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Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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Being deployed to... complicated situations like the one they were in wasn't anything new since Alice joined the Intransigence, but it was the first time she was deployed with such haste. There was little to no time for her to get to familiarize herself with her new team, know what they were capable of, their specialties and prepare herself so she could better support them. Due to that, Alice chose to stay closer to the group than the usual position she took, supporting them from further back. Although not exactly ideal, due to how long and cumbersome her rifle was, it would still be better to be closer from the main group, at least until she was comfortable enough with how well she was able to adapt to their tactics and the teamwork. Especially regarding the Unztadtlige​, Echo, as it was her first time even seeing one from up close, let alone working together with one. The fact that the leader of the squad was a Voidhanger like her made Alice feel a bit less nervous though.

Like usual, she was wearing the adapted version of the scout armor that was provided to her by the Intransigence. It was thanks to it that she was able to hide and camouflage herself almost perfectly despite the color of her skin, as long as she remained immobile, that is. It was also thanks to that very characteristic that Alice wasn't focused on the earlier skirmish, despite being caught by surprise and off position.

If the chaotic, almost war-like situation they were deployed to wasn't enough, the locals seemed to be quite on edge and with little to no patience to any mistakes caused by lack of experience, as it became evident with the hostility shown by one of the tarrhaidim after one of the grunts that they could have interrogated was killed by the human instead. Unfortunately, that soon proved to not be the only near miss their group would have with locals, when a misunderstanding due Echo's presence almost caused another battle to start against neutral forces. Luckily enough, both sides seemed to be willing to negotiate and as soon as a common objective was identified between both forces, the destruction of the artillery platform that had been punching holes into the battlefield for quite some time.

While having more allies was always good, the new group they negotiated with seemed to be quite intent on using the Envenomed team as a battering ram only so they could strike by surprise, without having to risk themselves. Still, some help was better than no help and after that small briefing, they started making their way through the thick jungle towards their target. Every few seconds, the roar of the artillery platform firing could be heard, getting louder and louder as they approached, until it seemed almost as if they could feel the impact wave after every shot.

Strangely enough, even though it was almost drowned by the artillery fire, the group was able to hear another sound in the background, steadily approaching them. The vaguely familiar sound of gears and strangely uniform steps almost immediately told Alice that they were about to encounter more of the same CivSec forces that had attacked them earlier.

"We must be getting close. There are much more of them..." Alice said with a concerned tone, particularly looking towards the soldier in the power-armor.

Alice merely nodded as she heard Salvator's orders as he put up a cloaking field as they prepared the ambush, extending her own ether signature to a wide area, to try and conceal her position in case there was any other enemy etherealist nearby. Following Salvator's explanation, Alice quickly detached from the main group, using the trees and the cloaking field put by Salvator to reposition herself.
Moving as silently as she could, Alice maintained her distance from the main CivSec forces, circling them until she had a good view of the Power-Armor soldier. His armor would be probably very hard to punch through, but thanks to her rifle, if she aimed for a weak spot, such as the sides of the power-armor's joints, she was certain she would be able to pierce it. While not lethal, it would hopefully be enough to immobilize the soldier so the rest of the team would be able to focus their fire on him.

"I think I have a clear shot from here. I am not sure if my rifle can pierce the power-armor in one go, but I think I can pierce if I aim for it's joints. Should be enough to hopefully immobilize it." Alice said as she took cover behind a tree, crouching down and using her ether to activate her armor's camouflage.

"I'm ready. If any of you manage to make a hole in it's armor, exposing the soldier inside just a bit, I can try to fire some tranquilizers to make him unconscious... Interrogating him might give us some intel, given how well equipped that particular soldier is." Alice said, holding her breath and steadying her aim as much as she could as she waited for Salvator's order to fire.

The very second she heard Salvator's order, Alice pulled the trigger two times in rapid succession.

Almost at the same time Salvator's EMP rounds were fired at the power-armor soldier's helmet, Alice's fired, aiming at the weak spot on the side of both it's knees. The tungsten needles her precision rifle fired, while having a very low impact and not causing that much damage, had an incredible penetration capacity. With luck, they would hit the soldier's legs and do just enough damage to make him unable to move... or at least unable to run.

At first, Nellara didn't think that the issue with Kerchak was something particularly worth her attention. After all, she had seen some other mages getting a bit carried away with alcohol and trying to use life magic... often to disastrous results, but more often than not, they just returned to normal after calming down and getting sober. But when she realized after a few minutes that regardless of how many people went to check-up on Kerchak, only more and more people started to gather, she knew there was definitely something going on.

Nellara ended up arriving just a few minutes after Ixtaro did and the scene she saw was a rather surprising one. In the middle of the commotion, she couldn't see the tekeri named Kerchak. Instead, the creature that was there, with three eyes and multiple arms and legs, didn't appear like any other creature she had ever seen before. Nellara approached in silence and merely heard the creature's explanation from behind the commotion. Kerchar, or better, 'Kolvar', was from a different race, a Kriliteran. According to his explanation, the reason for him disguising himself was due to fear the S'tor would enslave him again, like they had done to his people in the past. The slaughter and enslavement of his people also seemed to be the reason why Kriliteran often disguise themselves and are so closed to the rest of the races.

Kolvar seemed to be quite nervous as he spoke, which was definitely understandable considering his position, the amount of people that gathered near him (particularly the S'tor guards and the thought mage they were escorting) and especially the weapons the humans seemed to love carrying so much. The moment the tensions hit their peak and Kolvar transformed his arm into a blade, determined to end his own life rather than have himself interrogated and his race enslaved once again, Nellara decided to finally intervene.

"Captain Zeynep, with all due respect, I need you to ask your subordinates to lower their weapons." Nellara said, her words carrying a palpable seriousness and weight to them, despite her politeness.

"The act of pointing weapons to things one does not understand has already caused enough misunderstandings for a single day." she said, particularly towards Darnell and Ezra, clearly referring to the first contact they had with the humans.

"As... 'unusual' his appearance looks like, Kolvar is more willing to end his own life than to resort to violence, despite clearly being able to. I believe that is more than enough proof that he means no harm to any of us." Nellara said, looking towards the humans who still had their weapons on hand.

"Kolvar, I heard your explanation and I can assure you it is exactly as Kareet said. The Ascension has no desire to interrogate you, do you or your race any harm or enslave you. Since the very beginning, the Ascension has always welcomed anyone with skills, regardless of their blood, family, age or race. Slavery is against the very foundations of our nation." Nellara said as she looked at Kolvar.

"I will make you the same request I made to Captain Zeynep. Kolvar, please lower your weapon. There is no reason why we cannot sit down and solve this situation without threats or violence."
Nellara said, hoping to tranquilize him and defuse the entire situation, both making Kolvar lower his weapon and make the other humans stop pointing their weapons and interrogating him.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Guarav Village
Interactions: Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess, Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @Samreaper Menzai
243 Amas

Viola watched silently as Cyrus helped Darius to carry his brother. While there was a doubt about how much were they able to trust the brothers, the fact that Darius trusted them enough to let them help him carry his weak and vulnerable brother meant that it was... unlikely that they had any bad intention... Still not enough for her to fully trust them, but enough for her to lower her guard, even if only a little bit.

When Darius asked asked them whether they were fairies like Phia and if where did they came from, Viola looked towards Cyrus, unsure of how much he was willing to tell them. Fortunately, it seemed like Cypress already had a good idea of what to tell them. Viola simply let him speak in silence, watching Darius' reaction as her brother told him their story... or at least part of it.

While she did notice the pause her brother made after he was finished, supposedly giving her a chance to explain something about her, she simply stood in silence, unwilling to tell them too much about her yet. The eagerness Darius asked about where did they came from made Viola a bit wary. Cyrus also seemed to notice that and expertly steered the conversation away from that question, making Viola nod, agreeing with Cypress' words.

"They seemed to be quite eager to resort to violence and threats." Viola said, agreeing with Cypress as she glanced towards the other wolves on the distance.

"Ophe-... Phia... Thank you for the hospitality." Viola said as Ophelia approached, hesitating when she noticed she was about to call her by her full name, which Viola was uncertain if she was aware about.

"I'm fine. These wounds are nothing..." Viola replied as the Blood Rose continued to use the smooth part of it's vines to staunch the bleeding from the holes it left earlier.

Even though it didn't take long until the unmistakable signal that marked the beginning of the operation, Klara could feel her heart beating faster with every second she had to wait. The excitement growing as she imagined the oncoming battle. It was close now, so close she could feel the scent of burning oil in the air, the screeching noise of metal being cut and melted, the smell of gunpowder... She could barely wait...

The order to begin was marked by Outlander's shots. The powerful light coming from his laser cannon, followed by the rhythmical noise of five shots, one after another as they struck the bunker, annihilating it in the blink of an eye. The very moment the fifth shot hit it's target, the Wraith began moving. Even before Saint gave her the confirmation, the Wraith began slowly moving towards the battle-frames. Almost imperceptibly, the only hint of Klara doing so was her position on her allies' radar, which was slowly approaching the group of lancers.

"It'll be my pleasure..." Klara replied as she heard Saint's orders through the comms, her voice quivering as she let out an unsettling giggle.

The moment Saint's shots hit the three widows, causing the lancers to immediately go on alert, the Wraith, who was already a few steps away from them, pounced in one of the lancer's back, piercing each shoulder with heated daggers, immediately immobilizing it's arms.

"Too bad the shots ruined my entrance..." Klara said with an unnerving chuckle on the open comms, clearly talking to the enemy Lancers.

"No worries... There are still quite a few of you left for me to play with!" Klara said, laughing as the Wraith's tail pierced the immobilized lancer's chest, going straight through the cockpit before it got up, it's arms rotating and splitting into four, with a third pair of arms unfolding from the battle-frame's legs, all of them armed with heat knives.

Before the other lancers could even attack, the Wraith engaged it's disruption and counter-measure systems, quickly enveloping itself and the group of lancers in an electrified smoke and chaff cloud, completely jamming their radars and detection systems. Completely blind, the lancer pilots were forced to rely on their very own eyes and ears. The sounds of shouting through the open comms coming from the lancer pilots was almost drowned by the gunfire as they fired their gatling guns shot wildly, trying the unknown attacking battle-frame. Unlike the lancers, her allies, especially Aurelia, Saint and Outlander had a direct link to the Wraith's radar and detection systems, which allowed them to know it's position regardless of the emp and the other counter-measures employed by the Wraith.

Amidst such chaos, a deeply unsettling giggle could be heard coming from the open communication channel. Teasing, provoking and playing with them.

"You're neext~" Klara said excitedly as she and the wraith dashed right besides another lancer, carving open a deep cut on one of it's legs, causing it to immediately lose its balance and fall to it's knees before she jumped away, dashing through the group of lancers, getting close enough so they could catch a glimpse of the Wraith only to bait them to swing their lances, only to miss her as she disappeared in the smoke once again.

"I wonder if your superiors still remember me. It would be so cold of their part if they didn't... Don't you agree?~" she continued as she approached the fallen Lancer once again, just as one of the other lancers sent a salvo of bullets towards her direction, only for Karla to hide behind the fallen lancer, using the Wraith's tail to hold it's lance while staying just behind him, where it's gatling guns couldn't hit her.

"Maybe this might refresh their memories!!" Karla said, laughing hysterically as she plunged two of her heat daggers into the fallen lancer's chest, slowly moving them towards the center where the pilot was, making them get closer and closer to the center.

"Go ahead, call your superiors... Let them hear your cries and tell them... Tell them Sanngridr is back~" Karla said, stopping the heat knives just before hitting the center, waiting for half a second only to pierce the lancer's cockpit from the back with one of the Wraith's extra arms as she giggled excitedly before tearing the head from the fallen lancer and throwing it far outside the smoke, landing between her position and Saint's, just as Aurelia mentioned if they could make any more noise.

"Two down~ How many of you are still left again? I am having so~ much fun I ended up forgetting!" she said, her voice quivering with excitement as she let out a blood-curdling laughter, jumping away just as one of the other lancers charged against her, his lance going straight through the lancer she just destroyed.

"So weak and insignificant... I really thought more of the empire's pilots... No matter... You will all end up like your friend over there once I'm done playing with you."
Karla continued, openly mocking the lancer pilots as she continued moving through the smoke.
Karina Frost

Despite being a Lord's manor, luxury was hardly present, considering the adaptations one had to do to most things due to the influence of the divergence. Regardless, it wasn't anything intolerable. The soap, albeit bland and cheap, was more than enough to clean oneself and the overall accommodations, while undeniably bland when compared to most stuff outside, were still as adequate as they could be, considering the divergence.

Even though the lord had offered them his hospitality and decided to cooperate, Karina still respectfully declined the wine after they were told the dinner was served. While the probability of it being poisoned or drugged was very low, drinking alcohol in the place and situation she was in was hardly a smart choice to make. Regardless, she still sat at the table and ate a healthy portion of food, despite the announcement made by the servants that the princess and the lord would be dining by themselves in a separate room, something that wasn't exactly suspicious or anything, considering the political implications that such conversation between them would have.

"Thank you." Karina said towards the young servant, with an understanding nod before she turned towards Chres, which she had caught eyeing the wine just a moment before the servant arrived with her message.

"Getting drunk here wouldn't exactly be the smartest choice, Chres." Karina said, not so discreetly suggesting him to not overindulge as he usually did.

"Smart or not, it would at least liven up this dinner a little... This silence is almost depressing..." Akai said, rolling her eyes as she looked to the others.

"Not only the divergence's effects are unpredictably dangerous, but the fact that there are dangerous prisoners nearby make certain... luxuries impossible for the people living here.. These peoplemust adapt to these circumstances in order to afford unfortunate... 'accidents'. Just think about what would happen if a bunch of people threw a party and got drunk here? I can imagine a hundred different things that could go expectacularly wrong." Karina said to Akai while at the same time, giving another glance towards Chres, as a reminder that drinking right now was a REALLY bad idea.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: One week after Zora arrived into Avalia.
Location: Riverbloom, Daisy Bakery
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Barrock @Conscripts, Rowan

Soon after speaking with Rowan, Zora's attention finally was directed towards the orc, perhaps a tad bit late though. From the brief lessons she had about Kanth-Aremek with Aurora and Rowan, she was told about orcs. A race of ferocious and violent fighters, blessed with a truly intimidating physique, but with a tendency for solving most problems with violence while not being as cunning as the other races when outside combat. But despite everything she had heard about orcs, the one who was in front of her was very different from the stereotypes she heard and was told about them. Incredibly calm and collected, not resorting to violence even when it would be justified, such as the situation with the dark elf a few moments ago.

"No matter where we are, it seems there are always pathetic people like that dark elf..." Zora said, referring to the scene they witnessed a moment ago.

"Something tells me it was not the first time you had to deal with such situation... After all, you dealt with it in an admirable manner." She said, as she gave a step forward and extended her hand towards the orc.

"Sorry for intruding on your training. I am Zora." She said, greeting him as she watched the orc, intently observing his reactions, almost as if she was analyzing him.

"A universal truth indeed." Nellara said, raising an eyebrow as she watched, amused as the glen Ixtaro was looking at struggled to stand upright as he continued drinking.

Regardless of the offenses that were committed by Silbermine and his 'loyal knights', the common glen soldiers weren't at fault for what was happening and Nellara knew that. No matter how badly was her impression of Silbermine or how the Mythadian forces disrespected the Ascension territory, the common soldiers had simply nothing to do with their superiors' choices. Softening her gaze would probably be a good idea, not only out of consideration to the common glen soldiers, but more importantly, since it might make the very Tekeri soldiers feel uncomfortable.

"Hm... Considering your species seem to be the dominating one on your home, it is understandable that regional differences might appear. Different cities, different kingdoms, different cultures..." Nellara said, thinking about Ixtaro's answer, still a bit amused on how she was using words from different languages.

While such cultural differences between members of a single race could be quite interesting, Ixtaro would soon explain that it also brought much strife and many wars over the centuries. Conflicts that seemed to almost be, as Ixtaro suggested, part of human nature, seeing as how those continued to hold them back from creating a paradise for their own race to inhabit, despite having such advanced technology.

"Perhaps the introduction of a common foe might have been the first step towards escaping such 'violent nature'. The sense of unity that the despair of a common foe might have brought. The new heights humans were able to attain due to uniting themselves and forgetting their previous differences..." Nellara replied.

When Ixtaro mentioned the Jotunheim itself was a weapon, Nellara raised an eyebrow, surprised. While her reaction was rather mild, internally, she was quite shocked. Knowing that the entire ship was a weapon made her quite relieved that her first choice was to establish friendly relations with the humans instead of showing any hostility. A race of beings that seemed to be eternally engulfed in war with themselves, since the beginning of times, undoubtedly had developed very powerful instruments of war.

The very idea of such 'ships' seemed to be one intimately linked with violence and war, as Ixtaro mentioned when talking about what happened to the people from her homeland after other humans arrived on wooden ships. What was perhaps most alarming about the story Ixtaro told was that Nellara herself could imagine very well a similar situation unfolding in Kanth-Aremek, should other 'groups' of humans, ones that weren't as amicable as Zeynep's crew arrived. Such concerns would definitely be written in later reports to the Ascendancy, once the current situation was dealt with.

"I see..." Nellara said, with a serious expression flashing over her face for a brief moment.

"The reason for such extreme cautiousness over sharing human knowledge and technology seems to be much clearer and justified now." Nellara said, certainly relieved on how seriously the Jotunheim crew seemed to take the act of sharing their technology. Not out of selfishness but out of concern of what it could do to Kanth-Aremek.

The emotions invoked by the matter they were discussing quickly became apparent in Ixtaro's voice and expression. Nellara herself noticed how she seemed to change matters as soon as she realized that she was losing her composure and respectfully moved on as well.

"In these cases, respect seems to be the key word. For both sides, coexistence isn't impossible, as long as both sides respect each other." Nellara said, agreeing with Ixtaro as she talked about how even for the humans, religions were remarkably hard to deal with.

With other humans going to check up on Kerchak, Nellara started getting a bit worried that things might quickly get out of hand, considering how quick some of the humans were to resort to violence. Due to that, the moment Ixtaro mentioned she would go after Kerchak, Nellara was a bit relieved, knowing she was a bit more... sensible than a few of the other humans she had briefly met earlier.

"Some of the humans might have a rather... excessive reaction to the scene but just remember, it might look quite unsettling, but he probably had a bad reaction to the alcohol." Nellara said, nodding towards Ixtaro as she started making her way.

Just before she turned away though, Ixtaro had one more thing to say to Nellara, her tone visibly more serious as she talked about making peace with Mythadia, using her own race's story about how bigger threats would destroy them should they keep warring against each other.

"Thank you for the advice, Ixtaro. Although, as I mentioned earlier, respect is the key to the relationship between our kingdoms. The way our societies work might be incompatible with each other, but as long as respect is maintained, coexistence should not be a challenge. Once again, it is not mine or the Ascension's desire to start a war against Mythadia." she said, her tone, posture and expression quickly suggesting she was talking not as 'Nellara', but as a Castigator, before her expression quickly went back to normal.

It was only after Ixtaro was gone that Nellara noticed that humans were the majority that went to check on Kerchak. Suddenly, the idea of having Ixtaro go wasn't enough to make Nellara relaxed about the situation. Not enough for her to go after, but enough for her to keep an eye on the direction where the group of humans went soon after.

While paying attention to any commotion from the humans and Kerchak, Nellara ended up also noticing how close General Kvarr was from the Warden... Their closeness made even more apparent since they were from the same race and from the fact that both of them attained positions of extreme importance in other kingdoms... Suddenly, Ixtaro's warnings about other enemies became a bit more relevant...
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Guarav Village
Interactions: Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess, Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @Samreaper Menzai
243 Amas

Viola nodded in silence as she heard Cyrus' words, agreeing with him. The whole idea that Ophelia she once knew might be truly gone and that they would need to get to 'know' her again was still something Viola found difficult to accept, bringing many mixed feelings about whether Ophelia had truly abandoned and forgotten about her or not.

"Both the wounded wolf and Ophelia... don't seem to display any hostility towards us. As long as they are around, no more problems should arise." Viola replied after Cyrus asked if she was okay with following them back to their village. Even though Viola didn't trust the other wolves, the authority the wounded wolf had over them was evident with the few words he spoke. Besides... Everyone present seemed to value Ophelia's opinions too much to just ignore her.

Despite being both exhausted, the two men who were disguised as elves still approached them to introduce themselves. The one to speak was the younger one, Darius, who was carrying his exhausted older brother, Dante after both displayed such powerful magic. While their magic was certainly powerful, the way they exhausted themselves after using too much of it hinted towards them not being experienced with controlling and using their own powers.

"Viola. We are thankful... for your assistance." Viola said to Darius, introducing herself.

Unlike her brother Cypress who quickly offered to help Darius to carry Dante back to the village, Viola's sharp eyes were quick to betray that she was still suspicious and wary, despite her words of thanks and her neutral tone.

Despite all the internal conflicts Viola still had regarding Ophelia and the entire situation, she still visibly lowered her guard the moment she turned towards her and Cyrus, asking if they were wounded.

"These are nothing. This little one will take care of them, like always. Thank you." Viola said, referring to the Blood Rose and the wounds made by it's thorns when she was fighting the Roc.

As Ophelia went towards Menzai, Viola looked towards Cyrus, seeking confirmation to whether they would follow the others back to the village or if they would wait for Ophelia and Menzai, due to the authority and power they seemed to hold over the other wolves.
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