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8 mos ago
Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

Most Recent Posts

Karina Frost

The moment Chres' eyes met with Akai, she let out a fake smile, trying to feign ignorance about 'the incident' involving Sil and Coffee.

"Ha ha... I wonder what this Lord Ru'Tev likes so much about this place to come here... right?" Akai said, trying to change the subject of the conversation as she turned her face away from Chres.

As Lord Ru'Tev entered and began ordering his meal and preparing himself for his usual routine, Karina, once again, looked towards her team. Truth be told, it was highly unlikely one would think they were all part of the same group. At least that was a positive point of having such an... 'unique' cast of members to their group.

"Týfurkh, Octavio, Chres, Tayla... If we want to avoid using more... forceful methods, the time to act is now." Karina said in a low tone to her team as she nervously waited.

Should none of them move, Karina would have to risk use some more coercive methods to speak with Lord Ru'Tev, although it would be preferable if they found another way to discuss... One that didn't drew so much attention to them.

Finally stopped being lazy and did something!

Sounds fun! I would love to join if it's okay :-)

Time: 1pm
Location: Hunting Area
Interactions: Munir @Infinite Cosmos, Princess Sadie @princess

When Sadie mentioned she had made the dagger herself, Mayet raised an eyebrow surprised. She truly didn't look like someone who was able to wield heavy hammers and could withstand the fire and heat from the forge... But despite what Mayet thought, the dagger was still marked with her initials... P.S.

"Surprising! I didn't think of you as a blacksmith, but I stand corrected! It is indeed a beautiful blade." Mayet said with a smile as she waved to Sadie, who was already on her way to the blacksmith. Much to her guards' dismay, it seemed like Princess Sadie still had energy to spare, despite having ran all the way here to help with the bear.

"Quite an energetic one, isn't she?" Mayet said with a chuckle.

When Munir began speaking though, replying to her teasing comments from earlier, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Jealousy? Someone as perfect as me has no reason to feel jealous." Mayet said, waving her hand with a smug smirk.

Nala, who was having her chin scratched by Munir, simply looked up, enjoying the attention and the scratches as both Mayet and Munir talked.

"My dear brother, do you really think I am the same as those vulgar women you fool around with? I was merely... provoking him a bit. It is still too early for me to make my move... You on the other hand... Might get lucky if you go visit him in his blacksmithing class, Brother Munir." Mayet replied, laughing.

"Besides, while I am interested in blades and weapons, I am really not interested in ruining my hands and my skin by wielding heavy, rough hammers and standing next to the forges' fire." Mayet said, waving her hand, dismissing Munir's idea of her going to Roman's blacksmithing class as if it was something absurd for her.

"Talking about the bear..." Mayet said, her expression changing for a moment as she turned to the other nobles and guards that slowly started approaching them, after it became clear that the creature was dead.

"I advise against using this creature's meat for consumption... Or even touching it's blood for the time being. Take it to a veterinarian an alchemist or something to examine it. No healthy animal should behave as this bear did or be as resilient as it was." Mayet said to the guards and nobles before she turned to Munir again.

"Don't overthink and worry yourself too much about it, my dear brother. It was merely one rabid bear. It was nowhere near the most dangerous creature we have already hunted." she said to Munir with a smile as he mounted his horse.

Mayet was already about to turn away and leave herself, when she heard Munir making another little 'comment' about her being 'noisy with her man' that night.

"MUNIR!! STOP SAYING THINGS THAT MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A THIRSTY, TEENAGE GIRL! If I hear any rumors going around about me because of your little teasing remarks, I WILL FLAY YOU ALIVE!"
Mayet shouted, stomping one of her feet on the ground as Munir galloped away on his horse.

After taking a moment to breathe, Mayet turned to Nala, calling her.

"Let's go Nala. It's not our job to deal with the carcass of a diseased animal..." Mayet said as she gently scratched Nala's head before they began making their way back to her room to take a good and relaxing bath after the hunt.
Definitely interested!
I'm a sucker for most stuff related to Tarot Cards lol

Time: 12pm
Location: Hunting Area
Interactions: Hanna @Potter, Roman @ReusableSword, Munir @Infinite Cosmos, Princess Sadie @princess

Despite the heavy attacks suffered by the bear, it still struggled for it's life. A final stand from the huge bear as it's life neared it's end. As much as she wanted to take a look at Roman's expression after her 'little' provocation, he kept her eyes focused on the bear...

That was, until an exquisite, ornate lavender dagger flew through the air, sinking deep into the bear's chest, finally silencing it's furious cries.

The owner of the dagger came soon after, running towards them with an entourage of bodyguards running after her. The fine clothes, jewelry and the amount of bodyguards quickly identified the blonde woman as Royalty. Seeing how she seemed to be quite close with Roman, it was very likely she was from the Varian Kingdom. Mayet's thoughts were quickly confirmed as Roman called her 'Princess Sadie' as he replied to her.

The moment the Varian Princess turned towards Nala though, her eyes lit up as she expressed her amazement, making Mayet let out a satisfied, proud smile.

"We are fine, thank you for your help. Oh, and there is no need for apologies. If anything, we feel happy by the attention." Mayet said with a mischievous smile as she called Nala to her side with a hand gesture, gently caressing Nala's back as she approached her.

"Even in Alidasht, a majestic creature such as Nala isn't exactly a common sight. Especially one of her size." Mayet said with a proud expression as she approached the bear, getting the dagger form it's chest, before cleaning the blood on the bear's fur and handing it to Princess Sadie.

"An exquisitely made blade. Quite a wonderful dagger, indeed. Beautiful, sharp and deadly." Mayet said, offering Sadie a smile as she handed the dagger back to her, holding it by the tip of it's blade, with the handle pointed towards her.

It was only then that Mayet finally turned towards Roman. She was expecting to see him blushing heavily and not knowing how to react after feeling her thighs around his neck but, much for her surprise, Roman didn't seem to be affected by it at all and instead, he merely commented on how it 'reminded him of home' and how his siblings climbed all over him.

The disappointment on Mayet's expression was visible as she looked at Roman, incredulous. Until she finally realized... The way how Roman didn't seem to react to her provocations, how he seemed to be rather worried that her brother Munir might think bad of him or that he might be offended... It all made sense if she thought about it. The only reason why someone would ignore the provocations of someone as perfect as Mayet herself was if they weren't interested on females in the first place.

As Roman bid his farewells to them, Mayet's disappointment immediately disappeared, instead giving place to a smug smirk, the type of expression someone made when they had caught up on a 'secret'.

"It was quite an amusing hunt indeed, Lord Roman. I am sure we have all learned more about each other today. It is a shame to see you leave so soon though, but I am sure me and my dear sibling will have many other opportunities to meet with you." Mayet said, waving towards Roman before she approached Munir, who had just finished offering the bear a small prayer, as it was the Alidashtian custom.

"It seems you might have better chances with Roman than I would, my dear brother Munir... He seemed to be quite... invested in making you think positively of him..." Mayet said in a low tone, teasing Munir with a mischievous smirk.

"I wonder how would his reaction be if you wrapped your legs around his neck instead of me..." Mayet said, laughing as she continued to tease Munir.

Time: 12pm
Location: Hunting Area
Interactions: Hanna @Potter, Roman @ReusableSword, Munir @Infinite Cosmos

The excitement, the adrenaline, feeling the roar of that mighty creature resonating through Mayet's chest as she wounded it... When she first came to this hunting event, she definitely wasn't expecting to be met with such a good prey to hunt. Unlike the others, which seemed to be fighting for their lives, Mayet was apparently having a lot of fun judging by her expression.

Regardless of how much excitement that hunt was providing Mayet, it was true that the bear was showing itself to be extremely resilient, shrugging off Munir's sharp arrows, charging through Roman's spear and even ignoring Mayet's powerful slash. Despite the many wounds, the bear still had enough strength to resist and fight. Enough to even be able to free itself from Nala's bite, sending her sliding through the forest floor, leaving deep scratch marks behind as Nala sunk her claws into the earth to keep her balance. Fortunately, even though the bear was incredibly resistant, it wasn't able to escape Nala's bite unscathed. It now seemed to be unable to stand up, forced to stand on all fours.

"Good job Nala! Keep your distance, it's focused on you." Mayet said as the bear charged towards Nala, letting out a loud roar.

While Nala was bigger than most tigers and had an impressive physique, thanks to the regular hunting trips she took with Mayet, she knew well that facing that bear head on was a bad idea. As long as it was focused on her like that, she knew that the best course of action was to try and keep his attention, buying Mayet and the others to attack while she dodged it's charges.

Answering the bear's roar with a menacing growl, Nala dashed away from the bear's charge, distancing herself from it as she continued growling.

With more arrows being fired by Munir and Roman moving for a decisive blow with his axe, Mayet knew that unless something very unexpected happened, that hunt was nearing its end. Still, Mayet knew better than to relax before a hunt ended, no matter how certain it's result seemed to be... That and she couldn't simply let someone else finish that hunt. At least not without her attacking one last time.
As Roman moved in to hit the bear's neck with his axe, Mayet moved until she was directly behind Roman and simply waited with her ring blade on hands.

The moment Roman finished his strike, she would immediately run towards him and before he even recovered his stance after the attack, she would put her hands on his back, along with the flat end of her ring blade. Using Roman as support to perform a front walkover. As her left leg rises above Roman's head and starts lowering to wrap itself on his left shoulder, she would catch her ring blade with her right leg before letting it go at full speed towards the bear's neck almost like a coiled spring. The ring blade would be carried along with it, the centrifugal force, coupled with the momentum would result in an attack with far more force that it would be possible for someone of Mayet's size and strength.

The whole maneuver would end in a rather comfortable position, especially for Roman, who would have Mayet sitting on his shoulders and legs wrapped around his neck, with her right leg sticking out and her ring blade around her foot.

"Do you enjoy this feeling?" Mayet whispered in a provocative tone, pressing her thighs against Roman's neck, not enough to harm or suffocate him in any way, but enough for him to clearly feel her muscles and how firmly she was holding on him.

That small provocation lasted for only a brief moment and it would be almost imperceptible for most people, unless they paid very close attention.

Unfortunately for Roman, he would only be able to feel such bliss for a brief moment, as Mayet would almost immediately get out of his shoulders, letting herself fall back and her hands touch the ground, using her leg to throw her ring blade up before catching it with her right hand and standing up back again.

Mayet hoped that it would be enough to deal with that bear... Otherwise they might find themselves in a battle of attrition, having to wait for the bear to succumb to it's wounds or get too tired to resist anymore and give up... Which was exactly the type of hunt she hated...
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