to wake up on time on the next morning. When she arrived... or better... 'blinked' inside the room where the meeting was going on... one entire hour after what they had agreed upon, it was painfully obvious she had just woken up due to her messy (even more than usual) hair and her clothes, which seemed to have been put on a hurry and the cup of hot chocolate, which she was holding with both hands, taking small sips from it every now and then.

"Morning... Sorry guys... I swear I did set up my cellphone to wake me up..." Faye replied to Amanda and the rest of the team rubbing her eyes after a long yawn.

Faye was just barely able to understand Amanda's explanation, thanks to the cup of hot chocolate she was sipping from, which was basically stolen from one of the waitresses when Faye blinked to the cafeteria, grabbed it from the tray one of the waitresses was taking to other tables and then promptly blinked away after mumbling something along the lines of being late, hungry and sleepy.

"Micheal has a point... We should probably look for staff members who are not where they were supposed to be... Maybe the Parking Lot or somewhere where the mole could get in contact with his people without other staff members hearing? Maybe due to their 'smoke break' or something...? Plus, every single staff member should have access to the parking lot or other common locations, right?" Faye said as she gave another sip of her hot chocolate and making a very pleased expression after doing so.

"I don't know what they put on this, but it's definitely more than just hot chocolate... Maybe ginger or something like that? It's just so good..." she said, holding the cup of hot chocolate close to her chest, warming herself with it.

Time: 10am
Location: Sorian Park
Interactions: Lady Priscilla @mellowdy, Crystal @Heartfillia, Kieran @prosaic, Duke Lorenzo Vikena @FunnyGuy

The very momeny Crystal's guards replied to her, Mayet's expression immediately hardened as she tightened her grip on her ring-blade.

"You two ignorant fools have no idea who I am... Do you? No... Of course you don't... To approach royalty with two armed bodyguards, despite the former having none would already be insanity... Let alone if that royal is me..." Mayet said, with sharp eyes and visible anger in her voice as she looked at the guards.

"You two should step back, lest I paint this beautiful grass red with your blood..." Mayet said with a cold, threatening stare as she looked towards the guards, once again with no semblance of fear in her expression.

If her stare wasn't enough, even the guards could clearly tell that, judging by her tone, her words were definitely more than just a simple bluff.

Fortunately Mayet, at least at that moment, was at least somewhat placated when Crystal, ate the bit of pancake she had 'offered' previously.

"Good. I would advise you to rein in your bodyguards... I will overlook this incident, since you were so kind to bring me a pancake." Mayet said, her expression softening a bit as she took a bite of the pancake herself.

"Hm... It's a bit... plain... but overall, the taste is indeed quite interesting! It seems it would go quite well with the most varied toppings!" Mayet said, surprised after tasting it.

"I am grateful for your kindness." she said, taking another glance towards Crystal, smiling at her.

Soon after, the red haired man introduced himself as he replied her small provocation with a quick, smart reply, mentioning how it wasn't polite to say that from a distance.

"Quick thinking... That was a smart reply." Mayet said with a chuckle and an amused expression, a subtle but still noticeable sign of her approval.

While most noblewomen would find such a... bold and direct compliment rather scandalous, Mayet did not react in such a way. Instead, her reaction was clearly directed towards his reply. The feeling she gave of as she spoke was almost as if her posture, her tone and her very presence made it clear that she knew she was beautiful... and definitely didn't need validation from anyone.

That entire situation was so absurd Mayet found it hard to believe it was happening. It was honestly, incredibly hard to either miss or confound Mayet with someone else... Even back in Alidasht. And despite that, the Caesonian nobles still seemed to be very determined to make Mayet lose her composure and kill someone.

"I will not repeat myself..." Mayet said as she looked towards Lady Harlow, finally getting up as she gave a step forward just after Kieran said it would be smart if Lady Harlow followed her suggestion.

Truth be told, Mayet didn't act because she was protecting Priscilla. Her only reason to act was that not only that 'Lady Harlow' was disturbing her peace, but she had the gall to approach without being called and even ignored Mayet! Which probably was the biggest offense among the others...

It was at that moment that she heard a faintly familiar voice calling her... A voice that did not bring her any good memories...


The death stare she gave towards Duke Vikena as he called her, without even using her title, was honestly, terrifying. Was that her fault, for being merciful and even kind enough to give him a few words of advice back at the ball? Did he mistake her mercy and kindness and now thought they were now close?

Shocked, Mayet watched in silence as Lorenzo proceeded to invite her to his garden, mentioning how a royal like her didn't need to sit in the grass and how her chef could prepare them some meat. For the first few seconds, Mayet could do nothing but to stare, still trying to understand what was that man's objective in approaching her like that, despite what he went through previously.

"My intention when I came to this park was to take a moment to calm down and relax. Maybe even watch the archery competition if I felt like it..." Mayet began as she gave a deep sigh, clearly trying to calm herself at least enough to not create an international incident after dismembering a few nobles for their behavior. Her words also made it obvious that it hadn't been a 'calm' day for her either, even before she came to the park.

"Instead... I've found myself holding myself back to not dismember a few ignorant nobles and cause an international incident!" she said, raising her voice considerably as she looked both at Lady Harlow now to Lorenzo and the strange man he pointed at as well.

"Do any of you have anything more to say? Will any of you continue to try my patience until something happens?" she asked, looking at each one of the offenders, almost hissing as she did so.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy, Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

Myra quietly watched, still a bit confused as Astra approached her, gently rustling the hair atop her head, making Myra give a faint smile as she did so. She was still confused as to why Astra had to leave, but since Astra said she would catch up to them in no time, Myra chose to believe her, nodding her head to Astra as she finished, giving a step forward and giving her a quick, small hug before walking back once again, almost as if she was still a bit wary of Astra but still wanted to say a proper goodbye to her.

Vrexen's words, ordering Myra to move and interrupting her farewell were met an annoyed expression and a sharp hiss from Myra. Not only Astra leaving was something that was a bit sad, since Myra was closer to her than she was from Vrexen, but it also made Myra a bit concerned due to Vrexen's unstable behavior. Besides, the sun, which was still strong in the sky, was also taking it's toll on Myra's patience.

After giving one last look and waving to Astra, who was already leaving, Myra adjusted her cloak, so it would cover as much of her skin as she could, protecting it from the sun, before she went after Vrexen, Maeryn and Alaia, catching up with Vrexen and even Maeryn's flightless bird without much issue as they made their way to Dugmaghord.

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Slick @FunnyGuy

Despite Slick's rather... 'coarse' behavior, Nuallán didn't see many problems with his company. Especially if Rosaria herself seemed to be fine with it, but the very second his words started sounding a bit more... rougher than they had until now, Nuallán immediately looked towards him. No word was said by Nuallán and no action was taken, other than a cold stare... A clear warning.

Unfortunately, it seems like Slick was too busy speaking to notice Nuallán's silent warning and instead, proceeded to continue. Going as far as to even giving Rosaria an order. Such impudence and audacity was where the line was drawn for Nuallán. For him, he would have already made Slick kneel and ask for forgiveness, but knowing his mistress, Nuallán simply gave a step towards Slick, making his icy cold expression even more evident. He had already tolerated previous offenses made by other humans, such as the ones who dared to point a weapon to Rosaria... It wouldn't be now that he would lose control and act on impulse nor it would be due to a single human forgetting his place.

Rosaria's words were cold and sharp as a knife as she warned Slick before she turned them invisible.

"Remember... One word is all my lady needs to say for me to act... Do not repeat the same mistake again... Slick." Nuallán said, his voice but a whisper as Rosaria started making them invisible.

"Do not mistake my lady's kindness for weakness." He finished as their bodies were enveloped by Rosaria's light magic.

Time: 10am
Location: Sorian Park
Interactions: Lady Priscilla @mellowdy, Crystal @Heartfillia, Kieran @prosaic
Mentions: Duke Lorenzo Vikena @FunnyGuy, Lady Charlotte Vikena @princess

Despite being an open event, where everyone was welcome, Mayet was quite surprised to see a number of nobles among the crowd at the park as she observed... Some of which were rather well known, such as the foolish Duke Vikena and his daughter, Charlotte, who seemed to be quite smart, despite always having to deal with her father's mess.

As she looked around though, she noticed a small group of nobles observing her from a distance, one of which, a beautifully dressed ginger woman, greeted her with a small curtsy, which Mayet replied with a discreet wave and nod of her head. Being who she was, Mayet was well aware that it was simply unavoidable that she would be observed wherever she went. Normally, Mayet wouldn't give these observers any attention, much less to waste her time greeting them. But the fact that the ginger woman took her time to greet Mayet instead of staring at her from afar, gave her enough reason to greet her back.

Despite the greeting, Mayet didn't thought that neither one of the nobles in the group would take their time to approach her. Both due to Nala being nearby, doing her best to scare away anyone who could potentially disturb her sunbathing and due to Mayet openly carrying her weapon with her. Surprisingly enough, neither one of those seemed to be enough to dissuade them to approach, more specifically, the blonde woman, whom, much to the dismay of her guards, simply decided to take another pancake and started walking towards Mayet.

Nala was already watching the woman with an intense stare once she and her guards began walking towards their direction, but when she continued approaching, despite the silent warning Nala gave with her stare, she let out a low growl, raising her head and looking directly towards the blonde woman. Even though Nala did not stand up nor took an hostile posture, the growl was already a clear warning for them to back off.

"It's okay, Nala." Mayet said, gently patting Nala's head as the tigress reluctantly laid down again, seeming to have allowed the blonde woman to approach them after Mayet's request.

"Neither of us will bite without provocation... Although... We might get a bit... agitated... with too many guards approaching us at the same time..." Mayet said, giving a sharp look at the guards who were with the nobles.

When the blonde woman began talking, inquiring if she had ever eaten it before, Mayet raised an eyebrow, curious as she looked to the food the woman brought in her hands.

"I can't say I have ever eaten those before." Mayet said, looking to the blonde woman, analyzing her as she did so.

It was clear due to her tone of voice and how she was staring at Mayet and Nala that the woman was quite nervous.

"I was not intending to eat anything... But it would be quite rude to not accept such act of kindness. After all... Plain as they might look, I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious about how they taste." she replied, giving a rather calming smile to the nervous woman and gesturing for her to get closer.

"With that said... I feel it would be only fair that you, after taking your time to walk all the way over here to bring me a plate, should get to enjoy the first bite." Mayet said as she, without getting up, gently took the pancake from the woman's hands, cut a small piece from the pancake with the fork that came with it and extending it towards Crystal.

"Please, I insist." Mayet said, with her tone of voice and her eyes having a strange pressure to them, despite remaining kind and not showing any hostile intention, showing that her words were a bit more than just a simple request.

Just as she said that, one of the other nobles that had approached her, a red-haired male with scars on his face, greeted her with a slight bow.

"Oh...? Just the tiger...?" Mayet asked, raising an eyebrow as the man mentioned how beautiful Nala was but failed to mention Mayet, carefully watching his reaction.

While Mayet had been ignoring the ruckus that was going on near the table of waffles, when obscenities began being shouted, she found it hard to continue ignoring it. For a moment, her expression suddenly became very cold and harsh as she looked to where the crowd was gathering. Unsurprisingly, Lorenzo Vikena was, once again, part of the confusion... And once again, Charlotte was dragged to the confusion, forced to try and take her foolish father out of the mess he had created himself.

Fortunately for everyone involved, Mayet had nothing to do with the waffles and what was going on.. And she intended to keep it that way. Thankfully, the same noble who was the first to greet her, approached after the other two, introducing herself to Mayet... and taking off her attention from the pitiful display that Duke Vikena was showing to everyone present.

"I'm Shehzadi Mayet Kadir and this one is Nala. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said after a brief moment, her expression going back to normal as she introduced herself and Nala, smiling towards Priscilla, Crystal and Kieran.

Before she could say anything more though, it seemed a rather tactless noblewoman, Lady Harlow according to Priscilla, decided to approach them with an accusatory tone, trying to drag them all to the confusion going on in the distance. Even though the accusation that Lady Harlow made had nothing to do with Mayet, she would not tolerate such behavior near her.

Nala, immediately upon noticing the noblewoman getting closer to Mayet, stood up, letting out a low, menacing growl as she began walking towards Lady Harlow, stopping only because Mayet gently touched Nala's back.

"I do not remember allowing you to approach me, 'Lady' Harlow..." Mayet said with a menacing tone, without even getting up.

"Leave. Before I change my mind and allow Nala to tear you to pieces... Or before I do it myself" she said, her stare towards Lady Harlow making it clear she wasn't bluffing.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: River Port
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy, Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

Even though Myra was playing with her shiny-spheres, she was still paying attention in what Vrexen, Astra and Maeryn were talking. Not only because she was a bit wary of them due to some recent events, but also because what they were talking about was their next destination and the issue of hunting the 'hoo-mans'... Which were still a huge mystery for Myra, both regarding what they were capable of and why pretty much everyone in her group wanted to hunt them so badly. The only reason Myra could think for her to want to hunt something was to feed herself, which made her wonder how humans tasted... Maybe that was the reason why they were after the humans? Because they were very tasty?

At that moment, her thoughts were interrupted when she overheard Maeryn talking about orcs. Having already observed a few of them back in Daka, she knew exactly what they were. Big, violent, tough, loud and very green, whenever they were around, chaos usually followed them. Even for Myra herself, the idea of having to fight against multiple of those orcs wasn't one she liked that much.

After hearing Maeryn's words, Myra nodded her head vehemently. Clearly agreeing with Maeryn as she looked at Astra and Vrexen. Fortunately, it seemed like Vrexen wasn't totally against the idea. Which was genuinely surprising for Myra, knowing how Vrexen usually only thought about violence.

When she looked at Astra, wanting to know what she thought about that though, she heard Astra talking to Vrexen that she would stay behind. Confused, Myra gave a few steps towards Astra, still keeping a little bit of a distance, but definitely closer than what she usually came since she saw Astra using shadow magic.

Leaning her head in an inquisitive manner, Myra looked towards Vrexen, Maeryn and Alaia and then to Astra again. Was she going to leave for good? The idea of staying in a group with two people whom Myra didn't know much about and Vrexen... Whom normally was very unstable, without Astra to try and keep things under control wasn't something that made her happy.

"No come?" Myra asked, looking towards Astra, with a confused and slightly worried expression.

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Slick @FunnyGuy

While Nuallán did notice Slick's remark about them being lovebirds, at first, he chose to simply ignore it. That was, until he noticed Rosaria herself blushing, which made him react in return, turning his head to hide it. Fortunately, there were other things to focus on and as Slick mentioned that they could probably deal with any aggressive creature by themselves, should any unforeseen situation arise.

"There aren't many creatures which would risk going after a prey that can potentially kill them." Nuallán said, agreeing with Slick.

"With that said, an oasis tend to attract many types of animals. Some which might act in an extremely aggressive manner in order to defend their offspring. Even though the chance is small for us to find ourselves in such a specific situation, we should still be careful." He continued.

Just as he finished that, Rosaria mentioned that she could make them invisible so they could approach the oasis, something that only highly experienced and skilled photokinesis users could do. Which would definitely make their job of observing way easier.

"We would still need to stay upwind of the oasis in order to prevent any creatures from catching our scent, but other than that, being invisible would make our job of observing any potential prey much easier." He said, agreeing with Rosaria's suggestion as he smiled to her.
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