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Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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Karina Frost

Princess El'lysael's disguise, or 'Lys' as she preferred to be called was unbelievably good... especially considering how the princess seemed to have a rather... 'unique' desire for freedom. Unlike most other members of the court.
Despite that, if one paid close attention, there were still some small details that might give a hint to her true origin. Unconscious movements such as the way she ate, how she walked and behave herself, which was why Karina was so cautious regarding when she would use her presence as their secret weapon. Even though Karina herself would probably not have believed she was the princess if she didn't know in advance, she didn't want to draw too much attention to the princess's disguise.

To make things even worse, Karina's current group, while definitely not 'unskilled' by any means, seeing what they've been through, but it was still far from what a proper group for infiltration and espionage would be.

Their group had enough problems on their own, besides the presence of the princess... Mainly Tayla, regarding when exactly she drew the line between her 'trust and loyalty' towards Karina and her own interests and Chres's... unstable behavior. While Karina did know that Chres had his own inner demons to fight against, she was getting tired of seeing him drown his sorrows on alcohol every single day, continuing with his self-destructive behavior without any regards to those around him.

She knew better than to expect them to act like trained soldiers, but she hoped they wouldn't cause her any more problems than the ones she already had.

Regardless of the internal problems on their group, the investigation wasn't exactly going well. Lord Ru'Tev seemed to be actively avoiding them in a rather strange manner... Something that made Karina's instincts tell her that there might be something more going on that they weren't aware of. At least yet...

"You are late, Chres." Karina said as she looked to Chres as he arrived with Tayla, her stare lingering on Chres for a while, especially as he asked for another ale...

"Good job, Tayla. Thank you." Karina said offering Tayla a nod of approval before her eyes turned to Chres once more.

"And you still reek of alcohol... Ugh..." Akai said, rolling her eyes as she looked at Chres, before she turned to Syl.

"Why don't you try coffee instead of alcohol? Syl seemed to enjoy it when I..." Akai began, before immediately stopping herself, not wanting to let others know that she was the one that offered coffee for Syl, curious to how would she react to it.

"Lord Ru'Tev already knows my and Lys's faces and he seems to be quite cautious regarding us. He won't accept talking to us unless he has no other option... Which might be just exactly what we will have to do..." Karina said in a low tone as she spotted Lord Ru'Tev entering the tavern.

"We need more information on what exactly is happening before we can act..." Karina said to herself as she went to a table a bit far away from the Lord, keeping him and the group in her sight but trying not to draw the Lord's attention to her.

Time: 12pm
Location: Hunting Area
Interactions: Hanna @Potter, Roman @ReusableSword, Munir @Infinite Cosmos

Nala had just finished gulping down the beaver's heart that Roman gave her and was still licking the blood from her lips when Hannah, the game warden from before, approached them, mentioning that they seemed to have better results than the other nobles. Mayet was surprised when Hannah mentioned that she had watched her and Nala's hunt. Especially since Mayet didn't feel her presence as she was hunting the bunny. Maybe Hannah was a better huntress than Mayet had initially given her credit for...
Either that or Mayet got a little bit too excited when hunting, despite her prey's small size due to the time both her and Nala spent without exercising themselves properly... Regardless of what it was, Hannah's praise was well received by Mayet, who let out a smile as she looked to Hannah before replying.

"You are more than welcome to join us on future hunts, if you wish to see more. After all, this little one was only a small appetizer." Mayet replied to Hannah with a mischievous grin as she gave another glance towards the poor bunny, before offering it to Hannah.

Roman and Munir seemed to be understanding each other a little better too after they cleared the misunderstanding that was previously going on between them. Roman even offered to give the pelt from the beaver he had just hunted to Munir as a favor, instead of selling it to him.

"Don't take my dear brother's sharp tongue to heart, Roman. Most of the times, he does mean well." Mayet said with a chuckle as she watched both of them talking.

Soon after Hannah finished complimenting them, Hannah gave a few words to the hunters, marking the end of the event.
Just as they began following Hannah towards the entrance of the forest and just as Roman began talking, intending to invite them for something this night, they all were interrupted due to loud growl coming from behind them. While many nobles would undoubtedly be struck with fear as they met face to face with the responsible for such a mighty growl, an enormous grizzly bear, especially as it charged towards them, Mayet's eyes were lit with excitement upon meeting a prey that would offer her more adrenaline than a mere rabbit... That was until it struck Hannah with it's claws, knocking her out and wounding her in the process. The moment Mayet saw that, her expression immediately changed from excitement to a serious one as she looked to the other nobles, who were starting to run away.

"If you don't want to face my wrath when this all is over, you'd better to turn back at once, take Hannah somewhere safe and get help for her instead of running away like cowards!" Mayet shouted, barking orders to the other hunter nobles with sharp eyes, before she turned her attention towards the bear again.

"It seems the hunt isn't over yet, Nala." she said, not being able to hide the excitement on her voice as she nodded towards Nala, who had already began running towards the bear after hearing Munir's command. By the moment Munir's arrows hit the bear and Roman's spear pierced it's chest, Nala had already pounced at the bear's back, firmly gripping it's hide with her claws as she bit into the back of it's neck, trying to pierce through both the thick layer of fat, the fur and the hide to break it's spine.

Mayet rushed towards the bear with her ring blade in hand as she threw two small chakrams at the bear's face. While Mayet knew the chakrams wouldn't do much in terms of damage against a beast of that size, it would most likely be enough to divert it's attention for a brief second. Enough for Mayet to dash towards it, appearing just behind Roman as he rolled away from the bear. Using all her momentum and the weight of her ring blade, Mayet delivered a mighty vertical slash, starting at the bear's upper right chest and going all the way to the base of it's stomach before she rolled away in the opposite direction Roman did, using the momentum from her slash before swiftly getting up and dashing away from the bear, keeping a safe distance between her and the bear, waiting for a chance for another attack.

Hey! Posted Karina on theCharacters tab for the second arc as well! :-)

OOC for Arc 2 coming soon, right?
Nice :-3

Time: 12am
Location: Hunting Area
Interactions: Hanna @Potter, Roman @ReusableSword, Munir @Infinite Cosmos

It didn't take too long until Mayet heard the sound of Munir's horse approaching the clearing. While he didn't come back empty handed, he didn't seem to have much luck regarding his prey as well, having caught a rabbit on a similar size as hers.

"Too small even for a snack..." Mayet replied Munir with a sigh, as she continued petting the poor, confused rabbit, which didn't know exactly if it should fear for his life or just accept the caress it was receiving.

Nala, who was still grumpy for not being able to eat the rabbit... And possibly jealous of the attention that small, pathetic fur-ball was receiving from Mayet, continued to send death stares towards it, letting out a low growl every few seconds, just to be sure it wouldn't get too comfortable.

Despite how annoyed she was with the situation though, Nala still accepted Munir's boop, looking away from the rabbit for a second to greet Munir, before going back to terrorizing the poor creature.

The very second Munir mentioned that the rabbit wasn't exactly the only 'prey' she seemed to be after, Mayet raised her eyebrows with a smirk on her face.

"Roman is definitely, quite an interesting one, but he's not the only one that drew my interest... That prince... Wulfric, also has quite the dangerous aura around him... Anyways, it's still too soon for me to decide..." Mayet said to Munir with a mischievous expression.

Mayet's smirk soon disappeared though, with a bright red taking place on her face for a brief second as Munir asked if she would 'submit' to him in bed, followed by other... less than proper comments.

"Brother Munir!!" Mayet said, looking at him in a mix of shock and embarrassment as she tried to regain her composure, just as Munir abruptly changed subjects, only to make her own reaction even more noticeable.

Nala, who overheard Munir mentioning her name, oblivious to the conversation Mayet was having a moment before, took a little break from terrorizing the small rabbit to look at Munir expectantly, looking at the prey he was carrying and licking her lips.

Mayet had barely enough time to calm down before Roman arrived, completely soaked as he carried a dead beaver in his hand. Apparently, he had more luck with his catch than Mayet herself or Munir had. Due to what Munir had said earlier and the fact that Roman himself was completely soaked, she couldn't help but take a brief moment to discreetly glance at his body, although she quickly stopped, hoping her brother hadn't noticed.

"Even though we're not empty handed, these feel more like consolation prizes than a proper hunt... I guess there is a reason why they let those incompetent nobles... MUNIR!!" Mayet began saying, replying to Roman before Munir teased her again, making her interrupt herself to scold him before he said anything more that might make Roman catch on what they were talking about a moment ago.

Nala, who was already annoyed by not being given any meat, was starting to take glances towards the animals that the group had hunted in a rather suspicious manner, almost as if she was getting ready to pounce and steal one of them from their hands.

Fortunately, the moment Nala began to seriously think about doing so, she was surprised by Roman, who came near near her and offered Nala the heart of the beaver he had just hunted. As she approached the heart, a single sniff was enough to tell that it was very fresh and in fact, still warm. Without hesitating, Nala quickly got the heart from Roman's hand, chewing it down in a few seconds.

While it was a rather small meal for an animal of her size, Nala still seemed to be satisfied with Roman's offer and for the chance of tasting some fresh meat.

"I don't know about the gods, but Nala certainly seems satisfied with your offering." Mayet said to Roman with a chuckle.

Time: 11am
Location: Entrance to the forest near the shooting range
Interactions: Hanna @Potter, Roman @ReusableSword, Munir @Infinite Cosmos

Mayet almost began ranting about how annoying hunting Giant Scorpions were again and how much of a test of patience it was, more than a test of skill when she heard Munir's words. That is, until he began speaking on how the sun and the sands of Alidasht only made her even more beautiful.

"Please Munir... You know well your flattery does not work on me anymore." Mayet said, dismissing his words with a wave of her hand, even though it was quite obvious, both for Munir and for Roman that they did work to a certain degree. At least enough to make her ignore his previous comment and instead focus on what he said afterwards.

"Although I do need to agree that the milk, honey and roses bathes are much, much better after a day of hunting..." Mayet said with a satisfied expression as she reminded how good it felt to submerge her body into a carefully prepared bath after a good and thrilling day of hunting.

When she heard Roman talking about the snow cats and how they were about as big as Nala, Mayet raised an eyebrow, with a curious expression. Nala, who was also hearing that, immediately sent a sharp look towards Roman, clearly unhappy for being compared.

"As big as Nala, are they? Quite intriguing... Isn't it, Nala?" Mayet said, glancing to Nala, who replied with a sharp huff, almost as if she was finding that difficult to believe.

After some time squeaking and trying to get free from Mayet's grasp, the rabbit had finally quieted down. Motionless, it seemed to have accepted it's fate as it sat on Mayet's arms, not daring to move a single muscle as she made her way back to Roman and Munir.

While it's true that the chase, regardless of how brief it was, had pleased Nala, it was quite obvious by the stares she sent towards the rabbit that she wasn't exactly happy with not being able to even taste the blood of what they had hunted.

"Nala, don't be like that... Both of us know that if you had killed this little thing, there wouldn't be anything left to give the warden for this 'competition'." Mayet said with a sigh, gently running her hand through Nala's back.

"Don't worry, I am sure we will find something a bit bigger... Something you will be able to sink your teeth into... Maybe even take a few bites." Mayet said with a chuckle as she approached the same clearing where she had separated from Munir and Roman before.

As she got to the clearing, Mayet waited for a bit for the others to return, while casually petting the small ball of soft white fur in her arms, which was still trembling, paralyzed with fear under Mayet's gaze and the glances Nala sometimes gave to it, licking it's teeth as she did so.

Time: 11am
Location: Entrance to the forest near the shooting range
Interactions: Hanna @Potter, Roman @ReusableSword, Munir @Infinite Cosmos

When Roman began speaking of the creatures he hunted back on his territory, Mayet couldn't help but be interested. Especially as he mentioned the snow cats.

"Snow cats...?" Mayet repeated, with a curious expression, much to Nala's discontent, which immediately looked to Mayet, letting out an annoyed growl.

"What? I'm just curious! No need to look at me like that, Nala!" Mayet replied, looking to Nala.

"I assume you dislike hunting those stone crabs as much as I hate hunting the giant scorpions, right?" Mayet asked with a smirk. Roman's description of the stone crabs had almost everything that made Mayet hate the giant scorpions back in Alidasht.

Mayet had just finished talking with Roman about the creatures they often hunted when she heard the noise of a horse approaching them and a familiar voice called out to her, inquiring if she really hunted giant scorpions when she was back home. The very moment she heard that, she knew exactly who that was...

Nala, who saw Munir approaching, sniffed his hand as he offered it to her, chuffing as she recognized him as a friend and someone close to Mayet.

"Of course not, my dear brother Munir! At least not actively..." Mayet said, crossing one arm over her chest and making a dismissive gesture with her other hand at Munir's comment.

"The last time I hunted one, I spent almost HALF a day under the scorching heat of the desert! We had to wait until it finally slipped up and gave us an opening so we could pierce it's armor! Such annoying, persistent creatures they are! To make things even worse, they seem to know exactly how hard their armor is!" Mayet said, clearly annoyed as she remembered of the last time she hunted a giant scorpion.

"In the end, hunting a Giant Scorpion is basically an endless staring contest! No thrill, no excitement... Ugh! I hate those things!" she said, rolling her eyes.

"Besides... Do you know how much my hair and my skin suffered after almost all that time in the desert? It's not easy to maintain such a perfect figure, you know?" Mayet said, making clear that the only times she would even consider hunting a Giant Scorpion again were when there was no other choice but to do so.

Munir's grumbling and Roman's words did raise a valid concern to Mayet though, regarding the game that would be available for them to hunt on that forest.

"It wouldn't be surprising if that was really the case... Especially with a forest this close to the castle. I imagine that most of the dangerous creatures are purposely kept out of these hunting grounds, so some fat, incompetent nobles can have their fun..." Mayet said, annoyed.

"Who knows... They might just turn into the hunt if any one of them dare shooting a single arrow at me or Nala..." Mayet said, turning to the other nobles and sending them a sharp glare towards them just as Hanna finished telling them to keep out of Mayet, Roman and Munir's way.

"Even if it's just small game, they would at least serve as a snack for Nala." Mayet said, gently patting Nala.

The very moment she did that though, Nala suddenly turned her head, looking to some brushes nearby. Following Nala's stare, Mayet was able to see some movement coming from the brush, just enough to identify it as a small rabbit, running away as soon as it saw Nala.

"A snack will do fine for now, won't it, Nala?" Mayet said with a smirk, as she climbed on top of Nala and both of them began running after the hare.

"We'll soon be back." Mayet said as both of them disappeared inside the forest.

Even if it was just a rabbit, nowhere as 'exciting' as the bigger prey that she used to hunt back on Alidasht, the thrill of the chase was enough to make both her and Nala feel 'alive' again. The brushes and trees quickly passing by them as they continued chasing the rabbit, despite all the sharp turns it made, trying to lose them, the desperation as the rabbit fought for it's life...

Unfortunately, it was still merely a 'snack'... As fun as it was, it wasn't going to last long and the excitement quickly died down after a minute or two. Deciding to end the chase, Mayet waited until the rabbit headed towards an opening in the forest before she jumped forward from Nala, over the rabbit and landing just in front of it.

Alarmed, the rabbit stopped running for a second, abruptly changing directions as it tried to go back from where it came, only to see Nala quickly approaching.

That brief moment of hesitation and panic from the rabbit was everything Nala and Mayet needed. Unable to run, it wasn't able to do much as Mayet pounced at the rabbit, grabbing it by the neck, still alive.

The rabbit squeaked desperately, surprisingly loud for such a small creature as it struggled against Mayet's grasp for a moment, only to realize that it was useless and instead simply kept squeaking, almost as if it hoping Mayet would get annoyed enough and let it go.

"I think I'll keep you for now..." Mayet said, raising the small rabbit as she looked at it, much to the poor creature's dismay.

Time: 11am
Location: Entrance to the forest near the shooting range
Interactions: Hanna @Potter, Roman @ReusableSword

Just as Mayet had finished complaining and stating her conditions for having someone join her on her hunt, she suddenly heard a rather familiar voice, first speaking to the redheaded huntress and then, finally, addressing her. The owner of that voice was no one other than the very able-bodied Roman Ravenwood. His request to join her and Nala on a hunt came on a good timing. Even though she had never seen him hunting before, she was certain that he would be at least more proficient than most of the nobles that had gathered for the hunting event... Or at least he wouldn't slow Mayet and Nala down.

"Lord Roman! It's good to see you again. I would be surprised if I didn't see you here today. You don't seem to be the kind to miss a good hunt." she said as she turned to greet Roman.

Nala, who was watching Roman as he approached them seemed to be satisfied with how cautious Roman was around her and Mayet by extension, sniffing the air a bit as he approached and letting out a chuff, satisfied.

"Stunning as ever... I like it. A fitting compliment to someone such as me." Mayet replied with a smile towards Roman.

"Back in Alidasht, people used to say that even the blood splatters and droplets in my skin after the hunts shined as brightly as the most expensive rubies..." Mayet said with a teasing smirk.

"Regarding your request, I would be more than happy to have your company for this hunt, Lord Roman. I was almost thinking that Hanna was going to be the only person in this entire hunting trip that would be able to keep up with me and Nala without slowing us down." Mayet said, clearly mocking the other nobles, some of which were carrying so much useless gear that it was painfully obvious that they had never hunted once in their entire lives.

"Although there is plenty of game to hunt in Alidasht, one should know well that they are as much a prey as they are a predator in those lands... Hunting by yourself in Alidasht is something only a fool would do." Mayet said as she began her explanation. Her tone becoming noticeably more serious for a brief moment as she said the last phrase, which was surprising for someone as Mayet.

"Lions and tigers in the jungle are easily able to kill an unaware hunter. Even the herbivores are exceedingly dangerous, such as the Gaur, grazing bovines with nasty horns and an even nastier attitude, the rhinoceros, bigger and nastier in every way when compared to the Gaur... With a terribly aggressive temperament or even the elephants, which are almost unstoppable once frenzied. Unlike the jungle though, the deserts offer... different challenges for hunters. The animals worthy to hunt there are few, but incredibly tricky and annoying to do so, such as giant lizards, able to swiftly move through the soft dunes and the giant, armored scorpions that require proper, specialized equipment to pierce their armor... Which honestly makes it a very annoying creature to hunt..." Mayet explained, rolling her eyes as she mentioned the giant scorpions.

"If I had to chose my favorite animal to hunt among all those though... It would definitely be the bandits and rebels that sometimes appear on Alidasht. In certain ways, those can show to be even trickier and more exciting to hunt than other animals." Mayet said, her ring-blade glinting rather ominously as she said so.

"While I doubt the creatures here would be as much of a challenge, having some blood flowing will be good, both for me and for Nala, especially with all the stressful situations we've both been through... I have been promising to take her to hunt since we arrived in Alidasht. Nala would definitely be very mad at me if she figured out that I had missed this hunting event." Mayet said, laughing as she gently caressed Nala, whom seemed to be rather eager to hunt, with her eyes fixed at the forest in front of them.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Oasis near Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Slick @FunnyGuy

While Nuallán's attention was mostly focused on the creature's movements and protecting Rosaria, the fact that Slick almost immediately ran away after the creature started confronting them didn't go unnoticed. It was surprising on how much of a coward Slick proved himself to be, despite his sharp tongue. The fact that he didn't even think about repaying Princess Rosaria for her kindness and good will was appalling and infuriating. Slick's action would definitely have consequences, if not from his mistress, from Nuallán himself...

Rosaria's nod quickly told Nuallán everything he needed to know about how she wished to deal with that situation. While Rosaria gave a step back and apologized to the creature, Nuallán stood his ground, making sure to stand between the creature and Rosaria before he spoke himself.

"Neither I nor my mistress had the intention of deliberately invading your territory, disrespecting or challenging you. We have only recently arrived on Dugmaghord and our stay won't be a long one. I humbly ask of you to forgive any offenses or transgressions we might have inadvertently committed." Nuallán said, giving a single step forward with an earnest and polite bow.

Nuallán could only hope that the situation would be solved without any conflict. Not only because Princess Rosaria`s safety was his sole priority, but also because it would be undeniably dangerous to fight against such creature with just both of them.
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