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Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
10 days ago
Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
24 days ago
Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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Jackob "Pentagram" Holland

He looked a bit alarmed. But he pulled himself together. "If she asks, you send her to me. Let's just say that's an order," His tone was still light.

Zoe "Trix" Wolfe

She heard the laugh and looked around. "Okay, not a rat. I swear to god, who's spying on me now?" She grumbled.
Oh! It is- uh- whoops- XD Hmm. Where shall I take this...?
@Twisted Mind

Are you still up for our rps now that you're ending Cheesecake? I mean...
Welcome! Welcome! I trust you'll find something to your liking here, with pretty much anything and everything 90% of the time.
Chase and Pira Jackson

"How am I being selfish?" She knew she was being petty at the very least. But she didn't really know how to react. She was mad at Chase for going into Kissimi's things and blamed him for Kissimi keeping her at a distance. The brown wolf really was a troublesome informant, Pira realized.

"The second you knew I was becoming a Padawan and you weren't, you got jealous." Chase stomped his foot, throwing a small tantrum at his sister.

"You only became a Padawan because you cheated off me!" Well, that accusation was true at least.

"Not true! You cheated off me!" Even Chase knew his words were total lies. Pira would never cheat even to save her own life. No, she was too perfect for that.

"Then where was Master Skywalker born? Where is the clone army's main factory? Where is Master Yoda from?" Pira's challenge would go met with Chase's lack of knowledge, considering he had studied but remembered very little. Pira was relying on this knowledge now to manipulate her brother.

"Tatooine. Classified. Dagobah?" He had no idea where Master Yoda was from, but he didn't know nobody actually knew that information. He would have been better off admitting he had no idea.

"Nobody knows where Master Yoda is from. Kamino, actually. Yes, Tatooine. Congratulations, you're an idiot." Pira knew she was being cruel, and that telling Chase about Kamino would probably get her in trouble, but she didn't care. People should have been more careful about what they said around her at the Temple.

"You're right. Sorry, Pira..." Chase muttered. He wasn't really sorry, but he would do anything to end this. He knew Pira would play nice in public, but when she thought they were alone, her anger was almost worse than getting scolded by a Jedi Knight or the Council themselves.

"I know," Pira's voice softened suddenly as she turned away from him. "Don't hide things from me next time. This fighting you cause is petty," She added, walking away and leaving Chase standing there, stunned.
Banned because @ is neither.
Kissimi Cresis

Thought so, Kissimi thought, turning to face Bane. She seemed exhausted but she was functioning- sort of. She sighed. "Master Windu and I were sent to Lothal to hunt down an alleged Sith lord, the Council having gotten wind of the legends the people of Lothal tell. They kept it quiet; forgot about us for six months." There was a slight bitterness in her voice that cleared quickly as she paused for a second. "We were close until he was killed. The Sith contacted me, so I played along. I was almost close enough to bring others into the mission. It could have ended the fight in this system if I had been able [there was a slight hint of accusation in the word able, as if she put Bane and Megara to fault for this] to finish what we had started. The boy doesn't see it the way it really is." It was mostly the truth, but something could be off about her response. It was the same thing she'd told Skywalker, and it would only buy her some time before the Council filled in the gaps and corrected any lies she'd told. But it was what she'd convinced herself she was doing for the last six months.

Something beeped from inside the cockpit; she was receiving a transmission. "Now if you don't mind, we can discuss this later if we must further the conversation." With that, she turned away from him and let the cockpit door shut behind her. Both wolves watched Bane, prepared to make a move if they needed to. Both of them hated Bane just as much as Kissimi secretly did, but only White was willing to show it; she growled at him softly for a split second before her brother silenced her with a snap.

Chase and Pira Jackson

Chase had hunted Pira down and was trying to talk to her. But she was ignoring him like she wanted to make a point.

"Look, Pira, I'm sorry for whatever I-"

"Whatever you. It's not about you, Chase. I'm allowed to not feel like talking to you. Leave me alone, Chase. Go hang out with your precious Master-" Pira rounded on him, her voice loud in the mostly empty hallway. She stopped short, knowing that bringing Master Shade into this was ten times too far, even for her.

"Leave Master Shade out of this!"

"Why? We were fine before we left the Temple!"

"You're right. This isn't you, Pira."

"And it isn't you, Chase! You never would have stuck your nose in what wasn't yours!" He'd done just that more times than Pira knew about. Most of the time though, what he found wasn't highly incriminating evidence against an insider.

"This is about her now?" Of course it was about Kissimi. I never should have told her the truth, even if she would be mad at me. It's not really worth it, is it? He was starting to have serious second thoughts about his choices, but he couldn't exactly go back now.

"It's about you!" Sort of. You know I love you, Chase- you're my brother- but sometimes you really do drive me crazy, Pira thought, keeping the words unspoken; saying those words probably would have eased her torrential downpour of anger and stress being taken out on her brother.

"How? You're the one being selfish!"
@Emeth Banned because COME ON NOW-

And Jonisca banned for "eh".
Banned because I have yet to ban you today.
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