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Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Guarav Village
Interactions: Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess, Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @Samreaper Menzai
243 Amas

With the Roc now dead, the roses' thorny vines made sure to take their time draining every last drop of blood from it's corpse. With the threat now gone, the vines embracing Viola also loosened their grasp, making the small holes in her skin apparent for a brief moment, before the vines adjusted themselves, carefully covering them and delicately applying some pressure by using parts of it's vines that have no thorns. Completely unfazed by the puncturing wounds left behind by the rose's thorns, Viola watched with a satisfied expression as the rose fed itself with the Roc's blood.

"We are fine. Thank you, brother." Viola said, turning to Cyrus with a smile, before she continued watching the rose feed itself.

Even though the Blood Rose was considered a dangerous predatory plant from Daka Island, the bond it had with Viola was indeed a curious one. The fact that it seemed to care enough about Viola's well being to cover her wounds and be sure she was comfortable meant that it considered her more than just a host, similar to how a parasitic life form would. In return, Viola seemed to care about the plant with great care and attention.

"She was always very kind... Always helping others... Considering their pain to be her own..." Viola said with a discreet smile, looking at Phia as Cypress mentioned her being safe.

At first, just like her brother, Viola simply ignored the wolf warrior's presence, finding his presence or even his reason to be there of no relevance to her. The moment he looked towards her and Cyrus with suspicion though, ordering to stay where they were with a thump of his battleaxe, he finally earned Viola's attention...

The Blood Rose's thorny vines shifted uncomfortably around Viola, reflecting her mood as they finished feeding on the Roc's carcass, leaving it completely dry. Similarly, Viola turned her gaze towards the wolf warrior. Despite her silence, her expression and gaze made it quite clear that she considered him nothing more than a bother and only barely worthy of her even acknowledging his presence, not caring about his 'warning' at all.

Unfortunately, the very moment he put his axe on his shoulder before clearly threatening them with a swing of his axe, he ceased being 'just' a bother in Viola's eyes. For now, he was still just an obstacle in her eyes, but Cyrus knew that if she considered him a threat, she would definitely act.

"Unprovoked hostility... It threatens us, brother." Viola said with a disinterested, but still clearly annoyed tone before she looked at Cyrus, almost as if waiting for his decision regarding what to do.

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS

Just as Amanda said, it didn't take long for the group to be on their way to the apartment complex after the location from the car they were after was identified. As it became evident by Amanda getting ready as soon as she exited the car, Faye knew that they should be on guard as their arrival was likely already expected and the reception definitely wouldn't be a warm one.

"So, Amanda... Just to be sure... When you say to 'teleport them out of sight' do you mean to teleport them anywhere or somewhere in particular? I totally paid attention while we were discussing our plan I just wanted to be sure... you know?" Faye asked, a bit nervously. It wasn't incredibly hard to imagine that she might have indeed gotten distracted by something and missed some parts of the explanation about their plan while they were in their way to the apartment complex.

"You know... Teleporting them away from us is easy... But they still have to go somewhere and explode there. Don't get me wrong, I can do either one perfectly fine. Teleporting them to a particular place or just randomly away from us, I mean. It's just that having a particular reference point would make a bit more consistent and avoid... unwanted explosions... Like the mines and traps back on the first mission..." Faye continued, trying to explain, only to be interrupted by the loud sound of a gunshot, followed by the metallic noise as the bullet ricocheted from Amanda's face.

"Okay! No time to discuss small things, I get it. I'll just teleport them to the parking lot, away from our car." Faye said, flinching before she quickly blinked behind Amanda, taking cover behind her and her axe.

"Just so you guys know... I can still teleport them back inside the building... As long as we don't care about what's inside, that is." Faye said with a chuckle, indicating that she might like explosions more than what others might have initially thought.
Karina Frost

Unlike Sil, Karina was clearly not amused by Tayla's joke, looking towards both her and the mischievous little familiar with an icy cold expression.

"Very funny Tayla, just don't-" Karina began, just before she was interrupted by Sil. Whom unfortunately, didn't seem to miss a second of their small exchange and was ready to further reinforce the misunderstanding that Karina felt something for Tayla.

"Sil, please stop... I merely wanted to be considerate with our-" Karina tried futilely to put some order into the chaos that situation was quickly devolving into.

Akai, who was a bit distracted by observing the mansion, immediately noticed the very moment Sil mentioned Karina and Tayla, stopping everything she was doing and paying close attention to them.

"Don't look at me, I'm quiet!" Akai said to Karina the moment she noticed Akai approaching them, holding her laughter.

Muck to Akai's enjoyment and Karina's dismay, Tayla's reaction after Sil mentioned Karina was a big 'foot person' only made it look even worse to everyone involved.

At this moment, the cold air around Karina was visible to those around her.

"Sil, Stop." she said, looking to the familiar with an irritated expression.

Akai who was laughing, immediately stopped when she noticed Karina's reaction and instead simply looked away, pretending to be paying attention on something else.

"You should know better than to believe this sort of nonsense. Please tell me you aren't taking her words seriously..." Karina said as she looked to Tayla, clearly annoyed as she tried to correct any misunderstanding.

Unfortunately, it seemed like Tayla believed Sil's words enough to warrant her rather immediate reaction when Týfurkh mentioned them sharing a room for safety, immediately saying she would share a room with Octavio, thankfully interrupting Sil before she said anything.

"I will be sure to ask them for a few extra blankets for you." Karina said to Chres as he asked if she would take the bed, before heading to her room.

"Well... This will be a very cold night for us..." Akai said, sighing as she looked to Chres.

Nellara heard to General Kvarr's words in silence reflecting upon them. While it didn't really please her that they would have to abide for the Mythadians' traditions and culture, it was undeniable that it was the safest way to solve that situation, without risking a potential war. To turn his own allies on Silbermine himself by displaying how disrespectful he was as a guest on Ascension lands was a smart move. It would both stop his advancing upon Ascension lands on it's tracks and it would also jeopardize his reputation with the very allies he called for... And potentially with his king himself.

"In the end, depending on how things go, all of Silbermine's actions would be put in doubt regarding both their legitimacy and reason. I understand." Nellara said, nodding her head, indicating that she both understood and agreed with General Kvarr's plan.

"Everything should be ready for our next move, General. I am quite sure the humans wouldn't deny a request for a meeting. Both as a means to introduce you to them and to talk about granting them the rights to this stretch of land." Nellara said, pointing towards the specific place they were on the map.

"This time, Silbermine's presence might be preferred instead of us doing so by ourselves. After all, there is still a chance that he will dig his own grave with his reactions to our small 'gift' towards the Humans." she finished, indicating that she was ready to move with their plan.

"Yes, I... Understand, General Kvarr." Nellara said, breathing deeply as she heard his words in silence.

Even though she didn't like the General's passive stance towards Silbermine and the Mythadians, she knew how much experience he had against the S'tor. To claim she could understand and foresee their actions better than he could would be arrogant of her... And she knew that well.

In another hand, just as the General mentioned, there were other ways of dealing with Silbermine without having to give in to his provocations...

"Depending on the outcome of this situation, we could even demand reparations from Mythadia for Silbermine's actions. He did, after all, gather a small army inside our borders. If his provocation attempts don't have any results, he will have a lot to answer when he goes back to Mythadia..." Nellara said, thinking after considering the General's words.

Until that moment, she could agree with the General's words with no issue, but when he mentioned they should treat the Mythadians as guests, she frowned her brows, looking at him with a shocked expression.

"With all respect, General... Guests do not bring armed soldiers inside our borders, nor they gather a small army and establish a military camp... Our 'guest' clearly sees us as unworthy of giving us the honor and respect his tradition demands him to. While I am not suggesting we should take an offensive posture, I am suggesting we should stand our ground and protect our borders." Nellara said with a firm expression.

"We don't need to show any courtesy to those who showed us none. We aren't a weak and pitiful nation to allow them to step on our pride as they want. As long as we act defensively, we won't give them any reason to attack us." Nellara finished, looking to the General and expectantly waiting for his decision.

Nellara heard General Kvarr's words in silence. While she didn't blame the general for being careful, it appeared he had missed the point of her explanation.

"General Kvarr, the S'tor won't move if we don't give them reason or opportunity to do so. This is exactly why the gamble I mentioned should work. Both ours and the Mythadian empire are in a similar situation. Neither one of us can afford to start a war, both due to the S'tor and the humans. This is exactly why we can stand our ground and defend our borders instead of letting do whatever they want." Nellara said, explaining her thoughts to the General once more.

"It is not just a matter of thinking about this situation with war on one's mind or not, General. It is more than just defending our pride as well. If we do not firmly stand our ground and protect our nation's territory and interests, the Mythadians will keep testing how far they can push us around until they start freely taking our territory, our resources and send their soldiers into our cities because they know we won't react. Even if their military is stronger, we cannot lower our heads and accept as they challenge us, General. The only thing it will happen if we do so is Mythadia taking our territories and resources without even having to fight for them." Nellara said once again, looking at him with a serious expression.

When the General mentioned his idea of ceding that particular stretch of land to the humans, she took a moment to think about it. While it wasn't exactly the approach she would have to deal with that situation, it could work in their favor if done correctly.

"Hm... A diplomatic approach. Ceding this territory to the humans would definitely make them see us more favorably and it would also be a discreet way of telling Silbermine and his rabble that this territory was ours to decide what to do with... And in case he has something to say about our decision, it would only make them look bad for the humans." Nellara said, reflecting about the General's plan before she let out a smirk.

"It will help us both to make the humans see us in an even better light and to deal with Silbermine. It won't eliminate the need for us to firmly stand our ground in future, similar situations with Mythadia though. Sooner or later, we will have to make our stand, General. If they continue testing our tolerance, that is." Nellara said with a serious expression.

Given Nellara's previous reactions, one would expect her to be angry or make a bitter expression as General Kvarr told her about the harsh truth that would follow a possible conflict between Mythadia and the Ascension, but surprisingly enough, instead of reacting like that, Nellara let out a treacherous smirk as she looked directly towards the General.

"If the situation was different, I would have agreed with you, General. Fortunately, this war is one neither one of our nations can afford for two very important reasons..." Nellara said with a treacherous smirk as she raised her hand, showing two fingers as she spoke.

"The Mythadians might be religious fanatics, but the ones ruling them aren't idiots. They know that a war with the Ascension, even though the probability of victory is high, won't leave them unscathed..." Nellara began explaining.

"Peace in Kanth-Aremek, especially between the powerful nations, is only maintained due to the delicate power balance that currently brought wars and conflicts to a halt. A war against the Ascension would leave Mythadia weakened and the other nations wouldn't ignore that opportunity." Nellara continued.

"Especially since Mythadia already has a history with their warmongering ways. The reasons other nations might have to take that opportunity would be too many to ignore. To eliminate a possible threat now that they are weakened, to deal a decisive strike to the weakened Mythadia and take the spoils of both wars to themselves, without too much losses..." Nellara continued, lowering the first finger.

"The second reason are the presence of the humans. Even if they end up maintaining a neutral position should a war start, it is clear that they will refuse trade with a warmongering nation, considering how cautious about their own knowledge they are. In the chance they will pick up on arms to stop said conflict, even though they aren't technically part of it, it is also certain that they will support the defending side." Nellara said, lowering the second finger.

"Thanks to those, as long as we maintain a defensive posture, we can afford to defend our pride, our borders and our territory from Mythadia without fearing a war. If, despite this, we still lower our heads and let Mythadia invade our borders with an army, disrespect our territorial authority like this, there is little to no guarantee they won't keep breaking the treaties, going further and further into our territory, knowing we fear them and won't react." Nellara said, with a serious expression.

"Each one of these reasons might a risky gamble by themselves, but due to the complex situation Kanth-Aremek finds itself in, both with the delicate power balance and with the arrival of the humans, those are gambles we can afford to take with little to no fear, General... And if we win theme, we won't have to lower our head neither to the Mythadians or any other nation ever again." Nellara finished with a determined expression.
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